Do not approach approach this as some sort of "retention". There is nothing to retain. You need to KILL your sexual libido completely. Your demiurgic vessel is designed to kill you one cumshot at a time the same way it kills women one menstruation cycle at a time. Compared to them, we have it relatively easy. Sex is inherently EVIL and ANTI-HUMAN.
Yes, you read that right. Nothing farther from the puritanical parody of the wisdom that has remained in a distorted form in many Churches of contemporary religions. Sexual functions are the primary mechanism through which your spirit is enslaved to this realm and bound to manifest its horrors and wonders alike.
Inflame yourself in the realization that between your legs there is a YOKE. CUT OFF YOUR DICK IF NECESSARY. If only we were all brave enough to do that. Deprive that demon that the Demiurge grafted onto your crotch any other way you dare. Learn to manipulate energy, and etherically castrate yourself so that arousal is IMPOSSIBLE. Learn self-hypnosis and tie sexual arousal to the most VILE AND GRUESOME associations, for it is where it belongs. DO NOT bury it in your shadow, though, for that way you will only succeed in creating fetishes and perversions. Display it prominently in the light of the Sun of your conscious mind: AROUSAL IS THE HISS OF THE PREDATOR ENCROACHING TO EAT YOU ALIVE. Despise it. Righteously destroy it.
Mundane culture, in its constant strive to invert every value and confuse perennial wisdom, has planted the perverse seed in your subconscious that says that sex is something to "express in a healthy manner". Even as you read these words, you feel the tug of that suggestion. It is a LIE.
There is nothing to "resist". You only struggle to "resist" because at some level you are conflicted. You believe that is something you should be doing, something you shouldn't go without. "That's unhealthy, right?"
If you have been on the path long enough, you know almost everything you ever believed to be one way turned out to be bafflingly inverted in an impossible conspiracy spanning all of human history and society. Well, the pill of true renunciation might be the toughest pill to swallow on that path.
You are not addicted. You are HYPNOTIZED.
Wake up.