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Timmy 07/26/2021 (Mon) 22:03:48 No. 3323
check in thread ITT check in
>>16759 Some retarded video reference.
>>16754 >soytoss not even once
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>>16763 So...twice?
Checking in... this thread for a video i swear i saw here somewhere.
>>16803 Describe it, and autism shall do the rest.
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>>16709 this is real?
>>16814 Nevermind, i found it. Wasnt even on this site, damn my memory sucks anymore.
>Argentina CSS cute
>>16854 As a side note : when selecting text, no highlighting.
(2.94 MB 325x245 WW_graffitto.gif)

It's not like I'm going to miss this shithole or anything.
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>>16864 >It's not like I'm going to miss this shithole or anything. I read that in Asuka's voice.
Just checking in.
Please come back /404/. It's just not the same without you.
>>17255 it's not. Wasn't there a regular that would post french electro? Have some rap in French set to Suicide Squad's fight with Starro-the-Conquerer!.
Just checking in. My week has been terrible. Yours?
> when you cant find the clip you wanted to post https://youtu.be/gAW4dB7PnG0
(3.14 MB 720x720 Joker monki.mp4)

Still thinking about you guys. Hope everything is allright wherever you are. Take care
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Found again that doodle. Damn the memories hits hard.
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(39.77 KB 624x600 WhatchuLookinAtWilber.jpg)

2024 en route. What time zone are you in? Why are you expecting a post here? Well, you get one anyway. Don't get sick on eggnog; there's a wild ride coming up soon.
>>17295 The establishment fears this.
Just checking in.
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I posit that the internet is dead.
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Appreciative of the new name, and the new stable diffusion checkpoint. In? Check!
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What's the deal, guys? We get the new "anon" name, and ... NO ONE POSTS ?!?! To quote Bilbo Baggins, >Good Day!
(23.25 KB 720x800 hear.webp)

coffee? beer? We have that, yes.
>>17429 I'm posting. Was thinking about this place this night. That were good times.
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>>17429 Apologies. Would be nice if it got more lively around the here parts.
Remember when this place waas fun.
>>17445 Yeah. It was a real active community once. Maybe it could be again.
>>17446 Is this basically s4s?
>>17447 No this is s404s.
where the hoes at?
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>>17458 Craigslist

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