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Best Dogs Anal Holes Sex! Anonymous 12/26/2021 (Sun) 05:44:21 No. 1442
let's going to share a lot of videos showing a lot of dog holes being fucked in different ways...I will send these five videos to start.
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>>1442 And if you known how to find more videos and images comming from this especific guy and dog share and tell please..
>>1442 fuck I love when dogs take it in the ass like champs. Especially Males.
>>1475 me too man hehe..
>>1483 And doggy cream pies, nothing better. Especially when before hand, they are presenting themselves. Practically begging to be filled
>>1506 ooooh you're making me horny with these words haha
>>1537 Good. I bet you're craving for a go with one. I know I am.
>>1542 owo
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Let's get the mandatory video out of the way
>>1647 This..is...Magnificent!! look how cutes they are!
>>1647 Fuck man, the first video is so hot. Two buds fucking two dogs together. True friendship. And that second video, man I loved how his ass leaked
>>1653 look at these cutiness and hot position
>>1651 I agree with you
>>1445 Is there more of this guy ?
>>1663 uhn...I think I doesn't have more coming from this guy
some more
>>1675 The second is now my favorite
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https://www.zoox18.com/album/10740/gay-slut-malamute Someone have these private photos?
>>1710 Access denied, can you download and share?
copy the link and paste at browser adress bar, than it will work

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>>1819 Fuck you and your abusive shit. The third photo is clearly from a zoosadist that got banned on another forum/chat. Could someone please delete it?
>>1819 ay why the dog got a string on his balls? That can't feel good
>>1820 Yeah that looks like some fucked up shit. No problem anon, anymore like that just report it.
>>1829 Thanks
>>1820 sorry then, can't say I've followed your drama
>>1819 the second photo is cute! you have more?
>>2140 I like this position

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I want more
Do you realize that most dogs are not into anal sex and you are forcing them for your own pleasure? Or you do realize this, but you just do not care?
Some dogs are fine with anal, its down to the dog really, my dog learned anal as a bonding experience or reward when she is not in heat, I would sometimes give her rimjobs at nights and she seems to enjoys
Anal is not abuse. Its down to your dog. Like humans, each dog have their own preferences on what to do, my dog for example likes anal and we do it almost everyday without her being in heat. Its just a good bonding experience to practice with your partner every once in a while, Like the Anon said above. I love to lick my retriever's musky ass after walks.
>>3323 >Anal is not abuse. >Its down to your child. >Like adults, each child have their own preferences on what to do, my child for example likes anal and we do it almost everyday without her being in heat. Its just a good bonding experience to practice with your partner every once in a while, Like the Anon said above. >I love to lick my toddler's musky ass after walks. Think about the vile shit you just said, how is that any different than raping children? Just because it's a dog doesn't make your actions any less repulsive and illegal.
>>3337 Legally the difference is night and day. Morally the difference is night and day. Animals exist to be used by man. God himself granted us complete dominion over them. Conflating bestiality with pedophilia is pretty silly.
>>3338 Pedophilia and bestiality are completely different. This doesn't make sense
Pedophilia and bestiality are the same. In both cases is an objectively unattractive male trying to have sex via a creature dumber than itself, that ether hasn't had sex with what its "supposed" to have sex with or is under the control of the unattractive male and can't. In both cases its wrong because its an unattractive male not covering for left over women. In both cases its totally fine when women do it. I never understood why people, when the law can't find you, feel the need to morally cuck themselves. You're watching dudes shove things up a dogs butt, chill out.
>>3347 Uhh pretty sure that's what he was already saying dude.
>>3348 Children aren't "creatures", buddy.
>>3348 Your argument is that bestiality is wrong and also pedophillic because the male is unattractive? Nigger post your chadly mug then. Oh right this was all projection and you look like a poster child for euthanasia.
>>3348 >it's fine to do bad things as long as you can get away with it Peak nigger behavior. Kill yourself.
>>3350 You're a creature, we're all animals. >>3353 >things are are good or bad because the law says so Where has that gotten you? >>3352 >Your argument is that bestiality is wrong and also pedophillic because the male is unattractive? Yes, or rather that both acts are inhibited because of they involve unattractive men having sex on their own terms. People will come up with other reasons to say ether or is wrong but at the end of the day any law made will only target these types of men from having this kind of sex. I believe both actions are just, and that playing one or the other against each other will only hinder both in the long run. As it is the world feels the need to conflate both groups with transsexuals even though nether pedophilia or bestiality involve any sort of harmful changes to the body. But all three fundamentally involve unattractive men escaping sexual burden.
>>3348 bro what the hell are you talking about? one thing is for you to have sex with an animal, another is for you to have sex with a gang of niggers, a dog for example after 10 months it is already prepared to receive sexual activities and its own nature is already prepared to do this because they have developed throughout history to be like that but not a child, a child is still in the development stage both mentally and sexually, if you are going to have sex with a gang of niggers you can end up traumatizing her or in the future she will regret the things she went through due to the person who abused her, Obviously, I don't say that all are like that I've seen cases of children who fell in love with this world but they are just the minority and exceptions, you're crazy for thinking that bestiality and pedophilia are the same thing! :/
Now would be a good time to remind everyone to read the board rules. The amount of rule 5 violations in this thread is absurd. And all from one guy. So to the pedonigger I say this. Obey the rules or get kicked. Simple shit.
>>3356 I don't remember to write "a gang of niggers"
>>3358 Probably a word filter. Not one of mine so one of Acids presumably.
>>3338 If God existed there's no doubt he'd smite you down for sticking your dick in an animal. Ironic to use religious platitudes as an excuse for your deviancy.
>>3362 Incorrect. The punishment for lying with an animal is described in Deuteronomy. They must be put to death. Man and beast both. Their blood is on their own hands. Also check Deuteronomy 27:21. In the old testament under the old covenant, man was responsible for killing man. God is too busy for that shit.
Hey Guys! Les’t go back to talk about doguies! I want to see some good holes in this thread.
Do you guys like licking your dog's ass after walks?
>>3377 Looks delicious 😋
>>3377 I like teasing his hole throughout the day until he bends his front and finally presents himself to me. Sometimes my dog will want to do it during walks
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Just a question, can male dogs have prostatic orgasms?
>>3904 Yes?
>>3914 any vids/pics?
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>>3977 holy shit what a load
>>3977 perfect
Fuck responsibly: >The first known case of human to dog #monkeypox transmission has been documented in medical journal, the Lancet. The dog caught it from its owners, a non-monogamous gay couple in Paris. The greyhound developed an anal ulceration & mucocutaneous lesions. https://archive.ph/j7b6X
>>4679 should post that in the meta. Front page news that.
>>4662 wow, the second video is great
More ?
>>4751 I want more!
Yes with dildo^^
If the dog had to get surgery or was drugged at the vet, wouldn't the vet notice the dogs gaping butthole?
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>>4801 No, because this occurs naturally in many dogs, especially large breeds and unneutered males. Hormonal thing.
Can dogs have anal orgasm?
I think yeah, I have heard from some zoo friends who have had success of having their male dogs cum from anal but their dicks were like 8-11 inches, I dont know about female dogs though
>>4816 wait until you're old enough to learn what a prostate is
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>>4818 >Circle of friends all casually and naturally having horse cocks >Lives with a lost african tribe or IDK NICK, IT LOOKS FAKE Would love to see breeders using elephant sized electro probes to milk a dog's prostate as it seems unreachable by any human arm.
Looking for vid collections (finger, dildo, ...)
>>4816 I've seen dogs get hard from anal, from just lipstick to fully erect Haven't seen any confirmed anal orgasms yet though
Me too ...
Love dildo^^
>>4884 >I've seen dogs get hard from anal, from just lipstick to fully erect Got any videos of that you could share? Dogs also have prostates so a dog orgasming from anal sex is very possible. I've seen videos of dogs getting fully erect and cumming all over the floor when being mounted and tied by other male dogs
>>4925 videos of dogs getting fully erect and cumming all over the floor when being mounted and tied by other male dogs send
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Need collectilon
>>1702 That Husky boy just asks for getting cock up his ass! And bump for more doggy anal pics >>1702
>>1447 omg that's hot. got any fisting or self knotting?
i saw a video a few years ago with ass to mouth and im so sad i cant find it. it was a dogs ass to a womans mouth ending in a throatpie what's the chance of anyone here having that video?
>>4943 fuck that guy is hot
Anyone have any 'fictional' stories they wanna share?
>>4943 To this day I still wish this video had sound
>>5706 There is a thread of first times if that's something you'll like >>544
>>5769 I saw that thread a while back, but I'm only interested in stories about tail holing male dogs
how about some self knotting dogs?
>>6029 Not possible and please, do not even try it. The only video of this I know about was from a neutered dog with half-erect cock.
>>3976 There’s more of this good boy getting fucked in different positions but I haven’t been able to stash them b4 they went private or got deleted. He takes cock VERY well and they always make sure to get deep and fuck him good
>>6127 Wish they let him get away when he clearly wanted to leave though :/
Male dogs taking big anal is extremely hot. Imagine how much tailhole stretching happens and just doesn't get filmed/shared.. a lot of good boys out there taking big dildos, and 1000x more taking cock
>>3976 I want more of this please.
>>1447 needs bigger beads
>>6075 I've seen a video but I lost the link
>>5534 Only clip I know of. Think it was called JJ fucks himself.
>>4816 Yes they 100% can. It's not always easy to see, the muscles they use to shoot don't really work as well when there's a cock in their ass. They can't contract hard enough, but sometimes you'll catch them squirt a little and if that happens you know they're at least close. All the videos where I've seen a good boy go from totally soft to fully knotted up in their sheath is a pretty good indication that button punching does something for them.
>>6356 hot
>>6357 Any more like that second vid?
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>>6357 Holy shit that's hot
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one of the best
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>>5534 rumor has it this good boy eventually took the whole fist. He also wore a buttplug most nights but I dont have access to the plug pullout videos, OP's pic is a good example of him enjoying his plug though (Also disclaimer before anyone claims these videos are abusive, notice the only time the husky whines is when the fingers are removed from his ass, the whining is just typical excited husky noises because he wants his owner to keep fisting him, not because it was causing him pain. SH was very good to his boy and never abusive or forceful, he trained his husky to take anal gradually over many years and was very careful not to hurt him, none of the dogs in these videos are restrained and have the option to move if they are uncomfortable
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>>6465 I hope there are more of his videos floating around out there, I would certainly love to see more. Those fisting videos were certainly something else, but even just his other regular anal play videos were great. Warning: a minor amount of dirt in this one.
>>6466 And for something a little different. I love this dog. I hope someone has their full collection and is willing to share it someday so we don't have to settle for this compressed crap from zx18
Do you have the one with the black dildo?
>>7112 I'd like to say thanks, but it's protected by a password :(
>>7112 man, how I can download this? is being so hard to download this also, which is the key for the file?
Marry You, von, 4 ur shair!
>>7113 >>7115 >>7112 Oops sorry, I forgot to check that. Let me re-zip the extracted contents into a non pass protected file
>>7119 If I can find it lmao
>>7115 >>7113 >>7112 I figured it out, the password is "12345" LOL 12345
>>7121 LOL, who would have guessed that? Thanks anon :)
>>7122 I thought I remembered it being something like Seber or just a buncha numbers x)
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! 😁👍 >>7112
>>7112 OP ur a beautiful person.
Any more videos of guys eating out bitch's pussies?
>>6357 >All the videos where I've seen a good boy go from totally soft to fully knotted up in their sheath is a pretty good indication that button punching does something for them. Any examples you could share?
>>7112 Looks like the file is down, anyone got a re-up of this?
>>7112 link is broken
>>7292 Can some body just post em
I love them
>>7292 Where did you originally find these? And do you think there is anymore? Maybe even non edited versions of some of the videos?
>>7414 Yeah 😁
>>7292 can anyone re-up pls?
>>7387 It's over 100 files and 8gb. That would not be feasible here.
>>7464 we all have time, upload in smaller parts could help
anyone in this t hread got any videos of gingytrix doing this? I only see 1-2 on Zoox18 but there must be more out there
>>7464 consider torrents, or upload again to some site but with different name and file hash (when u compress and encrypt include a blank txt file)
>>7112 hey man, do you have more packs of dog holes? I really would like to have some!
>>7698 None allowed on this board
>>7789 sounds hot
Anyone have bigawoos anal vids?
>>7292 Anyone got a reupload?
>>7464 >>7292 Reupload to site like 1fichier or smth please
>>6357 Wish there were more vids of of studs getting fucked to orgasm. A former fwb of mine had a, in his word, "super gay dane" that loved taking it in the ass. He got him as a pup and claims that he has never once cum without something filling his ass. He would knot up and have full orgasms without touching his dick at all. If you pulled out of him before he was done he would immediately begin staring you down with that disappointed begging look.
>>8393 Sounds too good to be true, but... Who knows...
>>8399 Should have worded it better. He never let him cum without something in his butt. So he was trained to enjoy anal. For a dog to have some inherent desire like that I think it's unlikely.
>>8406 Just as I thought. It sounded too good to be real xD
I heard that this guy shoved a live cat up his husky's asshole, inserted hind legs first, and as his husky cummed he clenched his asshole around the cat's face.
>>8457 Yeah, sure...
>>8457 If thats true I wish I was that cat 🥵
>>8458 trust me my dad works for Nintendo. it's all part of the next skyrim's development
>>8476 Hi. it's me, Todd Howard. We have expanded our horizons and come up with a revolutionary new technology that will take your gaming experience to the next level. In The Elder Scrolls 6, you will no just be able to explore dungeons and caverns. But for the first time you will also be able to delve deeper and explore your dogs cavernous asshole.
What would you want to insert into a dog's ass/rectum? (I'm talking mere horny fantasy - no need to consider realisticness nor ethics). And what breed/gender would the dog be.
>>8518 My dick in a male wolf, the bigger the better. It's a fantasy of mine in general to breed a male canine larger than myself. I used to do it as a kid with our dane who fucking dwarfed me at the time. Nothings really scratched that itch since then. Even the biggest dog I've been with as an adult still felt pet sized. Being a big guy is a curse and a blessing :P
>>8518 Unrealistically? My arm. Into a male Dane or Mastiff. Realistically? My cock
>>8518 I’d love to take a golden retriever, and strap him to a rape rack. I spray him with the piss of a dog in heat. Then in comes a Great Dane. The golden’s tail is pinned to the side, leaving the Dane free to explore, sniff, and lick. Finally after a bit, the bull hops on his bitch to be. All the while I record from all angles, ready to claim sloppy seconds. It’s gonna make thousands of views. All a fantasy. I’m too much of a softie to even have the any sexual contact with animals.
>>8406 That kinda makes it a bit hotter, training him to be a butt slut. Is he a size queen?
>>8558 Judging by that husky, it’s not too outside of reality ;)
Any change getting a reupload of the Seber Husky stuff?
>>8691 I don't know about size queen, but he took some larger plugs like a champ.
>>8719 Give us the deets!
>>8719 Large like what? A beer bottle? a human arm... ? Large is not an objective term, especially if we are talking of giant breeds...
>>8758 I didn't exactly have a ruler on me at the time lol. Slightly bigger than a beer bottle I think. >>8746 I am not good at story writing but I guess I can share some details. We didn't use toys a lot, at least not when I was there, so it was only a couple of times I saw him plugged. The process was more or less the same as with humans. Lots of lube, start small, and give him time to stretch. Basically going through steps sizing up toys until he is loose and relaxed enough to pop the plug inside without hurting him. His ass would gape open a bit after and there was practically 0 resistance fucking him like that.
>>8773 Sounds pretty big o__o
>8775 Wanna see some photos of our biggest insertions?
>>8783 Why not? Guess we are all here to see some well used k9 holes
>>8783 Yes please 😮
>>3338 The zoophile reveals its true form: an animal abuser.
>>8783 Were they ever posted? I’d love to see em’!
>>8783 Do you have any photos or videos??
>>8787 >>8791 >>8862 >>8874 I'm on my phone right now but don't worry, I'll post the pics in a bit once I'm at my desktop. Some of the things we inserted were hard boiled eggs, a whole kong chew toy, shaving foam can, soda can, and whole hand past the wrist.
>>8878 Wow thank you so much! Would love to see that! 🫢
Any of these videos got women (or man + woman couple) doing this stuff to dogs? I swear that stuff is rarer than fat north koreans
>>8878 I would especially love to see these! I am also curious on where to find other stuff, because I have only seen some pics and videos here and there.
That would be amaaazing UwU
>>1702 Does anyone know what happened to this guy? I'm sure the dog has probably passed away by now. Was wondering if he's still active online? Would love to hear his stories of him and his lover and what happened to the both of them
>>8929 from what I know on old BeastForum, the dog died of some unknown cause at 12 which is a good age for a Malamute. WHich is surprising because I recall him taking 2l of water for an enema scene
>>8932 Do you know where I can find this content? I'm interested but I don't know where to find it.
>>8934 You just had to be there, I know some people who still have those videos in a stash but they really can't be posted anywhere publicly like Zooville because they think its animal abuse
>>8935 How can I get them?
>>8878 and where are you? keep your promise bro
>>8936 Just know someone who has them, they dwell on the Zooville chat, look for someone who seems sus
>>8932 Dang, thanks for the information. It's hard to lose any pet but that guy must've been really hard to lose. I wish I could've gotten a chance to meet him in person
>>8939 Yeah was a cool guy, he had some anal pics where its proper dick in ass its gone with the BF wipe
>>8939 >>8942 He was only cool in zoophilia terms, in person he was freepy
>>8944 Really? How so? Did you get to meet him?
>>8942 Thats too bad, really miss that site
>>8929 He's active daily, uses the same username everywhere online, doesn't try to hide anything. https://reddit.com/u/seberhusky I wanted to send him a PM but he disabled PMs on his Reddit.
>>8951 that good to hear >>8932 I think he did mention how the husky died but I can't recall also you are right on the 12 year old part though I heard some people say 13. >>8947 Yeah, I am not gonna say who I am because I have since ranaway from my BeastForum indentity but I did meet him in person for some talk. Husky was nice, videos where he takes stuff up his ass aside, he listened to orders and was probably one of the better huskies I have met. He was a pretty chill guy, had alot of hobbies. I cut contact with him when his name was mentioned in the 2018 Zoosadism leaks, I can't show the messages since the fucking archives are gone now but Snakething or Sephius Riverdale was in contact with him and apparently met him in person both are prolific and disgusting zoosadist who have talked and done horrible things to animals. I haven't talked to him since then.
>>8951 Yeah I saw that account too but not sure if that was really him, I was disappointed that I couldn't message him
>>8954 Wow that's impressive 😯🥰 is that anal or vaginal? Thanks for sharing ❤️
>>8953 Ah I see well thank you so much for the info!
>>8954 woah..so incredible! thank you for sharing bro!
>>8953 Oh and to add to this, Seber did provide a comfortable life for the husky, he wasn't an animal abuser himself but with association with the zoosadists, I remember asking him if it was true that he knew what they were before the leaks. He said he was sure he didn't know any of this and wouldn't have let them near his husky but I suspected something in his tone of voice so I cut contacts with him. I do regret it today, now looking back it seems like he just fell in with the wrong crowd but you can't judge me.
>>8994 Glad the dog had a good life at least 😁. It's easy to get wrapped up in the wrong crowd, I had a similar thing happen to me a while back that I wish never happened. 🤦
I am willing to answer more questions about my relationship with Seber, he probably forgot who I am by now and I would not mind helping people feel better. I can understand how people can be anxious about the animals in well known zoo series. An example of well known canine that probably had an unfortunate life was Chunky from Petlust. Her owner was a man named Tim Amo, a lesser known zoosadist who was mentioned in the 2018 zoosadism leaks, he would rape and kill puppies as well as filming a zoo snuff film where a dog was hanged execution style then raped. Pictured here is what is believed to be Tim with another dog.
>>9007 did not think id be coming onto modern 8chan hearing about tim amo on a zoo board lol
>>9007 Thanks 😁 I've been a big fan of Seber and his work ever since I saw his dog and have always wondered, what else has this gorgeous dog been able to do? This Tim seemed to be a pretty scary guy 😬
>>9024 Alot of it is lost now but I recall Seber's husky was able to take alot of buttplugs and enemas. He showed me something on his phone that I have glued in my mind where the husky had a TV remote stuck in his pucker.
>>9026 He inspired me and in the future, I'd have my own anal dog
>>9026 Sounds less impressive after I've seen him taking a 18 inches maglite, like a champ... However, I'd like to watch every vid which involves that husky's smexy hole :)
>>9026 Hottttt would love to see that, thanks for sharing that story. How come so much of it is lost?
>>9030 Same
>>9033 I think its because not alot of people download zoo porn,
>>7292 Link's don't work. Reupload onto different site maybe?
>>5535 >woman bumping this request, that sounds awesome
>4 cool vids gone because 1 of them was from K9bitchlover ;_;
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My first night on this board, happy to see the anal love. Male dog ass is the best whole I've felt, just to my personal tastes.
>>9558 I still think how much crazy this video is
wow^^love wn the ass get worked with dildo or more^^hehe

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>>9586 old however pretty good!
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>>9715 I really want to have a dog
My favorite thread on the board. Wish there was a video of a human on great dane on human.. Not enough great dane sguff out there.
My male husky brought me a grape, dropped it in my lap, and turned around pointing his butt at me, wagging his tail. I wet it with my saliva and pushed it into his butthole just because I was horny, but turns out that's exactly what he wanted. Basically, he invented this game where he brings me random things from around the house he wants me to put up his butt. A white eraser, markers, small rubber dog toys, flashlight, a banana or small lime he stole from the kitchen. I lick or lube them up and up his butt they go. It's funny when he's overconfident in his own ability and brings things that are obviously too big to fit in his ass, like a shampoo bottle or can of beer. I swear he has a sense of humor about it too, he once dragged a huge foam pool noodle in from the garage, dropped it in my lap, and when he presented his butt the look on his face was like he was joking and having a laugh.
>>9747 Even if it's not true I love stories like this 🥰😋🫠
>>9714 Thanks for posting more of this guy he's amazing. Love all his content
>>7292 Pretty Please is there a way we can get access to this stuff again?
>>9868 anonfiles is down now, right?
>>9872 Yeah unfortunately
>>9872 any better alternative?
>>9875 It would be really cool if the videos could be uploaded here like the other ones. But idk maybe there is another site like anonfiles. I saw theres one called anonfile without the "s" but idk if it's legit 🤔
One recomendation I heard was cyberfile or pixeldrain >>9875
please send old Seberhusky images
https://cyberfile.me/bl5q password: 9k1J4zW.jpg
>>9936 godsend fucking thank you
>>9936 Thank you so much!!! 🤯💕
>>9936 Epic
Link doesn’t seem to be working for me
>>10019 Could be your antivirus, mine was stopping the download until I turned it off
>>9936 Sadly doesn't work
>>6357 That's interesting. I didn't know it could make them unable to work their muscles hard enough to squirt out cum, wonder if they stil feel the same amount of pleasure from it? In my experience large breeds are very receptive to anal and will be shooting cum the whole time if you keep squeezing behind their knot. I was with a lab who would immediately stop cumming when you put it in his butt even though he gave no signs of not liking it and would stay hard.
>>9936 what is the password? I'm trying this but it won't work
>>10697 stop spamming the same comments every day, stfu
>>10699 I know what you're referring to, I'm not the same guy, so I'm wondering why the password I was given isn't working
>>10688 Hottttt~
no more gay dog anal?
>>11670 I know, right? I think we should start sharing stories here, fictional or real, just to keep it going. I love hearing em’!
I used to get my sweet shepherd boyo on his back in my bed, enter him, then wank him to get him started. Once he was fully extended, I could get my mouth on his cock and suck him while I fucked him. It wasn't great for my back, granted, but he loved it- head thrown back, wide grin, eyes closed, off in lala land. He rarely slept in my bed bc it would get too hot for him as a longcoat, but he would often jump up there in the afternoons and turn upside down, splaying his legs out, looking at me and wagging his tail in hopes of getting his funtime. And who was I to not oblige? Died of cancer at 13, :( RIP sweet lover. Thank you for all the good memories though.
>>5535 Was it on pornsocket? I remember some guy uploading a lot of videos with his male dog there and some had his girlfriend involved. Skinny tatted guy, a lot of frotting and docking vids. I never found any of them again after the site shut down the first time years ago :(
>>6357 More like these? It's way hotter when the dog is actually enjoying it.
>>11690 Thanks for sharing! I’m sorry to hear that you lost your boy, sounds like you def cared for him.
>>11690 Thank you for sharing. The silver lining of pets is the happy memories and at least you did more with him than most. >>1647 These are some of my favorites and I woulda posted the right two if this guy hadn't. (2022, jeez, old thread.) >>11680 I'll keep it real short because I'm going to say it in 'first times' thread and I talk on TG with most zoos I'd be most willing to go into most detail with. My first time/s was with this white shep who was really hot but he preferred his owner fucking him, so I didn't do that much with him but it still drove into me that canines can have that intimacy and connection. I could tell, I could *feel*, the difference of consent, it was just in the air that he liked being fucked by his owner, so it still acted as a confirmation for me. I've had other experiences but that one I'm gonna crosspost so it's easier to type once and post it on two threads.
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Lets make This place alive again
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>>9719 I really want to have a dog It's hot that that's the thing that made you say that. >>12221 I'm on board. >>12222 Ooh I don't know if I've seen that, was it first uploaded to Session? >>12225 Yoinked this, thanks <3
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>>1647 That right one is maybe my favourite zoo vid >:3 >>12968 and these are great Thank you to all contributors and lurkers don't hesitate to chat and ask stuff. Vid: Cute guy fucks fluffy husky
>>12984 cute guy fucks fluffy husky while watching lex fridman
damn shame so many shoving their dicks in their dogs and yet only one guy thought to record helping one male fuck another. Are yall not perverted enough to be doing this? It's absolutely bizarre to me that there is no known full video of two male dogs mounting, fucking, and knotting on the entire internet. You're already training them to take your cock, just let your other boy take your place.
>>12998 I think cuz men simply won't get two MALE dogs and train them to do so, 99% of men get nonabused (intact) fem dogs or at least fem dog+male dog pack (in case traders in the future become full mad and simply wont sell unneutered dogs at all and you can run your own). And the chance that someone is zoo+visits this site+have 2 male dogs+trained them to do so is very small. You have better luck on zooville.
>>13001 There was a guy on ZV planning it if not already doing it but the mods ran him off the site... I think it was Knottyboyz or WMWproductions. Idk if it was one guy or a team but it seemed like he was trying to do something like petlust, and he posted videos to back it up.
>>6423 Are there any vids like this?
>>13007 WMV is a sadist who has tied down dogs and raped them in the past. Go figure.
>>13014 Source? Like, Zooville ban for anything, and I talked to an unbanned WMW this year I think.
Anyone here in Blyatmann045s Telagram he posts vids of him fucking his dogs and gettimg blowjobs almost everyday His Tela is Blyatman042 Can anyone here join his server and leak his stuff here pls he used to have amazing zoo vids on his old twitter acocunt before getting suspended
>>13022 Really? I was actually looking for one of his old videos on ZV recently and it looks like they nuked all his posts and his account. I could barely find a trace of him, save for a few people talking about his telegram group. Now I'm curious to find his telegram to keep up with him.
>>13007 He was 'planning' but then he disappeared. A small number of people there have expressed interest in 'planning', but it clearly never comes to fruition. I've talked directly with owners who own two males who fuck at least one of them in the ass. And any time I present the idea they're just like eh don't feel like it. >>13034 He's deleted at least one telegram he had, said he was tired of dealing with zoos. He might have more.
Speaking of WMWproductions, does anyone have "beed & feed" in original resolution? It was nuked from zf because the admin considers all anal as abuse iirc
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>>13033 I don't wanna be the first person to pop out of nowhere to someone's TG but it sounds hot. >>13034 Combination of quietness and ZV being restrictive, I guess like any openly accessible zoo space these days :l Last I spoke to him he was 'planning' as anon pointed out to get a better setup in every way - more dogs, more men, more camera angles. But it was taking a while back then and he's only gotten more quiet. Shame because (pics related) are so hot.
Glad to see this board getting some traffic again, I love all the tailholes getting stuffed
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Anyone have the dog69er collection ?
>>13100 Honestly. The hottest thing I've ever seen 😲 Thanks so much for sharing this!!!!!!! 🤯🥵
>>13100 That part during the intro where he's frotting, is there a full vid of that?
He and these vids were banned from ZV for a very good reason? Maybe someone can figure out what that was if the horrible millenial music was removed.
>>13095 Amen! It's nice to see a bit of movement. >>13109 >>13110 I think I know which vid was posted, can tell it's that WMW vid by it being hot, and having a frot scene. lol Not certain why it was removed so I won't repost, maybe there's a policy against his vids being posted.
>>13123 Yeah would love to know why it was removed, for future reference. 🤷‍♂️😐🤦‍♂️
>>13134 bc he's an abuser. He's super rough with his dog in many ways which is horrible and unnecessary. I see the sadness and resignation in that dog's eyes. Some here seem to think there's a contest to see how hard or fast or deep they can fuck their dog- the harder and faster the better. Uh, no. Just bc the dog isn't whining doesn't mean your savage action isn't hurting them or causing discomfort. I see many plain signs that that shepherd is in discomfort and trying to move away. Guys, please, that's not what sex is about. Love your partners, respect them, treat them as an equal or better. If they don't like something, don't do it. Just bc they can't call the cops on you when you hurt them with rough sex doesn't mean you should do those things. Damn, how do you abusers even look yourself in the mirror? Sweet loving animals don't want or deserve rough treatment, ever.
>>13136 he's just submissive otherwise I agree probably not why the mods or poster removed it though
>>13134 I don't recall removing it, so yeah good question. >>13136 I don't know, maybe it was this, I doubt it though tbh.
Here is a torrent link to my huge collection of Dog Zoo I tried to organize it but its just to much. Its a big mixture of good bad awesome, Gay, Straight, Group. https://tormag.ezpz.work/ydniy7dz55
Anyone got anal content with women? I hardly ever see it (Presumably for a reason)
>>13233 Like a strap on?
>>13233 >>13161 How can i see It?
>>13161 Thank you so much for sharing this! I really appreciate it! ❤️
>>13237 You have to have Utorrent installed and then when you click the link it should open up in Utorrent. I had the same problem 👍
>>13242 Is this download delay normal?
>>13247 I had a problem doing it on my pc for whatever reason but it worked just fine on my phone, started downloading right away.
Just remember to help Seed the Torrent when done downloading it. Also its 65Gigs roughly just so folks know.
>>13292 >>13293 Thanks :3 Anyone who browses threads starting near the bottom see >>6457 onwards.
>>13136 Based. I couldn't agree more, and I really hate how much these places are becoming more and more swamped with people who somehow find that sentiment less reasonable than treating dogs like worthless sex toys.
>>13317 I agree but he also kinda strawmanned us, barely anyone here is talking about dogs like they're toys. Even if we were this is the kind of site people use when even 4chan look like moralfags, I'm just saying. But yes, I think purely fetishists are a bit of a curse, compared to people who actually know what they're doing. >>13328 I have a slightly less compressed version of that from one of the guys in that friend group, but it's over the upload limit at 169MB, I'll try to smush it down a bit more. Hot video though. Also whenever it gets posted some people think the dog is whining in pain - as even wearing headphones will suggest it's actually a female who wants to get in the room, the male is 99% silent.
>>13161 Anyone who's downloaded this, is there any good human male penetrating male canine content here? I don't want to pay for a VPN to torrent just to find out it's all stuff that's been around.
Anyone have the source on this one or know if more was made? Probably too rough for 8ch, so I'll link to it. https://www.zoox18.com/video/58221/musculoso-follando-a-perro-anal
>>13349 There's some but it's basically the same videos you find posted here or on x18.
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>>13330 wheres the videooooo
>>13350 Half of that site's server space must be that one video reuploaded with different Spanish and Portuguese titles, lol. I've got no idea where it's from, even knowing people who know people. Maybe it was a one-off on Beastforum once. >>13383 sory ;w;
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>>13485 damn never seen these ones before! anywhere i could find more?
>>13485 Is that first video by the same guy that got a horse to fuck his dog like 5 times?
>>13504 think so yeah :)
>>13485 Both of those are female dogs on bottom my guy
>>13499 Not that I've had luck finding.
>>13535 You are right, just was sharing dog anal stuff.
>>13643 Delicious sandwich!! My fantasy is being in the middle with two male dogs
>>13652 Name checks out (I don't disagree :3)
>>13234 Or fingers, just women doing stuff with dog holes I saw a few sitty videos of some drugged out asian chicks years ago doing stuff with dog ass but thats basically all we get
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>>13930 Hobo my beloved.
>>13958 Hobo?
>>13958 Adorable. Hoping- is he still with us? Awhile back I had to say goodbye to one of my goodest bois, this reminded me of him. He was just an all-around fun guy, liked top or bottom, doggie or missionary (I think our favorite was a missionary tie- or was it me topping him missionary and blowing him at the same time?) Versatile, and always up for fun. Once I was the meat in the sandwich between him and a missionary in-heat bitch. Sigh. Good times. Doc said he was sorry, he looked like he was a real cool dude. I said, "The best. You have no idea."
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>>13959 Hobo is the dog in the video. I think that's one of the public clips at least. He's really really hot. (And good at, and into, anal. Don't know first hand but can firmly say I've heard that directly second hand.) Here's another clip I'm allowed to share. >>13963 Hobo is def alive. Sorry about your pup and being reminded, it's a huge downside of having dogs for any reason. He sounds nice both in general and in bed. I've seen you on a bunch of the /zoo/ threads I frequent so I almost feel personally invested here. The silver lining is dogs make us better people with their memory and it sounds like you have some pleasant and some hot memories. Was probably a real cool dude indeed.
This is pretty much all I have of my boy, I was never one to record a lot but I figured I'd give back to the board.
>>13993 omgg i already love him, do you have any source where i can see more of him?
>>14054 I love you, thanks. He's so nice and fluffy. I like the couple times you moaned too. >>14055 I'm unsure how to answer that, I'm not in his public group just the private one that I can't/won't invite to, I'll just ask sometime how public people get into the porn channel. Annoyingly a lot of zoo is just networking, you talk to a guy who talks to a guy, et cetera. Especially with zooville being a white knighted echo of Beastforum's slow days.
>>14061 is it paid or something? the private one
>>14066 Nah it's a trust based thing. I just knew him on TG and a friend of mine has visited and fucked his dogs. Public group's not paid either I just don't know how to get people in it (since publically putting a link is dumb.)
unfortunately just a slideshow
>>14061 Wish I had more to share but every time I tried to initiate since the last few months/half year he's been reacting very poorly, so I don't push it. These 2 clips are the only salvageable content from my few times with him. Kinda wish he had never been neutered but I got him that way. Literally 0 sex drive. I have an intact female and there is complete apathy from him when she's in heat. I still try from time to time, but even with all the rewards and praises and doing things slow as soon as he feels me poking his ass he makes me know he's done.
>>14115 could you post more clips of him please?
>>14336 ah I didn't actually mean to add the third oral one but hey it's thankfully got public watermark and I bet it's an overlapped interest here.
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Rottie dildo
>>14242 Well I do have more that's publically shareable, but they keep getting removed, first the videos got snipped off the side, now also the whole comments. Not entirely sure why but I don't wanna get the moderators to hate me by evading it with a repost. It could be a interpersonal drama thing but I don't wanna pry. Sorry ^-^
>>14358 do you have session or smthn?
>>14361 Not currently, I'll let you know. Frog stuff is reposted a bunch in Telegrams and the like anyway, easy to come across.
>>14402 Try uploading them here https://catbox.moe/
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>>13504 I'm gonna need a video of this
The movie when he try dildo is epic ... just start with r 8 14 18 25 inch in
So bad... not enough discount in male ass here
He must try harder I think 🤔
Like a champ 🏆
>>14557 This is just zoosadism. The dog's paws are bound and it's in distress. Clear abuse
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>>14576 Have this with sound?
>>13101 >>13084 Now I remember this video! In this scene he has a 30cm dildo inside his ass super hot
>>14813 In which one?
>>14820 Studs in Heat, I think both parts, don't have my big porn drive hooked up. 1 is a shorter dildo only vid, 2 is the one with fucking too.
You're all a bunch of animal abusers and I want you to know that some zoos like me are taking a stand to dox and report you. We're not the same.
>>14837 cringe.
>>14837 Ew, might as well have put a "I am a sigma male XD" in your comment while you're at it.
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>>14898 thanks
I've seen a video where a man is fucking a male dog and he says "I'm gonna cum again", then he pulls out and says "eeewww" when sees the poop in his dick. There is another dog and a guy in the room watching. Can somebody share that video please?
>>14989 many thanks!! I've been searching this for a while!
>>14969 >>14989 Same dog as the left one in this post >>14989 I talked to the guy doing the fucking in some of them. The owner of the dog is jailed but the others in the group sex aren't thankfully.
If I was to share my dog I would only do so with another owner. It's so hard to trust people. One bad move and your entire life can be ruined, your dog taken away, jail time, fines, etc. Someone you "trust" can just expose you out of spite for not letting you fuck their dog. Even other owners you can't trust to be honest because you don't know how crazy someone is going to be. I'd rather just do things with my boy and be left alone without any worries
>>15009 personally this is why i say you should be extremely cautious talking to other zoos. it may not be illegal to watch zoo porn in the us but if you are too careless when talking to them you can easily destroy your life. unless you are extremely sure that theyre not a psycho then dont give them anything that can link back to you irl. i had to stop talking to someone once because they were too unhinged and I unstable and i feared retaliation. knew the guy for years too. its unfortunate.
Do not post anything even slightly about pedoshit. Or I will probably ban you. Fuck off and die with that shit homie.
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>>15074 What
>>15090 If you like cub or loli but if you’re a genuine pedo attracted to real life children i encourage you to kyd asap <3 not a zoo mod btw
GreatxD cya
>>15090 Very abridged: Bad people on Telegram. That is the last I'll say on it. >>15091 Actually talking about them in a negative light is still talking about them, I think that's what the admin is saying. I think reason being glowies have 4IQ and probably run word recognition bots so we'd show up as a blip by acknowledging, ergo don't.
>>15102 ah i see. i thought he was talking about just being accepting about it. if admins dont want me to talk about it even negatively ill gladly do that. i just didnt know that’s what he meant it was worded a bit odd.
>>14898 Love seeing that knot swing fuck
>>15114 Finally back on topic and with such a hot thing to mention. Alright fellas who enjoy male bottoms. What's hotter? 1. Giving the dog a reacharound until he's hard. 2. Dogs that get hard from the anal itself? (for realism's sake, IRL #2 usually peaks at the pink lipstick sort of level, knotting usually requires touching)
Plap first questions later
>>15178 Number 2 obviously. Just the thought that my cock can make hard a male animal is hot enough to make me shoot a thick load
plap em all 2024
>>15202 That's a hot way to see it.
>>15178 2 for sure. Making a dog cum from only anal is on my bucket list and I have tried and failed with 2 dogs so far :(. I looked at some anatomy pictures and tried to fuck at a downward angle to stimulate the prostate more but it didn't get them past the lipstick peeking stage.
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>>15327 Well it's hot you're trying. You may have to use your hand for some, I don't think they have very sensitive prostates even if you totally nail it. Again though, that's really hot and lipstick is nice too.
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>>15327 What kind of dogs were they?
>>15377 >>15377 That aint a lab but it's sexy >>15369 Thank you for the porn! >>15340 I know that guy but he said it's fine to post that one.
>>15369 Man that 2nd video is fucking great
>>15383 A big mutt and a pit mix. The pit was an absolute menace at times but I miss that booty. He would take the pounding like a champ with his knot swinging and always seemed to like having his butt played with. I had him for nearly a year before returning him to a friend who had to move before he could take him back in. He's a zoo as well but not into topping males unfortunately.
>>15418 >The pit was an absolute menace at times but I miss that booty. that checks out so much lol >He's a zoo as well but not into topping males unfortunately. could never be me
I hope I can find another gay male owner one day and we can swap male dogs together and take turns fucking them
>>15423 I'm rooting for you buddy, it'd be hot.
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>>15484 That's hot af. I love when you can see the hole so well.
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this pose is cute seems this dog is everywhere lately
>>15501 Can you post more of him? I only know his name is Hobo
>>15539 His owner is pretty active on telegram
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>>15501 Oh lol that's taken from a SFW (ish) butt scritches video, it does look like being presented for sex, that's a high tier screenshot. I raise you one of my own. I think I took it, I mighta saved it from here. I have no recollection how I got it either way but it's in my Hobo folder. Like the above guys said his name's Hobo, and the owner is talkative on Telegram. If you get into anal TG circles you can come across him organically, that's how I know him. He's a top guy. >>13930 Here is that same dog again in a particularly hot video. Would namefag for the benefit of people knowing who I am but ofc it's an on and off rule on here not to.
>>15563 If you don't mind answering, do these groups tend to be public, or more "if you know someone inside" kind of thing? I'm in a good few zoo tg groups (have actually seen some of my content make it here, which always feels good), but mostly just general z groups rather than anal ones specifically.
>>15563 I won't rest until I find this video, it looks very hot. Do you know where I can see it?
>>15668 I don't get around much so the only ones I'm in are anal groups I made, then a few tiny owner groups where you have to know someone, but it's not *too* hard if you're trustworthy and know other trustworthy people. I can't advise with general chat groups, bitches e.t.c. as I'm currently not in any. :( >>15674 I'll check if I'm good to post but it was in the Hobo folder so likely I know who to ask.
>>15833 this dog is tied down
>>15835 And ??? He love ❤ 😍 just listen
>>15863 just because hes not crying in pain doesnt mean it likes it. Its being forced to take it , tied down, and theres a person that appears to be holding the dog down on top of that.
The dog is indeed tied and I don't hear any pleasure noises to be frank. The group that made the vid has some hot stuff but some stuff over the line. I'm not mad if you find the video attractive but we'll leave its removal or not up to moderator discretion.
>>15881 They have more vids?
>>15891 Yeah a few, also some that gets reposted not attributed to them. If you see wooden floors, blue tarp, black tarp, a white towel e.t.c. with one of a few dogs, it may be the same group. You'll understand why I'm not posting though, they have some imo not abusive stuff but could be banned by association since the other vid got deleted.
I lost my dog ass cherry today and this thread was part of what hyped me up to find an owner, love you guys.
>>15977 Well... That's great. Maybe you would like to share some more details? Like... What kind of dog he was, how did it feels... Something like that...
>>15820 Sent a request.
>>15992 Hot screenshots but incorrectly attributed, the dog is a male called Hobo, also seen several times in the thread, they're not from the 'Big Awoo' series.
>>15820 is this group dead already? damn
>>16069Yes, it seems so, because I have not been accepted for several days either.
>>13485 If we want more stuff like this, we gotta make it ourselves
I saw that there is a pheromone on sale that simulates the estrus of a female dog. How will this help in finding stray dogs and attracting their attention?
>>5535 just gonna bump this request from 2 years ago since it sounds hot as shit
>>16337 I see there is no lower limit of time we post something before it shows up compressed, down-rezzed and with an on the nose title.
>>15369 wtf?! vid 2 is perfection. Love that it looks like they're in a honeymoon suite with the made-up bed and scented candles and all.
Anyone active care to lay out their cleaning routine and how they got their pup used to it? I have an enema adapter for a shower hose and know how to use it responsibly, but do you like... do it and just let them shit in the tub? and how do you get them used to that. or is there some way less messy/invasive way to clean up their butt parts that i'm not thinking of? feed them pumpkin until they shit squeaky clean bricks?
>>16873 no cleaning is really necessary if the dog is on good food, just wait until they've taken a dump and that should be good enuf unless you're super-endowed
>>6466 is he using a gopro here for hands free recording? All the times i've tried an action cam it has a horrible wide angle thing that makes everything look fisheyed and distorted, and the actual vid quality was always dismal. Been wondering about a good hands free solution in the event I have cause to make recordings in the future.
>>16870 He used to ban evade on Zooville to post more of these, good times. A pal got him on Telegram but not much happened, still super nice videos. >>16873 If you can take them from the enema nozzle to outside somehow, cool. Bulbs are also a thing. But I'm just getting devil's advocate out the way - generally they just find it weird and you don;t always need to. Like I consider mysef a bit squeamish about anal and done it a few times and never had anything gross happen, and if it does I guess you take the sacrifice for how the hole feels. Good food versus processed slop helps a lot. Good question though.
>>16912 dude if you have any more of his stuff please post, it's top notch
>>4833 You just posted proof that the prostate isn't that far in. It's much more likely that it's the girth that made it successful.
Enemas are overkill and unnecessary. It's not healthy to do them all the time either
>>16922 I think he was looking at the kidney. Prostate is definitely reachable with a finger, and can be massaged. I have found that a nice gentle massaging and pressure on his external "taint" during a bj will always produce lots of cum; I always do my best to make him cum as hard and as much as possible. Love seeing a good boi orgasm over and over.
>>16953 That sounds hot and cute.
>>9936 Link's been removed.
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>>5534 >self fuck
>>17350 the guy in the second vid got caught having an onlyfans, hes so hot
>>17352 what is his handle?
Oh shit content posted. Thank you!
>>17351 >going from her asshole directly into the pussy Really shouldn't be doing that. Really shouldn't.
>>17383 a known abuser so it's obvious he doesn't give a fuck if she contracts a potentially deadly uterine infection. abusers suck
>>17383 >>17385 That's sad, beautiful pup too.
>>17349 Delete this shit troon, why are niggers ao obsessed with raping shitholes
>>17355 his of content was top notch. i wish he made more zoo vids with the quality he produced with his of. i always did find it weird how he was never able to cum.
>>17472 If you want the admins to act, articulate more and cry less.
>>17472 lmao kill yourself you weird spic tard
>>3975 >>1647 >>4943 >>13930 I need more bitches with cocks...
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>>17577 The idea of males being bitches is hot.~
>>17492 get AIDS and die of dick cancer puppy rapist
>>17603 's not gay just cause my bitch got balls!
>>17609 >goes on zoophile board >sees zoophilia >shockers
>>17472 literally the "did you forget to ask someone else?" meme but for any form of sex that isn't approved by this schizo in particular. why are you even in an anal thread if you don't like anal? you know you can choose not to view or do things, right?
>>17609 If you saw something bannable make your case already, if you're here just to randomly fight people you're the problem.
>>7112 >>7292 Sorry to keep asking, but can someone reupload this again please?
(7.24 MB 402x474 VID_20240828_220153_362.mp4)

There's a nice gape at the end of this one
I accidentally posted the same thing twice, how do I delete one?
>>17772 >>17774 it's also by bigawoo so the dog is probably drugged.
>>17775 I gotcha
New hobo video just dropped
That's my dog lmao, I'm the owner of Hobo @autistic_amphibian on tele
Preferably *don't* share vids of my boy around plz, had a channel on tele, one of the members shared things they weren't supposed to
>>17895 whats the thought process behind sharing things on tele and expecting the internet not to distribute it wildly after? both the expectation of something that always happens not happening and what you gain from it not being shared like this
>>17895 >c_amphibian on tele ur stuff is amazing wish u wanted to share more, props to u either way, hot af
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If you hmu on my tele start with telling me you're from here, when someone dms and we have no groups in common it looks sus lol
>>17975 Niche internet micro celebrity right here, great content dude
Thanks 🥰
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Lil something for the fans
>>17981 lol how can I see more of this?? really hot🥵
>>17981 lol how can I see more of this?? really hot
>>17981 lol how can I see more of this?? really hot
>>17981 Woow! this video is amazing! where can I see more?
>>17981 lol hi Frog, about time you came here, there's an unofficial rule of gay zoo content that if a thread goes on long enough someone will low key impersonate you anyway. >>17930 Public porn channels yes. Invite-only chat servers though, it gets fucking annoying. Efficient way to get yourself kicked though.
>>17983 >>17984 >>17985 >>17986 I wonder if he wants to see more.
>>17873 please do more
>>18309 I literally can't keep up with app and site alternatives these days.
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I *think* mods removed TG, Session e.t.c. handle posting and I am not complaining, actually happy. I put my Telegram on this board and I'm just gonna be brutally honest everyone who added me was a tard so I regretted having my name etched in stone here. Thanks mods. >>18506 Classic, good job posting
>>15178 giving him just the shortest little wank so he represents, the rest he has to work for
>>13007 >>13001 >>12998 there was this clip in one of the intros. Does anyone have it? Or a WMW collection in general?
>>18970 i second this. if someone has wmw production videos PLEASE post them. ive only seen like two but they were both so hot.
>>18970 I don't have anything that hasn't been posted elsewhere. Haven't seen a full vid of that either. He's got two dogs together there, let's hope that means there's vids of them fuckin and they'll make their way here eventually
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Oh I've talked to WMW guys. The man in most the videos is the actual dog owner and video maker's partners (I think more a sexual/pet thing). You can kind of tell there's more than one guy there since the camera is sometimes handheld or you hear more than one human breathing, once you know it's a thing. They have several dogs, I want to say 2 at the time of those fucking awesome white dog videos, probably the two seen just above. I have most the vids but only have a gif of one of the pup on bottom vids that's teased in an intro, I've also never seen that canine oral one, cool. Last I spoke to him (the actual account holder) he was transitioning to a new house with space for I believe 4 total male pups and better recording space, but don't get too excited because he's been really quiet for months.
>>19012 I worder the first line badly but you get the gist. Posting a short clip, almost all of what I have is over the 50MB limit.
>>19012 could you post the GIF, just curious if the one you're talkin about is the one I've seen
>>19017 I might've misremembered and just meant the last one I sent, just a short mp4, but I did also organize my zoo so it'll be a bit unsorted.
wow thats hot
New group dildo work is good
>>19013 tied balls, nice
>>19012 Hopefully everything is well for him cuz his content is up there. The clips where his dog's ass swallow a whole double ended dildo holy shit they get me everytime
>>1442 >>17769 yea i would love a reup
>>19646 that vid sounds hot, can you post it or is it on 8chan somewhere?
>>14989 Isn't there anything else of him fucking male dogs?
>>20126 A little bit, the content of the dog (guy in vid isn't the owner) is a bit scattered as a I hear the owner got arrested. Probably a few vids lost to the void, sigh. Couple other vids of the same dog and people that at least where in this thread though. It's fun stuff.
>>20366 Hotter if male but still cute. They're somebody I don't actually know. Annoying that the video is quiet but the glitch effects are loud.
Does anyone know a good website to find lots of dog butts and all that, most websites are filled with overused videos and popups, viruses and all
Guys, is there a working script for zoox18? ZXDL is not working
>>20263 how sad this is one of my favorite videos there's something really hot about this guy's moans
>>20428 Well the guy fucking is a free man at least. I like one where he's like Cause of the 50MB limit I'm trying to compress the vids to hell just so post em, the HD ones are hundreds of MB. >>20386 Zx18 is okay as a backup or a shitheap with hidden gems on it, TG groups are where I do the most zoo chats and see the most material, personally.
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>>20446 Didn't even finish my sentence I'm that much of a coomer brain.
>>20366 This man is called Governador and is a zoosadist just fyi
Hello, being brief, I was looking for a video where two guys are fucking a black male dog. while one holds the dog, the other forces the dildo into his ass. Does anyone have this video?
>>20459 That sounds like an interesting clip, would love to see it myself
>>20446 I will be waiting patiently thank you king >>20447 You can finish the sentence now I'm curious lol.
>>20478 Oh right yeah. The one where his socks are slipping on the wood floor while he's trying to fuck, it's funny.
>>20448 He is not a zoosadist, why do you say he is???
>>20528 He got kicked from an anal group I was in for having a hurtcore side group. But that was like a year ago and secondhand so feel what you want :)
>>20538 What group are you referring to?
>>20538 I had a group, but zoosadism, cp and similar things were absolutely forbidden
>>20542 I want to join, I like extreme things, how do I do it?
>>20546 The group I'm referring to no longer exists, but as I said in the previous comment, those things were totally prohibited.
>>20644 I sent an entry request
>>20447 Mmmm fuck look at that anus! I'd love to stuff myself into his colon
Is the link broken already? Or is it my shitty phone?
>>20781 why would I use a sketchy phone app to view zoo shit. just post it here
>>20781 faggot
>>20786 repressed faggot in denial
>>20781 link broken
Links often get taken down by mods, and for the record I agree with their choice. I put my TG group on here and 10 people joined while it was up, all 10 were let's say low-functional.
Does anyone have that link to zoogroup?
>>21094 Which one? There's been at least 3 I've seen posted.
>>21095 >16 The no limites one
>>21095 >Enthusiast Could give me the link to the last one pls?
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>>20263 ugh looks like a fun group and a fun boy. never seen a bloodhound in action before. hope those other vids get unearthed some day
>>7112 pls repost if u find it
>>13161 I would be so happy if someone seeded this
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>>17293 Reload pls
Very hot
>>21451 no one accepts. I asked since yesterday morning and nothing
>>21862 1) The message is deleted. Kinda hard to reload something that is impossible to know what it was. 2) If it's deleted then it was removed by a mod, and probably for good reason.
>>1447 I really need some anal beads going in videos
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>>21885 + ver with audio of the other vid
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my stupid self managed to upload the same video two times, anyways other vid with audio.
Does anyone have all the WMW Productions videos?
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>>21893 Yeah but I'm suffering from success, they're all too big to fit the file limit, I'll look into hosting them or compressing. Though they're such common reposts maybe they're on here? The thread got so long I can't always tell. I have actually talked to the owner before, I always want him to upload more human-top stuff.
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Top boy
>>22111 Mmmm..fuucckk yes
>>22111 I wish this guy released more videos at the time. Some of videos don't even have sound which is unfortunate
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this boy is really enjoying this. he slows down but keep coming.
>>21893 i second this
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>>22280 It took a lot longer than I expected for one of my videos to make it to zx18 lmao. It's funny seeing someone repost it here of all places. >>14054 are the original.
>>22316 It has the /zoo/ there, funny how it did a full loop
>>14054 >>22280 >>22316 Nice vids dude, nice to see your balls twitch as you cum, would be hot to hear you moaning or saying you're gonna cum and/or you're close
>>22339 If you crank the sound up you can hear some moans in one of the videos I forgot which. I wasn't trying to be very vocal in these clips, and I'm not native English so any kind naughty talk "for the camera" was out the window. He's become pretty grouchy and doesn't appreciate a good fuck as much anymore so I take it easy with him. I wish I had recorded my last time with him though, he was doing all the lewd schrlop schrlop sounds with his ass while I was fucking him it felt unreal he was so warm and he kept squeezing his hole around my dick there was absolutely no chance to make it last. Fuck I need to try again soon.
>>22340 I like how you talk, I like your urge to plap dog butt, and I like that you respect his wishes if he's not as active lately. Thanks for everything.
>>22375 the only sound i hear in that video is a dogs whine, so, I'd put a slight doubt on him actually doing that. he said he takes it easy, not that he's leaving his ass empty.
>>22377 yep he did whine and grumble a few times back when I was recording, you can clearly hear them. It's up to you to interpret them the way you want. He's whining and crying and howling and doing his best husky tantrum when I bring him to trim his nails too. These dogs are expressive, and I can tell you he was way more tolerant to me easing in his ass in those clips than going to the groomer lmao. I stopped once he made it clear he wanted it to stop. And yeah I take it easy with him. Last time I did anal with him was nearly a year ago. I only started toying with him again in the last month. I've played with a finger and gauge his reaction. He'll let me circle with a finger on his asshole, but as soon as I barely let it slip inside he gets up and walk away. So yes sadly his ass is left empty, and I end up with smelly, slippery fingers, wanking to zoo porn instead.
>>22379 I can't blame you for wanting his ass, he's so sexy o__o
Does anyone know if frog and hobo still make videos? Do they still have a telegram, or anything?
>>22379 He's a sweetie. And yes, huskies are VERY vocal, I can't be too self-identifying right now but I can attest that they have opinions often, but are actually harmed very rarely. >>22398 My short version: Frog is alive and well and his inner circle Telegram is super active. Hobo is getting old but he's happy. Frog's become more reclusive with the porn, I think he was posting too often and being too forthcoming about his IRL identity. He posts female often enough for friends but Hobo stuff is rare though they still have sex, not sure why, it's just like that.
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merry christmas
>>22801 Off topic but I love the docking. I'm pretty sure it's staffi and he has a bunch of anal videos with that dog, some have been posted here already. Some had longer HD versions that I think were posted over on zooville at some point, but I didn't save them unfortunately.
>>22994 Oh my gosh that is so hot!!! Love plugs! Thanks for sharing!
>>22813 Yeah it's hot ^^ >>22802 look at the hole view in the third one mmnf
>>13161 Does this still work?
>>22801 Do you happen to have any version of this vid without all of these snappy effects? I find them to be very distracting and annoying.
>>23112 Not him but I have it, I know the creator's zoo friend on Telegram and got a copy, but I could only compress it to like 54MB, cut it and compressed it more to 51MB, so I'll have to report back with lossier compression or host it.
>>23142 Is there more from that creator in general? I know he posted like 5 or 6 videos on ZV. Is there more from Telegram?
>>23145 He went dark that's why I needed his buddy to get a copy, so I don't know there. are similarly good videos I will get.
>>23146 Wonder what happened. I still see him log into ZV from time to time but he hasn't posted there in like a year. Maybe it's because of ZV's stance on guys topping male dogs
>>23148 I don't post any of my videos topping my male either. Their rules are weird as shit. Everyone pretends it's cruel and unethical, and moderators are quick to ban instantly with extreme prejudice, but once you get talking with people in private, 90% of them find it hot as fuck and admit to doing/loving it. I don't wanna risk getting banned from there, cuz it's pretty much the only place you can easily find other zoos IRL, I'm not risking potential meetups for some ZV clout/reactions count.
>>23142 are these like gb in size or why dont people just cut them into segments?
>>23142 >>23146 I hope anon delivers
anyone got the petlust vid where those 2 guys are fucking that male dane? I think it was a dane.
>>23218 I do. It is, unfortunately, 252mb and not easily scaled down to this site. Unless anyone knows of a file host that isn't sketchy af. The video is from the Petlust collection and it's called "PC143 DoubleDanal" if you see it in any existing torrents out there.
>>23218 >>23226 Petlust vids are everywhere on torrent sites anon should easily be able to find it himself
>>23343 While I absolutely appreciate folks linking to other interesting groups, I have to ask: Is this SimpleX group *actually active?* I can't tell you how many group links I've clicked, sat around and waited for several days for the group owner's device to be online and let me in, and only to find out that the group was a complete nothingburger.
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>>23174 >moderators are quick to ban instantly with extreme prejudice, but once you get talking with people in private, 90% of them find it hot as fuck and admit to doing/loving it. Can't (won't) speak of this board's moderation but that's something I've found in zoo, generally. You do have a small minority of vocal critics but a surprising, or maybe not surprising, majority either already have a secret anal folder or just hadn't thought about it but like it when they see it. Zooville's suppression and that being where the median zoophile is makes it look like it's not desirable while there's actually many GB of it. I'm just making conversation, I know if I was making a point here I'd be preaching to the choir. >>23353 When I've joined groups advertised on here they have 3 people and usually close. Then when I've posted groups or my TG handle everyone I get from here is a tard. (not @ you) Can't win :l
>>23419 >>23353 what are you expecting from random chat groups posted on image boards they probably just want to ask for CP
>>23430 >>23435 Both links are dead
>>23146 Were you ever able to get the videos?
>>5535 i'll also bump this 2 year old request, RIP to pornsocket, one of the best beast sites ever
More dildos and plugs pls!
>>23591 Fuck I regret not saving stuff from pornsocket back then. I was living with other people and paranoid someone might find it on my computer. There's so much good content that's just gone now
>>23708 I miss Beastforum. Easily got several zoo experiences from how friendly people where, and there was porn casually being posted on threads we're only just finding. Zooville is an overmoderated shithole of drama queens and people who talk like cowboys to get country girkikes. specific i know
>>17981 Where is the video on the right is coming from ?
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>>23908 Where's the 3rd video from? Haven't seen it before
>>23907 the second video of this one is such a classic. Wish there was more like that
>>23906 >>23907 Fucking great stuff
>>24064 If anyone wants to talk
>>24065 no talk, only fuck
>>24070 bit hard to do over the internet isnt it
Anyone have that one video of the dude fucking a black poodle in the bathroom? Buddy was sitting on the edge of the toilet bowl absolutely slamming into the poodle till right as he cums. He then pulls out and shoots before the poodle turns around and starts licking at his cock.
>>24157 I got Simplex on my Linux but I'd really rather not connect it to my phone to scan a QR code to join a group on desktop.
>>24217 I'm dumb I think it works with url in-app. it may work. thx It is like the fourth messaging medium I've used to keep up with zoos though lol
>>23226 I assume that there should be a non-torrent website that can be used to share it, right?
y'all know you need to open simplex for people to join your group or talk to you right? it's one of simplex's things, doesn't process group invite until the host checks their inbox.
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>>24521 Hey man, link doesn't work for me
>>24521 Could you repost the link pls?
>>24514 Nice tbh more buttplugs would be nice maybe with bitches too
>>24514 The way he spanked his hole at the end was so hot.
Happy valentines to all. I will fuck my boy tonight in honor of the single zoos homies.
>>24619 Thank you. I love you
>>24619 I hope you had as much fun as I did.
>>24645 Damn, so some of you here are quite capable of making good content. I once again humbly request anyone with two+ male dogs to get them to fuck each other. Kthx
>>24645 Hope the boy had fun too. Would love to see his gaping hole
>>24619 >>24645 Thank you for the content and the well-wishes!
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>>24723 Be inside him probably felt as good as be in heaven
naughty telegram reposty
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>>24811 nice, love it when the dog gets fucked good, but only receives a few lazy wanks as thank you
>>24646 Thanks, I do it for fun, and cuz I like watching what it looks like from below. I can't see myself when I'm in his ass because he's damn too fluffy. It's pretty much the only kind of video I can make though, so it gets repetitive after a few. >>24660 I wish I could get him to mount me but he's neutered and he's 100% uninterested in having fun himself. Even massaging/softly squeezing behind his knot to coax his dick out of his sheath usually gets a growl out of him and nothing more. No reaction, no humping, no nothing. >Would love to see his gaping hole The camera lost focus when I was cumming in him so most of that moment is unusable, but here's a little something.
>>24820 It's kind of selfish. Why does that make it so damn hot?
>>24811 Oh I was TG friends with this guy, some still floats around, it's good. >>24820 Some people pretend the focus isn't the human's pleasure, some don't. ;) Besides we pay them in attention love & food. >>24874 Dominance play or something? I get what you mean 100% . >>24837 He's a good lay for neutered! Not just presuming, one of my friend's is neutered and I don't enjoy it quite so much, very tight though, hella tight. But not as good an overall breeding sensation, you know? Love how his ass ends up, thanks for the slow mo clip.
>>24820 Other way around for me, 1000x hotter if the dog is enjoying it too. You won't catch me behind my boy without his fat dick swinging :3
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i like both ways, the idea of being a little doomenering or making the faggot doggie enjoy himself.. is Hot as fuck! to pleasure the dog while hes being bred like a good boi x3 >>24972 by the way, what breed is your dog? :D
>>24981 perfect, best video i've seen here >>24874 >>24958 >>24972 's not my fault if he can't make it work with his own prostate, better luck next time
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Anybody have the full videos from Husky2526?
Dildo baby
why haven't I ever seen videos of guys calling their boys sissy, slut or fag for taking it up the ass?
>>25067 Always been a dream of mine to have 2 dogs, both male, and have on of them be a designated "bitch". The bitch would never be allowed to fuck, he would only be allowed to cum after being bred and knotted. Eventually the bitch would be a submissive slut, presenting his ass for breeding when he's horny. All in a loving, caring way of course. I'm not a monster :3
>>25009 My boy is a golden/gsd mix, and the most beautiful dog I have ever seen :3 A big fluffy horny bastard who often gets a buttful of cum... and gives me one at times too.
>>25070 Been trying to attempt but with an added third dog, main problem is the "slut" has resorted to humping pillow to get off or he'd cry and whine while walking around with an erection.
>>25070 >>25088 That WMV productions guy had similar plans, shame he vanished. It seems there's a shortage of us who want this content to the point of trying to work towards making it a reality. I commend you both and wish you luck- and please share anything you do have if you can. My fantasy dream would be to run an entire breeding center for various species. Except only males. I've studied homosexual behavior in many species for decades and determined that, with most animals, this is quite possible without being abusive. But yeah, considering how dogs hump anything, it blows my mind that some of the degenerates here who will shove horse dildos up their boy's ass haven't thought to put another male dog on top him and press record.
>>25088 how successful have you been otherwise? is your bottom used to being knotted. would love to see even just a picture
>>25091 >But yeah, considering how dogs hump anything, it blows my mind that some of the degenerates here who will shove horse dildos up their boy's ass haven't thought to put another male dog on top him and press record. There is a huge problem with this, most male dogs arent interested in mounting other male dogs. I had to lie to breeders and adoption centers and said that their dog didnt like mine when in reality they just didnt want to mount. I have gone through 7 dogs in that process. >>25092 No pictures yet but I have had success with his behavior, he is more receptive to anal sex and is receptive to the others mounting him as well as me. I should have picked a better dog for slut use though because he's a husky and he's loud.
>>25100 nice, I sincerely wish you the best of luck and can't wait to see/hear about further results. if there was any way I could contribute to such efforts I would, but I can barely afford rent atm. otherwise I'd be working towards the same goal. and hey huskies might be loud but at least you picked a good looking medium+ sized dog. I've seen plenty of smaller males hump each other but I have zero interest in gay chihuahuas
>>25100 A lesser known video for your efforts good sir
>>25107 Thank you but this sight isnt out of the ordinary for me, that bottom's cock is hard with a knot beforehand which means it didn't naturally go up with the arousal from penetration but with external stimulation. My goal is to have my slut get hard from just anal like you can see sometimes in videos.
Having a male dog mount another sounds difficult, but one of my fantasies is to have one rim the other. Rimming is one of my favorite things and seeing another male dog get a big tongue in their ass is hot to me
>>25070 >>25088 yeah, thats pretty hot, slut dog sounds like he'd need a chastity cage though.
>>25100 I only ever had one dog and I'm still working out the logistics of adding another one to my family. Getting a dog that's the right fit and has a good dynamic with my boy is my biggest worry. He'll hump anything under the heavens when he's in the mood so I figured he'd have no problems topping another willing male, but maybe I'm wrong.
>>25107 Love it! You can tell that the white one was clenching and dreading penetration, and the black one just needed another taste of his male-bitches tailhole.
>>25110 I'll never forget the day I saw this in the wild. I encountered a group of stray dogs, back in those days lots of dogs had free-range lives. A very large golden retriever had taken an intense interest in a brute of a male Rottweiler, and there was play and rough-housing interspersed with the golden enthusiastically and deeply frenching the rottie's giant asshole, both were intact and that Rottie had one of those holes that just had no fur around it. The rottie was enjoying the attention as he stood stock-still while being rimmed, even leaning into the muzzle of the golden, who looked like he was trying to get his whole face in there. Both of them were sporting erections, with the Rottie, though sheathed, appeared to be almost fully hard, his sheath bulging to the max and knot like a fist, the engorged tip just peeking out. He wasn't squirting that I could see, but there was no doubt he was feeling good. The golden wasn't as hard but he had quite a lot poking out. Then, he went for the mount. My heart was racing! Would this happen? Sadly, no- though I am sure penetration was achieved, as soon as that rottie felt the golden shove his cock up his ass, he growled loudly, turned and bit at the golden, and the golden wisely jumped off and away, then play resumed, and repeat. Licking, anticipation, a mount, a warning, play again. I watched for several minutes. Eventually the rottie ran off with another dog, and I did coax the golden over to give him a handjob which he desperately needed. (couldn't risk more, place was too public though this was a wooded area) Anyway, so close!
>>25118 You should looking into naturally submissive dogs like other labradors or calm breeds like bloodhounds.Those are the most willing in my experience. >>25125 That was a huge problem with my dog, the clenching. I was able to cure it slowly by spreading him out for the others to make penetration easier.
>>25118 >>25129 >>25134 >>25100 It seems there's a number of us trying to work on or at the very least wanting to work on making this happen whenever this chan inevitably shuts down and there's once again nowhere to talk about it, just remember there's dozens of us I unfortunately can't contribute yet but god damn I hope some of you are planning on filming when and if you can, male dog on male dog basically doesn't exist and damn near anything would be holy grail level content
>>25138 Well I AM planning on filming when and if I get there. But that's what everyone before me said too before disappearing, never to be heard from again lol.
>>25125 Clenching is maybe the selling point and most obvious thing about fucking a dog's butt, to me. Like humans wink a bit and that's hot but dog ass just fucking pulls at you, it's awesome. Especially if they're horny or after a lot of anal stimulation or stuff like speed changes, I don't know, their ass gets 'shocked' into clenching episodes. I'm not kidding my first time, losing my zoo virginity, I was fucking a zoo friend's dog and came unexpectedly fast before I really got to savor it. I haven't found it to be "too much" but the other anon sounds like he gets way way more than me so I'm sure he's equally correct. >>25162 lmao appreciate the honesty. It's super common, every zoo says they're doing porn one day but how many active anal zoo producers are there right now?- Like four, if we're not countring leaks? I'm not judging - you all do what you need to feel and be safe, just observing the fact.
>>25088 I wouldn't mind seeing him whine a bit as you deny him a pillow... maybe with a cone on, so he can't lick himself either...
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Does anyone actually know Frog's telegram? It seems he gets banned or just swaps accounts a lot
>>25499 Friend of Frog's here, he hasn't been banned while I've known him, maybe he just deleted your chat or the fact he changes name a lot. The groups are still the same though so it's been seamless, the public porn channel did go down (by choice) a while back though.
>>25562 Shame. Was hoping to join into one of the groups or channels.
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>>25569 The private ones are still up but he's a little more private, he definitely still makes new contacts all the time, but it's via friends of friends. If you keep joining groups it should work out for you, I'm in like 4 anal groups and he joined all of them. A few of us do try goading him into letting vids go public, imo he should, especially Hobo (the male dog) content. :)

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