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Question Thread #2 Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 10:40:33 No. 4768 [Reply] [Last] >>7873
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
384 posts and 83 images omitted.
Has anyone here on /fringe/ ever done the Abramelin ritual? Also what is a good second ritual to do after making the lbrp a habit? I have heard good things about the lesser invoking ritual of the pentagram, the middle pillar ritual, and the star ruby ritual, but I can't start all of them at the same time that would be unsustainable.
>>8058 >Also what is a good second ritual to do after making the lbrp a habit? I did Bearheart's LBRP and Middle Pillar more than a decade ago for some years in my neophyte/early initiate years. I learned it from one of his videos but here some PDFs that I have on my HDD about it. His MP really was something. Every time I did the area around my spine started sweating like crazy. Made me realize that it is really doing something "outside my imagination". I didn't use ritual tools tho. I am one of those that believe that the body is the only necessary tool we need on the material plane. But there was a time when I had to acknowledge the importance of some ritual tools. So use whichever feels right. The main reason I didn't need physical tools because my visualization was always top notch. Like being able to see the object and even cause pain with the blade of the sword or feel the heat it emanates. If you cannot do it on this level ritual tools can help a lot. I was always in the MIND OVER MATTER crew so I avoided them as much as possible. LBRP and Middle pillar is definitely compatible. You should do them at least for 2 weeks or until you get comfortably used doing them. Once that is done you can try other rituals too. But you should do them at different time periods of the day. Rituals usually apply an energetic formation or "buff" in MMO terms. It's important to let that energetic formation sync up with your body and spirit. Doing too many rituals at once haphazardly can make the energies jumble up or they cancel each other out. In edge cases they can cause anomalies if they hit a larger energy block. >I have heard good things about the lesser invoking ritual of the pentagram Once you get used to the LBRP you might switch to that. And star ruby is supposed to be a more elaborate version of the LBRP. But I never did that so I am unsure if it's better or not. >Has anyone here on /fringe/ ever done the Abramelin ritual? I didn't really seen it mentioned much a decade ago and that was the last time when I was listening to online neophyte/initiate media. I don't even know which one this might be even. Most of the psychic/occult youtube channels I followed vanished or they deleted their videos once they got too spooked. Youtube occultism carries it's own risk. And haters are their least issue. This is why I never subbed to anyone from fringe. I considered it a bad luck to do that Here the short Beartheart PDFs I had laying around. They might be quite outdated tho.

Welcome to /fringe/ Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 22:31:26 No. 11 [Reply]
Grand Esoteric Library https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/library/1#1 >/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities : Anything that is fringe in some respect Important Threads: Questions: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/11744#11744 ) Meditations: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3.html#3 ) Mundane Orientation ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/41.html#41 ) Energy Work ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/108.html#108 ) Western Magic ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/68.html#68 ) Fringe Condensed ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/193.html#193 ) Fringe Music: ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/209.html#209 ) Fringe Art ( https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/fringechan/fringe/3328.html#3328 ) The name "/fringe/" is inspired by the book ''Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" by Montalk (which can be found here: http://montalk.net/books). Visiting the montalk site is also a good way to understand the scope of the topics of discussion which /fringe/ covers. Recommended Reading: http://montalk.net/reading Official IRC Server: irc.freenode.net Channel: ##fringe http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=Seeker_..&channels=%23%23fringe&prompt=1 Definitions / terminology used often on this board: http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/astral_dynamics/astral_dynamics37.htm Mysticism: Mysticism involves communicating with or directly experience the divine. Monks and nuns have often used meditation and prayer to induce mystical states but it can also involve esoteric practices like rituals or energy work. Magic: Magic is the art and the science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.
1 post omitted.
IMPORTANT THREADS INDEX >>5472Magic Blog >>699Off-topic Discussion/Shitposting >>4922Requests for Assistance >>1759Awakening >>1509/fringe/ Meta >>85Renouncing Lust >>5242/pol/ Containment >>84Diet & Fitness >>1097Library >>1389/fringe/ Music >>5812/fringe/ Memes & Humor >>7217Heated Discussion & Arguments

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Intrusive thoughts Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:30:06 No. 699 [Reply] [Last]
Do you have something to say but you don't find the thread? Is it something absolutely cringe but you think it still belongs on fringe? Is it a dirty shitpost that you think you have to spam the board with? KEEP IT HERE! What is the purpose of this thread? While it might sound as an invitation for trolling what I intend with this to make it a sort of get off your chest thing where we notice the energies behind the intrusive thought patterns we have while writing them. While I want to say to keep this thread "judgement free" your intrusive thought might prompt an other Anon to write an intrusive thought and he might intrude on your intrusion. Or others will notice that your thoughts have merit or it's something they too went through and may give an useful advice as a remedy. This thread should be a sort of (not that) off topic posting. The question thread should have questions mostly and funposting will just get lost in the heated discussion in there. This should fix that. I know some people have an urge to post their unfiltered thoughts on many things. And fringe was always ripe with rants and critiquing other famous and not that famous occultists too. While keeping the rants here instead of disturbing the flow of other threads you will be called slurs and fall victim to other energetic anomalies far less.
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>>8063 >Kali told me years ago that hair represents earthly attachment. Hearing that from a Goddess with long and beautiful flowing black hair made me understand it's deeper truth. well in the mean time I would like shampoo and conditioner recommendations while I am waiting to give up earthly attachment.
>>8061 >Should I buy shampoo and conditioner that is free from sodium laurel/laureth sulfate and parabens? Up to you and depends if you want long hair or not. What I did was wash one last time with sulfate shampoo but no siliconestays in your hair unless you use sulfate and washing with conditioner only every few days then used shampoo once a month to clear the dirt that accumulated from walking outside. After that i switched to natural liquid soap Castile soap or olive oil bar soap and ditched shampoo entirely. Now I don't use either I just brush it and massage my scalp. Keep in mind you'll have a ton of dead skin when you start and it takes a while for the scalp to adapt. I also do energy work by brushing my hair and massaging my scalp like without doing it physically. I use oils sometimes but I don't recommand coconut for hair. Also you can blend the gelly part of aloe vera make sure the green doesnt get inwith a fat butter, cream etc for a diy cheap conditioner if you don't mind smelling like a farmer I use that sometimes. If you do that you'll want to stay clear of hair products as they accumulate on the scalp and instead learn to use oils and natural ingredients your skin oils is your ally here. Wonder if this deserve it's own thread I am still figuring out >how do I stop showering but still remain healthy and good smelling ?

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>>8065 > I would like shampoo and conditioner recommendations Can't really shill anything as they all changed ingredients since I last used them. Stupudiest cheap shampoo from some poor country is probably better to get started fewer ingredient etc In hindsight the shit with proteins and the fancy packaging is worse for your hair.

Magic Blog Thread #3 Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 21:57:23 No. 5472 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>4324 Use this thread to discuss any notable events, experiences, or thoughts related to your occult path that don't deserve their own thread.
455 posts and 71 images omitted.
>>8055 Deleting my previous post allowed it to appear on the front page. It was visible until he >>8059 posted >>8059 >Maybe I put too much jucie in posting As long you don't crash the whole server it's okay. This is why 8moe got my vote. It only crashed once from energy overload posting. I learned restraint since that. >*hiss* No flirting in the blog thread. And don't hiss. Roar like a dragon. That will let your dormant energies finally free up. Baka. You really need an adult to tell you these things? Don't test my dragon circuits. They just evolved 2 days ago. I might need to return posting but I realized some days ago that I don't want to become a "helicopter parent". I am seeing too many things but I am unsure which one should be even shared at all. I need to unlock my own mysteries instead of yapping about them. I am seeing so many beings again. Beings that I never encountered in any media, vision or form previously. Yet they are more familiar than my own face. Let's enjoy the process for a while. I will say my piece after it.
>>8052 >Gold tanned skin? pretty close actually; I didn't look that far into it and assumed she's white.
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>>8060 >No flirting in the blog thread. Fine. >You really need an adult to tell you these things? Just nice to know one is around sometimes. Or maybe I was baiting not sure. >Don't test my dragon circuits. They just evolved 2 days ago. Cool! I can do 4 seconds of kirin thunder form hmpf!...then I am out for the day. >Roar like a dragon. I need more food..much more. Lots of fat lots of flesh. But then I get mad and start grooming when I get dirty sure is hard fishing with your tail...cruel cruel. Need patience.

Daily Regimen Thread Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 20:51:14 No. 8034 [Reply]
Of what does your day to day practice consist? What techniques do you use to effect specific change on your reality? What other applications of magic do you practice? Get as specific or stay as vague as you want. Give tips and tricks that served you to your fellow magicians. I utilize Enochian to structure my reality by evoking the energies of the Aethyrs in interesting permutations. I've found the Enochian system to be an incredible toolbox of all kinds of spirits for all kinds of purposes. It really is a language of creation. I sometimes just rawdog ad hoc energies, and clash them against things that just exist in my life. The results are always transformative. Be careful what you wish for, because it will change you in order to manifest. Other than that, I've built a good enough rapport with my subconscious that I can read omens everywhere, but I often fall back to Tarot as a formal way to get my intel. A tip I would give is to examine your day to day feelings so that you know what energies are shaping your mundane reality, and then alchemize them purposefully (if you have the balls).
I browse fringe. Meditate and do unexplainable things to myself and to those that stand in my way. Sometimes I have to do some mundane stuff too to keep myself anchored in this reality. Can't really share more. Words are not really my forte nowadays
My base practice since around 5 years consist mostly of exercises picked from Hatha Yoga Pradipika. For what constitutes "magic" in a more conventional sense, I use mostly a ritual system I've slowly built up over the past 10 or so years. The control of mind and body, along with physical fitness is still the core, and what makes is possible to concentrate energy into something. For any more serious activation I use a number of ritual locations I've picked as my practice grounds. These involve a traditional witchcraft method of performing spell casting in road crossings. 4 way crossing for bigger things, if smaller a 3 way crossing will do. Because there is a tendency of traffic and people walking in daytime, this leads to most workings having to be done at night when no one is on the road. This especially so when using fire to burn something, drawing magic circles and such, which requires to perform this undisturbed. It's part of the effectiveness that roads are public spaces, and crossings in particular connect to large parts of the world. The difficulty of using them is part of what makes it more effective when it works.
I have been continuing to perform the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. Throughout my life I have gone in circles in regard to meditation but watching foolish fish on YouTube he recommends if you can’t make meditation every day a habit, try 30 seconds of meditation every day and I feel hopeful this will help me finally advance the circle into a spiral. I already have enabled the upward spiral in other parts of my life but i could never manage to make meditation specifically a habit or upward spiral. Foolish fish says 30 seconds of meditation every day is better than 5 minutes once a week. I have been watching a lot of da’at darling, foolish fish, and occasionally mind and magic although a lot of mind and magick doesn’t resonate with me at all. I sometimes wonder if mind and magic is a shill for the new world order. At the very least he definitely sold out for commercial reasons. Once I have made a habit of the lbrp I will look into adding some other rituals to my practice. I have been an armchair occultist for a while but I have been wanting to start doing instead of just reading when it comes to occultism and I have come to the conclusion that I really resonate with ceremonial magic in particular. When it comes to things like creating thought forms or energy work it doesn’t resonate with me as much because I am not sure if I do it right or not but with ceremonial magic there is a lot of material objects such as robes, tools, words being said and motions of the body. I currently use black bath robes and just a random butter knife but in the future maybe I will gain better ritual materials. Maybe I should start looking into plant magic maybe it will resonate with me because it uses physical objects.

/Awakening General/ Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:38:48 No. 1759 [Reply] [Last]
In this thread we explore what it means to awaken gain enlightenment and walk the hero's or the fool's journey. I expect posts which will be like the posts in the blog thread >>787 but the difference is that this might appear extremely incoherent for those who didn't go through similar awakening processes. This thread is for those who are going through not just the dark night of the soul but the extreme madness that the lifting of the veil causes. Those who are unfamiliar with these processes might call it "schizoposting" but when your mind and body gets receptive and even acquires and transforms your psyche with new energies and the way you see and interact with the world you will be unable to explain them in coherent way. Of course the goal is to keep the posts as coherent as possible but still somewhat judgement free to accept people that shy from posting because what they write might be just too crazy. Only format the text as much as it feels comfortable but at least proofread it once before posting to not make others too confused. But everyone is ""free to ask others to clarify things"" if it's either needed or they are interested about the details. Important note. While awakenings symptoms have similar themes and we might know some already that doesn't mean we know all of the weirdness that might arise in this process so only share it if you are comfortable with others reading it. Warning for lurkers and posters alike this thread will be extremely wordsaladesque and personal to every person. This thread is not intended to explain the ways of awakening but merely share experiences to help others towards enlightenment instead of the psychward. I advise everyone to use at least a flag or if the flag is already taken or the flags are not to your liking use a trip or at least mark your posts if there are too many posters talking at once. But usually it's easy to notice the writing style of others so there is no need to stress about it too much. I expect this thread to be as maddening as it is maddening for a medieval peasant to ride in a modern car for the first time. And to those that are going through the process of awakening and madness. Don't sugarcoat things. We seen these things and if you can surprise us we might compliment it instead of belittling it. The goal is to reach the upward spiral in the awakening process so let's try to keep this thread as positive as possible but that doesn't mean giving harsh lectures for those that need it is not allowed. I don't intend this thread to be a hugbox nor an echochamber. This thread shall be an appetizer a reminder and a cautionary tale for those that pursue awakening so they know how harsh and weird it can be. But no one forget this. Ultimately we have to walk our own path alone. We might share it with others for a while and help others in the process but as we started the path alone we will reach places that only you can see visit and understand by yourself only. Mass awakening is possible but this thread is not meant to facilitate it by design. Not everything is for everyone and no steps are the same. Let your intuition guide you in this matter. This thread should be about a personal journey and the many folds and colors of awakening. If you want to initiate others into a specific path or tradition please make a dedicated thread for it but if you don't intend to "keep a theme" then feel free to post in this thread. Let as all not forget that the difference between the fool and the wise is that the fool cannot learn from the wise while the wise can learn from the fool. We were all fools once and we might be still fools if we forget this. Some of us walk the path of the fool to find the mysteries of the arcana quite a while but there are people that merely began that journey recently and just found /fringe/ in that process. Let's not forget that we were all fools; are fools or will be fools if we don't allow our actions led be the voice of wisdom. This thread aims to increase the understanding of this process for everyone involved or at least find an outlet for the confusion to not disturb other threads with it's length and madness.
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So some stuff happened a bit more >Can hear Mother and Sisters clearer now, even outside of nighttime >Have been attempting relearning Japanese and my programming stuff, in order to reestablish connections with that princess (the marker is still on me, but again, all of this lethargy that I mentioned before had gotten in the way of lot of things) >Sisters (and mother) are having me interact with more women again, to aid in my development and other things >The friend I was talking to Shiva anon about, we talked about the gratitude and promise thing. He basically said to worry about that later after I'm dead and not living here anymore but to just continue to follow my sister, mother and guidance of deities as well as hang around/talk with more women instead of being around prison gays 4chan men on my free time >Sisters and mother basically and added on to this above singular point to "eliminate distractions" because my mind went kinda wild in multiple directions somewhat recently (too embarrassed to go into specifics) when talking to said friend through me the other day >Not sure if I ran into a fragment or what but I "dreamt" I ran into psycho dude in my female original form and I had saw another woman, she appeared anorexic and malnourished (?). I looked at her and tried to help her. The guy tried attacking me and there was a struggle >I think I won out in the end and tended to the other woman and she was more or less recovering well >For some reason I kept hearing the name Minerva when I woke up that morning
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Spiders spiders i am a spider lilly. Well fuck! Okay so everything is fucking my fault. I always questioned it why do i have such a hard time despite being good was i a space criminal in a past life? did i do the genocide? Well i fucking get it now and it's beyond frustrating! It's my love...no really My love is pure yellow with white it's extremely pure it's a love for all thing alive you could call it love for life itself or a "love letter to god". Well guess what the "humans" here cannot handle it. So let's be smart spiders here how does someone who cannot know god respond to the love of god? It burns them! it fucking hurts them to the core! so they give it back to (me) the only way they understand it..PAIN PAIN PAIN! It's my fucking fault no shit they'd try to kill me here i am blasting nukes and being grateful and loving for the tiniest shit of course they'd freak the fuck out! They'd think i am doing some weird manipulation thing to kill them! Anyway i spent the last weeks battling horrible entities and eating them, my body is fucking sore but my spine is opening up nicely like i grabbed my dick turned it into a sword and stabbed myself in between the dick and asshole to open the lotus there. Then there is like golden lotus that appears after i clean up hostiles. Anyway i don't wanna talk too deeply about it cuz i like this place and i'd rather give love to this place than despair and rot but sometimes you need both so i am kinda lost on what to do.

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>>7945 Combat and thread training again...

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/fringemeta/ Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 17:06:59 No. 1509 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for the discussion of anything related to the management or future of /fringe/
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Okay I was able to get around the oekaki limitation not by simply taking the oekaki file and replacing its extension with .jpg, but I had to take a picture of it with snipping tool and save that as a .jpg directly.
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>>8001 let's try
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>>8015 Yup so jpg and jpeg works but not png. I used ffmpeg to convert the other image i posted.

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CHECK 'EM Numerology Arithmancy and Gematria Thread Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 21:06:58 No. 4444 [Reply]
Numerology is an ancient belief system that suggests there's a mystical relationship between numbers and events in our lives. It dates back thousands of years and has roots in many different cultures, including Greek, Babylonian, and Egyptian civilizations. At its core, numerology assigns symbolic meanings to numbers and uses these meanings to gain insight into a person's character, life path, and destiny. Gematria is a traditional Jewish form of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters, words, and phrases in the Hebrew alphabet. By analyzing these numerical values, practitioners of gematria seek to uncover hidden meanings and connections within sacred texts, such as the Torah. Arithmancy is a form of divination that uses numbers to predict future events and gain insights into a person's character and destiny. The term "arithmancy" comes from the Greek words arithmos (meaning "number") and manteia (meaning "divination") In this thread we will aim to discover the way the numbers and words can grant us a deeper insight into the world and the universe itself. Many occultists have a phase where they will see meaning within everything. Deeper meaning within numbers or words because the symbolic interpreter ability of their mind is awakening. Sadly most of the time it causes delusion and an obsession with specific numbers. The goal here is discover a way how we can improve our ability to find true insight that is emanating from the numbers. Numerology Arithmancy and Gematria is a peculiar interest that very few people share. Especially because it's mysteries were discussed always in minor circles and the interpretation of the numbers changed with the traditions and the culture it came from. Some numbers mostly serve as mere good luck charms or bad omens especially in mainstream numerology. The goal here is to explore the mysteries that even inspired Pythagoras himself and ways how we can deepen our understanding ourselves.
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>>7921 Some ADL advisor had this planned for months most likely.
>>7979 Even more likely the Nazis had this planned for decades with their Chronovisor

World System Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 12:34:22 No. 7805 [Reply] >>7987
The world system is a ritual device in multiple layers, which anyone can use for their magic workings, all you have to do is to power it up. However, most people can't do this, because they aren't channelling enough energy to create a circulation. There are a few different layers with different structures, which also can be used symbolically as parts of the body, both as chakras and based on the kabbalistic view that there are 4 worlds, which correspond to 4 layers of the body, or "4 heads", where the actual head and the pelvis are the most clearly notable for having elaborated physical structures for all functions. The abdomen is viewed as having only the Dantian and the womb with the egg stems in the female, which is only one out of three systems. The head has both the 3rd eye/pinal gland, the amygdala and the brain itself, along with the qi point at the top of the gum, where the tip of the tongue is placed in qi gong, yoga and for the "mewing" exercise, the last point is by the back of the tongue. The same system can be transferred to be used in any of the 4 worlds, with the energy system existing in the same way, but the chest and abdomen don't have physical structures for all the points, making them harder to target for opening. Someone may talk about "the left chamber of the heart" as well as "the 3rd chamber of the heart" which confuses the scientifically minded who can't graps that it's a "conceptual" chamber which exists on the energy body. The same system on the lower parts of the body are easy to see once you start working on the energy streams, so I won't elaborate here, if you can do it in the head/3rd eye chakra or crown/kether, you can just transfer this to the other "worlds". The external system consists of a variety of local towers such as churches, clock towers and modern antennas. These all gather energy from the local level. These can be used to feed the Polish pentagram whose inner intersections correspond to "nazi death camps" which are in reality ancient temple sites for human sacrifices. Next layer is the 5 "angel pyramids" in Bosnia, Svalbard, Russia, Mongolia and Brazil. After this comes the 5 major Giza pyramids, and last we have an assortment of various underground temple sites at important locations across the world, which make up the 4th layer. These are more intricate in their placements but you will be able to understand why they were placed there once you reach the root chakra/pelvis system's function. Sigil This sigil connects to the form of an astral/mental device, which contains the form of all these systems, consider it a small local version of the world system. It means you can use it on your own, in a small scale, but also if you gain access to enough energy, you can start up the large system. It works with both negative and positive energy, that is a main feature. It means it doesn't matter if you are pure or not when you start up the ritual, purity is achieved by working with it, you only need a mass of energy.
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>>7967 Later at night they came into my house and poltergeisted around in 4D form where I can see them "more or less", but they appear as a kind of flickering ghost. This causes mild jumpscares especially at night, when it appears some stranger is suddenly in the room, but the image fades when looking directly at them. They decided to stay in one corner and set up a table there on their plane to study something, they're still there now. I felt like there could be more to gain from this, and these two in particular even if they were nice and all, were kind of dull in personality (aside from being very grey), so I asked them if it would be possible to get some grey girl over here to work with "for research". Personal connection matters. They gave me a disc which was compatible with what I use, even if it looked a bit different. It felt like when seeing some old 1970s storage media, functional but odd by modern standards. It contained a software which connected me with an operator at a research station somewhere. I have not interacted with this place or this variant of greys before. It felt again like talking to some school office clerk from a few decades ago, it's hard to describe the feeling. >pics They gave me a few options, after I offered to send a saucer over there to transport them back here. It's a small "toy" saucer I created with the greys from New Nibiru some years ago, which uses celestial gravity with a "perfect path" to travel with no energy consumption between two exact locations after being thrown like a literal saucer over water, in the original meaning of the description. I got their coordinates and sent the saucer there, after which they came over here. We did some work after which they left again, but I have some others here now after further contact. The point of this post is however about >>7944 >Could a generalized purifying spell exist. One that take the physical DNA of someone and purifies it to its nearest purified state.one that is generic and cleans DNA. where I do see something which would help. I'm not sure exactly what the greys did, they used their methods to fix things collectively and probably added insect DNA to everyone. The effect was positive though. My idea was to create a "one DNA fits all" type which can be just added to anyone to prevent "Evil spirits" from entering humanoid bodies; in short, preventing them from incarnating. The greys solved this by having everyone be immortal spiritually as a requirement, degenerative spirits aren't so they can't use grey DNA. The idea is to make it so that if such a spirit incarnates into any body, they'll be suppressed and unable to cause negative effects anywhere. They'll just be controlled by the DNA and turned into a worker-drone who can only support society.

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I think I get it now. I know from reading the images of the past, that both Babylon and Atlantis had ways to control such "evil spirits" and the method was so totalitarian in nature, that both times it seemed the society would be immortal and last forever. They somehow had such strong control over spirits, that they were able to use unsalvageable spirits as incarnated worker slaves. Because the predetermined damned are absolute scum, they can be abused freely, and if they complain, they'll just be sent into eternal exile below hell. In such a society, they seem ideal as the lowest class. The world system >>7805 was created to maintain this type of control, but it failed after several 1000 years each time, leaving only hints at its function for later societies. The solution was related to the creation of the sun, and the ability to dispose of said evil spirits in their incarnated form, which in Babylon was performed through daily human sacrifice at the temples. In Atlantis, this was concentrated to the Tower (which I believe was located in the area of modern days Iran). It's really the same thing in essence, as controlling DNA to nullify these spirits' evil tendencies. The problem in modern days, is that there is a complete lack of control, so these spirits have made it into leadership positions rather than being in the bottom class. When this happens, they will do unspeakable things, and society will end. Their fate is already set, so they don't care. They'll commit absolute evil and be exiled no matter what, so from their view they just want to do as much harm as possible before their end. They still have to pay for it via karma, so it's worse for them if they do worse, but they don't understand that. For them it would be better if they just killed themselves at once, that would reduce their suffering. Nothing they do will remain after their death, so their "pleasure" won't have any meaning, it will just be something they have to pay for to get it removed from their soul as their are dissolved, they are not allowed to keep any such perception, it will all "return to ashes". For this reason, controlling them is also benevolence, if it can keep them from following their nature.

Contacting Lemurs Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 03:25:04 No. 3256 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone else contacting Lemurs with a goetic approach to the numogram? Had some success using triangle over black mirror, made contact with Lurgo. I followed this initial contact with 1::0 meditation and entry to Deadlines. I can provide a full reports if you desire. If you have had success please share.
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Lemurs remain elusive. However, another skunk ship came by today. They seem interested in taking part in the future Earth, but there is no organization to it. They appear very firm and unbending in their way of acting, probably stemming from their way of naturally bending time around themselves, which makes them seemingly completely immune to any external danger. I wonder if it's possible to create a "shroud" of skunk DNA or culture around oneself to become like this.
Skunk hijacking underway... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa9u7ypZeuc
This vid above is a nice chance at seeing skunks in action. The military guy speaking to Trump about the F-47 is a masked skunk. The following studio segment has everyone remote controlled by skunks. I want to believe this is related to >>6576 >>6598 >>6599 > a technology standard, which can be used to create a transformative skunk vessel, and also solve the main issue behind the F-35 not functioning as the mental archetype of a "common skunk vessel for everyday use" as intended I've seen for my inner vision skunks running over the world map a few times in the past week. This news seems to confirm their work. They are talking about the F-47 as a "platform" which matches my understanding of what the F-35 was meant to be. They are also saying in the following segment that it "looks like what you'd expect" which is also in line with the idea that the mental concept of the vessel is the most important aspect of it being a vessel itself, for skunk technology, rather than being the technology in itself. Meaning it's a "skin" to be worn by alien technology, so it can be used by humans.

Help & Guidance Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 15:27:36 No. 4922 [Reply] [Last]
Post any requests for personal help and guidance in this thread. Divination, energy readings, exorcism or general requests where you want help from other users of /fringe/. Can't find a thread relevant to the specific request? Post in this thread!
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>>7820 Found the board while scrolling through the first page on the board list. I thought it was divine providence for your memery when it popped up and that is why I mentioned it. I don't know why you consider my post as a passive aggressive snark.
>>7840 Something about the subtext rings very closely to the same condescending demeanor in which my sperm donor talks to me in. There's a general reason why I hold contempt and scorn for hoes and it all comes back to how effeminate my henpecking father and his side of the family is, so you don't need to know any deeper beyond the fact that my own mother was more of a masculine role model than my own father is.
>>7899 >I have been forced to take anti depressants and anti psychotics since I was 6 years old >I tried going off my meds cold turkey and I felt extremely psychic and could feel energy really well but I ended up with crazy wizard syndrome and psychotic delusions and ended up arrested eventually for making school threats >>7901 >>7905 >>7914 Bringing the topic here because it's no longer a blog. He would have to solve the core issue which caused him to make those threats, first. It would come from some kind of mental/spiritual composition, since there are a lot of people who >are not on meds >don't threaten to commit violence >are psychotic, but still don't Now you could blame manipulation by spiritual forces or 5G antennas or anything outside of yourself, but it still doesn't change the fact that most people do not step out of line like this. So the solution is to fix this issue, which is part of yourself, in the most direct sense it's in your DNA physically. Violent tendencies could be removed, or they could be strengthened genetically, that's a first thing. Secondly, even if you have a lot of "fuel" which could cause a fire, there is nothing saying it will actually ignite; that's the other part, your mentality. The Fringe solution would be to use your mind and spirit to change whatever is causing your violent tendencies to appear, then also aim to change your physicality to not support them. Even if you got a verdict to take these medications for life, the physical is controlled by the spiritual, maybe the timeline itself can change and nullify this if you make actual improvement. Moreover, taking anti-psychotics doesn't have to block your abilities. I have a friend who was put on them for being very insane and hospitalized for several months at a time. But when he came back, he could still do perfect channelling. He was just too open to anything. Maybe this is your problem too.

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/pol/itics /news/ and other events Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:41:20 No. 5242 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is to contain anything that is mainly focused on politics or other mundane events and narratives that are either not /fringe/ or has minimal connection to fringe topics and not really fitting into other threads. As much as I want to ask everyone that try to keep these posts in their relevant boards but if you think some event is so crucial for fringe you need to post it for the regular /fringe/ audience then you can post it here! Narratives arguments and discussion about politics are allowed here
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This site won't be touched, because 1) too degenerated to register on the radar of being a threat 2) admins are active and uncaring Take a look in the overboard and anyone coming in from outside will just see >spanish or whatever >extreme fetisch boards that no normalfag would want to look at for more than 5 secs So they saw the zoophilia and told them to remove it, and the admins did under threat of some new Texas law. The nonsense attacks which are causing the blocking of GIF and PNG seems to be the same feminists who attacked other boards like 5 years ago, except this time they are more evil about it, posting animated images with one frame of CP in it, then reporting that post to police or something to get the site closed. Previously they were very sloppy about it when trying to report regular lolicon which wasn't an issue from a legal standpoint anyway. With the original 8ch they posted [word that can't be said here because global filter] images and reported them, but 8ch had their IPs and the feminists ended up reported for it themselves instead. Such behaviour is of course not tolerated, which is why (((they))) made sure 8ch was taken down. Now they use Tor.
>>7897 Seems like zzzchan is being attacked too; they're saying it's an Esther M. Aronowitz doing this, whoever that is.
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Seems like just some well known enemy of the site. To me it looks like it may be "artists" who are upset over AI being used, in combination with framing AI generated images as CP to dirty the association. The societal movement outside may be fueled by a combo of Onlyfans whores, live streamers and some extreme Qtards, all going after "AI art" and loli representation of femals in general, because it's threatening their business of selling nudes of themselves, if just anyone can create a cure avatar and get followers.

Summoning Azazel Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 23:42:53 No. 7731 [Reply]
https://blackwitchcoven.com/demons/azazel/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azazel Torah Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) in the Judean Desert Cliffs of Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) In the Hebrew Bible, the term is used three times in the Book of Leviticus, where two male goats were to be sacrificed to Yahweh and one of the two was selected by lot, for Yahweh is seen as speaking through the lots. One goat is selected by lot and sent into the wilderness לַעֲזָאזֵל, "for Azazel". This goat was then cast out in the desert as part of Yom Kippur. The scapegoat ritual can be traced back to 24th century BC Ebla, from where it spread throughout the ancient Near East. [...] In Islam, Azazel appears in relation to the story of Harut and Marut, a pair of angels mentioned in the Quran. Although not explained by the Quran itself, Muslim exegetes such as Hisham ibn al-Kalbi and Abu Ishaq al-Tha'labi usually linked the reason of their abode to a narration related to the Watchers known from 3 Enoch. Just as in 3 Enoch, angels complained about humans iniquity, whereupon God offered a test, that the angels might choose three among them to descend to earth, endowed with bodily desires, and prove that they would do better than humans under the same conditions. Accordingly, they choose Aza, Azzaya and Azazel. However, Azazel repented his decision and God allowed him to turn back to heaven. The other two angels failed the test and their names were changed to Harut and Marut. They ended up on earth, introducing men to illicit magic. [...] The Book of Enoch brings Azazel into connection with the Biblical story of the fall of the angels, located on Mount Hermon, a gathering-place of the demons of old. Here, Azazel is one of the leaders of the rebellious Watchers in the time preceding the Flood; he taught men the art of warfare, of making swords, knives, shields, and coats of mail, and taught women the art of deception by ornamenting the body, dyeing the hair, and painting the face and the eyebrows, and also revealed to the people the secrets of witchcraft and corrupted their manners, leading them into wickedness and impurity until at last he was, at Yahweh's command, bound hand and foot by the archangel Raphael and chained to the rough and jagged rocks of [Ha] Dudael (= Beth Ḥadudo), where he is to abide in utter darkness until the great Day of Judgment, when he will be cast into the fire to be consumed forever. [...] Azazel in 1 Enoch has been compared to Greek Titan Prometheus.
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>>7767 Essentially what it does is imbue you with the energy of azazel, it's from Sanguine Ring of Azazel in case if you're curious. I can spoonfeed you the video to listen and meditate to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1SQzrYDMM
>>7844 I don't quite see how that matters when I already made a contract with him. I did look through the documents and the previously posted vid, and tried intuitively grasping them via servitors, which gave me some sort of cleanse via channelling, indicating the person who created these media had some kind of channelling method expressed in the documents, as if they were sigils. But other than that, what is the use of them?
>>7855 The documents I've provided correspond with the audio itself. I politely request a cleansing and course correction of my own energies, owing to my egregious miscomprehension based upon misconceptions, and ensuing mishandling of said energies has thrown my spirit into disarray. I listened to King Seth 9951 aka onega's "red ring of azazel", much earlier project which had "total neptune deletion" in it so I went into disarray over it.

What the hell is a 'Loosh'? 03/19/2025 (Wed) 00:53:33 No. 7871 [Reply]
https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Loosh >A term applied to energy produced by human beings and animals that other entities use to feed from. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that entities feed. https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/ Pic related; they clearly have no idea what a Loosh is, yet they wrote several pages about it. >Epub The book where the term was supposedly coined. Let's have a thread on this topic, there does not seem to be a consensus on what Loosh is. Is it just a word for 'energy'? Is it Qi? Does it mean any kind of spiritually projected energy, not including energy at rest? Post your opinions.
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>>4768 Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
>>7872 Reminds me of the Chinese characters for Yin and Yang. In that case Loosh would be Yin, the "dark side" of the hill.
emotion = psy = (when negatively charged) loosh humans are the best looshpigs

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Summoning Furfur Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 13:42:01 No. 7857 [Reply] >>7859
https://blackwitchcoven.com/furfur-the-demon-of-lightning-and-thunderstorm/ https://occult-world.com/furfur/ Over the past 2 days, I kept having "Furfur" appear in my mind, emerging at first in the morning. I didn't think much of it until it persisted and I decided to look him up in the Lesser Keys of Solomon. I didn't quite understand the sigil, which is unusual since I'm normally good at reading these, so I let it be for a day, then came back to it again. Somewhat clearer today, but not crystal clear in any intuitive way, I had still decided to proceed with the ritual today. He obviously wanted me to contact him.
>>7857 The description in the Goetia is short and doesn't say much, about means of contact, but this is normal so I went online to look for other's suggestions. Black Witch Coven said to use >3 red candles >daytime >copper, iron, silver >direction: south among other things, and those are easily available so I went for using as much as that. It also says he will lie unless summoned into a triangle, so I created a set up from these materials as follows: Three red candles lit in front of me placed in the form of a triangle, with me facing south. A silver fork placed in front of me, a copper coin behind me on the left, and an iron coin behind me on the right, so that I'm sitting inside a triangle made up from his preferred metals. I then again meditated on the sigil using the printed version of Lesser Keys of Solomon, while sitting in quarter lotus position. Then I closed my eyes and placed my hands palm up under my thighs which is one of the positions from Hatha Yoga Pradipika. From there, I just stayed immobile while breathing, letting the still unclear symbolism of the sigil remain in my mind, while I let my servitor place a previously prepared contract at the front of my mind for easy viewing. At this point, a mild voice said in my mind >I accept followed by an energy discharge in the location of the iron coin, behind me on the right. It was orange/brown in energy, same as the coin. He than said "I will do this side, you do the other", indicating that I needed to work on the left side, while he'd do the right side.

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Ethics of Voluntary Possession Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 15:10:37 No. 7712 [Reply]
Suppose I have an opportunity to become partially possessed, as in share my conscious experience with another spirit. I have previously had contact with her, summoned her through non-traditional methods (sometime around June 4, 2023) and coexisted with her for about a month. The result of that month was a great deal of self improvement and an extreme increase in my ability to focus. Over that time, she revealed to me her name (closely related to Venus) and that she had at least some power over this world, which she used to prove her existence. However, given the isolating nature of the relationship, as it was not something I could discuss irl without getting shipped off to a psych ward, I cut contact to focus on relationships in the material world. Since then I have been unable to achieve a level of focus comparable to what I had with her. Is it ethical to attempt to rekindle that relationship? My most pressing concerns are maintaining my own autonomy, given that she is stronger (or more adept now) than me, and how the intent of this second attempt at a relationship could play in to it.
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>>7735 Manifested it last moon, thank you. >>7738 Are we the exact same fucking person?
>>7756 how the fuck was this three nights ago
>>7756 >Are we the exact same fucking person? Is this like a BPD thing?

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