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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Wormsign animations thread Anonymous 10/30/2021 (Sat) 18:03:19 No. 3481
Wanted to make a thread for any and all animations made by wormsign, there were quite a lot in the old site but a lot of them got purged so here's hoping to regain what has been lost, if you have anything from him feel free to share it with us, thank you
Oh and btw all his stuff are on a sale till november, so if you feel like it here's his store page https://wormsignvore.gumroad.com/
Does anyone have the plesiosaur pack? Pretty please
Bump please
Is he that unpopular now? Coulda sworn nearly all his animations were shared on 8kun before the wipe
Did no one get them before the wipe
I found the 8kun Wormsignvore thread and it only had a single link:. https://mega.nz/file/Cf4HxIRZ#W0o4M7t8LOBDlmftlYj-GZNUmBC3vJ7WYvLv0CxmCSM If I recall, most of videos were posted on the requests thread
Also this dude has reposted a few Wormsign's videos on YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCRDL19h5dxbsMohtLzxyWbw
>>8900 Missing a lot of stuff like the plesiosaur and new videos, there are handful of people that have them on thisvid but they're private, can someone rip em from there?
Anyone got anything?
Has anyone have something
Anyone have Snake Eats Adventurers
anyone got the new ones?
I'll upload what I have, I hope someone will add more though
>>29870 Thanks a lot, dude
>>29870 Here's a trailer for Orca eats tied up lifeguard. https://anonfiles.com/g4o7Vbs3za/OrcaEatsLifeguard_Trailer_mp4
>>29870 Do they really just end abruptly or are these previews?
>>30153 they're the full length as far as I know.
Man, anyone else out there tired of gratuitous foot fetish shots? It's always head first, or obviously uncomfortable butt-first swallows, and as a boob guy I just wish one of these were feet-first.
>>30165 Well thanks >>29870 for posting, but they seem hardly worth the money for them to end like that. Makes them feel incomplete, you know?
What about the last comic?
Any1 got new ones?
Bump for edgar
Anyone got the latest ghost comic or the tourist dragon one?
In guys have wormsignvore chinese dragon eats tourist Any chances because it's on sale right now
(24.11 KB 250x250 116076495_square1200.jpg)

Anybody wanna get this please? It looks great!
>>42528 I don't understand, The dude posts one version for free all the time. If you are not going to pay, why beg for alternative versions for a video that is already free?
>>42825 People want NSFW versions of porn? That's new
Last day
>>46080 Bump
You can still until may 1st get all of his works for only $15 on subscribestar https://subscribestar.adult/wormsignvore?redirect_notice=true
>>46080 The bundle is still active, anyone got it?
Requesting kemono update now that it's running again
Um Chinese dragon eats tourist?
Bump anyone?
Chinese dragon eats tourist anyone
Kaa eats tourist please
once i found a page where were uploaded all nude versions, but i cant find it now, someone can help in search
>>58192 A page where exactly?
Anybody got the newest frog demon one?

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