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Seafaring Anonymous 07/17/2021 (Sat) 17:24:13 No. 419
Well I was handed a bunch of dolphin porn Let's have a thread for dolphins and fish then. Anything in the sea because they all take aquatic zoophilia logistics into account
>>419 Fucking cool!
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>>420 no u blaze it B)
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>>422 Damn. That mammal wants it. Dirty little sea critter.
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>>419 oh this is the same video but longer dang dupes
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>>424 I think she likes it
>>424 These things happen. It's hotter in round two here. Lets call the first one a trailer.
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okay this is much longer, with sound, and I really should have looked at all the files before I started sharing I guess
>>427 Now thats the feature length version. Very nice. And meh these things happen.
>>428 It's ok, I'm just artificially inflating post count so /zoo/ can keep BTFO'ing the lesser boards Secret big brain play I swear
>>429 That's our story and we are sticking to it.
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Ah, the infamous dolphin porn. I've never actually downloaded something that turned out to be dolphin porn as a joke.
>read that /v/ torrent about dolphin porn >search for dolphin porn for years https://zoozhamster.com/search/dolphin/ >only dolphin cock or fingering but no penetration This better be good, OP
>>493 >no penetration I've read somewhere that dolphin vagina can twist around, breaking human dick, so penetration maybe isn't possible, would explain why the most famous porn maker never did a penetration video.
It's interesting if a woman can handle dolphin dick in her vagina??
>>442 This is the most unusually hot video I think I've ever seen, god damn. Got her name?
>>997 is there a vid of this?
>>997 Yowza. Hot damn.
>>1081 It was never made public. We only have screencaps of it.
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>>1096 I wish I could see the video, but I don't have it. But I have my own private ones.
>>1146 ...Are you the FNDH?
>>427 wow, thank you so much for posting that. so hot ... my favorite part was around 4 minutes in where she rolls over to get a breath, then rolls right back over to get more pussy rubs. funny, the way her tail was moving reminded me of how my dog was when she wanted belly rubs and would wag her fluffy tail in excited anticipation.
>>442 I'd give anything to be one of those fish.
>>1151 The what now
>>691 Sounds very doubtable that it'd be a human specific problem, not to mention it would also affect all appendages, like fingers people use, too. >Inb4 then how come there's no videos Probably because it's significantly riskier, and harder to get away with. If youre fingering the dolphin, you can pull your hand back easily, but with your cock in it? Probably much harder to conceal that.
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Test tube fun.
>>1282 very rare pepe
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>>691 why not anal
>>1682 good ideia
>>2041 I wish I could help them
>>419 Is there any reason they can't fuck them, or are they just choosing not to?
>>442 Off topic, but god I wish she swallowed one of them while using the others...
Hi friends, I hope you enjoy this. I encourage everyone who has dolphin content they can safely post to please do so. These creatures are beautiful and deserving of our love.
>>2475 Holy shit. Wow. Thanks.
>>2475 Thanks for the post friend <3
>>2475 >High Quality Video >Haven't seen 10 million times A Blessing From Above
>>2475 I'm not very happy with what you did. the post was about why this video was published! this post was published by me. either you delete it or you will get in trouble from me!!!! or you should have asked permission first!!!!
>>2484 Bruv, next time post it yourself then
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>>2485 And you don't post other people's stuff. because of people like you, you can hardly find this stuff online! it's just not decent of you to the owner.
>>2484 Lol Your post was public on zooville You post M/F dolphin porn and don't expect it to immediately get uploaded? I didn't post it but the OP just did what anyone was going to do
>>2487 I'm not the dude that posted the vid, I am just saying you should have post the vids here. Look we probably got off on the wrong foot. The poster just wanted to share the content because we sure as hell don't get stuff like this. It's a miracle that we even got this clip at all. Should he have asked, sure. Look at the one that posted it, his sentence makes it look like he's found the holy grail. Please post more stuff here. We'd love to see more
>>2494 >Should he have asked, sure. If it's posted ANYWHERE on the net, regardless of if it's for public or private viewing, you forfeit all claims to demanding permission! This has been almost RULE #1 for the past three decades. If you don't want people sharing stuff outside of your private circle, THEN DON'T POST IT ONLINE.
Well I'm not taking it down.
>>2495 You're wrong! Everyone has a right to his stuff he posted. if you don't know this, it's called "Ⓒ Copyright protection level" and without his permission no one has the right to redistribute it. i can go on writing about it, and i know my rights, if you keep doing this and do not do what i say, i can just write a complaint. anywhere, even here!
>>2497 >Everyone has a right to his stuff he posted No, you don't. >it's called "Ⓒ Copyright protection level" Copyright doesn't stop people from doing anything, just like every other law on the books. >no one has the right to redistribute it And, no one cares. >i know my rights No, you don't, otherwise you'd already know that U.S. law has ruled that anything posted on the net is public domain. >i can just write a complaint You're going to file a lawsuit because someone downloaded your sextape of you raping a dolphin? Say that out loud as many times as is warranted. Usually the standard is three, but I hear that it usually takes only once.
>>2498 First of all, I'm not from America, and we have very different laws than you do.
>>2499 To reiterate, I am American, and I don't give two fucks about your shithole country, it's laws, customs, or traditions. I ain't taking it down. Wanna go complain to management? Be my guest. Wanna come to America and file a baseless suit for the purposes of harassment? Great I have a fantastic lawyer and we will counter sue immediately.
>>2475 answers a question I had and also holy fuck, wish it was longer.
>>2495 I am trying to get on his good side anon
>>2475 Holy shit I never thought I would ever see something like that. This has to be the holy grail of dolphin content. Thank you for posting. Please keep posting if you have more.
>>2484 why did you post it in public if you didn't want people to repost it?
>>2487 Not like we would've seen it if it was kept private like you wanted. Either way, really nice video. Hopefully you come around and release your porn to the public. If you're concerned about opsec I'm sure there are plenty of people who are willing to offer advice/help
>>2475 ho lee shit there it is. the holy fucking grail...
>>2475 i mean ..... this is what i've been looking to see for for over 20 fucking years now... 7 seconds, hell, it's enough. to the creator, i'm sorry you're upset about this getting distributed, but i honestly don't know what you were expecting. seriously though, it's literally the stuff of so many dreams i've had come to life, and i can die happy now having seen it. you're the man... please, please please please, consider uploading the rest...
post the full vid
welp, now we just need a vid of a male dolphin fucking a female human to be made public, and life on earth will be complete...
>>2475 sooo... where are the mammary slits? is he fucking a male?
>>2643 they're there...
>>2475 Seeing something as rare as this is like finding diamonds in minecraft for the first time, kek!
>>2502 based vamp
>>712 I assume I'm not the only one who randomly gets this song stuck in their head while fapping and loses their boner?
>>2475 HOLY SHIT!! I never have been seen something like that...holy fuck, this video needs to be saved and preserved this is so fucking awesome!
>>2475 Amazing. You are saint for uploading this. Hero of the /zoo/
>>2716 True
>>2475 but what about the magic dolphin pussy juice? why wasn't he immediately cumming his brains out?
>>419 Anyone know if it is actually safe to let a dolphin penetrate you? I went swimming with dolphins a few nights ago while kayaking and one became instantly erect when I swam alongside him. I massaged his cock while people were going back to shore, and when I swam backstroke, he mounted me and his cock slipped right between my thighs. Feeling him press against my clit with the base of his cock was electrifying and I had to run back to the car to masturbate before the car ride home. I've been obsessed since then, and I have this powerful fantasy of mating with him. All the information I can find about dolphins sounds like urban legend bullshit, with threats of physical trauma and his cum causing internal bleeding. Would it be better to lube my thighs and let him fuck me that way?
>>2948 Yeah sure, idk whatever.
>>2947 We need more experiment and evidence to say that... ;)
>>2948 i think the whole "cum pressure washer" that people make male dolphins out to be probably isn't true. i think the bigger concern is the actual dick of the dolphin. seeing as they're on the longer side, that may pose an issue. much like the human penetrating dolphin mystery, the dolphin on human one is probably only solvable via direct proof (see: earlier in this thread)
>>2962 I've heard it's nigh-prehensile; the concern is he'll grab onto you, and you won't be able to safely unlatch yourself without either getting torn open or drowning, as he won't keep floating there if he thinks he's in like Flynn.
>>2963 well, the latter of the problems is solvable by something like scuba gear, or if you think you've got world record levels of lung capacity as to the former? not sure. i don't think it's been measured to any formal amount how powerful a dolphin's penis is. they're sadistic bastards, sure, but i think they're also intelligent enough to not kill a person with sex. or maybe i'm wrong in that assumption. any brave anons willing to take the risk?
>>2964 >but i think they're also intelligent enough to not kill a person with sex Dolphins bully pufferfish to death just so that they can get high.
>>2962 >>2963 I think I might start with something non-penetrative, because I couldn't even really see it correctly, but he felt like a pretty good size. Maybe just fool around and explore first, then make the leap at some point. Will report back with findings on the weekend.
>>2967 or better yet, take a damn camera if you want people to actually believe you... doesn't matter if it's a blurry 1mp flip phone pic as long as we can see the sharpie in the pooper.
>>2969 Anon you know these retards won't do it, they're roleplayers who have barely ever been 5 blocks outside of their home, they'll at best, pass off vague photos of animals or animal sex as their own to try and keep up the illusion while getting off to people believing them and interacting with them.
>>2963 "grab onto you" - how? With his fins? I don't think the penis has backfacing barbs or anything, so I don't see how it could grab onto anything. LARP or not, this is a fun conversation :)
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>>2948 About as safe as fucking any other animal. There was a woman in the old beast forums who posted about her experience (pics related). Here are her takeaways as I remember: -dolphins are quickshots, so a bit of "warmup" may be in order if you want to get the most out of it -on the upside, they will be back for seconds within a few minutes -dolphin dicks are wide enough at the base to stretch a little bit, and long enough to hit the cervix, but nothing painful. I assume this also depends on the individual -cum pressure while noticeable is nowhere near enough to hurt. Just enough to feel it If you do it please bring a camera
>>2971 Its prehensile like a tentacle. He has complete control over his dick the same way a snake has complete control over his body. The theory is that while inside an orifice he can twist it around and jam it in. Then pull someone along with his dick. As other anons have mentioned, this isn't terribly likely.
>>2977 it is not that prehensile. most of it is rigid. he can move the tip around, but he won't be able to grab you from the inside
>>2977 That is absolutely not how dolphin dicks work, and I can only assume this meme originated from that old dolphin fucking """tutorial""" I remember reading like 20 years ago...
Anyone have the pic(s) of the dolphin's dick being held while chocolate syrup gets poured on it? The image was posted on old 8ch.
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>>2989 Do have.
Oh, thank you. Was just about to go through the trouble of looking through my own folders for these. Really appreciate it! That's like 3 of my fetishes being hit at once and some of my favorite zoo pics ever.
>>2990 was it a dude or a chick who was doing that?
>>3004 a dude
>>2967 I chickened out. Even after dark, there were 10 or so elderly couples taking pictures of the dolphins from the ramps. I swam with him and after a little belly-rubbing he became hard for me, but I was just too terrified to try anything more than some stroking with those bright flashes going off. With how popular the area is, if I want to live out my mating with a majestic dolphin fantasy, I might have to take a day off in the middle of the week to avoid the crowds.
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>>3024 If it is in a public area, it will be tricky getting some alone time with the dolphins. Maybe you could still manage a hand job under water. But don't give up anon! You carry the hopes and dreams of all dolphin lovers worldwide!
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>>3024 Keep trying, and make sure you bring a camera that works under water.
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>>2990 Looks like delicious for me!
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>>2948 >>2967 >>3024 looking forward to the next update
>>2475 Unbelievable. Thank you so much for this. I wish we could see the whole session of it...
>>3266 nice draw
>>2484 That was the single most sexiest and most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I am sorry for your misfortune I wish you could have posted anyvideos at your own pace. I very badly would like to see more. But please keep it to yourself and only share with people you know will not post it online, I would ask for some videos but you have no guarantee that I will not post it, other then my word.
>>3273 Very nice.
>>2475 welp, it's downhill from here. nothing in reptile or dolphin topics alike top this. so tired of dogs and horses.
>>3297 I still keep hope that we could get new reptile content. It is not as dangerous to produce as long as your reptile is not famous.
>>3309 tell that to the 80 iq pajeets that managed to get caught with monitor lizard porn on their phone.
>>3024 I was pretty disheartened after trying again and again, being surrounded by even larger crowds, but I had my first bit of success this weekend. I swam with my dolphin most of the afternoon so he could get used to me again and the usual crowd nearly halved by sundown. There definitely wasn't enough privacy to try mounting, but we experimented under the water and he came for me twice; completely normal, non-pressure washer cum, so that myth is busted. Based on what I read, I knew he'd finish quickly, and he did after a couple minutes of stroking, but I wasn't expecting him to be ready to go again after 15 seconds. After this, it took maybe 3-4 minutes for him to finish again. It also turns out submerged oral isn't as simple as porn makes it look, and I very nearly inhaled a mixture of dolphin cum and sea water. Our encounter was cut short because he kind of led me about and would only stay in one of the more concealed areas for so long before eventually swimming right into the path of giant floodlights which activate a little after nightfall. Overall, I'm very encouraged. I think we could mount with some practice, I'm no longer afraid of internal damage, and with how quickly he recovers, I'm so incredibly excited to see how many times he can go when we finally do mate. To those begging for pictures/video, I understand the thirst for first hand recordings all too well, but our first time is kind of important to me, so I won't mess up the feeling of it by struggling to record it, or risk my identity in the process. I would however be fine with buying a waterproof case for my phone and recording me pleasuring him to repay those who gave me advice and encouragement.
>>3331 How can we contact you?
>>3331 Congratulations! I am glad to hear about your progress. It is nice to hear at least some dolphin fans actually get to do anything. I wish you to find some alone time with him soon.
>>3331 Tremendously exciting. Well done! I don't know where you are located but would major holidays reduce the number of people on the beach? Do please keep this group updated!
>>3332 Here obviously. Unless your trying to dox. In which case fuck off. She isn't hurting anyone.
anyone got any vids or clips of male Dolphins fucking females humans or the other way around?
>>3366 just read the thread
>>3331 My only request is that after he gave you such a good time, that you either had a very good amount of petting or a feesh for the good boy
>>3331 Congrats! If you don't mind swimming in the dark, you might try going out late at night/early morning. I'd expect there'd be a lot fewer people around then.
Damn, niggers on this board will believe anything with no proof, I could say I found a beached whale last night while walking on the beach and fucked it, and because I have a 10 foot cock, it fit perfectly in her whale pussy, and at least one person here would believe it. Go make an /erp/ thread to contain yourselves niggers.
>>3389 Damn yo. This anon got him some whale pussy
>>3389 I mean of course we'd want proof, have you seen how the others reacted to a high quality 10 second clip? But proof or not it still makes good jerk material. (BTW We would like some sort of proof >>3341 )
>>3389 did you get video?
>>3389 >>3394 >>3407 >>3412 Can confirm it was real. I was the whale. Bastard didn't even buy dinner.
>>3414 What a jerk. Anon you can do better.
>>3266 That looks like a WikiHow drawing on how to fuck a Dolphin. >Step 4: Get your dolphin into a comfortable pose. The missionary position ensures great ease of access into your dolphin waifu's love tunnel while also allowing both parties to lovingly lock eyes while they attempt to breed mermaids.
>>3331 Hoping you're still here... any updates? This was by far the most exciting thread on this forum (as far as I'm concerned)!
>>3547 is this an original of >>2475? seems bigger but otherwise the same.
>>419 There's a private vid of what is allegedly shark milking on zoox18
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>>3755 it's a semen collection video
>>3765 Interesting
>>3768 Anon you are so awesome for liberating this cool vid from those greasy beaners
>>2497 >>2498 this is the funniest shit ive ever seen
sup /fit/
>>3765 anyone has more pics/vids of actual fish (not aquatic mammals)?
>>3770 No liberation necessary, the actual source is a public YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSU1gAt4JYg Talking about YT, here's also a nice unlisted semen collection training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CjFEK7i4Ic
Bump... I'm guessing the person claiming (>>3331) to have been getting close to a dolphin has swum off into the sunset, hopefully while having sex with said dolphin. But just in case: any updates??
So anons, dolphin pussy is wonderful. >Its prehensile, they can move their muscles at will better than any girl. >During sex they can thrust against their partners and frequently squeeze,stroke and rub during sex >You will barely last a minute or two if you're lucky. Anyone here wanting to hunt for dolphussy?
>>4221 Well I am now
>>3331 >>4165 I've been avoiding the board all this time because of what happened, but I guess I should post a conclusion. I went back twice more and on the second time we managed a short coupling. Being penetrated and having him cum inside me was possibly the most erotic and pleasurable experience of my entire life. I think success and lust made me reckless, because I was just careless the next time I went back. I'd drawn him into a dark, secluded area and stripped from the waist to try a little foreplay, but I didn't pay attention to where we were swimming as I tried to couple with him. One of the staff left to keep an eye on night swimmers must have thought I was in distress and turned a light on us. I panicked and he quickly realised what I was doing. He calmly called out and asked me to get out of the water, but at the same time he was whispering into his radio. I just swam until I found an easy to climb bank and ran back to my car. I thought I was paranoid because I avoided the entrance's CCTV and over about a week convinced myself I'd overreacted. I told myself it wasn't like they'd get police involved and start a search. Then I went back again, this time just to say hi to my dolphin during a lunch break. There as a ranger vehicle parked by the admin station at the park's entrance, new lights had been installed on massive boom poles over the darker areas and new CCTV cameras were monitoring everyone entering the area. Hanging up in the admin building are photos of banned people and CCTV shots of cars, including mine. I immediately left and haven't been back since. If I was caught and convicted, I could face a fine large enough to ruin my life, or even a prison sentence. I still dream and entertain fantasies about dolphins, but I'm not willing to go to prison, so fantasy is where he'll have to stay.
>>4242 Quite the adventure! Can you share more details about the actual sex-part? Was he big? How did it feel? Was it a big cumshot? Did he swim off immediately after cumming? I'm guessing not, but any pictures? Glad you didn't get arrested, it isn't worth it. Perhaps some day you'll find another secluded spot and befriend a dolphin.
>>4242 damn I hope you don't get in trouble over that, but I am glad you succeeded on your adventure >>4221 >Anyone here wanting to hunt for dolphussy? who wouldn't?
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>>4331 Wait...WHAT?!? This is real? There is a video of it?
>>4333 I don't know, I found it buried in this directory http://www.crazyjoe.us/stuff/
>>4334 ...what hell is this site...? this is crazy!
>>4333 That's an ancient shopped image anon.
>>4353 what do you mean?
>>4356 It's a photoshopped picture from a while ago, it's a fake, but was one of the best things we had to give us false hope at the time that amazing 7 second clip we got recently is worth far more of our time
>>4358 oh man..
>>4353 >>4358 This advice is for everyone who lacks the social intelligence to have figured it out for themselves: - If you know that some porn photo is fake; shut up and don't ruin it for everyone who doesn't know what you know. Just let them enjoy it. - If you know that some bestiality photo has distasteful origins (sadism); shut up and don't ruin it for everyone who doesn't know what you know. Just let them enjoy it. - If you know that some animal in a zoophilia porn work is now dead; shut up and don't ruin it for everyone who doesn't know what you know. Just let them enjoy it. The tiny dose of dopamine you get from showing off that "I know something you don't know" isn't worth the amount of people whose horny vibe you kill. What's in the past is unchangable, so don't ruin porn for people.
>>4360 worse than true, i hate when someone ruin a porn that i recently enjoyed.
>>4360 Hm. I disagree. I for one WANT to know which photos are real and which are shopped. So i'm thankful to anons debunking shops.
>>2475 >people are shitposting with this on /fit/ now
https://dutchreview.com/news/woman-rides-dolphin-dutch-beach/ I think we all know what the woman was really trying to do!
>>4360 >just let people enjoy things Fucking tranny hugbox tier retardation. Go back to reddit.
>>4436 >/fit is nothing but shitposting
>>4487 Good to see mongoloids like you are utterly obsessed even here of all places.
>>4497 >As is tradition
>>4221 >dolphin pussy only two of those are even female lmao
>>4567 Like 90% of us wouldn't stick our dick in there anyway We're all desperate for cetacean lovers ha
Anyone have any pics of a female walrus? It's surprisingly hard to even find basic images of their loins.
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>>4619 No sorry, closest I got is this ancient vid from Dolph, at least it's still a Pinniped?
>>4624 wow didnt know he did other sea animals thats a rare video
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I have one other but can't find it. Looks huge and juicy!
Found it. I like how the trainer is looking right at it, like, "I'll see you later, gf."
>>4728 >>4729 Damn those are meaty!
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>>4333 >>4331 I dont think it is. I dont believe human cock can be inserted into dolphin vagina that far, you should hit the spiral fairly early.
>>5116 that particular image was photoshopped, but this >>2475 was not, so it is entirely possible to fuck dolphins
>>5129 I don't think he's really penetrating much if any further than the vulva/vent or whatever you call it. You can tell his dick is sort of hitting a wall and he can only go in so far.
>>5155 it doesn't look to me like his dick is hitting anything I think the idea that a human couldn't get his dick inside is pure speculation based on weak evidence. Vaginas are very stretchy and flexible. Dolphin dicks are also mostly straight, and they need to get in there too...
>>4334 I just had fucking flashbacks to back in the day where sites like this traumatized my 13 year old self
>>5432 if only i could go back in time and parent myself (my actual parents knew nothing about computers or parental controls) maybe i wouldn't have ended up here...
>>5469 Getting groomed into being a zoophile was the best thing that happened to me
>>5493 And how did that happen?
>>5493 Same. Letting yourself feel sexual towards animals makes the world so much more enjoyable.
>>4729 Damn, somebody should try pounding a walrussy sometime, it looks tighter than a pig
>>5129 >>5129 No it wasn't, retard. I ripped off original science YT channel the exact video. Full penetration of dolphin vagina with human penis is impossible, at best you can insert the tip. Well, you can penetrate but at this point you will be tearing down her tissue.
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Anyone have the sauce?
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>>5973 See this vid and >>3547, retard. A bottlenose has no problem taking the average human male, though it does get snug pretty quickly and a big guy might not be able to bottom out. This old Dolph test tube video shows how easily they can take ~5in at 3/4in diameter, which isn't exactly the average penis size but it's also more than a lot of guys have, and it just slides right in like there's no resistance. They have a bit of a twirl in the vaginal canal, as well as a few pseudocervixes to get through, but it's not like they're made of steel in there. Everything sorta squishes around as you push though, as long as she's letting you in. >>5992 That's an old photoshopped image.
>>2972 The woman is Ssthisto https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Ssthisto Phantomhound is Onissarle https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Onissarle This was filmed at Connyland where Drakkor worked Someone ask them for the video (and others they surely have)
>>5995 > A bottlenose has no problem That is because it is almost 3x human size > See this vid and >>3547, retard I saw it, he barely inserted past his half length, you can see the rest is obstructed with his pants. Sure, there is some stretching can happen but not a lot. The only reason e managed to do it is because, as I said, due to the size of bottlenose, the "entry chamber" is just big enough. But it is also looser than most smaller dolphin, which is probably want you really want to seek out when scubing
>>6054 Imagine trying to gaslight when the video is right there. His dick is practically being sucked into her slit and he manages a full thrust in easily. It looks just like the test tube. Admit your retardation and stop forcing this meme. It's just like the "male dolphin cum will kill you with the pressure" bullshit.
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>>6119 Fuck, I'd ride that dick in a heartbeat
I would like to see the inside of a male dolphin slit when they are not erect. I am curious to see how it looks inside.
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>Porpoise dick is almost half as long as their body Where does all that meat fit into?
>This thread is sponsored by Captain Obed Marsh Fisheries, Innsmouth, Mass.
>>422 does anyone have a male slit spread, similar to these (but male)
Probably a stupid question but has anyone done stuff with octopuses or squids?
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>>6959 thanks
>>419 anyone got a archive of dolph's stuff? i heard there was seals and walrus too
>>6154 In your ass. Anons, does anyone remember dolphiness before it got shut down? There was quite a lot of zooey goodness on jt including orca slits, dolphin pussy and even stories
>>8219 I do remember several similar websites over the years. I have no idea if it was the same one. I think I did download some of the images but I don't have them right now. Is it dead now?
>>8220 Yeah, Dolphiness is dead. The owned can't afford to pay hosting costs, I've read about it on Zooville. Shame because not only there was beautiful mare pussy, a lot of orca and dolphin pussy was present too. Along with several stories
>>8221 Can't we make a small crowfund? I mean the owner is in Zooville, we could in theory help fund the hosting on the site... there's a lot of rare porn in there. It would suck for all of it to dissapear.
>>8581 yeah, me too
>>2497 you have no rights to anything while committing a crime. that's not how this works shit for brains
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>>8296 Zooville does not need any more money and it needs to burn. it already is because they ban everyone every single day. it's full of holier-than-thou circle-jerking assholes that cry rape at anything that involves sticking a dick in an asshole, and only want to see simpy mare content. they are a mix of old boomer fucks that can;t get it up, and ignorant kids that believe everything they read. They ban people for making videos of sucking on a animals' cock when its soft, or using peanutbutter. that site is only popular because they stole the fame of beastforum once it died. beastforum was the true beasty site and nobody can replicate that community.
>>8868 Yeah, beast forums was the best. It's sad, all good things never last long
>>8868 >>8870 >implying BF didn't ban people for even more retarded reasons lol. lmao
>>8868 >>8870 Beast forum was just as shit and you know it.
>>8868 shut the fuck up, zoosadist
>>8883 You're telling me you didn't love having to upload furry porn to the furry thread, so you could collect download credits, that you could spend to download 1 photo every 180 seconds?
Anyone ever think of using a VPN to run a search engine from a different country using foreign language words to create phrases? Like a more advanced version of going to google.fr and typing "dog sex" in French? I'm sure in other countries there are elites doing crazy shit with animals. Like there has to be like Chinese or Japanese stuff with dolphins.
>>8909 i had a script that did it for me
>>8909 Or having to download videos in chunks and then stitch them together in another program?
>>2463 same, too bad they're a little too big for her to easily swallow one
>>3273 man i would love to feel its throat around my arm like that
>>1146 Care to elaborate of what is in those private videos?
I heard that dolphin pussy is dangerous and can break your dick.
>>9100 Is not that it can break it, much less the dolphin pussy Jelly myth... it's just that they're phrensile and can control their muscles at Will just like males can. Mark my words anon... as soon you plunge balls deep into a dolphin pussy, you'll barely last a minute before cumming like a broken fire hydrant
>>2972 Is it true that dolphin cum tastes disgustingly chalky, almost comparable to limewater?
Why is this the rarest shit, Fucking a dolphin videos is rarer then finding aliens this rate.
Has anyone even fucked a shark?
>>8868 seems reasonable, really just a quality standard
>>8900 it's Zooville users like you that make us zoophiles look retarded. even more so than zoosadists imho. > it's rape if someone puts peanut butter on their cock and their dog licks it off (not even realizing what's happening), but it's not rape if i literally fuck my dog in her pussy, because she "looked like she wanted it" or something >>8868 yes, zooville is shit but beastforum wasn't any better.
>>9172 Zooville was great until it went down the first time. Amazing threads, a thriving reptile thread. Then it came back online with the most pearl clutching mod ever. Banned everything he viewed as abuse.
>>9172 >People who think raping, torturing and killing animals is bad make zoos look worse than people who actually want to rape, torture and kill animals. You may need to re-think your definition of "retarded".
>>9165 Not at all, but I've seen the fisherman video of using one as a bong to smoke >>9180 I met a great zoo artist there, he didn't have a good grasp of English and got banned from the forum for using boy on his stuff instead of saying "young adult" or shit like that... Shame because I wanted to buy from him. >>9190 rape for me is tying down your partner and using them as a sex toy, continuing to fuck them even when they're in great discomfort... Yet you see fat slobs fucking chihuahuas and none will ever bat an eye
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Spotted this random gem on a YT video... can anyone tell what they are even?
Has anyone have sting ray videos or pics? :)
>>10140 Thats a walrus. You know. Coo coo cachoo?
>>10145 There's a video on x18, but it's probably necro shit
>>10147 Nigga I mean if they're females or males.
>>10160 in general all wallruses have tusks, but on average male walruses are twice as big as females, and fucking huge judging by size those two are females walruses like to suck on things... but i would not recomend, cos they dont know when to stop https://www.youtube.com/shorts/P-GAX1pCdzY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syiBS7Z31zM
Hello anons. I edged my pussy and came very hard to this thread, it is very good. I have fantasized about sweet, tight, plush dolphin pussy for a very long time ever since I heard about their sweet, delectable jelly. Where should I go to find a secluded dolphin? Male or female. I've also wondered about the possibility of owning my own private aquarium one day as well, though that is far off in the future. I am pursuing biology so it should be more accessible to me. Not marine biology thoughover, just biology, but I may consider minoring in marine. I want to take dolphin dick up my tight wet cunt now too thanks to >>6119 . God that cock looks so fucking delicious, especially for a tight virgin pussy like mine. I bet he'd break me. I'm also curious about dolphin pussy, as I'd love to have underwater strapon sex with a dolphin. I see there is some discussion on ~5 inches going in with ease, but I am curious what the limits are. I'd also be curious to explore what a dolphin's refractory period is like too. Would love to hear discussion on all of this.
>>10344 I am curious about a female dolphin's refractory period specifically, as an addendum to my first post. Thank you marine mammal lovers~ If I ever get the opportunity, especially for the strapon sex fantasy, I would love to record as well.
>>10344 >>10345 Oh and one more thing haha. Has any anon tried collecting dolphin pussy juice and stroking their cock with it? How'd it feel? Describe the tactile sensation for me. I wonder if I'd feel a similar sensation rubbing my clit drowned in their sweet juices.
Anyone have the pictures from cyberiguana's twitter account of all the stingray pussies? They looked so fucking delicious and humanlike
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>>10786 Are they here?
>>10787 beautiful! please share if you have videos too rays are soo cute!
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>>10787 actually yeah that looks like the ray pussies for sure, do you mind posting them? I see some exact matches for the ones I did have.
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>>10802 please more ray content
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>>10787 Ohh love those! Could you share some of those dolphin slits?
>>10838 Ooh, that's so hot! Are there anymore?
>>2475 I gotta know what that felt like?!
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>>10877 Thank you so much for posting! It’s hard to find such perfect and high quality photo’s!
>>10838 I like this so much. Where I can find more like this?
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Someone posted this toy a few years ago on 4chan, unfortunately never got a reply of who made it. Perhaps any of you know who makes these toys or maybe any suggestions for a custom toy?
>>10907 "Sidewinder" Appears to be derelict, unfortunately. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sidewinder1988/ https://inkbunny.net/Sidewinder https://www.sw-creations.de/ Hornyram has a pretty good-looking dolphin penis toy. They are supposedly working on a dolphin pussy toy. https://www.hornyramadulttoys.com/zeke.html
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>>10907 Yep, sidewinder. The production was too expensive to sell, and I guess the maker never figured out how to not have a handful of flops for every good one. Horny Ram Adult Toys is working on a dolphin penetrable like >>11416 said. Really excited to see what they make considering their male toy is awesome.
Me and some zoo friends IRL are planning to pool money for a vacation in a place with dolphins. We all know it may take a few tries, and may end up just being beach drinking more than once. Got a couple questions for you guys. How likely would we be to even find a dolphin that's interested? We're all men, if that matters. Where would you suggest going for the best odds? We'd prefer to stay in US territories, but ultimately the best chances while being in a safe country matters more. How would you suggest staying? Stuff like renting a boat with a cabin, or a private beach, or whatever.
>>11651 Florida is a great place to see wild dolphins in water that isn't painfully cold to swim in. Plenty of more rural parts of the coast. Get a place that's close to the water and rent kayaks or something. There's very little chance you'll run into sexually playful 'phins though, especially female. They're normally pretty cautious in the wild. Curious, but cautious.
I really would like to have dolphiness back, there was a great forum to contact with fellow delphinophiles, stories, pictures... rare pieces of media which now are inevitably lost forever since archive website isnt reliable Anyways, have some orcas, next post is dolphins
>>12167 And so far... this would be it for my drop. If there is any chance to get dolphiness back and the owner away from the tard website that is zoovile I certainly would love it. we really need an alternative forum to zooville
>>12168 >reinvented by NoBestiality >NotBestiality Sure, now that you mention it, I am even more certain that there is nothing sexual about this image. :^)
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Walrus pussy looks tight as fuck
>>3547 Genuinely sucks that there's no more penetration footage that exists. It's understandable why not since y'know, you'd have to be the sneakiest motherfucker on the planet or have enough cash and contacts to even do that. Really hoping we get more like this though, or at least just sex with them in general.
>>10838 I don't see the ray moving and when he pulls out it almost looks like some organs fell out of her... We sure this isn't necro?
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i went around and begun to think that walrus pussy may be loose as hell
I less than 3 nature science.
I am looking for a swf file of a video of dolphin fecal collection.
>>14785 Might be snug though... Some pictures do show it pretty much being narrow, walrus got huge cocks though
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Hi anons, just reviving the thread. It's summer and we should do our best to keep the sea critter thread alive.
Yes agreed, thank you for posting these pics! That smooth belly looks amazing. What attracts you all the most about dolphins? For me it’s their smooth rubbery texture and slick genitals.
>>16374 Being honest... It's not only the size difference, it's also the myths about the female dolphins. I'm pretty sure that the myth that they'll make a regular woman turn green of envy with what their muscles can do is true
>>16374 I find the genitals quite attractive. They're smooth but still exotic. Plus the intelligence of dolphins is a turn-on.
>>16374 It's a combination of their sleek features, playfulness, horniness, intelligence, willingness to fuck humans and all the rumors about muscular vaginas and prehensile cocks.
>>3547 Has there ever been anymore penetration videos like this with any dolphins? Ever since I saw this I've been itching to see more... I get how and why it's so rare but jeez man there's gotta be more than those two photos and this 7 second clip.
>>17751 Nothing made public. Otherwise we wouldn't be all so collectively thirsty for dolphin sex.
Hey aquatic fans, what is this thing I found inside a large download of old memes? What am I looking at? Is it photoshop?
>>19003 >Is it photoshop? Yes. The orca does not actually have a stupid human face.
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>>19003 >Goes into/zoo >Posts most crude Photoshop ever made >"Anons is this Photoshop?" >Earn grandmaster retard trophy
>>19181 Chill the fuck out, I have zero interest in aquatics, I have no idea what orca dick looks like
>>19199 These people are also retarded, obviously he's not looking at the face. He wants to view the cock. He is referring to the cock.
I need that to be true that Alba got fucked by dolphins when she was younger in the mid 90s - I assume they sorted it out for the later seasons. Got brought up in another thread it’d be so hot if true! I’ve been going down this rabbit hole but hitting a lot of dead ends. I think they’ll pretty well buried this which just makes me think it’s even more true. I even found a quote like the other anon said they remembered about her getting bullied. "Needless to say my closest friends and family did dolphin squeaking noises for the next five years any time they referred to me or called me or talked to me, which was pretty annoying." They all probably heard the bois make her moan and scream like a whore for them to keep that up for so long. The dolphin kiss with her laying on the dock seems to be one of the more problematic ones and so probably got it in. I’ve read that dolphin behavior with cast caused shooting delays - sometimes needing wardrobe changes - and scraped takes. It’s probably cope, but man I believe and think everyone is massively downplaying it for obvious reasons. I mean I certainly don’t blame the dolphins they know what’s good and go for it.
>>21271 Seems she caused some controversy around 2011 - or at least tabloid - doing this. She has to have good memories of dolphin dick!
>>21271 I am pretty sure they would not have let it happen in front of everyone. I don't know who this is or what show you are referring to, but I do remember stories about one show with a dolphin where the male dolphin did try to hump the actress inappropriately a few too many times, but it's obvious there was no actual sex since it was in front of everyone and she didn't want it either. Because of that they later just replaced the male dolphin with a female so it wouldn't happen again, and the audience wouldn't notice the difference anyway.
>>21285 Idk if what you’re remembering is what I looked into or not - this could be a widespread issue when working professionally with dolphins as there is a long history of already - but I’m talking about Jessica Alba on the show Flipper. I find it suspicious how I can’t really get back to original sources, but I can find secondary references that seem to corroborate but then it’s always a dead end. Even when finding behind the scenes pictures and such from that time I can find them but then there are many that are broken that are captioned of her and dolphins. I’ve also been looking into dolphin handling discussions and it doesn’t seem exactly uncommon that the handlers just let the act happen if they weren’t diligent enough to prevent it in the first place. That it’s considered too dangerous to outright fight him off but rather they’ll keep her at the surface. Then the aquarium or whatever organization pays hush money to the human - since it’s not always a girl it happens to. I’ve noticed a trend in such stories that the dolphin first meets the person in a wetsuit and then later - or another encounter - not in a wetsuit and then the dolphin gets horny towards them. This also happens with female dolphins behaviorally but they can’t exactly act on it like a male can they can just signal. So I have to imagine there’s something about that wetsuit on and off that really fascinates them. And Alba definitely did both wetsuit and bikini shots on flipper so that just makes even more sense. From what I can tell there were a handful of actor dolphins, and it wasn’t until later seasons they got more diligent with only having female dolphin actors. The males were a known problem for a while, the guy that mentioned it before said it was something of a running joke on set at the time. So I can admit I have nothing concrete and perhaps nothing did happen. But I believe it did happen and that it’s been about as thoroughly buried as they can get it. There’s just a lot of circumstantial fishiness - pun only slightly unintentional - for there to be no fire so to speak. I can admit though that I could be reaching and reading too much into it because I’m coping wanting it to be true.
Anyone have anymore information or photos regarding the Connyland amusement park dolphin attraction leaks? A lot of sought after videos and pics were revealed/had there existence revealed in these leaks. I was reading about how the various zoo "rings" are related and want to know more about the "Dolph" one.
>>21832 >>21832 >regarding the Connyland amusement park dolphin attraction leaks? and those leaks were what exactly? (that old clip/photo pack? from 20 years ago?) >A lot of sought after videos and pics were revealed/had there existence revealed in these leaks say again? what was distributed, decades ago mind you, was quite tame and very goddam gay. "sought after videos" used to always be a penterative sex, and that was not released/leaked. chocolated dolphin dick is hardly a "sought after video" >I was reading about how the various zoo "rings" are related reading where exactly? on kiwifarm? and want to know more about the "Dolph" one.? so let me sumarise: you never even saw actual "dolph/drakkor pack" that used to be posted literally eveywhere, and are even in this very thread /facepalm then you lack even basic knowledge, about mostly solved, and all person doxed case from like 20-15 years ago you are either some REALLY retarded law enforcer (unlikely), some tabloid newsman looking for quick buck -but too lazy to investigate on your own , or one of those retarded X/twitter anti-zoo children And again, you asking about old, "solved" case, when we have a quite new video with dolphin sex in this very thread.. seriously? i get you are retarded and dont know how to google, consider it a christmas gft. Feel free to ask more questions https://kiwifarms.st/threads/zoosadism-megathread.47973/page-298 https://walfteam.livejournal.com/4725.html
>>21832 get lost antizoo zoomer channer fag. fucking zoomers digging up shit that was dead 23 years ago for clout like it just happened, absolutely get lost.
Do you realize how absurd it is to get this fucking upset over a simple question? Do you realize how insane it sounds to think that some random has information about such a niche and hard to find information about subject? I was asking a question because it interested me. You faggots get weirdly defensive over people asking in a community dedicated to the topic.
Are there any pics/photos of blue whale vagina?
>>19178 owo hell yeah, love art like this <3
>>13538 GOOD BOY
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>>23096 Need some1 who can into snatching private vids to upload this video here: https://www.zoox18.com/video/144867/walrus-mating
Wow. Thats such an interesting behavior. I have never heard of a walrus masturbating in that way
>>23117 Dude really wanked in front of a crowd and went "yeah that's a good nut" Jesus, never thought they could cum that hard
Is this seal pussy?
>>23217 looks like an inpainted AI anus
>>23227 The picture looks real?
>>23255 no, it looks like an inpainted AI anus
>>23286 Somewhere on this board there are a few photos of actual seal pussy. I wanna know who tf took that nice original and shopped a gross humie-looking asshole on it, for strangulation purposes
>>23227 >>23286 It's a real picture and you're just a retard. The guy posts seal asses on twitter semi-frequently, including another angle of that specific one.
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>>23508 my bad. could you post as much as you can get some here then?

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