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Animal Enthusiast 07/18/2022 (Mon) 03:25:35 No. 4461 [Reply]
Can we get a thread of girls sucking off horses? Cumshots would be greatly appreciated too
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>>4616 lol @ fakecum
>>4632 100% i used to think it was real when i was a teenager, then i learned it was just cream
We need more of this

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Downloading from APR 05/31/2022 (Tue) 20:26:21 No. 3997 [Reply]
Anybody interested in a script for downloading videos in bulk from AnimalPornRocks.co? its not perfect, but works. If you make it better, share your version back with everybody, I'd like to see what yall can do with it
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zooskoolvideos dot com just got nuked as well.
The site can't even be opened now, nevermind download >>5023 who the fuck are you. sjw is the last person we need in a zoo board
>>5023 >>5026 fuck you, faggots

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KittyK9 Animal Enthusiast 09/30/2022 (Fri) 00:12:08 No. 5006 [Reply]
Some caps from 2 unreleased vids, featuring KittyK9.
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yooo looks sweet
whoever she is, I want to marry her and have her puppies (ehh... her babies)

All Girls are Whores Animal Enthusiast 09/17/2022 (Sat) 19:29:26 No. 4937 [Reply]
this should be all of the evidence needed to show and prove that girls will literally fuck anything and why I really do think that if those scientists are right that Alien life does in fact come here in the next 15-20 years and they do go ahead and give our location to Aliens we'll see girls doing porn with with them, there is no doubt that this'll happen.
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ok incel

Question Animal Enthusiast 09/26/2022 (Mon) 13:36:52 No. 4987 [Reply]
Has there ever been and more over has anyone ever found any videos of women getting up on top of or being tied to those things they use to get seaman out of the male horse when they are really horney and in the mood and then put it's erect cock in them instead of that thing, like pic related?
Not to my knowledge, but some ladies have been mounted properly by stallions and it's generally not pleasant. Saw a tough lady get mounted by an average stallion and it started okay but as typical of horses, they try to get balls deep ASAP and he bottomed out quickly in her, knocked the air out of her, then jabbed her back wall about 4 more times, came a small amount, then dismounted her. Stallions are fun to think about but they really are the one pump chump of animals.
>>5031 They just cant compete with Big Human Cock.

Fingering Animal Enthusiast 09/01/2022 (Thu) 21:58:19 No. 4821 [Reply]
Got some female fingering? I'd love to see cats vids specifically but can be any animals, pussy only

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discord safe space Eztli 05/26/2022 (Thu) 14:13:40 No. 3932 [Reply]
I have a discord safe space for everyone, any hate is greatly discouraged, i hope you join! https://discord.gg/Mwb9PFtjjz
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Go fuck your self, CIA nigger
>>4883 The difference is discord has been proven to use that information to moderate (delete) servers and accounts. This website, not as much. As for the ISP thing: proxies and VPNs. Most ISPs don't seem to give enough of a fuck to stop users.
>>4931 Discord doesn't do shit unless you are in a public chatroom where people can report you. It doesn't mean you can't post it on your own account. Also VPn's do not protect jack shit. It's for morons that do not understand how the internet works and little scriptkiddies that think they can hack.

Zooville down Animal Enthusiast 09/13/2022 (Tue) 23:12:11 No. 4893 [Reply]
First pornsocket, animalpornrocks and beasttracker go down, now it's zooville. Anyone got any inside news on what's going on? Or is there just some kind of concerted effort to take down zoo sites right now?
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>>4927 That's because it is a honeypot for feds to create a list of people who will be susceptible to coercion. They don't really care that you like getting fucked in the ass by a dog, but they can certainly use that information to keep you under control. Just like they do with Epstein's clients...
>>4927 My account is with a protonmail address. Maybe they changed that since I signed up.
>>4927 I used protonmail to create an account about two weeks ago. I believe they even recommend it.

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I'm a dumbass dumbass 07/22/2021 (Thu) 01:18:42 No. 496 [Reply]
image unrelated OK story time. I'm currently walking back from a failed attempt to have some fun with some horses. There's a few paddocks in my area and I've been considering hopping a fence into one for years but decided tonight was the night. The last week or so I've been taking glances at the different paddocks looking to see which would be the best fit and this one has a route you can take right past it without ever going near civilisation except for the stables themselves. The others are surrounded by CCTV so probably not a good idea (although none of this is). So I dress in all black dudes baggy clothing, pack a torch, toilet paper and water, turn my phone off and get going. After the best part of an hour going a slightly wrong route (not using a phone to guide me after all) I find the paddocks. I can see two mares about 10m away from me, although it's pitch black. I get a not closer and see a big fence with a no trespassing sign on it so decide I'll try the other side. That and it was completely overgrown. The other side is a large gate also with a sign, but right past it are the mares. I stand and watch them for a bit, hoping one might approach me and I could give it a pat at least. After a while of them not noticing me I see a more human-sized gate and think about walking into their paddock. Just the moment before I go in, I take one last look around and see, hidden in a bush, a CCTV camera. This is the point I decide it's not worth it and start heading home. I was fully prepared, unbranded everything in case I lose something and they take it to the police and all sorts of OTT precautions like that, just for it to end up as a 2 hour midnight walk.
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>>538 No one cared who he was until he wore the mask.
>>511 Bi** please... Years ago I could just walk up to all kinds of stallions and they immediately dropped. I had many a good night. The girls were slightly more skittish, but we def had some fun there.
>>4768 >The girls were slightly more skittish, but we def had some fun there. Did you manage to cum inside them? Or was it just finger fucking? I've fence hopped a few times, some went good and others didn't. I'm curious about your experiences regarding mares rather than the stallions. This time 2 years ago, after fingering a 3 month old filly and having it piss on my hands, I went through some other fields and found a grey pony stallion whom I had known for a while but never did anything sexual with him. I let him smell my hands and he did the flehmen response then started dropping, I got the idea to feel his hard on and so I did, he gave a squeal with a flick of his tail while my hands were around his shaft and a thrust then some pre cum came out so I decided to do nothing further with him other than give him blue balls

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Zoo Edits 03/06/2022 (Sun) 12:24:29 No. 2577 [Reply]
Anyone got any zoo themed porn edits? If so post them here.
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>>4740 was it any good?
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>>4741 More or less.
>>4742 Nice.

Some questions Jackal 07/29/2021 (Thu) 02:04:01 No. 575 [Reply]
Hey! I was wondering if anyone had any links to some good zoophilia chatrooms or porn sites?
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https://animalpornrocks.co/ should go without saying, but use an adblocker
>>575 anyone know any under the radar sites that aren't so well known ?

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happydogs Gsd 08/17/2021 (Tue) 21:38:24 No. 719 [Reply]
anyone have the rest? i heard more exist, just very rare...
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>>4372 This was already posted to the sit but fuck I don't care. It's such a sexy video. You know they love it when the rocket comes out
>>544 First time was with a friends dog. I was babysitting their children and they had gone to bed. Parents wouldn't be home for 3h more, and I was sitting on my phone. This bitch came up to me and nudged my dick, and I instantly got hard. I was 13, and had one other sexual experience (Yes, with a human.) She proceeded to try lick my dick through the pants I was wearing, so I pulled them down, looked around and sat on the couch. She jumed up and started licking like crazy, and it felt so good. After like 7 minutes of this, she turned around and started to shove her ass in my face. I got her to stand on the floor, and started to rub her. She started shaking a little and then jumped on the couch again, and rolled onto her back. At this point, I was really horny and decided to lick her vagina. She was maybe 3, so she was really tight. After 15 minutes of exploring with my tongue, I sorta put my arms either side of her and proceeded to fuck her. It was so tight that I came in like 45 seconds, but I didn't stop. I continued for an hour and when I was done, she rolled back over and licked my dick clean. She had so much cum dripping out of her that I had to grab a roll of kitchen towel. I definitely prefer dog pussy to human ;)
>>719 wow so hot

Animal Enthusiast 02/22/2022 (Tue) 00:42:12 No. 2394 [Reply]
Is there any discord servers
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This is a pretty stupid idea, OP. Never use discord, telegram (which gets your phone number BTW) or other social data mining "services" for porn.
>>3864 Remember when people used to use yahoo groups and tinychat? Things arent safe anymore, everything asks for your number and people are scumbags, so fuck it, IBs and forums (dont bother with them anymore) are the way to go for me
>>2394 if you want to use a server, make one on a FTP host.

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getting cow dung and cow urine Animal Enthusiast 08/08/2022 (Mon) 22:42:50 No. 4637 [Reply]
Hi, im not a zoophile but I got told on /b/ to ask this stuff here: I need to get buckets of cow dung and cow urine ,because I will consume only those 2 things ,daily,for 6 months. This is Asceticism,this is sprirituality and Religion. well, DO you (plural you) know where to get it,how to deal with farmers for it,etc? as I said,i got told to come here and ask
Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwww 🤣🤢🤮 you dirty liddl bastard xD never heard of that before, you must be a wanagam troll

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Animals and feet? Animal Enthusiast 08/01/2022 (Mon) 08:20:24 No. 4584 [Reply]
I've only ever seen maybe 2 foot fetish videos with animals, anyone have some more?
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have only one.

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animals fat neek 07/31/2022 (Sun) 16:12:02 No. 4575 [Reply]
i love aniaml,s

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