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doujin thread Anonymous 08/12/2020 (Wed) 18:29:48 No. 196
did any mango artist in particular get you into this side of perversion? miyasaka takaji did it for me
(337.57 KB 979x1400 017.jpg)

I don't know if I can credit any artist for getting me into it, but do like Medaka

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seconded on medaka kenichi
(152.88 KB 600x886 Nishi_Iori.jpg)

(115.42 KB 600x847 Kurata Ichiro.jpg)

(108.84 KB 576x800 Medaka Kenichi.jpg)

(59.04 KB 513x723 Miyasaka Takaji.jpg)

(81.41 KB 600x526 Ooyamada Mangetsu.jpg)

My Top 5 Toddlercon Doujin Artists are: Nishi Iori Kurata Ichiro Medaka Kenichi Miyasaka Takaji Ooyamada Mangetsu Sorry Tetsu :( You're #6
(56.53 KB 600x367 Anime801.jpg)

(39.84 KB 600x450 Exotic Condenser.jpg)

(98.91 KB 600x647 Ironashi.jpg)

(163.13 KB 600x870 Kikurage.jpg)

(59.91 KB 600x418 Pastel.jpg)

Top 5 CG Artists are these guys:
(98.26 KB 600x862 Tetsu.jpg)

(148.12 KB 600x854 Yokoyama Negi.jpg)

(120.80 KB 600x841 Yoshi Puu.jpg)

(116.67 KB 600x851 Teruki Kuma.jpg)

(288.32 KB 1280x1122 Lime Mint.jpg)

Alright #6-10. Fuck I can't edit things down. lol. Tetsu Yokoyama Negi Yoshi Puu Teruki Kuma Lime Mint
>>213 >>214 Great tastes there anon. I wish more of their works were translated. Yoshi-Puu especially.
>>213 >>212 great taste
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(1.02 MB 2086x3000 Relax Hiyori 2-10.png)

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(1.35 MB 2140x3000 Relax Hiyori 3-4.jpg)

For me, is Kuwada Yuuki and his series of Rilakkuma parodies. Is a delicious mix of young loli with toddler, and the cute faces the little bears make in joke panels only make everything better. https://hitomi.la/series/rilakkuma-all.html My favs: https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/relax-biyori-soushuuhen-|-relax-biyori-compilation-english-1505839.html https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/relax-hiyori-3-english-788431.html https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/naisyo-no-omochabako-|-secret-toybox-english-1574984.html
(140.01 KB 717x1012 62849187_p0.jpg)

>>231 Based. That's some great taste. Don't know if this counts tho

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