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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3673: Benoit Edition Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 00:14:45 Id: c14a37 No. 228105
P&O Ferries: Protests at ports against sackings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60887808 China confirms no survivors in plane crash https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-60887970 'For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power': Biden says Putin should no longer be leader of Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10655343/This-man-remain-power-Biden-says-Putin.html 'I'm white - that means I'm automatically better than you': Florida man threatens to lynch black Popeyes employee and calls her a nigger https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10654815/Man-threatens-lynch-black-employee-calls-N-word.html
>>228878 It's a tradition of the dead and useless
>>228879 christianity is dead and useless unless its mormonism smh
>>228880 Ahh yes, the religion with near two and a half billion adherents is dead because willy bum bums
>>228881 who cares about africa lol it is dead in the west
>gays trying to be sassy little black woman but their anus prolapses >>228882 I know a a few hundred million who would disagree with that, moreover truth isn't justified by it's population just like homosexuality is not justified by truth
>>228883 it's justified by greek tradition which isn't justified by its lack of population lad
Sneedvening lids. Decided to watch Schindler's List.
Notice how this homosexual felt the need to post because Wessica was mean to him? Vanity. >>228884 It's not justified by Greek tradition at all. What justifies it? Hows your relationship with your father?
Estranged from his father in life and thus estranges himself from his Father in Heaven!
Oops, tranny hung himself
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>messed up the screenshot
love god me and he love me not a fan of the old testament aka jewish social control book tho
The blood is going from his trany brain so he now changes from hating God and loving any philosophy that justifies his arse abuse to making the pretense of being a Christian. Even then he fails and tries to call on anti-Semitic sentiments to get lads on side. Oh wait, he wrote "tho" instead of "though"! We'll surely be won over by his jovial posting style! How quirky! He dresses like a slag from the eighties to get his daddy's attention. Such a mentally deranged beta that he wants his own father to fuck him!
>>228891 based schizo
>>228891 Is he actually a tranny or are you doing ironic SA posting? Only tranny who may have popped in these days is poombs.
>>228867 is this real?
By the way, faggot, the New Testament is as unequivocal on arse shagging faggots: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–10) >>228893 It's poombs the pederast inviting us into his daddy derangement syndrome
>it is poombs Renounce gayism. Okay, thank you. Also filtered.
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>be me >come in to check the state of the thread >what fresh bants incel rage I wonder? >gayist bumberclaart itt >mfw
>>228889 >crusius, for ever my enemy! Enough heresy, pope-kisser!
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Poombs has big fat legs Or is he turnign back into a man again? Cant' tell...
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>>228902 keeeeek
tfw summoned the gay-death bear bins
>Pembs now being unashamed subversive gay yeaaah it's a le hecking bannerino
hate when bongo drama overflows like a blocked sewer pipe into the thread.
>>228905 Yes, he’s tragic
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Soldiers of the "Somalia" battalion raised the flag over the administration of the Kalmiussky district of Mariupol. >🇷🇺Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government, Central Bank and Gazprom to implement measures to switch to ruble payments for gas for unfriendly countries by March 31, the Kremlin says. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦‼️Russian marines and DPR troops storm the base of the Azov National Battalion in Mariupol Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡A Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet destroyed today near Kramatorsk.
>>228946 Why are they called the Somalia battalion?
>>228699 lmao you think Buddha was an albino?
>>228946 Still zero videos of anybody getting killed in combat. Just fireballs, and the shooting of the soldiers in the leg. For lulz, how the West is providing cover for that war crime: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/russia-soldiers-legs-ukraine/2022/03/18/id/1061814/ However: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/video-reportedly-of-ukrainian-soldiers-shooting-russian-pows-will-be-investigated-zelensky-aide
>laptop stops working >graphics card is fucked meaning the machine boots only some of the time, and displaying random shit the other >ring the insurance up >go to submit claim >can no longer produce the problem for photographs smh
>>228910 smh smh

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