I've played Souls for years. Elden Roll (it's a roll simulator) is the worst experience in the whole series and the worst game I've played in a decade. Even with mods it's nothing but Miyazaki trash unlike Skyrim. A copy and paste Dark Souls with a boring and empty open world, outdated ps2 level graphics, and underwhelming bosses. Story's nonexistent and the story scraps are trash. Miquella is an actual faggot, Elden Ring is an LGBT game, faggots love Elden Ring, every faggot I see shills Elden Ring like the Second Coming. Bosses and enemies are too fast and just spam you, it's not a difficulty thing, it's sadistic punishing nonsense design in the name of difficulty requiring sheer grind to progress turning the experience into tiring repetition you wish was over. Some moves you can't dodge so you always get hit, some grab moves one-shot you, you sit around waiting for the animation to end. Telegraphing is awful, you have no idea what's coming until you get hit. Repetitive directionless gameplay with terrible fighting where you cheese everything or continually die. AI auto aims on melee, there's no reason to do shit except parry or iframe, the fighting's fucking terrible! It's like unfinished Sekiro parry combat designed by Indian retards, one of the bosses is even a copy and paste from Sekiro's scraps. Bosses in open areas have like 5 versions somewhere else, just lazy copy and paste reuse. It's a bloated slog, you have retardedly large locations and locations look the same and are just huge empty fucking voids with useless navigation due to lazy dev design. A disappointing quantity over quality cashgrab where if you don't spend 1000 hours mindlessly galloping around on a horse you're checking shit off a Microsoft Excel list from an incomplete wiki like boring fucking chores. Bad items, items make little difference. Skills are useless. Music's worse than AI slop and the grinding is insanely boring and there's too much of it. Loot has no point even with the goblin map, the weight system is retarded and punishing and artificial difficulty. Armor has horrible design. My antivirus also detected malware in the executable. Only super fanboy Miyazaki cocksuckers like this bland rehashed disappointing stuttering dogshit walking simulator for teenagers, thank God I was able to refund it.