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Bestiality Torrents! Animal Enthusiast 07/01/2022 (Fri) 04:57:37 No. 4315
So...what about bestiality torrents? i hear that you can get some nice contents on this thing... So if you have a torrent file or magnetlink you can share here, can be any zoo (dogs, horses, dolphin, varginal or anal anything..)
Anybody still promoting utorrent can get the 'fed out.
>>4320 I did not know that
>>4315 All the torrents I have in my client are incomplete sadly. I'm still seeding them in hopes that someone out there has the missing pieces, but currently they're all stalled below 100%, so I can't really recommend.
>>4512 sad
>>4315 I got a couple magnets to share, I'm seeding them but capped a little low because internet here be like that, frankly they're not great but they're all I have on hand sorry Beastmode's zoo megapack 513e1534 ostrich-derzoomer (at least the stuff that was public, no leaks here because too precious) 957a3a8c Canine Creampies 77dde163 Kangaroo at the petting zoo 62177f91
Torrents are interesting..
>>4519 I'd help seeding but I only see peers with 0% with these.
>>4532 Yeah, my bad, they're not on my normal torrent box (for obvious reasons ha) so they're only seeded at certain hours when a particular computer is on, they'll probably be a bit long winded the first few days because of that
>>4519 >>4532 Ah whoops, I got those from beasttracker.co a while back and just kinda had them still in my torrent client, so they're private torrents and won't use DHT or PeX or anything so they'll probably not work/take forever, I got a couple of public ones though, but they're kinda easy to find so they're not special or anything still If you have suggestions on some trackers to add that might work, but it'd probably be easier just to go pick them up from beasttracker anyway, but I'll add udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce to the tracker list for 'em all if you wanna bother with that! Beastforum 2013 siterip ac39e327 Beastforum 2017 siterip 900176d0 Mare Pack 7f28e6b3 This one just happens to be called "BESTIALITY" which is totally helpful, but it's mostly women with dog content 4d3faaf1 Just a fair warning that pretty much all of these will just be filled with stuff a lot of us have seen before, but that's kinda just how torrents are sadly
>>4537 password?
>>4537 What is the BeastTracker?
>>4519 interested in kangaroos and ostriches but seems anytime i connect, i miss you seeding. that or i'm not connecting yet.
>>4554 disregard that i suck cocks. i completely missed the bit its from a private tracker. anywhere i could get those otherwise?
>>4554 >>4555 Let's see if this works, otherwise I'll just throw it up on mega or something b19960e7
>>4519 Can you put Beastmode's megapack in Mega?
>>4603 It's 204gb so it's a bit rough If you use the magnet and manually add this tracker you should get something at least: udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce
>>4608 what is Tracker?
>>4609 It's used to coordinate torrents, there should be an option to manually add trackers in your torrent client, google will probably be able to help you more than I could as I'm only familiar with qBittorrent sorry
>>4537 Do you happen to have the password for the Beastforum 2013 siterip?
Nothing is ever gonna top Fantazi Good Girl is it?
>>4537 >>4612 The password of the archive is : beastforum.com
>>4622 Thanks!
>>4519 We need seeders y'all bump
anyone have thee catcollection.org archive? the site's mega archive they had is wiped.
>>4563 no such luck.
>>4828 I do have without dupes and with some files added by myself in some collections: BeastForum 2017 rip (388GB) C700 (55 vids - 14.5GB) Caledonian NV Collectors Edition (223 vids - 39GB) Catcollection (with files that were deleted from the site - 18GB) Goldstudservices (165 vids - 84GB) Kondor-Animals Dump (long gone from zeta domain, it's like catcollection but with various animal species - 4.7GB) Petlust (187 vids - 45GB) Zooskool + ArtOfZoo (what I could find: 252 vids - 65.5GB) Barnlove + Gaybeast + Petsex rips (that I released on the original 8chan forum back in 2018 with 138GB, but now it only have the files I want = 34GB) Find me a proper host and I'll upload everything.
>>4844 Forgot to add: In total I have 946GB in almost 62K files of zoo content, so yeah I'm a sicko and data horder, but I bet there are worse cases out there.
>>4845 Please add a torrent file of all of this!
On a similar theme, anyone got any tips on ripping websites? I'm thinking muvisex.club and zooskool.xtvid.com. I've tried HTTrack and wget, but I don't know how to get them to download the actual videos, they just download the html. I've had success with Website Ripper Copier, but you have to hand over bucks to get it to download more than 500 files and ain't nobody got time for that. Anyone able to suggest a way to get wget, HTTrack or another free program to rip those sites?
>>4874 This
>>4874 >>4939 I'll try to setup something for that, no way I'm going to use my ISP. But it will take some time.
Kufirc (hungarian private tracker for porn) has an animal category and is open to signup. for those interested, this seems like the best one since beasttracker went down. lots of freeleech torrents and most of the torrent names/tags are in english. https://kufirc.com/users/register
>>4844 can you do a version of the BF rip that's just the female section?
Just use the tracker for the full site rip, and before you start downloading, deselect the sections you don't want in the file list.
>>5027 or, don't be a pathetic simp
Can't find the animal category. My Hungarian is also not the best.
>>4563 Thank you, I've been trying to find these ostrich videos everywhere <3
>>4876 python.. requests & beautifulsoup like APR-GET did.. could probably adapt that code to work on your target sites. if they require js to get vid location, learn to use shit like selenium, but prob not needed. >>4947 TOR works for torrents, just gotta know how to do it, like configure your client to do no UDP and only use TCP/http trackers, because SOCKS5 proxies (like tor) only support TCP packets, not UDP.. so if you leave UDP on, it could deanonymize you, but not really moreso imo than using paid VPN where they have bank info, or ISP for obvious reasons btw that "Beastmode's zoo megapack" is dope http://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce">ke7bknet and it actually has seeders but DO NOT run zoo torrents w/o IP protection, unless distribution is legal in your jurisdiction. distro is not allowed in many places even where possession is ok, and with torrents every peer shares, not just receives, by design.. FYI
strange.. that magnet link was fine before posting, but got fucked up by link conversion I guess? *shrugs* maybe this one wont get kiked, %'d the symbols in tracker url ke7bknet
>>4542 maybe a private tracker
>>4844 Can you upload the C700 videos to mega.nz?
>>4844 I'm interested in the Kondor-Animals dump. Could you put up a torrent or upload it to Mega?
>title: [Zoo] <hash: xbnr2sex7v6koamskrcovgc5zqiipaqg xbnr2sex
>>7568 IVPN and Mullvad accept Monero and even cash (by mail) and are considered trustworthy in general. Tor is still better from an anonymity standpoint but personally I just use a VPN because I mean this is just videos of people fucking their animals, there's a lot worse out there and I imagine that's what they really crack down on (if not, they're wasting tax dollars on the wrong targets).
Shot in the dark, but does anyone have the "Big Cats" 3D collection? Was a fairly large collection of 3D CGI animals with goofy sized lion and horse cocks. I believe the artist was emenius (OP) or Tapiko. I have a good amount but not the full collection. You can still find some scattered across the net, but a lot of them were either removed by choice or lost. The threads were originally on darkchan (RIP) then 8chan (RIP again) https://web.archive.org/web/20120209222620/http://www.darkchan.com/bc
>>4537 >beasttracker Do they have signups? I think I once connected to that tracker but I can't find the .torrent file to check it. Also, please more ostrich. Blur it if you have to.
>>8072 I forgot to ask. Do they recruit on ZV?
>>8073 beasttracker no longer exist, but there is zootracker.vip that exist. Don't know if it's a replacement.
>>4315 any torrent with high quality photos/vdeos? ones that are in 720p or 1080p
>>8079 Yeah. I found out shortly after. It's a shame. Apparently, before beasttracker and zootracker, there was zoophilestracker. It's like there will always be a replacement but the content will never be the same. Who knows how many videos and photos have been forgotten. What a shame. >>8185 None. Every torrent you'll find will be 720p or less, some files could be 1080p but that's it.
>>8227 thanks for the link anon
>>8227 Reg closed, shame
>>8674 what? does that site promote utorrent? I don't see the connection.
>>8227 open it again
Send invite
Hi there!!! Would love to recieve an invitation to zootracker.vip... Could someone please help me?? Thank you!!!
zootracker invite please
I would like a invite pls
I would very much like an invite please
>>9646 oh my god, yes! please!
>>9646 fake
Zootracker invite...please!
https://www.vip-zona.net/3d_hentai/259579-tapiko-artwork-gallery.html This has vanished off the internet. Only 1-GIG Download. Begging for another alternative without paying to download it off of Filespace.
reiterating the invite requests, I have been direly in need of a zootracker invite since beasttracker went down
>>9767 zootracker invites still not open unfortunately
Beatmode Megapack has no seeders. Any updated magnet?
>>4519 can someone seed please
>>4844 >Beastforum 2017 siterip You can upload it to gofile.io or pixeldrain.com both run by individuals, or use 1fichier.com *Just make sure to password protect the zip and slit them in parts* Let me know if you need any help
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>>4844 torrent of caledonian nv would be great
zootracker.vip seems to be down or gone
>>10516 no it's still up - anyone willing to send an invite?
ATTENTION: zootracker.vip registrations are open until Feb 7
>>11106 Fuck.
when are the zootracker vip registrations open again?
>>11137 I too would like to know this. Maybe if they could be opened again tomorrow for all the people who were busy on the 6th and didn't see the announcement until after the fact, that would be pretty cool...
yes that would be awesome to know
kufirc.com has opened free registration for more than 100 peoples. they also has zoo contents
yep i used to be on beastracker.co (beasttracker.dog) before my only alternative for now is tickzoo.tv i hope the registrations for zootracker.vip are open soon
>>11204 how I can create an account on it?
Can anyone give me an invite to the zootracker.vip? I have content to share I've been collecting for over 20 years.
>>11674 What kind of content do you have?
Why would you need to have an invite to any zoo torrent content ? Thats just retarded.
>>4844 Seconding this please.>>10090
>>11676 The majority of it is woman and dog, but I've got women and other animals too, some men and animals. I've got beast mode mega pack downloaded, I have a bunch of the old germparrot packs downloaded, I've got tons of beast forum stuff, pretty much the complete zooskool, and most of the art of zoo stuff, I've got the complete pet sex collection, Caledonian NV, A bunch of the Seamless Flow releases, ark After Dark. Lots of the old Brazilian/Balkan releases, but I think most of that is trash. almost of the JAV Beast Rises dog stuff; it's mostly censored, but still nice to have . I could legit seed my own torrent site. I was the top uploader on ZetaTracker for a while.
>>11677 So yeah... I would be a good invitation ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Does anyone have the Petlust - Guys with Female Dogs torrent from ThePirateBay that they could seed? There's some gold in there and my download is at 2kbps
https://kufirc.com/ has free registration open for up to 100 new users
Anyone got the artofzoo tripleX Coco videos in full??
>>12125 Most of them can be found here. https://t.me/PetLustBot
is there any collection featuring ffm threesomes? like a chick and a bitch pleasuring some guy. i've seen a couple of pictures like that and they're stupidly hot, but i couldn't find any videos that fit that specific niche
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>>11807 Do you have stuff with that big tit girl Nova from Seamless? Or does anyone have it? This beats fantazi imo.
>>13482 Damn thats alot of Dog porn 65gigs worth
>>14295 fu-fu-fu you call that alot?
btw zootracker login is open :)
>>14600 closed again. Just check every 1st-6th of the month I guess
did zootracker open for rego this month yet? I've been checking every 12 hours and either I've missed it somehow or it's not happened so far this month... rip :( I used to have an account on the last few iterations of the tracker, I have loads of bandwidth to dedicate to seeding and it's been so hard the last few months being available non stop for a week just to get a rego :(
>>15502 it's kind of poo we dont know what timezone the tracker uses if you dont have an account so you have no way of checking if regos open exactly from the 1st of the month through to the 7th. even with a 24 hour window without timezone info people are likely gonna miss out if they're in certain countries due to the date and the alignment of their daytime hours on their timezone vs the trackers
https://www.zootracker.vip/index.php They have an open registration right now,!
>>15503 From their telegram channel: " Every month, from the 1st to the 7th of each month (random), registrations will be opened for 24 hours" So it's open fir one random day during the first week of the month.
>>15521 I am quite well aware. the point was it was getting to the last 24 hours and I was wondering if the regos were gonna open. what's interesting is that it happened within a few hours of me posting here, I bet someone nearly forgot to open rego this month... random my butt. lol. I bet it's when they remember to do it within the first week and if they go unprompted they forget.
>>13936 based, thank you anon
Does anyone what happened to Zootracker.vip? Seems to be down since a few days ago.
>>17555 looks to be back up
Is there a site similar to ZooTracker that has gay and mating content? BeastTracker used to, with a lot of variety
Anyone able to connect to the beastmode megapack? I've had it running for ages with no luck.
Zootracker.vip dead?
>>20456 No, it's alive and running
Does anyone have a zootracker account to share?
>>20533 No. They are strict on keeping a seed ratio. If you don't share content or re-up content you downloaded, you get your downloads cutoff. They open for registration for 24 hours randomly from the 1st to the 7th each month. Just keep checking each day until you can make your own account.
>>20536 Is there rare content in there? What kind of?
>>19688 Having the same issue. Can anyone with the completed torrent jump back on to seed?
>>20631 Hour and a half late but I just opened my client to seed it again.
Does anyone know where to find the old PetSex-GayBeast-Barnlove Torrents that were originally on BeastTracker before it went down? I wasn't able to find them on ZooTracker and I'm worried they're gone for good.
>>20685 >PetSex-GayBeast-Barnlove I've also been looking for these. Had them on an HDD that died (the whole machine died) :( Same with beastmode's pack.
>>21443 found it, and there are active seeds, yay. 61dde9ce
Any magnet with Female + Mare High Quality videos?
I have been looking from 1.1 to today on zootracker.vip to open up signup but nothing?
Unfortunately, I missed the registration period, I will try next month.
It's open right now!
>>24334 Damn missed again
>>24353 It's open again now..do it
>>24382 >open I <3 your animals.

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