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Bandai Namco All-In On DEI after seeing rigged survey Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 09:51:12 Id: b9d7da No. 1006521
So I just woke up to seeing this article, and it just makes me think about this thread >>1004518 on how the video games industry is run by out of touch retards who are going to ruin these companies by appealing to an audience that doesn't buy games. I just don't get it, you see it failure after failure that this isn't something people want. Yet they insist on putting it in their games. I'm thinking it might have to do with these faulty surveys made by companies like Newzoo who I think are worth looking into. Especially now, as Japanese companies are being misled due to the language barrier and politically motivated employees. Just look at examples like Concord and Forespoken, hell Bandai Namco has an upcoming flop known as Unknown 9 which is specifically made by former Sweet Baby Inc people, and will be boosted by AMD card sales along with the new Space Marine game. Although if you look everywhere the game is promoted, it's getting HEAVY backlash from more authentic sources. I wonder what would be an effective way of giving them a proper message, since these survey companies clearly have some sort of political agenda or closed off pooling data. Perhaps we can contact shareholders and ask them to disinvest after Unknown 9 flops and use both Unknown 9 and Blue Protocol's failure to launch in the western market as examples of why they should disinvest from Bandai Namco until they get their shit together. https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20240826044/
>>1006521 The Nip suits are retarded. They are 5-6 years fucking late to the DEI party Squeenix is regretting their choice, just like investing in Blockchain when the NFT bullshit was winding down. Fucking backwards retards.
>>1006527 Yup, I wonder if Square Enix will start reversing these decisions since someone specifically in an investor call asked about the relationship between them and Sweet Baby Inc.
I wonder how some Japanese execs can be so out of touch despite the fact that DEI games just bite the dust right in everyone's faces. Are they that bad at getting informed on what really sells and what doesn't?
The same way i'm laughing my way to hell as i watch europe crumble is how i will laugh at gooks when the same thing starts happening to their culture and society (which is already happening) And no, this is not niggerpil. I'm tired of this shit.
I thought this was already obvious with the interviews surrounding Tales of Arise and the whole thing about it deriving its story heavily from The Last of Us and Life is Strange. Also if you actually read the article Bamco doesn't seem to want to enforce it from the top-down, instead it seems to be the "waste man-hours on stupid seminars most of the employees will probably ignore" approach.
rip bandai i know elden ring made bank but they have had many flops recently and Fro has the elden license back so no elden ring 2 they better hope the esg checks keep coming.
>>1006600 Yelling profanities and orders at people won't persuade many.
>>1006604 Elden meme is probably their first game that I dislike, it might be the end of Fromsoft if they keep the pandering up.
>>1006616 >Elden meme is probably their first game that I dislike agreed it was ok but i now realize i hate large open worlds gta did it well but thats the only time i can say it added to the experience i just want old level design back darksouls one and resident evil 1-3 nailed it.
>>1006620 Yeah, that and invasions just being tacked on in an inferior form compared to every other game.
>>1006646 Well you see, mine is better because it has a picture I guess I'm blind lol
>>1006527 Wada intentionally sabotaged the company by moving it away from where everyone at Square lived across the other side of Japan with thr excuse of a fortune teller telling him that 'it'd give them a lot of wealth', then made a black hole 'cloud' subcompany with the company's money literally called Shinra then skedaddled, it's hard to give these companies the benefit of the doubt when they're just looking for money >>1006571
>>1006663 *The upper management of these companies
>>1006535 Execs don't play video-games, so they're out of touch by nature and thus depend on lower employees to inform them. Lower employees, even if they play video-games, that would be suited to this task are foreigners that are part of the new market that they're trying to increase their grip on, hence, they are western. But! Since they are western and their task is to inform suits and business execs of the current trends, they almost certainly are ideological sycophants to DEI, and therefore spread misinformation not out of ignorance and incompetence, but out of malice and for their ideological preaching. They do not care for the individual success of the games, only for spreading their gospel.
>>1006676 In all liklihood it's probably just intentional sabotage combined with a paycheck.
>I just don't get it And most people don't because they're making the mistake of thinking these companies are trying to appeal to an audience that already exists. They're not. What they're doing is creating that audience. People who are 20 or older have likely been exposed to games from a time before everything was DIE approved and are thus already tainted and unusable as an audience. The recent reception to Concord and Dustoborn shows this. But what about kids that are just 5-10 years old right now? They're extremely unlikely to know anything but Pokemon and Fortnite, and if they ever encounter a non GaaS game, they don't play it. They just watch someone else play it on youtube. They'll grow up knowing nothing but DIEshit and will see it as completely normal when every last character in a movie or game is an obese, black lesbian. That's the modern audience. Not us, but our children, nephews, and nieces.
>>1006521 From the same company. Meet Noir from Synduality, racebender according to the Xitter twats. I honestly don't know if that was a ploy for DEI dollars but if it is that would be hilarious as fuck. Can't wait for them to hit the concrete wall at lightspeed.
>>1006698 >>1006696 I guess we'll see how something like Unknown 9 does when compared with games like Forespoken, Suicide Squad and Dustborn.
>>1006699 Since it's not intentionally ugly as fuck looking I guess it depends on the kind of game it is, or if it actually releases.
>>1006696 > What they're doing is creating that audience I want to create water from thin air anon, sure its possible to do that but don't assume its going to be effective or viable >They'll grow up knowing nothing but DIEshit and will see it as completely normal. If that was true racism wouldn't even be a thing. This is a classic case of not understanding human nature.
>>1006696 Well, they've had ten years, and all the kids who were five growing up with nu star wars are fifteen-sixteen now and they think most of that stuff is shit too. The only ace they have up their sleeve is to mix the pozz in with heavy doses of nostalgia like the nu-nu Ghostbusters from earlier this year (which also disappointed.)
>>1006521 I hope the Chinks and Gooks steal these sellout retarded Nips out of their money at this rate. They're so fucking out of touch.
>>1006782 Honestly they probably will since Japan is in this weird in-between and will probably reverse course once the Koreans become an active market force.
>>1006896 Hopefully some day. The Nips need some sort of re-awakening. It's tough, looks like the LDP is like how the British conservatives were, they're too afraid of looking overly racist and aren't working very hard to stop diversity pushes, but the only parties with the numbers and voters to go against them are leftist parties that want more diversity.
>>1006899 Whatever happened with the "net right" that was supposedly such an issue over there.
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>>1007044 (396559) https://archive.fo/4vG0R Surprising no one, Blue Protocol didn't even last a year and it has already hit EOS. It didn't even make it to being censored by Amazon. In that very same presentation in OP it was touted as one of BN's examples of compliance by adding in dreadlocks. The bleeding has started.
>>1007051 Good. I hope more of these projects fail as there's nothing redeemable about them
>>1006699 Synduality I mean, Unkown 9 is another dead on arrival ESG pump and dump.
>>1007058 I applied for the beta and am planning on submitting the a and b on character creation screen. Got into last one, but they were so incompetent they didn't tell me that till literally day of so I didn't realize till I had other plans.
>>1007052 For what's it's worth Blue Protocol had a cel-shaded artstyle that rivaled GG Xrd's in terms of translating the anime aesthetic to real-time 3D. Also, the game I blame for all of this crap? Little Nightmares. Bandai Namco started publishing for Westerners in the '10s, but they were mostly low-profile like Project CARS. Little Nightmares being a sensation on Jewtube probably convinced the higher-ups they could nab the Western market, completely missing the point that their financial success was mostly predicated on them publishing Japanese multimedia games, and led to them publishing for Supermassive, Double Fine, and Dontnod. If anything their connection to the West has taken them a turn for the worse. I did like 11-11: Memories Retold but it's so obscure that it doesn't warrant a real mention, and it fell into Babylon's Fall and its trap of using shaders to badly replicate paintings in motion. I can briefly understand the execs' thinking since Bandai Namco had a lot of fingers in the arcade business which has taken a huge hit with the scamdemic, but their arcade franchises have transitioned well to other mediums, case in point Idolm@ster with Starlit Season and the recent Gakeun gacha that has had a hugely successful launch domestically, with the Oreimo guy involved. Their Japanese roots are keeping them afloat globally and in their home country so I don't know why Bandai Namco would piss it all away on ugly 3D graphics that bomb with aplomb. They basically won when their Western competitors placed a pistol against their heads and pulled the trigger; hell, Japan's soft power can be used to maneuver into China and Russia's good graces rather easily. Why join them in their graves?
>>1006780 >The Farce Awakens was nine years ago What the fuck.
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>>1007117 I know that feel
Is there a way to contact some insider? Or is there a Japanon that would know how to inform Bandai Namco of this? I remember that some dedicated Kiryu Coco fan went to some economic advisory presentation or something to talk about China putting some pressure on Hololive or something, can something similar be done for this?
>>1007121 >Is there a way to contact some insider? Or is there a Japanon that would know how to inform Bandai Namco of this? The Nips are already well aware of DEI and the pozzing of media. However over there, they refer to it as 「ポリコレ」(PoliCorre). If you search on Twatter using it, you'll see innumerable people expressing their disgust: https://xcancel.com/search?f=tweets&q=%E3%83%9D%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B3%E3%83%AC
>>1006780 >>1007117 In 3 months there will be adults born after PS3.
>>1007075 The old and tiresome misunderstanding of one's own success. See the v-tuber scene (specifically Hololive) over there: the girls became a success because of their simple and awkward personalities and clumsy actions. Then, the company decided to have them do some singing and dancing. It was a success. But it was so BECAUSE they were already cherished by fans. Now, the company thinks that fans want singing and dancing all the time, and is moving towards turning a bunch of reclusive clumsy girls into dance & sing groups. The execs at the company don't realize that fans like the live shows as a bonus, not as the main attraction. And now, the company is risking losing everything by moving the girls away from clumsy awkward but funny girls playing games to idol dance & sing groups. The execs over there in Japan seem to never understand what people actually liked when something becomes a success. They seem to always make the wrong assumptions, and many companies die because of that.
>>1007316 Fuck I'm old ;_;
>>1007377 That water-drinking contest shit is sad. Bitch just wanted some Wii but she couldn't wee then she fucking died.
>>1007416 >wanted some Wii but she couldn't wee then she fucking died. kek
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Freedom Wars Remastered comes out under a decaying regime... I would have rather it stay confined to the Vita. Perhaps if the PC remaster were to permit for a 480p/540p option, but I doubt it.
>>1007121 Your mistake is thinking that the ones running companies such as Bandai would actually care. They ARE communists. And they want DIE money. They don't want their customers complaining or thinking, but instead, they want a blind consumerist audience. Have you ever seem what pieces of shit products Bandai released over many years, that were just cash grabs for idiots to waste money on, even before the pozz? Things like garbage action figures, repainted re-releases, poorly made games, action figures, board games, vending machines, and many more useless products. The customers in Japan are complaining, but the company never changed their methods. Instead, they just abandon the audience complaining and go for someone else whom they can easily steal money from. The company owners are communists to the core. It is just that now the facade is over and they don't hide it anymore.
>>1015806 > and many more useless products. Videogames in essence are an useless product, get your head out of your own ass.
>>1015809 In which marxists fell for that and fell hard, in fact they're extending their pozpragranda to other poisonous products: >Goyslop >TV Cable <Fucking beer Although one can assume they're descendants of their liberal peers who are few steps to their grave so they need a replacement to keep their cattle in check, what they didn't count on is that their liberalism have emasculated and castrated their future prodigies, a liberal might figure out how the working plebs think and enjoy but the terminal online are too subdued to the point of think whatever their brain-drain social media tells them.
>>1015809 You're a useless product.
SCVI is one of my favourite games of last gen. They better not ruin SCVII.
>>1006616 >Elden meme is probably their first game that I dislike, it might be the end of Fromsoft if they keep the pandering up. What do you dislike about Elden Ring? Too hard for you?

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