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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3888: New Thread New Me Edition Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:28:57 Id: c25e23 No. 392673
Barack Obama's gay sex fantasy confession is revealed in unredacted letter to ex: 'I make love to men daily, in the imagination' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12401225/Barack-Obamas-gay-sex-fantasy-confession.html >Former President Barack Obama's gay sex fantasy has been revealed in a newly-redacted 1982 letter to his ex girlfriend. >Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982, with whom he had been in a relationship during his time at Occidental College in Los Angeles. >He delved into the topic of homosexuality and confessed that he 'loves making love to men daily, but in the imagination,' according to the previously-redacted portion of the letter, which was obtained by the New York Post. How much has YOUR home fallen in value? Interactive map reveals areas where property prices have PLUNGED by up to £20K in just a month - with sales now slumped to pre-Covid levels https://www.dailymail.co.uk/property/article-12392599/Interactive-map-reveals-areas-house-prices-fall.html >A new interactive map reveals how homeowners across the UK have been hit by falling house prices as sales plummeted to levels not seen since Covid and mortgage rates soar. >The average house prices fell in more than half of local authority areas between April and May, with parts of the country seeing drops of £15,000 to £20,000 according to the latest government data. >The average house prices fell in more than half of local authority areas between April and May, with parts of the country seeing drops of £15,000 to £20,000 according to the latest government data. Ministers face renewed pressure over boat crossings >Ministers are facing renewed pressure to tackle boat crossings in the Channel after six migrants died when a vessel sank off the French coast on Saturday. >Labour said people smugglers were "running rings" around the government, while a Tory backbencher said the UK had a "moral duty to act". >The government has made "stopping the boats" one of its five priorities. Maui fire: 93 killed as governor warns of 'significant' death toll rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66489815 >Ninety-three people have been confirmed killed in the Maui fire that razed the historic town of Lahaina, marking the most deadly US fire in a century. >The number of victims could rise "significantly", Hawaii Governor Josh Green warned on Saturday, as forensic work continues to identify the victims. >Hundreds remain unaccounted for while hundreds of others fill shelters across Maui after fleeing the flames.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:22:13.
Want one of these hats so I can larp as Indiana Jones. http://www.penmanhats.com/home.html
Ober-Leutnant Steiner recounts his experiences on the Ostfront
roooo webm won't attach 47:22 in this vid https://youtu.be/LBTIt2BfLak
>>393468 >fedoras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxfDvSyPKA for me it's a leather outback hat tbh, good in all weathers
indiana jones and the male skull shape ruined the look anyway smh probably all part of the jew's plan
Indiana Jones and the Adam's Apple
>>393471 You can get nice waterproof fedoras lined with beaver skin.
>>393474 go for it tbh don't care about what others will think a good hat is a worthy investment, mine has got to be a good six or seven years old now and just needs a bit of waterproofing occasionally
people are speaking to each other outside and they sound brown
speaking of indiana jones, has john rhys davis been done in for poo face yet? seeing as he said in 2004: > "There is a demographic catastrophe happening in Europe that nobody wants to talk about, that we daren't bring up because we are so cagey about not offending people racially. And rightly we should be. But there is a cultural thing as well. By 2020, 50% of the children in Holland under the age of 18 will be of Muslim descent" peter dinkywinky would probably dog pile with accusations of dwarf face
>>393476 hope you had the self defence claw hammer ready lad >>393477 yeah I think so, or he cucked at some point, not sure remember seeing this back maybe around 2016, some really weird context like he was on a show with the yogscast or some shite keek
>eu4 free on epic games
>>393479 Yeah not download more spyware.
>>393479 where is the image why is the writing part of my post box orange rimmed? whats epic games?
>learned helplessness nigga
>map colouring simulators for libtarded autistics no thanks been looking at a turn based strategy game called Fire & Manoeuvre recently but I think that is a subpar wargame simulator for libtarded historybros going by the creator's youtube channel
oh sorry is stick up for myself when my "friends" try to gaslight me
>>393485 hold it in lad don't have a schizo meltdown the image is broken for me too, until I click on it
even the imageboard is playing tricks on me now. the reptilians have had their last laugh.
only noticed the time at two seconds to and then couldn't find the webm quick enough smh
suppose I ought to sneep toil awaits goodshite lads
>>393490 sniggles and sni
(1.61 MB 480x480 peeillionaire.mp4)

no work till mid day tomorrow
>RU special forces take out ukrainian soldier in kremina
>>393494 yes but what does mannarino the lion say?
>>393493 nasty, he didn't even really have time to react after the fir st guy fluffed his shot.
(28.63 KB 200x187 200px-Perrojak.png)

you want some chink gore instead?
Came across a harrowing and unnerving revelation about someone we may all know and love. Not sure if now is the time to reveal it as I'm tiwed.
>>393499 If it's more troon shite than no.
well lad? were waiting...
>>393451 topkek

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