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I am a 34 years old and need answers I need answers 07/05/2022 (Tue) 14:06:07 No. 4344
I just recently started having sex with my dog after getting my own house, I adopted a dog from a local shelter and started having sex with her, it started as a one time thing but I just can’t seem to stop, the more she asks the more my hesitation disappear and now its almost everyday we do it anally. My question is that am I wrong for doing this? I never force her but there are people out there who say that dogs can’t consent and I have to deal with thinking I failed and a pathetic excuse for a person. I really love her, I really do, I really want to be with her til the end of times. I need answers, please help me guys.
It's fine. There a so many people that love their dog the same way. Also pick of the bitch please.
Sorry dude I have been doxxed once and I do not want to be doxxed again
If you are feeling conflicted then it’s probably better for your mental health to think about stop doing it, there are many other ways to love a dog healthily. Being there for her likely makes her happier as she trusts you to do your best in your care. As long as your caring for her, keeping her fed, warm, safe. She will love you as a best-friend. I would happily support any changes you make to better improve your quality of life if it means for you to give up having sexual intercourse with your dog. It might feel difficult but I do believe it can benefit you and your dog.
>but there are people out there Stop overthinking and overanalyzing this shit and stop voluntarily inserting anxiety and sorrow into something that's meant to be wonderful. Have sex with your dog and stop worrying what some frowning morons that only exist inside your own head think of you. I give you permission to have guilt-free sex with your dog from now on and for the rest of your life.
>>4349 So much this.
Thanks for your kind words, internet strangers, I can now sleep with her in peace
Seriously, you guys really opened my eyes and help me answer hard questions, I have made the choice that I will stoll have sex with her and thanks to you guys she looks more beautiful than before
Tour welcome.
>>4352 yeah, probably the better choice after all you do not want to let the girl down after you've already begun. just make sure it's a "treat" and not some every day thing,
Since she's from a shelter I'm assuming she's spayed right? How are you even penetrating her? (anally???), -& how do you know she 'wants' it?
>>4344 >the more she asks This nigga lost his mind
>>4438 >This nigga lost his mind this nigga never had a horny female dog. my husky pushes her butt into my face and twitches her vagoo for me to notice that she has a problem she needs help with.
Sam, is that you?
Also, when I'm sitting on the ground jerking off while wearing my VR headset, multiple times now my female husky's come up to me and sat down on my penis, forcing my cock up her ass. And after I cum into her she lifts up off me and licks the cum off my penis.
>>4469 Cute Am curious as to what you're doing in VR, could use some suggestions as I finally got my hands on a Quest 2
>>4469 Sounds hot, any pics of her?
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>>4347 Bro remove the exif info and Photoshop the background if you need to.
>>12479 Most likely too late.
>>12479 anya cookie when
>>12512 September 2nd.
>>12514 she go into heat then?
>>12544 She'll be 2 years old then.
>anally oh nigga you gay hahaha
I'd like to quote one of my favorite games called "Superliminal" "Perception - is reality" Is it amoral to fuck animals? For 90% of people, yes. Should you be ashamed of yourself? - you decide. You don't want to be? Then don't. I've done quite a lot of shit that's considered illegal or amoral, but never hurt a good person or an animal. And if I was to bother about all of that, fuck I'd hang myself already. Like, I'd kill a rapist or a pedophile with my bare hands but just because I myself see that as abuse that I don't like. Animal abusers there too, but not just people who fuck animals in a safe way. The world as a default has no moral. It's people that come up with it to make life somewhat stable, but you're free to decide whether to follow it or not, just remember about the consequences of your very action (if it will be revealed) and you'll be fine.
>>12544 We need more dogs in human clothes, have you thought about painting her nails too? There is dog safe nail polish of all colors
>>12546 Tagged the wrong anon, I meant to ask you that
>>4464 Does she really? I've never heard of anything like that. Like OP, I have my doubts about it. I love my girl too, but the same "can't consent" shit bothers me. I would never force her to do something she doesn't want to, but when I try to touch her she doesn't seem to have a problem with it, sometimes she even licks my face like when I play with her. Is it possible to "make it work"? I'd hate for her to stop loving me if I go any further.
>>16368 >>4344 Animals also feel pleasure, an unquestionable truth. Bitches in the fertile period sometimes feel an absurd need for sex and this makes them much more perceptive to stimuli. There have actually been cases in which the bitch really feels pleasure from penetration and even shows signs that she wants it, such as pointing her butt at the owner, that is, if the owner is already used to satisfying her needs. you will be seen as her "firefighter." I'll try to post a video, which isn't mine, but it's a beautiful example.
There It IS, enjoy
As for that, I have no doubt that it is true. Huskies are incredibly intelligent dogs and capable of getting what they want. I already had experience with a husk and I can confirm this from experience. I intend to share it here.
>>12479 Bro you can manually enter exif data with exif pilot to swat your enemies all day long.
>>12514 Post
consent is easy to tell and its totally ok to have sex with your animals as long as its consensual
>>18196 Nigga
Real all you need is the word of the lord
>>18256 Enjoy your brainwash anon
>>18256 Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses.
So Anons... I'm in need of answers too. I've been getting turned on by Bull sheaths and want to fuck them, I'm a hopeless faggot? I'm not one who would get fucked by a bull though...
>>18541 I've not done a bull sheath but have to agree it looks lovely, but you'll have to provide your own snugness with an outside grip. I've seen vids with some attempts and I think one time with success, you'll need a very calm and trusting bull. And uh, who cares what you call yourself, as long as you rope a nut up that bull pussy? It's fucking hot. I'd totally fuck a huge bull's ass too if it was clean and he was cool with it. (for those who object to the mashup "bull pussy" I'd like to point out that in all mammals, every fetus initially develops as female; it is only later that a shot of testosterone from the mother causes the changes to take place in males. Ovaries become testes and the clitoris and hood become a penis and sheath) That aside, I've only done dog sheath a couple times and, oh, it's the bomb.
>>18575 They do look lovely, I gotta admit it's pretty hypnotic to watch them big sacks and sheath sway side to side. Last farm show I attended had a show of bulls... Granted that huge draft mares can turn anyone on but... I found myself covering my lap with a hat as cows and bulls were shown From what I've heard, it's pretty smooth and warm on the inside... But then again the outside grip part it's true. I do know a zoo who actually tried and said the same as you, he however trained the bull for docking and always managed to bust in just a few moments, sometimes the bull would hump as he was stroking inside his sheath I've only seen an example of docking with horses, then again it was a guy laying beneath a horse that quickly got pushed out of the sheath the second he rubbed the flare with his tip. I also remember another video of a guy who actually managed to fuck a horse penis... Urethra stuff. Safe to say I'm both shocked and impressed And hey, I'm just a bit careful these days... Last time I was at the chans I got called a raging faggot by people who jack off to gay porn of heavy and medic doing it or like the gay micspam Idk if true but some bulls do love anal play, so if you manage to get one to warm up to you I'm sure you'll get to do it just make sure to clean them first
>>18591 https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/2526.html#q13464 I've fingered this big boy. Wish I could get my dick in that hot ass. He'd let me but his area has no privacy.
>>18625 Well... That sucks :( What if you try it at night?
>>18632 There are lights in the area and those lights are lit all night. While interesting, and would be a cool experience to notch, it's not worth it. I used to be less cautious and would go over fences but in this case it's just too risky. If he was in a more desolate and unlit place, yeah maybe, and maybe even then just to cuddle and give him a hug (omg he's so huge, it would be like hugging a mountain!) I would really love that. He's so sweet and gentle.
>>18625 That pucker sure looks strong. Never tried anal myself but still... It does look snug, wonder if a bull could actually enjoy a loving session.
>>18666 Oh... That's unfortunate :(
We need more bitches videos wanting it ;)
>>20982 We need more like >>15562
>>20982 Saving this for the next time someone claims that bitches don't consent.

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