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Daily Regimen Thread Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 20:51:14 No. 8034
Of what does your day to day practice consist? What techniques do you use to effect specific change on your reality? What other applications of magic do you practice? Get as specific or stay as vague as you want. Give tips and tricks that served you to your fellow magicians. I utilize Enochian to structure my reality by evoking the energies of the Aethyrs in interesting permutations. I've found the Enochian system to be an incredible toolbox of all kinds of spirits for all kinds of purposes. It really is a language of creation. I sometimes just rawdog ad hoc energies, and clash them against things that just exist in my life. The results are always transformative. Be careful what you wish for, because it will change you in order to manifest. Other than that, I've built a good enough rapport with my subconscious that I can read omens everywhere, but I often fall back to Tarot as a formal way to get my intel. A tip I would give is to examine your day to day feelings so that you know what energies are shaping your mundane reality, and then alchemize them purposefully (if you have the balls).
I browse fringe. Meditate and do unexplainable things to myself and to those that stand in my way. Sometimes I have to do some mundane stuff too to keep myself anchored in this reality. Can't really share more. Words are not really my forte nowadays
My base practice since around 5 years consist mostly of exercises picked from Hatha Yoga Pradipika. For what constitutes "magic" in a more conventional sense, I use mostly a ritual system I've slowly built up over the past 10 or so years. The control of mind and body, along with physical fitness is still the core, and what makes is possible to concentrate energy into something. For any more serious activation I use a number of ritual locations I've picked as my practice grounds. These involve a traditional witchcraft method of performing spell casting in road crossings. 4 way crossing for bigger things, if smaller a 3 way crossing will do. Because there is a tendency of traffic and people walking in daytime, this leads to most workings having to be done at night when no one is on the road. This especially so when using fire to burn something, drawing magic circles and such, which requires to perform this undisturbed. It's part of the effectiveness that roads are public spaces, and crossings in particular connect to large parts of the world. The difficulty of using them is part of what makes it more effective when it works.
I have been continuing to perform the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. Throughout my life I have gone in circles in regard to meditation but watching foolish fish on YouTube he recommends if you can’t make meditation every day a habit, try 30 seconds of meditation every day and I feel hopeful this will help me finally advance the circle into a spiral. I already have enabled the upward spiral in other parts of my life but i could never manage to make meditation specifically a habit or upward spiral. Foolish fish says 30 seconds of meditation every day is better than 5 minutes once a week. I have been watching a lot of da’at darling, foolish fish, and occasionally mind and magic although a lot of mind and magick doesn’t resonate with me at all. I sometimes wonder if mind and magic is a shill for the new world order. At the very least he definitely sold out for commercial reasons. Once I have made a habit of the lbrp I will look into adding some other rituals to my practice. I have been an armchair occultist for a while but I have been wanting to start doing instead of just reading when it comes to occultism and I have come to the conclusion that I really resonate with ceremonial magic in particular. When it comes to things like creating thought forms or energy work it doesn’t resonate with me as much because I am not sure if I do it right or not but with ceremonial magic there is a lot of material objects such as robes, tools, words being said and motions of the body. I currently use black bath robes and just a random butter knife but in the future maybe I will gain better ritual materials. Maybe I should start looking into plant magic maybe it will resonate with me because it uses physical objects.

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