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GamerGate Radio

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OP: Secret Recipe - Exposing Liberal Media's Formula. President Elect 12/02/2016 (Fri) 20:26:37 Id: 77eaf5 No. 328916
First, read pic 1 related. Yes this is probably born from research into comedy, but it doesn't stop how it's being used. I thought the "hypnotic" television ideal was fucking stupid- but it's right. At least for idiots. It's how AAA games are built now, constantly drip feed small victories, rather than building up for a bigger one in exchange for effort. And just like AAA- they don't need the informed consumer to fall for it- they just need the other idiots pumped out of the borderline maddening education system, which assults them with so much useless info and bad lessons, anything that gives them that drip-feed of positive feedback is going to be more engrossing than true study. However, this revelation comes with a catch- pulling back the curtain and explaining it. We've all had a moment where we don't realize how shit something is until someone explains it. The "emperor's new clothes" realization. We can break the "idiot's lantern". We can break MSM conditioning via comedy. Not only making the opinions spouted on those shows coming under more fire, but forcing the MSM to change tactics- possibly even double down and have the bottom % of useless idiots that are useless to even them. And if nothing else- once you know how it's going to go- it gets boring. We can tank their ratings. And others won't copy suit for fear of losing their ratings. Dig - See what other shows follow the "20 second snark" formula. - Study liberal news shows & programming, and work out their formulas. Share your research here of course. - Once the Spread steps are done and it is taking effect, study how programs double down, change, or give the illusion of change. Don't forget to do the same for new shows that spring up. Spread - Make an infograph and spread it on social media- usually on the night an episode of it airs to ensure others see it (So if it's for the Daily Show, post it with #DailyShow). It doesn't have to say "only idiots fall for this"- different people will react to different explanations. Simply presenting the formula can make it boring to some people. Others will need to show the effect it has on "malleable" minds and how bad it is. In typically chaotic GG fashion - do what you think is best and it'll usually work out. - Even in your day-to-day life, if people ask you about the show, explain you find it too formulaic. Even if they won't admit it, they'll try to spot the formula when they watch it next. Support - Support people who have intelligent discussion on politics. Yes, even if there's dumb discussion and it supports anti-SJW, it's no good. Build the house on the rocks- not the sand. If you find a decent political show (that allows the reader time to think and encourages discussion), then shill for it. Clearing the wasteland goes faster when there's new seeds to plant.
From a /v/ thread: > Logic is the defense against the tactic. Critical thinking skills need to be reintroduced into society instead of critical theory. > The ratings for mainstream outlets are already tanking. I think Noah even did a segment about the ratings that chick gets on facebook and how it dwarfs MSM. They're dwindling viewership and Trump's victory are why they're now pushing the recent fake news meme so hard. In order to keep them down there alternative news and media sources should be shared and promoted instead of them. So we're winning already. Might as well speed it up- and help others understand how they got so powerful in the first place. Especially so they can't re-brand and try to appeal to the new majority, then slowly change over time for their own goals. http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/11/how-jon-stewart-and-the-daily-show-elected-donald-trump/ >On October 15, 2004, the CNN program “Crossfire” altered its standard procedure of featuring two guests from different perspectives to have just one guest: Jon Stewart. The hosts welcomed him and encouraged him to promote his bestselling book “America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction.” >He immediately tore into the hosts for the way their show encouraged conflict. He complained that politicians can’t speak more freely because it’s impossible to survive a media environment where shows with titles like “Crossfire” or “Hardball” or “I’m Going To Kick Your Ass” will come after them. He said Crossfire in particular was “bad” and “hurting America.” “Stop. Stop hurting America” he said. >He called the hosts hacks and dismissed the idea that he was sucking up to John Kerry when he asked him questions such as “How are you holding up?” and “Are these attacks fair to you?” >Crossfire was canceled soon thereafter. Most people credit Stewart for not just killing the show, but bringing forth a new age of hyper-political, hyper-liberal late-night comedy. The news scene hasn’t changed altogether much since Stewart’s temper tantrum — except for featuring far less argument-sharpening debate and civil discourse than we had under “Crossfire” when Stewart went on his tear. “Crossfire” used to be one of the few places guests and hosts at least confronted conflicting views, including questions about perspectives and assumptions. It engaged the viewers, rather than ambushed or mocked them. It was also one of the few places on TV outside of Fox News where conservative views were given an audience. >The decline of civil discourse didn’t just happen on cable news shows, thanks to Stewart. He also helped kill it on late-night comedy shows as well. So John Stewart Leibowitz pretty much paved the way for this new format in TV- and discouraging critical thinking and logic. Plus, it puts more pins in the Daily Show, especially when you take the above and compare it to the formula they use. Leibowitz argued down a logical program in favor of his dumb yuckity yuck side-show.
To make this thread less partisan, let's note that Fox News uses visual effects to constantly distract the viewer. They also were the first news organization to be caught using party line memos directed from headquarters. New York Times also got caught doing that. >We were occasionally asked to map a narrative for our various beats a year in advance, square the plan with editors, then generate stories that fit the pre-designated line. https://archive.is/5xEtX

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