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????? 07/12/2021 (Mon) 06:19:58 No. 2765
Random Thoughts Thread
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>>14357 >Guess that's why he gets to fly around on Jeffy Epstein planes* Not even surprised, given his partnership with Dan "If She's Old Enough To Breathe, She's Old Enough For Me" Harmon.
>>14686 >"...and I don't even do that for my husband." This is the motto of wives everywhere.
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>>14686 >How come there's some men that get hot gfs, wives and get off to their gfs/wives fucking other men and animals? Because they figured out before the rest of us that women only enjoy sex with assholes who humiliate them. >And how come almost every dude just accepts that the average women has fucked over 1,000 dudes and yet they don't care at all when they date and marry them I assume you've heard of "post-nut clarity?" Well there's such a thing as "no-nut desperation" that can make a desperate motherfucker make poor decisions and then regret them for decades because they got married before there was such a thing as The Red Pill. t. married for 27 years and if I had a time machine, I'd go back and kill every single former lover while slapping her up the back of her head at each stop. I got even, though: she thought I'd be successful and rich but instead I'm a complete failure! >mfw
>>5353 >Does Vitamin C deficiency result in depression, schizophrenia, other psychiatric disorders, gastrointestinal disease, fatigue, death, and cancer? I have no idea, but the last I heard, scurvy was a pretty big one.
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posting with a shit on deck.
There's always time for time travel, guys. You really just have to make it happen.
>>15124 wish i could go back 3-5 years into the past in order to tell people im from the future. just think it'd be cool to talk about common knowledge current events that havent happened yet, possibly disturbing time logic stuff.definitely would sound the alarm over COVID bullshit, make stock investments and maybe try fentanyl-free herion?
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hitting rock bottom when you have to pencil in time for masturbation.
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>>16252 I want to beat the ass of the teacher. Kid is right, the solution given by the teacher makes no sense at all. You can basically make everything by auditioning or substracting random numbers this way. That's not how mathematic works.
>>16252 >then add 3 but then you made 13
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clinical depression, what do?
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uhfikhjsdkfhjisdfhjisdhfis hjsdkfjosjdfoujworiuwqperiwpdigoeliujg er feogueotguoe goe tge\ e\ gego eujtgoe ugoet439u3i4095834-0852-95ru9gropejrtgoui38i5tlewjkdsflvjdsljfg093r803uig k elgrjlerjg ek,gljekltgjeoujto34u5t9043
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what does it mean?
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thinking about what is poisonous because a man has died from that poison. is anything assumed to be poisonous without a fatality or severe injury? products that dont outright say poisonous advise contacting poison control if ingested.
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crisp, cool, breezy day. i need new tires.
>>16467 Layers anon, get something warm but breathable. Also a simple beanie hat goes a long way since you lose a ton of heat from your exposed head.
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role signature spem is literally spem
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drip, drop, drippity
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>>16565 is that it's TONGUE hanging out? Mr. Sabresun can't help but "accidentally" give the poor goose a columbian necktie for its final photoshoot. How embarassing.
>>16601 I'm just confused honestly.
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forgot i had a megaman maker. got rid of it from boredom, but it's a cool app. >old recording related
get butt fucked by a god damn bear you faggots
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>>16726 jeez
After a while, posting again. I had forgotten the new 8chan captcha. It instantly gives me nausea and the need to puke.
>>16726 Go fuck yourself in the ass with a corkscrew you slope
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Geeze, guys.
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Would this actually work?
Been a while, just checkin in. Miss this place tbh.
>>17219 hi brannie
>>17196 probably not, pigs are really hard to miss and they'd sadly catch on pretty quickly
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>>17262 I just realized I MUST have uploaded this somewhere because the name I suggested is still around. I'll delete my redundancy recursively, momentarily. In the mean time, and after that also, have a cat who likes wool bedding.
It's easier then I thought to blend in for real life but I get a headache and want to be in a room secluded. I don't think these guys put much effort into anything even gaming with some feels kind of like braindeadness.

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