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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3680: Slava Russiya Edition Anonymous 04/05/2022 (Tue) 20:48:43 Id: 4c1d72 No. 233804
Cocaine bust worth £300m is 'largest UK seizure since 2015' as drugs found in banana shipment in Southampton https://news.sky.com/story/cocaine-bust-worth-300m-is-largest-uk-seizure-since-2015-as-drugs-found-in-banana-shipment-in-southampton-12582981 Harry Billinge: Cornwall D-Day veteran dies aged 96 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-60998335 Bronze Age axe heads found in Wiltshire field https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-60995770
>>234544 What's the matter kid? Thought ya was gonna get your picture in the papers huh? Doesn't always work out like that, 'specially when all there is to show for it is some yellow pervert with half a dozen holes in him. Solid work though.
>>234545 keeek it would be kino to have a noir nonce hunters show
>You thought you were sendin letters to little ole sally didn't ya ya dago bastid >Well you weren't, you were sending em to me, johnny 6 fingers
shower drains full of my hair again because of the cooming streak i'm on
>wake up >US DoD National Security Letter has been issued blocking all reporting of the alleged capture of an American general in Mariupol. Big if true.
well, here we are then
"the lads" if you will
5 hours sleep
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>going to bed at 20:00 waking up at 04:00 >chores done before 05:00
>>234553 your filename is a date
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accurséd wiby.me find
>>234555 mild heh
ben at it again
>>234549 It didn't happen, it's just Russian disinformation.
>>234559 i never even played or cared about halo tbh but what they did to cortana's tits is a heinous crime
>>234560 tbhsmh
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>tfw you scratch your balls in just the right place
>The President was mocked by Republicans after Barack Obama outshone him at a White House event, with the US president seen standing alone as his predecessor was encircled by admirers. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/joe-biden-snubbed-as-barack-obama-mobbed-during-white-house-return/
>>234565 I want to believe tbh.
>mummy emails me and asks about my day >tell her I was going to go to a toil thing but didn't because it was too far away >doesn't even read, just sees "toil" and "encourages" me to do it yeah mum I want to waste two hours a day to get to work selling tat to tourists that'll be fulfilling and worth it
>>234569 you could try doing transcription, get paid for listening to audio and typing what is said. not much money but it's still a way to make money from the computer chair
also recording audiobooks if you have a good voice
>>234570 >deaf retard >transcribing I probably could tbf want to do something away from goodscreen though
>>234563 removed watermark. people really think they get to watermark their damn memes smh
>>234573 good lad
>hospital calls me >staff so inept (and/or foreign) they called me by my surname throughout, assuming it was my given how does someone with all the records in front of them fuck up that badly based NHS at it again
4 hours sleep in order to try and fix me schleep schedule, actually managed to get up this time instead of sleeping through alarms like usual when I try to fix my schleep schedule on no toil days, covfefe to keep me going
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>>234577 C-CYRILLIC? >shitter literally refuses to allow me to read anything on its site any more keek oh well fuck off then
those sanctions sure went well didn't they

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