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explain this to me /fit/izen 11/20/2023 (Mon) 14:53:43 Id: cbd2d4 No. 738
>be skinny with a fast metabolism all my life >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat >since i can't gain weight by eating i decide to start working out >work out religiously for a whole year and eat accordingly >work my ass off 3 times a week minimum >after a year, no gain whatsoever, dispite all my efforts >fuck this, decide to drop it >a month goes by >notice that im sarting to grow some belly fat wtf.jpg >decide to work out again to get rid of it >within 3 weeks all my muscles start to pop out, thicc gainz. >literally made more gain in 2 weeks then the past year i don't understand why.
A lot of it depends on the types of exercise your doing.
>>738 >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat I doubt this. How did you measure? If you didn't gain weight, you didn't eat properly. You need to track and weight your food. Buy a kitchen scale. OXO makes some good scales.
>>738 Lots of things could be wrong. What were your workouts? How much protein were you eating? How about other macros?
Maybe your metabolism changed due to working out and your body noticing that you're actually gonna use it. I don't know shit, ask a doctor and be wary of assumptions.

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