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Gay animals Animal Enthusiast 11/03/2022 (Thu) 03:43:05 No. 5180
Gay animals are hot. Post what you got.
Y'all just had a thread about fucking dead deers on r9k. Anyone interested in gay mating? Or interspecies mating?
>>5180 he really starts going at 0:46 and holds on as the other dog turns around, that and the cock being out of its sheath makes me think he actually got it in >>5760 I don't have any content to share but I'd love to see more male dogs humping other male dogs, in particular where there's some penetration. Seen a lot of "gay dogs mating" videos where they try but nothing happens.
>>5760 Damn, I can't believe I missed that thread!
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>>9661 Please do.
>>9661 post pics or gtfo
>>9661 This guy is baiting every thread
>>10093 One of these days we'll see the whole action.
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>>10133 NEEEEEED more people to breed mules like this uwu
>>10120 Do male horses feel pleasure from anal?
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>>10273 I wish he'd resurface.
>>10284 these videos are OVER 20 years old dude. the guy is likely long since dead.
>>10290 Ah yes people only live 20 years
>>10290 there's nowhere for him or other creators to resurface :(
>>10284 wasn't he a zoosadist
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>>12841 I want to be fucked by the bottom horse while it is getting fucked by the top horse. Damn that sounds hot!
Anyone find any new gay content?
>>13507 gay bulls (no penetration though)
>>13513 I remember a great gay pig video where a larger boar was fucking a smaller one. There was also the gay potbelly pig video that used to be on barnlove.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lci-_w9euDI Pig tries really hard to fuck another male.
>>12841 wis hthey had gotten a good shot of the bottoms freshly fucked hole, all the horse on horse content ive seen always seems to be missing that shot. I wanna see that creampied ponut!
>>14281 Yeah its always a damn shame. Gay mating is already rare to see it'd be nice if someone got a good shot.
>>14464 Dude just go through the thread.
>>14470 DUDE! If you download it you;d notice it's a longer part 2... idiot.
>>14485 There's like 5-6 of them in total, they're all on zx18 you're not missing anything, none of them are worth watching
>>14464 Protip, it's not really gay if you're forcibly inserting one into another. It's abusive horseshit.
>>14386 Can anybody please get this video from youtube and upload it here, before they delete it like so many others? I cannot get at this one because it is marked "adult" and requires a sign-in. I can no longer sign into yt or google account bc they want all my info now, like my phone number, fk them
>>16779 kys retard
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>>17049 Damn those orcas are going in deep
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>>17041 Thanks for posting, shame pretty much all the good feline ones are photoshopped, albeit well done
>>17049 that last orca pic looks female
Anything found?
>>17073 Except they're not photoshopped. it's very common for "bachelor" male lions to have gay anal sex. Often, a couple or few young males will team up for survival after the dominant male kicks them all out of the pride, and they "practice" intercourse on each other, often with full penetration and ejaculation. In captivity, it's more just like in a prison. There was an old video of two tigers as well- with comical voice overdubs from a man and woman interacting- BUT the video rather potatoish, showed two male Bengals getting it on. It took me awhile to realize what I was seeing since the overdub assigned hetero genders to them, but on closer review, the bottom also had male genitals. I'll post it sometime if I can find it.
>>18245 yes, male lions- and many other male animals- fuck hard and often. I'm saying these specific images that show penetration are photoshopped females on bottom. In fact I'm pretty sure RK50 has the non-shopped versions in his collection and has posted them on this very board. But I'm not wasting my time proving anything to some anon, keep living your fantasy if you can get off to it. I'm just tired of people forcibly 'believing' we have holy grail content that shows penetration when it's obviously not.
>>18247 absolute bullshit mate. I've seen it myself. It's not a big deal, very common in zoos. Not to mention all the videos clearly showing gay interaction. Look, we're all happy you're not gay, he-man, but the male lions don't give two fucks what you think when they're cumming up their friend's ass. It's cute how you like to pretend that the animal kingdom is free of homo, but you're either deluded or just batshit-crazy. Most of those photos are so old they were shot with film cameras pre-computer pre-photoshop era, so don't even. Whatever proof you say exists does not. You bring the originals if they exist. What is it like to live inside such a weird brain?
less sweating more gay animals fucking please
>>18290 so you have the reading comprehension of a retarded nigger. I literally said in my first sentence that male animals fuck other male animals. Often. I have no idea what the fuck you're going on about either. Anyone who thinks animals don't engage in homosexual behavior is just as retarded as you. And if you're the previous anon and bothered doing any research at all, you'd know it has nothing to do with dominance in many species- that's been disproven. Surprise surprise, sexual creatures like having sex, and engage in sexual behavior for no other reason than instinct and because it feels good. As for the exact images in question, there are only 2 that actually show penetration, and both of them are high-res enough to go against the claim in your last sentence. I've wasted enough time on your dumb ass. Jack off to whatever you want to believe, but it's obvious those 2 are shopped and that's enough of a turn off for me.
>>18295 No, you didn't. Read your statement again. "I literally said in my first sentence that male animals fuck other male animals. Often." No, you did not say that. What you said: "yes, male lions- and many other male animals- fuck hard and often." What you did NOT say: "yes, male lions- and many other male animals- fuck [other males] hard and often." I just figured you were the same retard that hates homo zoophilia so much that he projects this onto non-human animals. Just because some individual moment the photo was taken doesn't show dick-in-ass doesn't mean it didn't occur. Whatever. I don't even care about lions.
Why is this board 99.9999% faggots? I've seen several threads and replies where extreme faggotry is rampant >licking male animal buttholes >letting male animals lick your fag dick >wanting "male" animals in an obviously female centric thread The retards above me just had an arguement about homo animals, jfc. Is there a lore reason why this happens?
>>18306 Gay people exist. Don't go to a gay thread if you don't like it. I dunno what to tell you, dog.
>>18313 >Gay people exist No they don't
>>18316 Because gay people do exist and gay sex is natural. So natural it is done by many species of animals, not just human. And given your tone, it seems ye doth protest too much, methinks.
>>18316 Cope harder, nerd.
Some gay shit I haven't seen here yet. I have some others that are likely videos y'all have seen if you have looked around other sites for longer than 10 minutes. But they are all well over 50mb...
>>18340 eh since we're doing reposts, I've put this one out there before but it tends to get buried since it's not everyone's cup of tea
>>18373 All gay is good, especially those two cats. Treating is bottom like any cat in heat.
>>18245 Most feline gay sex isn't anal sex though. I have rarely seen any anal penetration. Most felines acting out gay activities rub their cock against the back of the bottom feline, that's what most often occurs. f5feb056a938f5dca429464e7fd553c41b22d3a9fd2bea92384606193cd7cf95.jpg shows it most clearly. Proper penetration is a rare occurance in this case, which might be the reason why some people doubt the authenticity of the photos.
>>18679 No, animals do have homosexual behavior. There's literally stallions who need to be excited by their favorite male equine before they'll mount a mare or breeding mount for collection. Exclusive same sex attraction has been documented plenty of times by scientists over decades. Why you have such an intense hatred towards the idea I'll never understand. Its fact backed up by years and years of study.
>>18689 It's because gay animals can't say they are gay and thus can't be used in gay parades so "sponsors" can't capitalize on them.
>>18689 before anyone gets excited, there's about 5 videos in this full set if you dig deep enough. none of them are successful. even though this happens all the time, this is why this shit is so rare. even an eager cameraman who wanted to see it happen didn't think to get in there and lend a helping hand. all it takes is the slightest help to lift the tail or align the dick to hole, maybe a drop of lube. fuckers
>>18707 Yeah its always disappointment. I find videos of it almost happening a lot but the full package is rare.
>>18707 I wish there were any good videos, i find the idea of gay stallion sex so hot
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Tied boys
>>21897 uh, no. bottom is female.
>>21904 you are right, I thought there was a penis but now I see her nipples. So boring, sorry

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