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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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/meta/ मित्र Board owner 01/19/2023 (Thu) 14:30:58 Id: fd528d No. 213 [Reply] [Last] >>8203
all board related queries, complaints and suggestions go here. posts that don't deserve their own thread also go here.
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>>213 Wishing a happy dipawali to all of you. May this coming year peace and prosperity
>>8203 Thanksanon belated same to you too as well.

welcome to /indiachan/ anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 17:11:38 Id: e7dcb6 No. 3 [Reply]
This board was primarily made for indian imageboard users, since the admin of indiachan.io is a fucking faggot and that website is an absolute glowhole. The aim of this board is to encourage high quality discussion with minimal censorship. Enjoy!
Edited last time by xmat on 05/16/2024 (Thu) 03:13:16.

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मित्र 01/28/2023 (Sat) 05:02:02 Id: 8ab760 No. 445 [Reply]
Name some good forums/sites or the ones which you guys visit?
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>>956 Any suggestions?
>>8909 need to know your interests for that. Even on 4chan, the blue boards have a lot of gold.

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blog#4 मित्र 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:50:17 Id: 240f87 No. 5352 [Reply] [Last]
no version of indiachan were enthusiastic about automotive. Whys that? because average anon is home dwelling autist? Anyway really feel sad about the situation of automotive in india. We have absolutely nothing. Sure we have few things like new scorpioN but its not m340i which by the way attracts 40+20% tax because boomer thinks protectionism is the way to grow home market. The 2w home market thrived despite having so tiny amount of protectionism. So, boomer retards should think about how less protectionism would effect the 4w market than just being NPCs. I just want to drive a miata man. Mahindra has an engine that feels alive and responsive. The 2.0L petrol mStallion. They just need to develop a chassis. Put some seats in it and sell it for <20 lkhs. Having driven the new scorpioN, i say mahindra is capable of developing good chassis. It would be indias first true enthusiast car Thank you for reading my blog. You patience was appreciated.
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cant fully say the new 390 adv is better than its predecessor. Tho, the chassis was more agile, at heart it was still a road bike and it seem to have affected the new 390adv. So, himalayan 450 is still a better choice. wonder how the 390 smcr will turn out. I woundnt get my hopes up because back carries a weight as the road bike has to be a bit wide at the back and that affects the chassis
>>8950 yeh the drls cant find that article again i ve seen plenty harleys on higways on weekends

Function of Religion and Philosophy (Epistemological Approach) मित्र 01/23/2024 (Tue) 09:57:59 Id: d0772c No. 5252 [Reply] >>8994
>Moving my thread from Indiachan Religion has one and only one functioning (base of existence) that is to tame one's inner bestialization and allow one self towards something (none of our business for now) Unlike the current trend in so called religion and religious preachers and promoters who are instead of taming the inner beast they are summoning it using different sensory mediums like speed, music, incentives Instead of calming a person which allows the person to be learned and educated in the first place, preachers of current time enraging the said person and spewing hatred which pulls the same person away from learning and quenching its curiosity the very fundamental property that sets humans apart from other beasts Lets discuss the problems and its possible solutions at least a personal case which you and I can take to safeguard one and one's closed ones Special invitation to quality posters like: Chicken Pill "Note: Please do not indulge in this thread just for the sake of it. Try to see the big picture and try to stick to the topic that is the Epistemological perspective" Please try not to do <caste wars <blame games <gender wars <over pessimism <over optimism

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>>5288 >Our concern of religion in this thread is epistemological and nothing else; just concerned about the reasoning behind religion, nature of knowledge surrounding religion, origin of religion just with no divine entity involved (just for this thread), meaning of religion from a intellectually benefiting perspective and others The Original Post did a bad job of explaining this. I have had my dosage of reading academia and jargon. But this might be helpful for you https://biologos.org/common-questions/how-could-humans-have-evolved-and-still-be-in-the-image-of-god This may seem off topic, but watch Dr Stone the anime.
>>5288 > Its about what are the basis of religion, why religion formed, how it formed that too from an epistemological perspective meaning what intellectual benefit does religion serves "IF DIVINITY WASN'T THE CASE" Are you 14
>>5252 Saw this while looking for humour to post picrel I was too harsh to op without considering his point. To be fair he communicated his purpose poorly. In any case, try DMT OP and tell us what you think.

/pol/ 3.0 मित्र 07/29/2024 (Mon) 13:47:36 Id: 132442 No. 7454 [Reply] [Last]
previous thread >>4031 Use this as a dumping ground for all political discourse. Try to avoid using personal attacks and have civil discussion, without derailing the thread.
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>>8985 I've become more convinced of the monetarist perspective. Inflation, correctly recorded, is perhaps the most important function of government. Predictability is at the center of all long term developments, and a stable currency is the base of all economic calculus. How it is calculated must be changed to more accurately reflect actual price increases (people with more math skills would be able to do this more effectively) I would suggest an unchanging list of items and the inclusion of housing as a factor in inflation. The gold standard was passable at maintaining stable inflation by reigning in government borrowing and central bank money printing, but realistically the central bank cannot go back to the gold standard and needs an overhaul. Government spending should obviously be reined in. Only once currency is stable can actual, meaningful development begin. Deflation encourages hoarding and ossifies the power structure, making the country stagnant, and inflation encourages poor investments and asset bubbles. I really think whatever country implements a sound program to keep actual inflation at 2% would grow amazingly fast. It should honestly be the primary goal of the Indian government, and whoever implements it would go down as one of the greatest PMs simply based off of that.
>>8990 Goal of government is to encourage, not direct growth. Law and currency are the only things the government should prioritize. With a stable and strong currency actual deregulation and privatization can begin. Something like ending the deficit with the first budget and paying off all loans by the end of the first term, accomplished in three main ways - >selling off of state owned enterprises >deregulation to spur growth >simplifying the current tax code and likely lowering it to encourage the reporting of income Finally, the govt could pass a law that taking on debt is much harder to pass. The central bank can roughly - >enact a gold buying mandate >4% interest rate as the standard, with more hesitance to raise or lower >more conservative inflation calculation Then the government could specifically target housing and food for deregulation and inflation management since those are the chief concerns of the majority of people. Basic reforms in each sector would dramatically lower their cost AND lower government spending on subsidies.
>>8990 >>8992 More or less agree. Governments, especially western ones, operate like communist states, while keeping their population passive and useless with consumerism and mind numbing media. Govts are administrators. Their first job is to administer public systems and goods. America and EU both now have infrastructure, that is outdated and useless. This is a governmental failiure. Having met the populations here, all the money they spend on their kids, is all useless. Any Indian who studied in 1000$ per annum education, is smarter, more productive and far more hardworking. Therefore, Governments should not be allowed to take on debt. From that alone, a lot of these problems will be solved. Germany and Germans are in a really bad situation right now.

New random thread मित्र 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:56:08 Id: e29535 No. 6959 [Reply] [Last]
>>4349 How easy it is to fall into the wagecucking spiral. >>6902 Very good advice yaro. I feel the need to interact with people less and less as I get older. Once a week for some, once a month for others, and once a year for most. Thankfully, some I never have to interact with. I already have a bit of pride in the fact that I haven't already become something I would secretly loathe. So many people coping with their mediocrity and they're only in the their mid 20s, having given up on themselves entirely. Part of me feels sad, but I was also there when they were making bad decision after bad decision. > Thailand, camp etc. Yep, hoping to do as good as I can there. I feel like I have a decent amount of potential, but we shall soon see. Even if the euro crashes it will still do well in the third world. Very dark times ahead for Thailand, so many issues will keep it stuck where it is now. A warning for India and so many other thirdies on the cost of being an American ally.
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I often find solutions to problems I am thinking about. Then something stupid happens. Or something stupid but attention grabbing happens a lot and I forget what I was doing. Then I forget the idea or solution. How many useful ideas or solutions have I lost this way.
>>8988 Keeping a small notepad (or notes in phone) is a good idea. Although at that time, we tend to forget using them.
>>8989 I do already. But I am quiet busy as well. Lot of problems and work , but calls from family, stupid shit in the streets, wife calling me about something etc. Makes sense why people who make breakthroughs are single.

/ent/ertainment general - podcasts, sports, youtube channels, documentaries, movies, tv etc मित्र 03/02/2024 (Sat) 03:13:49 Id: d32a1a No. 5925 [Reply] [Last]
•All forms of entertainment are welcome ITT •Post podcasts you listen to, youtube channels you watch, the best documentaries you've ever seen and other forms of entertainment. •Underrated/non-popular stuff is encouraged •Anons looking for suggestions for entertaining stuff are also welcome to post Do not derail the thread!
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>>8841 I wrote it poorly. I am sick again. Praising these mainstream anime. I like anime's for action. Continuous frames do justice Manga makes sense for plot. The page turn can obscure surprises so well, that moving grames cannot. Loved the Chainsaw man manga. The hype was justified. Anime was weird for the color palette. > see boob shit Actually, that portion is very meaningful. The anime adaptation was not good. But Anime pacing is always different from the manga. Infact, that plot portion was very meaningful to me and I could relate to Denji, going from a hungry animal ready to do anything, into turning slowly into a realized human. "Look Back" is on my rewatch list. The story is too good. Though it also reminded me of DEDEDE Demons destruction (worth watching).

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Such a ground movie, they tried to imitate DC style for movie. My roommate said he rather watch Bahubali for 50th time than this and then it clicked why pushpa 2 earn so much money while movies like this gets flop.
Red Rooms. Quebecian movie. Quiet good, about serial killer fans. Check it out. >>8952 Will check it out. I meant to watch it, but idk what happened and I forgot about it.

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Stock Pick CFA Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 14:33:33 Id: 1a1621 No. 959 [Reply]
BUY GEO GROUP LLC. Description GEO Group is one of two for-profit prison operators in the US. I think the stock has a base case outcome of $12/share by 2024 assuming flat EBITDA and multiple, with an upside case of $18/share and a downside case of $6.50/share. The setup is highly skewed due to the significant cash generation at the business even post debt restructuring. Since this stock was last written up here, the company has a) shut down its "construction & design" segment; b) completed a debt exchange that averted a possible bankruptcy and committed to paying down $200-250M debt/year (20-25% equity FCF yield); c) achieved record EBITDA despite continued federal contract cancelations from the growth in electronic monitoring and prudent cost management. Investors may be missing the fact that electronic monitoring business ($200M revenue and $93M operating income YTD) is now more than half of the contribution of the prison business ($705M revenue and $147M operating income YTD). Growth in electronic monitoring has more than offset the decline in the prison segment. The recent conversion to C-Corp from a REIT and the shut down of the construction business segment highlights what I believe is a transformational change in the business - a transition from a growth oriented company to a cash cow. In the past the company received significant negative press for actively supporting policies that would increase incarceration. The new GEO faces an entirely different set of incentives. Shunned by most investors and narrowly avoiding a debt maturity wall, the new GEO is going to be focused on managing its existing facilities, exiting non-core businesses, and focusing on debt paydown. The cleansing presentation filed by the management team in Jan 2022 showed EBITDA remaining flat at $411M through 2024 and debt reduction of $200 to 250M/year. Just two quarters later, the company has continued to post strong numbers, and the company is now guiding to $523M of EBITDA in 2022 (note that the previous forecast was arguably sandbagged as it was prepared for debt holders in a debt restructuring context, but I think the general assumption of flat revenue/EBITDA is still a reasonable base case). The recent debt restructuring also highlights a perverse benefit of being a "anti-ESG" name - debt investors are unwilling to play hardball in a restructuring when they feel uncomfortable owning and operating prisons in the US. The completion of the debt restructuring commits the company into funneling all available FCF into debt reduction, which I view as a "feature" for equity investors. There is no risk of dilutive M&A or growth investments - this company will just focus on cost management and paying down debt. This focus also reduces the risk of the company get caught in more negative press events and is attractive for lenders, who are collecting 10% coupons with 10%/year forced amortization. GEO is trading at 6x EBITDA, same as its nearest competitor, on what I consider to be trough political EBITDA. The Biden administration has been actively canceling contracts as they come up for renewal - although a number of those contracts were still renewed, as the government often does not have sufficient space in its own facilities. Although there is currently a desire to reduce the prison population in the US, half of the prison revenue is coming from states and not the federal government. Some republican states strongly believe in outsourcing prison management, and even some democratic states like California are suffering from severe prison overcrowding and may in the future utilize spare capacity in GEO prisons. In the downside case that the management produces $200M of FCF and EBITDA decreases from $523M to $411M by 2024, the company would have an EV of $2.5B (at 6x) and net debt of $1.6B. This would still leave a market cap of $864M or $7.00/share, a very attractive downside setup. The book value of land + buildings + improvements is $2.4B (plus $270M for idled facilities), so the downside case assumes liquidation at a fraction of the depreciated book value of the real estate, with no value ascribed to the go forward enterprise value or the electronic monitoring business. There are some notable asset divestitures in the works, and we note that the international business appears to be cash flow neutral. If it wasn't for extremely low cost non-recourse debt in Australia, GEO would have exited the business by now. But even the base case of keeping EBITDA flat at $500M and paying down $250M/year of debt would leave the stock at $12/share, a 25% IRR. Notably the stock would continue to be attractively valued as the company is currently generating AFFO of $2.53/share. Although debt to market cap ratio is 2:1, the company is actually only levered 4.0x and is expected to be <3.0x leverage by 2024. No other company levered 4x would be called "distressed" but in this case the equity attach point is so low that investors are still benefiting from a high gearing ratio.

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>>8478 this was for the very first pick i uploaded here and >GEO GROUP LLC.
>>8479 Can you please shed more knowledge about how you got involved in this? Also If I can contact you on session or discord?
Assuming you guys know that a depression is coming, how would you protect your wealth ?

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Using skills to upgrade your life मित्र 01/23/2023 (Mon) 10:11:41 Id: 4b2793 No. 346 [Reply]
There is a modern narrative that some people perform better than others, because of privilege, wealth etc. While its true that being born in a good family, money etc do help with avoiding a scarcity mindset, But, I have met plenty of people who come from nothing, but have successful careers, a wife and kids, work 60-80 hours a week, still healthy physically and enjoy life in general. Others work less than 40 hours a week, depressed, busy always but get nothing done etc. One answer is good time management, this is better handled by others who are better at it than me. But another important aspect is learning new skills for practical use. Like how understanding a concept unlocks a math/physics problem that previously seemed alien, similarly in real life (dating, work, common struggles with family etc) understanding many concepts and skills just unlock situations that previously seemed impossible and alien to overcome. An easy way to learn these is to have mentors and contact with successful people you look up to. But, in modern life, this is tougher and tougher, since most people you encounter are just living in zombie reactive mode. Another one is to read books/audiobooks/lectures, specific concepts for specific purposes. Not your run of the mill motivational bullshit that everyone from Hitler to Sadhguru will say. An example that comes to mind is Scarcity (>Picrel) that helped me figure out that I am always working with a Scarcity mindset, I am tunnel visioned into having things I did not have as a kid, therefore I focus on them too much and ignore other aspects of life. As soon as I understood this about me, it fixed automatically a lot of problems I had with my life. I know lot of autists had luck with 5 languages of love, which explained them concepts that are obvious to normies or loveology experts.

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>>720 You have to be specific anon. General advice is never good.
>>640 > Ignorance is bliss. The problem with gifted people is overthinking and perfectionism. Even a small thing can lead to a spiral in a brain who feeds on details and thinking. I got a panic attack while reading about positional astronomy cuz I felt very small and insignificant. Atheism magnifies this problem. Very hard for a person who overthinks to believe in some deity who rewards you for being on your good toes, while rich people do shitfuck, no matter how true and useful the underlying messages of religion are.
>>8903 Yes. Bhakti pill helps Or one should be groomed into good habits like meditation and yoga. My parents actually forced into this and it helped me a lot. Then as soon as my habits changed, my life fell apart. You are right, focus and IQ applied to pointless bullshit, leads to terrible thoughts and consequences. I am working to reverse this now.

/tech/ and /internet/ general - 2.0 मित्र 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:03:35 Id: 333e36 No. 5540 [Reply] [Last]
This is version 2.0 of the previous thread (>>380). Share new technology, websites, internet resources, guides, opsec techniques, your own tech problems etc etc etc.
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>>8919 My friend had a channel that he said died.
>>8919 >>8942 On telegram He was making money from it sharing copyrighted material
>>8943 I buy copyright stuff from telegram. How they handle it is make a private channel, letting in only those who paid. Forwarding, screenshotting is restricted. Guy still in business.

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LUTA 10/04/2024 (Fri) 23:03:19 Id: ec77e9 No. 8024 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for fight videos, experience, thoughts etc. https://youtu.be/mAyD9ABSr7o?si=FbB6MeWNRLsia3xC
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>>8870 There are so many factors that could go into explaining why but the only real issue is the lack of emphasis on martial arts and athletics within India. If the population cared about performing well it would perform well. I do think after school martial arts would go along way, but there is no will to do so.
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Good finishes this week.
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>>8945 Boxing one, quite sad to see Zhang finished but the Agit legitimately changed how I view bodywork.

coomer general anonymous 01/02/2023 (Mon) 17:52:09 Id: dec8cb No. 117 [Reply] [Last]
dump all the coomvids and porn you can. no cp/bestiality/loli/shota please.
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>>8923 I'm skinny as fuck. Been through eating disorder and borderline depression (idk if I was rally depressed cuz never medically diagnosed but the symptoms were not getting up and not eating for days). Still struggle to eat but weight has been constant 50kg for like 4 years so somewhat better than half of my life. This is a coom thread. Coom thread not only include our sexual fetishes but overall weaknesses.
>>8924 I would've killed myself if I had to give JEE. Luckily never had to go through coaching phase in my life. I hate repetitive knowledge cramming. I hate this examination filtering system. I hate Indian coaching system.
Coaching and duck feet reminded me of a guy in coaching, he was very skinny, so were his legs and (in hindsight) he had this postural problem as well, probably much worse than that anon and I. His knees folded to the sides instead of in front when he walked. Guys at coaching dubbed him "tedha" because of this. Skinny fit jeans with sandals/slippers and a Yamaha FZ. Classic. A bunch of us used to go hiking though so it was not all bad.

Internet/imageboard surfing etiquette मित्र 02/05/2025 (Wed) 18:52:38 Id: 110c9b No. 8666 [Reply] >>8927
AKA how not to type like an ESL nigger spic nigger rattuchoda. I wanted to make a thread about this for a long time since I too struggle with putting my thoughts into proper words without sounding like an autistic retard who can't type full sentences. After all, how else would anyone know I'm an indian unless I type like one? I believe most of us here have an above average english comprehension compared to rest of our population, why don't we share our online interactions with others in a better way. I'll share some of the gyaan I've acquired over my time on the webz/dc++/irc/chatrooms on how to SURF THE WEBZ
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>>8666 This thread has grown into a great thread. Points to keep in mind. 1. Language is a tool, a tool has a purpose. 2. The purpose dictates the need of the tool i.e. language in this case. I am fluent in multiple languages 1. English and German are used professionally so I keep them for that. My sentences are formal, my tone is diplomatic and never express too much emotion. My vocabulary is scientific not expressive. 2. Hindi and a regional language is a language of thinking for me and personal interactions. But I don't like the Hinglish/whordu devolution. So I speak relatively pure in both. Vocabulary is expressive not technical. 3. All other languages are need to know only. Enough french to order in a restaurant and read basics. Enough Italian to not order beef. Etc. >>8853 This is gold because most anons don't do this.

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>>8857 What you are saying refers to one finding their style. Each of us has idiosyncrasies. Spelling and grammar beyond the basics , the "mistakes" we make, are our style. Writing in Word style processors hurts us. It gives suggestions that makes everyones ideas seem the same. This is why I use pen paper or text editor without spell and grammar check like vim. Good post.
Sadly I have met midwits from elite families. This stacy girl, from a multi crorepati family speaks and talks like a proper retard. >>8864 If you don't need to speak the language regularly, then this is fine. The chinese room is how it feels speaking to many people. >>8908 >>8916 Abhijit Chavda's last episode was pretty with the french intelligence guy. >>8852 The images in your post are painful to read.

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Dump your fitness related stories and progress here /Fit/ness and health general 05/24/2023 (Wed) 13:24:11 Id: d78b31 No. 1771 [Reply] [Last]
Exercise Diet General physical fitness encouraged General mental fitness advice welcome
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Tried to squat deep today and the D-mart track pants gave way. The damage was in a place that is rather unexposed, thankfully, not that it would have mattered. I'm known as the gym autist and don't have a reputation to keep up. The point is my गांड़ has become too fat. I'm going to bulk till maybe i hit 1/2/3/4, maybe by end of this year. Time to buy new pants.
>>8862 Ass fat 👍 Fat ass 👎
This is tough to express. I don't want to get into data autism , so I will keep it simple. >>8563 Long story short, my biological ageing is now making me older fast than my efforts to improve my health. So my fitness age is falling faster than I can save it. This means 1. I give up and become a slob, quality of life decreases and depression increases. 2. I gain control of my daily timetable and steadily increase the amount of time and attention that my health gets. It went wrong for me when I stopped playing outside and sat for more hours to mug up stupid shit. From then on, too many choices where I sacrificed my health and time for moneys. Need to double down on out time and walking, swimming etc now.

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/tv/ मित्र 02/09/2024 (Fri) 03:51:26 Id: eba664 No. 5553 [Reply]
post comfy, kino movies or even good that you can watch repeatedly. Any film industry, any language
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Ardh Satya, kino from 1983 https://youtu.be/D5e5Jr-6h6o?si=ZiSMj45Rz30WqhMe
Watched 7 samurai recently. I think it's available on youtube. Old black and white movie, pretty good.

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