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Summoning Azazel Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 23:42:53 No. 7731
https://blackwitchcoven.com/demons/azazel/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azazel Torah Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) in the Judean Desert Cliffs of Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) In the Hebrew Bible, the term is used three times in the Book of Leviticus, where two male goats were to be sacrificed to Yahweh and one of the two was selected by lot, for Yahweh is seen as speaking through the lots. One goat is selected by lot and sent into the wilderness לַעֲזָאזֵל, "for Azazel". This goat was then cast out in the desert as part of Yom Kippur. The scapegoat ritual can be traced back to 24th century BC Ebla, from where it spread throughout the ancient Near East. [...] In Islam, Azazel appears in relation to the story of Harut and Marut, a pair of angels mentioned in the Quran. Although not explained by the Quran itself, Muslim exegetes such as Hisham ibn al-Kalbi and Abu Ishaq al-Tha'labi usually linked the reason of their abode to a narration related to the Watchers known from 3 Enoch. Just as in 3 Enoch, angels complained about humans iniquity, whereupon God offered a test, that the angels might choose three among them to descend to earth, endowed with bodily desires, and prove that they would do better than humans under the same conditions. Accordingly, they choose Aza, Azzaya and Azazel. However, Azazel repented his decision and God allowed him to turn back to heaven. The other two angels failed the test and their names were changed to Harut and Marut. They ended up on earth, introducing men to illicit magic. [...] The Book of Enoch brings Azazel into connection with the Biblical story of the fall of the angels, located on Mount Hermon, a gathering-place of the demons of old. Here, Azazel is one of the leaders of the rebellious Watchers in the time preceding the Flood; he taught men the art of warfare, of making swords, knives, shields, and coats of mail, and taught women the art of deception by ornamenting the body, dyeing the hair, and painting the face and the eyebrows, and also revealed to the people the secrets of witchcraft and corrupted their manners, leading them into wickedness and impurity until at last he was, at Yahweh's command, bound hand and foot by the archangel Raphael and chained to the rough and jagged rocks of [Ha] Dudael (= Beth Ḥadudo), where he is to abide in utter darkness until the great Day of Judgment, when he will be cast into the fire to be consumed forever. [...] Azazel in 1 Enoch has been compared to Greek Titan Prometheus.
I found interesting his resemblance to Prometheus, considering how I examined this myth recently in relation to a tribe of grey aliens who exhibited a fate similar to his in a symbolic manner. During that journey was also discovered how they relate to Enoch who was transformed into the angel Metatron, the event which gave rise to the modern term "ascension", given by his example of having "walked with God" rather than died, it being implied he left in-body. Enoch is said in the article linked above to have rejected Azazel, but it's also said he passed the test after meeting women on Earth. This along with the other two angels being differently described in the Quran, where they are teachers of magic rather than just shunned fallen angels, hints of the symbolic meaning of this myth complex.
On to the process I performed and to what result. I studied Azazel's sigil and found it easy to interpret as it perfectly matches my recently developed understanding of how the trinity relates to the swastika/sauvastika form and its meaning in terms of the symbolic connection to inner alchemy aka "tantric process" or otherwise. I at this point already felt an energy connection and experienced repeated "crack" sounds as is common when energy channels are violently broken open. If you've had this happen, you know what I mean. I decided to offer "incense and time spent" as the sacrifice, along with a mutual-benefit contract for guidance. Formulating this took a while, and I went by the general description from Black Witch Coven here, after checking what Copilot suggested as a standard pathworking procedure. They matched in all relevant aspects so I decided to go by this, as I saw no real issue in it. I sat down in quarter lotus facing East, after burning incense while focusing on the intent. I then went through the details of the request from multiple angles and visualized the desired effect. During this, more violent energy breakthroughs took place, indicating that I was either connecting with a strong external egregore, or that someone was intentionally helping me by purifying my body or helping me align. When his voice appeared, it was like a desert breeze appearing in a wide circle into my mind. Not a booming voice with an intimidating manner like most of the Goetians, but rather mild and warm.
>>7733 This was followed by him getting closer and looking at the energy form of my mind, as it had been created in all the complexity of my request, which was made into a rather general form considering this contact was made more out of interest in the procedure than any actual pressing issue. After this, we worked on a contract which I had a servitor read for loopholes, before signing it. This was followed by a guided meditation, where he told me to use various common yogic methods such as mudras with different intents. Eventually I found the difference between him and Enoch/Metatron being in a certain different interpretation of the books of Moses, as is implied by the story of Azazel itself and his supposed proficiency in love spells. This caused an opportunity for a breakthrough in this area, matching what I did when previously tracing the path of Enoch.
>>7734 Excellent study anon, now listen to this as you study of these four documents to broaden your knowledge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1SQzrYDMM
Following the summoning and contract last night, I was very energetic and didn't go to bed early. When I did, I only slept a few hours before waking up again, feeling an intense pain on a spot directly below my solar plexus. I can however block out anything disturbing when I have already fallen asleep, including psychic attacks, so I just pushed the sensation aside and fell back asleep again. When I woke up in late morning, the pain was even more intense, and I was very well aware of the cause being a very tense white energy which was trying to restrict the energy from moving in the channel connected from the solar plexus and down. My own strong energy appearing in blue was focused on that place in an energy "armwrestling" against the hostile energy which was trying to block the energy channel there. Putting more force on it consciously seemed to have the intended effect, but the contracting energy was very strong, causing a cramp in the upper abdominal muscles. I used my "deleter" servitor to delete the tension from different angles, until it was gone and the muscles were relaxed. Some pain remained still, but I now relaxed and the cramp was gone. Then after about 10 - 15 seconds, there was a clear "intent" appearing, like an awareness with focus, which "adjusted" the tension and attempted putting the pain back again where it had just been released. I noticed this instantly when it happened, which confirmed the presence of an external being. I had previously experienced this kind of cramp repeatedly over the past few years at some intervals; the whole thing started after a family member got the covid vaxx in 2021 or so. The following night after they came home and I had interacted with them, I woke up after midnight with the cramp from hell in my abdomen, it has never happened before this. I couldn't go to sleep again, and it kept on for 6 hours. This proved to me that the vaxx does shed and I reacted violently do it. After this kept coming back now and then, although weaker, I had asked the Left Handed Reaper (from Liber Falxifer) to fix it for me. He gave me a guided yogic breathing exercise session and said that this is the solution, because it's just muscle tension causing it. I focused on performing this exercise and it did still work now, but the foreign awareness was clearly fighting me. I then used a method I created when helping a family member with tense muscles, where as safety I created a Geburah fire energy along with a build in container for catching spirit parasites when helping them with massage. So I used this and placed the suction container on my solar plexus to remove the entity. It was huge and extremely dense in energy, appearing like a formless material, slime with tentacles, very large and very heavy. Pulling that thing out took 20 min, then I burned it in hellfire and worked to solidify the area where it had been able to squat. Since then, there is no feeling of this "cramp inducing presence" left, the thing which has been there since covid, or before, is now gone. I don't know what the fuck that was, but apparently it was provoked by my contract with Azazel and I got help in removing it. It was very powerful.
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I am demanding, exacting, precise, and pedantic within my hypercritical haranguing and imploration of your study of these .pdf files as you listen to Sanguine Ring of Azazel a little further.
>>7762 I looked at them but I didn't understand what they're about, looks like gibberish to me. The only thing I got out of them is some chaotic connection to a group egregore which feels a bit like Order of Nine Angles.
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>>7767 Consider subverting them to attack the pro-demiurge quadrant of this list.
>>7783 There's 2 pro-demiurge quadrants though
>>7783 No bingo on my affiliations, just a slight tilt towards the left hand side. This Demi-Urge thing is a Gnostic concept, you need to stop measuring things by this cancerous thinking. The reason the world sucks is because of the evil of individual beings and groups, not some imaginary scapegoat, even if there is something matching the description of said Demi-Urge, it's just a large fishbone being created from a dead galaxy. It's not important and doesn't have the power attributed to it.
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>>7785 I specified the lowermost row, from Ashtar Galactic Command to Jesuits and all in between, may normalfag never stop talking about their acts most obscene!
>>7767 Essentially what it does is imbue you with the energy of azazel, it's from Sanguine Ring of Azazel in case if you're curious. I can spoonfeed you the video to listen and meditate to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1SQzrYDMM
>>7844 I don't quite see how that matters when I already made a contract with him. I did look through the documents and the previously posted vid, and tried intuitively grasping them via servitors, which gave me some sort of cleanse via channelling, indicating the person who created these media had some kind of channelling method expressed in the documents, as if they were sigils. But other than that, what is the use of them?
>>7855 The documents I've provided correspond with the audio itself. I politely request a cleansing and course correction of my own energies, owing to my egregious miscomprehension based upon misconceptions, and ensuing mishandling of said energies has thrown my spirit into disarray. I listened to King Seth 9951 aka onega's "red ring of azazel", much earlier project which had "total neptune deletion" in it so I went into disarray over it.

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