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Question Thread #1 Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 11:05:23 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
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>>2763 >Also I found this link on /x/ that says not to do the prayers, but also to avoid 'turning the wheel' >https://imdoingwitchcraftoverhere921091042.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/bastardized-falun-gong/ The main point here is that he encased himself in protection from angels or other gods before performing the exercises. This should work also, it keeps the negative energy of the cult egregore away. Spinning the wheel just moves energy in your dantian, but if you were connected to the egregore and used it to deposit bad energy there for storage, you end up in the hostage situation I described, so then this can be done to avoid it, I suppose. I don't recommend changing the forms though, the problem isn't with them, but with the energy functions inserted into your body if you accept the theoretical groundings exactly as Li portrayed them with no personal view.
I’m looking for well informed correspondences of astrological signs. Anatomy, human activities, and other varied things would be nice. Do you have one you can recommend? So far I’m going with the basics, but I would like to expand on the forces to meditate on.

Welcome to /fringe/ Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 22:31:26 No. 11 [Reply]
Grand Esoteric Library https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/library/1#1 >/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities : Anything that is fringe in some respect Important Threads: Questions: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/11744#11744 ) Meditations: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3.html#3 ) Mundane Orientation ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/41.html#41 ) Energy Work ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/108.html#108 ) Western Magic ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/68.html#68 ) Fringe Condensed ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/193.html#193 ) Fringe Music: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/209.html#209 ) Fringe Art ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3328.html#3328 ) The name "/fringe/" is inspired by the book ''Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" by Montalk (which can be found here: http://montalk.net/books). Visiting the montalk site is also a good way to understand the scope of the topics of discussion which /fringe/ covers. Recommended Reading: http://montalk.net/reading Official IRC Server: irc.freenode.net Channel: ##fringe http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=Seeker_..&channels=%23%23fringe&prompt=1 Definitions / terminology used often on this board: http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/astral_dynamics/astral_dynamics37.htm Mysticism: Mysticism involves communicating with or directly experience the divine. Monks and nuns have often used meditation and prayer to induce mystical states but it can also involve esoteric practices like rituals or energy work. Magic: Magic is the art and the science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.
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The only resources of those shared on imageboards I've used are tulpa.info, Art of seeing - Bates method and Lesser Keys of Solomon aka Lemegeton1. I have yet to see anything else useful being shared in ANY of these occult horder libs.
IRC's dead

Magic Blog Thread Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 03:53:40 No. 787 [Reply] [Last]
Use this thread to discuss any notable events, experiences, or thoughts related to your occult path that don't deserve their own thread.
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>>2793 >He looked like Amy, but with black fur and furry arms I don't know what an "inner animal" is supposed to be, Bing said it's a symbolic representation of yourself. Don't worry about it, I looked inside myself with this pretext and saw a fat Garfield seen from behind sitting and staring at a door.
I just finished seeing the film, Waking Life, and now I'm wondering: When you dream, does your awareness exit your "avatar", like the avatar of a video game, and enter your "other selves" while your avatar goes on autopilot? How many of these "other selves" are astral entities, how many are physical entities, and how many are merely mental entities? Do you only have 1 physical avatar, with a multitude of astral & mental avatars? Are organic portals only spiritless because the spirit that'd presumably put into motion the eventsor perhaps another spirit put those events in motion that'd create the organic portal for it to later use are currently inhabiting another body?
>>2795 Okay now that I've gotten to have a good night's sleep, I realized that since Amy was always inside of my dream body when I was dreaming whenever her soul was merged with me, each of my "other selves" must have their own souls, which makes sense based on other stuff that I've read. However, this also means that my awareness never left my soul while I was merged with Amy. This makes me wonder what happens to my dream projections if they die in the dream.

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I need a helping hand Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 03:16:38 No. 379 [Reply] [Last]
Let me tell you from the start. I am with crypto since I was in class 7. And its been already 8-9 years, I haven't hold anything yet. But day by day, crypto become the most favourite things of mine. I passed my J.S.C ( Junior School Certificate ), S.S.C ( Secondary School Certificate & H.S.C ( High School Certificate ) with a grade point (GPA) of 5.00 (A+). The journey was great. But problem start when my father died after the time of S.S.C. After the H.S.C I learned about graphics design, and started freelancing to earn money. But at this point in my life not being able to get any orders. I try telegram marketplaces, facebook and linkdin also to search for clients. Though I got some orders but now its being so difficult for me. I searched for part time job then. I also got one, anyhow, it was going. But its been 3 months I lost my job. I am in 3rd year right now. Just one more year left to complete my graduation. I don't know what to say or how to say as I am really ashamed of it. I need almost $2k in this semester but for me its being really impossible to manage this amount. I really doesn't had any option left without post on 4chan. At least an anon response to me. I strictly hate begging and as you mentioned in your first mail, I don't know will you help me or not. But if you could help that would helps me to complete my graduation. My mother always wanted me to see as a police officer but without completing the graduation its impossible for me. Its not like that I don't earn well or beg from people, its not like that. But this time, I am empty. Sometimes life is kind of hard to struggle, that time we need a helping hand very badly. I really don't want to lose my educational career. Badly want to complete my graduation. Please consider a bit, your little bit consider will save my entire education career. If needed i can also send you my face record video evidence or also my live location or even any documents like my government issued identity card so that you don't think I am lying for free money. Anyway you may help me out Anon? > If someone can help me out, send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com Writing this to you, sitting alone in a room, don't know what your response will be but,

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>recent glimpse into garbled thoughts reveals a deeply hidden fear holding my hopes and aspirations hostage in an attempt to goad or coerce me into manifesting them After that, I became briefly lucid of the same energetic oddities compressing and incarcerating my spirit: >same subtle health issues such as being incapable of expelling carbonation and nicotine/weed vapor normally, forcing me to hyperventilate or even gag myself in order to burp it out >electrical signals in my head interrupt and retard any fast-paced rhythms while attempting to do this little hyperventilation or even just trying to kickstart my internal "tempo" >wake up alert but heart racing and really not wanting to even think let alone do anything >internal dialogue isn't automatic and in the background but requires serious effort to even stimulate let alone engage for longer than two sentences >focus between tasks is split if existent at all
>>924 >You just remind me that you need to be fixed with the soviet repairman attitude where you get kicked and yelled at until you work. Took this attitude with my lungs owing to the sudden pauses and inexplicable, impenetrable barrier obstructing my train of thought, and I felt this sudden electric burst of energy that felt like my soul expelling and telling off the embodiment of the lowest common denominator of every major issue I had within the past two years - persistent, intrusive, obstructive, and downright entitled to my energy, time, and essence - violently tearing it out of my trachea and grinding it into slop. This brings me back to the start of my personal disaster where one insufferably retarded namefag called "sleeper agent" got in the way of me sacrificing the retard I've beefed with for the majority of the previous year by thinking I was referring to him and refusing to budge, which formed this suffocating mass of density in my mind that manifested as this small pocket of air that absolutely refused to exit my lungs and threw my thinking speed/tempo off course.
"Le God is everything. Le God is the creation and the creator?" "you are understanding; now, what opposes God if God is everything?" "The obvious answer would be...nothing. Or is it man, which is God himself. Anything that opposes God must be God" "you are getting closer, excellent now, if God is both everything and nothing, and both divine and man, how do we exist as separate entities? in eden, we were told not to partake of the fruit, and we did this was a test, and we passed. christ asked us to eat his flesh and blood to secure our place in heaven, and they did it that was a test, and we failed are you connecting the dots?" "We gave into the lies of Christ’s flesh and blood, and thus we failed the test, and as such we are separated from the truth of God?" "let me ask you for a genuine answer

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Languages/symbols and their properties Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 23:31:35 No. 2618 [Reply]
What language, real or theoretical, would be closest to a universal one? I mean by its qualities as a language and not just street cred like enochian or latin. So far I think it's maths, but which written form? Probably tally marks, but idk cause Im not too smart so I can't even define what I mean properly. Similarly I hope this thread can be about magical languages in general. Diagrams used by electrical engineers are one example of potential language, especially since its about energy. Another topic is which language or system of symbols would be most powerful, or maybe we can just discuss different pros-cons of different systems. I especially like the idea of the creation of sigils via objective mathematical squares and such as opposed to subjective mind tricks found in chaos magic (though that has its own merits). True names as well.
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>>2661 This gave me a hardon. But 300 posts in the ATS thread they are talking about timelines and other shit. What gives?
In my own experience, languages, both for programming and speaking, teach you to think in very different ways. If that site is not a LARP, and there are people speaking languages old enough that they would be racist against _fucking indo-europeans_… That would be a huge augment to human thinking. I will have to dive into this shit soon.

Anonymous 05/24/2023 (Wed) 14:48:25 No. 9 [Reply] [Last]
Why fringe is dead. Come back pls
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I made some attempts with Bing, result turned out rather cold and monumental.
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>we all know what happened with Tipp Elaborate.
>>2789 Fringe had a server on Fortnite? Damn, I've been out of the loop.

Tanya Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 21:18:01 No. 2328 [Reply]
The Tanya is a foundational text of Chabad Chassidism, written by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi in the late 18th century. It is also known as Likutei Amarim ("Collected Discourses") and Sefer shel Benonim ("Book of the Intermediates"). The Tanya is divided into five sections: 1. Likutei Amarim: This part discusses the nature of the soul, the struggle between good and evil, and the path to spiritual fulfillment. 2. Sha'ar HaYichud VeHaEmunah: This section explores the concepts of divine unity and faith. 3. Igeret HaTeshuvah: This part focuses on the process of repentance and returning to God. 4. Igeret HaKodesh: A collection of letters on various topics, including charity and mystical concepts. 5. Kuntres Acharon: This section addresses complex theological and mystical issues. The Tanya aims to provide practical guidance for living a spiritual and ethical life, emphasizing the importance of inner struggle and personal growth. https://www.chabad.org/library/tanya/default.htm https://www.chabad.org/library/tanya/tanya_cdo/aid/1028862/jewish/Tanya.htm https://www.chabad.org/library/tanya/tanya_cdo/aid/6239/jewish/Likutei-Amarim.htm
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>>2772 I've many a post on the "help" thread on his deranged matriarchal beliefs revolving around a "source mother" of "death", how lucifer was a "female soul kicked out for exposing le big bad evil source father's fragility" amongst other wicked neurolinguistic trickery he calls "weapons". Is there a kabbalistic method of combatting such personalities from using my consciousness as a vector to multiply and embolden itself further? A way of reversing this momentum?
>>2781 You are looking for methods when you should be looking for understanding. Starting from the beginning and building up from there is one way. With the kabbalistic framework, the torah (books of Moses in the bible) will gain new layers of meaning, it will be within this frame of reference that you find the answers to what something is, and how to handle it accordingly. Everything else refers back to the original scriptures, which means even the new testament is kabbalistic. If you would just start with the book attached to my last post, you would be able to see what I mean. The story of Jesus is told 4 times, which corresponds to the 4 ways of interpreting the torah, the literal, allegorical, symbolic and parable interpretation. Normally the text should be simultaneously understood in all 4 ways at once, but in this part of the texts which form the basis of christianity, the main theme of each chosen gospel is one of the 4 interpretations. Through this we can see that christianity itself is not separate from the kabbalistic current of judaism, they are the same thing!
>>2782 Granted, wish me luck.

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Intrusive thoughts Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:30:06 No. 699 [Reply] [Last]
Do you have something to say but you don't find the thread? Is it something absolutely cringe but you think it still belongs on fringe? Is it a dirty shitpost that you think you have to spam the board with? KEEP IT HERE! What is the purpose of this thread? While it might sound as an invitation for trolling what I intend with this to make it a sort of get off your chest thing where we notice the energies behind the intrusive thought patterns we have while writing them. While I want to say to keep this thread "judgement free" your intrusive thought might prompt an other Anon to write an intrusive thought and he might intrude on your intrusion. Or others will notice that your thoughts have merit or it's something they too went through and may give an useful advice as a remedy. This thread should be a sort of (not that) off topic posting. The question thread should have questions mostly and funposting will just get lost in the heated discussion in there. This should fix that. I know some people have an urge to post their unfiltered thoughts on many things. And fringe was always ripe with rants and critiquing other famous and not that famous occultists too. While keeping the rants here instead of disturbing the flow of other threads you will be called slurs and fall victim to other energetic anomalies far less.
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>>2743 >The Chinese censorship want everyone to not make connections If so, I wonder if there's any sort of conspiracy culture in PRoC at all. That also seems completely counter to how Classical Chinese language works. IDK how their modern language works though >>2754 The best part is I'm not even sure if that's actually happened IRL at this point
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Asking bing copilot to find a problem in an example code that doesn't do what it was meant to, I asked to have it draw into a coordinate system so I could understand it better. Which caused bing to start printing every single point in the chat at autism level 1000, as if a 3000 * 3000 coordinate system would fit there with each point represented by an ascii character. When told to make it smaller to fit the screen, I instead got a bunch of... artworks. There's no balance in this AI, it's either full on autism or full on schizophrenia. But it's a start at least.
>watching Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki and using chatgpt to understand the mythology and real historical references behind the lore >acquire new usable magical ideas and holy shit is flux good

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Renouncing Lust Thread #1 Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:49:09 No. 85 [Reply] [Last]
Continuation of this 8kun thread: https://archive.is/q0OW6 1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread. 2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread. 3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged! 4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes. For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with. Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism. Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also. Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.
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>>2347 That's not me and I doubt that guy has the self-control to do such a thing.
Dead air. This should be the main purpose of every man on earth. Coomers that stop busting nuts observe the change in their behavior. How they start chasing trash pussy just so they'll release. It's better to be a coomer that repented than a normie. Then you know. Everything is clear in front of you. You are hijacked by your hormones. You are not free until you are strong enough to say no to your monkey mind.
>>2752 I fap twice or thrice a week (not to porn), and think about sex exactly the amount of minutes it takes me to do it. I don't even see women as potential partners anymore. I just give my body what it is programmed to need, and that's it. I eat well. I exercise. I meditate. My magic is strong. My visions are strong. My mediumship is strong. My astral projection is strong.

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Anomalous Experiences through Dreams Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 19:42:00 No. 53 [Reply] [Last]
Let's share sleep and dream experiences. What have you encountered?
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>wake up from a somewhat therapeutic dream, with symbolism about going down the road less taken >now in a hypnopompic state >my vision is totally dark, except for a single violet-purple point at the top of my vision, where my third eye is >hear a woman's voice say, "Hey Anon, watch this." >the point pushes towards me, revealing a violet-purple face >hear a distorted electronic version of that voice ask, "Hello? Hello?" >I reply, "Hey love." >she seemed content with that and the dream ended Succubi are something else, I tell you what.
>>2684 Did you happen to feel a crackling mass of energy next to one of your ears, or otherwise nearby, right before you heard her voice?
>>2690 I have tinnitus, which grows louder when she gets closer to my body, but I didn't notice any sort of energetic crackling or at least I don't remember it happening. However, my ears physically vibrated when she spoke the last words.

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/fringemeta/ Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 17:06:59 No. 1509 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for the discussion of anything related to the management or future of /fringe/
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>>2305 I think that makes paranoid people shit their pants because embed vids use some tracking as they load up the site or I forgot why people hate embed vids Youtube has so many tracking shit and while I am blocking as much as I can I know I am still not doing it right.
>>2308 shoot The only reason I ask is because the /fringe/ music thread is pretty much unusable when you can't see the thumbnails of the videos people are linking to.
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Thanks, doc.

Close Encounters Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 22:47:34 No. 2170 [Reply]
Feel free to post here if you have any run-ins with spirits, aliens, or any other supernatural creatures.
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>>2341 >>2346 >>2348 Aquino was elderly, already dying of cancer and had had his intestines removed so his suicide is pretty believable. As for the stuff he was revealing on obscure youtube podcasts, I am more inclined to think was part of an op seeing as how the Powers-That-Be evidently don't really care about conspiracies being disseminated, in the way they used to.
>>2352 I meant to post this, but the files are too large. Looking for a download location, I came across this https://ia600704.us.archive.org/28/items/Satanism_201812/ Not sure what this is, but there are a number of documents on related topics.
Visited Whoville last night. Pretty weird place. At first I was just mindlessly driving through the worlds, but this place was so vibrant and colorful looking that I had to stop. The Whos looked like the furry creatures from the old cartoons, not the weird pinched nose things from the newer media. At first I stopped by this couples' house, I got the impression that they didn't care for humans but they let me in as a guest since I did some yard work for them. I used their bathroom while I was in and their toilets are really weird. Incredibly shallow, to the point where I had to aim directly in the middle to prevent from making a mess. At the time I thought this was evidence that Who males don't have penises, but I suppose it could be the case that they're just very small, or retract up into their bodies. Looking back at it I suppose it's possible that they don't poop either, since I don't see how you could fit much of anything into their shallow toilet-pans. But they did have extremely powerful bidets for cleaning their fur, so I don't know. I walked around a bit and went into a store, where I saw a lot of things about an "M&M Club", which was apparently the most popular thing in the town at the time. I don't know if it was actually related to the Mars candy or if that was just my mind filling in the blanks. I also stopped by a military base and tried to get in, I told the gate guard that I just wanted to see inside and she had to take me to her superior to see what to do, and she just said I couldn't get in. Oh, and all the military people I spoke with were female. Maybe they're matriarchal? The military people I spoke with assumed I was female as well. A kid invited me to a game show type thing so I went to check it out. Wasn't sure if it was actually being televised or if it was just a game for fun. I think it was a sort of quiz show, but the losers were actually publicly executed by gunshot in front of everyone if they got a question wrong. They had to walk up to this firing range area that shot them in the head. Who blood is kind of clear-white by the way, not red. I was pretty surprised and someone who was next to me if this was normal, and he said in a sort of resigned tone "Yeah, it's like this in the M&M club too." I stepped forward intending to stop the gameshow announcer from executing any more people, but surprisingly he was intimidated enough by just me looking at him like that that he stopped the executions entirely and cancelled the show. We went into this large sort of cafeteria with a stage and podium set up at one end. Someone (maybe the announcer, it's hard to tell these guys apart) started speaking about something. Maybe about the importance of the executions? Can't remember the details, but I do remember that something in it implied that the Whos are either immortal or live upwards of 1000 years. When I heard this I said something about how stupid it was that they treated life so cheaply when they could live so long. At this point, the guy giving the speech refused to look at me and instead started talking in a more hushed tone to the audience about how whoever brought me in/killed me would receive a huge reward. This seemed to only make the audience uncomfortable. It seems that this entire species has an extremely conflict-averse mentality. At this point I turned to leave, and as I was leaving out the back I kept getting approached by Whos. I kept getting ready for a fight assuming they were going to want to claim the prize but instead all of them just wanted to thank me for saying what everyone else was thinking. One guy even gave me a cookie. After I exited the cafeteria the actual army finally caught up with me and detained me. Usually I just eviscerate anyone who attacks me but these guys were doing it with such a namby-pamby bureaucratic lack of bloodlust that I couldn't get in the mood for that. They took me to one of what I assume was a high-up politician. He wanted to reverse engineer whatever "spaceship" must have transported me there (I didn't have a spaceship since I used magic). I listened to him try to interrogate me a bit before I got bored and left.

/Awakening General/ Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:38:48 No. 1759 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread we explore what it means to awaken gain enlightenment and walk the hero's or the fool's journey. I expect posts which will be like the posts in the blog thread >>787 but the difference is that this might appear extremely incoherent for those who didn't go through similar awakening processes. This thread is for those who are going through not just the dark night of the soul but the extreme madness that the lifting of the veil causes. Those who are unfamiliar with these processes might call it "schizoposting" but when your mind and body gets receptive and even acquires and transforms your psyche with new energies and the way you see and interact with the world you will be unable to explain them in coherent way. Of course the goal is to keep the posts as coherent as possible but still somewhat judgement free to accept people that shy from posting because what they write might be just too crazy. Only format the text as much as it feels comfortable but at least proofread it once before posting to not make others too confused. But everyone is ""free to ask others to clarify things"" if it's either needed or they are interested about the details. Important note. While awakenings symptoms have similar themes and we might know some already that doesn't mean we know all of the weirdness that might arise in this process so only share it if you are comfortable with others reading it. Warning for lurkers and posters alike this thread will be extremely wordsaladesque and personal to every person. This thread is not intended to explain the ways of awakening but merely share experiences to help others towards enlightenment instead of the psychward. I advise everyone to use at least a flag or if the flag is already taken or the flags are not to your liking use a trip or at least mark your posts if there are too many posters talking at once. But usually it's easy to notice the writing style of others so there is no need to stress about it too much. I expect this thread to be as maddening as it is maddening for a medieval peasant to ride in a modern car for the first time. And to those that are going through the process of awakening and madness. Don't sugarcoat things. We seen these things and if you can surprise us we might compliment it instead of belittling it. The goal is to reach the upward spiral in the awakening process so let's try to keep this thread as positive as possible but that doesn't mean giving harsh lectures for those that need it is not allowed. I don't intend this thread to be a hugbox nor an echochamber. This thread shall be an appetizer a reminder and a cautionary tale for those that pursue awakening so they know how harsh and weird it can be. But no one forget this. Ultimately we have to walk our own path alone. We might share it with others for a while and help others in the process but as we started the path alone we will reach places that only you can see visit and understand by yourself only. Mass awakening is possible but this thread is not meant to facilitate it by design. Not everything is for everyone and no steps are the same. Let your intuition guide you in this matter. This thread should be about a personal journey and the many folds and colors of awakening. If you want to initiate others into a specific path or tradition please make a dedicated thread for it but if you don't intend to "keep a theme" then feel free to post in this thread. Let as all not forget that the difference between the fool and the wise is that the fool cannot learn from the wise while the wise can learn from the fool. We were all fools once and we might be still fools if we forget this. Some of us walk the path of the fool to find the mysteries of the arcana quite a while but there are people that merely began that journey recently and just found /fringe/ in that process. Let's not forget that we were all fools; are fools or will be fools if we don't allow our actions led be the voice of wisdom. This thread aims to increase the understanding of this process for everyone involved or at least find an outlet for the confusion to not disturb other threads with it's length and madness.
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>>2285 >>2286 In their futile attempts at competing with China, Russia and North Korea, the EU have now adopted the most inane version of drone-ness. Although angled wrongly, they actually did it. This creates a concept, and it can then just be turned in the right direction, then real education at the macro scale can begin. They just needed to be put under extreme pressure, where they are forced to cope even while lying to themselves about being successful. Because what works when you control win and loss and can fake it, doesn't work when you don't - you can claim you are winning over and over, but it gets increasingly painful to keep smiling when the results are lacking. Eventually they have to start adapting, even if they do it silently.
>>2292 Yes the west is speedrunning weimar again. The soviets said it would happen but they said the west will collapse in the 80s even in the worst case scenario and they didn't realize they will collapse before witnessing their prediction coming to fruition. Not to mention the (((elites))) had a plan where they will slowly buy up and "tame the east" with the power of money and (((culture))) while conquering the entire middle-east with this "war of terror" nonsense but so far the whole plan backfired especially after Russia didn't balkanize further and most of Asia consolidated power under a single strong leader instead of slowly selling out their entire country. This "rule by money" mentality is collapsing everywhere worldwide and I am not sure of the next step yet. >then real education at the macro scale can begin. Wonder how that will look like for a while. So much not just useless but extremely obsolete knowledge is in the head of billions of people it's ridiculous. They are making products to be obsolete by design then treating people as products thus turning them to be obsolete for an obsolete world.
>>2293 They are "secretly" mirroring Russia because that is all they can do - imitate. So they are imitating post first wave communism without having been through the real deal, it puts them in a reliant position because they have no historical process to continue building on. Like a shadow they can only mirror the movements they see.

/fringe/ Library Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 17:20:23 No. 1097 [Reply]
Share useful pdfs, links, videos, etc. in this thread.
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Tulpas are real. >https://tulpanomicon.guide >https://www.tulpa.info * * * A lot of reposted videos about Qabalah: https://www.youtube.com/@CosmicNexus/videos
A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers >https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/22814 (self-)Hypnosis can be used for motivation, sleep, OCD, nicotine addiction... or anything. On Geomancy by (Pseudo?) Agrippa. >https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/agrippageomancy.html Art and Practice of Geomancy by John Michael Greer is a newer book that's highly recommended. Also, see this Geomancy 101 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBbt-2VeoSU
All three books are about the same topic: spirit releasement therapy, involving spirit attachment and possession. Very useful guides for those who are, or know someone who is, suffering from these issues. Shakunta Modi - Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness William J. Baldwin - Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual William J. Baldwin - Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body

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Fringe tech t.me/vtuberJP 08/05/2024 (Mon) 04:23:10 No. 2109 [Reply]
Preferably real or believable. Stuff you could diy with enough money
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>>2115 Not me >>2114 I don't know Im not a nerd. I was hoping someone from /fringe/ could explain. That being said your own common sense should be able to do something.
>>2112 The spammer?
>>2119 That link in OP's name field has been spammed on this board since its inception. This thread appears to be an attempt at disguising an advertisement as something on-topic.

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Old /fringe/ stuff Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:03:44 No. 275 [Reply]
Screencapped posts.
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>>1700 If you think “making their lives better” would make them nlt want to kill themselves you are very far removed from their mindset. The impulse to kill yourself comes from trying to escape an extreme discomfort that has become a part of yourself. The feeling is something like wanting to escape yourself. Utterly impossible. But like a crazed horse that is in pain, jumping off a cliff is the only thing that makes sense at this point. I believe this type of impulse is caused by parasitic spirits (maybe that are feeling the same way), and it’s extremely painful to exist in that state. In an attempt to escape that torment, those spirits would drag you to join them. A beating would exorcise them for sure. I have experienced this and have been closer to doing it than I care to admit. Until I realized that consciously managing my “vibration” and preventing it from dipping too low completely cuts that out. There’s probably some low level shit where I leave. No, I know there is. My upstairs neighbors used to beat up their children and I picked up on it the moment I moved in.
Am gonna post a classic image probably everyone knows already to respect the theme of this thread first >>1704 >will you perceive time going faster Hard to explain because you will perceive things completely differently once you are not one with your flesh and mortal senses. Not to mention "perceiving time". How you "perceive time"? Like without clocks or the sun and moon moving how do you know time is passing? The leaves of the tree falling faster? Time is relative as hell. You don't notice how fast time goes when you are in a "flowstate" like playing vidya or enjoying the company of others while minutes feel like hours once you have to listen to a long and boring lecture or do some menial task. >if your awareness is faded out most of the time Even your current awareness is somewhat "faded out" as a person with incomplete awakening. You don't notice many things that happens in your environment. It's like not seeing the face of every person in a crowd or the cars in the traffic but if there is only a single person/car you notice everything about them. For the ghosts the people and events around them are like "passerbys" or an extremely important event that they live out detail by detail but in a narrow scope of existence. Once you die the way you perceive things changes completely depending on your enlightenment level and your attachments. It's hard to say how they experience it. Some get nabbed by an egregore while some will have to walk their personal journey until they reach a new realm of existence or ignite the flames of reincarnation. >while you're perceive time as being slower by increasing your awareness It becomes automatic. Like how you perceive things differently in life and death situations. Now that will be completely different because it will be a "death" situation and you will have to decide if you want to remain dead (the decision is not always conscious sometimes they just know it's time to go because the energy runs out/calls them) or walk the extremely painful path of rebirth. Most are not even know they are dead while some have a attachment or task that they have to finish before "finding peace"/departing while some are even weirder... Necromancy is really not my strong suit. I am only dealing with my neighbor spirits. I let graves be graves and don't talk with the ghosts there. I remember being in the grave and asking my guide why are the spirits not saying anything >They can sense your mortal troubles and not willing to disturb you with their pain The fact that even the dead feels sorry for me didn't really make my day better. Didn't really realize how I am a factory of unpleasant mortal energies before that. I have to flick a switch in my mind to "hear them". They talk but they are unwilling to penetrate my aura of suffering. >>1706 >If you think “making their lives better” would make them nlt want to kill themselves you are very far removed from their mindset I meant they have ways to change their lives they are just not seeing it and unable to grasp the opportunities. It's a trap of the routines/habits that they are unwilling to break. For that their lives usually have to get worse so their survival instinct propels them to gtfo or find a purpose other ways. Modern humans have such a subdued survival instinct it's ridiculous.

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old /fringe/ liked this book Also: >/fringe/ Meditations Superthread >https://archive.is/lQE5j

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