/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Humans Eating Animals Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 15:50:52 No. 199
any humans/humanoids/furries or whatever eating feral animal prey
>>817 I've been looking for that one with Buizel for a while it's pretty hot.
(3.68 MB 4500x3500 HazeAndTheMutt.png)

le bump
>>1228 I'm dying, nice one anon
>>199 Sauce?
(363.50 KB 1280x989 unknown(3).png)

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(275.45 KB 1800x1800 EcDoVGHVAAAmiUb.jpg large.jpg)

(595.89 KB 3327x2977 54b1ctlk4tc11.jpg)

>>3377 Source for the bunny pic?
>>4344 Check the filename.
(1.52 MB 400x10000 bunny brei nom copy.png)

>>5161 Sources?
(813.90 KB 1600x2213 SeekGr-400152-1-complete.png)

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sorta lamia prey
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>>6030 You have anything more by them? Their DA seems to have just vanished.
How would you search this What's it called so I can find more of this
>>810 Where's the first picture from?
(5.29 MB 4134x5846 Shoelace-565718-130.png)

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(1.90 MB 400x12800 bird hawkgirl nom copy.png)

(686.35 KB 400x4000 topaz fish copy.png)

(686.35 KB 400x4000 topaz fish copy.png)

(1.44 MB 400x7200 deimos noms copy.png)

>>12332 Who's the artist for the second one with Agari Himiko?
>>12315 Who made this?
>>12369 file name
(913.31 KB 1000x1928 09ENX6Y.png)

(167.66 KB 680x805 xOvlQTC.png)

>>12337 That_Kei_Guy
>>12366 Source please
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>>12686 That princess bubblegum, one is one of the best animal prey sequences I've seen, damn.
>>12681 >>12456 >>12455 >>12452 >>12318 >>12317 >>12316 >>12315 >>12839 You fucking bozos need to learn how to read. HUMANS eating ANIMALS. Keep that furry shit out of this thread
>>12882 >"You fucking bozos need to learn how to read" >Doesn't read retard
>>12882 'any humans/humanoids/furries or whatever eating feral animal prey' literally kys right now
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>>15358 Sauce?
@blaisebunnie on twitter
(376.74 KB 640x640 video0.mp4)

Message or file
(1.93 MB 480x270 teen-titans-go-starfire.gif)

(538.99 KB 865x605 radmann-557365-COMPLETE.gif)

>>17152 Man this animation is really good, if possible could you link the source? I typed in the name and found someone similar but couldn't find that Erza animation.
>>17167 Here is the link to the artist behind it. https://www.deviantart.com/the-fudgeman Though this animation isn’t on their page, I assume it’s on his Patreon.
>>17174 It's either Patreon, the artist posted it here, he posted it on another anon site, it's a commision or deleted.
>>17176 Not found anywhere so it is probably work that was done and not released.
(8.36 MB 1756x1240 ani88.gif)

OC. how is it?
>>17276 This is great. You should do more.
>>17276 make the tits bigger
>>17276 Nice animation. It looks great and the animation is pretty smooth and has some charm to it. I think a throat bulge part would be a good addition to this.
>>17276 wow, that's really good! The only thing I'd like to see is a throat bulge :3 do you post art anywhere?
Who did this????
>>8248 Where can I find the whole thing?
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>>18974 Good stuff, whats the sauce?
>>19227 E-Akahele/Byoki-Desu But I think he goes by ThatKeiGuy or something now that he posts mostly on FurAffinity.
(8.65 MB 3334x7412 101420554_p0.png)

(9.95 MB 3334x10272 101420554_p1.png)

>>21946 Artist?
Any stories about this?
>>22201 nafarious on Eka's has some good ones with dog prey. Delivery Too Late is one of my favorites https://aryion.com/g4/view/481823
>>812 Can I get a source or artist name on the second one?
>>22595 Thats prob Natsumetalsonic

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>>22605 source?
(10.10 MB 3487x7541 Xeitma-735353-Foxy1.png)

(8.52 MB 4096x6739 Xeitma-735642-Foxy2.png)

(9.70 MB 4273x7819 Xeitma-735729-Foxy3.png)

(8.39 MB 6053x4923 Xeitma-736102-Foxy4.png)

>>23774 source for the bunny one?
(961.38 KB 1250x2138 ezkerbkun-864276-raidene.png)

(78.24 KB 900x1277 363876-75921-preview.jpg)

how many here wish this was them
>>25551 sauce?
>>25166 for fucks sake
>>816 is this the best pixel set it has? also, I think you are missing 1. if have a link to the originals, I'd like to see them.
>>25771 these are all from That Kei Guy on FA, he has some amazing stuff: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/thatkeiguy/
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>>28278 Sauce?
(1.08 MB 1240x1686 Armiodyz-890138-xpscroped.png)

(39.40 KB 900x719 Lost Dog.jpg)

Does anyone have the full video series of E-Akahele/Byoki-Desu/ThatKeiGuy?
>>29926 Sauce?
>>31685 Why's the second one got the bottom cut off?
>>31797 probably because of scat
>>31838 correct
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(154.42 KB 728x1000 Lucky-89175-WhatYouEat2.jpg)

>>33476 Sauce on the first one??
Does anyone have some good stories involving feral prey? Here are two stories that i really enjoy [Writing] A Boy and his Dog https://aryion.com/g4/view/479790 Oliver and Company: Good company (oral) https://aryion.com/g4/view/678685
>>34239 sauce? can't find it on her aryion or FA
(795.59 KB 825x825 mermaid wamdus anim nom.gif)

(1.42 MB 1000x1250 SirEdwardthe3rd-908722-b2.png)

>>36488 who was this from?
(1.20 MB 1000x1383 Ursa-951781-fatderggirl3.png)

(2.06 MB 2114x3301 Lynks-952433-Cat.png)

>>34259 Check out any of the pictures or stories here: https://aryion.com/g4/user/nafarious Warning: The user frequently removes and later reinstates their account, so if you like something save it.
>>31685 thanks for the upload. What's the source of the second picture (the one that's cut out because of scat)?
>>38333 this is the image source: https://aryion.com/g4/view/857028 and this is the story that goes with it: https://aryion.com/g4/view/923652
(150.92 KB 1280x1198 photo_2023-11-25_12-20-33.jpg)

>>31685 >>38590 ty very much!
>>38591 humans look like THAT???
>>38688 yes, haven't you read the op's post? theres only humans in this thread
There was a comic on exhentai I can't seem to find anymore. One roommate was in the shower and the other checked the fridge to see her food was eaten. So she eats the other girl's dog. Anyone know it?
>>39637 I think it's Cgvore's "My Food".
I'm using a translator, so apologies if the language is not clear. I always liked vore, but the one time I saw it in real life, it made my life difficult in a way. There's this girl who was in college with me, who I always really liked. I was obsessed about her for five years, unrequited. She was blond, had a very pretty face and a great ass. I had many fantasies of being eaten by her, I often thought of being invited to her house, and that she would push me down her throat, i would give her a huge belly as she digested me and pooped me out of that beautiful ass. Anyway, during the 4th year of college we went with 4 friends and her on a camping trip, and we won things at an amusement park nearby, including a goldfish. While we were eating at one of the food stalls, I jokingly told her to eat it, but the others seriously challenged her, and she very calmly took it out of the bag, rinsed it with water from the bottle, and swallowed it without difficulty. I didn't expect it and couldn't believe it. I was looking at her belly and thinking about the fish that was wiggling around inside, and I would have given anything to be that fish. The strangest thing was that she didn't even seem to be upset by it, she sent it down like it was an oyster, and for the rest of the evening she was walking around with that fish inside her belly but never mentioned it again. I had an already pretty strong infatuation about her, but this episode turned her into an obsession of sorts. I haven't seen her since classes ended, but during my senior year of unversity it was hard for me to see her, I wanted her so badly, and I couldn't stop thinking about that fish that was so lucky, that managed to get into her belly and be digested by her. It's still hard to think about it now.
I was at a dinner with family and friends and this girl, 15, had a rotisserie chickel all for herself. She picked the bird clean, literally she had the skin and every morsel of meat. Plus starters and first course side dishes and dessert. It was fantastic as when she finished the chicken, i could see her stomach bulging out from under her dress. Literally, one could see the bones of the bird in the plate, and the belly bulge where the same chicken now was. I am into her (i'm only 2 years older than she is) and I've been jerking off to the photos of that dinner ever since. There is only one with the chicken bones on the plate, unfortunately, but her belly is in clear view. And there are several during the rest of the evening that she is in, and the stomach is always clearly bulging out.
Anybody remembers that comic from Princess connect's MC where she encounters a small dragon and swallows it whole? Been meaning to find that comic again if anybody has it
>>40179 You can still find it in ekas https://aryion.com/g4/view/603626
>>40181 Thanks!
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Does anyone have alisabluebird’s stories archived? She is being deleted https://aryion.com/g4/user/pendingdelet205h2n9
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(15.28 MB 1904x7725 Xeitma-984770-New_rathole_4.png)

I was very much into this girl, years ago, who I've seen swallowing goldfish alive a number of times. I won't get into details into how and why it happened, but it is because of her that I discovered and started to like vore. That was 10 years ago, we never dated but I've been thinking of her and still jerk off to her to this day. Anyway, saw her at a birthday party for the first time since, one month ago. She still looks very good, practically the same if a bit skinnier. Married, with Nancy Pelosi. I could not look at her without thinking about all the fish that got to see the inside of her stomach. I also could not stop thinking of her being pregnant, with a huge belly. It's a shame she's not on social media, as I'd love to see photos of her pregnant. There is no one, over the years, that I had a more intense desire to be eaten by, and seeing her again was a real turn on.
WTF the text 'one child' changed to 'nancy pelosi' So, she was married with one child
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>>42275 Artist ?
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Who is this kara stuff by?
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>>47301 Dude, isn't she a loli?
>>47307 Shut the fuck up.
>>47399 This image is basically saying that because I like anthrophimorphic tanks, that means I actually want to fuck a German Tiger.
(1.48 MB 992x1403 IMG_3807.jpeg)

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>>47403 You don't?
>>47412 Interesting style, who's the source?
>>47412 Very nice. I'm reminded of that one artist who drew a giant 8ft tall girl
(155.37 KB 1280x948 Christine.jpg)

>>47417 Not really. I'm not gay, so being inside with five other sweaty guys is not my idea of fun. I'd rather combust inside a more personal vehicle.
>>47432 incredibly cursed pic, anon... <I think I've had enough internet for tonight.
>>47466 you're on a thread about animals getting swallowed whole and digested alive and a picture of somebody jacking off a car is what makes you grossed out...?
>>47469 >you are in a thread of something weird you are into and something weird you are not into grosses you out??? retard
>>47469 Good idea, let's just post scat and tiles
(1.25 MB 1800x2000 4232024narm.png)

>>47536 sounds good to me! i'll start
>>47636 Keep up with the thread, stop bullshiting with that crap. Also, cut it with the furries, this is an only Human thread.
>>47638 "any humans/humanoids/furries or whatever eating feral animal prey" Learn how to read retard
Bump a ding ding, baby!
>>49250 What in the goddamn...
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>>49950 Frenchy babe got her meal. Now that's a woman who loves her job like a boss.
(430.85 KB 1643x2048 IMG_6718.jpeg)

>>50114 Holy shit who is this and do they have more??????
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The reason the MHA sketches are there is that there is the implication that Toga is eating the cat. These sketches were apparently back to back. >>50116 ArbriAnarchy. https://www.deviantart.com/arbrianarchy https://x.com/ArbriAnarchy They do pregnancy, stuffing, and vore content but that was the only one that have animal prey in it.
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>>50301 That's a nice pussy.
(1.96 MB 1900x1700 IMG_7512.png)

>>50758 Take out the suit babe, I wanna see you normal.
>>34931 Source? Can't seem to find it
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>>53710 Dude, wtf? Why his/her mom?
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I'm not letting this beautiful thread die.
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There’s some great content for this thread coming out of Springfield, Ohio
>>55895 How I wish the artist of the 2nd pic would just cave and draw vore already. He keeps teasing it but never actually does anything
wow all of these are great!!!
(6.16 MB 2135x10000 IMG_4763.png)

God damn who is this artist?
>>57078 lolotron6
>>57407 Child? Reminds me of Mandy from Billy and Mandy.
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>>57411 sauce
>>57672 Good girl
>>57664 Source? These ones are good
>>61983 I swear there was an english translation of this somewhere
(1.22 MB 1400x1750 ezkerbkun-1075085-mashu.png)

(2.67 MB 1740x2560 124576504_p0.png)

Thanks for reviving this thread 🙏
>>62035 amazing, source?
>>62100 thank you
(545.90 KB 1500x2000 IMG_5578.png)

>>62530 I like that a lot ! Any idea who the author is ?
I don't know why but this is all incredibly hot, damn!
>>63049 Not an animal
>>63056 Thought the same. Check what it is quoting, it is a continuation of a comic
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Cats are best prey fr Imagine getting one to purr in the pred
>>63319 who made this?
>>63616 keze
>>63605 "Great, a chick n' pussy eating" "Haha!"
>>64531 I bet she would eat chick'ns too ;)
https://aryion.com/g4/user/MixMaestro made a ton of stories but I haven't found a re-upload, as all their feral prey work was taken down for unknown reasons
(257.55 KB 1472x1823 IMG_7295.png)

>>66751 - "Can you rub my belly, babe? I'm feeling a litt--BURP-le gassy..." - "Sure, mommy."
>>66782 Nice dialogue❤
>>68270 Who's the artist?

Quick Reply