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Every kind of Sex with foals and/or very young fillies and colts Foal Lovers 12/08/2023 (Fri) 16:18:44 No. 9941
Hey guys, Just share your fresh FOAL content here, if any of you have something. I KNOW https://callista.su/equine/booru have plenty of this kind of material but, its OLD and reposted all around. WARNING: This Thread is for foal gynecological health study purposes only.
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Some old content like this with both Colt and Filly foals are welcome, any art, comic or videos. Some old Foal content from the original 4chan thread is now missing and not found anywhere, repost them if you have it
time to bump this thread back to the top. i have loads of files but they are all way to large to post here.
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pinto filly foal.
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pinto filly foal
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the size limit is a real killer on here. this is the only video i have that will fit, of this filly foal.
Would LOVE to see more anal, especially anal creampies! Great thread
>>19021 >>19023 me too, lol more foals, plz
>>19034 I fucked a filly once. In a field. No rope, halter, string, nothing. Not even holding onto her. She stood there and got fucked because she was enjoying it. If she wasn't, all she had to do was take a single step forward instead of leaning back into my cock for all she was worth. Then I came inside her and felt her winking on me until I slowly withdrew. Then, you know what happened? Fucking nothing. She walked away and checked in with her mom. Then flitted around a bit. She didn't need therapy or counseling, she didn't have any damage, physical, emotional or otherwise. She grew into a very nice mare and was a beauty and very sweet. Why did I? To see if I could and if she would allow it. And she was just the right height and the fit was perfect. Didn't do it just bc she was a filly. But she was very cute and totally fine with it. And dude, not a B@BY. A B@BY is a human child. So stop getting your three brain cells in a knot. A young horse is a foal, can be a filly or a colt. Just bc they're not in heat doesn't mean they can't feel pleasure. If she'd have walked away I would have happily fucked her mom which I had done dozens of times, but she allowed me to fuck her and I was honored.
>>19036 They aren't fence hoppers. Have you not seen the calf sucking cocks? You think they don't fuck them?
A corps, lol lol this filly preferred to come over to me and flop on to my lap to sleep when ever i was in the stall sitting down. as to forcing her as stated above all she had to do was walk away. and before you climb up on top of that soap box you do know you are on a zoo animal forum? or has that part slipped your tiny mind?
Would love to see more colts
>>18999 I need to see more of this.
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a few of the colt i sold this year. yes at 30 days old both nuts are down ,, this photo run is from were he is 30 days old till i sold him at 4 months old.
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odd it is not posting all i am trying to up load. will try again. some might look like dupes but they are not. at 4 months of age with help he was fucking his mom , yes full pen
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yes he would play.
>>19192 Have you ever fucked a colt? Or a filly anally
Would if had farm
>>19235 after working around horses for 40+ years just what do you think? yes this colt lost his ass charry at 60 days.
Unfortunately, rare encounters of young foals penetrating their mothers are from people who, even though they know that the content is highly sought after, don't even bother making a video.
>>19257 how would a young colt reach her mother? the size different is huge even if one year old
>>19258 the same way a short stallion covers a tall mare. horse mare pony or mini stallion with a bank a ledge or something to stand on. i have helped mini stallion cover full size 15 hand mares in the past and got some vary nice foals from the cross.
>>19256 Need
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donkey yearling filly a friend has me edit for him.
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ok the same two filly just a bit younger grin.
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donkey's even those a month or two old have rather large udders.
over my 40+ years i have had this happen 2 times , it is not a problem at all you will just have a full time wet mare and she will foal normal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX-YN02wA9Q
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just a bunch of random stuff i have floating around.
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would love to see more ponuts filled
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2 year old filly.
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4 year old filly.
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4 month old filly.
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18 month old Quarter Horse colt, i am told he is still a virgin though that might change shortly.
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>>19543 Reported.
>>19543 yeah I'm gonna need more foals plz
this girl is 18 month old and look at the bedroom eyes she is on CL for sale.
got a link to the CL page?
>>19724 not posting it on this site ,, i will say just look around on the east cost of the US , north east.
just a few i found this morning poking around.
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>>20066 to staff if there is any can you remove this post these are dups i should have checked closer.
>>20067 Sir yes sir
>>20089 thank you
I demand more fillys
>>20144 *fillies.
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a yearling pony filly, she was a rathe good lover. no that is not me but i did meat her. this is the original. video.
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>>20462 >tyoo shahft It's time to get on the Viagra train, buddy.
>>20464 not me and if i remember right the owner was 66 or 68 there. i am supersized he can even do that much.
>>20462 can I get the second half of this video please
>>20472 this is all the owner ever sent me, sorry
>>20477 Well, in that case... do you have any other videos of foals? I like a messy finish
(21.63 MB 1920x1080 Appaloosa filly.mp4)

a vary nice POA filly. she looks vary tasty a nice big donut to suck on and a clit to eat for days.
(5.29 MB 270x480 mini_mare_mating.mp4)

here is a 3 year old small pony that love it hard .. just wish the video was longer.
a vary rare bread and a filly and peeing to boot. Icelandic horse foal
Is there a single vid of a woman taking a colt?
>>21089 no and the reason is simple. it is vary rare for a colt to even mount till they are a young stallion of at lest 18 months. and at that age they normal wont flair not always but normally wont flair or cum.
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a friend sent me this from a Facebook find a 18 month old filly. holy shit this filly is made for sex.
>>21104 VERY. for the love of god. also, FLARE Love you man but jesus christ can you please spell these words correctly since you use them all the time? Thanks.
>>21141 at 60+ years old nnnoopooppppeeee my spelling is what it is .
>>21142 Bullshit. If you can consistently spell a word incorrectly every time, you can learn to spell it correctly every time.
>>21079 What could be the reasons for doing that with her? Probably for medical reasons but what?
>>21160 Haha, no. Boner reasons. Don't think for one second that all the latinos working on horse farms for little pay aren't getting paid in all the pussy they can stand. A good filly that will take a surprise fisting will easily stand for cock.
>>21160 Comments mention that it was done to "bring her to heat". To what extent that's a honest explanation is up to you to decide
watch close you can see this cock sliding up an dover this donkey foals pelvic, she must really be tight.
watch close you can see this cock sliding up and over this donkey foals pelvic, she must really be tight.
>>21250 anyone who knows donkeys know how old she is? she looks incredibly young
>>21265 About 1 month old
>>21269 that video is from Brazil i have had it for a few years, i would say you are close with your guess of 1 month no more then 3.
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found this filly for sale on CL in Minnesota look at the size of her clit and how long her pussy is. yum yum
wiled mustang
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i found a icelandic horse for sale and one of the videos is her with last years filly. so much pink pussy.
>>21801 Mind to the share the video?
>>21801 >>21802 >>21803 so you're gonna buy her right?
>>21834 How much for this horse?
vary rare, but yes this is the mare passing on her hormones to produce milk to the foal I had a filly that produced milk for all most 2 years with no problem's at all.. her first filly at 5 years of age was totally normal. https://youtu.be/sX-YN02wA9Q
>>22175 That's adorable. I would love to nurse on her.

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