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Britain can be a lot better than this.

>>271089 doubtful given the quality of posts nowadays
Yeah, Lurking died with social media.
>>271095 mutts and nogs but probably good lads tbh KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK brazil would be so much better if it was run by autists like that.
>>271095 >the integration sign >Math-Fash Based.
>>271097 the math is to figure out your white percentage
>>271099 Maths-Fash doesn't sound right.
mannarino sold all his stocks and crypto after telling us all to buy the dips over the last 6 months. he admits he's fucked up in his latest video to his credit i guess
Has Max Keiser had a meltdown yet?
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>big block of shiny metal on Mars
>>271103 probably just a bit of tinfoil someone dropped while having their lunch and repositioning the "mars rover"
>"Let's Froove" stuck in my head
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>>271089 >>271094 Been lurking /brit/ threads since before the Jocks had their referendum tbh Occasionally joined in but it's rare
smorning lads killer hangover yesterday tbh
>>271108 my bad ones last 2 days now. how many tins was it that did the job? hard likker is a bad idea too, regardless of what vodkalad says. yes it's an economical way of getting drunk but it's very unhealthy
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Get them without a night on the piss, may need a CPAP machine.
>>271110 untermensch tier ngl
>>271109 thirteen tbh fell for a buy two special at the bottleo smh >>271110 smh rip lad
i think having a hang over that extends to half a day is just a way of reminding you you aren'tin your 20's anymore.
auslad is in his 20s though
i have it on spread sheet auslad is only 26 years old
bit grim drinking 13 tinnies though tbh esp when you are just at home being a neet, most I've ever drank is 8 and that was a wedding over the course of 12 hours, no hangover for that either
>>271115 for a few more months anyway >>271116 29 tbh
auslad posted more when he was a toil lad tbh, his neet arc must be ending soon when his time off runs out
>>271117 started at midday tbh
>when his time off runs out that's not how being neet works
>271121 if you don't know the lore then don't smug post, idiot
>742 posts in >(1)
I turned off my VPN to download Daggerfall and Arena on GOG smh.
just saw the video of those 5 chinkcels beating a chinky lass for rejecting one of them https://twitter.com/Byron_Wan/status/1535430153274155010
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