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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3810: Explosive Poo Accident Edition Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 20:13:48 Id: f34914 No. 333543
London 'explosion': Smoke billowing across capital city after huge 'flash of light' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-london-explosion-smoke-billowing-28604771 >Witnesses have described an "explosion" in Hackney Wick, north London, which has left a plume of smoke rising into the sky. There is some suggestion it may have been caused by lightning China Covid: Chinese TV censors shots of maskless World Cup fans https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-63785269 >As anti-lockdown protests rock China, state TV executives have been careful to avoid beaming images of a world largely moving on from Covid-19 restrictions into citizens' homes. King Charles is on the long list to be Time's Person of the Year alongside Volodymyr Zelensky and women protesters in Iran https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11477787/King-Charles-long-list-Times-Person-Year-alongside-Volodymyr-Zelensky.html >The accolade goes to the person or group who is judged to have had the greatest influence on 2022 - for better or worse. EXCLUSIVE: Inside the mind of an incel: Disturbed young men in women-hating cult are driven by clinginess, paranoia and fear of rejection, according to one of first studies into hate group https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11477369/Inside-mind-incel-Disturbed-young-men-women-hating-cult-driven-clinginess-paranoia.html >Incels are usually clingy wannabe momma's boys, according to one of the first studies into the hate group.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:52:09.
I literally have chudjak reading glasses now, it's wild. Self-fulfilling tbh.
>>334378 gonna have to david davis this tbh
>>334376 whats with all the heckin' based black guys coming out of the woodwork recently?
don't make me >(1) you
site ate my (you)'s. don't worry about it
>>334369 I love this accent, where is it from? I'm a jock, so I struggle to differentiate English bumpkin accents.
>>334382 Milo's zogbot posting army probably.
>>334382 That lad has been talking like this for years, lad
>>334382 stop making assumptions based on your ignorance, jlp has been about for years adn kanye has been saying semi le based things for years
The comments on that woes video is just full of retards. It's over tbh. >>334388 nah there has defo been an uptick of based nignog posting also: >(1)
>>334351 what happened there? just bad animation?
>>334378 god he looks terrible
>be black w*man >change name from Marlene Headley to Ngozi Faluni >start charity that excludes whites >go to royal event uninvited >wear hidden microphone >speak with heavy accent >find an elderly person >only give confusing answers when they ask where you are from >record whole conversation >go to media claiming it is a "racist attack" profit
je keeeeeek. relatable
It's over
>>334394 >>334393 they are going to come down hard on our Ye but hopefully it will show the masses how insecure the jews are
(2.63 MB 640x640 IMG_5646.mp4)

*keeps posting tweets*
>>334385 essex?
>>334394 >brandon calling anything demonic
is that little lass one of us? She's doing the soy face memi
>>334398 wheeze
>>334367 Mastodon is shit too?
>the rainbow era saw a dissolution of standards which standards is he referring to?
>>334405 hygiene standards?
>when you have to suffer boomers' and Sargon's centrist gibberish for a decade and then finally "we" get back on twitter only to find out Elon is a sensible centrist who bans you just the same as old twitter AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>334408 *upvotes the good lads*
>>334404 no idea, never used it myself. But its federated so you can't really "ban" people from it, as far as I'm aware. its what twitter and a lot of other websites should be but its just not that popular at the moment
>>334398 what is this from? i must know who this man is.

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