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The laws of /zoo/ and how they came to be Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 22:16:43 No. 7748
In the beggining was a thread on /b/, and it was good. Created by Cloaca and tolerated by Chai/Silvia, it lasted a good month before Chai decided to create a board for the expanding zoophilia community. But Lo there was a problem. A board had been created and abandoned with only one post years prior, and so it needed to be claimed in order for it be used. Chai told Cloaca to go to >>>/site/ and claim the board, but he thought it a waste of time. "It will die a lonely death after a sole week!" he doth proclaimed, and so he did nothing. By this point the date was approaching July 4th and yet Chai doth pushed forward and asked that the board be given unto him. >>>/site/3105 And because of the date it was ignored for a day or two. (I stand by my comment in that thread, Acid shouldnt have to deal with dogfucking on the 4th of July.). But in the end the board was his. And he made 3 laws abd 3 laws alone for us to operate under (plus a third law Acid insisted upon in our own meta thread here on this very board.) and these were. 1 : No real depictions of zoosadism, animal crushing, or necrozoo. 2 : No glorifying animal abuse. 3 : Posting personally identifiable information is ill-advised (but not forbidden). And this law was good. And lasted for a good year or two before requiring revision.
>>20 Sorry again for the delay on the transfer. As far as content vis-a-vis global rules goes, /zoo/ material has only two stipulations: It's legal to possess, share, and view it in the US except for citizens of Oregon. You should consider putting an "Oregonians GTFO" disclaimer in your board header, rules, or FAQ. The other is that US Federal law bans media showing animals being physically injured under the so-called "animal crush" law. So you can't allow things where an animal is being tortured, is bleeding, is obviously being physically harmed in some other way, etc. This law does not prohibit depicting non-injuring sexual acts, so the vast majority of /zoo/ content is just fine. Good luck, have fun. [This being the law of Acid]
As time went on Chai gave the board to Cloaca, who being mostly absent gave the board to me. His sole volunteer. I became a volunteer here because I wished to learn the ropes of moderation under Chai, and a board which was small and thus easy with laid back users seemed the best place as opposed to diving in the deep end and asking to vol on /b/ where I would undoubtedly make mistakes. And so I asked for him to vol me. And when he left I found myself with no teacher a mere month after joining up. I have never had any intrest in zoophilia to be clear. But I was here. And I had a community to watch out for, regardless of how I personally felt about their proclivities, and so I stuck around and kept out the cp and the spam and blank posts and bad links. And when the day came that Cloaca (who this board was made for as a gift) abandoned it to me. I drank an entire bottle of whiskey and tried to forget any of this had occured. This strategem did however fail me. And the next day with a mighty hangover I awoke to being the Board Owner of /zoo/. And Lo things were good for the community. I defended off political underhanded attacks from other BOs on the IRC, and the site meta thread, and on /v/s meta thread even. And things went okay. But behind the scenes trouble brewed. To be continued
>>>/lit/23 Before leaving /zoo/ Chai sought me out on one of the two boards I ran (the other being >>>/k/) And beibg friendly made himself useful, and all the teaching he neglected here he gave in a half assed manner there. Things were good. I was learning how to run a board properly, and also how to moderate with a velvet glove. But as hinted in the last post. Things took a dire turn. He asked that /lit/ change from a board about reading books to one about both reading and writing. This raised no alarms for me and I allowed it, hey after all it could to bring in more traffic right? Meanwhile unbeknownst to me a man in texas was arrested for running a website about pedophile stories. (it later turned out he was also posting cp and thats why he was arrested but that part didnt come out til later) Acid heard of this, and not wishing to run afoul of the law changed Global Rule 2 to include any written depictions of rape of a minor. This caused a lot of debate in meta threads and amongst the admins, as text is clearly protected under the first amendment. Chai had always been a needle in the admins side, and seized on this opportunity to create a stir. Having allowed written stories on /lit/ he posted a story of a child being raped, and then went on the sites meta thread saying that acid was now going to ban the poor writer who didnt know of this rule. I had already banned the post for reasons of personal taste. But Acid knowing none of this (and learning the full story of what happened in texas) changed Global Rule 2 again. Thus leaving me with nothing to point to for why I banned the story. Not wishing to antagonize chai I reposted his story for him, and apologized. Things had become tense between us as I saw his mask slip. He argued that he only championed free speech, but he only ever cared about free speech for pedos. I assumed there was a team of globals checking post histories and thus aware of everything occuring, but as it turned out only I knew all these connections. To prove my point I went on /b/ and posted a sex story written in first person of me raping Chai and his only volunteer Kazu. I was of course banned and the post removed. And no reason was given. My point had been made. He did not care for free speech but only pedos. Then a month later /b/ was raided by herdniggers. An annoying group of /cow/ and /intl/ who posted cp and tried to bring down websites. Chai desperate for help (even though he never tried banning them) decided to make me a volunteer on /b/ (without asking me if I wanted it) and then went to sleep. I stayed up all night long until the sun rose fighting the invaders, and as Chai woke up. He fired me, insulted me for "naivete" and claimed that spam waves and pedos could not be fought. Then he transferred the boards he owned to an anon who showed up out of nowhere and left the site forever. (or so I believed for a week until checking the post history of chais last post on /lit/ showed me that silvia used the same bypass and IP as Chai. And the pieces fell into place for me again. I still assumed someone else was also investigating and keeping track of these things. Oh how wrong I was. I had nothing to prove to anyone. And furious after learning his true colors I stopped using the site for a month. When I came back /b/ had become a pedo friendly and herdnigger friendly board. My favorite board on this site was destroyed. every thread infested and soon deleted to make room for more pedoshit. What could I do? Betrayed and alone. I was merely one anon. There was nothing to be done. So I swore revenge and began a 2 year campaign to get rid of chai/silvia and cleanse the entire site of their vile faggotry. I had no hope of success, and everyone who learned of my quest called it a fools errand. They were all wrong. Okay for real I need to go make dinner but trust me this is the only way to explain rules 4 and 7 which are basically the same rule, and I am going somewhere with this, and you do need all this backstory to understand. To be continued
And so began the crusade. First of all I made a rule on all my boards (No pedoshit) which was vague and impossible to find an edge case around. This was necessary because as I had seen with global rule 2 the pedos would rules lawyer around any rule no matter how much it added text to add more definitions. So I went the other way and made a vague catchall rule I could apply as I saw fit. It worked perfectly to restore /lit/ and /k/. Then it was time for revenge. Step one was getting allies. Kazu never liked Chai and was complaining about the pedos on /v/s meta thread. Perfect place to start. I started by stalking him around the entire website. Learning who he was and what he liked. He was a homosexual with a fondness for mlp. I cant say I ever watched that watch, so there was only one in. Chai created and gave kaz the board >>>/cb/ a gay board. I just needed to get him alone somewhere private and this was a perfect opportunity. I made a element thread ostensibly for the purpose of meeting up and fucking, soon kaz created a room for the board on element, and I got to speak to him privately offsite. Convincing him to join the crusade was easy (though it did end with me voling on his gay board and running his gay chat) From there we began visiting the IRC and talking ti admins. Their stance was as long as no laws are broken they didnt give a shit. A fair point. But it also gave me an in. They did care about illegal activity. So me and kazu began screenshotting every post chai made. We followed him around all over the site to demoralize him and keep him contained. Phase one was hard and took 12 months but eventually we had the evidence we needed that he had a cp sharing thread and was grooming at least two underage users. This was enough to get Chai kicked as BO. And here my plan took an unexpected turn. I had planned to install kaz as BO of /b/ but right before we got silvia kicked he went crazy and deleted a bunch of boards. He was fired as a global mod and the admins never really trusted him again. So he was out as a choice for BO. That left me. I didnt want it, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. Technically I was the last vol chai had on /b/ still hanging around and so had first dibs on the board. I took it. And so for the first time in a year /zoo/ and /b/ had the same BO again. Step 2 was purging the pedos. Me and kaz grabbed a couple homos from his chat and then ruthlessly purged anything even slightly pedophilic from /b/. They resisted with spam for a good 6 months. But our determination was unshakeable. I took the board in april and by July noticed the daily spam we fought was falling off. I declared VB day. or victory on /b/ day and celebrated. We didnt need so many vols anymore so we fired everyone but me and kaz. By october we had a clean board and the pedos had left to never come back. They tried spamming here in retaliation and so local rules 4 and 7 were created (both rules amount to no herdnigs or pedos). I had already made rule 5 a while back (it was originally rule 4) so that brings us to rule 6. Chai had an unofficial rule that scat had to be spoilered here but it wasnt on the list. I held a vote on our meta thread to decide if itd become an official rule or whether id stop spoilering all those posts for anon. The vote passed 4 to 0. And so local rule 6 was born. A month later I made a custom spoiler while rewatching the sopranoes. Another anon customized it and made a better spoiler you can still see today here. and thats all our rules and why they were made. What they really mean and how I use them. Rules 1 and 2 plus acids rule are for legal reasons. Without following those the website as a whole is vulnerable. And there has been 1 documentary and 2 news reports talking about 8moe and all of them just to mention this board (also a youtuber once) they all claim what we have here is illegal, but it isnt as long as we follow these rules. We have nothing to fear and will be up til the end of time. This I swear to you anons. I will keep alive thise board out of spite for chais betrayal. I will keep the dream alive he sold me about free speech even if he betrayed it and was a hypocrite. I will show him that it doesnt need to be a lie. I do this for the same reason I have done everything. Spite. So theres the whole (though heavily summarized) story of this board and me. I will never understand you guys. I wish you wouldnt fuck animals, and I will always be your advocate and defender. I love you crazy bastards. And at the end of the day this is YOUR board. Not mine. I work for you. So if you ever have any more questions or suggestions feel free to speak em. Anyway. Have a great day and God bless you all.
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Yeah I might be autistic. Anyway someone asked.
Okay, that seems to explain everything. The fuckin' struggle just to watch some good pussy in piece... I salute your spiteful autistic Kampf/Jihad against the pedos. Forever may this board be free of such horror. Obligatory fuck mods/jannies. <3
Fascinating! & worth the time you put into writing it. some may not care, but for sure others do. I enjoyed the read. Understanding "the why" helps some people follow protocol better, so they don't think its all just arbitrary. also, <3 the "i disagree with what you [fuck] but will fight... for your right to [post about it]" (..as long as it is generally legal, and thus doesn't threaten the entire site) vibe.. aka your support of FREE SPEECH <3 >>7751 >anime koresh.png lol nice Waco reference
>>7778 ty anon. I was worried it was too blog posty. As an addendum. Kaz was my first real friend on this site. But he sadly left for zzzchan eventually. He hasn't spoken to me since which kinda sucks. I miss him. But he loved my little pony, and so out of love for my friend basically I have always had a soft spot for mlp fans. I've never watched the show and have no interest, but he told me that the fans are persecuted basically everywhere. Halfchan allows them a board but bans them everywhere else, and furthermore I once met an anon from there who said they don't allow porn or even lewd posting. The poor guy was desperate to just post some cartoon porn. I felt awful for him, and since then have always allowed pony porn here. And when a migration from halfchan happened and Pony fans made a board here I've made a special effort to check in and help them in any way I can. I know some of my anons here don't like the show and wonder why I tolerate them and that's the reason. Plus I have always rooted for the underdog. It all comes down to something I said to Kaz once that I really believe is true and have always tried to live by. "all anon has is anon, no one is going to save us but each other. No one else gives a shit. So we have to watch out for each other" I hope that all this helps to explain why I do what I do.
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Bump for clarity
And it was good. This all continued for quite some time. Until everything changed. Six months ago I gave up this board, and all my boards, this board is now run by Emp, and DD. Why? Its a long and embarrassing story, which no one cares about. Not even me really. I met another mod on the site, and he was going through a rough time, he had decided to commit suicide, so I convinced him to move in with me instead. In time I found the reason for his sorrow. He was dating a tranny named chijo, and his family disapproved. He had been threatened with homelessness unless he left chijo. So thats an easy fix I thought, invite him out as well, I don't care who he dates. That didnt go well, all they did was argue and fight until chijo left after a mere 4 days. It was sad. Months later he admits he has a crush on me, and tells me to never call anything he does cute again cuz it makes him feel things, I told him he was very cute, and we started dating. It was an amazing time in my life, and it lasted for almost a year. In the end he decided to cheat on me and start doing meth. My heaven became a hell. Eventually he took my entire savings and said we were gonna be meth dealers, I threw him out. What else could I do? And so newly single with an ex who was an anon, and who hated me for making him choose between love and drugs, I realized that I had become a liability for the board instead of an asset. So long as I ran the board it would be attacked by him and his new bf. So I left. Three months later he murdered his meth dealer. That was also hard to deal with. He had made his choice, and I was now fully alone. With him gone I came back and started cleaning up the various boards again, watching over anon. And thats where we are now. I have no real connection to this board, or anywhere else anymore. But all the same, I will protect you anons. Habit maybe, idk. I dont know what else to do with my life. Anyways, thats how the saga of Vamp the BO ended. And also why it ended. I loved and tried to help the wrong person. So I guess I'm gay now, and also I have an ex in prison. I dont know what to do about either one of those things. Guess I'm lost now. Anyways, your new BO is doing a good job. I feel like I left you guys in good hands. But I'll keep watching out for you anons, for now anyways. Hope everyone is having a good day, and hopefully with my story ended there will never be a reason to use this thread again.
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>>23972 Vamp? NIGGA!!!! Unironically, this board has gone to shit ever since you left you faggot. I joined on 2022 when you were still BO and ever since you left everything to those 2 trannies, the quality of the board has deteriorated rapidly. I don't know how many anons still come here but i'm sure the number is significantly worse compared to 2022. Also, i want to do gifrel to you REALLY BAD since you are a faggot, kek
>>23974 Im a top exclusively, but noted. And anon I wasn't in a place where I could do anything for anyone for a while. I'm still mostly just depressed all the time. Idk. Is it really that bad? I'm sorry if it is. Idk. Everything went to shit in my life. I'd hoped at least you guys weren't hurt. Shit.
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>>23975 Why are you depressed all the time, cus a junky faggot left you? I'd be happy for you to be honest, junkies are parasites, trust me, i would know. >i'm a top exclusively Cute of you to think you have a say in this. Your vamp holes are mine to use however i please as compensation for letting this board go to shit. I want to BONE YOU SO BAD VAMP, i'm so freaking hard for you RN
>>23976 Yeah he was awful, and yeah my life is better without him. But I loved him. And it hurts that he loved drugs more than me. I'm sure I'll get over it in time and laugh at myself for feeling sad now. But I do feel sorrow. I loved him.
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>>23977 How long since you broke up? If you really loved him, it's going to take quite some time to heal tbh. That's just how it is. Maybe you can be BO again to get your mind off him
>>23978 6 months now :( Meanwhile ive taken over >>>/cb/ so if your really looking for a bottom I can probably help you find someone.
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>>23979 6 months isn't a lot to heal completely. Maybe another 6 or so and you'll be fine. Talking about him like this isn't helping either. You'll start to reminisce about the good times and forget why you broke up in the first place >i can help you fond a bottom But i've got the gay for you, no one else. Can i at least give you a hot facial, please?
>>23980 There is wisdom in your words. I am growing maudlin, and I don't need that. Hmm, perhaps action is called for then, momentum. I shall meditate on this and find a new course. >Just a quick facial Heh, well at least you have cheered me up anon. I thank you for that.
>>23981 I'm happy i helped you find your footing again. Too bad you don't want to be BO and make this board great again.
Vamp the other fag is right, board really was better with you as the BO. The community feeling is gone and necro is allowed. I wish necro was banned again.
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>>23986 Who you calling a fag? You want to join in nailing Vamp? I got dibs on his tight asshole
I'm so glad I'm just a dogfucker and not a faggot.
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>>23998 Don't know what you are missing out on Dogfucker! Your dog will never hold you close and look you deep in the eye whilst calling you a good boy. Fucking a dog is the equivalent of starfishing, it just stands there. Meanwhile, your bro will be touching you all over and making you feel loved
>>7757 >vamp nigger
>>24005 When dogs dont want it it is like starfishing. When she or he is willing then you can see what it is like to truly have sex with a dog, and most people are missing out in some of the best pleasures only a dog can give you.

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