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abdl cringe 2: electric boogaloo Baby 03/03/2023 (Fri) 01:26:07 No. 23222
https://old.reddit.com/r/ABDLMarket/comments/11g3vok/meta_prices_need_to_be_required_either_in_the/ low hanging fruit, but the comments by the guy spouting the conspiracy theory about why the sub exists and the mods are funny. pic not related
>>37076 I dunno man. Guy comes to a thread designed to hate on others. I call people in the thread losers for being the type of people that need to shit on others to feel good about themselves. I explain why it's bad practice and I get hit with "nigger nigger nigger" and "faggot faggot faggot" essentially proving my point. You are right though. No debate here. Because there can't be a debate when the other side is so clearly in the wrong and has nothing else to say besides "nigger nigger nigger" like a 14 year old. I didn't even need to say anything. They cooked themselves. >>37090 Do I? I post here once maybe twice a day. Takes me 5 minutes to come here, reply, and move on to my day. Acting like there aren't 24 hours in a day. Another dumb ass reply from dumb ass scum. >>37091 I mean, people hurt others. That's kind of the way of the world. I'm sure someone has hurt you too. The difference is that I am not a pussy and will tell you straight to your fucking face that you're a loser and a coward. And you're the type that has to clown autistic individuals for personal amusement. I assure you I am not the one that needs to touch grass. >>36824 Look up to what I posted earlier. I'm doing exactly what I said I was going to do and what I always do with these dumb ass threads: Derailing. You're focusing on me instead of the random person on twitter you follow for some weirdo reason. I can take it, because I'm secure in who I am. Nothing you say to me will ever effect me because I will NEVER be as much of a loser as any of the people in this thread are. You can reply with whatever witty banter you want. You can come up with clever pictures and memes or whatever. But facts are facts. You people are the real losers. >need a hobby >their own hobby is sitting in a cringe thread making fun of people with mental disabilities >oof The fact that you unironically used oof in a sentence I take it you are under the age of 20? Let me speak to you in a way that you'll understand that hang on... Yikes that's so not sigma fam. >this is how you sound >dumb fuck
>>37092 nigger nigger nigger faggot faggot faggot
>>37092 >Tourist >Hypocrite >Nigger nigger nigger >Faggot faggot faggot
>>37092 >>37099 I win. Keep replying. I'm actually laughing no joke LOL fucking losers. Does it get you all mad that I will always think you're a fucking loser and there's nothing you can do about it? TOO EASY AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>37104 >Does it get you all mad that I will always think you're a fucking loser Nobody gives a shit about what you think, and the only reason people respond to you is to see what unhinged schizo nonsense you'll start spouting next. Am I mad? No, but keep telling yourself that. Try not to keep us waiting too long. Nigger Faggot.
>>35131 Probably the last bit of cringe we'll ever get JSDoom related since he's probably dead or soon to be and deactivated his account unless people start doing more weird stuff with his OC, but apparently he talked with some other people to finish his stories. The conclusion to his story about his OC based on his exwife is the OC getting thrown into a diaper pail then dying by getting crushed in a garbage truck compactor. It reads a lot like a bitter hate letter to his exwife, especially considering years of using this OC and the few mentions of a mutually abusive relationship. https://www.deviantart.com/daddyorionf/art/A-Small-Addition-Chapter-10-WARNING-SAD-ENDING-1050520590 Sad that he died of alcoholism, but his last months and years just seem like a very bitter alcoholic that's driven away anyone outside of online communication. He mentioned both breaking up with his wife and alcoholism and other anons have also mentioned the alcoholism being displayed in discord chats. It's telling that he even tried to get people to help with doctor's appointments through deviantart posts at one point, suggesting he'd burned enough bridges RL that a fetish community is what he had left for help.
>>37109 >nobody gives a shit what you think >replies like a fucking idiot Why bother replying seriously when you cook yourself so beautifully? I don't need to say anything anymore.
>>37110 Imagine being the kind of fucking loser that knows who JSDoom is at all despite having such distaste for the person. I wonder what other various trash you have on your PC that you read at 3am in your mothers basement you degenerate fuck. Not even getting a membership at Crossfit can save you. You're beyond help.
>>37111 >>37112 You have some very strange and weak insults. That you keep posting and being angry at people suggests you are far more invested in this thread than any other anon just here for the cringe and lulz. Does it feel good? Maybe go back to Twitter, Reddit, or some echo chamber Discord where people actually care about your angry ranting and moralfagging? Your actions and arguments mean nothing and accomplish nothing beyond serving your own sense of moral superiority, angry sage anon. There will always be cringe and lolcows just as much as there will be people pointing and laughing at them. Another anon mentioned earlier that the cringe thread here is nothing compared with sites and online communities devoted entirely to this type of thing. Maybe if you had the stones you'd go bother the people at the Farms or something, but I know you won't because they'd just quickly ban you for this sort of thing. If you actually cared, you do more than angry posting on a fetish board, but of course you're too mentally, emotionally, and physically deficient to do anything beyond be a white knight keyboard warrior. Anyway, about to hit the post limit so I guess we'll have a new thread soon to repeat the cycle.
>>37114 That's a lot of words for someone who claims to not be mad. But let's dissect since you want to make claims about my intelligence. >strange and weak insults Do I really need to have a stronger insult? Your actions speak volumes here. You're in a thread that specifically targets people and berates them, and at times actually goes out and harasses them in some cases. I don't need to use elegant words to roast you. You did that to yourself already. I'm just here to laugh at you. >Keep posting... True. I am invested. I am invested in making sure I derail these garbage threads to the best of my ability. If you look back I've been here for some time. Dating back to 8kun, actually. Sometimes I take a break because believe it or not, I do actually have real life obligations and sometimes I just straight up forget about you people because you're not at the forefront of my mind. But yes, it does feel good to cook you trash human beings and bait you into responses taking away focus from the people you love to hate. That's not really the point though. What I do I do to protect them and it is not something I do for fun. If I want to have fun I'll boot up a video game or some shit. This is business. >superiority Hardly. I'm not perfect. I am not trying to be. And that's kind of the point I am trying to get across. No one is perfect. People are flawed. Some people are born with mental defects, some people were abused, some people for whatever reason are just not all there. You ridicule these people without thinking about why they are the way they are and without sympathy or empathy. You're actual human waste. Plain and simple. >always be cringe threads. Yep. And I'll always be here. You mad? >the farms Can you send me a link? Not familiar. Bans are meaningless in 2024 though with VPNs and what not. Not really worried about that. I've been banned plenty from 8chan itself. Yet, I'm still here aren't I? >assumptions about being mentally and emotionally deficient Now who is the one making assumptions? I could sit here and tell you all about my life, and how I'm pretty happy tbh, financially stable good partner etc. Or, I could sit here and tell you about how I live in my moms basement living off disability or whatever the fuck. Neither of these scenarios takes away from my words and the facts. You're here to laugh at mentally ill people for your own amusement. You'll always be below me no matter what you might think or type bro. It's just a fact. You're garbage. Go tell people in your real life what you get a kick out of in your spare time and watch them ridicule you for being the weirdo. Irony at it's finest. The fact that you can sit here and try to justify this behavior in any way shape or form just proves how lacking you are in the social skills department. No one who is emotionally stable would find your behavior on these boards to be acceptable. Period. >post limit Good. Trust that I'll be around in the new thread when it gets made.
he's gonna tell his mom he "won" a "debate" in the cringe thread on a obscure diaper shitting forum this guy, i can't, lmao
>>37125 >this guy i cant >actively participates in a cringe thread in a diaper shitting forum >doesnt realize the irony Cringe. You uh, do realize this is the only statement I need to continuously make to all of you to get your panties in a bunch, right? Like, you do realize this behind all the pretending to not read my posts or pretending to not see how much of a point I have. You do see that right? All I gotta do is point out the irony here and you'll lose your mind. It's that easy. Cooked.
>>37137 there is no irony, i see for what it is; a shitpost thread, you think its some epic battle of intellects to be won
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>>37137 Do you like my sword? I call it, "Matthew." It can cut evil from the soul and free you from the trappings of sin.
>>37138 >shitpost thread Is this the moment of clarity? Let's make sure we understand this. Here, I'll help you. Say it slowly... spell it out if you must. S h i t p o s t. These posts are all shit. If you actively participate in a shit thread does that... does that make you shit? Mindblowing, right? >>37139 >makes an edgelord joke >trying to justify shitting on autistic people for amusement Look bro, you can't win here. All the memes and attacks you can send my way are irrelevant. You're still here obsessing over random people's twitters laughing at people with mental disabilities. You're absolute garbage and nothing you do or say changes this.
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>>37140 What attack? I just love my sword. My sword is my own, it represents my own personal taste and creativity, tempered with the teachings of Christ my sword is a symbol of the division created by God, between man and evil.
>>37140 >if you actively participate in a shit thread does that... does that make you shit? you undoubtedly have the most posts in this thread my dude and they're all unironic and earnest, meanwhile everyone else heres baiting and laughing at you
>>37142 Of the 500 posts in this thread I believe I have, maybe 20. Your math is wrong. Education was lost on you it seems. >>37141 >more cringe Jesus christ you're a loser.
>>37142 Also >everyone's baiting and laughing at you >that's the point >over your head I assure you, you're missing the point. You're the one getting baited here. Everything I'm doing is intentional. Why don't you get back to stalking people on twitter? Going back and forth with me is not intelligent.
>i have maybe 20 509 posts by 324 UIDs means 1.5 posts on average lmao >2 replies to one post you sure showed me you're not obsessed
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>>37152 Take a toke, Bro. Channel your "Inner Cory Feldman." You aren't gonna hack me are you, Bro? Oh Jeez! Oh man!
>>37154 You uh... really have never tried roasting anyone in real life have you? It shows.
>>37153 >bad math ... what? Any post my me is going to contain sage. I count 42. 42 out of 324 UIDs is... not even close. Regardless, this is a dumb thing to say. You're grasping because you're unable to look yourself in the mirror. You need to sleep at night. I get it. But you're still a loser. Nothing changes that.
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>>37156 Except when you rage and forget to put it on the subject line.
>>37157 >reaching Damn you're still going. You're worse than the nigger guy. At least he got me a little riled up. You are just boring.
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>>37160 If I'm so boring, why do you keep responding? You like the attention, that's why. You love this shit. Admitted it yourself. Probably the only worthwhile thing in your sad miserable life. I'm happy to oblige, Nigger Faggot.
>>37162 >like the attention Don't flatter yourself. I'd rather all you degens just kill yourselves but unfortunately we live in an imperfect world. >love this shit I'd rather be playing games bro. Really. I got so many things going on outside of this shit that it's actually kind of hard to login every once in awhile. Luckily it isn't hard to pop in every now and then and type some shit to trigger you, since you're so easy. >nigger faggot >more stalking type behavior in your image Like I keep saying man, you can type what you want. You're over here proving you stalk people and berate the mentally ill. You're a joke. If you really want to troll me or get back at me for being a "nigger faggot" how about you explain what it is you get out of berating these people? Not that I really care, but what I'd sooner see you do is question why you do this, and question if it's really something worth your time and energy. Is making fun of the mentally ill really so rewarding for you? Aren't you ashamed? No memes or trolling, honest question. If you cannot tell other people in your real life what it is you do online... isn't that a cause for changing who you are fundamentally? You aren't far removed mentally from those you insult. You have to see this. You aren't dumb.
>>37167 uh oh somebody made a stinky!!!!!
listen, all you cringe lord BULLIES are on thin ice. you come to this thread to make fun of the mentally disabled and you think you're no different than them? HAH! i laugh, i laugh at YOU! I come here daily to make sure you get a nice lil taste of your own medicine. It's time you all learned... and it's up to ME to ensure that you see how poopy and stinky your behavior really is. Hmph. Yes, indeed! Your behavior is, hmm... YIKES! You have to make fun of slobbering retards to make yourself feel better...? Laughable. You will see once I post another 50 times in this thread that it is YOU who is the slobbering retard. It's time to bully the bullies. It's time for justice. Diaper retards, rise up! It's time for us to take back what is rightfully ours! I am your savior and I've come to free you from the shackles of scrutiny by your own community! I post for the autist, the down syndrome, the pedophile, the beaten and the down. These are my kin and I will fight righteously for them until my hand cramps from typing. Call me a faggot? A Nigger? No... You'll see, it is you who is getting baited and falling for every single one of my devious tricks. Heh. That's right, diaper bullies, you've been PLAYED. This thread will cease to exist by the time I've enacted my full plan, and thusly, all bullying in the world will be laid to rest by my command. Your move, diaper bullies, feel free to respond to this post... IF you dare.
>he's STILL going man is like a duracell battery advert
>>37179 Yeah. That's what I thought. Trash. >>37181 Imagine typing all of that and not thinking you don't look like a 10 year old. Embarrassing. >>37184 Not gonna stop either. It's working, isn't it? You ever notice over time how these threads seem to fizzle and die out and then the new threads have less and less content? I'm playing the long game. My battery is far more charged than yours I assure you.
>>37185 yeah its working, you're posting cringe in the cringe thread for everyone to laugh at
>>37186 Oh, did you finally understand what I'm doing? That took you far longer than I expected. Then again, you are the type to stalk people on twitter and insult people with mental disabilities so I'm not sure what I expected. Read the below post again to be sure you understand just how dumb you sound by replying to me. You lose more with every stroke of the key. >>37092
>>37189 aww, does the wittle baby need a diapey change? ^_^ c'mere little one lets get you changed
>>37201 >page 3 Cringe.

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