/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Fictionalized Childhood Experiences (Greentext) Baby 12/02/2022 (Fri) 18:42:58 No. 20133
Because of valid complaints in the childhood experiences thread, I thought it'd be cool to make a thread where creative license is expected. Ideally, it'd have a core of some real experience. Also, greentext because greentext is awesome. I'll start: >Be me, 8 years old >Go to classmate’s birthday party >Her cousin, who seems to be our age, is just walking around in a diaper, no shame >Like, wtf, but no one else says anything, don’t want to be the weird one and bring it up. >Ask parents to set up more playdates with her out of curiosity >Ask her about cousin, she just refers to him as “weird” but not bad to hang out with. >After a number of playdates, go over to play and, holy crap, her cousin is there. >Since it’s not a girl birthday party, the three of us play together (we basically ignored him the first time) >He seems normal now, we play some Nintendo and run around outside. >He runs inside, we play for a couple of minutes before friend drags me inside giggling. >Says I should see this... >We pop into the guest room, cousin anon is on the bed getting changed by his aunt. Room smells of poop. >I couldn't really see much, considering the intensity of the situation, just an open diaper and aunt holding some wipes >Friend giggles >Cousin Anon yells for us to go out >Comes out a few minutes later wearing just his shirt and a diaper >No one talks about it, back to playing like normal. >Fast forward six months >In third grade now, allowed to walk around the neighborhood on weekends. Go to friend’s house. >Friend home, cousin there, aunt babysitting >Cousin Anon in just diaper again >Friend goes to bathroom >Ask Anon about diapers. Just says he likes them. >Aunt overhears me giving him the third degree about diapers, asks if I want to try one >Friend comes out of bathroom. >Moment of utmost courage, say "yes" to aunt. >Expect friend to freak out, but she wants one too. >Aunt diapers us we all go out back and play in diapers for the afternoon. >We did this occasionally for the next couple of years when my friend’s aunt was watching her (she’d give me a call if she could), I was glad friend was willing to wear one too or I would’ve been worried it’d come out at school. >Aunt would change me like it wasn't a big deal - she was used to changing her son I guess. Never saw friend got changed - I think she used them and just changed herself. >Eventually, Cousin Anon hit puberty and was suddenly all embarrassed about wearing diapers, or maybe just in front of girls. He tried to hit on me as I hit middle school but I wasn’t as interested since he’d nixed the diapers. Shot himself in the foot there.
>summer between third and fourth grade mom decides to put me into a home daycare instead of school summer care because way cheaper. >super weirded out being in someone’s house I don’t know. >Home daycare isn’t really a summer thing, it’s mainly for toddlers. Mom found out about it because her friend had her five-year-old daughter there until she started kindergarten in fall. >So it’s me, this five-year-old girl I’ve met on a handful of occasions and three to six two-to-four year olds depending on the day. >Luckily, I’m allowed to bring my DS, so it’s not hell. >Help out the lady who runs the place sometimes because, whatever, she’s nice. >On Tuesdays, place is dead. Usually just me and five-year-old, we’ll call her Katie, maybe one other toddler. >Nursery Lady feeding two-year-old, Katie and I already finished lunch; >Katie tells me to come with her. >Follow kid to the nursery, she pulls out diapers >”Let’s put them on” >Considerations: Katie keeps her mouth shut. Diapers are embarrassing. Really curious though. Super bored…. >”Yeah, alright” >We strip our pants and underwear, facing away from each other, and try to put them on. >I barely get the tapes across, but it holds. >Katie’s having trouble with the tapes so we throw away her first failed attempt and I help her tape up the second >Fits her perfectly; immediately jealous >we put our pants back on and go play in the backyard where we’ll get less noticed. >Everything seems cool for awhile. >”Anon, can we pee in them?” >”I mean, that’s what they’re for right?” >Feel guilty about response, never would have had the courage to piss my own, but Katie just lets it go and soaks herself once I give her the okay. >Play for another while and then she complains it’s uncomfortable >Bitch, what do you want me to do about it, I’m nine. >Suggests I should change her. >We sneak back to nursery. >Two-year-old is out cold on a cot in the corner >Nursery Lady is watching soaps in the den >We sneak over to the changing table >Katie climbs up >I get her pants off, rip the first tape, big rip noise. >Two-year-old wakes up, crying >Nursery Lady in there like lightening, too shocked to move. >She sees me, five-year-old on a changing table with diaper half-off, toddler crying >She’s mad pissed at us. >”Anon’s wearing a diaper too!” >Bitch sold me out. >Nursery Lady calms down once toddler calms down. We get a lecture about how only Nursery Lady changes anyone in this house and how that was unacceptable… >wait, that was the problem? >ask her if we can wear diapers sometimes then >given permission as long as we ask her first. >my fetish is born.
Okay, this is based off a supposedly true account on 4c /b/ about a year ago. It should go here because it wasn't my story and I can't remember it verbatim: >be me, 11m >live super rural, houses miles apart >babysat by neighbor girl, 17f >total freak >she likes to diaper me, then get lewd >go along with it b/c sheltered, also just hit puberty >one time diapers me up, says if I can do a whole hike without wetting she'll suck me off >she goes the long way around, through the woods, like three hours. >already had to piss when she diapered me >getting near the end, I'm in tears, dancing and holding myself >really want that blowie though. >piss my diaper as soon as we see the house >relief and disappointment so overwhelming I end up crying for real >babysitter comforts me, says it turned her on and sucks me off anyway >feel like an idiot for crying in front of the girl I like, but at least i got the blowie.
>>20133 Man, I want to know what part of this story is true, lol. Good read though.
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I almost made this thread myself a few times, and I have at least one novel experience to post >Be me, 11 y/o >always being dragged shopping, random stores with my mom, flea markets and second-hand stores with my dad/stepmom. always boring adult shit >pick up a small toy at some random store, forget I have it, and realize I walked out with it >develop kleptomaniac tendency. stealing little things here and there, don't even want the stuff that much, enjoying the sport of it. nobody thinks a kid wandering around is suspicious. >get pretty good at stealing: minding cameras, finding blind spots, using those convex mirrors, keeping track of employees and customers >one day with dad and stepmom, at goodwill. >looking around, not planning on stealing because it's a small store and stepmom is a bitch >see 3 pairs of these thick gathered cloth pull up diapers (look a lot like pic) >they look like they would fit >heart starts pounding, palms sweaty. always fascinated by and wanted diapers. these are weird, never knew about cloth diapers but overcome with excitement anyway >start formulating a plan >pretend to be interested in used book section, linger behind trying to separate from parents >watch them continue browsing, waiting for them to be out of line of sight >only one employee, at the register in the middle of the store >get the best chance, casually walk over to them >they're a bit stained which is pretty gross >trying not to shake from excitement/anxiety. this is way more reckless than usual, employee could turn around, parents not that far away, time is running out. >can't do the dressing room without employee/parents >take them off the rack and walk between clothing racks >start stuffing them in cargo shorts pockets >shitfuck no turning back now >pockets are bulging, diaper practically spilling out >parents walking back towards me >time to leave, they're not even buying anything >look for a bathroom, walk towards it. they give me shit, tell them I'm using the bathroom >get inside bathroom without anyone seeing bulging pockets >frantically taking diapers out of the pockets, only two pairs...take shorts off and put diapers on. they fit like perfectly >they're very thick and fluffy and holy fuck this feels amazing but holy fuck they are so obvious >pull shorts back up but they barely fit over two cloth diapers, zipper doesn't want to go up and button won't reach. luckily baggy clothes are the style and the crotch is huge, shirt covers down to hips. >still feel like it's obvious >flush the toilet and walk as normally as I can out. >parents talking to employee, they look at me oddly, but we leave and get in the car. >waiting for employee to notice missing stuff and we can't drive away fast enough >finally get to their house and I go up to my room and take the shorts off >put one diaper in a clothes suitcase I take between parent's houses. >oh yeah they fucking search my shit when I leave for the crime of taking my gameboy to my moms >stuff them in a chest with old toys until I go home, put them on under the baggiest shorts I have with me and dad drives me home. >finally get home, go to my room and wear a pair. put on pajamas just incase. >can't help pressing thick padding into myself, wow this feels really good >lay prone on my belly and hump my hands like I used to in preschool. eventually tire out and fall asleep. >regularly wear them to bed and hump myself to sleep feeling like a toddler. never peed them because I thought they'd be found in the wash. >year or two later I'm on the family computer, discovered diaper porn, humping the arm of the recliner in my cloth diaper and looking at diaper girl pictures, my new favorite pastime when nobody was home >tingly feeling gets too tingly and freaks me out a bit, look at my dick, cloudy liquid everywhere. >remember health class and realize I just ejaculated. huh I guess this is what masturbating is.
>>20431 This seems like a legit story, what would even be fictionalized about it? My first orgasm was in diapers, though it was a dry one when I was ten. >be 10 >big sister, 15, takes up babysitting to make some money. >start noticing her "babysitting bag" with diapers in it. >She tells me about this one brat she has to watch who's way too old for diapers, like 4 >has size seven Pampers in bag >get curious, steal one >wait until no one is supposed to be home: mom out running errands, dad at work, sister out with friends. >just barely manage to get diaper on, tight but stretches enough >get down on all fours, trying to pee >try to force pee out >not working >keep forcing bladder muscles to relax >pee pee gets hard and tingly >more tingles >feels good >keep trying to pee >finally, waves of euphoria wash over me, knees buckle, flood diaper- with piss. >must've given 10 year old me a dry orgasm trying to pee with an erection >pass out on floor >wake up to sister laughing at me >freak out but she's cool. >tells me I can have one every once in awhile if I ask. End Part 1
>>20431 Seems real enough to me. I miss the uncontrollable shaking from excitement… >Be me 9 y/o boy >have secret personal history of stealing my little sisters diapers (middle child syndrome maybe), built up a hidden stash of like 15 of them after a while, sometimes wet them in secret when the only bathroom is in use and I have to pee really bad >eventually decide I have to get rid of them before mom finds them, dump them over the fence of the empty lot next door >caretaker of the lot comes over and asks mom about a bag of unused diapers he found, mom asks me about it, feign ignorance (as only a boy can) >sister grows out of diapers, can’t get anymore >visit our cousins’ house a couple of times every summer, one of the cousins is a girl my age >while exploring their house, see a bag of pampers in the bathroom cabinet. Immediately get excited and plot how I can steal one >get my chance later that day when everyone is at dinner, ask to go to the bathroom >walk over on shaky legs, hands trembling, breath shaky and ragged, trying to maintain composure >get to the bathroom and grab the bag and remove one diaper, my whole body is electric and my hands are shaking. Stuff it into my pants >we return home and after I’m put to bed, get back up and wear it to sleep. Pee in it a few days later >fast forward a couple years, 11y/o. Visiting cousins again, slyly hoping for a chance to find diapers but it looks like the cousins grew out of them >told to use the upstairs bathroom because the main bathroom is in use >finish peeing, at the sink washing my hands something pink catches my eye, there’s a pink diaper in the waste bin >obscene curiosity fills me, lift it out, it’s a wet, peed goodnite, only the girl cousin sleeps on this floor >peepee goes hard as I realize she peed it >manage to steal it home, wear it to bed, hump it to orgasm >visit again two weeks later, this time manage to sneak into her room, there’s a small white bin with a lid in the corner by her dresser and the closet, peek in to see a pile of wet goodnites, grab one, then immediately get greedy and grab a second one >hide them in the car, when we get home say I left my gameboy in the car, go and grab the goodnites. Get into my bedroom, put one on, hump the mattress while feeling the other one with my hands, orgasm quickly >feel guilt and shame about it. Wonder what the hell is wrong with me… >cousins move away the following year
This is a largely true story but I always wondered what would have happened if I didn't say no to girly stuff >Be me approximately 2nd grade >Parents would often have me dropped off at my neighbors house so they could work >Neighbors had 2 girls one was a middle schooler (call her heather) and the other went to my school as a 5th grader (Emily) >We were all often left alone together alot of time since their parents thought Heather was responsible enough to take care of us >Things were normal we'd play games like mouse trap and such but one in particular they liked to play was house >One day they asked if I wanted to play a baby >I agreed and got rolled up in a blanket and they pretended I was a baby >Innocent fun till Heather had other ideas >She whispers to Emily and with a giddy giggle they run off and return with an pack of diapers. >Apparently their parents stockpiled a bunch and when they got out of diapers they haven't gotten around to donating or giving them away >The smaller ones were kinda plain looking so I agreed. >They were white with little bears or some thing >All excited they undressed me and put me in the diaper >I remember the feeling of wearing one though as I couldn't forget >The diaper was a bit small on me so when I squatted the diapers plastic felt perfectly smooth >At some point I remember hiding in a closet and just feeling how the diaper felt being some degree of autistic I was captivated by the feeling of the diaper >They "changed" me a few times made it a rule I had to carry my stuffed animal all the time and I couldn't say big words >It was all in the fun of the game >That day I went home wearing the diaper under my clothes and I was immediately discovered >Parents thought it was hilarious and I was so embarrassed I threw the diaper in the trash out of rage >Tfw still wanted diaper >When I went back I immediately wanted to play house and the two sisters happily diapered me >We played house with them calling me a cute baby and doing crap like spoon feeding me, burping me, and "changing" me. >Their parents didn't seem to care that I was regularly wearing diapers >my parents seemed to think it was cute or funny or some combination of the two as I was regularly teased >After a few weeks we were out of the regular diapers >When I saw the pink hue of the bigger girly diapers I was no longer interested. I was willing to be a baby but a girl was a line too far >Fap fiction time >With some pleas and promises of playing some really fun games I begin to reconsider >With some hesitancy I accept the new girl diapers and let Heather diaper me >with a size that more properly fit me I'm finally able to experience the full crinkly experience >With more fun baby items hidden away in the closet we go looking through old baby clothes. >Old dresses for tea time or a set of skirtalls for easy changing >I could never allow myself to make such decisions as I'm a big boy and not some stupid girl >With a simple threat of not playing anymore my weak will breaks and I allow myself to be dressed up as they wish >With a blush and a smile I let them praise their brave baby boy as I enjoy rubbing the smooth calming plastic talking about my favorite Disney princess during tea time >As Emily feeds me plastic cookies from a little tykes baking set and I slip imaginary tea I feel a state of bliss and relaxation >It wasn't to last >the summer came to an end and with it no more babysitting save for the rare date night >One day they were there and the next they were gone moved away >No more house, no more diapers and no foresight to stockpile while I still could
>be me >have normal childhood >be loved
>>21096 Bullshit Absolute bullshit. Creative license be dammed. Only a sick demented pervert with a diseased mind would come up with something like that.
>>21089 Did you ever pee / mess in them? Did they change you? Keep in the spirit of the thread, tell us what we want to hear.
>>20447 >Mom's having a date night >sister watching me, even though I don't need it >been planning to ask for a diaper since I found out mom was going out >I ask Sister >"Sure, I'll put you in one >Was intending to putnit on myself but too embarrassed to say no. >Gets me on my bed, whips my pants down >haven't been naked in fron of her for a few years, feels really weird >she rubs rash cream on me >tapes up the diaper >tells me how cute I am >tells me not to poop in it or she'll kill me >take this to mean pee is fine >piss it in my room while playing with action figures >she comes in to check on me, >teases me, grips the front of my wet diaper >pee-pee gets hard again >sister changes me and wipes me with my inch-and-a-halfer at full mast, not knowing what it meant. >waves of euphoria and squirming as she wipes but she doesn't say anything >so disappointed when new diaper is taped up >hump a stuffed animal out of frustration after she leaves, still don't get off >blue balls make it hard to sleep that night, no idea what's going on
>>21592 In the spirit.of the thread: Heather loved telling me babies don't use the potty. I usually was able to hold it just fine but she was extremely determined to make me have an accident. >The first time it happened I was extremely upset. >Heather locked the bathroom and closed the door and only she and Emily could open it. >I didn't know this >By the time the afternoon came around I was already wiggling around and potty dancing >I snuck away to the bathroom as they've tried to stop me before >I get to the door and the handle jiggles >I try harder grabbing my diapered crotch trying to hold it >Suddenly I hear giggling and see Emily and Heather peaking around the corner >I ask them politely to open the door but heather smugly says no >If you wanna play house you're gonna have to play by MY rules and rule #1: babies don't use the potty >It feels like my belly is gonna burst >Please heather, I'm not joking I really gotta go! >She was merciless and crossed her arms >Well? we're waiting >Emily thought it was hysterical >After a few more tries at the door handle I clench up but it wasn't enough >Once it started flowing there was no way I could stop it. I could feel the diaper flooding as I frantically tried to stop it >I never experienced such helplessness and I was furious. >I called her a stupid meanie and a bully at the point of tears as I stand there in a sagging soggy diaper >Heather dismissed my anger diffusing any semblance of dignity I might have had >Looks like the baby's having a tantrum, did somebody have an accident? >I had enough, I was in tears yelling at Heather and trying to hit her with flailing fists >I was no match against the girl who was much older and much bigger than me >She grabbed my wrists and stopped me in my tracks >Do you need a spanking or do you wanna get your diapie changed >My throat sore from yelling and my face soaked in tears already I finally stopped fighting. >They walked me over to the living to where they gleefully changed my diaper telling me I might need the bigger (girl) diapers. >From then on I knew not to challenge heather >If she said my diapie was my potty, it was my potty >I was much happier that way >It's like it gave me an excuse to do what I really wanted to do anyway >Sometimes I'd sneak off, not to use the bathroom, but to go and hide so I can smear around the warm soaked padding on my crotch before they could find me and change me
>10 years old >mom gets remarried, new stepsister, 11, Hannah >Hannah pisses her pants all the time >on the couch, in her room, when we're playing >I think there was something going on at her mom's >my mom stuck cleaning up after her new husband's kid >not a huge deal because Hannah only comes weekends. >Hannah going to visit for most of first summer vacay since marriage >Mom puts her foot down - she's not going to be trying to get piss out of the rug all summer >I'm not privy to the conversation but it becomes obvious in a couple of days they've got Hannah in GoodNites >open pack in her room >bulge when she wears leggings >think it's super cute, tell her >she gets all offended, thinks I'm teasing >tell her I'll wear one with her >she agrees >we end up playing with diapers on our own most days while rents' are at work, though I got found out when we used up the boxes of GoodNites she was bought quicker than expected...
>>21667 this is so close to part of my childhood >9 years old >mom remarries, 2 new stepsisters, Cara 7 and Madeline 5 >3 of us playing in finished basement, Cara pees her pants, no acknowledgement, we keep playing >Cara pees her pants all the time especially in the evening when we're playing/unsupervised >envious, emulating her pretending to have accidents and peeing my pants when I'm home alone >her dad mad and frustrated after this goes on for months/years >after much consternation, goodnites hit the market and she starts wearing them to bed/at night >Cara and I sneak downstairs to watch DBZ on toonami (when it was at midnight) on weekends >ask her if I can wear a goodnite, tell her I am having accidents >we wear diapers and watch cartoons at night after bedtime >confess I really like wearing diapers >playing video games in my room, Cara brings me a diaper and we spend all day diapered in my room playing Sonic >mom somehow finds out I'm wearing her goodnites, kinda pissed but also concerned >tell her I wet the bed sometimes, I actually had although it was intentional lol >get home from school, go to my room >pack of goodnites on my dresser, overwhelmed with happiness >excitedly tell Cara about goodnites >we play with stuffed animals in the basement in our diapers >weekend morning >watching playhouse disney. Cara wearing nightgown and diaper, I'm wearing a diaper and oversized shirt
>>21670 The best time for Hannah peeing herself was definitely the first. >second weekend Hannah's come over >playing Monopoly just after lunch >just getting to know each other, trying to be friends >she's wearing this t-shirt and a navy blue skirt that was pretty stretchy, cause she kept pulling it down under her knees >we're in her room (though my dad had his computer in there for work since she's only there on weekends) >she's rocking back and forth, sitting on the heel of her foot >didn't register with me at all >buying properties, free parking, kids bad at monopoly, etc. >suddenly, she tenses up, mumbles "shit" >skirt is pulled up, she's got this frozen look >the "shit" suddenly makes me look at her, and the wetness pouring out of her panties onto the carpet. >she's holding her skirt out of the way >I look at her glistening panties, then at her >she says nothing and just stares at me >"It's your go," I manage to croak >she takes her turn >we never said a word >I'm sure she was waiting for me to freak out >she warmed up to me a lot after that >I did rat on her to mom later, after she'd gone home for the week. Felt bad, but I needed to tell someone about it. Mom was surprised, step-dad admitted he was vaguely aware of the issue and said he'd talk to her. >only time I ever saw her actively pissing her panties. It was really cool.
>be me, 9 years old >part of little cub scout troop >there's like 5 of us >youngest is second grade, me and my buddy Blake are the oldest, 4th grade >having a sleep-over with some activities for the troop >time to get ready for bed >Ethan (I think he was 8?) comes out in his pajamas with obvious diaper underneath. >I make fun of him mercilessly >Forgot his mom was the one running the sleepover >She's crazy pissed, Ethan is crying, threatening to call my mom and send me home. >I don't want an ass-whooping from my parents, tell her I'll do anything, just don't send me home. >"Well, since you made fun of him, you can wear one too." >I was just going to sleep in my boxers and a t-shirt... >Ethan's mom takes me in the bathroom, tapes the diaper on and says I can't wear anything over it. >It works, I guess, all the attention is deflected off Ethan and onto me. >Blake ribbing me a bit about having to wear it, but otherwise we're generally being cool to each other now. I was a little shit, so most of the friction was probably my fault. >late night snack and some video games later, everyone is gearing up for bedtime >Blake's all "dude, pee in your diaper, I dare you." >"No way" and all. >"Dude, you'll get her back..." >I did have to go, there was no way I could hold it until the morning. I didn't dare ask Ethan's mom to take it off and I didn't want anyone to think I pissed the bed. Plus, Blake had dared me. >Flooded that bitch in the middle of Ethan's room >Shit feels weird and hot on my junk. I was addicted from that point on. >Blake was watching for it, starts chuckling it up >Ethan's mom comes in >"Time for bed," >"Ryan needs a diaper change!" >I glare at Blake, other three kids laughing, even Ethan. >Ethan's mom looks at me exasperated. >"Why didn't you tell me you had to go..." >"Blake dared me," >"Whatever, c'mon" >Get changed like a baby by Ethan's mom on her bed. She teases me the whole time, just blush like a mother fucker when she wipes my nine-year-old dick which I'm pretty sure was erect (didn't have a real grasp on "erections" or sex stuff at the time). It was still tiny anyway. >Go back in with the kids, go to sleep >Piss the diaper in the morning when having breakfast with the troop (Ethan didn't take off his either). >Sheepishly ask Ethan's mom to help me clean up again >Get cleaned up, go home late morning with parents, parents never mention it... I'm clear.
bump bump bump
>>23311 I agree, these are cool. If you want to bump it though - write your own. We need more people writing them, I've done four of these, based some on my own experiences and some I heard from other ABDLs IRL, and on from a thread way back on 4ch.
>be me, 5 >ask my mother to buy diapers for me >she agrees, affirming me as if there's nothing strange about my request >simply asks that i only wear them in my room, and not to tell anyone (because they might be jealous and it would hurt their feelings to brag about it) >she comes home from grocery shopping with a package of luvs size 6 >"they were on sale!" >i go into my room, lock the door >rip open the package, put one on >feels like heroin >wet >transcend this mortal plane >layer more disposables on top of my first diaper >get 10 of them on before they're too thick to tape >crawl around on the carpet like a baby >lie on my back, grab my toes, roll around >massive diaper, pure ecstasy >babble incoherently >get bored eventually (am 5) >take diapers off >throw them all in closet >put clothes back on >play nintendo 64 >eventually lose interest in diapers >throw them away >have normal childhood >have normal adult sex life >don't think about diapers like that again
>>23362 I believe everything but the last paragraph, that's what makes it a fantasy, lol.
>Be 9yo, already social outcast at school >best friend is a 7yo girl (we'll call her Jenny), mom's best friend's daughter >whatever, she's still cool, we play vidya and she keeps up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and X-Men animated so we can talk about it and play pretend >she goes to a different elementary school (probably fortunate in hindsight) >we play together every Saturday and half the Sundays too >Mom has something planned, her friend agrees that I can just stay the night with Jenny >Jenny does not like the sound of this; do not understand why, we do everything together - more time is fun time, we're both only kids >Have a lot of fun in the afternoon, she starts getting pensive after dinner >time to get ready for bed kids >I take a shower first, go get my pajamas and hang on the couch watching a movie. >Jenny comes out in a nightshirt, but I can see the diaper bulge underneath, it crinkles a little. >"Anon, I just have to wear these because I wet the bed sometimes, okay?" >Ask her if I can see it >Never seen someone turn bright red before, she lifts up her nightshirt and reveals princess pullup >Immediately obsessed, no idea why >Ask her if she's embarrassed, she nods >"Jen's mom, she's embarrassed about the diaper thing, I'll wear one too..." >Jen's mom goes along with it. >Jen was all worried when I asked but in way better mood once we're both wearing one. >Don't bother to put my pajama bottoms on, just wear the princess pull-ups >Watch T.V. for an hour, go to bed, I sleep on the floor in Jen's room. >Jen wakes me up the next morning, had forgotten I was in a pull-up until I sat up on my sleeping bag. >Have to piss like a race horse >"Hey, can I pee in it?" >Don't know why I asked Jen. She giggles and nods >Flood that sucker >Jen had peed during the night too >We got out, have cereal and watch cartoons in wet pull-ups >Jen's mom wakes up, comes out, and sees us on the couch in visibly wet pull-ups >"You two are going to leak on the couch, at least change into new ones" >"But I'll miss the good part" >Almost laugh at Jen's whining >Her mom comes back with fresh pull-ups, pack of wipes >Jen stands up, hikes up her nightshirt >Mom tears sides of pull-up, it hits the ground with a light thud. She's wiping her daughter, like, two feet from me >Huge frog in throat >Jen steps into new pull-up >Jen's mom steps in front of me >Hesitantly stand myself up, both wanting and dreading this happening. >Jen's mom rips the sides, my willy meets cool air and shrivels but Jen's mom just goes to town wiping the piss off my junk. Feels cold but good. >Step into the new pull-up, also feels good >Jen's mom lightly slaps the bottom of my pull-up, I'm pretty embarrassed but force a smile as I sit down. Really did enjoy it. >Fast forward three years >Been having sleep-overs practically every week for ages >Mom thrilled to have Saturday nights to herself >Jen's mom happy to have us there, in retrospect I think she might've been into shotas a bit... but she never did anything illegal... just made sure she really cleaned my junk. >She switched us to tape-diapers a few weeks in, said changes would be easier and she'd be less worried about leaks >Mom never asked about diapers, don't know if she ever knew, I certainly didn't tell her.
[Expand Post]>I never thought much of it, but Jen's mom must've been special ordering diapers for us as they never stopped fitting; they did have two tapes. >In warmer months we'd play outside in just diapers >Jen's 11 and a half now, I just turned 14 >She actually has breast buds, they don't exactly jiggle but they're not flat anymore either. >Getting straight painful erections when she's going around in just her diapers >Think I'm being subtle rubbing one out in my diaper every now and again, doesn't take much for me to cum in a wet diaper while watching her titties. >Rubbing the front of my diaper, watching cartoons with Jen on the other arm of the couch >Realize she's rubbing the front of her's too, and she's looking at me. >Does she know what she's doing? >"Wanna snuggle?" >I couldn't believe I dared to ask that, I hadn't in awhile. >She nods, snuggling into me on the couch, but stops touching her diaper. >Casually (not at all) drop a hand onto her diaper, her hand ends up on mine, with both start moving a bit, quickly turns into vigorous rubbing with us both looking straight ahead at the T.V. >Start cumming, turn to Jen, she's looking at me big doe eyes. >I kiss her right on the lips, she tenses up, jerking against my hand >In the afterglow, both of us are kind of shocked. >We'd always been super close, like brother-sister, but never like that >Jen's mom came in for a diaper check soon after that, I was pretty wet so I headed back to the bedroom with her >Yeah, she still changed me at 14, though I didn't have any hair down there - she shaved it off for me >Made poopy diaper changes way easier, that's another story I guess >This time, Jen follows us back. It wasn't like she wasn't always allowed, we'd just been giving each other our privacy for changes for the last two years. >Jen's staring at my junk hardcore while her mom wipes me down, powders me, and tapes up a fresh diaper. >Her turn next, I spent the whole time staring at her vulva, all red from arousal. >Next week when I come around she's wearing a t-shirt and a diaper >Says mom told her to cover up as she's getting breasts >Jen's mom must've noticed something >Doesn't matter though, it would take more than that to stop the direction of fate >That night, sleeping on the couch (Jen's mom had moved me out of her room when I started 7th grad), Jen wakes me up in the middle of the darkness. >She straddles my midsection, our diapers crinkling together, puts a finger on my mouth to shssh me. >We hump and feel each other up, I came in like 2 minutes, and again in about 7. It took her 10. >We're hugging each other for dear life on that couch as we kiss. >I force a little tongue (I'd read about it on the internet) and she goes with it. >After what feels like only another minute, she breaks it off and returns to her room. >Want to sleep in her room and snuggle again so bad. >Next day, Jen's mom sits us down at the table >"What's going on between you two?" >We feign ignorance >"I heard something in the living room last night." >Jen and I are caught >I didn't know what to say. Jen does, says she's always loved me, I'm her boyfriend, and mom should just let us sleep in the same room again. >Mom says she doesn't want to be a grandmother so early. >"Gaah, we keep our diapers on," Jen says, incensed. >Line so strange both Jen's mom and I crack up. >Jen's mom says she needs to think >Crazy worried whole next week >Weekend sleepover comes >Jen's mom cool with it, as long as, like Jen promised "we keep our diapers on" during that stuff. >Fuck, I'm down, basically given permission to frot on her daughter. >Spend, like, half the day making out on the couch. Hump in diapers to completion on her bed twice, once with each of us on top. >Awkward as Jen's mom coming in for a diaper check with both of us napping her bed, but also hot. >I'm wet, Jen's basically dry, she's still cuddling me a little as her mom untapes my diaper. >Little guy is at half mast thanks to Jen's bare titties against my arm >Weird having my legs in the air while my girlfriend snuggles with me >Realize how completely my mom would probably not be okay with any of this and, also, that no one is ever going to tell her. >Ask Jen out on a date next week, she says yes >We decide on Friday, Jen's mom agrees to give us a ride, mom is okay with two-day sleepover. >I run by my house to grab my bag then bike over to Jen's, her mom's still at work but Jen's school gets out earlier than mine. >Ask her if she wants to wear diapers. >We'd change each other once in a blue moon when Jen's mom was busy but she liked doing it so we almost always left
Continued from >>23429 >Just us here now, so she puts a diaper on me, then she lays down and I return the favor for her. I start to move my head to go down on her but she stops me. >"We promised mom," >"You don't get pregnant from that..." >"Then you ask her first," >Fair enough, I've got too good of a situation to complain, I just nod and finish diapering her up. >We play vidya until her mom gets home >drives us to a complex with a restaurant and movie theatre, says she'll be back when the movie ends at 9:30p >I save my allowances mostly so I can pay >We go to Outback steakhouse, shit is delicious. >Go to theatre, Jen says she needs a change before the movie. (I got her mom to change me before we left) >I have the diaper bag over my shoulder (just looks like a backpack) >We go into the family bathroom, change her on the counter, though it's a bit of a tight fit with her legs dangling off the edge. >She's messy, I sigh and pretend to be dramatic as I scrap the poop off her hiney. >Not pretending it's pleasant, exactly, but working to clean her tight virgin slit is giving me a throbbing erection. >She's sucking her thumb as eyeing me as I do my job but I already know we can't go further. >Once she's totally cleaned up and we're in the theatre with the lights off she rubs my diaper until I shoot (like a minute), with I'm thankful for because I was blue-balling something awful. >Spent most of the movie making out >Awesome first date. First time dirty diaper: >Back to when I was ten >Been playing with Jen and diapers for almost a year >Usually take a crap before going over, in preparation for the diaper business >Totally forgot this time for some reason - rush to get out of the house because mom had an appointment or something like that >Playing outside with Jen in just our diapers >Used to Saturday morning crap so, by late afternoon, need to poop washes over me incredibly strongly >Sudden impulse to shit myself, don't know why, didn't think twice (I had a diaper), just pushed the load out while we were digging in the dirt, playing with plastic figures (ponies and my action figures) - making a town for them. >Down on all fours, so it slid out super easy. >Jen doesn't notice >Jen's mom calls to come in for dinner >We're both all dirty on our knees and arms, I'm dusting off and Jen sniffs. >"It smells like poop" >"I pooped my diaper," I admitted, trying to gauge her reaction. >"Nu-uh, you didn't? Did you?" >She looks in disbelief, then checks down the back and gags and giggles at the same time. >"You're a messy baby" she chides me, smacking my diaper >Jen announces I'm messy the moment we re-enter the house. >Maybe regretting it a little now >Jen's mom has me go back to her bedroom and whips out the changing pad >Whole room smells once she untapes it >Cleans me up like it's no big deal, though she teases me a little, I like it. >After that, messing became an occasional thing Jen and I did, it just took me to break the ice on it.
>>23040 My favorite so far
>im a 13 year old wierdo living on a farm >2 younger siblings wear goodnites and I steal them occasionally >first ever nut in a goodnite >hooked forever >east cousin comes to visit >he is my age or younger by a couple months >we barely get along usually >he's a right cunt about most things >mocks my sibs for wearing goodnites >parents dont care. They think some healthy mockery will encourage them to grow up and stop wetting the bed. >cousin makes jokes about diapers regularly around me >plays a prank on me when Im in the shower >comes in and swaps my underwear with a goodnite >after some arguing he brings bacl my underwear but he gets real for a moment and looks me square in the and eye and says "I wonder what it would feel like to wear them though" >i gulp hard and laugh it off >later that night we are in my room suposed to be sleeping >keep chatting about stuff >turn the convo back to his question from earlier >convince him to go grab 2 from the bathroom >in the dark we each put one on. >i dare him to pee his >he says that he wont but I call him a chicken. >he crouches and lmanages to wet a bit >takes me a couple minutes but I wrt mine too. >sit in awkward silence staring at each pther in the dark room >i manage to speak and say that they feel really good when you run them >i start rubbing mine >he watches intently before running his >we quietly sit there rubbing ourselves crinkling in the darkness. >he moves right in front of me and places his hand on mine >fuck >i put mine on his and we carry on on >we squeeze rub and quietly moan as we jerk each other off throught the padding. >my heart is pounding and i meed more. >sneak my hand into his waostband, hoping he will reciprocate >wordlessly we are sitting beside each with our hands in each others goodnites stroking each other cocks >my hand feels trapped between his dick and the velvety wetness of the diaper >with no warning he starts cumming all ocer my hand and moans in my ear. >i grunt and do the same >we keep stroking until the cum stops pumping. >we clean up but leave them on >pee them again im the morning and do it all over again >haven't stayed in the same house since that night. >never mentioned again.
The Good ending >Be me >Be 5 >Wet the bed >Parents find out >Try anti-wetting techniques >None work >Offer me Goodnites >I take the offer just as long sister doesn't find out >I wear the Goodnites. >I fall in love >I wear them every night until I am 7 because wetting is something I don't do anymore >I eventually like my Goodnites and walk around the house >I watch Rugrats in Goodnites >"I want to be a baby again!" >I ask for sippy cups and pacifiers >I regress further. >Diapers make me a good boy > I never wanna grow up! >5 years pass >Hit puberty >Discover masterbation. >I jerk off in a diaper >I am addicted! >No one cares
>>23446 It wasn't the last time either >Get an invite for a sleepover with Ethan a week or two later. >Why the f@$k am I going to go play with a second grader? >Think about diapers... maybe? >Tell mom I want to go, >It gets set up right away >Mom drops me off after breakfast, she's coming back tomorrow morning >Ethan shows me his toys and his room, it's little kid stuff but still fun >Shows me a drawer full of diapers >Say no more >We drop trou without a second thought, both of us working to get the diapers on us snuggly enough while standing up. >Pants back on over the top, we sneak out the kitchen door to play in the backyard. >Play with Hotwheels in this dirt track he'd made. >We get some shovels out to enlarge it, make some cool turns >Ethan announces he's peeing >I decide to go too >Hot, awesome feeling from the cub scout meeting returns. Pants stay dry. Feels good. >Generally badass at being naughty >His mom calls us for lunch, we run to the back to the house. >What're you boys playing? >Just Hotwheels Ethan's mom >Get the "bullshit" mom glare >She slaps Ethan on the butt, poofy sound gives him away >"Moooom~" >Mom doesn't seem pleased at our antics but isn't super pissed either. >Explains she doesn't want leaks on her furniture and we need to ask before wearing them. >In the meantime, changes before lunch. >Lay down on the living room floor with Ethan, mom comes back a minute later with new diapers and wipes >Get our butts changed while laying only a foot from each other >I'm done first, go to get my pants >"Leave them off, it's a hassle to see if you need a change" >Embarrassed as fuck but, whatever, it's only me and Ethan here anyway. >Have some yummy ham sandwiches for lunch and then back outside in t-shirts and diapers. >It was summer so we end up getting the hose and making a big mud puddle a bit further over, I toss my t-shirt on the porch so it's safe and Ethan does the same >Mom comes out to check on us to find us covered in mud which is all soaked up in the diapers >"How old are you again?" >"Nine," >Feel kinda sheepish about it, I know I'm two grades above Ethan. >Ethan's mom just rolls her eyes and hoses us off, >This time we get changed in the backyard before she lets us back in >Glad Ethan's backyard had high walls. >Super weird being naked outside even if it was just for a minute >We run around the house after that in just diapers, generally making a nuisance of ourselves. >Ethan's mom thinks it's funny for a little, then begs us to go back to Ethan's room so she can focus on dinner >We go back to his room >talk about diapers and that we like them
[Expand Post]>tell him he's super lucky >he damn well knows it, talks about how chill his parents are >swear each other to secrecy regarding school >Ask him if he has other kids that he plays with in diapers >I'm the first, he's only had the guts when it's just him and his mom >Feels good >Dinner is spaghetti and meatballs >Afterwards it's bath time >Ethan begs to take a bath with me. >WTF, I haven't bathed with someone since I was, like, four >Mom says it's up to us. >He practically begs me >Crazy embarrassed but agree >We barely fit in the tub sitting up, my feet are between his thighs, if we sit on our knees it's okay though and the tubs pretty high >Mom runs bubble bath and he's got boats and action figures in there >I've been taking showers for the last two years >Shit's actually pretty fun. >Forgot how much I liked baths. >Ethan leans back in the corner, knees up >Suddenly water ripples, and he smiles. >Hint of piss in the air >"Dude! Sick!" >"What, you do it too." >Fuck it, fine, piss in the tub with him sitting across from me. >Feel super naughty. >Tell him we should take a shower as well because, you know, sitting in piss water >Mom asks what's going on as we drain it, tell her we're rinsing. >Finally see his junk up close as we do a quick wash and rinse off, his dick's bigger than mine, not by much though >Go back to his bedroom >His mom diapers me. >Love his mom's diapering. Third change of the day, she always uses powder, feels good, smells amazing. >Get up all snug and dry >Put on pajamas and watch T.V. until bedtime. >In the morning I piss the diaper but take it off pretty early because I don't know when my mom is coming. >We had diapered playdates and sleepovers for the rest of the school year but Ethan moved away that summer, which was totally balls. >We kept in contact for a bit but he didn't have a cellphone yet. Wonder if he ended up ABDL as well... probably did.
>>23449 That's sounds amazing. You ever get any experiences like that again with anyone else? How old were your siblings that needed the Goodnites? >>23457 If you were wearing them around, did you do it in front of your sister? Did you ever get changed by family after you were 7? More details!
>>23461 >>23040 >>23431 >>23429 Good shit anons! Either of you got any more stories of stuff you did while diapered with friends?
>>23710 Well, as for me: >>23429 >>23431 I didn't have the courage to do anything until a lot later. I was pretty unpopular in elementary and middle school, high school got a bit better. No one really knew I had a girlfriend though, since she was still in some other middle school and she'd never been in the same school as any of my classmates. Even though we'd mess around a lot on weekends, I could get sexually pent up mid-week though. I found one friend, Brad, in high school sophomore year that I kinda got into it: >be me, 15 >have male friends for the first time >get invited Brad's house >Nice place >Hanging in bedroom >Brad gets porn going on his monitor - two chicks lezzing out >I knew about ABDL at this point, I'd looked up diaper stuff, I'd looked up porn two, but just vanilla stuff so I wouldn't be an idiot if it can up with Jen. >Long since settled for diaper humping as Jen was paranoid (or maybe just reasonable) about not getting pregnant. >Anyway, Brad watching porn, encouraging me to watch as I sit on the bed next to him >He's feeling his junk under his pants >Kinda getting hard myself but can only think about Jen >Brad whips it out, jacking off in front of me. >"Dude, you can do it to" >Encouraging me >Try to let him done gently, remind him about my girlfriend. >Challenges me, says girlfriend is made-up >Kinda pissed, mood killed, Brad tucks his dick back in >Soured our relationship a little >Talk to Jen about it >Wants to prove I have a girlfriend to Brad >Asks what I thought about Brad jacking off in front of me >Say it was kinda hot >Jen suggests we could try a MMF threesome >Tell her I'm down as long as she doesn't suck him or fuck him. >She tells me I can do whatever I want with him, we spend the afternoon looking at some boy love manga she didn't tell me she was getting into. >Back in school >"Brad, want to have a threesome with my gf." >Doesn't believe me. >Tell him rules: >No sucking or fucking with her >Have to wear a diaper >We'll be wearing one too >Asks why, explains it "her" fetish >So horny he agrees. >Fast forward to two Saturdays later, my mom is out for the day, probably night too >Jen bikes over with the diaper bag >Brad bike over with himself. >Jen says she wants to see me put him in a diaper. >I undo his pants and pull them down. >First time seeing another pubescent dude naked. Full, unruly pubic hair. >Jen is grossed out, insists we shave him first.
[Expand Post]>Brad too horny to give a fuck, dick sticking straight out already >Lay a towel down, shave his pubes and ass for him. >His dick twitching literally the whole time >Tease him by wrapping my hand around his shaft and giving a tug - he cums. >He gets super embarrassed as we chuckle and I clean him up with a wipe. >Jen's down to just her diaper, her little A-cups hanging out >I've got a diaper under Brad's butt >His dick's already half mast as he stares at Jen's titties. >He's diapered up, Jen tells him to diaper me. >I'm already smooth as a baby's butt >Start's to slid the diaper under me >I'm getting pretty hot myself, dick upright >"Suck him off, do it," >Jen's playing with her breast with one hand, other hand mashing at her diaper. >Brad has a deer-in-headlights look >Still, he does it. >Bobs up and down like four times and I'm shooting cum down his throat. >Brad gags but swallows. >We got back to the bedroom, rolling around in bed in just diapers. >Brad's feeling up Jen's tits >I'm going to town on her diaper with the massage wand Jen's mom got her >Brad let's her push him down, she's straddling him while I shove the wand between them. >He comes again, moans a little for me to stop but Jen needs more >She comes like twenty seconds later, panting and lays against his chest as we kiss >Round One great success. >cont.
>>23713 >rest of the day variations on that >Brad guilted me into sucking him off since he'd done me. >Jen loved it >sucking dick actually wasn't bad >tasting his cum was >spat it out even though he swallowed for me >Brad got used to the diaper. >Jen pouted until he used it >Jen messed hers after lunch and asked if he wanted to change her. >I could see how torn the guy was, not seeing girl poon or seeing one covered in shit >Finally decided to change her >He gagged once but managed it >Also used the massager on her directly while Jen gave me a handjob. >We must've came, like, five or six times each that day. >Was boss >Brad waited until Jen left >"Holy shit, you guys are freaks!" >"Umm, thanks?" After that, stuff started to change: >Brad begs me to hang out with Jen more >We go diapered at my place some weekends with Jen when we feel bad excluding him >Brad keeps calling her, texting her, etc. >Like, full on simp >Starts telling her I'm lame, he could treat her better, etc. >Jen shows all the texts to me but responds vaguely as she doesn't know what to do. >Jen invites him around, supposedly to fuck >Her mom's gone for the weekend >Tells him he needs to come diapered >Brad shows up diapered, drops his clothes in the entryway >I'm there with camera phone out. >Jen's mom is in her room, as insurance >Get video of Brad walking around her house in nothing but a diaper in front of my 12YO GF. >Pop out and explain that's insurance and he should politely fuck off forever. >Starts throwing a bitch fit >Jen's mom comes out, like, what the fuck. >Brad freaks out and runs. >Perfect to plan. >Sucks to lose a friend but he doesn't dare say shit about me to others, and still have other friends >Brad gets his own GF a few months later >Calls us both up to apologize >Realizes he fucked up >Says he got more confidence from the stuff we did together, sucks how it went down. >There was never any risk to me so I'm not that mad. >Says he wants to get his new GF into diaper stuff...
>>23713 >>23715 So did you help him get his new GF into diaper stuff, or tell him to fuck off?
From deviantart, artist is bramhistory and requester timmy421: This happened when I was 14. The girl in the picture's name is Bonnie. We were kind of boy friend and girl friend growing up. Well, we were friends at first and then it became a littel more serious as we got older. I slept over at her house a few times growing up as a kid in grade school, just as friends. Anyways, I got invited over for a night and I showed up. However, it was about that time that the relationship was starting to go from being friends to being more than friends. I was planning on coming over and watching a movie with Bonnie. Yes I actually had those pikachu jammies and slippers when I was a kid. Pokemon had just come out about a year before and it was just starting to catch on in the United States. I thought I was going to spend a night sitting next to Bonnie on the couch watching a VHS tape and enjoying a bowl of popcorn. However, her mother caught us kissing the previous time I had come over. So she decided to take us some place where she could keep an eye on us. So, instead of sharing a seat on the couch she offered to take us to the local drive in for a movie out. I wasn't planning on going to a movie and all I brought was my pajamas, which I already had on when I arrived. So, Bonnie changed into hers so I didn't have to be alone in going on this outing in sleep wear. The harnesses were a system that her mother had invested in for Bonnie to use on the school bus. She had two of them and asked if I would mind wearing the other one. At the time she explained that she promised my mother she would keep me safe. However, I learned recently from Bonnie that the main reason she had us strapped in that tight was so we couldn't make out in the back seat. All we could do was hold hands during the movie, whish is what we ended up doing.
>>24208 >>24210 >not in greentext >amateur deviant art crap >no diapers in the story How did you fail so abysmally in adding something relevant to the thread?
>>24234 Go fuck yourself. Toddler harness and toddler pajamas are both abdl related. Art is higher than average quality. Story is cute and requested in the sticky thread.
>>24234 It's "childhood experiences" thread, doesn't have to be diapers just anything that captures the childhood experience. I for one love the disability harnesses, I like posting in the locking sleeper thread too. Honestly I wouldn't mind reading more fics with this kinda bondage.
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>>24245 >>24250 Seriously though, shit was lame. Be better.
>>24251 Anon, everyone here is fine with his post but you. You're the whiny outsider. No one is forcing you to read this thread. Post some content or go away.
>>24260 Lol, you're fine with this post and same-fagging it up. I started this thread and posted about 1/2 of the stories in this thread. You want them continued you best shut up, cause' if this is what gets posted, I'm out.
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>>24281 >Whines that everyone's samefagging and threatens to leave because he can't cope with the fact that other people have the gall to disagree with him Embarrassing and pathetic to be quite honest. Do better anon
>>24281 I don't believe you. Guess the only way you can prove it is to deliver on your threat and leave.
>>24283 >>24286 Ehhh, I was getting tired of practically running the thread on my own anyway. I was hoping if I kept making content I could get some similar people to join but since no one's supporting me, I'm out, you guys can have the thread, it didn't turn into what I wanted anyway and participation was always super low. It's win-win for me. I'll leave for a few months and either some faggots will have written some stories for me to prove me wrong or this thread will be utterly dead because you chased off the one guy regularly making content for free.
>>24288 >Complains about no thread participation >Is an insufferable dick who lashes out at people who participate I can't imagine why.
This is from many years ago >sophomore in high school >my older brother is in college, also sophomore (4 years apart) >although I had been aware of my fetish for about 3-4 years, I never had much opportunity before this to buy >finally work up the courage one night since I now have a car >go out to store and buy largest diapers they have >I didn't want to seem weird just buying diapers, so I also bought luggage locks, headache medicine, and trash bags >In retrospect this probably made me look even worse, plus I was super nervous >To cap things off, and this is genuinely true, the only two staff on work at that time were two giggly high school girls about my age >At the time I was so nervous and redfaced that I am sure they were whispering about my odd purchase, but they didn't confront me about it >When I went to leave they reminded me I forgot "my" diapers on the counter >Shame-facedly retrieve them and go home >Ended up putting diapers in the attic, not hidden (our house had two attics, one rarely used ever so it seemed safe) >Enjoyed them on rare occasions for months Fast forward >Dad ended up finding them in the attic but says it's weird because they weren't hidden, just sitting out and clearly not bought by the family >Mom suggests that maybe the housekeeper was bringing over her infant son, or maybe the painters used them as an absorber for something, or maybe my older brother's fraternity made every member learn how to change a diaper as an initiation thing - dad seems satisfied with all these and forgets about it >Later on she confronts me alone and asks me if I like wearing diapers >Categorically deny it, but I was never a good liar and plus I think there were some other tells over the years >She tells me that the baby diaper brand won't fit me even in XL, to which I reply "yeah" which, in hindsight, is an extremely stupid reply if I was denying having worn them >Mom ends up taking the pack of diapers and not mentioning it for a week or so Fast forward >Mom asks me to come help with shopping since we never shop together anymore, haven't since I was a little boy and couldn't stay home alone >Teen me, resist but she says "I used to buy you a toy when you came. Come on, I'll get you some new clothes." >This isn't really that much of a drive for a teen boy, but I figured if she pushed it I would end up dragged along with no incentive, so I agreed >On the way there she makes me ride in the back instead of the passenger seat because of a bunch of charity stuff we had piled up in it, she comments on how nostalgic this is >Get to the store, normal grocery shopping for most of it, until we get to the medical section >I wasn't too surprised at first because we normally stock up on vitamins, etc. but I nearly turned white as a sheet when she started looking through the adult diapers >She didn't ask me any questions (not that I would have been able to respond very coherently) but just looked through for my band-size (she still bought my boxers so this was easy) >Placed the diapers in the shopping cart (something generic, might have been depends, don't remember) and neither of us comment on it but I am sure I was staring >Mom makes light conversation but we don't discuss the diapers on the way home >When we get home she hands me the package and asks if I need help putting them on >Tell her no and hurry back to my room >We never discussed it again except for a note telling me to put used diapers in a trashbag and take them straight out to the outside trash
Lmao, I also suddenly decided to work on something. >Be 10 year old boy >Mother's friend has a 17 year old daughter, Samantha >Samantha always comes over to my house to help me with school work, and sometimes I go over to her house. >She is AGGRESSIVELY flirty with me, and somehow nobody in either family seems to care. >Whenever I have trouble focusing on my work, she says something to the effect of "Is this too boring for you?" and starts touching my leg. >One day, she starts doing a thing where she wears short skirts every day, and finds opportunities to flash her underwear to me, wearing a different type each time. >The time she showed a pair of lacy black panties definitely made me feel funny, but it wasn't until she did it while wearing a diaper that I was truly stunned. >She keeps touching my hand and trying to guide it towards her diapered crotch. >Eventually give in and start groping her diaper while barely focused on school work. >After a while, she stops me and drags me to her room. >Once we're in there and the door is closed, she drops her skirt, letting me see her diaper in full. >She unbuttons her shirt, revealing her breasts(she never wore a bra when I was at her house) >She pushes me to the floor and starts riding on my crotch with her diapered butt. >In seconds, I'm having the most powerful dry orgasm ever experienced >Don't remember anything I did, but I must have given some clear cue that I finished, because she stops and gets up. >She walks over to her bed and crawls over it, reaching on the other side to pick up a hitachi magic wand from out of sight. >She immediately starts masturbating in her diaper in front of me. >I watch her bring herself to orgasm. >She gets dressed and tells me to not worry about anything, and that I should go home and get some rest. >Return to normal for the next 10 days while background processing the fifty new things I had experienced in less than an hour. >Samantha starts making attempts to discuss it with me. >She eventually gets me to admit that I'm interested in trying out diapers for myself. >She's ecstatic and, the next day, I come over to her house and she immediately brings me into her room. >There's a changing mat, a new pack of diapers, a can of baby powder, and a bottle of lotion all laid out. >She quickly has my pants and underwear striped off. I'm super embarrassed, but she just rushes me through it. >Laying on the mat with an unfolded diaper under me, she starts rubbing lotion over my butt and crotch. >She spends a little too much time lotioning my dick, but sees that I'm too nervous at the moment to be into it, so she moves on. >I'm powdered and the diaper is taped to a snug fit. I stand up and immediately find the experience mindblowing. >Every step, the diaper pushes all my buttons. I am completely zoned out when Samantha says I can put my pants back on. >I snap out of it and get dressed. We go back to the kitchen table and start doing our normal routine. >While doing my work, I start feeling very relaxed, and eventually dose off. >I wake up leaning against Samantha, who didn't seem bothered. She says it's okay if I need to rest, and I end up not doing any work that evening. >Before leaving, I quickly pee in my diaper, then take it off and clean myself up. I didn't have time to really enjoy the wet diaper. >The next day, I return and Samantha brings me into her room again, but this time, she has me take ALL of my clothes off. >I don't see where this is going, but I go along with it anyways, and end up standing in her room wearing nothing but a diaper. >She then pulls out a light blue dress and some white thigh high socks. >I realize what's going on and start blushing, but don't know if I want to refuse. >As I'm made into Samantha's life-sized girly doll, all the amazing diapered sensations from before come back and are amplified. >She starts leading me out of her room and I start seriously considering resistance, but end up just covering my face with my hand as we pass by Samantha's mother, who lets out a chuckle as she sees me. >Start doing my school work, and am totally focused because I can't conjure up any weird thoughts that are weird enough to distract me from the even weirder reality I am currently in. >Pause to pee my diaper, remembering that I didn't have time to enjoy it from last time. >As the diaper swells and pushes my legs apart, I feel very vulnerable and start hugging Samantha, who was sitting next to me. >She seems a little confused so, without thinking much about it, I whisper that I peed in my diaper. >She smiles and says "That's okay baby, it's what they're for. If you need a change, just ask." >Start feeling like I was dropped into some kind of alternate reality. >After some times, Samantha tells me it's time to go home, and I am slowly lifted out of what felt like a dream as I redress myself in my normal clothing.
The details on this one are a bit foggy because I was so young. I want to recount it as best I can, though: >I was very young, probably three or fourish, but that's just a ballpark >What I know is that I was still wearing pullups at the time and not ashamed of it (my mom wouldn't start putting pressure on me until I was five) >I did have potty training but I still regularly pooped myself when I got too into playing with my toys, this meant that most of the time I wore underpants (my parents would just deal with cleaning them) but when going over to friend's house, they didn't want his mom to have to deal with the mess so into pullups I would go >Close friend is in a similar situation but not exactly... he can wear undies during the day fine but wears thick nighttime diapers for bedwetting >Sometimes during naptime his mom would change me into diapers too to be "fair" to him, but I don't have any interesting stories of getting a diaper change because I wasn't a bedwetter >She did however try to 'help train' me on at least one occasion >While my friend went out to the yard she pulled me aside and said we were going to try the potty first - basically her plan was to get out any mess before it went into my pullup >Still remember vividly her holding me under my armpits over the adult toilet, giving encouraging words to be a big boy and make potty >How she helped me wipe my butt clean and pulled my pullups back up, giving me a little pat on the backside when I was done Probably what started the fetish
>>26065 Yes? That was one of mine. I haven't been posting anything because of this fucker: >>24286 Like I told him. I was the one keeping this thread alive. He made a couple of posts to try and prove me wrong, and then I was proven right over the last month and a half. Ironically, his last couple of stories were good and on-topic after the debacle of >>24208 and >>24210 I'll start posting again if people want me too, but since no one said anything in support, I just ditched the thread.
>>26066 No, let this thread die, it was a really bad idea
>>26079 Agreed >>26066 Please make good on your "threat" and don't come back
>>26079 >>26082 Sure thing, less effort for me.
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Sorry, had to delete my post since I spilled my pasta twice by accident. I would like to chime in that you should always strive to contribute something if you're gonna bump. Empty bumps kill boards. Anyways, here's my half-fictional childhood story: >be me, 11 years old, nerdy, budding theater kid >also be lonely and bitter since I have to be "man of the house" now that parents are divorced >come to deeply appreciate when an adult tell me how "mature" I'm acting >be stressed as well. Worried about various things all the time, and as a consequence become very reserved >things aren't all bad, though. get good grades, get to act in school plays, and basically be a latchkey kid >one day, be rehearsing for school Christmas play >it's The Nutcracker, or a musical version with less dancing so stupid kids can run it >of course, be nutcracker and be wearing a blue double-breasted tunic and tights. The costume is made of second-hand pieces bought at a thrift store, so it's very tight and hard to move in >occasionally get out of breath when I have to dance, and feel a bit tired after each scene >music teacher is in charge, notices my issue, and says it's just the tight jacket and she'll alter it for me. Think nothing more of it >get the jacket back when Christmas play comes around. It's obviously been loosened, and fits better. Feel so back. >do the play, perform my stupid kid lines and fight the rat-King with my toy sword. Take breathers during parts that aren't mine >still somehow get extremely tired. Struggle to keep my eyes open by the third act >somehow make it to the end and bring Clara home. As we finish, even see my parents (in different corners of the auditorium) and my sisters clapping for me. It all feels great, but there's a catch: I need to pee really badly >after the curtain falls, run to the bathroom and piss a lake, narrowly avoiding getting it on my tights. Wonder why it was so much, but I'm too tired to think much on it >Winter break comes and goes, school proceeds. For some reason, getting more and more tired all the time and have to pee between every class >along with that, start getting really hungry. Come home after school every day and drink a bottle of soda, then eat an entire bags of chips before lying down. After all, there's nobody there to notice >despite all of this notice that I'm getting thinner. Rationalize it by thinking that I'm just growing up and must be getting taller >taller means more mature, so when parents ask if I'm feeling alright I tell them it's not a problem. After all, being tired must mean I'm working hard >start dozing off in class and getting scolded by teachers for not paying attention. They also don't like my frequent bathroom breaks and assume I'm slacking off <"you're not going to make honor roll if you don't pay attention in class, anon", etc. >begin to get genuinely worried, since no amount of sleeping seems to make me not tired. Start having a hard time getting to the bathroom on time and get piss on my pants once or twice >one morning, airplane-shaped alarm clock goes off. I sleep through it >mom knocks on door. Then sisters. sleep through that too >eventually mom bursts into the room ready to chew me out, and finds me half-awake in a puddle of my own piss <"anon, you're going to the doctor" >after getting up, insist that it's a one-off. Insist that it's all temporary and I'm mature enough to handle it. >she doesn't listen, calls out of work, and takes me to family doctor >old man doctor pokes and prods me, then makes me pee into a cup (I needed to pee anyways) >also sticks my finger with a needle, draws blood for some sort of machine. He doesn't like the result >he smells the pee. Makes me smell it too. It's like apple juice. Dunno what that means though <"It means your body can't process nutrients, so you've been peeing them all out." >he diagnoses me with a disease I thought only old, fat people could get. Says it's not my fault >get told that I need to go to the hospital, as it's in a really late stage and I might die if I don't >ride in an ambulance for the first time. Mom leaves to call dad and pick up my sisters >realize that everything that's been happening to me is all because of this, and it being a part of growing up was all cope >feel like it's an out-of-body experience, barely processing what people are saying around me >at the hospital they take me to the PICU, 9th floor. Everything is painted in pastel colors and my room is baby blue with a metal monstrosity of a hospital bed in the center >they hand me, an 11-year-old, a stuffed alligator and tell me to focus on him while they jam an IV needle in my other arm >it's awful, but strangely comforting. They tell me everything will be okay, and that they know how to get me feeling better >they inject me with a ton of drugs. One of them makes me feel really sleepy >before I doze off one of them gives me a plastic jug and explains <"If you need to pee, just use this, anon. We'll come and give you a new one if you ring the bell." >nod absentmindedly as she directs my dick into it and lets me pee
[Expand Post]>later, wake up in the dead of night as a nurse is drawing blood from one of my fingers <"Sorry anon, but we have to do this every four hours." >mumble something and try to go back to sleep. Realize I have to pee again and try to get out of bed after she leaves >IV cord catches on bed-post. Go tumbling out of bed and land on the floor >start to cry, because of the pain and the unfamiliar place >nurses come in and surround me. They start cooing and helping me to my feet, and notice that I peed my hospital gown too. Never were they mean or impatient with me >soon they have me on the bed again and strip me. I get washed down with wet-wipes. They hand me the stuffed elephant and give me a new IV with a mickey mouse tape to hold it in >realize they're not getting me a new hospital gown >one nurse approaches with a huggies diaper and says I shouldn't be getting out of bed without help >tell her I'm a big kid, and I don't need diapers <"I know you're a big kid, anon, which is why you'll wear these and not have to pee in your bed or your pants." >try to respond, but being 11 and tired can't figure out how. After all, these women and men have been so nice to me today >lay back and close my eyes as she wraps the diaper around me. It was the beginning of the era of cloth-backed disposables. It feels like having a throw pillow between my legs >the diapering nurse tucks me in <"Look, it's not so hard. And now you'll stay a big kid." >then she does something I didn't expect >reaches down under my bed and flips a latch. It lets her roll up the rails on my hospital bed until they're well above my head >does this on all four sides. I realize I'm effectively trapped in here with just a stuffy <"You've been such a good boy. Your mom and dad said they're coming in to visit you tomorrow so you're not lonely. Sweet dreams, anon." >she leaves a nightlight on and leaves >can confidently assert that never in my entire life have I received such mixed messages
>>27379 Next part of the semi-true pasta >daylight comes, and I wake up in the baby blue PICU room. A black, buxom nurse with huge hair has a hold of my arm and is drawing blood. I don't remember seeing her last night <"Good morning, sleepy-head. It looks like your medicine is working well." >wince at the pain, but then forget it when I realize I'm naked save for a baby diaper under my blanket, and that I'm lying in a metal bed-turned-crib >realize that baby diaper is about to be wet if I can't get out of bed >demand that she let me out so I can run to the bathroom. She frowns <"Anon, I'd love to but you're still weak and need your IV. Are you sure you don't want me to get a jug for you?" >demand my freedom again. She relents <"Just be careful not to jerk your IV stand." She carefully lifts the cord and rolls down the sidebars of the bed >try to jump out, but freeze up when I realize she'll see me in the diaper >stop myself too late and freeze halfway out of bed. Don't know what to do; brain has 404'd >start peeing in the diaper. A lot. It's audible >be about to cry, when the nurse envelops me in a hug and starts cooing, while the last of the pee dribbles out >be actually crying now <"Oh, anon, don't feel bad. You're sick, sweetie-pie." etc. etc. >go completely limp in her arms as my warm, swollen diaper hugs my boy bits. Have one of my first and most uncomfortable remembered erections in that diaper >get lifted back onto the bed by this momma machine, who then rips off my diaper and rubs my groin down with wet-wipes >whine and complain that I shouldn't be in these <"Now, I haven't talked to the head nurse yet today, but I know the ladies put you in these for a good reason. Them and the bed are keeping you safe and comfy while you heal." >soon, she's taped another huggies diaper on me, and she leaves, rolling up the crib rail again >at least I can reach the TV remote on my nightstand >eat some jell-o and crackers, since bland food is all I'm allowed >spend most of the morning watching Animal Planet with my gator stuffy in-hand >even get to the bathroom once and poop, with a nurse's help >sometime before lunch, my parents barge in, sisters in tow. At first, I was delighted to see them, but then realized they too would see me in a crib and diaper >quickly wrap myself in the blanket to conceal at least one of these humiliations, hiding the gator like a jew in my basement >they all seem not to care, focus on hugging me and saying they were worried about me. They all stay for a while >haven't seen my parents so civil next to one-another in years. It feels peaceful. They even brought me some comfy shirts to wear, and I resolve to put one on when I have privacy >mom tells me I'll be seeing a doctor before she goes, and that she'll come every day until I'm well enough to go home >realize this could take multiple days >later, dad and sisters have left, and I see this younger doctor. But there's a twist >he has an entire gaggle of bored looking med-students with him, here to "observe" him >freeze up in terror, trembling in my crib as he reads off my rap sheet in front of half a dozen people >he starts telling my mom about all the tools and medicines I'll need, and how the symptoms should clear up once I'm home >He drops the crib rail and starts doing an examination. Checking his clipboard, he raises an eyebrow at my charts, says my entry forms indicate my weight dropped due to the disease >sounds about right, but it hadn't bothered me before >suddenly, he unwraps my blanket so he can get a better look at my tummy, revealing everything >try in vain to cover the diaper with my hands, and probably just drew more attention to it >swear I heard an "aww" from someone passing by outside. The med students and my mom are all quiet though >doctor finishes prodding at my abdomen and says I need to gain weight. He prescribes nutritional shakes and a retainer to protect my teeth from grinding >explain that I don't grind my teeth <"Well, your mom tells me you've been very stressed, and with your particular illness your teeth get hurt more easily. Think of it as a just-in-case thing, son." >realize that my mom will get mad if I argue with the nice doctor and let it be >eventually the doctor, his students, and my mom all leave. I eat some more jello for dinner, and even get chicken noodle soup too >I spill some of said soup on my bedsheets, but don't care since real food tastes so good to me in the moment >the nurses are all sweet to me, and one even gives me a crocodile hunter DVD to watch
[Expand Post]>unfortunately, in the circus that is dinnertime I'm unable to get one on the buzzer and pee my diaper again. I cringe, but at this point it doesn't feel like the end of the world anymore >at some point, realize that I've peed much less since I was in the hospital than I did before. Maybe their medicine was working?
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>>27398 Third and final part >eventually it's time for bed, and a petite, redheaded nurse wheels in a cart for me <"Hi anon. Let's get you ready for bed." >as she draws my blood, once again I argue for my ability to pee in the toilet. >she strips me of my sodden diaper and produces a new one <"I know you can make it, nonny, but hasn't this been easier for you? We don't want you to have any more accidents." >realize I'm not going to win this as she places what looks like a big pad of diaper material into my new huggies, making it much bulkier. My legs are now splayed apart at what feels like a 90 degree angle. At least it's over soon <"You just need a little extra for the night. Oh, and I almost forgot..." <"Doctor ymousse ordered you some stuff for bedtime along with your medicine." >ask what and why >she shows me a cup of some brown, chocolately liquid <"It'll help you get some of that weight you lost back, so you can get big and strong again." >roll my eyes. I reach out to accept it, but she stops <"Hold on, nonny, you got a mess on your blanket and pillow. Be right back." >she runs off with my drink. I remember the chicken soup, and see the stains have set. I wonder if she's going to change all my sheets or something. Am I in trouble? >she comes back with her hands full of some other crap. There's a new pillowcase, soon installed, and a fleecy blanket colored baby blue like the walls of my room. My current one gets switched out for it >there's also a big baby bottle with an amber rubber nipple, and she's pouring the nutritional shake into it >once again insist that I don't need it. <"Sorry, but we can't have you spilling things on your sheets. You might get a different sickness if we let you get dirty!" >almost get loud with her, but then reconsider. After all, they had all been so nice. It didn't feel mature to be mean to them >soon, she re-caps the bottle and brings it over to me, prompting me to open my mouth >try to protest once more, and she slips the teat into my mouth. It's like I'm transfixed, and I start sucking. It tastes like a thick, sweet chocolate milk <"Finish this up before you go to sleep. But when you're done, we also have something for your teeth, since they're very fragile, anon. We couldn't get a proper retainer without your dentist, but the doctor is letting us use a substitute." >she produces a pacifier, just like a baby's but much bigger, and hooks her finger through the handle >before I know it, the bottle is half done. She extracts the nipple and hands me the pacifier, laying the bottle next to me >holding it with shaking hands, don't know what to do with the thing >explain that it just seems like a babyish thing. Like, it's wrong for a kid my age to do this, or something like that <"No way, anon. It may look that way, but this is all for your health. You've been sick for months, so there's no harm in getting a bit of help. Besides, you're being such a grown-up by helping us help you." >get completely frazzled by all this. The reward mechanisms in my tweenaged brain go haywire, and I silently lose the argument with myself >cautiously raise the pacifier to my mouth and slip it in. The huge nipple fills my mouth, but leaves just a little room for me to pull it further >suck. >suck. suck. suck. <"Comfortable?" >it feels just right. I nod <"And now your teeth are protected just like the rest of you. I'll leave your shake here, but call one of us if you need anything. Have a good night, nonny." >then, with a wink, she's gone, leaving me swaddled in my hospital crib, wearing my thick baby diapers and suckling on an oversized pacifier >feeling lonely, I dive under the blanket and grab my gator, snuggling up with him as I drift off to sleep >yeah, maybe there was nothing wrong with it fin I'm sorry if this story came across as extremely indulgent. Much of this is obviously not real. Everything before the hospital is true. There was an extended hospital stay, and there were diapers, which arguably gave me this fetish. Hopefully you found this exercise cathartic too.
>>27399 Appreciated anon!
>>27399 Indeed, good stuff!
>>27399 What disease is this?
>>27609 >>27540 >>27496 Nice same fagging. It appears, ironically that there were only two of us interested in this thread, I was writing 85% percent of the stories and hated on your shitty art here >>24208 I love that you wrote two stories in four months and samefagged praise to yourself to try and prove me wrong. I was right to let the thread die though.
I could give it a shot with writing a fictionalized childhood story. I just got to try something first. >>Be me, not understanding how greentext works >>Test things out until I get it right >>Completely forgets to write a fictionalized childhood story >>Never returns
>>29008 Cry some more?
>Be me, just starting preschool >Been potty trained for some time now besides some bedwetting incidents >I enter preschool and do my thing, eating breakfast, playing games, meeting others >See some girl just standing by the wall all by herself >There's a strong smell emanating from her area that I somewhat recognize >Me being the dumb kid, walks up behind her and pull the waistband of her pants >Sees she's wearing a diaper and pull the waistband back on that too and find my suspicions have correct >The girl seems to be completely unfazed by me doing this as I think to myself.. >"This girl pooped her diaper!" >I go to one of the teachers or caretakers and tell them that the girl pooped herself. >I go about doing my own thing again after just ratting out that girl for pooping her diaper as I start thinking about it more >"Why did she not go to a caretaker to change her diaper? Why was she not fazed by me checking her? Did she like having poop in her diaper?" >Days later, I'm still thinking about that incident and think about how it must've felt to poop her diaper >I know I need to go poop at some point today and decide to take the risk >I go to the bathroom like how I would usually go, but instead decide to leave my underwear and sweat pants up after peeing in the toilet >I sit down on the toilet and push, noticing that it's a lot harder to push out than usual >I eventually go poop and feel a rush of adrenaline, loving the feeling of it in my pants >Eventually leaves the bathroom and goes about doing whatever a preschooler does, until I get caught by a teacher >She pulls me aside to talk to me. >I tell her what I did and told her that "I was curious how it felt to poop my pants" >She tells me to refrain from doing this in the future and takes me to the changing table to be changed out of my now soiled clothes This is only the beginning of a long story. The vast majority of this writing is true.. yes, even the part where I straight up check some girl's diaper. It baffles me how dumb I was as kid. Anyway, to be continued!
>>29008 Nope. Now go away
>>29036 So hot, more please!! I love stories like this
>>29008 You are mistaken. I wrote >>27399 and the two parts preceding it, based on my childhood experience. I regrettably was busy and didn't reply to the anons below, so I will now. >>27496 >>27540 Thanks, babs. :) >>27609 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, or Juvenile Diabetes. Think Scott Malkinson kek. Unlike the more common variety, it happens spontaneously rather than due to excessive body fat. I did have a bit of a sweet tooth at that age, but I was always pencil-thin and inherited the disease from my dad. The primary symptoms are fatigue and having to piss all the time, which results in bedwetting for a lot of kids.
The continuation of this >>29036 >A few days after I soil my own pants, I find the girl who pooped her diaper again in preschool again and decided to talk to her >"Hey. What's your name?" <"My name's Trish. Why did you tattle on me?" >"I didn't know what else to do! I thought the teacher should know.." >I ask about why she pooped her pants and ask is she's potty trained <"I know how to use the potty but I like going in my diaper" >"huh.. a couple days ago, I went poop in my pants because I wanted to know what it was like.. it was fun but the teacher got mad at me..." <"I heard! My friend told me that it stinked really bad. Was it fun?" >"Heh, yeah! It was really fun, until I got caught..." <"My mommy gets me diapers that I wear everyday! I have a lot of diapers! Do you want to wear one? I can bring one tomorrow!" >"ooo! Yes! Please! I really want to poop in one like you did!" <"Ok, ok! I'll get you one tomorrow!" >The day carries on like any other day after that >The next day at preschool, Trish runs up to me shortly after arriving >She pulls out a colorful, girly diaper from her pants and gives it to me >"Ah! Thank you so much!!" <"Shh.. the teacher will probably take it away from you if she finds it. Go put it on in the bathroom." >I nod and rush over to the bathroom and strip off my pants and underwear >I do a poor job of taping up the diaper and slide my underwear and pants back on >I leave the bathroom and look around for Trish, finding her playing in the corner >"I put it on. It's soo soft! So... Can I use it?" <She giggles and pulls the waistband of my pants to see the diaper <"Of course you can! It's your diaper now." That's where I'm leaving it for today. I know.. sort of a poor ending, being right before the action, but it's my story, and I can do whatever I want with it.
>>29076 No you can't, now finish it, bitch.
>>29101 Hm, with that attitude, I might not even want to finish it. I'm joking, I'll work on it at some point today.
>>27379 >>27398 >>27399 >>29055 As another anon that was in hospital a lot as a kid this is weirdly relatable in a way, good shit.
I'm 10, living with dad and he remarries. My new stepmom (I'll call her mom from now on) has a cottage and invite us to spend a week there. First day, we arrived late. We just put our bags away, have dinner and go sleep. Dad and mom have their room and I made the guest room my own. In the middle of the night, I had to use the toilet. The noises from the outside and the darkness of the corridor scared me so much I couldn't leave the room. I tried to hold as much as I could but ended wetting the bed. I knew if I tried to hide it would be worse, so I tell mom first thing in the morning. I told her I was too afraid to leave the bedroom, that wouldn't happen again and for her to not tell dad. She stares at me for a second and it's hard for me to tell if she believes me or not. <Okay, I'll place the mattress under the sun and wash your clothes. Lucky for you, the mattress needed sunlight since it isn't used much. <But I want you to wear plastic pants tonight, just to be sure. I won't tell your dad. >What are plastic pants? <They are underwear for people who have trouble holding the pee. >Diapers? <Diapers are for babies and you're grown up boy. >Please, no! It was an accident, I swear it won't happen again! <Do you want me to tell your dad so you can sleep with us tonight? This way we can help you to the toilet. >I want to sleep on my own. <Then wear the plastic pants, they won't bite you, they're just underwear. Mom insists in using plastic pants as a synonym for diapers, maybe to make me feel better. >Alright, I will. But please don't tell dad! <I won't. Mom places the mattress under the sun. Dad asks why and she says since the guest room hasn't been used for a while it would be better for me. Mom leaves to do the groceries. Dad and I stay and do chores, I didn't tell what happened. A couple of hours later mom returns and she calls me. We go to the guest room and she gives me a pack of diapers. <I managed to find plastic pants your size. >Why did you buy a pack this big? <They didn't sell units, just big packs. <Now, you're big boy and can change yourself, see if they fit you. She leaves the room and I could hear her steps moving out the house. I stare at the package for a moment. It has no flashy illustrations, just text describing the product, age/weight intended and a contour of a diaper. >I must keep my word I opened the package, pulled one diaper out. It was plain white with blue tapes and a yellowish line over it to indicate wetness and it smells good. The package has instructions on how to wear, I follow them. After a brief moment, I managed to put it on. It feels nice and made me comfortable except for the crinkle. Didn't want to admit but I was enjoying it. I wear my regular clothes and leave the bedroom looking for mom. The sound of the plastic crinkling is loud and I'm afraid dad will hear it, so I walk slowly. Through a window, I see mom and dad outside working on the garden and I call her. She walks in and I show the diaper. <Ah, you managed to put them on without any help, I'm relieved now. How do you feel? >I... think I can handle it. <That's good, hon. Keep them on until you get used to them so you won't have trouble sleeping. <Don't worry about your dad, I didn't tell him and he'll be outside for a couple of hours. I spend the next hours indoors playing video games, until I felt the needed to pee.
[Expand Post]>Should I go in the diaper? I don't want mom thinking I actually need it. After a moment, I opted to take it off, use the toilet and go back to my normal underwear. Mom and dad come in the house. I call her while dad is busy and tell her what happened. <You could've used your plastic pants, that's why I bought them and there's a lot more. Better use them than throw them out. >But you would think I need them. <Oh my! I know you don't need them, sweetheart! <Be at easy. They're just an extra protection for your sleep. After hearing that, I want to try wearing another diaper >Okay, I'll wear another one <Dad is around now and he might hear it. Let's wait until later, ok? After working all day, dad was tired and went to sleep earlier. Mom said: <Now that your dad is sleeping, go wear another plastic pant. >Mom, they're called diapers. It's even in the package. <Are you sure? Well, okay. <You still haven't shower, so you may use your diaper and see if you feel comfortable. I go back to my room, put on another diaper and star playing video games while mom is in the living room watching TV. Wanting to know how it felt and since I was going to shower anyway, I forced myself to pee. It was warm and strangely comfortable. I was peeing without going to the bathroom and taking off my underwear. I felt secure. Time to shower and I go to the bathroom. After removing my diaper, I was surprised to see that my skin was still dry, they work! After finishing the shower, I put on a fresh diaper. When leaving the bathroom, mom calls me, she's holding something. <Here's some plastic bags, put your used diapers in them so they won't smell. <I see you're already wearing one. Now go sleep and have sweet dreams, hon. Mom kisses my head and I go back to my room. I was so tired that the bulk of the plastic and the crinkling didn't bother me much. Like before, in the middle of the night I had to go pee. Taking off the diaper and going to the toilet would be too much trouble and I was still scared of the noises and the dark corridor. Afraid of leaking on the mattress, I stand up, pee in my diaper and go back to sleep. At first the wet diaper made it hard to sleep again, but this feeling went away after a moment. Early in morning, mom wakes me up by gently knocking on the door and I tell her to enter. <Good morning, hon! Did you sleep well? >Morning, mom. I did. Still sleepy, I push the blanket away and stand up. She sees the mattress dry >Oh my! The mattress is dry, you did it! Mom sees the diaper bulge under my pants <You did sleep wearing a diaper, thank you for keeping your word, I'm proud of you. <Did you use it? >You said it was ok to use it, so I did <That's ok, I'm glad you were able to sleep wearing it. Are you still afraid of leaving your room alone to go to the toilet? >Yes, the noises outside, the empty corridors, they scare me. <Hmmm... Here's what we're going to do. You may wear diapers until you feel secure to go to the toilet during the night. >What if dad finds the diapers? <I'll say they're for my sister's daughter. The size is wrong but he don't know that. <Use them only in your room and you'll be fine And for a week, I slept wearing diapers. What's true about this story? I did wet the bed and mom did suggest plastic pants, but she never bought a package. Instead, she gave me another chance and I never wet the bed again.
>>29163 Interesting story, anon. Did she really tell you they were "plastic pants" and not diapers? If so, it seems like she may have not understood the difference herself.
>>29191 She did use the word plastic pants instead of diapers, I never asked why. I assume she was aware they're not the same thing but used it because it sounds more mature. Her niece used diapers until she was 6, I think that's somewhat related.
>>29076 I haven't abandoned this, I've just been forgetting to continue it. I'll add more to it soon.
>>29163 This is fantastic, it's the kind of scenario that makes me diamonds. Thank you for writing it
>>29238 >>29238 Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm writing a follow up to that, it has almost 1900 words now and I'm 3/4 done. One thing I noticed is that the [Expand Post] function duplicates lines. For a moment I thought I messed the text, but this also happens other posts like >>27379.
>>29241 As author of the that story I noticed this too. It made me delete it once thinking I had copied the first half. I think it's a Lynxchan issue and wonder if BO can do anything about it. Either way, I would advise breaking up your posts, maybe to about 1/2 of the character max? Ever since that story I reflected on a lot of my embarrassing, cringe, childhood diaper experiences and decided I should write some moar. May bang one out in the coming days or something.
>>29231 at long last, the continuation and probably the last one of this story >I stand still and close my eyes as I try to let the poop out into the diaper. I struggle with trying to push it out but I start peeing in it. >Trish, noticing that I'm having a hard time pooping in the diaper pats my back <"It's ok if you can't poop now.. I still sometimes have a hard time pooping in my diaper too" >I stop trying to force it out and sigh >"Mm.. ok... I just can't seem to get it out..." <"Maybe your body is just shy to pooping with you by me." >"I think so.. but I did pee a little!" >I slide down the front of my pants and underwear to reveal to her that the front of the diaper has now a slight tint of yellow and is a little bit larger. <"Hehe! Good job! Don't worry about going poop now.. just go when you feel like it, ok?" >"Ok, I'll let you know when I go poop" >A while later, it's playtime near the end of school and I start feeling the need to go poop, so I decide to get away from anyone else there and try to poop. >I squat down and push as if start feeling the log slowly escape my body. I push again as more starts getting pushed out into the diaper >I feel the mess settle into the padding as I start to pee into it again. Before long, I stop pooping and sigh in relief. >I carefully stand up, feeling shaky from the excitement of pooping in a diaper. I waddle my way over to where I see Trish playing. <"So, did you do it?" >"Heh, yep! It feels amazing! I see why you like it too! The diaper gets so squishy when I pee in it!" <"Heh! I knew you'd like it! Hey, you want to play with me?" >"Heck yeah!" >We start happily playing with toys together. After some time, I start hearing a hissing sound as Trish pauses for a moment. >"Hm? Wait, are you peeing?" <"Yeah.. been holding it for a while!" >"Nice! Hehe! Mmf.. I think my poop is starting to stink..." <"Yeah.. it's pretty stinky, but I don't mind! I just want to keep playing!" >"Ok, let's con.. con-tin.. ah! Let's just play!" >Trish and I giggle and laugh and we carry on with playing together until the end of preschool. >Eventually, I did get caught with pooping myself again, but I was still happy about all the fun I had in one of my new friend's diapers. I was excited for the next time I'd see her again. The end
>>29307 >>29308 >>29309 >>29310 When did this become the badly written fapfiction thread? It's not even greentext anymore. It's more than just the color you faggot.
other sick-kid anon inspired me to share my own semi-true hospital story: apologies in advance for any similarities, and extra credit if anyone guesses the condition. >be me, ~10 years old >born with rare genetic condition >among other things it gives me a bad cough, low energy, a bad appetite, and the inability to digest some of the nutrients in the food I do manage to actually eat >I get checked out at a special dedicated hospital clinic every couple of months to see if i'm doing OK >it used to be a really bad condition for kids to have, but nowadays it's manageable with pills and physiotherapy >the clinic is a bit old though so it's still very infantile >back when it was first built, patients my age were a lot less common if you get what I mean >the waiting room has yellow-painted walls with bright-green grass blades running along the bottom, while trees and cartoon animals stick out at various intervals >if i'm lucky there's sometimes a TV unit with a gamecube in the corner, but usually there's just shape sorting toys and little wire tracks with beads you can push along them >after they're done measuring me, listening to my chest, swabbing my cough and getting me to blow into a tube until i'm dizzy, the doctor starts giving the details to my mother >"blah blah sputum culture blah blah underweight blah blah blah lung infection blah blah intravenous antibiotics blah blah blah inpatient blah blah..." >she's saying a lot of big words that I only kinda understand, but I get the general idea >i've had to stay in hospital a few times before, but it's never too bad >I get to lie in a bed reading books and playing video games for two weeks intead of going to school, so if anything I was happy about it >the next day I pack a backpack with my DS games and a couple of books while my mum gets a suitcase of spare clothes >when we arrive back at the hospital they put me in a wheelchair to wheel me to the kid's ward >I tell them i'm fine to walk but they insist it's ok >they give me some funny anaesthetic gas while one of the nurses puts an IV line into my arm and before I know it i'm settled into my bed >I get my own private room to prevent cross infection, there's a remote that adjusts the incline, and there's even a little TV screen on an adjustable arm that hangs from the ceiling >this must be what the future is like >some of the buttons on the bed remote seem to be unresponsive, but after figuring out which button causes the bed to sit upright, I spend the rest of the day watching science shows on the tv and playing on my DS while they give me the first course of medicines through the tube in my arm >wake up in the middle of the night to two nurses changing my sheets <"Sorry to wake you honey, you just got your sheets a bit wet" >groggily look over and see my pyjama bottoms on the floor on top of the old bedsheets, both with a wet stain on them >i've already been changed into new pyjamas and i'm too tired so I just fall back asleep as they pull over a fresh blanket and tuck me in >feeling embarrassed can wait until tomorrow [1/?]
>>29325 >next day begins the start of the usual morning routine i've come to learn from my previous stays in hospital: >first get woken up by the nurse doing the morning rounds and bringing in a cup of medicines, before taking me to the weighing scales in the corner of the room for measurement, then back to bed to hook up a morning IV bag >next the breakfast cart comes around and brings me a few slices of lightly-toasted toast and a glass of milk to wash down the pills, before coming around again to take away the mostly-uneaten toast >then the physiotherapist comes and she slaps my back a bunch of times to help me clear my lungs >lastly the doctor comes around and checks how i'm feeling today (usually surrounded with a swarm of student doctors all trying to cram into the room at once) >the embarrassment I saved from last night resurfaces as the doctor casually mentions to the room full of strangers that I wet the bed >it's something i'm especially sheepish about because I had to wear pullups for bed wetting until I was 7 >but they're all very professional about it and the doctor says its not my fault, and that it's common for people with persistent coughing problems to also have issues with continence >he explains that the same muscles that help you cough also put pressure on your bladder, and the liquid medication my body was filtering meant I probably had more fluid in my system than i'm normally used to >he prescribes "going to the bathroom every few hours" and the other student doctors chuckle at the joke before bidding me farewell and letting me go back to playing more Pokemon >take extra care for the next few hours to get up and go to the toilet any time I feel the slightest urge to pee >lunch and dinner come and go, and I try my best to eat what I can >the food at the hospital isn't even bad, it's better than the food they serve at school >but eating is never easy for me, especially when i'm on 4 bags of IV medicine a day >something about it leaves a weird taste in my nose and it makes me feel queasy >soon it's evening and i'm hooked up for my third dose >shortly after the nurse leaves I start feeling the need to pee >can't get out of bed to go to the bathroom though as i'm now connected to the IV bag >I don't want to bother the nurses either so I suck it up; i've been going to the bathroom regularly all day, I can hold it for a little while >go back to reading my book and let the urge fade away >about half an hour passes and a bad coughing fit strikes me >as I double over to push out the last cough, my stomach tenses and I end up pushing out something else as well >one of the nurses comes in just as the wet stain starts spreading over my jeans >feel as if i'm about to get told off but instead she comforts me and apologises for not checking if I needed the bathroom before hooking up the IV >she pulls off my trousers and I reach to cover myself as she starts pulling down my underwear <"No need to be shy, we've already had to clean you up last night" >that just makes it even more humiliating >luckily for me the nurse was going to make it feel a lot less embarrassing >...because what came next would be much worse in comparison >after wiping my wet ground with a damp cloth, she hands me a towel to dry myself and leaves the room to "grab a fresh change" >shortly after she comes back, wheeling a trolley with pastel-colour drawers and containers on it >quickly realise that it's a diaper changing station as she pulls out a disposable diaper from one of the compartments <"Spread your knees out dear" >instead pull my knees to my chest and scoot back, recoiling away >it wasn't even a pull-up like I remembered needing to wear, it was a full-on diaper with tapes and everything >the nurse tells me it'll just be for the one night to make sure it's not a reoccurring issue, and that there's nothing to be ashamed of >eventually she lowers my guard enough and I allow her to pull my legs out, positioning me spread-eagle on top of the unfolded diaper >with a quick practiced motion, the front is pulled up and the tapes are wrapped snugly from either side >the soft cushioning hugs my bottom and applies a restrictive yet comforting pressure around my groin >as much as i'm not happy with this situation, it's at least more comfortable than the thin, itchy pullups I was forced to wear before >with help from the nurse I pull up my pyjamas and go back to my games until it's time for bed >another nurse hooks up my last bag of medicine for the day and turns out the lights, although not before performing a quick and unexpected diaper check to make sure I haven't peed again >I toss and turn for a while, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position with this new bulk around my waist, while also trying not to tangle the IV line >finally settle in and fall asleep to the gentle humming of hospital machinery [2/?]
>>29323 Cry some more?
>>29329 I mean, your writing is so bad tears are warranted.
>>29326 >the next day starts to begin as usual as a morning nurse comes in with a little cup of pills, except this time I wake up as she's pulling back the covers and tugging down my pyjamas <"Alright, lets get you cleaned up, shall we?" >that's not fair, they said it was only going to be for the one night >I didn't even wet the- >nevermind, it turns out I did <"I know you don't want to but think it's a good idea if you wear these for just a little while longer" <"At least until we know everything is alright" >resigned to now wearing diapers during the day as well as the night, I lie back and spread my legs as the nurse untapes and disposes of the wet diaper before grabbing a fresh one from the diaper cart that was now looking to be a permanent addition to my room >adding insult to injury, this time the diaper even had a babyish pattern printed on it: a cutesy cartoon bear adorned the front and the sides were patterned with pastel coloured squares and triangles >and as a final blow to my ego, the nurse proceeded to pour baby powder onto my exposed bits before sealing them away in the padding >afterward the morning routine continued as normal, except the nurse felt the need to lift me by the armpits when getting me out of bed for weighing and back in again >after physiotherapy, the doctor comes around to see how i'm doing >i'm feeling ok, at least in terms of health, that is >having diaper changes added to my morning routine is something I feel far from ok with >he notes that my weight seems to have been going down over the last few checkups, and my weight this morning has also dropped since I was weighed yesterday >tell him i'm still having trouble eating all my meals, and he says he'll get the catering team to give me some snacks to fatten me up >true to his word, when lunchtime rolls around I find a pot of chocolate mousse and some crisps alongside my sandwich >the one perk of this kind of condition is that the doctors encourage eating a high-fat diet, even if it would be normally considered "unhealthy" >they tell me that eating chocolate and fast food that's packed with fats and calories is a better alternative than not eating enough and losing weight, since you can still get a lot of fat from small portions >after lunch my parents stop by to bring some more books and clothes, and I quickly throw the blanket over my lower half before they come in >they ask if I want to go for a walk around the park outside the hospital, I tell them i'm feeling too tired >it's true, but mainly I don't want to get out of bed and have them asking why i've got a diaper-shaped bulge under my shorts >thankfully they don't ask what the pastel-coloured trolley in the corner of the room is for, either >shortly after they leave, I get up to go to the bathroom before i'm tethered to my bed for another IV bag >as if on cue, another coughing fit strikes as I start to leave the room and some concerned nurses rush to check in on me right as I begin emptying my bladder >no longer needing the bathroom, I surrender to the will of the nurses who carry me right back to bed and begin changing my diaper, congratulating me for "trying to make it to the bathroom" while also insisting that I should just stay in bed and let them handle it for me while I focus on getting better >come dinner time and I get a glass of chocolate milk to go with my food >the nurse handing it to me says I should make sure to drink it all because it's technically medicine >just tastes like chocolate to me, but i'm not complaining >the day wraps up with one final diaper check before bed >satisfied with my dryness, my reward is: not having another diaper change today >yay me
>>29332 >third day in hospital >this time I wake up to an electric buzzing sound >look down and the morning nurse has wasted no time undoing my (surprise: wet) diaper >the sound in question is coming from a small electric hair trimmer, which has just finished removing the tiny amount of hair that I had in that region <"I'm sorry baby, but it's best practice; you're wearing these full time and we don't want to risk you getting any rashes where we can't see them" >as far as terms of endearment go, "baby" is the last one I want to hear right now >I was only just starting to grow hair there, it certainly wasn't hiding anything >with a layer of moisturising oil rubbed into my bare-bottom, a fresh diaper is applied and the morning continues as usual >shortly after dinner a new face comes around to check in on me as i'm connected to my next IV, she introduces herself as a student nurse >she's pretty cute and i'm a bit shy to say much to her but she sees my DS and we start talking about video games >in-between helping the other nurses she keeps coming back to continue our conversation, talking about our favourite mario kart courses and what pokemon is the coolest >at one point she makes a joke that causes me to crack up laughing >this sets off a chain reaction as the laugh leads to a coughing fit, causing me to bump the table and knock my (thankfully empty) water cup onto the floor >the glass smashes and the shock of which results not just in another bladder release, but a bowel movement as well >I instantly freeze up as she gets up and calls for another nurse to help clean up the broken glass >a nurse arrives with a dustpan and brush, but can instantly tell from a glance that she has a different job to do >handing the brush off to the student nurse, she tells me to lie down and makes her way towards the changing cart >defeated and humiliated beyond belief, I feel like breaking down and crying as i've just embarrassed myself in every way possible in front of this cute girl, who now has to clean up for me and then watch as I pull down my shorts and present my soiled nappy to be changed >as the student finishes sweeping away the broken cup, the nurse starts undoing the tapes to inspect the other mess I've made <"Hmm, your movements should be a lot more solid than this" <"Are you sure you're taking enough enzyme pills with every meal?" >only capable of mustering a sheepish nod as i'm laid out on full display <"Well it looks like malabsorption, which would explain your weight loss. I'll let the doctor know and we'll figure something out tomorrow" >the nurse bundles the diaper into the bin and starts cleaning me up >it feels like my whole body is burning as the nurse wipes my rear and genitals clean and the student watches the entire process intently, fascinated at the sight of a 10-year-old baby >reaching into the changing trolley, the nurse asks me a question I don't understand <"Princess or Bunny?" >huh? >the nurse pulls out two diapers >the last two diapers in the cart <"Princess or Bunny?" >too paralysed by an unfair decision, the nurse begins unfolding a cutesy bunny rabbit diaper <"Don't worry, we'll get some more of your favourite diapers for tomorrow, Anon" >she also decides now would be a good time for rash cream to be added to my change routine as a preventative measure, and takes the opportunity to show how to apply it properly <"...and for overnight changes, you might want to insert an extra pad to help with absorption..." >visually demonstrating, as she inserts an extra lining into the diaper before taping it up snugly >the extra bulk wraps around my groin even tighter, and keeps my legs spread apart as I sit back upright >before leaving for the night, the student nurse gets me a new cup for water: a plastic one with a sippy lid [4/?]
>>29333 Appreciate your contribution anon. Not sure what the whinefaggot is on about
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>>29307 >>29308 >>29309 >>29310 The duplicate lines make it harder to read, so I'll repost the story in a text file with a brief summary next paragraph. In the file, the text formatting is traditional instead of using the chan features for colors and bold/italic. I kept the password for deletion, so I'll also delete the posts later. The story is a follow up to >>29163 and happens about an year later. This time, I meet aunt Sally and cousin Brenda. We go to an amusement park and I face new problems but aunt Sally is there to help. >>29329 Ignore him. People who say something is shit but don't give constructive feedback back are just retards looking for attention. I wish to improve and I don't mind people telling my writing is shit as long they give me pointers on how to improve. Otherwise, their comments don't even register in my mind. I had a lot of fun writing this story and it's the biggest piece of English text I ever wrote with almost 4490 words. Yeah, English is not my first language. For the retard talking shit, can you write fiction in a foreign language? Of course you're going to say "Yes", there's no way to prove it, right? You can just copy a random fiction and claim as yours.
>>29340 There's a flash fiction style called "greentext" that originated on 4chan. What this "author" is doing isn't that. Greentext has almost zero dialogue and use incomplete sentences. There's also just general fiction, this writer is barely doing that. I could critique his writing, but I won't, because it's fucking up the greentext thread and I won't encourage this bullshit. Don't put your wannabe fiction here we already have a thread for that: https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/798.html This thread is dead because the stories are so bad. There's like three of you going back and forth and one of you hates the other two. Also, fictionalized is not the same as "grain of truth" - >>29163. Don't tell me what was true about it. That ruins the whole idea, and the story isn't even close to believable anyway. Look at the beginning stories - they're all somewhat plausible albeit unlikely and have deep description that must have come from some true experiences. TL;DR - There's a ABDL story thread, use that if you want to write fiction. If you're in this thread, do fictionalized greentext stories as the top of the thread says. For fucks sake, why can't ABDLs stay in designated areas, it's like the /aco/ & /d/ drama on 4chan.
>>29333 >the sound in question is coming from a small electric hair trimmer, which has just finished removing the tiny amount of hair that I had in that region I'm guessing this is the not-true part >>29345 I agree with you actually, the other ones like the two guys who were both wearing diapers in a hospital for some reason are okay but the main one you're criticizing is like, just too hard to read and doesn't hook me enough to do so. >For fucks sake, why can't ABDLs stay in designated areas I can tell you that on /aco/ it's because the resident drama queens are unwilling to accept that they're not special and that the thread is a public forum with specific rules that are not catered to letting them post whatever they want (and only what they want)
>>29348 >is a public forum with specific rules that are not catered to letting them post whatever they want (and only what they want) Or I guess a simpler way to put this is they don't think the rules apply to them. Also I might add, personal opinion, I think the non-fictionalized childhood experiences thread was better. The fact those at least had a pretense of being real, even if at times far-fetched made them more enjoyable. Here the knowledge that it's only semi-true hinders some of my enjoyment of the stories, because I don't know if details were changed to make the story more in line with kink and which details those might be.
>>29349 >Also I might add, personal opinion, I think the non-fictionalized childhood experiences thread was better. Yeah, I agree completely, but I think everyone was out of real stories. I used up mine there. The problem was it was devolving into badly written fapfiction the way this one is now. I get your frustration with wanting to believe its true, but those of us with life experiencecan smell bullshit a mile away and it ruins the true thread, yeah I'm happy to share events that fizzled out that were close to becoming more on this thread. Some of the stories I wrote on the true experiences were other AB's stories i'd heard over the years from my IRL ABDL friends. Again, there's a story thread if you want stories. There's this greentext fictionalized thread for a specific spot berween the story thread and the true events thread. And there's a true events thread if you've got that - but people will call out your BS if you try to post fiction there, and rightly so.
>>29345 >BOOOHOOOO if you don't start your lines with > I can't read it >If the story doesn't lack description and uses incomplete sentences, I can't cum >Claims to follow the chan style, can't even properly quote another thread, has to paste a link >IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW MY ARBITRARY DEFINED FORMATTING YOU'RE BAD BECAUSE I SAY SO >I can't help I'll pretend I don't want, so you feel bad >Thread on the first page, plenty of material to read >THIS THREAD IS DEAD! You're an absolute retard and it's good that you're mad. Leave and never return! We all know you won't leave ;^)
>>29357 No one's reading your shit. You are bad at writing in both prose and greentext. Like, are you fucking Croc or something? It's the only thing that makes sense with how butthurt you are over complaints about quality. Do everyone a favor and keep your shitty fiction in the story thread where it belongs.
>>29361 >No one's reading your shit. You read my post ;^) Also replied to it. >You are bad at writing in both prose and greentext. Your opinion is worthless anyway. >Like, are you fucking Croc or something? Yes, I'm your <INSERT BOOGIEMAN HERE>, how you managed to figure that out? >It's the only thing that makes sense with how butthurt you are over complaints about quality. It's (((you))) that is bitching about how people are not following your precious formatting guidelines. Projecting much? >Do everyone a favor and keep your shitty fiction in the story thread where it belongs. I'll post wherever I want to, it's on topic. You can ignore or hide the post but you won't do it. You crave the attention, you must show us how wronged you are. How dare us to not follow your tastes. C'mon, give me the (You)! You know you want to.
>>29361 Could you shut the fuck up plesae, thank you very much :)
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>>29333 >fourth day in hospital >the nurse that brings my moring pills comes in and performs my now-routine diaper check >with an "aww" at the sight of my bunny rabbit diaper, she gets to work undoing the tapes and wiping down my groin after peeling back the soaked insert >mentally celebrating that I didn't crap my self overnight >at this point i'll take any victories I can get <"Now the doctor tells me you've been having trouble with your pills" >I tell her i'm definitely taking them all <"It's ok Anon, we believe you" <"We just might have to adjust your dose so you're getting all the nutrition from your food" >she gets me to raise my legs as she lays out a new diaper beneath me, then holds them in the air as i'm about to lower them back down <"Can you be a big boy and take a deep breath for me?" >do as she says and then suddenly gasp as something cold pokes into my rear <"We're going to try and administer some of your pills this way from now on to see if it has an improved affect" >she continues to elaborate as another pill is inserted <"We already know you aren't absorbing all your nutrients properly in your stomach, there's a chance your pills aren't being fully absorbed either" <"This is a much more direct way to get them into your system" >once she finishes administering the pills she applies more rash cream and slips another booster pad into the new diaper before getting me up for weighing >still slightly in shock from the new method of medicine delivery I teeter over to the scale, now realising how hard it is to walk with the extra bulk between my legs >on the way back to the bed the nurse holds my hands above my head like i'm a toddler learning to walk >don't even realise until she's left that i'm now wearing the princess diaper >lunchtime comes and fortunately i'm bone dry when the nurse comes to check >no surprise fits of coughing and I even got a nurse to take me to the bathroom when i needed to go poop >unfortunately, it means there's no reason to change me out of these princess pampers either >my delicate sense of manhood has to draw a line somewhere, and in a stroke of genius and/or desperation, I force myself to empty my bladder, before removing the lid from my cup and pouring some water down the front for good measure >after mustering the courage I call for the nurse and, sacrificing all dignity, asking if she can change my diaper >seeing how i've soaked through both the pad and into the diaper itself, she goes to find more stock for my room >soon enough she returns with a new bag of diapers and i'm swiftly changed <"It's a good thing you have such a small waist, they don't usually make them this absorbant for kids your age" >it seems i've been promoted to a heavy-wetter; these ones somehow feel even thicker than what I was wearing before, even without a booster pad stuffed in them >perhaps the water was overkill [5/?] >>29340 Thanks, i'm not the same poster as the one the other anon is complaining about though, they were talking about another story that seems to have been deleted now. >>29348 Maybe when i'm done i'll elaborate on what parts were real, but on the other hand it's probably better to leave people guessing
New story time! Basically a time skipped continuation of my 3 part story which ended here >>29256 >After previous experiences in testing the waters with soiling clothes and whatnot, I try my best to obtain some diapers for myself. >Starting when I'm about 9-10 years old, I end up snooping around at friend houses and, against my better judgement, start stealing diapers. I experiment with the diapers I've stolen then bury the used diapers in the bathroom garbage when I'm done. >I eventually get caught stealing a diaper by the mom of one of my friends with her mainly being confused and decided against contacting my mom about the incident. Guess she thought that I wouldn't steal any more diapers after that, which would be correct. >About when I'm 14, I decide to snoop around my mom's room when no one is at the house. I look around in the closet and find a large plastic package of something. >Turns out to be a pack of slip on diaper used for wetting. I knew that my mom would regularly wet the bed (probably because of drinking only caffeinated soda), but I didn't know that she basically wore adult goodnites. >I stand there.. pondering what I should do... >I have swore to myself that I wouldn't steal diapers anymore at this point but.. I was also looking at, in my eyes at the time, an endless supply of diapers. >My curiosity gets the better of me and takes one to my room and stash it away for future use Will continue this tomorrow, if I remember to that is.
>>29364 Go fuck yourself faggot, and stop being so butthurt over your shit stories being called out.
>>29368 >Mom needs diapers Not gonna lie that's hot as fuck i'm eager for the next part
>>29370 Yeah, but, spoilers, nothing really happens of it to be honest, just me taking the diapers and that's it..
>>29379 anon, this is the fictionalized experience thread. You know what we expect from you.
>>29325 >apologies in advance for any similarities None needed, anon. :^) I'm glad to see more stories posted here. >and extra credit if anyone guesses the condition. I'm gonna guess Cystic Fibrosis although I only know about it from an episode of Grey's Anatomy. If that's it, good health to you. >>29349 >Here the knowledge that it's only semi-true hinders some of my enjoyment of the stories. I definitely respect your take, anon. I like the true experiences thread too, but I'm in this odd (but probably very common) position where all of my childhood diaper experiences are cringey or deeply uncomfortable in hindsight. Wearing diapers in the PICU was traumatic, lol. I feel that if I recounted it 100% true-to-life, it would be a mood-killer for that thread and for me. I tend to agree with >>29351 that this thread occupies a nice niche where the stories are based on a true experience, but slightly modified or embellished to emphasize the aspects that we now find cathartic, hot, etc.
>>29330 Wrong guy faggot. I'm a lurker
>>29388 I mean, BS, but in the case that that's true - you know the author isn't going to fuck you, right?
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>>29392 >Anonymous forum >huurduur, I know who you are No, anon. I'm YOU and you are ME'. I'm debating with myself this whole time. This thread? I'm the OP. All these stories? I'm the author. The bitch retard bitching at others? Also me!
>>29367 >fifth day in hospital >another rude awakening this morning, as the morning nurse started to "administer" my pills while I was still asleep >during the morning rounds, the doctor comes and says they want to do something called a bronk-o-scoppy >he says they're gonna take look inside my lungs directly to help them figure out how the treatment is going >immediately worried at the idea of being cut open so they can poke around inside, but then he explains that they do it by poking a long, tiny camera into my mouth >they'll give me anaesthetic for the whole procedure too so I won't feel anything and probably won't remember it either >a few hours later and the nurses come to escort me for the proceedure >after getting me dressed in a hospital gown, i'm helped out of bed and plopped into a wheelchair, then fastened in with a 3-point harness for security >even with the gown covering me up, I still feel exposed >it's like i've been put on display as i'm pushed down the hospital's hallways for everyone to see >eventually we arrive at a waiting room >a bunch of curtains divide a line of hospital beds on one side of the room, opposite a big set of double doors that led into the operating room >the nurses get me up and lift me into one of the beds, and shortly after i'm pushed through into the room >there's a couple of doctors and nurses already waiting in the room who start getting ready for the proceedure >one of the doctors starts hooking my IV line to the anaesthetic and explaining again what they're going to be doing >he shows me how small the camera is, and how it's broadcasting to a screen just behind him >"If at any point you feel uncomfortable or want us to stop, just raise your other hand or tap on the bed and we'll stop, ok?" >one of the nurses then takes my glasses off for me and asks me to open my mouth so they can numb my throat >she sprays something really bitter into my mouth and it causes me to reactively cough, but almost immediately my mouth and throat start to feel really weird >she then puts a plastic ring in my mouth and ask me to wrap my lips around it, keeping my mouth open >the doctor then asks if I can count backwards from 10 and I do my best despite not being able to close my mouth or move my tongue around >before I can remember what comes before 8, i'm out cold >I wake up >i'm lying on my back in a darkened room >several dark, blurry figures are standing over me, illuminated from behind by an ominous red glow >I want to say something or shout out, but there's something in my mouth forcing it open, and something being pushed deep down into my throat >I start slapping the mattress with my hand, hoping it'll make these aliens stop and let me go, but instead the shadowy figures close in and start holding me down to continue their cruel experiments >i'm panicking, confused, crying >then everything goes black again [6/7]
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>>29401 >groggily, I wake up >there's a curtain drawn on either side and I can hear voices making idle conversation around me >i'm in the waiting room again >I try to speak up, but my throat is hoarse and painful >eventually a nurse peeks through the curtain and sees that i've woken up >with surprisngly little effort i'm hoisted back into the wheelchair >as i'm lowered down into the seat, i'm also lowered down into my own mess >at least now i'm thankful for all the applications of barrier cream over the last couple of days >as the straps are fastened and we begin heading back to the ward, something about being pushed around in a wheelchair still feels weird to me >before, it felt embarrassing when I knew I could walk just fine because it felt like I was inconveniencing someone, or being lazy >but even now, when i'm still feeling dazed from the anaesthetic and definitely can't walk back safely, I still don't like how it feels >maybe it's the loss of agency; having someone else decide where you're going for you feels pretty infantilising >wearing a diaper and feeling like i'm strapped into a big stroller also doesn't help >after a brief stop outside the medicine storage to pick up my midday pills along the way, i'm wheeled back to my room >the nurse puts her arms under my armpits and lifts me into bed >without even thinking about it, I lie down and spread my legs to begin the changing process >after being cleaned thoroughly with wipes and laid down onto a new diaper, my legs are lifted once more to recieve a delivery of pills >bracing for the discomfort, I turn my head to the side as the first of several pills is inserted >see my parents right outside in the hallway, holding some get-well-soon cards and one of those balloons >my mum smiles and waves >feels like the longest minute of my life as soon the nurse finishes with the pills and begins applying a layer of powder, before finally finishing and taping me up >immediately throw the blanket back over myself to cover up, hoping there's some way to recover from this experience as the nurse goes outside to talk to my parents >I can't hear what they're saying, but I catch the tail-end of their conversation as my parents come into the room <"...don't worry, it's just a precaution we take after anaesthesia in younger patients" >nurse looks back and shoots me a knowing smile <"he's a little hoarse from the bronchoscopy but other than that, everything is going well" <"if he feels like eating, there will be a special order of chocolate pudding and ice cream for lunch" >next few days are uneventful, albeit with the regular diaper changes as part of the daily routine >fortunately the infection starts to clear up quickly and my coughing returns to regular levels >less coughing spasms means better bladder control and after a couple days without incident, i'm back to underpants that let me close my legs fully >after a few more days i'm finished with the course of antibiotics and discharged >now I get to go back to school and do homework and not play on my DS all day >maybe being in hospital isn't so bad
>>29383 Yep, that's the right one. Most people don't know what it really is, or only know the name from biology class, so I never really expecy anyone to know much about it. Fortunately my case isn't too severe and it's become pretty manageable lately cause they're making crazy meds now that can help deal with the more major symptoms. Also agree on the opinion of true vs half-true stories. It'd be nice to imagine that some of these stories were 100% true but most of the time the truth isn't as exciting or engaging as fiction, and a little bit of creative liberty definitely helps with making a more exciting read.
>>29392 Cry some more?
>>29368 I should really stop saying "I will continue this tomorrow" because I always inevitably forget. Anyway! Here's the continuation. >I finally get a time where I'm all alone at home and have been holding my bowels for a few days before this as preparation. >I get in the diaper and immediately start peeing into it. I pee so much so fast into it that I accidentally make it leak. I stand out in the middle of my room so I at least it's only the carpet I have to worry about dirtying. >After I finish peeing, I squat down and attempt to void my bowels with a grunt. After a few failed attempts, I finally start to poop into my diaper as it settles and tents the backside of the diaper. >After some time, I stop pooping and I cup my hand around the bulging backside of the diaper. I find myself playing with the soaked front of the diaper and after a short time, I cum into the diaper. >I go to the bathroom right afterwards and bury the used diaper into the full bathroom trash. I then take a thorough shower and take the trash out after getting dressed. >A few weeks past and I'm itching to use a diaper again, so I go to my mom's room when she isn't home and go to where I last saw the diaper pack I find the pack to only hold a few diapers left as I debate in my head if I should take one this time, knowing that it could be very obvious to my mom that one is missing. >At that moment, I hear footsteps coming down the hall, coming directly towards my mom's room. <"Hey, Anon! I'm back! Where are you, Anon?" Part 2 end. Part 3 soon? Hopefully?
Used to chat with a girl (just let me keep the illusion guys) who would diaper up her little brother from the ages of 3-6 whenever she was babysitting him. Said it started with swapping him out of pull-ups and into baby diapers while he was 3 and potty trainning, then she just kept diapering him even after he was potty trained. It was most likely all fantasy (she was a big fan of double diapering him), so figure you guys might be interested in a story or two I’ve got from her?
>>29556 Fire away, anon. How did she get away with doing that anyways? Diapers may be cheap but she had to explain it somehow.
>>29557 She would buy huggies overnites and sposies specifically for babysitting (along with any other baby stuff she needed) and just kept it all hidden. Stories coming soon.
Here’s a little intro, gonna write it from her POV since this is fantasy and all that.. >be me. 15yo girl with budding diaper/cuteness interests and a 3yo brother.> >brother is potty training and is wearing pull-ups during the day.> >love how he looks is baby diapers way more than pull-ups.> >dat poofy bum> >babysitting him one Saturday and decide that I want him in baby diapers during the day while I’m watching him.> >he gets upset but I tell him there’s no pull-ups left. Tell him to just let me know if he needs to potty and I’ll take off the diaper.> >use it as excuse to lay him down and diaper him like a baby every time he goes potty.> >baby powder every time. Brother isn’t a fan, but doesn’t hate it either.> > “take too long” to undiaper him once or twice.> > “guess I’ll have to give you a diaper change”> >dont over-do it and let him do his own thing mostly> >about a billion diaper pats <3 > >pull-ups again by the time he wakes up> >buy diapers from part-time Walmart job the very-next day> To be con’t
Sister likes to diaper little bro pt.2 >little brother 4yo. finally potty trained. >still diapering him while babysitting. He enjoys the attention most of the time at this point. Any frustration usually passed with bribes and tickles >buying huggies overnites from work at this point. >been wearing them myself from time to time at night. No wetting. Just Love how soft they feel. >discover I enjoy putting 4-5 diapers layered between my legs while trying to achieve a more babyish feeling one night >thicc.jpg >new idea from baby-bro >babysitting him one night. 20mins in, already carrying him to my room for diapy time >spend time tickling and teasing him as he lays on my floor. >more baby giggles pls >get him lotioned and powdered. Use more than usual. He enjoys that >doesn’t enjoy how long I spend diapering him up, as he realizes I’m wrapping him in layer after layer of baby-diapers >get him perfectly and snugly into 5 huggies. tucking in everything and making sure everything looks neat. >pat and rub all the soft padding. Love how padded and bulky everything looks. So adorable >he can’t close his legs. Kicking like a little baby against the padding. >ends up enjoying it because I make him waddle around and I chase him like a monster. >if I catch him I get to tickle him and pat and rub his diapers. >watch his big diaper bum waddle around all day. Can’t get enough <3 >”I have to pee” oh no! Too many diapers! It’s taking way too long to un-diaper you! >more diapy changes than normal. Great success! >make him sit in my lap a bunch so I can bounce his padded bottom on my knee. >soft pillow padding. Baby powder smell every bounce. >dress him in a onesie for nap-time. It’s a little tight with the bulky baby diapers, but I manage to get it snapped up. > diapers bulging through snug onesie. Cute leg frills peeking out. >he looks so cute and snug that I decide to nap with him. Snuggle him with one hand caressing his huggied bottom and keeping him snug against me. >never put him in less than 2 diapers with from then on> Most of the stories are along these lines. If you anons have any questions, I might be able to fill in the blanks. Might add a little of my own fantasy into the next couple to spice things up. Kinda what I wish she would’ve said she did
>>29595 >>29630 yeah, I'd love to read more. I think they're cute
>>29537 The continuation >I freeze up, not knowing what to do. I end up tossing the diaper to the side, out of sight. >My mom walks in right as I'm tossing the diaper to the side, and at first has a look of disappointment to a look of confusion. <"Anon.. why are you in my room? And what were you holding just now?" >I get the feeling that she already knows what I was holding and sigh. >"I.. it was one of your diapers..." <"Ok.. why were you holding one of my diapers? Is there something you're not telling me?" >I pause to think of something to say when my mom speaks again. <"Anon, you can tell me anything. You know I won't think of you any differently regardless of what you say, ok?" >I inhale and exhale deeply as I prepare myself to tell her. >"I like wearing diapers.. I don't know why, but I just really like diapers... I.. I have been stealing your diapers for some time now." <"ah.. I see. I've been noticing my supply has been depleting more quickly than I expected... thank you for telling the truth." >She then hugs me and comforts me. <"If that's what you like, then I'll support you in what you enjoy doing. Of course, I would prefer you not to use my diapers, but if you're serious about wanting to wear diapers, I'd be happy to provide those to you." >"W-wait.. really?! You sure?" <"Absolutely. Plus, I'm fairly certain that my diaper weren't fitting too good on you, huh? It's best to wear ones that actually fit to prevent any leaks." >"Thank you so much!" <"Is there any specific brand or design of diaper you wanted?" >I explain to her what kind of diapers I wanted and what size might fit me best. She goes online and order the diapers I requested. >They arrive on the porch a few days later and she surprises me with them when I get back from school. >I take the box to my room and proceed to rip open the package. I take out a diaper and put it on. >I'm in heaven with how comfortable the diaper is, when I hear a few taps at my door. End of part 3. To be continued..
This is really how my childhood went down from what I recall, but I fucking know its gonna cause bellyaches so I'm posting it here. I always wanted to need diapers, had some failed attempts at faking bedwetting after being potty trained for preschool, but gave up quickly with any push back from my mom. Later on in like 2nd grade I had a step sister who would have accidents all the time when we were playing. She got plenty of reprimands from her dad for it, but kept wetting her pants. After months of witnessing this I psyched myself up and that summer I committed to having accidents. Whatever was going on I was going to wet myself, that I couldn't help it and it was truly an accident. Convincing myself and putting myself in a mindset that it was a genuine accident was key to overcoming the social pressure to use the potty. I started off when I was alone at home, largely unsupervised and left to my own devices. I would go along and play and do whatever I normally do until I was antsy from needing to pee and just let go in my pants. The first time I finally did it I had been playing a game on the family computer until I couldn't hold it anymore and flooded my pants, soaking the computer chair and the carpet. I was overwhelmed with emotions and euphoria and cried, sitting in my own pee. We had a laundry basket in the bathroom for dirty clothes in which I buried my wet pants and undies. I drank a lot of water before bed and wet the bed sporadically. Maybe a week or two later, my mom confronted me and I cried again, exclaiming it was an accident, but nothing was really resolved. I was too far along to give in, and now my step sister was around. We were playing one night and she wets her pajama pants, trying to be sly about it and keep playing. I wet my pants and we both kept playing like nothing happened. That night at bedtime we were confronted together by both our parents together, which never happened before as they typically parented separately from each other. It was a total shit show with both of us crying and being accused of doing it on purpose. Then one day my mom dragged me along to the grocery store and I felt the need to pee and just wet my pants. After berating me she bought a pack of diapers and changed me in the bathroom because she didn't want to get pee on the car seat. I walked out of the bathroom through the store in a t-shirt and diaper. It was a surreal experience, I was but mortified being seen by others but also finally had no agency, literally forced to wear diapers. My mom dropped me off at home and went back out shopping. I was in full baby mode, I watched cartoons and soaked my diaper and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed and in a fresh diaper. The next morning my mom had a very sober discussion with me, she apologized and suggested we get some training pants that I am responsible for changing. So I ended up wearing goodnites basically everyday, and when we'd go anywhere my mom would ask if I needed to change before leaving. Eventually my step sister was wearing goodnites, and honestly I think our parents kinda bonded over the whole thing. When it got close to the new school year, my mom worked on getting me to use the potty often to avoid accidents. I wore goodnites to school anyways and kept a spare in my backpack. But this kinda wained away and I only wore occasionally when something was stressing me out, until I hit puberty and started ejaculating in my goodnites. I never really stopped wearing diapers after that and it was just a part of life that my mom would keep a pack of goodnites in my bedroom closet. My mom is weird, she'll be completely obstinate about something, and then suddenly flip and be so chill about it, like she was with weed as well.
>12 years old >have childhood friend, Kayla same age >horny kid, trying to get in her pants >like, want to kiss but don't really know what to do after >she used to come over all the time >she got new step-mom and step-bro a couple months ago >now she's used as free babysitter >complains to me about how 5-year-old lil bro not really potty trained >has to change dirty pull-ups sometimes, messy undies are the worst >morbidly interested, she explains in detail while pretending to gag >Saturday, invite Kayla over >has to watch lil bro >shit, bring him too >she asks parents, it's allowed >they walk over, only live a mile away >meet lil bro for first time >not spoiled little shit, more neglected by single mom issues >super happy to be included >Kayla is nicer to him than her complaining led me to expect >go to my room to play vidya >we're all laying on my bed, t.v. is on dresser >taking turns, loser switches >Kayla decides to take a break for soda (and probably to use the toilet and stuff) >playing vidya with lil bro >he's not very good but doesn't cry when he loses, so it's cool >"A...anon" >look over, kid is practically in tears >"wassup lil bro?" >"I'm really sorry, I peed..." >Lil bro, laying on his tummy, full-on pissed on my bed. >Luckily, my mom is clean freak. There's a waterproof cover on my mattress even though I haven't wet the bed in six years. >Realize I'm curious and not even bothered. >"Really?" >Lil bro gulps and nods. Super cute. >"It's alright, there's a protector, I can wash the sheets" >Lil bro visibly relieved, but still sucks in a breath >"Kayla's gonna be so made though... I promised to be careful..." >"Eh, Kayla's all bark," >"She'll make me wear a pull-up, it's super embarrassing." >Get weird 12-year-old idea >"I'll pee too, don't say anything, okay?" I whisper >Lil bro agrees >Lay back on my stomach and, after a few minutes of pushing manage to soak myself from my ribs to my knees. >Weird as hell feeling. >Dick rock-hard. >Lean up so Lil Bro can see I did it too, he smiles and we keep playing >Kayla comes back in, like, 15 - probably had to drop a deuce >"It smells like piss in here"
[Expand Post]>Lil Bro and I stay silent >"Lil Bro, did you pee?" Kayla demands. >"I uh... Anon did it too!" >"No he didn't," Kayla tsk's as she walks over. >I don't say shit >"You can't smell it?" Kayla asks me. >"Nah," >Forces Lil Bro up, piss in a big circle and on his sweat pants. >"Sorry Lil Bro peed on your bed Anon. You change the sheets, I'll handle him." >"Naw, it's cool," I reply, not moving from my warm spot >Kayla realize shit's weird at this point. Looks at Lil Bro, looks at me. >"Anon, get up," she says, pushing at me >Try to keep playing >turns into play fighting >her hand comes down on the blanket below me as I turn >Eyes go wide
>>35202 Part 2 >"You peed too! What the hell!" >Kayla freaking out >Laugh out loud >Lil Bro laughing >"I feels good," I claim >"Boys are fucking gross" is her response. >Opens her backpack and pulls out 2 pull-ups and a ziplock baggie of baby wipes >"Do you need one too?" she says as an obvious joke >"Maybe..." >Shit just got real >She looks into my eyes, swallows >This is her chance to see my junk without me seeing hers >Lil Bro missing all of this >"Okay, fine, Big Sis has to handle everything" >Whips down Lil Bros pants and undies, wipes his junk, and he steps into the pull-up >That done, she walks up to me, pulls my gym shorts down >rock hard dick pops out >gives me a quick once over with the wipes >holds out a pull-up for me to step into >Luckily I hadn't hit my growth spurt, barely fits >(Kayla was still taller than me) >She shakes her head as she bundles up the sheets and takes them to the laundry room >"Thanks Anon," Lil Bro adds as soon as she's gone >We play vidya for the rest of the afternoon >Kayla teases me constantly >I'm blueballed so hard I think I'm gonna die >That's how the first time I met her lil bro went
>>35203 Part 3 >never really talk about it; things just happen organically >Kayla realizes she can come over to play all the time if she brings Lil bro >her newly-wed parents glad for the peace and quiet >my mom always works weekends >just the three of us >Lil bro comes in pull-ups because of what happened the first time, or just cause Kayla wanted him to, I dunno >I really enjoyed it so I bought some Goodnites with my allowance and wore those when Lil bro came around >Running around in front of Kayla in just a Goodnite >Lil Bro in just a t-shirt and pull-up half the time. >Kayla pretended to be disgusted but she changed me when I was wet too... >We used to just play vidya but Lil Bro wants to do actions figures, legos, etc. >Still had all my toys, so lots of fun >Lil Bro didn't usually take naps, but just got over nap-age >one day we build a fort >It's all pillows, dark and comfy inside. >Lil Bro and me snuggling in the back, he falls asleep >crawl over to Kayla who's reading in her section of the fort under a flashlight >tell her Lil Bro is asleep >she asks me if I'm wet >I'm soaked >Go out of the fort back to my room >changes me laying down on my bed >wiping piss of my dick >I'm always hard during changes anyway >looks me in the eye >"that feel good?" >nod >gets very handsy with the wipe >It take like 2 tugs and I'm cumming all over her hand >she smiles, but a sexy smile, feel weird inside >Don't know what to say >her hand is covered in cum >we've both had health class, we know what it is. >"You... you want to wear one?" >"No, that's disgusting. Like I said, boys are gross" >wipes the cum off her hand with a wipe >has me step into a new pull-up >continue playing for the rest of the day as if she hadn't jerked me off during a diaper change

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