/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Used diaper thread Baby 12/10/2022 (Sat) 12:28:17 No. 20580
Let's try this again. Post about diapers and your finds. Don't mention kids in 3rd person since that's what got the thread deleted
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My fullest diaper. Open messy diaper
>>20580 I stopped hunting long ago and erased my files after getting too creeped out on Flickr. The holy grail is wet XL goodnites and I never did find any, despite quite often those particular boxes being sold out in stores when I go shopping. They’re out there… question is, where :/
>>20982 >I stopped hunting long ago and erased my files after getting too creeped out on Flickr. Yeah, there's definitely a larger than average amount of pedofags into the used diaper sub-fetish of ABDL. Just one more reason why this sub-fetish is even more divisive than scat. >The holy grail is wet XL goodnites and I never did find any, despite quite often those particular boxes being sold out in stores when I go shopping. They’re out there… question is, where Presumably mostly in the trash at homes as their primary use is bedwetting.
>>21004 >Presumably mostly in the trash at homes as their primary use is bedwetting. >not digging through people's garbage bins the night before the garbage truck comes past It's like you don't even care.
Good day today.
>>20940 How did you poop so much? Bulk fiber or just holding it or what?
>>21061 Used my diaper as a toilet for mess for about 4~ days, before taping it on. Then wore it for about 24 hours and messed twice in that time.
>>21058 where do you check? Target?
>>21116 highway rest stops "family"/single person restrooms mostly. I wish I had the guts to go to the mall
>>21139 i almost got kicked out of my local mall when i was like 14 because i got reported for hanging around the family restrooms. lol that mall is/was a shithole.
>>21139 Tried the malls, the ones near me have the garbage slot in the wall, not as a freestanding bin that's easy to dig through. Had some decent luck with preschools but it's pretty gross so I stopped. I have yet to see any goodnites boxes in recycling bins the night before collection day around town... I've been trying to track down a particular album from garbagebabe42's Flickr since my backup HDDs crashed. The underjams one if any of you possibly have it.
>>21543 Do you have any other ones saved?
anyone know best ways to find houses that use the XL or L goodnights? willing to drive around and look in some bins
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Would anyone be able to identify the brand of this side opening pull-up? It's from this year so it's modern. Looking for unicorn themed pull-ups just brings ups honest training pants so I don't know if they made design changes.
I live near a big zoo and the parking lot staff is notorious for not changing their garbage bins regularly. Each week I go I collect dozens of used diapers. But you have to contend with whether or not they've been rained on. If you live near a zoo with a parking lot could be a good place to check in the late hours.
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found this after in a restroom
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Twitter is a great place for these kinds of things, asian abdl Twitter loves to post pics of their open diapers after a change too.
>>20580 >>21558 No, but I do have Elyssa2152's vids from youtube when she was doing her finds videos. Think I lost all of my saved garbagebabe42 photos, but I miss the Underjams album the most. Stupid crappy HDDs...
>>23047 Post some of it!
Just found out about a daycare across the street from me, they have a dumpster outside, but also some cameras, anyone have some ideas on how to approach this so my face isn't seen, without looking like a robber?
>>29059 just be normal instead and don't make us look like criminals
>>29059 Wear a mask. Go at night, ideally when it's raining. Don't take your car. Ride a bike if you can that way no plates can be taken to look you up. Honestly as long as you don't cause damage to property no one is going to report you. It's possible but, extremely unlikely.
>>29059 Put on blackface. Guarantee they'll look the other way even if you do rob the place. Alternatively, jump in front of a cement truck.
Can someone upload photos/ videos of used period diaper ?
God I dug through a trashbin at a mcdonalds yesterday for the first time, it was the hottest thing I've ever done, shame it was only poopy, but good thing it wasn't liquid poop either, the smell was amazing, wish I had videoed it or something. (also bumping to see if people have more content)
>>29306 What kind of diaper was it? Would love some details lol
>>29317 it was one of the bigger sized diapers, it surprised me how it was only pooped, I don't know the brand but it had some cute blue stars on them, idk what else to describe, my heart was a bit accelerated hahaah
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The state of my bed right now. Haul from 3 different daycares + a few from mall bathrooms. Smells incredible, and I love burying myself under there or putting them into a pile and just snuggling and humping it.
>>29663 Are you from Scandinavia?
>>29789 tell me its sweden
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I bought a cute woman's wet diaper and have been hugging it all night.
I have an odd fetish, I like diapers peed in by other people. I was wondering if there were any sites or ways you guys could think of that I could go about getting some of these? I would be willing to pay.
>>30160 Go to Japan.
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>>29663 Have a way to contact? Love to trade diaper pile pics
>>30160 I always buy small diapers (size 5 or 6) and hire a prostitute to pee on them, then put them as a bdsm mask
>>31532 Derp, fogot pic
>>31532 Really hot! Trans and baby diapes are a good combo
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>>31563 Agreed
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Love to chat about masturbating with piles of found uses diapers telegram: @boop95
Daycare dumpsters are soo hot...
>>31897 Paradise...
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>>31901 You love daycare diaps dont you <3 Any experience?
What's the most loaded diaper any of you all have found?
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/r/ing pics of balled-up thirsty ABDL diapers (medical brands like Abenas and Molicares are good too), the soggier the better
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the solution is simple become janitor you're paid to take out trash from the place where changes happen, you get to "look" for anything worth "keeping" before it gets compacted by the place you work at just as long as the other janitors don't get to it first, like the secondary images where there was ostensibly an ABDL diaper from the restroom that I didn't dare risk trying to "rescue"...
This is oddly specific, I know, but does anyone have any pictures of wet vintage girls Goodnites? From 04-08ish? Someone on Flickr used to have some great shots of soaked ones but I can't seem to find any. Thanks in advance. Figured I'd ask.
Figured I'd ask to see if Pamps has any input on this vid that just came out about him the other day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6B1k7h4-4g
>>33518 I have his telegram and most time he don't care Seriously he thinks suckling his dad cock AS A CHILD was fine 🤮
>>33521 Wow! Can you contact him through morse code about the vid, Pajeet?
>>33511 it was garbagebabe42 on Flickr... and some other user who would find used goodnites. Wish there more photos of those floating around out there. my backup drives went bust else i'd upload them all :(
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>>33589 Damn, you're right. I tried searching for them and can't seem to find them anywhere. If some kind soul has these saved somewhere, it'd be appreciated, they were like gold.
>>33521 >he thinks suckling his dad cock AS A CHILD was fine 🤮 If he thinks it was fine then it was fine. It's better than getting traumatized
>>34218 Did you know that many people only suffer the trauma after people yell saying they were traumatized?
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