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QTDDTOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Anonymous 06/19/2021 (Sat) 04:34:07 No. 14184
The Taito Superman arcade game from 1988 has this woman as an unused graphic. Is she an existing DC character?
>>39150 >/co/ is pretty dead, but that seems to be from lack of topics rather than lack of trying. I could create a thread for new /co/ related releases this year most of them get overlooked but I don't have much time. >Should a "What are you watching/reading?" thread be made? try
>>39150 >>39153 I think there should be more in-depth discussion about older things instead of just lazily shitposting about how new things sucks but muh culture war . Furthermore, I believe the tor fileposting ban contributed and just in general 8chan.moe is quite dead outside of /v/ and the latinx/pajeet boards.
>>39163 No one's stopping you from making a positive thread.
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I tried watching the X-Men cartoon as an adult and was greatly disappointed by how retard it is. Is the Claremont run which the cartoon is based upon, any better? In the cartoon Storm was abducted to build shit, instead of using her power to do something fitting it and actually matters like causing famine or turning some desert into fertile area. In the comic do OP characters actually get to do OP shit? Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Or the comic is just as retarded as the cartoon?
>>39215 Crish Claremont comic is considered the best run ever for the X-Men, but I have not read it yet. But I think you are asking too much for a kids show.
>>39218 Most action shows don't live up to the test of time. Not everything can be what the DCAU achieved; Spider-Man is a great example because its a decent adaptation hampered down by shit pacing.
>>39219 And studio network censors not allowing actual on screen punching or even mention of blood.
>>39223 Is that why the later DCAU (Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited) would have those flashes of light when a punch landed?
>>39231 Teen Titans wasn't part of the DCAU. But also no because violence was shown plenty on JLU. It's just the flashes emphasized the power behind the punches.
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Is no one going to answer my questions >>39215 ? Did all the /co/mic reading anons leave?
>>39240 >Is the Claremont run which the cartoon is based upon, any better? Its one of the best in the series, if that doesn't answer your question nothing will.
>>39232 Technically they were in the dcau but a different version.
>>39243 No the DCAU specifically refers to the shared universe from Batman The Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited.
>>39242 To be fair that's not specifically telling him anything.
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>>39244 No, they exist along side Static too.
>>39255 Anon that's called a reference. Tim's Robin in the DCAU. Teen Titans Robin is clearly Dick Grayson. He becomes Nightwing in the future.
>>39256 I mean "Titans" comes right out of Batman's mouth, well a version of them are.
>>39215 Most of the most retarded things from the cartoon are retarded because they're originally from the comics, largely Claremont's run, but his comics have much more time to develop them, and they came from a long continuous arc, and they weren't quite as dumbed down for younger audiences. The cartoon had to pick and choose which stories to adapt, and in doing so they got cut up a little bit and lost some impact. That said, I watched that whole original show recently and it was awesome. Well except for the last season where the animation changed, but I could still tolerate it. Also, yes, in the comics characters are generally more OP, but it's more on special occasions when they get powered up or get really mad or something. >>39219 I watched the whole Marvel Animated Universe from the '90s a while back and I appreciated Spider-Man specifically for its pacing. It was the closest I've seen a show come to feeling like the way comics, at least '70s-'80s comics (which are my favorite, and the source of many of the stories adapted) feel. Individual issues/episodes which tell a story, but larger story arcs are significantly important, but most of them wrap up after five or six issues/episodes, so it's not like you get totally locked out forever. Then there are longer arcs beyond those, but they aren't so significant that you feel very lost if you don't start at the beginning of them. Also, you don't really notice that he doesn't punch anyone. It's weird when it's pointed out, but they did a good job not making it noticeable. >>39256 You're missing his point. He is saying that the team called the Titans exists in the DCAU. Not that the TV show called Teen Titans is part of the DCAU. Yes, the original post was talking about the TV show, but the next post replying, which these others are descended from, said "a version of them are." He was making the point that though the TV show isn't canon, the characters exist in the universe.
>>39257 You're reading too deep into it. >>39258 I missed that distinction.
>>39218 >asking too much for a kids show No and this is why we can't have nice things. >>39219 >test of time No, it's an issue of being well written regardless of the demographic it's aimed to. >DCAU achieved Even the majority of DCAU isn't great; TNBA - meh, especially in compare to BTAS. BB - with the addition of worst girl Max, the writing took a nosedive and there are quite few bad episodes and I say it as huge BB fag. Static Shock - too kid friendly and the animation started to lose its high quality. Zeta - random OC bullshit, so many other DC characters deserves cartoon more than boring shitty robot. JL - excellent writing, terrible animation and thus terrible action scenes. JLU - the only thing unlimited about it are the retardation and animation errors, the capeshit writing staff just couldn't write story arcs longer than three episodes and had to retcon superior previous shows to go along with their made-up bullshit. I'd say the best action cartoons are BTAS, STAS (only one bad episode!), BB if you don't count the bad episodes, Samurai Jack 1-4 (season 5 is bad fanfic and full of retcons for muh mature audience) and PPG I guess, as well maybe My Life as a Teenage Robot and perhaps Dexter's Laboratory. There are other action cartoons I haven't watched yet, so maybe there are other cartoons worthy of that title. >>39232 >because violence was shown plenty on JLU It was more edgy than having any good action scenes. The most violent shit I remember from it was Supertard beating the shit of Captain Marvel for no good reason >It's just the flashes emphasized the power behind the punches No, it's poor attempt at anime copycat and covering up the dogshit animation. >>39244 >Batman The Animated Series I know it's officially part of DCAU, but Bruce having completely different personality, aka being likeable and not insufferable asshole, and different art style, I just don't see it as part of DCAU.
>>39258 Thanks for the answer anon! However, what about this question as well: >Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Also, I find it a bit odd that you agree with me about the cartoon having retarded moments, yet still enjoying it. >Well except for the last season where the animation changed, but I could still tolerate it You mean the new Disney plus season? You didn't mind Morph being brought out of the dead just for the sake of trooning? My brother is watching it too, he said they did smarter things with Cyclops powers. He is more religious than me yet, has greater tolerance for leftist bullshit. >he doesn't punch anyone Fucking karens
>>39287 >>Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Yes. All the time. >Also, I find it a bit odd that you agree with me about the cartoon having retarded moments, yet still enjoying it. It's not enough to spoil the whole show. Not even close. Also, the things you're complaining about I wouldn't even say are really "bad" retarded. Retarded can be fun, and part of the territory with most capeshit. Though the last season of X-Men is the other kind of retarded where it just actually gets dumbed down and not quite as good. But still has its moments, and it's a short season. >You mean the new Disney plus season? No, I mean the actual last few episodes of the original run. They're markedly different from the rest of the series, and look like maybe they were trying to make the artstyle look more like the style used in the contemporary Spider-Man show, or something. The writing also seemed to take a hit. But it was only a couple episodes and the ending was still pretty good. I will not acknowledge that the Disney version exists. Obviously it's SJW propaganda, as you pointed out. I don't need to sit there and watch the whole thing just to confirm, when the creators loudly brag about it years before release. >he doesn't punch anyone >Fucking karens Yeah, when you have it pointed out to you, it becomes more noticeable that whenever he makes contact, it's more like a tackle. I wonder if he ever kicks anyone, especially while web-swinging. In my head he does, but I don't remember in the show, because the show does a good job making the fights seem natural, so it doesn't feel like he should have punched but didn't. I suppose there's a lot of shooting web in people's faces, but Spidey does that a lot anyway.
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>>39414 Thanks for answering all my questions, anon! >Retarded can be fun, and part of the territory with most capeshit I agree, the issues are with X-Men and its ilk, are that they're so pretentious and take themselves too seriously. I generally think that John K. was right about post-60's capeshit being a mistake, capeshit should be for kids, or very young teens at most. So, I gave X-Men' Calermont a second chance and finished the first issue despite the pretentiousness and shitliberalism. While it's better than the cartoon for the most part, I still prefer Kirby's X-Men which was much more easy-going and wackier, not to mention the xenophobia allegory wasn't pushed that hard. It's weird how the X-Men members in Claremont' run are older, yet act like teens (which is cringey, though nowhere near as cringey as the shitlib moralfagging) just as in the cartoon, whereas in Kirby's run they're younger but act a lot more mature. Cyclops in Kirby's run was the most developed and rounded character in what was wacky comic. I really like his personality there, being stoic, tragic and mature character. In contrast, Claremont' Cyclops is a faggy douchebag. I mean, both are cucks, but Claremont' one is the bigger cuck; I don't see Jean kissing Angel in Kirby's run (she probably goes out with Angel in attempt to make Scott jealous). It's such a huge shame Kirby didn't continue to work on X-Men, it's my favorite collab of him and hack Stan Lee, so much better than overrated Craptastic Four. Overall, I'll try to continue both watch and read 90's X-Men, I'll see how much I can endure. I really loved the X-Men cartoon as a kid, it was such a letdown to rewatch it as an adult and not enjoying it as much. >SJW propaganda Indeed, and wokness is the next stage of shitliberalism, so it's only natural that shitlib X-Men would also take the next stage and become woke. The worst part of all, is that the new X-Men merch will follow the art style of that garbage, just like PPG did with the 2016 reboot.
>>39439 First of all, don't worry about new merch. You shouldn't be buying it anyway. You know the companies are evil. This just makes it easier to not be tempted to buy the merch. You're correct that Claremont is the one who added the politics to X-Men in the first place. Stan Lee claims he always intended the allegory, but that's bullshit and anyone who has read even a single issue of his X-Men can plainly see that. Still, Claremont is also responsible for many classic character and storylines. There is good with the bad. But given that we've seen where things went afterward, how things Claremont started got worse and worse over time, I understand why you may find it hard to read now. It's a shame, because he is the guy who created, if not literally then effectively, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and so many others. It should also be noted that many of his stories have nothing to do with politics, because he does tons of stuff where the X-Men just go to space and fight aliens or whatever, and those are some of his most acclaimed storylines, and some of the most acclaimed storylines in comics in general. Also, Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four is awesome. I don't know what you're on about. But I personally think Thor is Kirby's best work. He clearly was passionate about it and took many of its concepts to his Fourth World work with DC. But then DC didn't let him actually give that series an ending, so it ended up not being much different than his work on Thor. But Thor was awesome. Starts a bit weird and Kirby comes up with the mythology over time, slowly taking more and more stuff from actual Norse mythology and tying it in, and that's when it gets cool. If you like '60s comics and want stuff that's not proto-SJW propaganda, read stuff by Steve Ditko. Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, The Incredible Hulk (the first six issues are Kirby, then Ditko takes over for a long time), Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), The Question. Ditko is awesome.
>>39481 >First of all, don't worry about new merch I saw cool arcade cabinet of old X-Men games including the Marvel vs Capcom and it had the ugly nu season art, ugh. This kind of thing is expensive anyway, but I thought it was cool until I saw the art they use for it. >You shouldn't be buying it anyway I bought the Mafex Jim Lee Gambit fairly recently, he is great action figure and I'm really looking forward for their Rogue! I don't think Medicom is particularly evil, would be beyond amazing if they will able to pull proper Kirby style action figures! Their DCAU offerings are shit though (good DCAU action figures never ever, the DC Direct/McFarlane ones are meh). I will admit my sins mostly getting Riri, she's just cool toy design unlike Miles Morales, even if her character is shit of buying few Hasbro's MLs, but I'm very nitpicky like I'm only getting pinless designs. I imagine they will never finish making OG animated X-Men designs now, Mafex still hasn't tackled it and the only option is expensive stupid Barbie size Mondo. >politics to X-Men You know, Kirby successfully did in Machine Man what X-Men failed to do, combining minority allegory with capeshit. Instead of being pretentious, preachy obnoxious "rubbing in your face" and having shitty "deep" political debate, he intertwined gracefully the politics with his story, in simple manner, paralleling Machine Man with minority/ies, being one of his kind, different from humans and prosecuted by the government. And while in the pics examples I gave the direct parallel is to blacks, it isn't necessarily limited to it like X-Men being almost completely, if not fully paralleled to Jews. There's no grand political debate between shitty strawmen characters, just an enjoyable story with sympathetic hero. Yes, if we take the shitlib allegory with muties, monsters, etc to its fullest, then truly minorities are destructive and dangerous and need to be physically removed. Of course I disagree with Kirby' stance, but this is well written and hence enjoyable and not cringey. Heck, I once read some alpha bet soup manga, Shimanami Tasogare, and despite my complete hatred and disgust towards faggots, I enjoyed it, because it was well written and beautifully drawn. So this is why I believe the real issue with current entertainment industry isn't that it's ruled by shitlibs, it's that it's ruled by shitty hack writers with no artistic integrity. Imagine the same quality of writing with far right politics instead of woke, it would still be insufferable cringe. If only few people can write good, imagine how even fewer people can write story with politics good. >Stan Lee He was mouthbreathing hack and thief. X-Men did have that allegory, but it was very vague, subtle and toned down. I haven't read much of post-Kirby drafts X-Men, but I remember they made random reference to civil rights movement which was hilarious because everyone there was still white. I know he went full politics in his shitty Silver Spoon as Dexter's lab rightfully parodied Silver Surfer. >hard to read now I wanted to say that Claremont' politics aged like milk, but in fact they were already complete bullshit by then. Apparently, Claremont' Magneto wasn't based on Malcolm X and Kahana, it was even dumber, he is based on Menchem Begin while Xavier is based on David Ben Gurion, their roles should've been reversed (Begin ended up as GAE Quislingstein and Ben Gurion was a racist Nigsoc), also they both were appalled by the sight of faggots. Not to mention, there was no real debate between the two as Ben Gurion ruled with an iron fist, so Claremont went full delusional with imaginary scenarios that couldn't happen like lefties do, just total lunacy and sheer ignorance by him. Must say that with this new information that Xavier and Magento are supposed to be two ugly secular Polish Jews arguing with each other, takes away almost completely the coolness that Claremont' X-Men supposed to have, it's reaching level of cringe and idiocy that shouldn't be possible. I'm just going to ignore their existence for the most part from now on while continue reading the comic. >It should also be noted that many of his stories have nothing to do with politics Nice, I will admit he is still leagues above the current leftie writer despite being nearly equally retarded. However, I was really disappointed to see that X-Men vol 2 isn't a reboot but spin-off of the horrible patchwork that X-Men vol 1 is, which kept switching hands between different artists and writers, it's not coherent piece at all. Furthermore, I was dumbfounded how a comic from 1991 references a comic from 1974, almost two decades apart! We need to return to the days before CCA when there was more than two main comic companies and greater variety of genres, and hopefully no shitliberalism, but that would be too much to ask. >most acclaimed storylines in comics in general Yeah... I don't have high opinion of big two recycled capeshit slop.
>>39481 >>39546 >Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four is awesome If you read enough Kirby stuff, you should know that Fantastic Four is Marvel's inferior Challengers of the Unknown but with capeshit and womyn character. I just hate their team dynamics and the team itself; they're like dysfunctional nuclear family with Reed being the workaholic cuck autismu dad who does nothing cool with his superpowers another poor Plastic Man knockoff, Sue being the useless (the combination of right wing karen censorship with shitlibs ideal of shoving women resulted in the lamest female characters) slut mom, The Thing being a manchild who throws tantrums and argues with his little brother. Johnny is the most sane and sensible one yet doesn't leave his fucked up family which he should. While he isn't annoying like previous ones, he is still a boring character, maybe if he had complex about his destructive powers like Scott, he could be interesting, I mean he has villain tier superpowers. I'm not fully sure if their adventures and foes suck because of them or independent of them. I truly consider Fantastic Four to be Kirby's worst work, it's so boring and annoying, I don't care for any FF crew, except maybe Johnny, but not really. Even gypsy Dr. Doom isn't that cool, I mean he is obsessed over lame autistic cuck Reed, maybe Darkeside gave me too high standards, but I do enjoy Kirby's other stupid villains like Magento (remember when he was simple narcissistic asshole who want to rule the world and abused his subordinates and not based on milquetoast Mencham Begin?!) and Dr. Scuba (the only great part in OMEC). >Thor is Kirby's best work Nah, that would be New Gods (Space Opera) and Kamandi (Post-Apocalyptic adventure), meaning not even capeshit. New Gods was Kirby true passion project, shame DC was so greedy and couldn't comprehend new genres outside their usual capeshit slop. Kamadndi was soulless corporate project turned into gold by Kirby's hands. I tried reading Thor, it was pretty boring, the first stories are just lazy retelling of Thor growth, I guess it improves as time passes by and Norse mythology wasn't beaten to death like Greek mythology (I will probably go back to it at some point as I hope to read everything Kirby was involved with) . I wish we got use of African mythology but current hack lefties would make it awful anyway. >He clearly was passionate about it Any passion Kirby had during his 60's Marvel years was crushed by Stan Lee. >many of its concepts to his Fourth World True >not being much different than his work on Thor It's very much different and unique than Norse mythology, it's also different genre. >But then DC didn't let him actually give that series an ending, Akcshually they did years later (The Hunger Dogs), but not exactly as he wanted because capeshit slop must live-on forever. I find the fact that they didn't let him properly develop his intricate space opera more disturbing than no ending, like I really wanted to read about Darkside' lover and how she ended up with DeSaad seeing Darkside gentle side, etc. As an avid Kirby reader, I'm already used to no ending from Kirby, but it's also true to DC and Marvel in general. >Spider-Man I finish the Ditko run and need to do proper summery in hopes to open a thread and discussing OG Spiderman comic. Overall, it was quite fun read. >The Incredible Hulk I read it, it did have failed anti-commie propaganda though. It was interesting to see that originally Hulk wasn't retarded hurr derr Hulk smash, but strong, paranoid and assertive in contrast to Bruce Banner timid and shy character. Kirby tried to make interesting capeshit version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but it fell flat. You can see how Kirby tried to give more depth to capeshit slop during his 60's Marvel era, but kept blocked by douchebag Stan Lee. Honestly Kirby's works before and after his 60's Marvel Era are much better, Sandman is so livelier and more fun and so The Demon, etc, he just had a lot more artistic freedom as much one could have under big two and definitely before the Karens' CCA (it's called Golden Age for a reason). >Blue Beetle I tried reading a bit the OG Golden Age, it was cool to see Bluetooth-like technology in the 30's-40's, maybe I should continue. It's not bad by any means, but it isn't captivating either. >Ditko is awesome I hope Ditko is the same case with Kirby and he writes better off Stan Lee's influence. Spiderman was quite fun, but his run ended not with a bang but a whimper. In addition, his Hulk continuation was out of his' and Lee' asses, so random and bizarre.
Any alt-news site about western cinema and comics? I know that there is a lot of them (I remember visiting one some time ago but I forgot it's name). Something like Sankaku.
>>14184 Can't find the Invincible thread, but is it true the author is a modern Stan Lee? >Leeching on talented artists >Mediocre writing >Without redditors he would've been stuck as an Amazon wagecuck >>23626 Bakshi's HBO cartoon? >>38315 >pretentious shitty comic that made no sense whatsoever >only the drawings made it appealing <author becomes a tranny Every fucking time with these people who think they're hotshit because someone on their socials keep on stroking their egos
>>38315 >>38335 Reminds me of Joe Goes. Many such cases.
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>>39657 And there was the other tranny webcomic artist who also mutilated his talent along with his genitalia, forgot his name but his comic was based on a talking raccoon with a girl in a Calvin & Hobbes-like setting.
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>>38335 >First Image. The author admits that he's dependent on others to define his own individuality and susceptible to outside influences controlling his life.
>>39825 >his comic was based on a talking raccoon with a girl in a Calvin & Hobbes-like setting. Sandra and Woo
>>38323 This sort of thing makes me feel like cartoons about girls, or even cartoons in general are cursed.
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What episode of Shimmer and Shine is this from?
>>40053 This might help.
>>40053 The episode where you fucking killed yourself. https://archive.li/search/?q=Suicide+Method

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