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Opinions on people getting into zoo at an early age? Mop 10/06/2022 (Thu) 15:29:58 No. 5057
Alot of zoos I have talked to tend to become a zoo at the age of 12-19, and I honestly find it pretty weird as I am one of those people too. Fucked our farm dog at the age of 14
I started at the same age, and most people I've talked to started at that age too and report having very similar stories, mainly other guys. Found zooporn on the internet at a young age and wasted no time getting into it. By age 14 I had already sucked my first dog cock, been fucked in the ass, and even gave a dog a rimjob. It's weird, but I guess it makes sense since that's when hormones start to kick in.
>>5057 15 for me. I've told the story here but ever since then I never dated anyone cause no one gave me the same feeling as my rottie. No one could fuck me like he does
(50.05 KB 816x1008 Brian and Stewie.jpg)

tl;dr: I started really young and it gave me my first ever orgasms. Because of this I was hooked for life and continue to this day. Have been into the seen for decades. For what it’s worth, there is a lot of fantasy and other BS on the site. I read what I wrote and my own ‘fantasy’ red flag went off, but this legit is how I got into k9. I could get into a lot more details and such but I am only just discovering websites like this and others and trying to find myself as life evolves as a widowed approaching elderly pervert… I'm not going to put the age but let's just say 'younger'. I didn't know, even a little bit, how sex was done. I didn't know that dogs humping was "sex". I did know that the adults laughed when I let the dog try to hump me - they thought it was cute. At my age then, this just wasn’t a subject people had. I also didn't know I wasn't supposed to let the dog try it when I wasn't dressed. He was very well developed, muscles built like a brick shithouse, purebred German Rotty, all 120+ lbs of him. I don’t think I was even 50 lbs dripping wet, though I was a bit of a pudgy little shit for my age. My parents and others would always laugh when the dog tried to mount me. After my bath, before getting my PJs for bed, I was running around naked. The dog tried to mount me, and of course I let him. His dew claws dug in and scratched the shit out of my sides and legs, but that was only on my mind for a handful of seconds before he was literally in me. He slid right in like it was nothing, like his cock was supposed to go there. Holy shit it felt great, too! I was leaning back into his thrusts, each one giving a thrill of electricity up my spine. I can vividly remember the 'thump-thump-thump' sound of him slamming into me and his drool dripping on my head and running down my face. When he mounted me, his body was longer than mine and his head was right over mine. The whole affair felt fucking amazing, but then came the knot. That hurt, a lot, and I remember crying in extreme pain and fear. What the actual fuck!!! I was screaming and trying to crawl away, but fat chance that would happen. Parents came running in and tried to pull him off me, but that massive knot was at full width. He tried taking off down the hall, dragging me like a fucking Raggedy Ann doll. We were tied for a while, I don't remember how long exactly, but remember my parents fighting over what to do. I do recall All in the Family was on TV, and this episode lasted at least most of the episode. After they argued, I remember them telling me to try to relax. I was alternating between sobbing and feeling amazing, so fucking confused about what had happened and why my ass was stuck to the dog, but then the feelings of pure joy shooting throughout my body. My mom was also crying, dad was furious, and they were telling me never to tell anyone, ever, no matter what. I think I started sobbing again at some point, which made my dad yell a loud “FUCK!” This startled the dog and he tried to take off running again, but this time the ride only lasted a few a few feet before his cock popped out of my ass and he disappeared across the house. It felt like someone pulled a baseball through my asshole, which, of course, is exactly what happened. They put me back in the bath, and that made all the cuts on my sides and legs burn like hell. But after they gave me ice cream and let me sit with them on the couch while watching the end of MASH and I fell asleep there. I think mom kept me home from school the next day, but that isn’t clear. What I do remember crystal clear is that the dog fucking me felt good. Really fucking good. good all up and down my spine good. Holy fuck fucking good! I felt a good 'tickle' all over my body, and damn, I wanted that again. The knot hurt like hell going in and coming out, but the whole time we spent tied also felt really fucking good – almost like being fucked (not that I knew what being “fucked” was at that age). In other words, I had my first orgasm that night – quite many, actually. And I wanted that again. His dick was pressing against my prostate, as was his knot while tied, I know that now, but then I only knew I had to have it again at any cost. The effect of that was giving little me repeated orgasms to the point I’ve been absolutely addicted to them since. So it took a few days, but I did it again. It may have been the weekend or Friday night. I remember thinking I didn’t want my parents to find out. I also knew part of it would hurt and I had to be quiet no matter what, but I wanted to feel the same feeling I had again. I knew my parents would be beyond pissed if they did catch us, so I waited until after bed, when everyone in the house was asleep. I remember thinking I was being real quiet, but having had my own kids (and now grandkids), I realize the whole affair probably sounded like a freight train running over a marching band despite trying to be all stealthy. I was a scared as fuck this time around because before he actually mounted me, he bit me on the neck and tried to pull me around. Not hard, I knew he wasn’t attacking me, but I didn’t know what he was doing. Of course, I do know now, this is normal in dog breeding. Basically, he put me on notice I was his bitch. I jumped up and was reconsidering not going through with it, but he had his legs around my hips trying to get me back down on all fours. I knew I wanted it to, so I started to kneel down and before I could even get my hands on the ground, I felt his dick on my asshole. He missed the mark and it hurt as his bone jabbed the anal ring a few times. But it didn’t take a lot for him to find the hole and I was quickly in bliss. As he thrusted forward, I was thrusting backward. Nearly every time he slammed balls deep in me, I felt that tingle run up my spine. By this point, the freight train was well parked in the tunnel and the lights came on. I can’t even imagine what the look on my face was, my parents were fucking fuming pissed!!! I don’t think I was tied as long this time, but once the dog pulled out, my dad legit beat the shit out of me instead of the dog. I still remember that beating clearly... Probably the reason I know when the weather changes… My dad had that dog because he made the family money as a stud; we got paid for him to fuck. Dad didn’t get rid of him, though he threatened it a few times. I didn’t stop, either. My mother tried to talk to me about it more than a few times, but by the time I hit puberty, it was just the family secret. I’m not sure if my siblings knew, though. I’m still active with dogs. Wife is long since gone, kids grown, and I only occasionally see them or the grandkids, so I have the house and my dogs to myself. I do have a side chick and even spend and occasional night with a dude on the DL, but nothing does it for me like a horned up dog looking to plant his knot. I’ve never met someone else with similar interests and tbh, I never even realized there might be others. My parents drilled it into me I was freak and the fact I did this should never see the light of day. As far as they knew, I stopped when I started dating my future wife while in college (she never knew, but I never did stop). Writing this brought some really great flashes of memories… As I click to post it, I’m unzipping my pants and heading to the bedroom. These days, I have a beautiful and always horny mastiff mix. He’s a beauty and never seems to get tired of fucking me (though I often have to apologize when he tries to mount the UPS or FedEx delivery peeps that come by, lol).
>>5058 I mean, for me, I'm old enough that my first exposure to zoo porn was a Color Climax magazine with Bodil Jönsson wanking off a horse that was in my father's porn stash. I would have been about 14 at the time, and thought it was hot as fuck. It took a bit of time before I first sucked off a dog, and the mid-90s zoo porn on the internet scene was mostly Usenet and mindintecrowproductions.com/petlovers, I think most zoos probably do have their interests line up with their general sexual awakening, though. And rural folks who grow up watching animals fucking probably get ideas from that.
>>5061 I was early 2000's, so for me it was shitty no-name websites that would pop up when I googled "bestiality porn" that got me into it. Actually, before that it was a shock sight called "2guys1horse.com" that someone showed me that piqued my interest. Then I found beastforum, and then the rest was history. >>5060 I'm pretty sure I remember reading that on beastforum or zooville but nonetheless that's still a very hot story.
Same. I started getting into the furry fandom around 12-13, and met a few zoos on various furry sites. This was around 2003-2004, before the internet was really accessible to less computer-literate, "normal" people, so some furries being openly zoo was fairly common. Around 15-17, I discovered some bestiality sites, and it just kind of spiraled from there. I still don't have any experiences though. Every family dog we had was snipped, and I'm not really comfortable meeting others for it. Fence hopping is right out. I've already accepted that it's probably never going to happen.
Early 2000's for me also. Ran into a few bestiality porn sites as a teenager and I got hooked. I even paid a subscription on bestiality.com via my very first checking account. Discovered much more on Newsgroups and the kink never went away. I still have yet to act on any of it but I do intend to get a bitch when I purchase a house (one day) and keep my options open.
>>5066 Similar story, but when I was a young teen I learned that even if some dogs are neutered they can still fuck and knot.
>>5062 I don't recall ever posting in beastforum or zooville, but have had private messages with greater detail. I used to be much more cautious but have reached an age where I just don't care any more. Kids are out of the house and have their own lives, they don't spend a lot of time visiting or such. Wife is gone, only the side gal or guy to hang out with on any given night and most of them just spend the night after getting too drunk to care. My dogs are my best company but they're getting older too and just don't have the same drive as they used to. I've always wondered if any of my kids were zoo or had other perversions. I'm almost certain the youngest is AB but that is pretty vanilla compared to beast stuff. I never exposed them to any of it. I actually hid it away completely for many years just to avoid being exposed or exposing others. Anyone here old enough to have raised their family and moved on? Curious as to what your experiences were and how your own families fared through it.
>>5057 It's called puberty, anon. A lot of zoos wanted to fuck animals from an early age, it's just a matter of how long it takes them to figure that out. We just did it early
>>5070 I swore I saw it before but I can't remember where and you seem pretty convincing so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
>>5057 Kek, I was probably 9 or 10 when I first discovered zoo porn on the internet around 25 years ago. Second time I ever orgasmed in my life was my dog (female) dry humping me in missionary when I was 12.
my poodle knotted me at 13-14 I think. I filmed the entire thing then erased it.
>>5139 Something about it being a poodle makes it sound extra gay lol
>>5121 Same, on the first part. I think I probably stumbled across it via Limewire (along with a bunch of other stuff) and it got stuck in my head pretty solidly. I've never actually been particularly tempted to put it into practice, but I still think about the old "Duke college girl" videos regularly.
I started getting into it when my dad gave me an old book, Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel, at the age of 12. It was a pretty good story but my real awakening was when I read the second book, Valley of Horses, the scene where the horses are mating was hot as fuck. The third book had a mammoth mating scene as well and I reread those scenes around 20x more than any of the human ones. The whole series was also in my high school's library at the time.
I don't remember when it really started, but it was mixed with furry stuff, and getting groomed online. Some furry tech guy and a trucker, both in the 40s and from Florida chatted me up, got me into chastity, and it combined with a desire to be locked and fucked by a mindless beast. Somewhere in there I started looking for zoo online, I even printed zoo stories out on the family printer in the front room, told my parents it was something a kid at school asked me to print, IDK if they bought that. Then sometime after on a wedding trip to Italy I tried to suck off the hotel manager's dog, drunk at night. dumb as fuck because I had no idea what the law was like, and it could have been on CCTV.
>>5057 Yeah its called puberty. Happens a lot in rural places where you see animals boning all the time.
Why are a lot of you a bunch of faggots? >huurr durr, my dog mounted me Jesue Christ, fuck dog cooky you faggots
>>16503 Learn how to spell retard
>>16507 Faggot kike, fuck you nigga
"First" experiences were at 8 or 9 but officially started calling myself at zoophile at 19. Aunt had a retired military dog that she left with us. I'd go down to his room and let him lick inside my mouth while lying on top of me. Would sometimes have to readjust my cock due to getting hard and being to young to know what that meant. Also weirdly interested in his pee and farts, which was likely foreshadowing for some of my other weird fetishes. Teen years came and a random kid in middle school mentioned being a furry during one of our conversations. I'm pretty sure this started my path to being a furry. Along with browsing normal porn, I'd occasionally come across feral art and IRL videos. Didn't know any zoo sites so the only videos I saw were low quality on shady websites that probably pushed back the amount of time it took me to realize I was a zoo. Kinda just bounced between being an ally and an actual zoo. Joined a zoo website or two out of curiosity. Family got a new dog and I decided I was a zoo by 19.
>>16513 >Let HIM lick inside my mouth Another faggot appears. Anyone have any first time experiences with female animals, i'm tired of this fag shit?
>>16516 Nobody cares about your opinion, so please just shut up, thank you.
>>16564 >t. butthurt (literally, u have a loose, sore asshole) faggot nigga Go hang yourself homo
>>16569 buddy you want to fuck animals and you're calling people faggots. this is no longer the pot calling the kettle black, this is drywall calling concrete "brittle".
>>16634 Do you even know what a faggot is? I will tell you, a faggot is a kike nigga who likes to take it up his bootyhole or fucks bootyholes, animal or human. I want tight dog pussy, how does that make a faggot.
>>16635 Projecting pretty hard there
>>16636 Seethe moar faggy
>>5057 >>16516 I have one, it started when i was 10 or 12, dryhumping the female dogs of my house, the we got this one bitch in particular i really liked, like i was in live with her, and ever since her first heat i started fingering her, i would finger her clit, i would penetrate her pussy with my finger without breaking her hymen (yes bitches have those), she would really like this and always come back for more, and then after 1 or 2 heats more, i got really horny and when we were alone i decided that would be the night, i started touching her, licking her and she got on her back, i had dryhumped her so much she knew what to do, but this was different, i grabbed my dick and pressed it against her hot and wet pussy, first it was short and shallow pumps, trying not to break her hymen, but then i couldn't control myself i went all in, she didn't make a sound but started panting so i kept going, i couldnt have lasted much but it did seem to satisfy her, she was licking me all over afterwards.
>>16797 >non faggy first timer Oh thank you. I was starting to think i'm the only one on this board who likes female dogs. Did you have a difficult time penetrating her? I heard it's difficult unless she's a big breed
>>16798 She was a great dane, big and sexy with a fat ass, and such a whore too, she loved getting the D she even let me do her ass a few times.
>>16855 Awesome
I first started back in 2011 after seeing e621 website. I started by rimming the family dogs ass.
>>24172 That's a crazy way to start, how did you end up going straight to rimming?

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