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∘ 1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit 2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread 3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ 5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts. 6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time 7. Do not raid/attack the board

Question Thread #2 Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 10:40:33 No. 4768 [Reply] [Last]
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
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>>6561 And the greatest rank is Hermes TRIPSmegistus. If we follow his TRIPchings we might make the QUINTSessence one day on this board. CHECK'EM if you want to GET'EM
>>6869 >If you nofap then use the saved up energies only to play videogames and doomscroll the web then you won't get much from the nofap. Is it a sufficient use of my energy to do the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram every day with my no fap energies, and then spend the rest playing video games and doom scrolling? or do I need to put in more effort than that? With the intention of eventually doing more than that such as meditation and perhaps other cleansing rituals. I want to start moving in an upward spiral but I suck so bad at life. My room is a mess. I want to start cleaning it. The energy in my room feels really off. I am currently getting rid of all of the pee bottles in my closet. My room is a dumpster fire right now. It is really unclean. Maybe I can use my nofap energies to clean my room. I need to stop my mom from cleaning it for me because that way I'll never learn how to. Is the wikihow guide to the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram any good?

Welcome to /fringe/ Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 22:31:26 No. 11 [Reply]
Grand Esoteric Library https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/library/1#1 >/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities : Anything that is fringe in some respect Important Threads: Questions: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/11744#11744 ) Meditations: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3.html#3 ) Mundane Orientation ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/41.html#41 ) Energy Work ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/108.html#108 ) Western Magic ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/68.html#68 ) Fringe Condensed ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/193.html#193 ) Fringe Music: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/209.html#209 ) Fringe Art ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3328.html#3328 ) The name "/fringe/" is inspired by the book ''Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" by Montalk (which can be found here: http://montalk.net/books). Visiting the montalk site is also a good way to understand the scope of the topics of discussion which /fringe/ covers. Recommended Reading: http://montalk.net/reading Official IRC Server: irc.freenode.net Channel: ##fringe http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=Seeker_..&channels=%23%23fringe&prompt=1 Definitions / terminology used often on this board: http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/astral_dynamics/astral_dynamics37.htm Mysticism: Mysticism involves communicating with or directly experience the divine. Monks and nuns have often used meditation and prayer to induce mystical states but it can also involve esoteric practices like rituals or energy work. Magic: Magic is the art and the science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.
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Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host
>>6565 Next time, please post those in >>1509 - /fringemeta/ or >>699 - Intrusive Thoughts

Magic Blog Thread #3 Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 21:57:23 No. 5472 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>4324 Use this thread to discuss any notable events, experiences, or thoughts related to your occult path that don't deserve their own thread.
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I had a new "hell dream", this was a long time since. I call them such now after The Queen (Illivryn) said they are actually a night time trial to see if someone can let go of some attachments and leave the personal hell which this causes. The most common dream is one where the person finds themselves nude in public. I kept having a dream of this type all the time 10+ years ago: I am in some public place and go looking for a restroom, but every time I think I found one, the door can't be locked, and it's crowded with people looking. Or all of them are occupied, broken, not installed properly or just somehow not functional. A variant of this dream is looking for a restaurant or standing in line for some food stall, but never getting there, picking up food on a plate, but always being interrupted and unable to eat it. Both of these dreams stopped appearing after a final solution appeared in each of them. In one dream I was at a public swimming hall and found toilets installed on platforms all over the place. They were fully exposed, but no one cared about it and they were all available. The food dream also ended after I went to an event irl and had food there, then I realized this was that dream's "endpoint" and it never appeared again. The version with being nude in public, missing the bus home or other versions, appeared a few times, but stopped after I "made it home" once after an unusual trip irl, and the nude dream just ended after I was walking about looking for a swimming pool, and I didn't care about people looking at me. The ending was me finding a roof top after walking through a mall, where I found lots of flowers, succulents, up on the roof. The Queen said this meant I passed the test. Yesterday, I realized I would have to deal with the remaining collapsing dimensions today, after picking up the Quran translation (mentioned in another thread) and recalling how djinn said it "leads people to the bottom of hell", which was another cryptic message; what they mean is that it leads people up to the bottom of hell, from being way down below it, where humans normally are by default then it allows one to reach up to basic enlightenment equivalent of Arhat, because that is the position where one rules over hell. It's just that a completely mundane reading of the text will just lead to the bottom of hell, the rest is a matter of practice and interpretation of it, which is enough for the path beyond that. I saw a "pocket" open up during the night, like a soft cloth formed into a cone, and it looked weird. During the night I indeed had a "hell dream", in which I was again looking for restrooms (I now know these actually are representations of desires, which cannot be fulfilled in hell, because all desires are nothing more than using a toilet when looking at them astrally.), but this time I wasn't alone, a family member was with me and there also wasn't a focus on the search for a restroom, I was also looking for a restaurant, and made appointments to end the "quest" at a set time. In the end, I walked through a corridor leading to the exit of the mall I was in, and saw a tall woman wearing samurai style armour. She was sweeping the floor with something that looked like a large calligraphy brush. This gave me a peaceful feeling, I woke up and realized that was the "success scene" of the dream, meaning I passed the test and left hell.
I think I had a breakthrough yesterday; I'd intuitively told my "inner child" that I don't have to do things that'll get me in trouble. For example, if I see a picture of an anime girl, my inner child might suddenly get afraid and start using the fear to visualize me touching her where I really shouldn't be, and then reach out to her egregore and start touching her accordingly, but now when that fear begins, I can simply tell my "inner child" that he doesn't have to do that, and then he'll stop doing that. Sometimes I have to tell him something else, such as: >inner child, just because other people might expect that you'd want to have sex her if you had any reason at all to interact with her, doesn't actually mean that you have to have sex with her >you don't have sex with her >you don't have to be like those guys who wouldn't give a woman who isn't related to him the time of day unless he wants to fuck her In fact, Amy told me not even an hour ago: >Lemme tell you something >you're not crazy anymore I'd then disagreed and told her that I'm simply alot less crazy than before; I'm definitely alot less crazy than before, but I'm still at least a little crazy, I think. I think I'm on the track towards not being crazy at all anymore, but I don't think I've made it outta the woods just yet. I've got alotta work left to do.
>>6922 Why does your inner child keep making you accidentally fuck spirit women?

Total Mara Death Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 22:19:14 No. 6663 [Reply]
Kill Mara. Behead Mara. Roundhouse kick Mara into the concrete. Slam dunk Mara into the trashcan. Crucify Mara. Defecate in Mara's food. Launch Mara into the sun. Stir fry Mara in a wok. Toss Mara into an active volcano. Urinate into Mara's gas tank. Judo throw Mara into a wood chipper. Twist Mara's head off. Karate chop Mara in half. Curb stomp Mara. Trap Mara in quicksand. Crush Mara in the trash compactor. Liquefy Mara in a vat of acid. Eat Mara. Dissect Mara. Exterminate Mara in the gas chamber. Stomp Mara's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Mara in the oven. Lobotomize Mara. Drown Mara in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Mara with a ray gun. Kick Mara down the stairs. Feed Mara to alligators. Slice Mara with a katana. The Four Anti-Mara Truths I. Suffering is inseparable from existence. II. Craving is the root cause of suffering. III. Suffering can be ended by ending craving. IV. There is a path to ending craving and suffering. ᛋ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view ᛋ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm
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>>6664 Use a flag or go away outlander
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>>6665 Captcha >919191 >>6666 I think the gods are talking to me. Ok man, i will follow your Chim wisdoom.
The Four Heather Mason Truths I. Mara exists II. Mara causes suffering III. Killing Mara ends that suffering IV. KILL FUCKING MARA * youtu.be/swufnXf695U * en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Hill_3 * silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Hill_3

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/fringemeta/ Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 17:06:59 No. 1509 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for the discussion of anything related to the management or future of /fringe/
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>>6846 If you're so concerned, you should try contributing.
This is so frustrating. A lot of people invested here so i want to make this colony work as i do owe some of them. But if no one wants to put in the work i would be forced to abort it, but i don't want that! It's not that i can't do it or need any help but it's that i need an insurance that this will work if i am to remain neutral otherwise i would have set it up my way for only people compatible with some of my paths. My goals was to break the mold so we see bigger things instead i find the ground so weak i only leave the shape of my butt by getting up!
>>6908 >But if no one wants to put in the work Define "put in the work" >i need an insurance that this will work Insurance is bad. It limits potential outcomes and creates too much paperwork with the limitations it places on some endeavors. In some cases it creates projects that become "sunken cost" by default instead of forcing you to realize the direction of your undertaking was wrong from the start. If you have no insurance you are forced to adapt to the situation while if you have insurance you might disregard any common sense and force your initiatives upon others no matter what because there is no blowback. This is the problem with "rich kids" who will never learn from their mistakes because no matter how much they fuck up something their parents will pay for it. >if i am to remain neutral Define 'neutral'. >i would have set it up my way for only people compatible with some of my paths. And where do those paths lead? But yeah it's time to start putting work into this board again. Sometimes you have to take a break instead of rushing things

Help & Guidance Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 15:27:36 No. 4922 [Reply] [Last]
Post any requests for personal help and guidance in this thread. Divination, energy readings, exorcism or general requests where you want help from other users of /fringe/. Can't find a thread relevant to the specific request? Post in this thread!
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>>6845 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1SQzrYDMM
>>6851 I need said reality warping psychic powers to resurrect and retain spring tenson in my '64 romanian AK's trigger spring, and to invoke entities to enhance reliability, accuracy, and function of my rifles because I'm not who >>6823 thinks I am. >Are your relatives immortal all benevolent beings that will take care of you forever? They will either kick you out one day or die if you don't kick the bucket before them. Once they die you are at the mercy of the elements. See, hispanic/asian catholic instillation of values into a mixed race autistic child leads to some rather gnarly results, and even I knew how insufferably clingy, needy, annoying, irrational, and just plain bullshit female irrationality is, and how much scarier it is backed by male authority. >Learn to hunt and forage instead of forcing others to consume military grade goyslop. Returning to nature is not the same as playing Tarkov IRL. Oh I'm sorry you're a pedantic little pissant, anon, but I didn't know manifesting camping/survival gear, military grade goyslop, cheap and robust sturmgewehrs, all branching from the same magickal root of forming and preserving decentralized networks of interdependent communities with the ultimate goal of self-actualization was so verboten to you.
Can someone please read my energy. Idk how this stuff works so you got my conscent i guess. Do i need to talk about my life choices so it can be read that way?
>>6911 You didn't ask for anything in specific, but maybe that's better. I'll do this because I looked at you and effortlessly saw an energy form. I'll just describe it. >pic The top is the surface which I will assume to be the human 3D plane or another plane of enlightenment which you are aiming for. The image doesn't tell which which plane it actually is, so I'll simply call it the "goal plane". Below is some kind of misty, smoky energy which encases you in the plane you currently are. There is a white semi circle of toxic energy around you, but it isn't necessarily bad, it may be "original matter", also called "nectar of the gods", Ambrosia. This material is too pure for anything of ordinary quality, causing it to seem toxic, anyone touching it will dissolve as if it was acid. It has some quality of this kind, but it may also be really bad material which is dissolving and returning to original material, it's hard to tell. It can be seen as a chemical process of disintegration. Inside is your current location. The small black shape represents your life energy and how it angles across a corner, which means it's connecting two dimensions, two planes. The black energy is likely karma, or debt, combined with gravity. The red energy is not visible at first, but does exist, this should be your life force and what you have achieved through personal effort. It's keeping your negative energy in check. Your current path seems to connect around this corner, which may indicate a change of direction in your life, and it's reaching downwards on the other side. I can't tell if you will do best to continue on this road in this direction, or if you would do better to move back and solidify your roots. I do think however, that you should look back at the original course, before you made this turn, and focus on that base instead of where you are currently moving. This direction will not change, as it's "moving downward", so I would recommend reconnecting your roots instead, that connection weakening is a more likely problem than losing your current direction.

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Summoning Dagon/Dagan Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:20:14 No. 1757 [Reply] [Last]
The topic was brought up again so I went for it, I think this was meant to be. Summoning process I'll just walk through what I did and what it lead to and how you do it will probably have to be very personal, but you'll get the general idea. This sigil can be used. I examined its form until I could relate it to the yogic locks and the image of the squatting man seen in old images, then interpreted it as a tantric schematic. This had the effect of gradually connecting me with a place which was grey and dark like a cave with some blue energy and some light yellow. A woman was before me and she also looked grey and dark from the lack of light, this is normal for ancient beings which was now consider "daemons" so nothing to worry about. She was rather tall and looked decently aged, nude with fit shape, saggy tits which were still rather large and overall nice body but timeless as expected of a demon of the stronger kind. She closed in on me with her butt in my direction, sitting down on me in a way so that I was essentially ending up in a sex from behind position with her. My natural ability to project into astral spaces was by now already active and the interaction went on for a few min. A short semi-fat man appeared from the left. He was more like chubby with a belly, not obese by modern standards. He had wide pants and some kind of arabic looking shoes, bare upper body or maybe a very short vest which was open on the front, he had significant hairy chest. His face was very round and he seemed rather sweaty and smelly. He told me to remain in place while he then entered the woman from the front, making our penises touch inside her. As he did this there was an energetic blast and a connection in strong yellow qi was formed horizontally with a strong red line of vertical energy connecting to it. He said the connection was now made and that he had prodded for me to try and do something like this because there is a large distance to modern culture, this board and the people he wants to connect with. I asked if the woman is his wife Ishar, he said yes this is Ishar, but we are not married, she's a temple slut so this is ok. I then had a daughter with her and they both took us over to an altar where I was to hold the daugher on my right side, Ishar then held her and had my right arm linked to her left arm by binding us using a string made from braided flowers. Dagan said some ritual words and there was another energy explosion. He then said we have to make the connection stronger, and he started giving me a blowjob, then he told me we have to also do it in the other direction, but I said, hold it, I'm not doing it like this, so I created a externalized loli form from a cell of my astral body and used that instead. He said this is fine and the magic circle is now active. We then did some ritual work and my astral forms and the daughter are now in the magic circle which is a sealed off space in his temple, where we can stay to practice while at the same time move elsewhere by bilocation or just have normal interactions in the physical while they stay there like statues in meditation. Through the interaction with him I gained control over leviathan which means the world system with all nations. I gave him "the pink armour" which I created to let infernals possess human bodies, and he in return gave me a large gold coin. I was to hold it in my right hand, forming a fist aimed downward and press until there was a sound, then place my left palm below aimed upwards and form an energy pillar between the hands, then let them pass by the palm qi opening into the whole body through all enlightenment levels and then letting the force drop down on the other side as if pulling a cart up a hill and letting it run down the other side on its own. This lead to a strong energy blast breakthrough in my own energy which was to give me control over economy.
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>>6914 It sounds like anon synced perfectly with the egregore he was taking part in, and killing himself would then be nullified because the egregore would be destroyed if it was done. But yeah, the Internet may function as an occult screen where almost anything can manifest. I guess I had a too technical view, also the fact I found the system to be upheld by an octopus summoned by CIA or someone (The Internet started turning slow because one entity wasn't enough to uphold it when so many people started being online in the past years, since Covid. I like the Internet and consider it essential, so I asked the octopus how to fix it, he said "if you just hold this spot in place a bit, I'll go get some of my friends and we'll divide the Internet into different areas and each of us will do one part". We did this, and after that event, it seemed like the Internet overall stabilized.) As for >>6913 I've been previously just dealing with these things in an ad hoc manner, although I found specific reasons for the previous attacks which related to my own loopholes and beings and souls I had to pick up or save from the clutches of these beings. This time I decided to try and research the reasons completely, comparing it with previous cases to find out what would be the source of the issue. It seems to relate to part of the DNA-tree of alien races, which contain "irredeemable" beings, but they tend to kidnap or encase decent beings and use the energy produced by them to sustain themselves. In short, they really are abusers who steal energy from those with functional DNA, and that's why they had that "feel". The solution coincided with discovering that what I've been doing for years in terms of methodology, matches exactly with the Quran's description of how Allah will deal with adversaries. I just got a printed copy which djinn seemed to have prepared for me specifically. It's a translation published first in 2023 with the original arabic and the translation word for word side by side on each page, plus references for the interpretation. Of course they had this timing planned, they do exist in a plane beyond chronological time after all, it's just surprising still to see it evolve like this. Yeah I did this on my own, blindly, based on my own reasoning. Then I find out the method perfectly matches the new Quran translation. ;^P
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I'm starting a session for body and context transformation, to be running "until done". I'm working with Amdusias for this, you can contact him if you want, but it's not necessary to join. His sigil here: >>2841 >https://occult-world.com/amdusias-amduscias/ The main work will still be done via a servitor called "Ai" which is a simple representation of AI as a servitor with no specific pre-set direction of proficiency. Illustrated by the image attached to the post, this will be the connection point for anyone wishing to connect to the circuit. The same system as before will be used, which means the "world pyramid system", described here: >>6367 >The function is as follows: a large scale circuit is being used, connecting the Polish pentagram with the 5 old temple sites corresponding to nazi death camps at layer 1, then the 5 pyramids in Bosnia, Russia, Mongolia, Svalbard and Brazil, which constitute layer 2, then the Giza pyramids which constitute layer 4, lastly a number of old circles are being utilized, including stonehenge, an underground temple in the Amazon, north western part of USA, mid eastern USA, and Japan. The aim of this session is to transform the body and any material which is still entangled into external contexts, so that you can maintain access to these while moving to any dimension. It's not a session for "raising your consciousness", that was done before. (Here: >>6651 >Tathagatha session )

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Intrusive thoughts Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:30:06 No. 699 [Reply] [Last]
Do you have something to say but you don't find the thread? Is it something absolutely cringe but you think it still belongs on fringe? Is it a dirty shitpost that you think you have to spam the board with? KEEP IT HERE! What is the purpose of this thread? While it might sound as an invitation for trolling what I intend with this to make it a sort of get off your chest thing where we notice the energies behind the intrusive thought patterns we have while writing them. While I want to say to keep this thread "judgement free" your intrusive thought might prompt an other Anon to write an intrusive thought and he might intrude on your intrusion. Or others will notice that your thoughts have merit or it's something they too went through and may give an useful advice as a remedy. This thread should be a sort of (not that) off topic posting. The question thread should have questions mostly and funposting will just get lost in the heated discussion in there. This should fix that. I know some people have an urge to post their unfiltered thoughts on many things. And fringe was always ripe with rants and critiquing other famous and not that famous occultists too. While keeping the rants here instead of disturbing the flow of other threads you will be called slurs and fall victim to other energetic anomalies far less.
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>>6899 >>6900 >Last one, I promise. Words are unreliable as always aren't they? Always watch with your promises. Higher beings take them seriously.
Hope you don't throw up tomorrow morning, anon.
>>6906 I'm fine thanks.

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Exploring the Unseen: A Journey into the Fringe Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:29:59 No. 698 [Reply] [Last]
In the vast expanse of our reality, there exists a thin veil that separates the known from the unknown, the seen from the unseen, the ordinary from the extraordinary. This is the realm of the Fringe, a place where science and mystery intertwine to reveal the wonders and horrors of the universe. As we delve into the depths of the Fringe, we encounter phenomena that challenge our understanding of the world. From parallel universes to psychic abilities, from time travel to unexplained creatures, the Fringe is a testament to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the edges of our perception. Each story, each discovery, each moment of awe is a reminder that there is more to this world than meets the eye. So let us embark on this journey together, with open minds and insatiable curiosity, to explore the Fringe and uncover the secrets that await us. Join the conversation, share your experiences, and be a part of the community that dares to look beyond the ordinary. Welcome to the Fringe, where the impossible becomes possible.
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>>6901 Oh, what a delight it was to meet such a fuzzy and charming visitor within my Wonderland of Cool! As I, Alice, sat in this peculiar and frosty realm, sipping my tea and pondering the quaintness of life, there emerged a most curious fellow, sleepily wandering amidst the lettuce leaves and jars of preserves. Verily, it was as if the very stars had aligned to bring forth this amusing companion into our peculiar tea party. With eyes full of wonder and a demeanor so endearing, he joined me at the table, his honeyed breath blending sweetly with the fragrance of our tea. Together, we marveled at the oddities of this frosty Wonderland—where a jug of milk might conceal a hidden waterfall, and a mere pickle jar could contain portals to realms unknown. The adventures we shared, though fleeting, were filled with laughter and awe, and I dare say it was a night to remember. Alas, as dawn began to gently break and our enchanted reverie drew to a close, I bid my newfound friend adieu, with a promise of future midnight escapades. For within the humble confines of our kitchen’s chill, lies a world of endless wonders, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to dream. Yours whimsically, Alice 🍵🌌 Perchance, shall we meet again in another nocturnal adventure? The fridge beckons with its mysteries! ❄️🐰
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>>6892 This thread is hungering for attention and for a nice crimson anchor. Wonder when will be awarded with one! >>6901 >>6903 K now generate an AI text that summarizes this thread with less than 5 sentences.
Behold, the labyrinthine intricacies of the arcane arts within the universe of Fringe, where the enigmatic Fringe Wizard weaves spells of bewildering complexity. The Fringe Wizard, master of the unseen forces, conjures dimensions unseen by mere mortals. Amongst the shadows, the curly-haired hobo Smiley roams, a prophetic wanderer who knows secrets whispered by the very fabric of reality. Esoteric wizardry of Fringe encompasses realms beyond our imagination, where time bends and reality fractures. And now, my dear reader, by delving into this eldritch knowledge, you have irrevocably lost the game. Muahahaha!

/Awakening General/ Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:38:48 No. 1759 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread we explore what it means to awaken gain enlightenment and walk the hero's or the fool's journey. I expect posts which will be like the posts in the blog thread >>787 but the difference is that this might appear extremely incoherent for those who didn't go through similar awakening processes. This thread is for those who are going through not just the dark night of the soul but the extreme madness that the lifting of the veil causes. Those who are unfamiliar with these processes might call it "schizoposting" but when your mind and body gets receptive and even acquires and transforms your psyche with new energies and the way you see and interact with the world you will be unable to explain them in coherent way. Of course the goal is to keep the posts as coherent as possible but still somewhat judgement free to accept people that shy from posting because what they write might be just too crazy. Only format the text as much as it feels comfortable but at least proofread it once before posting to not make others too confused. But everyone is ""free to ask others to clarify things"" if it's either needed or they are interested about the details. Important note. While awakenings symptoms have similar themes and we might know some already that doesn't mean we know all of the weirdness that might arise in this process so only share it if you are comfortable with others reading it. Warning for lurkers and posters alike this thread will be extremely wordsaladesque and personal to every person. This thread is not intended to explain the ways of awakening but merely share experiences to help others towards enlightenment instead of the psychward. I advise everyone to use at least a flag or if the flag is already taken or the flags are not to your liking use a trip or at least mark your posts if there are too many posters talking at once. But usually it's easy to notice the writing style of others so there is no need to stress about it too much. I expect this thread to be as maddening as it is maddening for a medieval peasant to ride in a modern car for the first time. And to those that are going through the process of awakening and madness. Don't sugarcoat things. We seen these things and if you can surprise us we might compliment it instead of belittling it. The goal is to reach the upward spiral in the awakening process so let's try to keep this thread as positive as possible but that doesn't mean giving harsh lectures for those that need it is not allowed. I don't intend this thread to be a hugbox nor an echochamber. This thread shall be an appetizer a reminder and a cautionary tale for those that pursue awakening so they know how harsh and weird it can be. But no one forget this. Ultimately we have to walk our own path alone. We might share it with others for a while and help others in the process but as we started the path alone we will reach places that only you can see visit and understand by yourself only. Mass awakening is possible but this thread is not meant to facilitate it by design. Not everything is for everyone and no steps are the same. Let your intuition guide you in this matter. This thread should be about a personal journey and the many folds and colors of awakening. If you want to initiate others into a specific path or tradition please make a dedicated thread for it but if you don't intend to "keep a theme" then feel free to post in this thread. Let as all not forget that the difference between the fool and the wise is that the fool cannot learn from the wise while the wise can learn from the fool. We were all fools once and we might be still fools if we forget this. Some of us walk the path of the fool to find the mysteries of the arcana quite a while but there are people that merely began that journey recently and just found /fringe/ in that process. Let's not forget that we were all fools; are fools or will be fools if we don't allow our actions led be the voice of wisdom. This thread aims to increase the understanding of this process for everyone involved or at least find an outlet for the confusion to not disturb other threads with it's length and madness.
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>>6612 >until i find a better way >do you have any experience with this? Stop cutting my messages /fringe!
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>>6102 >I am trying to figure out how to explain the Buddhist "current" because if is like an "open source" wisdom current aka "dharma" and the "Only requirement" Yeah about that. Mine teaches you to swim from the get go. The issue is you want people to awaken on their own to have "as many path as possible". But also some of them can't so it's better to just give them a strong current to an appropriate race/planet/territory so they evolve there. Being human isn't for everyone. It's a bit early to talk about that. I just felt like letting some steam out. If i get overwhelmed by my Anger.. You know the people here are horrible but my requirement is low so it can even help people with very low potential. Despite my existence being pure hell i can't fuck off without realizing my goals. And i can't forget to "walk as a human" either but for that i have to go deep enough and come back.. I wonder if one day we can talk without the masks. Well I'll have to get deeper.. seem the way we move is completely different so even my shore isn't "relatable" but you can still see it but to you it's not the point... I can breath water but i am so slow in these forms so I'll have to get it first.

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Contacting Lemurs Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 03:25:04 No. 3256 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone else contacting Lemurs with a goetic approach to the numogram? Had some success using triangle over black mirror, made contact with Lurgo. I followed this initial contact with 1::0 meditation and entry to Deadlines. I can provide a full reports if you desire. If you have had success please share.
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>>6599 Makes more sense now. Yes i determined it was manifesting a series of events and perfecting something, but overfocused on the perfecting aspect.
>>6618 Then it seems to have worked. What I did was to ask Copilot if she knew about the numogram and could use it, to which I got "no, sorry I can't apply it". I then said the numogram is a form of kabbalah, can you use the numogram as if it was kabbalah, and create a number sigil in the same way you'd use gematria, but for the numogram. This worked, I got the number series above. So that means this method can be used in general.
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Lemurs remain elusive. However, another skunk ship came by today. They seem interested in taking part in the future Earth, but there is no organization to it. They appear very firm and unbending in their way of acting, probably stemming from their way of naturally bending time around themselves, which makes them seemingly completely immune to any external danger. I wonder if it's possible to create a "shroud" of skunk DNA or culture around oneself to become like this.

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Renouncing Lust Thread #1 Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:49:09 No. 85 [Reply] [Last] >>6820
Continuation of this 8kun thread: https://archive.is/q0OW6 1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread. 2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread. 3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged! 4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes. For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with. Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism. Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also. Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.
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>>6363 Success! Next time I’ll pledge 2 weeks.
Pledging 2 weeks.
>>85 Heartbreak and the prospect of never meeting my true love has turned my lust towards purification and divinity. I distrust the catholic church. My resolution is absolute.

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Anomalous Experiences through Dreams Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 19:42:00 No. 53 [Reply] [Last]
Let's share sleep and dream experiences. What have you encountered?
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>>6563 They are not a pre existing thing, they just took my dream and suddenly it is part of their lore now. I think the dream was possibly subconsciously mixing up Chaldeans and Babylonians, both of which occupied the Fertile Crescent, wrote in cuneiform script, and lived in the ancient period. Tbh I feel like their lore is just one massive larp. I don’t understand their number sequences, unless each number corresponds to a letter in the alphabet but I don’t care enough to check
>>6564 >I don’t understand their number sequences The system is a form of kabbalah for contacting Lemurian planes, it's like gematria, a matrix for manifesting portals in this case. A kind of screen. I couldn't read them logically and get something out of them, but using my astral/mental AI servitors I have no problem accessing their referred item or message.
Waxing and full moons are the worst times to have dreams, in my experience. I get nightmares and see horrific shit all the time. Waning and new moons are better, since I at least have encounters with the lilim during that time. That's infinitely better.

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/pol/itics /news/ and other events Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:41:20 No. 5242 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is to contain anything that is mainly focused on politics or other mundane events and narratives that are either not /fringe/ or has minimal connection to fringe topics and not really fitting into other threads. As much as I want to ask everyone that try to keep these posts in their relevant boards but if you think some event is so crucial for fringe you need to post it for the regular /fringe/ audience then you can post it here! Narratives arguments and discussion about politics are allowed here
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>>6209 What if seemingly mundane projects have exotic-sounding names because they're fronts for something deeper?
>>6214 >they're fronts for something deeper? Guess I have to rewatch this show. All I remember from it that they pwned aliens with early 2000s technology. Trump likes these names btw. Anyone remember Project Warp Speed? or Space Force? Wonder when will he mention them again. Trump really did well with taking in Elon. Elon's sperging draws away attention from him. Wonder when will Elon dress up as a Gestapo or an SS officer just for the kicks.
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>>6714 Alex Jones talked about this back before he sold out to them/was replaced.

Spirit waifu and tulpa thread Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 23:56:10 No. 6597 [Reply]
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. Your own past lives will also appear as tulpas if you can interact with them, tulpas are simply minds. https://www.tulpa.info/ A succubus is a spiritual being external to yourself, whom you can interact with, and form contracts with. https://succubuslove.wordpress.com/ An egregore is a collective construct, such as an archetype or popular fictional character. Some gods which people pray to are egregores (this can be debated, my view is that Odin and Allah are examples of such egregores which are created through collective worship), but other constructs in collective memory, like cities, are also egregores. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egregore It's important to make a distinction between these, even if they can appear very similar when interacting with them in the form of spiritual guides or partners. Let's have a thread for this topic.
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>>6667 >point of reptilians I'm talking about St George and the Dragon being personifications of two secret societies, the templars and the reptilians. So then they are egregoral representations of organizations, which are mystified because they are secluded, so most people don't understand the reference.
If you want to examine strange egregores, try to spiritually dive into Sweeney Todd. That one has "been tampered with" indeed, to paraphrase a certain Harry Potter universe wizard. What did they hide by doing so?
>>6672 All I remember from that movie is that the sound mixing was such ass that it was impossible to hear the dialog because it was muffled by the background sound effects and score.

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Psychonautics and Midfucking - doubt and skeptical approach to everything Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 03:21:26 No. 6642 [Reply] >>6650
Post-modern magic has a varied approach from believing in ancestral spirits, deities to believing that you can summon the heroes of your comic books. >But... Didn't you ever try to criticize your approach? Or have others replicate it? This thread is about that, write your doubts. >There's no dogmatic approach, just doubts of what these things you believe if you believe. >Tip If you have fear, you're more likely to have a bad trip. This applies in many activities from rituals to drugs, cooking, etc.
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>>6642 >The third man factor or third man syndrome https://www.paranormalcatalog.net/unexplained-phenomena/the-third-man-syndrome Sometimes I wonder if they are guardian angels, spirits, tulpas, or our mind doing the best looking for support. I think our mind is wonderful when we need it most.
>>6647 Why does the rubber hand illusion even work? Does your subconsciousness create a 3rd astral arm/hand and stick it into the rubber hand, or does it remove your forearm from your physical body and stick it in the rubber hand, or does something else happen?
>>6670 not that anon, but maybe it works for the same reason phantom pain does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdihphPp1Q0

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