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Bestiality games and mods! Animal Enthusiast 01/08/2023 (Sun) 23:07:44 No. 5686
I was thinking here if there are some good mod or game that have some Bestiality sex involving some animal, i see will be very interesting to put something like that in /zoo/ You guys known something good to play? like a mod for some game or a game made especifically for Bestiality stuff, as far i known, there are some good examples, like The Sims 4 that's have some good bestiality mods and Skyrim, but they are just mods, i don't known much about games made just for it.
>>5687 what is that?
>>5695 Degrees of lewdity. A tranny game where you can fuck dogs and dolphins.
>>5696 interesting, it's have furrys too? i would like to play as a furry!
>>5698 I dont think so, theres a monster hoodie you can unlock, but I dont recall any furry content. Then again its been like 2 years since I played, and it was being updated fairly often.
>>5699 oh..this is sad
>>5686 https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/some-bestiality-game.54704/ There are this game that's is being developed by this guy, but it's doesn't have been launched yet.
>>5686 any furry zoo game?
Rimworld has the RImjobWorld mod. Been fucking dragons and panthers and other critter for the last two weeks with my "hero" character. Highly recommended. There's Flexible Survival, it probably has every possible fetish in it, however. There's also a couple of minigames by a dev called furrier. You can find those on f95zone. The feral ones are fluffy harem and foxy harem. They are okay. >5696 There's also a giant eagle. There's probably other animals, but its been a while.
>>5716 this game is....very strange...at least for me, looks cool but, don't bring much my attention
I was allready remember some game called Kobold Kare, it's have multiplayer and it's open source at least, looks cool to do things with Kobolds but...sadly, there is no bestiality on it I hope some day someone make a mod for it.
>>5716 Oh right the fucking eagle. Forgot about that.
>>5686 you said that there are some for Skyrim, I never played that, the mods looks good?
>>5723 There are some really good animal fucking mods for Skyrim. it is a chore to make them all work together.
>>5729 what do you mean? it's difficult to install mods to Skyrim?
>>5687 Thanks. I've came a lot playing this game. Especially with the dolphins
>>5731 An easy way to get deviancy to max for sure. Now you can work at the dog shelter! Unless your tending sucks.
>>5686 any virt a mate mods? preferably ones with a working anus haha
>>5698 kind of(?) I mean I have encountered humanoid dolphins (Dolphinboy as it is called in game) and in certain scenarios you can transform into certain animals (in one save I have a relationship with a hawk and my character grew wings and a tail)
>>5732 I am working at the Dog Shelter in one save. Any tips for increasing tending skills?
>>5751 If its not winter than the garden at the orphanage is an easy way to train it daily. You can find seeds in the park in town or in the forest. (If you wind up in the loony bin you also have a garden there to increase tending while you plan your escape. but its usually better to just restart.) And also the farm. If you into the forest at... I wanna say the clothing store street? You can find a farm and its technically the only way to get out of having ti pay the orphanage owner guy whose an asshole. But it requires S rank tending. Which isnt hard to get working at the farm. (Which is also where a lot of the beast content is at including horses, cows, dogs, and sheep.) Another way out of paying the orphanage weekly is getting kidnapped by the pack of wolves in the other forest (near the church). Who will slowly morph you into a wolf and let you raise pups.
>>5730 I didn't find it to be the easiest thing to do. You need to start with Mod Organizer or Nexus Mod Manager first. Then, install some basic mods that all Skyrim mods are based on. Then, install the mods that let you magically call animals to fuck your PC. Then, find out that all the mods you've installed don't work together. Then, find out that some of the mods only work with the Special Edition. Then, wish that Bethesda had the foreknowledge to put animal fucking stuff in the game in the first place.
Someone record madsmangun mods. He has some of the best stuff but you can't find videos of it.
>>5752 any tips on how to fight back easier?
>>5763 Yeah damage is determined by your size and physique. Or more accurately purely by how fit you are capped by your size. Size is chosen at the start of the game. So a small character even at max fitness will do little damage and thus fighting is not reccomended. However a large character at max fitness can defeat even Bailey. Pepper spray also deals a fuckload of damage to all enemies currently in the encounter. So work out, be big, and have pepper spray. Oh and heres the wiki stats. To successfully inflict damage, improving Physique is necessary and a larger body recommended. Otherwise, the player's punching and kicking will prove to have little effect on their attacker, as all defiant actions' damage scales linearly with Physique (unless stated otherwise), which is capped by the player's Body Build. At their respective maximum levels of physique, tiny characters (physique 6000) will do 1.5x base damage, small ones (physique 10000) will deal 2.5x the damage, 3x for normal ones (12000 physique) and 4x for large characters (16000 physique). It is important to understand that a larger body does not directly increase damage dealt, it simply allows the player to reach higher values of physique. As such, at the same absolute level of physique (say 2000 points), players with all body builds will deal the same damage (0.5x base in this case). Base damage is dealt at 4000 physique.
I would like to know some good zoo 3D game, also, someone have been take a look at the Starbound mods? It's have a good mod that you can fuck the enemies in the world, it's deserve more bestiality mods to it.
>>5698 VRChat has a lot of furries But never seen some feral model, at least not lewd one.
There was a game I played a couple of years ago based around the concept of a furry nightclub. Problem I have with games like that one and Degrees of Lewdness as already mentioned in this thread is that you're dealing with an indy developer's fetishes. Like, in Degrees of Lewdness, the guy clearly has a foot fetish because there's always the option to use your feet on genitalia whenever you are having sex. And in that furry nightclub game, I think the only character I was able to have sex with was my bird half-brother. I mean, I'm playing these games because I want to indulge in my fantasies. It's completely fair that someone you've just met in a bar might not want to fuck you silly in completely perverted ways... but while I've played GTA V, I've never actually stolen a Jumbo Jet from my local airport and taken it for a joyride, either. Vidya's supposed to be an escape from reality, I'm never going to molest the friendly fox I meet at my local bar, but in vidya, I'd like the option of a slut mode.
>>5813 interesting comment
when i was 16 i really wanted to make a game/total conversion mod for gzdoom, it probably would be a walking simulator/ exploration game that you played as a feral dragon, you could interact with other dragons and animals in friendly or naughty ways~ it would probably be a very gay game too, with very dynamic npcs. maybe if people show intrest i could make it and share it here in 8chan.
>>5819 Is it wrong, though? If I'm playing vidya that says it's about dog dicks, I'd rather have a dog dick than a lesson about boundaries.
im not even a wokist SJW but jesus christ i fucking hate furries its unreal why do you animACK!s always ruin everything?
>>5813 I know the game you're talking about, Amorous. The stepbrother is but one option. Sure it'll throw you into that one first but you can skip it if you want and never interact with him again. The others you have to get to know before laying pipe
>>5813 >Like, in Degrees of Lewdness, the guy clearly has a foot fetish because there's always the option to use your feet on genitalia whenever you are having sex. Of all the shit in that game that one might find objectionable, it's the feet that do it for you? You have a weird problem.
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>>5686 Second Life has a beast scene. It's usually kept discrete. But is great fun. Bark.
Someone have been tried to put a lewd feral model into VRChat?
>>5910 I hate sites that block everything unless you're signed up and logged in. Worse of all when some sites waste your time signing up only to find "oh! you need to be this and that before blah blah blah"
I never played Skyrim, But now I hate to try modding this game, I found some cool mods that's you can fuck any animal into the game, but WHY THIS GAME IS SO HARD TO MAKE THINGS WORKS?? you need to take attention in so much things that's makes you crazy, and if you use the cracked version things just make more worse to you...
>>5948 Fair. That being said, this site only requires a signup--no extra steps or payments beyond that.
anyone know of any good male-human on female feral/beast games? i found a small list of them on r/feralyiff a while ago but other than what was onit i can't find anything else
I would like to know any furry/zoo game that has multiplayer support!
Someone know a mod that adds zoo paintings on the The Sims 4?
1 There's a collection of small-to-midsize RPGMaker-style games by humbird0, often featuring furry, zoo, loli, hebe tags: http://www.humbird0.com/content/show.htm https://f95zone.to/threads/humbird0-games-collection-humbird0.17820/ I think there was some sneaky way to unlock the listing of all the games on the first webpage, but I don't remember what it was. It was worth it though because everything was neatly categorised there. One of the most popular ones was a pokemon game with a rather long gameplay and plot design. 2 Violated Heroine often features loli x zoo. There's a decently (but halfway) translated version of that game somewhere out there. 3 Flying Princess: Inter Breed https://f95zone.to/threads/flying-princess-inter-breed-final-dystopia-story.19010/ Features breeding of human females with monsters and monster-animals, ryona, pixel art. 4 Corruption of Champions features zoo sex, furry sex, and transformations.
Any new games or mods?
>>22567 I hear ff7 is coming to PC. So we’ll hopefully get some good Red XIII mods. His species is all about life and virility and all that after all.
Would there be interest if my gf made a Team Jacob/werewolf erotic “school romance” text adventure in Twine? She’s got a bunch of fanfic ideas that she can never choose to pen into a singular story. I’ve tried floating the idea to her to do them all in a CYOA text adventure. She watches dating sim let’s plays sometimes and likes those mostly, but finds the format lacking. I’ve got her to try a couple Twine games - she particularly liked Confidence Man - for a couple hours at a time and she likes that format more.
I am more interested in those furry games who most involve Werewolves. We don’t have so much things involving werewolves sadly..
>>22577 I never played Final Fantasy.
Skyrim + More Nasty Critters A lot of animals and monsters with a lot of animations
It's not purely feral game but PROJECT ELERA has a feral horse, it's a vr sex game focused around toys. It's been a while so I don't remember if you have to unlock her. Its a bit janky without a headset but still playable.
>>22578 sure
The Legend of Queen Opala series has quite a few sex scenes with animals.
>>22587 >>22637 Idk how long it will take her, but she says your interest will actually motivate her. She didn’t think anyone would be interested. She’s going to add a family dog route as a nod to here. She’s thinking golden retriever, but is open to breed preferences from here.
>>22758 interesting
>>22588 I’ve heard some lore about it. When you first meet the dog lion guy the scientist is basically in the middle of an experiment to make him fuck the special girl party character. I’ve heard some things about a shower scene on an island in the new one. And all the girls flirt with him but I don’t remember if that’s in the new one or old one or both. So there is plenty to work from without it getting ridiculous and noncanonical.
New games?

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