/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Can we have a vore meme/humor thread? Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 02:37:26 No. 9331 >>9338 >>57273
I swear I've seen good ones before
>>9331 (OP) based thread lmfao
Keep em coming. This is really fucking based
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>>9334 There's a special place in hell for artist who do this.
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>>9334 >MFW reading any of Uru's mini-giantess comics I hate that rat fucker for refusing to show oral vore so much
i meant r/vore_irl subreddit exists but not everything contains vore stuff or memes
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This old thing.
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"Ugh, put me down Nitori. I'm sure I wouldn't taste like all the other pickles" Image and text from here https://mobile.twitter.com/SteP__Arts/status/1492909966268645381
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>>9908 The only good meme itt.
>>9366 this is the only funny one. that salesman shit is not funny and it never has been
>>12168 >le relatable spongecancer go back
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Aight, been meaning to post here for a while. I was the one who made the original vore memes thread on 8kun. Here's some of my stuff that I've made, all of which I believe was posted in that thread.
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I've been reading the manga for Fantasy Bishoujo and saw an opportunity to make this and wanted to see if it works, the black border is so I can use it in some vore discord servers to a similar effect. If you want to see the image then it's on the draw request thread.
>>12741 Now someone do the reverse. I wanna see Virgin and Chad bellies stuffed full of Stacies, Beckies or Doomergirls.
Don't know why but I suddenly find purple gal cute
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>>16846 I agree, she's really cute. https://aryion.com/g4/view/778718
>>16849 Her and pink make for good material
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one's that i have that haven't been posted here (spoiler because i dont know if it counts)
>>12728 Dream gf material
>>18054 Do you have the source image of that third one by chance?
>>18903 no got it off of discord
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For those who don't know, there used to be a user on Aryion who commissioned lots of Snake and Plant Vore by the name of Sakao. Other than sneksperl over on Deviantart, they probably had the largest collection of Snake Vore in all the internet, and it was high quality commissions as well. I would go as far to say they had the best snake vore collection in all the internet. And then for whatever reason, they just up and deleted their account for whatever reason. Luckily most of their art was salvaged and reposted to other sites, as well as still being active on Hypnohub. However, a large part of their non hypno vore collection was lost, and most likely will never be recovered unless they go back online.
>>19997 Damn bro did we fuckin ask
>>19997 Bro, this is the vore meme and humor thread; don't nobody give a shit. Take that shit to the "favorite artist" thread
>>20001 >>20003 It literally is a meme. I just gave some background to it.
>>20004 A wall of text isn't a meme you dip
>>20009 Clearly you haven't seen baizuo (Progressive) memes.
>>20009 I'm sorry it's not your thing, I just figured some people might not get who the person in the meme was. I didn't want to piss people off, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal.
>>20012 Don't worry about it, some people are thick as shit and can't connect the obvious or can't comprehend the idea of context. One thing I would say is a joke is best when not explained, but if you do then I would suggest waiting until someone asks about it. When you do explain make it brief and just point out the main points to understand the joke E.G. they were a person who posted tons of quality sneak vore and then they vanished and nuked almost all of it. Nothing wrong with your post and it works as a meme it's just that some people like to bitch even if it makes them look brain-dead.
>>20013 I appreciate the kind words and advice, thank you.
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Posting this partially because I gotta know the source.
>>15256 I've been posting this into some vore discord severs to see how people react and so far no one has responded to it. So either 1 they haven't noticed, 2 they don't care, or my favourite, 3 they noticed but are too scared of being called a Nice person.
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I'm not going to lie, I would love to see boogie do some vore with this girl in the simpler style. It would be nice to see a more cutesy version of her and then see how he would tackle digestion, facial expressions like smugness, belly size and weight gain in a cuter and simpler style. I also would be interested in seeing how it affects his art and the time it takes him to draw.
>>24598 Hot, sauce?
>>24235 lmao i think i understand whom are you talking about
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>>24235 Made me kek loudly. I may be drunk but still.
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This page from a hentai has potential.
>>15256 Because it's a tiny image you can't see what's going on before you click it, ruining the trick.
>>25066 That was the joke, you have to click on it to see the image, and because you clicked on it, you get the pannel saying you are a l0licon. When I made this, the image was only in the 8chan request thread, so most people outside of here wouldn't have seen it. The idea is that people tempted by the image click it only to be called a l0licon. In the right situation, it could cause some discourse. I posted it on a server where people complained about l0licon to see if anyone would react. I was hoping for some reactions and maybe someone asking for the sources, but I didn't notice any reaction whenever I checked, and it's not as effective anymore as the artist posted it on eka. However, the idea that some people may have wanted the source but were too scared to ask was funny to think about.
>>20017 The artist is JT-SexyLexi
>>23155 You hate me for I speak the truth.
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>Artist makes "vore" art of a sexy character. >It's fucking post vore.
>>26050 >Artist makes "vore" art of a sexy character. >Doesn't make a fucking post vore version. I don't get it, they've already visualised everything, just edit the body a tiny bit and they'll have 2 pictures instead of 1, for the effort of almost 1.
>Amazing artist likes vore. >One of their favourite character is also one of your favourite character. >They only draw non-vore of them, and only once every 3 years. I have seen this so many times and I just don't understand why they do it.
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posting some ancient shit i made
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>artist draws vore or belly inflation of a character I'm down to see vore of >she just looks obese instead of actually having a distended and stressed looking tummy (Healthy) pregnant women get forced outies just from having a belly around the size of a basketball or so, why the hell do so many artists just make their female preds just look obese?
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>>21303 >Terachads who get off to unwilling female pred and willing prey or a willing third party forcing a girl to digest her boyfriend:
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The video this thumbnail belonged to is long gone, but it ended with a cute nurse pulling spiderman out of Elsa's vagina. It was actually very hot.
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>>26788 Genuinely out of the loop here.
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>>9334 >Japanese vore comic >fully clothed giantess >never shows her belly or shows any attention to it >the swallow is just ^_^ (insert moon runes for gulp) >comic ends lmao
>>26792 Basically there was an artist on Aryion who went by the name of Sakao. Their OC snake, Ekva was a blue snake. And I would go as far to say they had the best collection of snake vore you had ever seen, from multiple different artists. Then, one day they just nuked their profile on Aryion and went radio silent. No explanation or anything. They're still active though, as every once in a while you'll see a vore artist post something with Ekva for "An anoymous client."
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"Do not say to the goth barista at Starbucks to vore you, that's cannibalism and it's imposible"
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I know this could work for vore artists somehow.
>>35856 why not use the original version?
>>35870 Because Hitler makes it more comedic
>>35922 that's not a meme. that's an actually real romhack
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>>35872 something like this?
>>35926 I sort of meant to compare male vore artists to E-girl ones but this is actual turned out really funny to me.
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>>35856 >>35926 I made a quick edit of your edit to give the girl a gut to make it more about vore.
>>35961 It was nice of her to paint her prey
>>35925 Trailer funny tho
Anyone know the artist who draw this ? I got no clue. But I like the internal. Comfy vorny.
>>38575 SwimmingInTheSwamp on ekas
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There was this one Vore meme video someone made on Vore Day showing how people reacted to the day but I don't remember who made it and the only person I can think it could have been had their account deleted from Twitter.
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>>9334 Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that shit.
>>49862 I like this but am also in slight pain with how accurate it is
This is fine.
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You think it would be someone like Elesa, Nessa or Cynthia, but nope.
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