/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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tights and diapers Tights/Pantyhose & Diapers 09/08/2021 (Wed) 20:46:45 No. 4561
Post pictures of diapers going with tights/pantyhose. Girls or boys. Personally, I like bot.y
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Could someone explain the appeal of tights to me? As an ABDL, I think they look cute, but it certainly seems to reach the level of "fetish" for some folks and I'm curious to hear why.
>>16045 I consider tights/pantyhose and diapers as my two "main kinks". So combined it means an a fetish overkill to me. Especially white tights amplify the childish look and emphasize the diaper. And it feels great.
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>>16045 To me it's arousing on several fronts: 1)Tights, especially white ones, represent one of the core concepts of "babyhood/little girlhood". Parents, on special occasions, dress their daughters in white tights when they are babies until they are 8 or 9 years old or whatever – when they start to be ashamed of wearing such item, precisely due to how "childish" it is perceived to be. 2) There is also an aspect of ""embarrassment" for an adult woman to wear it, which in an adult baby context, I find arousing as well. I like the fantasy of woman being "forced" to dress like babies, and seeing a woman, which had all high heels, and leggings and whatever, having to wear some white tights and marry janes, it really makes me horny. 3)There is something arousing in the way they wrapped around the legs and press against them, a way in which they cover the diaper and the texture they add to it. Also, what >>16094 mentioned. I have a tights/pantyhose fetish and an ABDL fetish, both. The reasons are similar, pretty much in the same way "white tights" represent the core concept of little girlhood, a pair of sheer "pantyhose" was one the core concept (especially until the 90s, when I was growing up and possibly developing many of my kinks) of womanhood. Woman back in the day wore tights. Even nowadays, on more conservative environments or on really fancy occasions, like some weddings or church services, many women still wear them, so there is that.
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Just posting here my new findings.
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>>20101 Thanks!!! I was hoping for a revival of this thread.

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>>28827 This is from French Diaper Girls right? God they're all so adorable.
>>28834 Yes and yes!
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>>4561 Some pics I just took :3 (18 NB twink btw)
>>42867 The only question I have is why aren't you serving me right now?
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>>11669 >>22409 >>11959 man, I miss koneko, she had such a cute tomboy vibe it was insane, I heard she was leaning towards FtM cult, I hope she didn't 40% herself >>27078 I am intrigued about the second picture, has a bit of an old feel to it, maybe german due to the massive plastic cover of the crib?
>>46712 nice seeing this thread getting some love again

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