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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Bizyvore Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 07:07:21 No. 42589
Can people add on the content that Bizyvore puts on his subscribestar (Bizyvore.com), he got a Turning Red animated comic currently with two pages exclusively on there for the time being. It took him a month to publish 1 page from his last comic and if someone’s willing to be a martyr and subscribe to his subscribestar, share it for the world see.
Gonna give a bit a reason for the bumping due to the fact he keeps getting banned from places hes starting to make things exclusive more often like his current new animation that would be good for an kemono update
>>52671 Yea I hope he makes that animation public or someone leaks it soon
>>52710 Bro thank you, didn't think anyone would share that fast
>>52710 hugest thanks!
>>52671 Gee I fucking wonder why he is getting banned
https://e621.net/posts/4469402 theres a sound version of this somewhere out there anyone got it?
>>52989 not an official one as far as I know >>52814 >>52956 also updated the mega with the newest image from today
>>53007 please keep this updated
>>53767 >>54319 sry a bit late but updated with page 25 and 26 >>52710
>>54338 do you plan on updating it more often with the future pages pleasee
>>55017 yes, I am simply demented https://mega.nz/fm/UuI2VRCR page 27 and 1 new gif
>>55182 any updates to the mega?
>>55739 uploaded page 28 the day it was released, nothing more since then. Their updates have become quite slow
>>55807 New page out can you add it
>>56818 dude, bro, can you please check if I uploaded it before asking. Anyway yea uploaded it day of release
>>56843 hey, will you add his new video the mega please
saw the pages got updated, but not the animation
>>59811 yup uploaded. That was totally on me, I thought it was uploaded publicly as well but that was just a preview
>>59864 can you add his new video he just released plzz
>>60996 You have like zero patience dude, chill
>>61016 hey yeah sorry about that, also I noticed you added his new animation, but not both versions
>>61041 yeah what this guy said, can you add the alt version please
>>61253 yea both version should be up, the alt was only uploaded yesterday so I couldn't have uploaded it much sooner
The mega link is unavailable it looks like
>>61433 Yeah, but any chance you'll add the nude alt of his new anal vore animation plz
>>61433 the one where the girl in her ass is nude is what i think 61459 meant
>>61499 yea I was stupid, its up now
>>61433 It's still up
>>61433 Nice. Is this fully up-to-date?
I believe a new one has been posted. Can you update the link if it hasn't already been
>>61433 New ones have been added please add more
>>61504 can you update it with the newest page
>>66334 >>66797 >>67139 Why does everyone do this? If you pester people too much then they're not going to do it.
>>67146 mb, just he's taking a few days with the latest page
hey, another new page is out and you still haven't added the last ones?
>>67153 nah actually kinda valid, I just forgot tbh. Anyway, up to date now >>67729 >>67139 >>66797 >>67153 https://mega.nz/folder/Vypiyb7b#rJApB9_1-nH9gEePuO3FlA
>>67741 TYSM You GOAT
>>67741 yo bizy said on his X that there's a new non comic pic up, could you add that?
>>68039 yea its up now in the animations folder

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