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Best Dogs Blowjobs! Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 02:36:39 No. 1072
Let's share best videos about awesome zoo Blowjobs! (images can be too..)
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Miss the Animals Licking/Sucking thread
Hey i saw this and liked it
The hell do these guys manage to gey these dogs trained to do it?
>>1380 some doggos will without any
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>>1380 The penis milk probably tastes good to them It's pretty nutritious
>>1900 wooah man! this is have a great quality! 0-0
>>1380 Some dogs just do it alone, they like the salty flavor of the penis and for some reason even more the taste of your cum. When they get the message that if they lick enough they will get cum they got better in it
>>1072 here's three videos I found on a discord, all by the same guy
>>2506 What's the purpose of posting on a discord vs posting anywhere else?
>>2506 man...this dog is literally trained to make these things with your owner
>>2105 what happened to the old 8chan zoo thread? a lot of contents have been lost...
>>2506 What a good girl. Sucking cock like a champ.
>>2506 brooooo discord link? I really wanna see more or can you request more?
>>2520 yes
>>2509 sadly it's seeming like lost media at this points
>>2520 Forgot about this post for a bit, here's the link. https://discord.gg/zNk5mdBdhq Unfortunately, these were the only dog blowjob ones on there
>>2567 >>2509 I'm also wondering, did no one ever dump the old 8chan board? Are there any archives?
>>2574 idk
Anyone have more content?
>>1072 I love so mush every time I see this thumb....is so fucking cute!
>>2506 Definitely my new favorite videos on this site. The way she sucks cock is so hot and cute. The way she looks up at you longingly knowing exactly what she's doing. Super sexy. Thank you anon
>>2874 I agree
>>1072 Fuck, dog blowies are the best. They know they want your cum and lick it off you so eagerly
>>3109 based
>>3109 yup!
(12.94 MB 720x1280 VID_20220415_183312_012.mp4)

Won't anyone send anything?
>>3277 Kawaiii! >w<
>>3277 mmmmmm...good dog
>>3277 I want more
Dude please there has to be more
>>3376 Dude, I posted almost all of the pics and vids in this thread. Gotta start contributing, I won't send if I'm the only one posting
>>3398 Yikes
>>3398 Interesting
>>3404 That's so damn hot, looks just like my ex's female Labrador which I hade some sexual encounters with, but she never sucked that great
I actually have 0 idea how to send stuff on these boards. If I knew I'd send some of my own collection
>>3579 uh it tells you to just drag files to this point just fill out the captcha and you're done
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>>3579 >drag files to upload or click here to select them. Yeah try clicking anon.
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>>3925 so old but so perfect
I dont want my favorite activity to die
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>>4211 my man...i never seen something like that before
>>4235 >>4211 join the Shep's Maws Telegram group if you want more dog mouth content like this (nothing involving genitals or vore btw, irl dog maw appreciation only). The link to the Telegram group is in his video descriptions on his yt channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK9NoO5jmj_krA66QkrP2FQ
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More blowjobs.
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Oldies but goodies.
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>>3277 what breed is this dog?
>>4870 This is abusive. Fuck you, sadist.
Why aren't we discussing how to train a dog to keep its suckling instinct? I don't want a lick job, I want a blowjob.
Some naturally retain it after their mother weans them. If you get a puppy right after weaning (6 to 8 weeks, the darker and older the better) you have a chance to rekindle that instinct and maybe keep it going. Don't forget the reason mom weans her pups, that is needle-sharp puppy teeth. You would have to be insane to offer your member to a chew-everything-with-those-new-teeth puppy, so I would suggest a bottle with an appropriate sized nipple, and regular feedings, and increase the size of the nipple to match their growth (feed supply store). If you can get them to settle down and not chew it, you might consider introducing your parts flavored with milk. I wouldn't recommend cow's milk btw, a puppy replacement formula would be better, or goat's milk. I've not done this and likely never will, but I have heard of others who were successful. I was fortunate enough to have met a few naturals over the years, but it is indeed a rare talent.
wtf lol this site changes my text from :y*ung3r" to "darker and older". Fucking stupid and it ruins the instructions.
>>5049 lol i thought 'you nigger' has been replaced with 'darker and older' and you typed it so mongled intentionally to bypass nigger filter.
>>5048 I'll probably attempt this one day. Maybe use the bottle to dole out liquid treats when it's being a good boy. Bonus if I could associate 'feeding time' with the sound of a zipper going down. Would love to hear stories of people who've done a successful training.
>>4875 GFY snowflake. Dumbass ruined it for everyone.
>>5187 Yikes
>>5221 >>5222 the way they kiss, that is so adorable
>>5243 homie did a whole ass YouTube like intro for his porn. It was pretty hot though. Hope there is more of him and his girls out there
>>5243 Lot if not blowjob videos being posted
>>5243 I guess this video is more funny than hot, lol
>>4875 drink bleach, fuck stain
Anyone got anymore videos including more then one dog?
>>5446 The angle blocked all of the double stuff ;-: nice none the less.
>>5262 nice
Aw no cumshot?
>>4191 Wish there was a video of the second image.
how the fuck do you not get your cocks chewed? i saw many self righteous jewtubers discussing the ethics of bestiality and that one case where his penis got chewed by a dog
>>5857 Dunno much about that. I guess some dogs just know not to bite. I've known three dogs over the years and not one of them ever bit just lick.
>>6113 Sometimes when they lick (never when suck) they over exited and chew or bite a bit (like licking is not enough for them) but immediately that they bite you and feel guilty for that and stop doing it.
>>5220 who's playing resident evil 4 on the background lol
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>>6222 holy shit. what a load on the second one. shame he didnt get it more on its face. really great vids
>>6222 the first one is totally perfect!
I always wondered if the dos enjoy the taste of cum because I remember have a buddy that always was eager to not lick me until I was about to cum.
>>6394 i wonder if they see it as food or a treat
>>6398 they do, you can also get cats to like it but its very rare. most of them are disgusted by it. cats are assholes about everything anyway
>>6477 ah yes fapping to forced shit
>>6788 lol this is 100% a scam or glowie trap if anyone falls for this they deserved it
>>6788 >I'm a real human woman who can only get off if you send me zoo videos where I can see your face Fuck off glownigger
>>6779 couples sharing a dog will always be so hot to me. especialy when theyre talking dirty
>>5263 jesus fucking christ that's hot.
>>1072 I was at a fiends lace taking care of his dog. We were in the couch chilling, I put my hands inside my pants and underwear to scratch my balls and she immediately stuck her face inside my underwear and started licking my cock like it was the tastiest morsel ever. I pointed my cock up and just let her do her thing. It was pretty nice.
>>5243 Pretty cute! Any more videos? Does he still make content? Anyone have a link to his current telegram
>>4457 this is not a rottweiler bud
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Quality sucks but here
Does anyone have this one video of a doberman giving the business to some guy? The doberman was wearing some chain collar
>>7523 Hot!
>>7558 Quality's fine, what sucks is that guy's tight foreskin
>>2506 enjoyed these many times, but hadn't thanked anon yet for sharing them. some of the hottest dog vids I've ever seen. Thank you, anon! >>5048 good instructions! thank you, also
how do I access the archive? I remember a "cum in container" thread from looong ago on here, back when 8ch had a different domain. I need to see those pictures again, pls sry for noob question
>>2506 god damn, how do you train a bitch to do this
>>2506 thats like the best thing ive ever seen in my life
>>7594 I have that whole thread saved, like 500 pics/vids in total. Might try throwing it up on mega sometime. Sadly I did not do the same with the old bj thread, seems like it may be lost to the ages.
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no new content ):
>>7998 Fuck yeah, nice cock bro:P
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>>8483 FUCK. Someone tell me there's a tutorial on how to do to get that oral action
>>5262 >those sucking and licking noises Unf~
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>>8503 Step 1: Get some Peanut butter Step 2: Enjoy the oral action
>>8710 I'm talking about a blowjob, not a lick job. Getting the latter is easy.
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Found this.
>>8963 why the camera looks so dirty?
>>8963 Fuck yes
There needs to be more videos of people cummings down dogs throats
>>9130 Couldn't agree more
>>9148 It's not hot if it's forced, the dog should be hungry for human cock
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>>4460 How do you even stay silent during this? Big fat fluffy paws around the base of your dick and a dog furiously licking you. How?
Feel like I posted at least a third of the stuff here. Won't people try to keep the board alive?
>>9562 Your work is very much appreciated! Hopefully this inspires people to post. Vocal/verbal vids are the hottest to me… we need a thread dedicated to them…
Are there any good throatpie videos out there?
Rip thread be dead
C’mon! Let’s keep this thread alive
>>10680 finally a proper blowjob in this thread
>>10681 Any idea where you got this from? I wanna see more content from him
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>>10680 Need more of this
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>>10922 If you have more of lisenok please post it, strelka is cute
anyone know why zoox18 is so slow?
>>10858 Was gonna question the use of a condom but judging by these coke nails it's good that the dog didn't catch anything
>Restrained male >Dog licking away at an unwilling victim's shaft ...vanilla by zoo standards, I know but is there a name for this? Or is it just a dog blowjob?
>>10840 that must feel amazing
>>10840 Seems like you can replicate that if you keep your pup from growing out of sucking?
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>>11289 Fuckin hell! What a great cock…. That’s a great video!
I'm new, and love the licking/throat sounds keep it up!
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>>11489 >>11490 >>11491 good lord you have amazing tastes anon. with the shep being so well trained sucking… guy is naked in a bathrobe on his coach relaxing as he is being throated… god that is the life. and the other dog being so eager theyre pouncing their owner to lick that cock… some of the best dog blowjob vids ive ever seen. amazing stuff man thanks.
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>>11498 not that Animal Enthusiast but i do love happy affectionate dogs
>>11507 this is also solid. the more excited they are the better. the one with shep where it is suckling him off and he doesnt need to encourage it at all is so hot. lord knows how you get them to suck you off like that completely unprompted and with no incentive other than cum. training since being a puppy i guess.
>>11489 now that's a well trained dog
>>11520 Sounds awesome.
>>11491 the way it holds the cock in it's mouth is just amazing.
>>11520 Every person who has been bless with a dick sucking dog and commented on here has said that it's sheer luck. Technically, you could trial adopt random dogs from the shelter and keep the one that sucks dick. No one would suspect a thing and 2 weeks is enough time to know whether you've found a match.
>>11817 that's cruel dude, don't induce stress and trauma on a bunch of dogs just because you want one that will suck your cock well
>>11490 I need a dog like that to use me as a chew toy
>>5243 Is that a guy or a girl laying next to him using the laptop?
Thanks to the dude who helped me finally download these vids now i will post a bunch of Blowjob/deepthroat stuff
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>>12338 abusive cunt, this is disgusting
>>11820 >don't induce stress and trauma on a bunch of dogs To clarify, I don't support people who jam their dicks inside of a dogs mouth. But it's not stressful nor traumatic to whip your cock and see if they choose to lick or suckle on it.
>>12415 he means the stress and trauma of the adoption process, idiot
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Does anyone have the source for this little cock slut? love this vid
>>12475 Beautiful
>>12475 Sheesh, what a slut dog
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>>12509 This reply >>12509 There's no way you aren't the same person from the previous thread before the nuke it was even a reply to THE SAME FUCKING VIDEO HOLY SHIT
>>12522 Sorry more like same person and dog
>>12522 She is so cock hungry, can you post more?
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>>12551 I have more videos but I'll have to search forever for them Never found out who it was, every video I've gotten is a repost.
>> 12567 They're amazing though, keep sharing if you can
>>12522 this is fucking amazing
Anyone got the video of a chihuahua desperatly trying to get under a guy boxer to give him a blowjob until he finished? I remember watching on Zoox18 but i havent been able to access the site for years, i assume it went down
I skimmed and didn't see this classic pic posted so here. ;3
>>13085 im starting to get convinced that pitties were bred to give the best blowjobs
>>13111 Pitts are just weirdly good at sex, to the point I wonder if the bred-in traits that made them stereotypically aggressive (that's 'stereotypically' before someone says the thing about bad owners) also made them kinda plappable. Like, not only are they pretty patient with oral, they're also respected and sought after in vaginal and anal sex circles, too.
>>13124 Have to agree. Every pit I've ever encountered was a sex fiend and totally up for anything. Even picked up a few strays over the years and was balls-deep in their willing mouths in minutes, and sometimes other places. I had a neighbor with a male that I would watch occasionally, if I got my cock in his mouth he would just shove himself forward on it to get it as deep in his throat as he could and just hold it there, his nose smashed into my pubes. I was afraid he would suffocate himself and would have to forcefully pull him off my cock so he could breathe some, then I'd let him throat me again and repeat until I came, which went straight down. Good times. Oh, and he was classified as "vicious" by the county lol
>>13139 hey he's gotta blow off steam somehow lmao
>>13124 Both females and male pitties have very firm and huge asses too and have hot inviting mouths
>>13190 Link to the other vid?
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ill post some videos, pls tell if theres any that has already been posted
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wish there were more videos of cumming in the dogs open mouth
i love how much cum gets on its face
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sound on
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this one is pretty rought i hope its fine
Anyone have more of the nathaniel guys facefucking vids His videos are so amazing with his 8 inch sliding in his muzzle
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>>13376 i think its the same guy? lol the dick looks similar
>>13376 I remember seeing another one of this guys vids abd in the bigger the dog projectile vomits are over his cock and keeps sucking it clean
(5.62 MB 480x360 5cee97ccf0dab.mp4)

its so cute how eager he looks so suck that cock
>>13376 >>13377 This guy has a 20 minute compilation of facefucking the dog but its private Anyone here pls download it His vids would be amazing for zmvs best zoo vids i have ever seen
(1.70 MB 480x854 doc_2024-05-10_02-14-37.mp4)

this gotta be the first time i see a dog wearing a puppy mask and ofc its sucking dick
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does anyone have this video?
There used to be a vid where some guy is cock slapping his black lab with bwc while spiting in his face and calling him a nigger and faggot
>>13409 found it, not only he keeps calling his dog a faggot but started to hit its head with its bare hand, its horrible
>>13406 lol >>13416 Yeah it's kind of unnecessary, guess he likes being a dick more than he likes good head, I don't know. I notice anti-hurt sentiment is more common on here lately, cool.
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>>13416 I just found and saw that too. Horrible. I would love to punch him 10x as hard. How can one be cruel to one's dog who loves you so much he's throating your cock and balls 100%? The mind reels. I had to throw that one away. My porn stash can't have boner-kills in it.
>>13490 Good man.
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>>13517 >>least slutty shep
>>13517 of forceful stuff like this either. Dog doesn't seem to be in distress but, I dunno, just seems crappy treatment to a nice sheppy. Some gentle coercion or encouragement is ok though I think; most puppies have been taught to not to get human parts into their mouths, so that is hard to undo. The very best ones are the ones that just start sucking naturally, and their enjoyment of engaging in "nursing" is obvious. I've experienced three dogs in my life that would take it all in and suck, two of them were naturals- offered a dick they just went down on it and started sucking. The last one needed some encouragement to break from licking mode, usually just getting the tip into his mouth was enough to get him going, then he would easily take it in as far as he could, indeed with a little push I could get my balls in as well, and between that and his throat just swallowing away on my frenulum, it was only a matter of seconds before I popped. He would disengage after gulping my load, and then would usually go right back down on me. It was a bit much at those moments, but I allowed him to do it because it was what he wanted to do. He would continue sucking and licking as I went soft, sometimes to the point of a second round. Bullmastiff, for those who like to visualize. Also fucked like a freight train with 9 or 10 inches. He was very coy and cute with those he knew. Not so much with those he didn't. Good times, long ago. Miss that boy.
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>>13381 Someone else managed to download it in another thread. Fap away https://md.zoox18.com/Afgf8121k/media/videos/h264/142991_SD.mp4
>>13584 Was working before, but now the old scraping method doesn't work. Someone needs to scrape it, AGAIN. Absolutely terrible website.
>>13406 why ruin good content with that text?
>>13540 Agreed. The interaction shouldn't look or feel forced. I hope to have a pup like one of your three. A guy on 4chan gave a nice guidance on how to encourage the behavior as you raise your pup. I plan on applying it when I move to a larger space.
>>13378 Anyone got this asking for a friend
https://katitube.com/video/eager-pooch-licks-my-dick-7171.html Anymore where dog tries to chew / nibble?
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>>13764 here you go
>>13769 Fuck I discovered a new kink. (also near the start when the dog holds it there in its paws eagerly licking... jesus christ)
I'm in a good mood, so I'll share some information I picked up a few weeks ago: >Q: Suckle? Really? Aw man, that would feel so good. How did you get her to do that? A: It takes alot of training patience and luck. But honestly starting them young is what really is the key. If they are older the likely hood for them to suckle is less. But they will still lick you up really good. Just never force her to do it. >Q: Is there a reward system you use? How early do you start? A: I started with her from the time she was 8 weeks sjenwas from a family litter so i used mothers milk as a way to entice her. She caught on quick and with little need of the mothers milk. Treats are the way to go but eventually they see making you cum as the reward. Its her favorite treat by far. >Q: Did you start suckle training with bottles or did it accommodate to you on day 1? Did you have to do anything for it to interpret cum as a reward? A: Bottle feeding can be used but I simply just put milk on my dick and layed with her. The suckling without her getting milk still was soothing and she grew attached from there. Just be aware they nibble and boy ouch. Cum was pretty instant reward in her eyes. It smells like you and they crave that. My girl goes nuts for just my precum alone. Can share more of the conversation if there's interest.
>>13815 fucking pedo nigger, kys
>>13833 The fuck are you on about? Doggie bj's are the best and yeah, it requires that they keep their suckling instinct through the period when they would normally be weaned. You people equating a puppy that loves to suck on things to a small person, the illogic that you apply is just off the charts. Encouraging one's puppy to keep its nursing instinct into adulthood doesn't damage it. They like doing it. I've seen plenty of dogs that do this anyway, they suck on blankets or binkies to soothe themselves to sleep. The owners think it's so cute, and I'm thinking, people, you are missing out. Hold your cock out for that dog. Or check out the video of the dobie that noms on that chick's vagina. They love it, but you have to keep them unweaned, so yeah, a puppy is needed. That's not p3d0, dumbass. But also, allowing a pup to nurse is NOT forcefully facefucking them, which I have seen on zoox18. That IS torture, and those persons, I think we all can agree need to be throttled. To me it's just training, and the most valuable training one can do.
>>13815 yes i have a lot of interest as I want this someday thank you for sharing this
>>13815 I've heard some training tips secondhand before and would like to try them if I ever got a puppy. I've only owned dogs who were already adults when I acquired them. So please do post more of the convo if you would, any new insight is always good to know. Thanks.
>>13910 My girl was an adult when she learned to suck dick and she became an expert in one year, she even ask me to hump her mouth and takes rough facefuckings like champ! It is all about luck I think
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lol this zoox18 user is active on twitter https://x.com/Mawzers
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>>13929 posted on the wrong thread ff please someone delet it
>>13929 Oh! Didn't expect to see Hobo here.
>>13903 >>13910 >Q: Did you do anything to ensure she stays interested out of heat? A: Just treat her right and dont force anything. The worst thing you could do is get them deffensive about their cookie. Wait for the first heat to touch her down there and be very calm and gentle. Its a process but takes really no time. Once you establish the good feeling with reward out of heat mating is pretty easy youd just need lube. >Q: Describe a good day with her please. A: As far as a normal day goes I get home from work she greets me at the door and I take her for a walk we get home and relax. i comfort her with pets and love bombing. i get comfortable and take my pants off and she lays in my lap and begins licking my balls. i scratch her head and tell her shes a good girl.. Once hard i begin to stroke she begins licking and lapping my dick. i grab it and position it for her and she will muzzle then suckle for a good 10 min or so periodically stopping to lick and lap some more. While she does i rub her belly and massage her cookie if shes in heat shell be pretty wet but if not theres enough moisture to rub between her lips comfortably. ill move her to lay missionary with her and get lube, gently rub my dick around her cookie and then slowly push in. You have to push in and up a bit but once in its wet and warm and grips you really good from there you just slowly lay it into her and increase over time shell just sit there panting you get a grunt or "moan" from time to time but the panting is a sign her hearts racing and shes enjoying. From there i treat her pussy like any other and fill her up. After she will lick my dick pretty excited like but will also curl up and clean herself. (Use towels) Its a pretty great time. If we dont fuck she will just suckle till i come and clean me up. From there I'm free to do whatever i want for the evening. ----- And that's it. I'm using this as a model for when I get my own place and pup. If anyone has any teachings or experiences, please share.
>>13973 It's pretty easy to train dogs to suck cock when they are pups Even if you already adopted an adult Pups i litteraly just pour a cup of milk on my dick and they start sucking it off Adults you can train by only giving them water by a bottle for a while until you think there sucking is better than introduce them to cock Or you can just play with them by sticking your hand and fingers in their mouth and keep messing around until you notice they dont bite down anymore than stick your cock in its mouth Used to have a lab that was addicted to piss so whenever i was busy gaming or watching tv or on my phone in bed i would just whip out my cock and he would jump up and start sucking to chug my piss before passing out lol I caught him drinking toliet water so i just tought it would be funny if i pissed on him but he actually liked it lol
>>13928 Anyone have Mawzers full videos or more pics Love it when dogs nurse on cock
(4.09 MB 428x240 ar65ij.mp4)

>>13981 Didn't check the thread fully and i just realized this was already uploaded here.
(14.17 MB 720x1280 doggy cheekjob.mp4)

(4.55 MB 480x320 snoutfucking.mp4)

>>13983 It happens, thanks for providing for us. >>13985 Huh, creative. I bet the texture is nice.
>>13985 This is a good way to initiate an adult dog in oral! It isn't as invasive as docking in their mouths and you can shoot your load without risk of them choking on it, they get to taste it safely too. I reccomend to do this after if they lick you by themselves, then transition to blowjobs and soft facefucking
>>13625 on 4chan? Surprising, I always get perma IP banned when I talk about zoo on there. Maybe it was back when 4chan was based and not just for the republican equivalent of Redditors.
(303.31 KB 2048x1536 GOUl948WEAAB5FA.jpeg)

(240.36 KB 1536x2048 GOr9QKCXUAACg6E.jpeg)

>>14285 What a well pampered mouth, is there more of it?
>>14344 fuck. thats so good i thought it was one of those furjoe anims for a sec.
>>14351 It seems jannis deleted it, what did i miss?
(1.94 MB 638x416 passionate lickjob.mp4)

(3.74 MB 640x480 -m3itJoUDsazYLZ-.mp4)

>>14412 dont know why it posted twice, admin plz delet 2nd one ty
some of the BEST deepthroat ive seen!

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