Alright, I promised a bit of a longer update so here goes: I have been slowly working on stabilizing PES and making the game less of a rickety piece of shit held together by duct tape. As funny as Clermont Foot 63 was, I'd prefer to not see it happen again. Looks bad on me as a commissioner, and as a semi-literate human being. It's a KONAMI game after all, just because they're shit, doesn't mean I have to be. I have been meaning to try save file editing from raw for a while, and as you saw with the AYY screencap, there was minor progress. After fiddling with the damn crypter for about 3 days, I finally managed to get a proper save patched together. As I believe I've mentioned previous, I can dick around with the different .bins of PES as much as I want, but after a certain point, the game will refuse to create a save file around the edits. So, by manually dicking around with a save file and the crypter, I can force PES to read a save that matches the edits I've made to the .bins. I'm at a near perfect match, so a little more tinkering is required, but we're a few simple steps away from having a clean, base ICUP version of PES to use going forward. That means cleaner editing, as we'll always have the default save file to restart with. That means more organized file structure: No more Team IDs that skip from 180 to 1020 and 4024 or whatever. The game now starts teams at 801 and moves up one by one. Players are organized in the same fashion. Players 80101 to 80123 are on team 801, 80201 to 80223 are on team 802, and so on. Also, players by default have the correct settings to be visible, so unless someone goes in and actually fucks with the player, they're always able to be seen on the pitch. The game will now, by default be ready to carry as many custom stadiums as possible, same for custom balls as well. With a little luck and some support, it also means that any anon willing to step up and compile their board's efforts will know what parts of the game are specifically for their team, and can create an export that can simply be plugged in to the work for that specific Cup. There's still other steps I'd like to take; the refs still need their guts back (if not we can try custom refs), many custom stadiums need some tweaking, and apparently there's a debate on what color anon we are now (I still favor red). That will be sorted in due time. As for the actual 7th Cup, I am worried that I may not have a consistent enough schedule to get it running in August when I want it to. August is a busy season for me, and if meatspace things keep trending in the "open" direction, that'll only get worse. I am open to any suggestions on how to proceed. I would love to have more anons volunteer to stream and whatnot, but if the current limited fanbase can't support that for now, again, I'm all ears for other ideas. The wiki progress has slowed, though I'm getting help in the transporting of info. I'll shift gears into working on meta pages and tutorials while my help continues to transcribe information pages. So that about does it on my end, it's small steps forward, but I'm hoping this stuff pays off big dividends for the Cup long-term. We'll see.
Sort of. Just post what needs to be said, don't be too wordy about it, but remember that you're still talking to people. I've tried to do a cut and paste approach to things in the past, and it generally fits the mold, but then other times you forget to change a thing and you address a post to /wooo/ as "Hey /otter/...". It's the personalization that makes it feel like an active thing, and trying to balance all of that can be tough.