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/t/ - Technology Codexx Board owner 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:10:33 No. 2 [Reply]
Welcome to /tech/ - ∞chan's technology board. Please check the rules before you post: https://8chan.moe/t/rules.html Looking for hardware or software recommendations? Check out the InstallGentoo Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/ /tech/ is for the discussion of technology and related topics. /tech/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site. We have stickies for that. Keep those kinds of posts in there. For tech support, software recommendations, and other questions that don't warrant their own thread, please use the '/tech/ Questions and Support' sticky. For consumer advice, please use the consumer advice sticky located below. For tech support/issues with computers: https://startpage.com/ or https://ixquick.com (i.e., fucking Google it) https://stackexchange.com/

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Edited last time by codexx on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 10:42:16.

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/t/ech Questions and Support Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:16:43 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.
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This is going to sound crazy but i've been upgrading my system with demons and alters and suddenly my specs have the "unknown" descriptor. I had the demons (yes spiritual demons) give me a better cpu and gpu and a bigger hard drive. But on windows screen fetch it still gives me the same amount of the old hard drive, while on speccy it gives me the unknown descriptor. What do you think?

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Consumer Advice Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:18:24 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
Looking to buy something but aren't sure what to get? Ask here.
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Does the Zune require proprietary software to load the music or can almost any program do it?

Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 20:58:26 No. 17077 [Reply]
What does /t/ think about GNOME?
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the beauty of gnome is that it filters compulsive ricers and brainlets who can't figure out how you're actually supposed to use it. you probably worship vim for offering increased efficiency but don't apply the same logic to something like gnome, which is absolutely the case, for a much smaller learning curve. the problem with vanilla gnome haters is that they are not trying to simplify their computing experience or get shit done. all they wanna do is make time pass and play the autistic male equivalent of dressing up dolls on their computers.
>>17407 sorry chud, only mongoloids use non-tiling window managers
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>>17407 >Cinnamon Really?

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Hydrus Network General #11 Anonymous Board volunteer 02/05/2025 (Wed) 22:34:45 No. 17183 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/
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>>17449 I always found hyrdrus to be a lot better when you take things more slowly and sort of ease into it. Don't just dump your whole collection and expect things to word out of the box. That's why I always recommend new users to only try a few images at a time just to get the hang of it. Keep doing what you've been doing but keep hydrus installed and always on your mind while still playing around with it until you're fully ready to commit. Definitely not brainlet friendly but goddamn amazing when you set it up the way you want it.
>>17472 >I always recommend new users to only try a few images at a time just to get the hang of it. This.
I had an excellent week. The first version of duplicates auto-resolution is ready for advanced users to try out. There's not much else in the changelog! The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 17:15:57 No. 17474 [Reply]
>yeah it's an opensores program called Libre... GUARANTEED SHIT

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Invidious and FreeTube need help Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 21:09:35 No. 12213 [Reply]
To anyone who knows how to code and how Internet browser video players work, Invidious and FreeTube need help fixing videojs-http-source-selector and videojs-quality-selector so they can use the latest version of VideoJS in their applications. VP9 and AV1 can't be used right now as VideoJS 7.x doesn't support WebM. Using Version 8 would fix this problem. Relevant links: https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/issues/2848 https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/videojs-http-source-selector https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/videojs-quality-selector https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/pull/3482
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>>17466 youtube-local is self-hosted and anonymous
>>17470 Youtube-local had been broken for months. Did they finally fix it?
>>17471 No, my bad I just checked. What I just started was setup an instance of tubearchivist and just keep a backup of what I want to watch, that way it's guaranteed to always work. It's really only good for channels/playlists you already know will be good, but I guess that's the best way to use YouTube in the first place.

Poz in Tech Anonymous 10/18/2020 (Sun) 10:22:27 No. 1631 [Reply] [Last]
General thread for discussing Codes of Conduct and other attempts to take over technology with political aims and enforce behavioral constraints. Point out languages and products that try to force politics on their users. It's become commonplace for tech startups to virtue signal, and for large open source projects to attract users who contribute little in terms of code but demand favorable treatment. Additionally, some have started including political messages in the software itself, or naming releases after issues the developer cares about. Some argue that such constraints and impositions violate the spirit of free software by requiring an agreeable political alignment between developer and user.
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>>15586 The F in FOSS makes it the home of anarchists. Digital infrastructure enables an essentially post-scarce world-wide economy, it's practically made for commies.
>>11649 No, I will not go back to le pol
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>>1608 >/pol/ will keep losing because of people like you. On the contrary, by calling out the faggotry rotting the open source, OP is doing a worthy community service. >>11649 KYS

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Qubes OS Anonymous 12/05/2021 (Sun) 22:46:24 No. 6580 [Reply]
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probably the best OS when it comes to both privacy and security. although I do have a question for people that use it as a daily driver: is playing games on it a stupid idea? read somewhere that gaming on it would be slow and that it was not a good idea to do so, which is what makes me not switch to it already tbh.
>>6929 There isn't any 3d acceleration so you can't play games.
>>6929 Yea games are basically a no-go. I use a laptop running QubesOS for most things, but I keep a PC for games and anything else with even slightly demanding graphics. Some people have figured out how to get GPU passthrough working, but it's difficult and largely undocumented. Overall, QubesOS is easily my favorite OS. I've uninstalled it a couple times for the convenience of something else, but I always come crawling back to it because I literally just don't feel safe on anything else lol.

Why is this meme so popular? Anonymous 08/22/2024 (Thu) 02:49:11 No. 16048 [Reply] >>17442
First, I don't ever bother running this meme because it hurts my eyes seeing how painfully slow it is, and then devs chose to write the entire thing under a fucking bash script. You could write this in pure C by getting out of your lazy ass, and some baseddev did. https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch. At least, now when I type this meme command, my eyes won't hurt.
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You big dumb dumb poo poo head. Fastfetch is extremely bloated and c is shit. Just write your own fetch, not that hard(i wrote my own in haskell)
Because it's tradition. 🐧 Kernel hardened ✅ 🎀 Loli folder synched ✅ 🧦 Programming socks on ✅ 🔒 Chastity cage locked ✅ 👨‍💻 It's neofetch time 🤤
>>16048 Is your computer so slow that it can't execute a bash script?

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Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 21:21:32 No. 17399 [Reply]
GNOME is just so fucking disgustingly godawful. It's absolutely revolting dogshit. It's just awfully abysmal. It's a repulsive ideology seeping into every crevice of open source it can get its grimy tendrils into. It's a campaign to make user interfaces look as repugnantly drab and soulless as possible. It's a movement to suck the life and usability out of the desktop user experience. Every one of the pawns who have 'contributed' in any way to GNOME from 3.0 onwards is responsible for the gradual destruction of the concept of the desktop user interface that was built from the ground up from those passionate for computers to make a positive difference in people's live from the 1960s to today. I really, really, really fucking hate GNOME. And if you don't, you're wrong.
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I want to like Gnome but I just can't bring myself to do it.
You can get away from GNOME/GTK/libadwaita garbage by switching over to KDE and Qt equivalents for most apps, they work well together and can be endlessly configured to your liking, especially with extensions. Hyprland and the rest of the tiling managers felt too barebones and demanded too much configuration, but there is no need for them when you have the Polonium / Krohnkite extensions for KWin that turn KDE into a tiling window manager.
the soulful interfaces of the past are simply not something that is going to return. the golden age of the personal computer has passed. basing your choice of software on soulfulness in current year is pure folly. reliability and function are the new priorities in our increasingly draconian and overly complicated digital world. popular des like gnome, which have many eyes on them and receive serious funding and contributions, are better tools. you might hate this utilitarian approach, i don't love it either, but it's simply what computers have been relegated to, and using them as anything other than tools is delusional.

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Hi I need help with something weird Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 17:35:18 No. 16378 [Reply]
so my grandmother who is really sweet is currently spending 200 a month on cable tv, she cant use internet tv and shes too old to learn how basically i want to broadcast internet tv via analogue signals so she can flick through channels using a computer to bounce the signal to an old tv,how do I do this, and how do i do this as legally as possible? and to hiroyuki for adding a 15 minute countdown for not submitting to the botnet; KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF KILL YOURSELF --- I posted this to halfchan and it was deleted and me banned for "not being tech related", my appeal is that the janny should kill himself, I hope I can get some help here and that janny dies painfully
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Also + 30 for the 7:30 programme, I'm assuming -- are comments in lua and don't run code after it. Also commas after each { } except the last in the list, like { {}, {}, {} }
>>16738 >>16739 It's unreasonable to expect you to give me a crash course in not being retarded, thanks for all the help you do give, you've answered the question and I can go from there - I can probably make something with that however pajeeted or yanderedev'd it may be I'll see if I can have ai check my code once I have a basic prototype built
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Sorry, I forgot I made this thread for a while: the breadboard was a waste of space and painful, so I just hooked everything up to a server rack, they're running diet pi and should work, but I haven't actually set up the RF modulators fully yet so I can't confirm 100% that it all works yet, but it should do I've gotten myself a nice AI server for cheap to make code since I'm retarded, the commodore monitor pictured didn't work because it's 15khz so I swapped for an IBM one for now but I plan to switch back in the future because it looks nice, I also bought a nice keyboard pictured to complete the aesthetic, and I'm getting a new desk because just using this stuff at the rack is annoying Thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys! you're awesome for helping me!

archinstaller Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 15:40:23 No. 8442 [Reply] >>10502 >>17432
Arch is great! Arch has archinstall! Arch was great!
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>>8442 yep, I installed it a month ago manually. its awesome
>>10283 pacman is great, faster than dnf and apt-get, much faster than zipper, nice interface, and plenty of helper utilities if you need
>>8442 i made a 6 page handwritten manual for installing arch back in the day, will probably be a relic

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brave search Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 21:32:15 No. 11378 [Reply]
whats the verdic/t/ ?
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Considering every search engine sucks now, I eventually settled for Brave. DuckDuckGo is Bing. Startpage and Qwuant are Google. When Bing or Google censor something like Tank Man from their results, it’s censored on DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Qwuant. I would use a SearX(NG) instance, but they either are down or the UI bugs or glitches out. Brave Search is good enough…for now.
>>17396 Brave is also bing.
>>17408 Source? Everything I've seen is that Brave Search is its own index, not reliant on Bing or Google. I could be wrong, so please share more information on Brave being Bing.

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Kik and similar over TOR? Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 04:38:34 No. 9801 [Reply] >>10658
How would one go about setting up a machine to talk on Kik over TOR without compromising anonymity? I'm sure others would be curious about Telegram and similar chat apps. Simply put, with all the surveillance capitalism and in particular, data hoarding practices by China and other threat actors, how does one reduce ones risk profile while still being able to enjoy their time online?
>>9801 I imagine tails / linux would be your answer since it can pass everything over tor, even if you're not using tor browser. I think even on debian you can create a virtual network interface that actually is connected to tor
Run Kik in an Android VM on Tails and route the entire traffic through Tor, easy
TOR doesn't support UDP

Linux Terminal Emulator Recommendation Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 23:11:03 No. 9622 [Reply]
Any good terminal emulators ?
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>>11153 seconding kitty.
Alacritty works fine and supports image viewing with ueberzugpp. Kitty has OPT-OUT analytics and the project leader does not want to change it, which is a red sign, but it's usable enough as a program in itself. Wezterm is often recommended, but I found it to be a little heavy and prone to crashing.

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