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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3671: Answer The Call Edition Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 23:22:32 Id: 5c2c90 No. 226529
Boris Johnson gets summaries of sensitive government material via WhatsApp https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60837166 Ukraine war: Russian billionaire's yacht detained by authorities in Gibraltar https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-russian-billionaires-yacht-detained-by-authorities-in-gibraltar-12572473 COVID case rates 'still very high and rising again', warns Prof Chris Whitty https://uk.news.yahoo.com/covid-case-rates-still-very-high-and-rising-again-warns-prof-chris-whitty-101359454.html
>>227264 8kun was trash
>>227269 tbh >>227267 actually the original /brit/ moved to lemonparty, we're a completely different set of people who are pretending to be the old lads to entrap new dafties
>>227264 >>227267 yes, we're still here
hot jam rolley polley for pudding soon
>>227270 kek >>227271 guess here it is then
By "we" we mean 4 good lads,q 22st, 2 glow in the darks,one scouser, a literal jew and an Ai chatbot slowly gaining sentience.
>>227275 they should just lower they for every jew's death tbh
>>227275 >mcdonalds flag
>>227275 Jesus Christ.
I'm fucking seeeeeeeeeeeeeeething lads. All I can think of is violence. Need to be in the gym tomorrow to release the anger into something productive.
America protecting it's most important assets in hostile nations.
also >US Navy Base >Guantanamo Bay >Cuba the jew is just abusing its servants I guess but that's cruel keeksmh since when did the US have military bases IN Cuba, surely they still hate eachother
>>227282 Yeah the Cubans still hate Americans it's just the rent payments are always good from the DoD and it allows the US to get around domestic laws.
Cubans should've taken out Gitmo during the Bay of Pigs.
>>227283 >>227284 oh right it's the waterboarding ultratorture prison thingy and it has a mcdonalds because not giving americans access to fast food would be cruel
>yank base at infamous torture prison is also a mcdonalds you honestly couldn't make this up Is there any nation that it's possible to have something similar? A British base with a chippy doesn't really have the same memeability
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>>227286 Well considering it translates to "Triple City" I don't see a problem :^)
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>>227287 Gitmo isn't a McDonalds it just has a McDonalds.
>Before the Greek War of Independence, under the Ottoman name of "Tripoliçe", it was one of the Ottoman administrative centers in the Peloponnese (the Morea Eyalet, often called "pashalik of Tripolitsa") and had large Muslim and Jewish populations. Tripolis was one of the main targets of the Greek insurgents in the Greek War of Independence, who stormed it on 17 October 1821, following the bloody siege of Tripolitsa, and exterminated the Muslim and Jewish populations.[10][11] why are gayreeks so evil?
>>227291 do you think the mcdonalds is just there for the yanks or if it's part of the torture and arab prisoners are forced to eat processed pork burgers and work in the kitchen line for below minimum wage
>>227292 based
Greek volunteers in the Serbian/Yugoslavian army are rumoured to have perpetrated Srebrenica tbh.
>Upwards of ten thousand Turks were put to death. Prisoners who were suspected of having concealed their money were tortured. Their arms and legs were cut off and they were slowly roasted over fires. Pregnant women were cut open, their heads cut off, and dogs' heads stuck between their legs. From Friday to Sunday the air was filled with the sound of screams... One Greek boasted that he personally killed ninety people. The Jewish colony was systematically tortured... For weeks afterwards starving Turkish children running helplessly about the ruins were being cut down and shot at by exultant Greeks... The wells were poisoned by the bodies that had been thrown in...[17] >The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later.[26]
>>227296 unfathomably based if even ten percent of that is true and not just seething roaches and jews lying about being driven for being evil
>>227296 article is written in a tone of condemnation, meanwhile turks did the exact same thing to anatolian greeks except the greeks had lived there for like 2000+ years
>>227298 they're a slightly darker shade of brown so they are allowed to do that lad
>>227296 based hellens
Greeks also celebrate Pascha by hanging, burning and shooting effigies of Jews too.
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