/zoo/ - Zoophilia

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Littlefang Toastiex3 04/30/2024 (Tue) 20:02:37 No. 12975 [Reply]
Where can I find more littefang stuff or stuff like it other than zoox18? I can't find it anywhere else. (Sorry for shitty english it's not my first language and I don't know how to use this site properly so I can't reply)
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>>12986 No not at all. Basically it's high effort content. TBH we don't post many edits on here, maybe we should. Even starting with images would be fun.
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>>12975 Found one!

Vid Jamie_is_15Uw0 05/15/2024 (Wed) 21:26:52 No. 13695 [Reply]
Anyone got mares cumming?

Animals farting Anonymous 05/05/2022 (Thu) 21:07:50 No. 3601 [Reply]
Since there is a scat board I thought why not have something to do with farting
There needs to be some good zoo fart videos out there! We honestly need a zoofart content creator
>>3601 >>12652 Good ideas. It's one of the safest zoo fetishes. x3

Opossum thread? Hemipenes 06/03/2023 (Sat) 19:33:05 No. 7195 [Reply]
Any good Opossum content out there? They have some very interesting 'equipment'
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I've only found this probably a commission but beatifull paintingm please share something x.x

horses fucking men 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:11:51 No. 13415 [Reply]
please post all here all your videos and photos of men taking that massive horse dick in the ass idk why in the file name of the first video says "girl" when its clearly a man
>>13415 Does this really need to be its own separate thread? Some old thread fell off the catalog because you created this. We already got like ten horse threads and your making a new one? Always ask yourself when making a thread, does this need to be a thread? Have I checked the catalog to see if anyone already made this? Is it worth killing another thread for as a topic?

Zoophile survey Roadkill 05/08/2024 (Wed) 15:22:22 No. 13304 [Reply]
I found this link on zv and thought I'd pass it on to anyone who may be interested in taking it. I took it just to see what the questions were. It seems to me that the authors are pretty convinced we are all depressed and suicidal, owing to our lack of human partners. For myself, this couldn't be further from reality and I used the comment box to speak my mind on their obvious slant. Also, notably was their repeated misuse of the word "abuse" which also got them some feedback. Anyway, here's their text and a link: You are invited to participate in a research study called “Examining the Mental Health, Social Supports, and Attitudes of Zoophiles.” As the title suggests, we are interested in better understanding individuals with a sexual interest in animals. Given the taboo associated with individuals with a sexual interest in animals, it is important to gain a better understanding of zoophiles and how to best support them. The study will take approximately 40-60 minutes and is completely anonymous. To qualify, you must be 18 years of age or older, identify as someone with a sexual interest in animals, and be able to read and write in English well enough to complete the survey. If you would like more information about the study or require assistance, please contact the researcher, Alexandra Zidenberg (alexandra.zidenberg@rmc-cmr.ca), Department of Military Psychology and Leadership, Royal Military College of Canada. This research received approval from the RMC Research Ethics Board on March 13, 2024. Click the link below to begin the study: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FBWX55J
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The way I see it they're going to publish it anyway, morally good zoophiles should take studies to slowly repair the image over a course of years.
>>13320 Yeah I know. I just like to hope
i hope to see the results of the survey later

What do you guys think of a potential mascot for this thread? Post crackhead 05/08/2024 (Wed) 12:21:57 No. 13297 [Reply]
I am thinking of have a dog or pet in general something smaller than a pig. Been lurking in this thread ever since I was in asylum so I was wondering if any of you guys would like it if I were to adopt a dog of you guy’s choice. +Names +Requests. *Note: This is just an idea, I apologize if I cant follow through but right now the idea is very much within reach
If I'm understanding this correctly, you're rebuilding your life after a struggle with addiction, mental health, or both? If that is the case, congratulations and continued recovery to you. Of course I am partial to American akitas, but I wouldn't recommend them for a first-time owner. They can be very challenging dogs. Best for first timers on the image (my opinion only): Best:. Golden, German shepherd, Bernese, Newfie, Great Dane, Bloodhound, Poodle. Good: Schnauzer, Rott, Mastiffs. Not great first dogs but you will love them anyway: Corso, Mal, Akita Not familiar enough with the Pyr shepherd temperament to mention it
Pitbulls make both great pets and great sex partners too, they are good at oral and vaginal, if you are lucky then anal too, but make sure to get a calm one because the more active ones can be a handful

Anyone have littlefang zmvs (or zmvs in general) Animal Enthusiast 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:54:02 No. 13286 [Reply]
I can't get any of the old littlefang videos to load anymore on zoox18, and I wanna download the dogtok and other zmv vids he had.
>>13286 Should be in the zmv thread if it's on here
>>13286 >>6878 should be the thread
Any more absolutestaffi stuff? The way he fucks animals and shows off their pussies while doing it is hot af

Gay dogs Animal Enthusiast 05/05/2024 (Sun) 22:27:31 No. 13151 [Reply]
Y'all got any videos of male dogs cumming while being fucked in the ass?
>>13151 that's hot guess I'm bi now

>>13099 3usd is not so much just buy one and share it here if i see one shared I buy the second one and share it too

Why is zoox18 so slow? Toastiex3 04/30/2024 (Tue) 09:34:30 No. 12956 [Reply]
Why is zoox18 so fucking slow? Is it because of my VPN? I live in a country that banned all porn so I gotta use one, any tips?
On PC is a little bit faster but ZooX18 is slow for EVERYONE which is why its not a whole lot popular. The owner just recently changed up the garbage UI to an even more broken and unfunctioning UI to the point where the tumbnails are broken. Now no one except dog porn users only use the site.
>>12961 what else can you use?

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Animal Enthusiast 06/15/2022 (Wed) 23:46:36 No. 4152 [Reply]
Cock frotting thread, pic related.
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>>12980 Nice! I wanted to try this with a mini I had, but I never tried it as he was just not going to let me get in that super-awkward position. I cleaned his sheath and penis on a regular basis with cocoa butter lotion (which he appreciated a lot) and, getting my hand into him, up in his body in his sheath- oh, if it's clean and slick it's a nice-feeling space, wish I could have made it work like this guy did.

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Hello! Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 19:32:06 No. 12946 [Reply]
This is my first thread on here, or any 4chan style website, how do I reply to threads?
There's a "Reply" button near middle top, you can also click a post number to reply to that comment.
>>12947 Ohhhh thanks
>>12946 I don’t know. I fucked a raccoon once. It was a little cold because it had been in my car for a few hours. I enjoyed it, regardless. ANA.

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The laws of /zoo/ and how they came to be Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 22:16:43 No. 7748 [Reply]
In the beggining was a thread on /b/, and it was good. Created by Cloaca and tolerated by Chai/Silvia, it lasted a good month before Chai decided to create a board for the expanding zoophilia community. But Lo there was a problem. A board had been created and abandoned with only one post years prior, and so it needed to be claimed in order for it be used. Chai told Cloaca to go to >>>/site/ and claim the board, but he thought it a waste of time. "It will die a lonely death after a sole week!" he doth proclaimed, and so he did nothing. By this point the date was approaching July 4th and yet Chai doth pushed forward and asked that the board be given unto him. >>>/site/3105 And because of the date it was ignored for a day or two. (I stand by my comment in that thread, Acid shouldnt have to deal with dogfucking on the 4th of July.). But in the end the board was his. And he made 3 laws abd 3 laws alone for us to operate under (plus a third law Acid insisted upon in our own meta thread here on this very board.) and these were. 1 : No real depictions of zoosadism, animal crushing, or necrozoo. 2 : No glorifying animal abuse. 3 : Posting personally identifiable information is ill-advised (but not forbidden). And this law was good. And lasted for a good year or two before requiring revision.
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Fascinating! & worth the time you put into writing it. some may not care, but for sure others do. I enjoyed the read. Understanding "the why" helps some people follow protocol better, so they don't think its all just arbitrary. also, <3 the "i disagree with what you [fuck] but will fight... for your right to [post about it]" (..as long as it is generally legal, and thus doesn't threaten the entire site) vibe.. aka your support of FREE SPEECH <3 >>7751 >anime koresh.png lol nice Waco reference
>>7778 ty anon. I was worried it was too blog posty. As an addendum. Kaz was my first real friend on this site. But he sadly left for zzzchan eventually. He hasn't spoken to me since which kinda sucks. I miss him. But he loved my little pony, and so out of love for my friend basically I have always had a soft spot for mlp fans. I've never watched the show and have no interest, but he told me that the fans are persecuted basically everywhere. Halfchan allows them a board but bans them everywhere else, and furthermore I once met an anon from there who said they don't allow porn or even lewd posting. The poor guy was desperate to just post some cartoon porn. I felt awful for him, and since then have always allowed pony porn here. And when a migration from halfchan happened and Pony fans made a board here I've made a special effort to check in and help them in any way I can. I know some of my anons here don't like the show and wonder why I tolerate them and that's the reason. Plus I have always rooted for the underdog. It all comes down to something I said to Kaz once that I really believe is true and have always tried to live by. "all anon has is anon, no one is going to save us but each other. No one else gives a shit. So we have to watch out for each other" I hope that all this helps to explain why I do what I do.
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Bump for clarity

When did you first realised you were a zoo? Animal Enthusiast 09/30/2022 (Fri) 22:44:11 No. 5014 [Reply]
not a zoo here I'm just interested in the community
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>>5141 >Terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I had my first orgasms and was hooked every since George Takei moment
>>10377 >>5014 When i was about 13 away at our holiday spot, my friend had a border colie bitch called lassie and i found myself downstairs at his housealone with her. She was sitting at my feet and sortof lifted a leg up and looked at me. I looked down and saw her red swollen wet pussy winking. I touched it gently and she started moving around. I thought she wanted me to stop so i stopped touching but she started spreading again so i ended up fingering her wet pussy and sucking my fingers every now and then. It was the first pussy i ever got and i loved it.
at around 13 or so i looked at my family's german shepherd's pussy and got hard from that, later i found suggestive videos of animals on the internet and then it escalated into straight up videos of animal porn

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Animal Enthusiast 10/03/2022 (Mon) 04:42:26 No. 5033 [Reply]
best zoo porn website now that animalpornrocks is down?
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>>12919 Sure, will you pay for hosting and name registration?
zoox18 was the shit but apparently now it became unusable... still searching too

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