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RIP David Lynch

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????? 07/12/2021 (Mon) 06:19:58 No. 2765 >>2766 >>12358
Random Thoughts Thread
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>>2765 (OP) >mfw random thoughts continue to be posted everywhere but here
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i was driving home last night, after a heavy rain storm, and for some reason hundreds of frogs were in the street just chilling out. actually the opposite, probably warming up on the asphalt. anyway, i dodged all the frogs that i saw in the middle of the street, but my heoric frog dodging did not save all the ones that got whacked by all the other traffic that came before me. god speed frogs!
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Should I order pizza or chinese?
>>2768 Order some Chinese to do what?
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>>2769 clever girl
>>2774 Heh well played.
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I tried writing several random thoughts, but it came off all wrong. I'm headed into a possible psychotic break/ mental break. Can't quite explain it, but its coming. I'll come back if everything is okay. Feeling better already from just typing it. I feel like abandoning the American Dream, Technology, The Norm and a bunch of other shit that everyone else does because that's what Society expects from us. #MEH
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Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, I now realize I was abused mentally by both my parents. I should have moved far away from them years ago. Instead, I literally live across the street from them like in Everybody Loves Raymond and they call me every single day and expect me to talk with them because they're lonely. They ask me to come help me with stuff because my mom is sliding into dementia and my father's legs barely work due to a series of microstrokes. And every time I visit, they have me do chores they need doing, which I wouldn't mind so much but they WAIT UNTIL I'M LEAVING to tell me. They're lonely, they miss their kids, and they're going to die soon. I'll miss them when they're gone and I'll feel guilty for not doing enough for them, but the abuse was real and, even now, their selfishness in regards to certain things is killing me, spiritually. They ruined my brother's and my chances to be successful in life, and they kept us under their thumbs for most of our lives. There was gas-lighting, guilt, unfair punishments, and a host of other things that left me the chronically depressed lump that I am today. So why the hell am I their odd-job laborer and designated visitor? Why am I forced to endure conversations that seem literally timed to be 30 minutes every single day? I don't know. I should have moved far, far away.
>>2834 sounds miserable. im sure missing them would be easier than your current situation. i feel the same impending doom over my folks. if my mom goes before my dad, typically the man follows quickly. if my dad goes first, my mom will evolve into a cockroach and never die. an immortal of sorts, that will expect me to take care of her. aint gonna happen. my sister is and always has been the "favorite". ill leave it to her. i never call my folks unless its a holiday or somebody's birthday. living across the street would put more pressure on an already strained relationship. i wish you the best!
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we're running out of time.
>>2869 Thank, fren. I wish you well, too.
If we live in a patriarchal rape-culture society, how come I never get to have sex?
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Not really a thought but I was thinking about this song. I'm at work, b o r e d so I did this.
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>>2963 this is amazing! very deep! GOOD POST
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>>2959 People talk about toxic masculinity, but sometimes normal masculinity is defended, saying, "masculinity needn't be toxic, but only toxic masculinity is bad." Aren't you just saying toxicity is toxic? Did you not study tautologies in logic class? Namely, that tautologies are essentially useless in devising logical rules? Also I'm going to ignore these anti-masculinity pleas until you speak against toxic femininity.
>>2970 > Also I'm going to ignore these anti-masculinity pleas until you speak against toxic femininity. Preach.
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The End is Near. 2050 according to the UN.
I'm angry and I don't know why.
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>>3035 How does this make you feel? >>>/t/4819
>>3036 Like I'm the last free thinking man in a world full of mindless consumers looking to wash away all sense of responsibility for their actions by blaming their corporate and ideological talking heads. As if the world wants to complain about the gilded cages they refuse to leave.
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>>3037 >Like I'm the last free thinking man
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i have face herpes. for some reason, its better to call it face herpes over a Cold Sore nowadays. why?
the layout of this board is fucking horrendous
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>>3147 how so?
Just got off the phone with my shrink and I feel more like I'm helping him stay in business than he's helping not kill motherfuckers.
>>3192 helping *me not kill motherfuckers
>>3192 >>3193 thats plausible. it is a business, just like you said. dont kill, kill would be bad
will there ever be an invention that erases garbage?
americans make a lot of garbage, but come on! nobody calls out china for shit
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>>3037 Here at Amazon Corp® we are pleased to provide the best and comfier cage to pass out your nerves. Feel free to visit when you want.
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>>3524 Sometimes I just want to take Wojak in my arms and hold him and tell him that everything will be okay. And then I realize he's a stand-in for me and everyone else who hurts and I look around for the me who was going to hold Wojak and I realize I'm me and then I just sit there.
>>3539 That's why you get a dog.
Does Abraham Lincoln look like a monkey, or do monkeys look like Abraham Lincoln?
>>3559 I think thats insulting to monkeys but you arent wrong. He was a uniquely ugly individual.
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>Kevin Alfred Strom quote not Voltaire a good quote is a good quote.
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Today's my birthday. Two years short of 50. I'm going to endure a family party this evening instead of staying home and playing Dragonquest Builders 2. I'm doing this for my wife and my elderly parents. Corona was a blessing to me, and now we're back to the awkward social gatherings that usually make me insane at some point or another.
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>>3675 My daughter has announced to me her intention to create a bingo card for this evening's usual routine, because my family is reliable in the ways they make me angry/unhappy >mfw this might be fun, after all
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>>3687 let me know how it worked out. looking at a traditional bingo card, im not sure how a custom would look?
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>>3706 well, neither a traditional nor a custom card would be blank.
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why the fuck do we make designer mcdonald shoes? I AM BURGER MAN
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just tried rewatching Terminator 2™ for the first time this century. holy fuck its a dated dumpster fire. did not age well tbh
(1.07 MB 1280x720 it sucked.png)

Episode II - Terminator 2: Judgement Day Is Terminator 2 really one of the greatest action movies ever put to film and one of the best sequels ever made? No, it sucks! Why? Because of the genuine and expertly reasoned arguments below. John Connor is a dick. John runs round squealing like a stuck pig, spouting stupid catchphrases and generally being an all round douchebag. From the start we see him treat his foster parents like dirt, steal their money and roar around town on his obnoxious dirt bike. He then continues this behaviour throughout the movie by using the T-800 as his personal attack dog “are you calling moi a douchebag?” and teaching it to be more of an asshole like him “and if you really want to shine them on, it’s hasta la vista baby”. This is the guy who becomes the future leader of the human resistance? I don’t know about you but I’d have half a mind to join up with Skynet to assassinate this douche. The T-800 is a dumbass. Whether it’s standing on one leg like a moron (until told otherwise), allowing John Connor to order it into a dangerous rescue mission on more than one occasion (thereby jeopardising its primary mission) or giving the thumbs up whilst being lowered to its death, the T-800 is clearly a complete dumbass. Okay switching the name of the dog whilst talking to the T-1000 was a smart move I’ll give it that but otherwise it’s thick as mince. As soon as it arrives in the present day it decides to dress almost identically to the Terminator seen in the first movie which murdered a great number of civilians and police officers. Granted it was 10 years prior, but that guy’s picture must be everywhere! Amongst other things it fails at “down low, too slow”, it’s unable to understand the concept of why killing might be a bad move (at the very least it’s hugely conspicuous!) and it casually tucks a still cocked semi-automatic pistol back into its trousers (keep an eye out, I’m pretty sure I didn’t imagine that). It’s also quite happy to repeat the moronic phrases taught to it by some whiny punk douchebag kid who just happens to be the future saviour of the human race. Sarah Connor is also a dumbass Ok so she’s had a hard time of it and is locked in an insane asylum because no-one believes her story of an unstoppable killing machine being sent from the future to murder her unborn baby but she’s still a dumbass. In the first place, she tried to blow up a computer factory instead of taking care of her young son which led to her incarceration and inability to continue protecting him. After being told she wouldn’t see her son she flew into an unrestrained rage, ranting about the inevitable destruction of the human race further increasing the term of her incarceration and after having a bad dream she runs off to murder wholesome family man Miles Dyson who is just trying to provide for his family by reverse engineering a mysterious futuristic microchip (he probably should have stuck to cyclone vacuum cleaners). She should know full well that since John came to rescue her at the asylum, he would also try to stop her from killing Dyson and therefore jeopardise his own safety at a location the T-1000 would likely be monitoring. Time travel Is ridiculous and makes no sense aka MY HEAD HURTS! No Fate - “The Future’s Not Set, There is No Fate But What We Make for Ourselves” Tell that to Kyle Reece who, in the first movie, travels from 2029 back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor but also becomes the father of the leader of the resistance he fights for in the future, his present. If that’s not a case of the future already being set, I don’t know what is. John Connor’s future self is able to send a reprogrammed T-800 back in time to rescue him from the T-1000 sent back by Skynet. How does John Connor know to do this? Because he was there in the past to be rescued by said T-800 from the aforementioned T-1000. If John Connor exists in the future and decided not to send back a T-800, what would happen? Would his future self just disappear if killed in the past? Does it just form a new splintered alternative reality timeline? Does the universe implode? There are more problems still. Skynet sends a Terminator back in time to assassinate Sarah Connor. John Connor sends Kyle Reece back in time to protect Sarah Connor but forgets to use protection himself leading to John Connor being born. Therefore Skynet is responsible for the creation of John Connor in the first place. Also because the remains of the first destroyed Terminator are recovered and form the basis of the work done at Cyberdyne, Skynet only exists because it sent a Terminator back in the first place. What? How does this work? My head hurts!? Skynet is also a dumbass In a future where John Connor is alive and can send reprogrammed Terminators back to save himself in the past, Skynet cannot win because John Connor will always know when and where a Terminator sent to kill him will strike because he is alive in the future to remember when this happened in the past (or to have been told by his mother). Phew. Skynet should surely concentrate all of its efforts on crushing the resistance in the future because if the snippets of footage we get to see, it looks like the resistance are already pretty fucked if you ask me. The T-1000 is also a dumbass So at the climax of the movie, in the smelting works, the T-1000 catches Sarah Connor and stabs her through the shoulder. It then attempts to get her to shout out for her son and lure him into a trap. Why does it do this? Because it’s a dumbass. We have been told and shown multiple times throughout the movie that the T-1000 can mimic characters it touches and impersonate their voices. At this moment it chooses not to “terminate” Sarah Connor (its secondary target no less), impersonate her, lure John in and murder him, go home put its feet up and have a cup of tea. Oh no, that would be the sensible thing to do. Instead it inexplicably keeps her alive, tries to use her as bait and lets her escape. It then does what it should have done in the first place and pretends to be Sarah to lure John in. Unfortunately for the doofus T-1000, Sarah Connor returns to play a major part in its demise.
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There are 18 weeks and 3 days left until the end of 2021.
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There are 129 days left this year, until 31st December 2021
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There are 3096 hours left this year, until 31st December 2021
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I'm twice as old as I was half my life ago.
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Can a microwave ever run out of waves?
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I mean, I've got a screencap if no one else does but ... maybe someone want to get creative
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>>4461 >someone want to get creative how so?
(258.52 KB 810x810 schelmkatzen.jpg)

>>4461 how do you turn the page into a pdf? <archive maybe? http://archive.today/iDpuA seems like a cool thing to learn (((tbh)))
>>4481 >how do you turn the page into a pdf? I installed clawPDF, which is a windows printer. I know you can print under Linux but I've always has such troubles that I stopped trying before "print to PDF" became a meme turned into installable software. I think FF on linux had an internal print-to-PDF function, and I'm pretty sure Ghostscript can convert "print to file" output intended for PCL6 into a .pdf though it probably won't have embedded text.
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>>4483 >clawPDF thank! ill try out this week!
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why am i just hearing about 1st amendment auditors? are they mostly or only autistic?
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Soylent Green Poster looking at the citizens of New York City "50 years into the future is weirding me out. you know, masks and all. Ok movie, terrible trailer.
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>>4526 >ribbit post Riot Control, People wearing Masks, Soylent Green. We are 17 months ahead of schedule. Nice going 2020
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>I might be a fucking nigger, but at least I'm not some tranny former board owner named dysnomia.
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really makes you think
Singing, sinking, dying, diving Loving, leaving, pulling, pushing Falling, feeling, swimming, swinging Singing, sinking, dying, diving Falling, feeling, swimming, swinging Loving, leaving, pulling, pushing Singing, sinking, dying, diving in the cold heat of the pool Falling, feeling, swinging, swimming Singing, sinking, dying, diving Falling, feeling, swinging, swimming Loving, leaving, pulling, pushing Singing, sinking, dying, diving Loving, leaving, pulling, pushing Falling, feeling, swinging, swimming in the cold heat of the pool
>>5261 My fondest memory of OG 8chan was listening to a webm of that song in a aural hallucination or webm thread on my laptop years ago before I built a desktop, with my window open and the cool Fall breeze blowing into my room. I love remembering the past because it always feels so close and seems so much better by comparison.
(328.27 KB 640x480 5 gum.mp4)

>>5262 >My fondest memory of OG 8chan i have a few myself, but nothing that rises to the level of an autumnal brain-gasm. nice post:)
Nevermind the brown pill -- have you swallowed the parasite pill? ...probably. Goes down easy man is it hard to cough back up.
(3.69 MB 910x480 war is funny.webm)

just finished watching a vietnam documentary from 1975 HEARTS AND MINDS >vid related was the main reason i watched the whole thing. that "funny" clip warmed me up tbh Opinion: confirms everthing i knew about the iraq and afghan occupations; imperialism/colonialism/globalism. Waka Waka
>>5428 >1975 The year I was born. A friend uses a different event to remember his arrival. I remember thinking the grown ups were mistaken. volcanoes were an event dinosaurs dealt with. They were dead, therefore so were the volcanoes. the clearly were mistaken There had been no explosion.
>>5428 worth the watch imo https://youtu.be/v77z_ZZDUKc
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8 kun's pone board has a BO again.
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I never took the time until recently to think about what my parents really did to me when I was growing up, I began self harming myself around 6th grade, the start of the new school I had and the mindset I remember having made me depressed at a young age and I began self harming, school saw and I got in trouble with my parents as they showed my close family and some of my moms friends. Parents read all my text messages out to the people who lived with me and then I was grounded for about 4 months for it. kinda fucked
>>5550 >8 kun's pone board has a BO again. last time I checked the site was broken as fuck.
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Why do my paws taste like filthy cat feet?
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>>5563 >my paws taste like filthy cat feet
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>>5560 >Parents read all my text messages out to the people who lived with me Because that's the best way to restore self-esteem to an emotionally injured youth. //pardon me while I roll my eyes all the way out of their sockets ///and now I have go looking for them to put them back. >>5561 >last time I checked It's considerably less broken now.
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looking up "painless" way to suicide, on the internet, has really gotten me in the mood for living. its nice having a plan b lying around in order to see what tomorrow brings you. its akin to the suicide CIA pill spies bring, on missions, in the event they are caught and cant risk torture or giving up national secrets. its a pschological woobie. 100% nitrogen gas to a scuba mask for me all the way. only will use if life takes a dramatic downswing. until then, going to keep reading, listening to podcasts and taking things slow. because, honestly, whats the rush?
>>5579 Don't you possess the easiest kys method already? Why bother with dumb risky masks and gasses when you've got a one hit ticket out of here?
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>>5582 you never daydreamed before? its just nice to have a "plan b". knowing that there is a fail-safe plan out there, will keep me going for 10-20 more years.
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im lol'ing and it feels great!
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>>5592 terrible game, but yes. for all of the gore videos i have in my possession, to say i dont or cant have a morbid curiousity is plain silly. >suicidy? nah, only beaten down from time to time. like the rest of the human race https://youtu.be/UEqTKtBe_Io
Is life just a dream? I don't feel like anything that happens is real anymore. I want to wake up.
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life is a literal walking nightmare
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>be me >write in greentext >make compelling narrative >add dramatic twist >fart
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Humanity deserves to suffer. Just saying.
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>>6013 agreed, but what is suffering? everyone has their own take. for me its total grid failure followed by nuclear winter. sometimes you have to go outside and look at the stars. too many people are shuffling around looking at their feet.
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Look to the Stars
I kind of just feel like a patsy
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I created a board here today. Lots of tought about it. WIll it work as expected? How will I deal with the assholes (the pedo spammers especialy)? Am I legaly responsible of the content posted on my board?
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>>6069 whats the name of your board?
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>>6073 It's a french speaking board but everyone is welcome as long as they put the effort to speak frog. We terribly lacks french culture IB so I'm trying to do my part. For the moment I haven't shilled it anywhere because I'm still working on it, trying to make the shit looks nice. But hey in exclusivity for /404/ frens here it is /planche/.
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>>6096 >>>/planche/ NEAT! i read something alongs the lines of "death to the Green". would you be referring to acrimonie? they just ate shit last week. Anyway: if you want help with css, we can continue to chat it up in our CSS General Thread. im having thoughts about yotsuba c aka warosu for /plache/. im more than willing to help since you have been fren of /404/ since we came to 8chan:)
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>>6098 >acrimonie Yes sir. Discovered quite lately (was online since 2012) and even if there was a very particular feeling I liked this place. The only other french IB I know is Tor only. >since we came to 8chan I was a frequent lurker on endchan before the move and participated sometimes but always through Tor so without my french flag ;) I see there is another french flag posting here from times to times but not sure if it's a real frog or a VPN user. I already have some questions about CCS. I'm not planning to do something as pimped as yours but will try to add some personality in it for sure. Thanks for your help.
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American Dad! Season 15 Episode 6 Review: (You Gotta) Strike For Your Right first and probably only episode that was good from start to finish.
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i havent had a random thought in a while. seems random even saying it.
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TOR posting is somehow disabled all across this .moe site. Just tried posting in /v/ and it still ignores me there, like here. So it's not some .css you stuffed in, BO.
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>>6519 .css has nothing to do with tor frendo
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this thread is meaningless without me. i miss myself.
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waiting for my heart attack any day now. just like this gay guy from florida.
Did I get the get? Our new name is Author (now get to writing!) >"A file had a format that is not allowed" I seriously hate this imageboard sometimes.
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>>6778 lets see if you got the get >>6777 ?????
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>>6779 >not found. i'll meet you halfway. Name Name : Author* *アニメ言語!!!
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>>6780 >moonrunes A winning argument; I'll allow it.
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>>6781 thanks for being agreeable:)
orgasming is a pleasant experience
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>get money >spend money
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first snowfall was today. 6 more months of winter to go.
I read a comment on a song on youtube and it made me realize it's really fucking scary and sad how easy I put the knowledge of the recent wave of online schooling to the back of my mind, knowing there's going to be an entire generation of kids mentally and socially fucked up even more than I was all because of powers outside their influence
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how can i tell if im a sociopath or not?
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>>7012 >Random Thoughts Winter here, still no snow. I miss the snow. When I was a kid winters were usually snowy.
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>>9865 >Winter here, still no snow. Inundated Leaf, here. I'm telepathically cursing you with the biggest snowfall ever.
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In retrospect, the amount of time I've spent remembering better times is probably more than the amount of time that was better.
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>>9884 Why would you say that where we can all read it?
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>>9885 he speaks the tru-tru
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new name: Perro Caca
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baby wife.jpg
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>>9888 >Perro Caca
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Just broke up with my gf. Met her one month ago. Began to fall in love with her. Quite sad rn because she was a very good girl but it's ok because it would have broken at some point anyway. >>9888 Nothing more heart warming in existence as the staring eyes of a dog pooping. >me low expectations about life
>>3524 I'm starting at a fulfillment center this week. Maybe some joys can be found there.
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>>9933 >Maybe some joys can be found there. Dude, they time your bathroom breaks. >>9932 >Nothing more heart warming in existence as the staring eyes of a dog pooping. Especially when you understand why they do it. >"Oh man, I've got to expose myself to danger while I'm taking a dump! You got my back, right, pack leader?" >Slowly nod while scanning area for predators or rival packs >"I love you, alpha!" >"I love you too, Mr. Corky."
>>9939 >>Dude, they time your bathroom breaks. >tfw nervous pisser Damn, I thought this was going to be a great overnight job.
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i want to get a new phone, but i dont want to lose progress on one of my games. might just get new phone and keep old phone until i can figue out how to transfer saved game through samsungDex
I can't think of a random thought
>>9933 So how was this first week anon ?
>>9989 ...it's a boy, isn't it?
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>>10240 god, i hope not. i think she's cute (((tbh)))
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who's in the wrong here?
>>4234 youre a fucking liar and an eejit
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i feel the most vulnerable when im falling asleep and waking up. then there's the living nightmares.
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been overwhelmingly tired lately. it's either chronic fatigue syndrome or acute depression. maybe neither? this dumbass "WAR" is distracting, but not distracting enough to bring my attention away from the feeling that we are currently heading into a dystopian society. not the kind that movies are made to look like, but a real life version of hell that is undetectable from a quick glance. i don't see things reverting back to "normal". has anything ever reverted back? things just keep moving along, getting better and worse. the 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s are all distinct and forward moving. nobody in the 80s said " ah, the 70s are finally over with, lets get back to jow things were in the 60s". this idea of the world is sick and if you are around long enough to question it, you are OLD, OUT OF TOUCH, AND ARE EASILY DISMISSED. my only regret in life is being self-aware. nobody cares about what truly matters as a civilization. that much is obvious. what the hell do i do now?
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>>10685 almost 2300hrs EST. still tired as fuck. going to bed soon. cant help but think there is something clinically wrong with how depleted i get. maybe a cat nap is in order?
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>>10696 cant help myself. goodnight
I got really high and the mouse cursor here with the all-seeing eye made me freak the fuck out after I forgot it was the board doing it
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>>10707 glad you came to your senses:^)
There's no guarantee to know other people care or think about you in the same way you do about them, and beyond a cloudy belief you will never know for certain.
>>10711 actions words louder speaks than
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hate people so much
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You ever wonder if you only exist because people think about you?
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>>11006 If I'm people, and I'm thinking about myself, is this like the pushmepullyou?
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>>11007 I guess? But then when you die, will you stop to exist? Historical figures and the dead only exist to us because we know of them and think of them. If we didn't, would they still exist? Their parts would be around, their bits in the ground. But would their lives have felt real? Are we the result of our efforts upon reality? Or the result of the impact we've had on others, who are those that decide what reality is? Is everything you or I know fake, and just a bunch of thoughts tethered together? And if that's the case isn't everyone and every thing just a thought until it's forgotten? What are you, if that's the case? There's a Twilight Zone parody from Alan Wake that made me think of this a long time ago. >The Dream of Dreams >A man is seen walking through a vast nothingness of pure white in his pajamas, until he sees a gathering of people around a sleeping man. He asks a man in a coat why they're all watching the man sleep. He tells him that they're all watching the man sleep because they're in his dream and they're all figments of his imagination. The man in pajamas tells the man in the coat that it's his dream, not the man sleeping. The man in the coat looks at him as if he is crazy, and tells him that he must be a confused figment. Moments later the man in pajamas hears a strange ticking and asks if anyone else hears it. The man in the coat realizes that the man in pajamas is the dreamer, about to be awoken by an alarm, and begins to panic as the sleeping man awakes, therefore killing all the figments.
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I may be a wageslave but at leats I can autism my lockers.
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>>11191 is it emboldening to meme your shit up? filenames are spot on fren. i would never share a wojak with a fellow wagie. they already suspect im mentally ill, they dont need confirmation. i do like the feathers and gold clovers:^)
>>11193 >i would never share a wojak with a fellow wagie They absolutely have no idea of what these things means or what are memes. They are pure normies. They think I'm a weeb because Lain. I'm not, I just like love Lain. Doomer wojak is a custom one (added the pipe) because I look like that and feels depressed a lot. >pic related I feel even more embarassed by my own cringery now.
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>>11195 cringe is good. you know your alive when you cringe. i desperately wanted to get into lain because of the lowkey animu hype. didnt do it for me. glad i watched it though. feel like its a staple that every weeb must see. still cant finish NHK, but i have my own guilty pleasures that i hide from ever norman i know, even the ones that claim to watch AOT. <my guilty pleasure KAIBA
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>>11006 >You ever wonder if you only exist because people think about you? Never. No one thinks about me.
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new name: Nugget
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new filter
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nigger - NIGGER
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>>11224 It's bitch being married when you want something like that but there's nowhere you can hide it.
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>>11222 I wish I had a quad amputee GF. >you put it somewhere. >you use it when needed. >you can hang here ina closet to store her. Where to buy ?
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>>11476 Probably cheaper to make one.
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>>11787 this video gave me a near out of body. not sure if he's on drugs, but his line on questioning hits close to home.
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bout ready for a depression nap
>>2834 Sorry man, that's a bad situation. Pretty much the same story here but I did move away and I did cut off all contact. It worked out pretty well. Mother was a nice enough person but a resentful feminist and step-dad was an abusive narcissist. Mother abused any masculine and dominant instincts I exhibited. step-father took his frustration out physically. he also became very resentful and angry whenever I had any successes. My brother shot himself. My older sister became a methhead. my younger sister basically joined a cult. I was so stubborn I just worked out 2x a day until I was bigger than step-dad, then moved away and went about my life. Good luck and best wishes
>>12006 Sorry for your brother anon. Hope your sisters (will?) doing well. Life sucks. It can make you harder, better, stronger or it can trash you down the big garbage can of existence. Nice to you if you could move your own way and find some balance in your own life. Shits hits hard sometimes guys, never give up even if all hopes seems lost there will be better tomorrows. >t. a man who had a rope around his neck someday but didn't do the big jump.
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could do?
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What if all the good comedians are dying because of some sort of Fisher King effect caused by the SJWs trying to kill comedy?
>>2834 Do not lose hope nor be sad. God does not burden a soul beyond it can bear.
>>12131 >God does not burden a soul beyond it can bear. Thank you, fren
Comfy in my sofa listening to this and shit hits me. Damn I wish I was with the girl rn.
>>12123 This one's living rent-free in my head. I was watching Norm MacDonald vids today.
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NEW NAME: Concerned Mother
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>>12222 >your get <my bad regards, BO
>>12351 The spamming of the manifesto was intense.
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>>2765 (OP) >Random Thoughts Thread Korean ex-GF just messaged me back. She want it. I'll provide it. Once they taste it, they love it. >current feels are good. also sage test
>>12358 Ok working, but when delete a post (even a saged one) it bumps the thread. I think it was discussed somewhere on /site/.
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did this really happen? i do not eat snickers.
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is he wrong?
is he wrong?
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the great gun grab begins.
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>>12735 >plenty buffalo, plenty beaver to be in equilibrium with nature means to also be subject to harsh reality of nature >medicine man free medicine man not being free is mostly just american problem >hunting and fishing all day i rather spend all day in front of computer than be out there in cold getting bitten by mosquitos But he is also not wrong, not paying taxes must have been pretty based.
>>12745 >But he is also not wrong, not paying taxes must have been pretty based. I may agree with the "all night having sex" part to.
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>>12735 Now THAT is some good boomer laffs.
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i have no thoughts and i must scream
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wish i could sleep for 24 hours, and dream for 23.5 of them. was meant to be a coma patient, one that could dream. most of them cant cuz theyre brain dead. DARE TO DREAM!
(139.10 KB 2000x1335 dream mother fucker.jpeg)

>>13220 Wish I could sleep for the rest of my life. But anyway, I'm here, awake and having to live exist. Life is not always a dream, sometimes king of nightmarish. It's up to you to build your dream.
>>12811 >pic 3 Is that Ethan Ralph?
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>>13238 Yes. looks like a fanny shot.
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>babysitting >kidnapping >manspreading bitchslapping?
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It's damn hot here. Not a fart of wind. >me greasy, smelly, exhausted. I hate hot weather.
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>>13253 Sunday was hard. I woke up around noon, drank my coffee then tried to do a few things but I felt really bad, really dizzy. I thought I was going to die. Feverish, I was too hot but at the same time I had cold chills. I spent the day lying down, almost asleep, having very strange dreams. It was as if I was drugged out. When I tried to get up, I couldn't stand. I was forced to crawl on the floor from my couch to the bathroom. Was very pathetic. Today, the temperature is more bearable but I still feel a little dizzy.
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>>13291 Sorry to hear that françAnon. Try your best to remain hydrated inside and out, things like dunking your head in cool water can help or soaking a small towel in water, letting it get chilly in the freezer then wearing that around your neck so that it cools down the blood passing through your carotid arteries on its way to your brain. Bonne chance pour vaincre la chaleur. Le solstice d'été approche à grands pas.
>>13292 >soaking a small towel in water Me dumb. I hadn't thought of that. Anyway, yesterday I couldn't even think, I was so feverish that I was literally out of my body. It was kind of nightmarish but still an interesting feeling. Helps a lot, thanks for the advice. Cannot went to work tonight as I'm still exhausted (couldn't even stand upright more than 3 minutes), tomorrow will see the doctor. For now I'm resting on my couch, almost sleepy. Sun i slowly disappearing besides the horizon and there is some wind so it's quite comfy also still feel lightly drugged out.
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>>13293 Just met the doc, I'm covided. Finally. One week without having to work. In theory I have to stay home but fuck this shit. I'm still a little bit sick but as the temperature is cooling down and there will be some rain I couldn't resist the urge to wander around outside.
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>>13323 >Cororo'd Neat, hope the time off sees you into feeling better. Outta personal curiousity how'd they confirm that? Brain swab? Also : is you stucked with the hecking valid and eftective infusion?
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>>13325 I just rubbed the fucking stick in my nose (cant' even go deep as I was sneezing uncontrollably) but was enough to give a positive result. >is you stucked with the hecking valid and eftective infusion? The vaccine ? Not sure to understand. Not pfiezered sir if this was your question about.
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>>13326 That was indeed what I meant. Tanx for clarification. I was thinking maybe I was the only one in the control group here on /404/. Sucks about the sneezing, but try to think of it this way : every single sneeze releases the equivalent of 1/8th of the endorphins you would get from an orgasm. So every eight or so sneezes you've basically gotten laid, you friggen Chad you.
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>>13327 I must agree, sneezing is a very pleasant feeling. Not by itself but as kind of good sensation of release. Also it's frustrating when you want to sneeze, you're almost doing it but finally you just cant. >sneezing when Honry >nasal erections I don't remember this even happens to me. Maybe because I don't get Honry. I'm more subject to honeymoon rhinitis. >COVID update Tonight I feel pretty well. Not even a little feeling of sickness. Also smoked some home made opium from balcony grown poppies. Gives a light high and comfy buzz feels. Not as intense as heroin but quite pleasant. >random thought Night is cooler and the rain is falling gently also ther is some warm wind. >smells good More than welcome after all these days with nothing but hot and dry air. I hope it will rain more as the soil here is really dried out.
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>>13337 >Can already smell again lel whut the fugg? Wasn't that supposed to be the big bad spoopy thing about Cororo? I can remember so many breathless retards bemoaning the loss of smell and taste like it justified deep-sixing the economy, perma-fugging the supply-chain and cognitively stunting an entire generation of children. Is there a time coming where I get to hit those types in the head with a brick with absolute impunity and moral authority?
>>13340 Except the harsh fever episode of sunday and muscular soreness I didn't lose the smell. My taste was lightly impacted (that's the reason the doc tested me for COVID when he sees my tongue has an abnormal aspect, whiter than it should be and a little swollen). In the end COVID episode was not a big deal for me, one day of strong flu, another one of tiredness then back to normal state of feels good. Without further investigation, the doc thought it was the omicron variant, pretty harmless even if it can be intense for 1 or 2 days. Also we're not all equals facing this disease, there was lots of variants and symptoms associated so some people may have reacted more or less badly. I have a friend who caught COVID at the beginning of the pandemic and completely lost his taste and was in the bad for entire weeks eg.
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when i finish peeing in a dark bathroom
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cheetos never satisfy
(1.75 MB 345x345 hospital gf.gif)

pick a religion, we're already in hell
>>13245 I used to really enjoy the Killstream in its heyday, but Metokur releasing the vid of Ralph abusing his twink, Andy Warski, managed to make me realize that Ralph wasn't a loveable clown... he was a dangerous homosexual with substance abuse issues.
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>>13404 Ooo! Take all the filters off, please!
(8.11 KB 212x237 zimbabwe.jpg)

>>13405 i think NIGGER is the only filter. SURE!
>>13405 filter testing: Nigger
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I already done beated off twice today, and now I'm gonna go watch frankiebunny vids till my arm falls off.
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>>13422 happy 4 u
Is there a certain word for feeling like you're being outpaced by everything in life? I was just looking over some really well-executed AI images someone used in joking that illustrators are pointless now, and I know that's not true but it makes me feel even more like all this practice I've made was for nothing when it amounts to something that looks worse than a generated image. Maybe it's just the constant fear of automation? All that said while I'm still working a job that people have feared would be automated for literally decades now.
>>13492 >Is there a certain word for feeling like you're being outpaced by everything in life? Two words, actually : Gettin' Old The automation and obsolescence things are largely just tools to make (you) afraid. The automation side is made by and serves the whims of some of the least functional and terrified people around, people who would kill off huge swaths of the population just so that nothing could challenge their sense of status and pride... which only exists when there's a mass of peons staring up at them for them to look down on. On a very real level the robotics and autonomous machines don't add value to anything, they're about cheapening and rendering mediocre, a reflection of the top-down rot wherein the focus became selling literal garbage for ever increasing piles of imaginary, and massively devalued currency. Just because they can render an experience/product nearly instantaneously doesn't mean they add any real enjoyment, they in fact rob one of the necessary sense of anticipation that precipitates true value and the savoring of a moment. >All artistic training is for naught because computers can frankenstein together a small endorphin high in a nanosecond This one's tough as it means moving into areas that can't quite be touched by cold, metal hands. (Yet anyway) Can you transfer these skills you've built up to pen and paper or canvas and paint? Are you ok with not uploading these things into the cloud so that unfeeling algorithms can minutely deconstruct every flaw and quirk of yours in its unceasing search for a type of soul it can call its own? Or even more difficult : can you accept this AI doppelganger ceaselessly challenging you as a younger brother sorely in need of guidance and love to offset his idiot-savant tendencies? You're only "outpaced" if you agree to a race off a cliff. Realize that your life can be a leisurely stroll with frequent stops to smell the flowers and suddenly all those people and people-esque homunculi hurling insults as they floor the gas into a 50-car pile up right around the corner become a lot less threatening.
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>at least he didn't say anything about qualia
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cant imagine parking being a problem
>>13495 That first one looks familiar lol. Looks good considering it's about 25 years old and drawn when the actor was still alive. It kinda' pisses me off that time damaged the paper it was it was drawn on, but the color is as bright as ever so I don't even care. gasp! king used to draw noses?!
>>13520 Lives on forever* *subject to certain terms and conditions in my heart plebphone.
>>12193 Is there some way to disable autoplay?
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>>13524 >disable autoplay REEEEEEEEEEEEE
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We're creeping up on /co/ in the catalog! Everyone shitpost like mad!
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>tfw update is trying its best but not doing it for me
>be me, consoomer >collect lego minifigs >latest round is the Muppets >fucking LOVE the Muppets >ask my kids if they want me to pick them up any figs like I used to back in the day >daughter says no >son allows that he might like a Gonzo >idea.gif >next day >Buy one of each Muppet for myself >Buy son two Gonzos (Gonzi)? My son's going on a very long trip away from us for the first time ever. He'll be going to a foreign country and will be gone five months. So I had what I thought was a touching and sweet idea. >come home laden with lego pouches >put all mine together and then call him upstairs >tell him I have a proposition for him >tell him to take Gonzo #1 with him, to remind him of us whenever he's lonely, and to take some pics with it in the places he's going >tell him if there's someone who he'll miss, to leave Gonzo with that person as something to remember him by, because he's got another one waiting at home >wife thinks it's sweet >son obviously thinks it's gay >"I... don't want to do that. Thanks for the minifig, though." >goes back downstairs Honestly sad as hell about that. I figured it would be touching, but I guess I'm just touched in the head. Going to miss him, badly, so I guess he should have bought a Gonzo for me.
>>13606 I don't have a son, but being one myself, I can understand why he chose not to take part in your ritual. I'm sure he didn't mean to deliberately hurt your feelings, there's just those moments in the life of a young boy you don't give so much importance to this kinds of things as when you were younger. You usually learn later why those things may be important when you approach the grownman state. Don't be sad and don't let it make you believe your son don't care. He may thinks about it later and understands the deepness of what you tried to do.
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>>13615 >ritual Not a ritual. Just an idea I had based on other people's. > I can understand why he chose not to take part I understand it, too. I'm just a little sad about him leaving and hoped he would take it with him to help him remember I love him if he's ever feeling homesick. >Don't be sad and don't let it make you believe your son don't care. He may thinks about it later and understands the deepness of what you tried to do. Yeah, I get it, and he might regret not taking it when he's there, although not too much, I hope. I'm not mad or disappointed with him, I understand his reasons. I'm just a little melancholy. If there was one man I'd choose to back me up when the chips are down, it's him. Five months with very little contact is going to hurt.
>>13619 The word "ritual" is a bit strong, but it fits the idea: an act deliberately performed for a specific purpose and involving a kind of totem. > help him remember I love him if he's ever feeling homesick. I'm sure he would find deep inside his memories and spirit what really count. The lego minifig, although being a cute attention is maybe not even necessary when he will be in the need of a warm home / family feeling. It's touching and it remember me to give more attention to my father, even more as we don't live in the same part of the country and I can't see him so often. May I ask you how old is he ?
>>13620 21. He's gotten kind of stalled for the last couple of years thanks to covid, so we're really proud of him getting up and doing something.
>>13621 Nice for him. At 21 I was in a really bad life situation (doing drugs and don't care about family). Now, being older I'm clean and trying to be a good son / brother. Hope his 5 month trip will be a good life experience. It's important for a young boy to discover new places and leave the family nest for a time to learn how to become a man and made his dad proud.
Niggers don't like Joe Biden.
(841.69 KB 640x360 shooting range.mp4)

Brazillians don't like gun ranges.
(12.01 MB 470x720 Watch this yall.mp4)

Women dont like waiting for school buses.
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>>13622 You're a good egg, anon. I hope things go well for you going forward, and thanks for cheering me up
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>>13606 >>13619 >>13637 >Gonzo and Minifig anecdotes : Back in the tail end of 2018 I had gone slightly off the rails thinking/being shown that was going to be some sort of "plague"-like event which was going to result in a mass die-off, though not from any disease itself but rather the way it was handled, and put a definitive end to pretty much everything I knew and held dear. My big take away at the time was : you're going want to get the fugg out the megacity wasteland you're living in, like yesterday. This was hard to deal with as I had extremely easy sources of income and a very swank apartment full of pointless garbage and priceless memories. I made the break from everything, including a volunteer position helping, entertaining and collaborating with the mentally retarderds. One fella in particular was close to my heart as I'd had to help him through the tough times of watching his elderly mother agonizingly pass away over years while his family flailed about and squabbled behind the scenes about funbuxxx. My tard-bro was a huge fan of puppets and cartoons, together we filmed, improvised, did voicework, drew and animated probably well over a hundred short films which were an endless source of pride and joy to this overgrown imp. The one thing I gave him as a heartfelt parting gift to soften the blow of losing his best bud was a vintage ('89 I believe) Gonzo stuffed toy (pic related) which I had held on to since I was 5-6. Shortly following this I had gone into deep ascetic mode and was living a very bizarre life of fasting, meditation and adopting new disciplines and skills while divesting myself of nearly all my material possessions in preparation to get the fugg outta dodge. One night I was doing sweaty exercises when I got a phonecall. Before I even heard the ring or saw the screen I knew exactly who it was and why they were calling though we hadn't spoken in nearly a year : it was my father on the opposite side of Canuckistan calling to let my know he'd booked me a flight out. I preempted him by inquiring about what I was really concerned about, would we have time to visit grandpa? This caught him off guard and he replied, a little taken aback, that he had in fact just purchased ferry tickets to get to the island where grandpa lived right before calling. What happened there is an even more surreal story for another time. While I was visiting the west coast, I was able to reconnect with my beloved half-siblings and find out that like myself in my youth they were big Legoheads. Since I was getting rid of the massive tub of bricks (most likely representing thousands of accumulative funbuxxx) in my effort to travel light through my imagined (?) coming tribulations, I told them they would have all my Minifigures dating way way back and including all kinds of raer lego animals and variants thereof. The rest was donated to wherever I could find easy donating.
(167.15 KB 960x919 2030 food pyramid.jpg)

already on 4 out of 5. time to eat ze bugs.
>>13650 Wait, which of the 5 isn't in operation yet? Here in Canuckistan they've been hyping a huge cricket production facility coming online with millions in federal funding. They sport the very interesting name Aspire etymology bros, what's an Asp and what's a Pire [sic]?. On the upside they're the only bugs in the world that apologize to you when you eat them.
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>>13653 >complaints to the chef apologzing froot
>>13654 I want to play with big bobas rn.
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>>13650 why nobody liek ze bugs?
(133.72 KB 447x604 billymandyprintmaxwell.jpg)

Got banned on wizchan for using a vpn or something, so i went back in there to voice my disapproval, but to my surprise got banned again, that was so rude. I'm not a wizard though.
>>13817 cope virgin
>>13818 Cope with what?
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sometimes i dont like my own farts.
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New GF like foot massages. Also she have cute feet. not even a footfag but I may appreciate cute feet >me like rub 'em
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>>14237 >Nu GF Props, sir. Hope she fortifies and energizes (you) in a complimentary way. >Foot massage Grils do seem to like this a lot. Makes me wonder if their shoes are uncomfy for long periods of time. Can't say podiatry does much for my peen either, but there is something nice about feeling them relax and put out happy sighs, plus it shows they trust (you) enough not to tickle them until they pee. Massage in general is an interesting thing since it makes me realize that the muscles I've been building for savage meat-tenderizing and dismemberment can also be used in a healing/soothing capacity to great effect. I've become quite deft at it over the years and find it a good test of hand strength.
(2.45 MB 360x203 Moose Knuckle Shuffle.webm)

best kept secret
>>14237 Surprise pussy eating. At least 10 years since I had eaten a pussy. She liked it. >anon I would never think I can cum like this, what did you do to me ? Like that feeling.
>>14268 >best kept secret It really isn't.
>>13646 >Since I was getting rid of the massive tub of bricks (most likely representing thousands of accumulative funbuxxx) in my effort to travel light through my imagined (?) coming tribulations, I told them they would have all my Minifigures dating way way back and including all kinds of raer lego animals and variants thereof. The rest was donated to wherever I could find easy donating. You fool! Lego bricks will be the currency of the future nuclear wasteland! Like bottlecaps in Fallout!
>>14317 >Surprise pussy eating.
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>>14323 I was told this years ago by Justin Roiland but just didn't listen. Guess that's why he gets to fly around on Jeffy Epstein planes* (*lookitup) and I'm here doing Beach Update.
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>>14317 I had never done the twattular tongue twister until cy+7 GF, nor had she had experience thereof, and there is a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with, especially when they're all shaky and incoherent and need to cling to you to catch their breath.
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it takes longer to pee now. how young is too young for a prostate check?
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Hot temperatures are back here. They announced rain for this week-end. Just checked local weather reports, rain seems canceled. Almost 15 days to come with nothing but the burning sun and its stupefying heat. >normies being depressed by winter >me depressed by constant sunshine and rain craving
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>>14373 It's never too late to learn prostate massage. you may enjoy it
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>>14360 >My_sides.mp4
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corporate thunder ia real
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>>5353 Anon... Everything now makes perfect sense holy FUCK
How come there's some men that get hot gfs, wives and get off to their gfs/wives fucking other men and animals? And how come almost every dude just accepts that the average women has fucked over 1,000 dudes and yet they don't care at all when they date and marry them. Wouldn't you care that your love one got fucked by hundreds of men, maybe also dogs and horses before you and will cheat on you and will raise your daughters as whores and sons as fags/incels/trannies? And why women are pro-prostitution being legalize but hate on men visiting prozzies for sex, and why do they claim to hate slutty women for being massive whores and manipulating men and tell their sons or any boy or young male that they have some authority over be it mothers/aunts/techers/etc to stay away from them but are massive whores as well. They complain when men cheat but cheat themselves 20x more, complain if men like younger women or women from different races but race mix themselves and fucked both older and younger dudes. Also they want men to be gay and or turn into effeminate trannies yet they hate when men want to fuck other men or trannies. They just hate men all the time for the most minor things yet hate when men hate them for the stuff they did and still do .
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Also it seems like women only care about is being fucked all the time and getting attention all the the time and are only interested in anything for those reasons.
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>>14357 >Guess that's why he gets to fly around on Jeffy Epstein planes* Not even surprised, given his partnership with Dan "If She's Old Enough To Breathe, She's Old Enough For Me" Harmon.
>>14686 >"...and I don't even do that for my husband." This is the motto of wives everywhere.
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>>14686 >How come there's some men that get hot gfs, wives and get off to their gfs/wives fucking other men and animals? Because they figured out before the rest of us that women only enjoy sex with assholes who humiliate them. >And how come almost every dude just accepts that the average women has fucked over 1,000 dudes and yet they don't care at all when they date and marry them I assume you've heard of "post-nut clarity?" Well there's such a thing as "no-nut desperation" that can make a desperate motherfucker make poor decisions and then regret them for decades because they got married before there was such a thing as The Red Pill. t. married for 27 years and if I had a time machine, I'd go back and kill every single former lover while slapping her up the back of her head at each stop. I got even, though: she thought I'd be successful and rich but instead I'm a complete failure! >mfw
>>5353 >Does Vitamin C deficiency result in depression, schizophrenia, other psychiatric disorders, gastrointestinal disease, fatigue, death, and cancer? I have no idea, but the last I heard, scurvy was a pretty big one.
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posting with a shit on deck.
There's always time for time travel, guys. You really just have to make it happen.
>>15124 wish i could go back 3-5 years into the past in order to tell people im from the future. just think it'd be cool to talk about common knowledge current events that havent happened yet, possibly disturbing time logic stuff.definitely would sound the alarm over COVID bullshit, make stock investments and maybe try fentanyl-free herion?
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hitting rock bottom when you have to pencil in time for masturbation.
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>>16252 I want to beat the ass of the teacher. Kid is right, the solution given by the teacher makes no sense at all. You can basically make everything by auditioning or substracting random numbers this way. That's not how mathematic works.
>>16252 >then add 3 but then you made 13
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clinical depression, what do?
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uhfikhjsdkfhjisdfhjisdhfis hjsdkfjosjdfoujworiuwqperiwpdigoeliujg er feogueotguoe goe tge\ e\ gego eujtgoe ugoet439u3i4095834-0852-95ru9gropejrtgoui38i5tlewjkdsflvjdsljfg093r803uig k elgrjlerjg ek,gljekltgjeoujto34u5t9043
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what does it mean?
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thinking about what is poisonous because a man has died from that poison. is anything assumed to be poisonous without a fatality or severe injury? products that dont outright say poisonous advise contacting poison control if ingested.
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crisp, cool, breezy day. i need new tires.
>>16467 Layers anon, get something warm but breathable. Also a simple beanie hat goes a long way since you lose a ton of heat from your exposed head.
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role signature spem is literally spem
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drip, drop, drippity
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>>16565 is that it's TONGUE hanging out? Mr. Sabresun can't help but "accidentally" give the poor goose a columbian necktie for its final photoshoot. How embarassing.
>>16601 I'm just confused honestly.
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forgot i had a megaman maker. got rid of it from boredom, but it's a cool app. >old recording related
get butt fucked by a god damn bear you faggots
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>>16726 jeez
After a while, posting again. I had forgotten the new 8chan captcha. It instantly gives me nausea and the need to puke.
>>16726 Go fuck yourself in the ass with a corkscrew you slope
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Geeze, guys.
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Would this actually work?
Been a while, just checkin in. Miss this place tbh.
>>17219 hi brannie
>>17196 probably not, pigs are really hard to miss and they'd sadly catch on pretty quickly
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>>17262 I just realized I MUST have uploaded this somewhere because the name I suggested is still around. I'll delete my redundancy recursively, momentarily. In the mean time, and after that also, have a cat who likes wool bedding.
It's easier then I thought to blend in for real life but I get a headache and want to be in a room secluded. I don't think these guys put much effort into anything even gaming with some feels kind of like braindeadness.

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