In this thread we explore what it means to awaken gain enlightenment and walk the hero's or the fool's journey.
I expect posts which will be like the posts in the blog thread
>>787 but the difference is that this might appear extremely incoherent for those who didn't go through similar awakening processes. This thread is for those who are going through not just the
dark night of the soul but the extreme madness that the
lifting of the veil causes. Those who are unfamiliar with these
processes might call it "schizoposting" but when your mind and body gets receptive and even acquires and
transforms your psyche with new energies and the
way you see and interact with the world you will be unable to explain them in coherent way. Of course the goal is to
keep the posts as coherent as possible but still somewhat judgement free to accept people that shy from posting because what they write might be just too crazy. Only
format the text as much as it feels comfortable but at least
proofread it once before posting to not make others too confused. But everyone is ""free to ask others to clarify things"" if it's either needed or they are interested about the details.
Important note. While awakenings symptoms have similar themes and we might know some already that doesn't mean we know all of the weirdness that might arise in this process so only share it if you are comfortable with others reading it. Warning for lurkers and posters alike this thread will be extremely
wordsaladesque and personal to every person. This thread is not intended to explain the ways of awakening but merely share experiences to help others towards enlightenment
instead of the psychward. I advise everyone to
use at least
a flag or if the flag is already taken or the flags are not to your liking use a trip or at least mark your posts if there are too many posters talking at once. But usually it's easy to notice the writing style of others so there is no need to stress about it too much.
I expect this thread to be as maddening as it is maddening for a medieval peasant to ride in a modern car for the first time. And to those that are going through the process of awakening and madness.
Don't sugarcoat things. We seen these things and if you can surprise us we might compliment it instead of belittling it.
The goal is to reach the
upward spiral in the
awakening process so let's try to keep this thread as positive as possible but that doesn't mean giving harsh lectures for those that need it is not allowed. I don't intend this thread to be a hugbox nor an echochamber. This thread shall be an appetizer a reminder and a cautionary tale for those that pursue awakening so they know how harsh and weird it can be. But no one forget this. Ultimately
we have to walk our own path alone. We might share it with others for a while and help others in the process but as we started the path alone we will reach places that only you can see visit and understand by yourself only. Mass awakening is possible but this thread is not meant to facilitate it by design.
Not everything is for everyone and no steps are the same. Let your intuition guide you in this matter.
This thread should be about a personal journey and the many folds and colors of awakening. If you want to initiate others into a specific path or tradition please make a dedicated thread for it but if you don't intend to "keep a theme" then feel free to post in this thread.
Let as all not forget that
the difference between the fool and the wise is that
the fool cannot learn from the wise while the wise can learn from the fool. We were all fools once and we
might be still fools if we forget this. Some of us walk the path of the fool to find the mysteries of the arcana quite a while but there are people that merely began that journey recently and just found /fringe/ in that process. Let's not forget that we were all fools; are fools or will be fools if we don't allow our actions led be the voice of wisdom.
This thread aims to increase the understanding of this process for everyone involved or at least
find an outlet for the confusion to not disturb other threads with it's length and madness.
400 posts and 195 images omitted.