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Other rare critters Animal Enthusiast 01/12/2024 (Fri) 16:21:04 No. 10682 [Reply]
Saw this randomly on 4chink/s /gif/ Is there more stuff liek this? Does not have to be snails specifically
Where did you find it?
>>10741 read you fucking moron
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>Hows feel to have a snail sucking your cock?: "It's a glorious and indescribable feeling of pleasure! Only those who experience it know how delicious that tingle of pleasure feels all over the cock that you don't need to jerk off to explode in cum. Even when you take it off you still feel that sweet tingling in the cock, especially if you stick it in the most sensitive part of the penis, in the frenulum, the weight of its shell makes it swipe down and she will seek to climb back to the top of cock sucking hard to achieve it, leaving very wet and brushing his head gently all over the glans... Oh God it feels so good!" sauce: https://www.zoox18.com/video/105637/hows-feel-to-have-a-snail-sucking-your-cock

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Submissive males and dogs biZoo 10/10/2023 (Tue) 07:29:59 No. 9120 [Reply]
I love the idea of being bred as a slave bitch. Any more pics or vids like this one or info about this one?
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>>9131 Yes and no. The point is about the slave bitch part, so more of a BDSM situation, like in the picture where the guy is tied up.

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is this a ram? Animal Enthusiast 01/05/2024 (Fri) 07:57:53 No. 10508 [Reply]
apologies for my retardation but whatever this is it's hot
>>10508 no it's a sheep or a doe goat with a big udder, the anus would be directly under the tail flap and his dick is squeaky clean when he pulls out so that is clearly a pussy he's fucking
>>10508 Im.not sure but it's definitely getting rammed

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Horse Cocks Animal Enthusiast 01/02/2024 (Tue) 01:48:35 No. 10417 [Reply]
videos and pictures of seriously gorgeous Girls reacting to and playing with Horse cocks also better if it's ones of them actually masturbating them while cleaning their cocks that lead to them ejaculating and also drinking their cum if not still warm straight from the source but in shot and paint glasses

New to Zoophilia and few questions Breast Milk Lover 12/17/2023 (Sun) 14:00:25 No. 10074 [Reply]
PT = Private Tracker - Any good sites to visit, like forums and wikis? Except PT - Are there any sites that upload PT content to DDL or streaming site? - Are PT extremely active community and have self-made contents too? - Does video of chimp fucking wth women exists? Thanks!
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>>10175 Plus I would love to get better access to gay vids aside from x18. Please let me know better places to find those.
>>10176 >>10091 >. Is it possible? its not cos thread is retarded, like you in fact >Does video of chimp fucking wth women exists? i saw several vids with some hoes playing with chimps, they are easy to find.. also super stupid and pointless... for first normal chimps can get super aggresive. in fact even gorillas are not that agresive. so if anything they are either drugged or bonobo chimps are in those shot (those are lesser in size but very friendly and sex obsessed) for second, and more importanly; on average chimp that is considered endowed is like 8cm top, gorillas are even shorter at 6cm top, so no there is no such thing as "chimp fucking women", its like hotdog into a hallway then, those "super secret PT videos" can be found by going to google and using magic spell "woman fucking chimp" >are PT extremely active community and have self-made contents too? im not a member of any torrent but i can answer that cos its super easy: retards are not allowed into PT (that means you) and retards are also not allowed knowledge about PT activity -especially in place like here that is, literally monitored by police forces from around the world, for some reason.. they most likely bored or into some stuff themself plus, retards like you are especially not allowed cos they would start leaking secret private content into streaming sites
>>10076 What do the abbreviations stand for?

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Yasmin thread Animal Enthusiast 07/16/2022 (Sat) 19:06:35 No. 4443 [Reply]
Anyone know where I can see this full video in HD?: https://animalpornrocks.co/video/17617/yasmin-georges-olympus
humpady bumpady bump

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How to hook up with strays Animal Enthusiast 03/23/2023 (Thu) 13:45:32 No. 6574 [Reply]
Experienced anons please share your knowledge, how do you usually take a stray home and what should be taken in account to not look suspicious or get and std. Any more advice and sharing experiences is welcome
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>>6574 Man I want to cum on that face so bad.
>>6574 I got a stray dog a time, he didn't reacted to my hand touching in his shelter, but let me cum in the mouth and head ( I had to hold him a bit in the end for not fail out ). I never been so nervous and excited before, the release been also one of biggest of my life.
>>10121 Sounds amazing!

Health in practicing zoophilia 12/01/2023 (Fri) 04:22:32 No. 9812 [Reply]
Hello, I wanted to ask how can I lead a healthy life with animals, especially dogs and horses?
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>>9812 zoovile has good tutorials about this
>>9864 zoovile is a crappy website. i wouldn't trust anything said there. just saying
>>9926 Still, there's some unusual porn I haven't been able to download from there

Animals licking/sucking thread? 06/17/2022 (Fri) 01:14:56 No. 4159 [Reply]
need more of this
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>>9831 What am I supposed to do with this?

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Zoo animations & CGI Animal Enthusiast 07/20/2022 (Wed) 00:01:49 No. 4472 [Reply]
Alright anons, y'all remember the /beast animation thread on 8ch before it got nuked? It had some awesome shit but then bam it gone. I still remember the elephant cgis and other awesome shit like the girl getting riden by a croc or that one depraved3d animation with the camel get what I mean? Anything goes, CGI image sets, webms or loops, full length movies or hand drawn animations, no matter wether they old or new etc... Alright, let's get the thread started.
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>>5653 There's a script for Tampermonkey that can bypass the account need. Google e621 tampermonkey uncensored. Works pretty well for me with Firefox.
>>9769 can you share it please?

Bonnie Pics Animal Enthusiast 05/02/2023 (Tue) 20:20:30 No. 6877 [Reply]
Does anyone have the old Bonnie Pics? There used to be a torrent on beasttracker.
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>>6877 There are some torrents on zootracker that appear to be her

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Shiba Inu Bestiality Anonymous 10/16/2021 (Sat) 02:40:23 No. 974 [Reply]
I don't see mush zoo content coming from this specie...so if you have any image or video you can share if you want.
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>>8141 lol, I find the birthing process super hot, I wish I could find some good vids tho
>>9618 Yes please, even thinking about that scenario is giving me a hard on
>>9631 Do you really believe that? I'm pretty sure he's the same guy who wrote that his girlfriend fisted a malamute and that put her head in a cow's bum. All bullshit! xD

RedFlare 11/14/2023 (Tue) 07:47:24 No. 9539 [Reply]
I uploaded 4 videos to AnimalPornRocks prior to deleting my account after the Sappho snafu and the nuking of the site. Megamix and Dogpark aren't too hard to find, but I had a dickgirl HMV and a stallion-centric ZMV which I have not been able to find anywhere despite my best efforts. If anyone could reload and share these, I'd be incredibly grateful as I do wish to see how far my editing has come since the RF days. Also, if you know me, no you don't. Don't text me or anything, I stopped texting you because your friend seduced me with unspeakable things and I wouldn't say no >_<
>redflare is like 50% schitzo yeah, actually that checks out I guess. Love the edits dude but for the love of god stop namefagging and lurk more

painful fucks Animal Enthusiast 08/16/2023 (Wed) 00:29:41 No. 8147 [Reply]
Let's see some human pain. Post vids where they simply can't handle being fucked...
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Here is a good DP clip with some pain
>>8162 I wouldn't take my rottie's cock unless I just shit. I worried about him gettng and infection and then getting outed to my parents by the vet if we had to take him for antibiotics. He didn't care though. From the first time I dropped my drawers he was on me like a flash. I nearly cried the first time it hapeend so fast.

Fence-hopping advice Animal Enthusiast 04/05/2022 (Tue) 14:59:55 No. 3122 [Reply] [Last]
Looking to get with some horses. There are plenty nearby me, farmers leave them loose overnight typically, far enough away from their ranch. Looking for any advice regarding fence-hopping.
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>>9460 Edgy boi OwO I've already surveyed both places. The later is empty at night and no one sleeps there. Problem is how close to the road night be. And cows discarded already... It's industry area and Rentacop always strolling around the place
>>9469 Even if there are no humans in the vicinity the anon above you is right to an extent, you don’t know any of the animals. They aren't sex toys but breathing and thinking animals who will kill you if they don’t like you Hell in my town some girl got his ribs broken by a donkey because she tried to give it a handjob

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Animal Enthusiast 08/26/2023 (Sat) 02:30:45 No. 8348 [Reply]
hello friends i come to you in a time of great need, a need for sauce
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Beautiful girl with good ideas (based on her shirt), gives me hope for the world
So has there ever been anything with her filmed?

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