/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Remember to follow the Rules

The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

Board Locked? Request Reopening

PNG and GIF uploads are temporarily disabled while we deal with a spammer problem.

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423 [Reply] [Last] >>10155
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
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>>10234 Unlocking /zoo/ would be greatly appreciated!
ArchetypeMaker recently deleted a forum shilling thread on /loli/ for "CP". Now I don't know if there was a now unlinked image that was deleted, but I do want to state that I'm fairly sure LoliconHeaven is a 2D only site, so if it was just the suspicious link that made you think there was CP, that assumption is likely in error. However, I'm not going to defend or restore the thread, since it was a clearly a bot that was trying to bypass link filters without even knowing if there are any.

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8chan Rules Enforcement and Corner Case Rulings Compendium Anonymous Board owner 11/21/2021 (Sun) 23:49:51 Id: 0a02ed No. 4481 [Reply]
This is a locked thread for archiving the causes and outcomes of corner case rulings vis-a-vis the site's Global Rules. It may be cited as an explanation for rules and policies. The Global Rules page is the "what", this thread will archive the "why" and the "how" for specific instances.
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Ruling18: Shilling, Blackpilling, and Other Psyops. Global Rule 4 has long contained a provision prohibiting "psyops" against the site. Out of respect for free speech, and to avoid false positives or the appearance of policing opinions, this ruling is invoked only sparingly and only when predictable patterns of disruptive activity are noticed, and not merely on the basis of one isolated event. If this ruling is invoked in matters of controversy, a general policy is held that "the truth vindicates" - meaning that objectively true information, shown in its full context and without malice or leading the reader, will be exempted so that we can err on the side of free speech, even if such content would be inconvenient to the site. Many times the malicious users to whom this ruling would apply are already breaking the rules of the site because they are spamming the disruptive content and/or evading bans, and so those rules will generally be invoked against them first. Typically when prohibited psyops are detected by themselves the content will simply be deleted, but global staff may use their own judgement in assigning bans for persistent or particularly malicious posters of it. The most common activities that constitute prohibited psyops are: <Shilling Meaning marketing a website, article, meme, false narrative, product or service by faking unironic community enthusiasm, favorable reviews, or public or staff support, particularly when done for profit. <Datamining Meaning an organized attempt to disguise the solicitation of user metadata and/or personal identifying information as ordinary posts or traffic, particularly when done for profit. <Blackpilling Meaning a malicious attempt to demoralize or otherwise inhibit the interests, passions, or energy of the community to discourage users from participating in the site, a board, a thread, or some other allowed activity in order to hinder or limit user participation. <Death Memes Meaning a malicious attempt to create a false impression among the community that a board or the site is "dying" or otherwise in some perilous or compromised state, with the intent of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by provoking users into abandoning it. <Derailing and Diluting

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Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:30:03.
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Ruling19: Raids, Raiding, and Raiding Raiders The Global Rules of the site do not generally prohibit the act of raiding, regardless of whether such raids occur between boards on this site, or are conducted by anons from this site upon other locations. However any raid, or series of raids, which spills over or gets out of hand (e.g., a board is spammed beyond the ability of local staff to handle, or retaliatory actions from other sites pose a threat to the communities here, the site as a whole, or other parts of our infrastructure, or doxing and /i/nvasion tactics start being used which may violate the law) may fall afoul of Global Rule 4's "harm to the site" clause and become prohibited that way. >Why? Board raids are ancient imageboard culture, dating back to the era of Gaia Online, Habbo Hotel, and Ebaumsworld. This site aims to protect and preserve as much of old imageboard culture as possible, and our general policy is that top-down moderation of the site should be kept to a minimum. The typical raid is a relatively harmless affair, done for the lulz and the only price paid is the minor frustrations of its intended victims. In sum, raids are meant to be fun and so long as they don't actually wind up causing measurable harm to the site or spill over into other Global Rule violations, then it isn't our place to tell anons and boards what they can and cannot do for their amusement.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 16:29:51.

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/zoo/ Bunker Thread Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 03:27:00 Id: c46c36 No. 10155 [Reply] [Last]
There is a possibility that /zoo/ and all related content may have to be removed for legal reasons. Use this thread as a bunker in case /zoo/ disappears. There is a sister thread at >>>/zoo/25830, and and news from the site are usually posted first in this thread: >>5423 My personal advice is to assume the worst until further notice and try to save as much as you can.
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>>10311 Too many twinks turned your bald, yellow gaptooth, flabby ass down? Stay mad grandpa. Why don't you go cry yourself to sleep with your poodle "wife".
>>10311 *shits down your throat profusely*
>>10279 fuck me i guess

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/x/ locked Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 21:36:59 Id: cbeeac No. 10208 [Reply] >>10221 >>10222 >>10227
Why was /x/ locked? Is it going to be unlocked any time soon?
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>>10208 >>10218 >>10221 probably related to the ongoing spam issue. I'd suggest waiting a few hours.
>>10208 Please forward your complaints here. >>10225

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8moe Flags Archive Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 18:30:37 Id: f783a1 No. 10042 [Reply] [Last]
8ch flags
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soy tan
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more soy tan
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Board Owner Support and Migration Requests Codexx Root 12/13/2020 (Sun) 05:27:09 Id: abfacc No. 1651 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for Board Owners to get support for running their boards. How do I create a board? First, you should see if the board you want to create already exists. Some boards may be marked abandoned, in which case you can put in a board claim. If the board doesn't exist, you can create one yourself. Create an account or log-in by visiting the lightning bolt symbol next to the CSS dropdown at the top of the page. Once there, make sure you have a verified e-mail address. Then, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and find the board creation section. Enter the URI, name, and a description. After you fill out the captcha and submit, you'll have your very own board. How do I claim an existing board? A board will be marked abandoned if the Board Owner has not logged in for a few weeks. Sometimes, this indicates they've gone missing. If the BO cannot be reached then we will hand the board over to a willing replacement. We recommend sending an e-mail to the administration address of 8moeadmin@protonmail.com. Please include your username on the site and the board you are requesting. How do I create custom CSS? There is an upload field on the board settings page for custom CSS. Upload your file there. Custom board assets such as background images, mascots, icons, music, etc should be posted in the appropriate thread on >>>/res/. This board is for board assets only. This way, you don't need to clutter your board with a pinned asset, or worry an uploaded image will fall off the site. How do I create custom JavaScript? This feature is currently disabled. Soon, you'll be able to request custom JS be activated for your board. You can leave that request here.

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How can I restrict creating new threads on a board? I want to temporarily prevent users from making new threads but still let them post in existing threads.
>>10000 This option doesn't exist. You can lock the board, which prevents all posts, but that would prevent posting in existing threads. There is a setting to disable thread creation for an hour after N posts are made, but I believe setting this to 0 just means "unlimited". You could set it to 1 to throttle new thread creation and then manually delete any that are made.
>>10000 Seconding this feature request. Also checked.

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icup 8 Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 05:05:12 Id: 4b9acc No. 9846 [Reply]
Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host

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8chan chatroom nine11#3JE9z6 02/04/2021 (Thu) 06:58:35 Id: 792288 No. 1924 [Reply]
Is #8chan @ irc.rizon.net the official 8chan.moe chatroom? Do we have a Matrix chatroom?
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For future posters trying to contact staff via irc. At 9AM utc the room is full with people. If you join a #8chan but no one in the room, you join at wrong network. I dunno about hexchat but if you use mirc, you don't need alt+O to join network. Right now the guy I'm suppose to contact is in top of room list but idk if names are always there whether they online or not
Is this still active?
>>9831 It should be

I am not recieving verification emails Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 14:12:29 Id: 69a4bb No. 9769 [Reply] >>9774
New here, tried making a few accounts, with different emails, with different email providers, and I am not recieving the verification emails on any of them, I've even hit the "request confirmation email" a few times, and waited over 24hrs.
>>9769 What email provider are you using? IIRC the verification is send from a cockli domain, which is automatically blocked by gmail and many others. I'm using proton and it works like a charm
>>9774 Not the OP, but I'm having the same issue. I'm using protonmail and I have not received any verification e-mail despite requesting several times.

Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:49:49 Id: d81d2c No. 8825 [Reply]
How do I turn off the snow?
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>>9361 Um... Yes, the site did it for me since new year's.
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>>9362 Yet you made this thread asking how to turn it off, after New Year's...
Acid bring back the snow this year, I missed it this past December.

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Hilo /M/eta para hisparefugio´s Anónimo 06/02/2022 (Thu) 03:40:44 Id: 531752 No. 5682 [Reply] [Last]
Hola a todos los negros de >>>/hispachan/ >>>/hisrol/ >>>/arepa/ y demas tablones hispanos. Los convoco a aqui para organizar, estar comunicados y estar juntos. Hablando con otros anons todos los tablones creados por el cierrre de chispa (los antes mencionados) tiene administradores diferente y tendran mods diferentes. Esta es la primeras señales que como comunidad nos dividiremos, convoco a los demas dueños de sus tablones a que tenga este hilo en favoritos ya que mi deseo es estar unidos para ser fuertes y seria aqui donde tanto los dueños y los usuarios de los tablones hispanos podamos discutir, solucionar, crear, pensar proyectos y estar unidos. >Aldo Tambien pueden reportar usuarios malos que esten entre los tablones hispanos y entre dueños y mods reportar avarputos para poder juntos detenerlos. Desde /hispachan/ nos comunicamos para mas en chisparefugio(@) gmail.(com) pero por igual usemos este hilo para la comunicacion principal
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>>6451 >como se genera la ASN? La ASN se basa en cookies? Tenia la misma inquietud así que le pregunte a ChatGPT como funciona un baneo por ASN en Lynxchan y me respondió con lo siguiente: ---- En LynxChan, un baneo por ASN (Autonomous System Number) funciona restringiendo el acceso a una dirección IP o un rango de direcciones IP asociadas a un determinado ASN. Un ASN es un número único asignado a un proveedor de servicios de Internet (ISP) o una organización que administra una red independiente. Cuando un moderador o administrador de LynxChan aplica un baneo por ASN, se identifica el ASN del proveedor de servicios de Internet del usuario que está infringiendo las reglas del sitio web. Luego, se agrega el ASN a una lista de prohibiciones en la configuración del servidor, lo que impide el acceso al sitio web a todas las direcciones IP asociadas con ese ASN. Por ejemplo, si se banea el ASN de un proveedor de servicios de Internet que brinda servicio a una universidad, todas las direcciones IP asignadas a la red de la universidad se verán afectadas por el baneo, incluso si los usuarios individuales no han violado las reglas del sitio web. El baneo por ASN es una medida más amplia que el baneo por dirección IP individual, ya que afecta a todos los usuarios que comparten una red específica, y puede ser útil para evitar que los usuarios que intentan evadir un baneo mediante el cambio de direcciones IP tengan éxito. Sin embargo, también puede afectar a usuarios legítimos que no tienen nada que ver con el comportamiento infractor y pueden ser vistos como una medida drástica. ---- Lo pregunte por que justamente me apareció un baneo de estos hace unas horas en >>>/hispachan/ y según estuve comprobando en https://hackertarget.com/as-ip-lookup/ sospecho que el baneo se extiende a todo mi proveedor de internet (ya veré si después lo apelo o si me lo aguanto hasta el 17 de abril).
Dejo el manual de janitor que postearon en un hilo del refugio hace unas semanas. Lo reposteo aquí para que no se pierda (de nuevo) y por que quizás podría resultar útil en el futuro para los dueños de tablones. Contexto: Poco después de que cerro Hispachan, en https://krautchan.rip/hs/175801 habían posteado este PDF (que a grandes rasgos vendría siendo como un compendio del shitpost y avatarfags habituales con los que la moderación de aquel entonces tenia que lidiar). Cuestión que estuvo perdido hasta hace poco luego de que el enlace dejara de funcionar después de que restauraran un backup en el servidor (al parecer por un ataque de spam, ya que ese cagadero esta programado con las patas y ni un puto captcha tiene).
Acabo de darme cuenta que este hilo tiene el correo de NegaZeta en el OP. Alguien debería actualizalo

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Make "disclaimer4" cookie not be session Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 20:43:26 Id: fbec5b No. 8469 [Reply] >>8475 >>9760
Hey site owner, I remember you said you had to put that annoying disclaimer page on to appease your webhost, but could you please change the "disclaimer4" cookie to have a sensible expiry time (say 1 year) instead of expiring after every session? It's annoying to have to click through the disclaimer after every time we close our browser. Since we can already change the cookie ourselves anyway, you'd just be making it smoother for us while still fulfilling your host's requirement.
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>>8469 The point of the disclaimer is that it stops certain web archival services from looking up our stuff. Not because WE have anything to hide, but because in the past a malicious troll group used to post CP on SFW boards, archive the threads and the url of the file and use those to report the site to the authorities, all through TOR too if I recall correctly. However, it would be a good idea to make the disclaimer last for at least like, a couple of days any time you clear a captcha.
>>8475 The "certain web archival service" doesn't respect robots.txt?
>>8469 I was going to comment this in the sticky thread, but I think it looks better here. >could you please change the "disclaimer4" cookie to have a sensible expiry time (say 1 year) instead of expiring after every session? I know the thread is old and now the cookie "TOSYYYYMMDD=1" is used (and that changes all the time), so ideally the expiration time should be at least two weeks. >It's annoying to have to click through the disclaimer after every time we close our browser. The same can be said for mobile browsers. In my case I have a smarthphone with 934 MB of RAM so the browser is prone to close when I open another application that needs a certain amount of memory. This makes that when accessing the chan from there the fucking disclaimer is displayed all the time. For what it's worth I have Fennec 57, but I remember reading about the same thing happening to an anon on the Android version of Icecat or Waterfox.

site history thread Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 19:35:49 Id: 7e2a05 No. 7215 [Reply] [Last]
for spoonfeeding newfriends just made this shit because I didn't feel this would really go well in other threads or places and I wanted to help some people who wanted to contriboot plus people can post their own moments/caps, memes and OC and whatnot, since I'd have to go digging through my old HDD to find the good shit Its also impossible for one person to describe a site's history, I'll do my best with regards to certain specific events and things, but I'm not a "perfect anon"
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8chan Broadcasting Service Codexx Root 11/17/2020 (Tue) 09:20:00 Id: 3ae7e9 No. 1519 [Reply] [Last]
This is the official support thread for https://8chan.tv/ What is this site? A place for anons to stream anything they'd like. You can stream any video you'd like, and users can join chat anonymously. Streams can also be embedded elsewhere for easy sharing. Chat is built around XMPP, so you can connect with any Jabber client. Streams are generic RTMP streams, so you can connect and view them directly. For example, you can watch a stream in VLC instead of on the website. What can't it do? The site supports uploading videos and storing clips, but these features are currently disabled. If there's strong interest, I can make it available, but I'd need a way to pay for storage space. Why should I use this? The goal is to provide anons with an easy, convenient way to get a media stream. Other sites actively police uploads to enforce "community guidelines". It can be inconvenient to share some media as a result. The site isn't working well! Leave a reply here describing the problem. If you're having performance issues, I can help diagnose. If the site is being used heavily and begins to struggle, I can download more RAM to make it go faster.

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Edited last time by codexx on 01/16/2023 (Mon) 02:25:50.
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The query occupants failed check happens about every 5 seconds, it will actually run over the screen, and cover the entire chat side
Certificate expired

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Censorship strikes again why is TOR not allowed again Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 06:04:11 Id: 60b173 No. 7987 [Reply]
We were able to post using TOR but now it shows the message Tor users are not allowed, the site was doing well for the free speech cause but now seems like twitter or kikebook of sorts What happened, when will this be fixed, don't let ZOG win, allow TOR again
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>>9597 >wall of sperging Onionheads never gonna make it
Leaving aside the shitflinging, is there any particular reason you guys mined for an onion address starting with "alephch" instead of something 8chan-related?
>>9619 It's been back on btw

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The Orange Box Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 23:54:58 Id: f413fc No. 9460 [Reply] >>9567
Throw ideas to improve the site in a nutshell.
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>>9460 Overhaul the whole front page and make it look like this ffs
>>9567 To this day I am unsure what "velocity" meant other than a thread being active.
Shift-click to hide a thread from catalog. An old feature from Prime.

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