I feel like live-action capeshit films "peaked" with the original Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk films back in 2008, with the Rami Spoder-Man trilogy and the Nolan Batman trilogy fighting for a close second
It's always up for debate when live action capeshit peaked. For me it was the double whammy of DOFP and Logan. The older I've become the more disillusioned I've grown with the MCU overall. That first Iron Man was a favorite of mine for years, but now that it carries the baggage of over a dozen shittier movies, I've come to resent it. Meanwhile the FoX-men and Jackman, for all their fumbles, managed to deliver a solid conclusion to their handle with their characters. Really we could have ended the series with DOFP and I would have been perfectly content. Logan almost acts like a desert following a great full course meal. The only other capeshit series to manage that was Raimi's Spiderman. Even Bale's Batman kind of struggled to stick the landing (and I say as much as one of the unironic few fans TDKR has).
That said, there's alot of overlooked titles I still appreciate now. But part of me knows nothing will ever come close to those heights again. The only reason I kept routing for Sony's disaster of a non-spiderman cinematic universe was in the hopes that we could land a modern day sleeper hit in the vein of Blade.
I could talk your ear off with the autistic ideas that have crossed my mind in the last few years as capeflicks became worse and worse.