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What happened to Lifschitz? Leader 10/19/2015 (Mon) 00:19:14 Id: 69030d No. 289397
I'm out of the loop and couldn't think of anywhere else to ask this. His twitter is in lockdown and Van Valkensperg hasn't acknowledged him in ages. Did he get stabbed by a raghead or what?
>>289397 Probably, or hes just not considered important anymore.
I think the last time we saw Liftshits was when he dressed up like a chick to some convention alongside Zoe Quinn.
Rumor is that Valkenburger got bored of cucking him and broke up with him. But that's just a rumor I've heard and it doesn't seem too likely she'd willingly separate herself from his trustfund.
>>289411 >Implying he wouldn't just start beta-orbiting her and giving up daddy's money anyway
>>289417 Good point.
He turned into a cross between raggedy ann and an ethopian child. It's hilarious seeing him go from at least normal looking to some rainbow skeleton in just a year, though. Pretty sure that confirms both the corruptive nature of trying to be the most specialest snowflake and the rampant drug abuse in their circles.
>>289420 Can we get a before and after with a "sjw, not even once" caption?
I thought we were all in agreement that the weird red-haired thing in that pic was indeed gross, but not actually LiftsShits?
>>289397 He's run home to daddy since Zoe broke up with him because she thought she'd be able to wrangle some Italian dick at the UN. Probably sitting in the basement playing warcraft or starcraft or whatever your NEET faggots play these days alternately contemplating suicide, homosexuality, and enlisting.
>>289397 Maybe he reevaluated his life and turned away from the dark side and into the light
In all likelihood, they broke up and he's gone into the aGGro witness protection program to stop the hordes of SJWs from eating him like the hungry cannibals they are.
>>289426 >>289426 I wasn't. I'm convinced it's him. Someone tried to claim it was some tranny but the tranny actually had a more feminine jawline than that poor soul dressed up like Raggedy Ann. ZQ decided Lifshitz was no longer of any use to her, so before discarding him, she had to break him a second time. She failed to break Eron it cost her. He's a thorn in her side. In addition to raping Lifshitz with a much bigger strapon, she also had Benin Citizen join in as he's done before. This time however, Lifschitz wasn't getting cucked but getting fucked by Benin Citizen. That "raggedy ann" picture is the end result. Totally broken
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>>289442 SocJus - Not even once!
>>289443 That isn't lifshitz. It's a lunatic tranny, sure. But it isn't lifshitz. There's absolutely no resemblance.
The broke up and Alex has gone into hiding because he looks like a fucking moron and he knows the internet would tear him to shreds after all his bullshit.
>>289411 >it doesn't seem too likely she'd willingly separate herself from his trustfund Unless she found someone better like getting with some diplomat's kid at the UN.
>>289451 He probably dumped her. I know this guy is fucking pathetic and we don't want to entertain the idea he has a spine, but he probably got tired of being a doormat for a cheating psychopath.
>>289460 cucks don't dump
>>289465 He could have gjoni'd
>>289465 >cucks don't dump It's the only explanation that makes sense. Zoe is a serial cheater, she's not going to cut off the son of millionaire for no reason. She would just keep sucking dick behind his back like she did to Eron.
I think I get it. It's some kind of outward protest against toxic masculinity where he dresses like a girl to reject the system of male maleness. June Cleaver spoke Jive, I speak fag.
>>289397 His daddy probably hired a PI to follow chelsea to see if she was cucking his son. > She was. > Son was shown video footage. > He confronted chelsea about it. she lied to his face. > He ran to daddy with tears in his eyes and privatized his twitter.
>>289482 Alternatively: >>Zoe starts pressuring Alex to get her pregnant or marry her. >>Alex's daddy panics as he realizes that his tolerating Zoe has led to her about to permanently getting her hooks into her son and his fortune >>Alex's daddy pulls Zoe off to the side and basically cuts her a blank check to leave now, because he realize it would be cheaper/less of a nightmare in terms of custody and divorce fight wranglings, to pay her to leave now than to have her get knocked up and/or married and go through the legal system.
>>289483 It would be simpler for shitlips' dad to pay for Chelsea to have an "accident".
>>289480 What an appalling mix of color its like a rainbow took a shit on him/her/shim.
>>289443 Why do you faggots think that's Liftshits? He was slowly turning into a swole manlet. Dude looked like he was lifting as compensation for getting cucked. That is obviously not him.
>>289487 The proper pronoun is SHIT She+He+IT Shit. Shit's fucked, yo
>>289397 >and couldn't think of anywhere else to ask this. Really? Not the stickied e-celeb thread we have dedicated to this sort of faggotry? I've been curious too, but still feel compelled to answer stupid questions with equally stupid answers
>>289482 based dad & scenario, I wish this happened. I wish there was a flash cartoon of this happening animated by Happy Harry. I have no love for arms dealers profiteering in the billions that don't trickle down, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Chelsea is way out of her league, and Daddy Lifschitz knows how to protect his own ass.
No one knows for sure what happened yet, outside of them and their little clique, but I assume what happened was Chelsea used Alex to pay for Chelsea's lawyers with the Eron case. As soon as Chelsea didn't need the expensive lawyers, she dropped Alex. Basically, I am 99% sure Alex was just a bank for Chelsea to pay for lawyers and now that she doesn't need lawyers, she's on to the next thing. Cheslea's history of dating is just using people out of convenience. Remember, she dated Eron when she needed help making her game, and Eron is a programmer. She got involved with all those media people when her game was done and she needed publicity. After shit went downhill with Eron she needed lawyers and money, so she stuck with Alex. Now she doesn't need money for CON, makes around $3k in Patreon, and doesn't need to pay for expensive lawyers. So, she no longer has a reason to use Alex and she's more than likely dumped him.
>>289539 >Chelsea is way out of her league, and Daddy Lifschitz knows how to protect his own ass. This. I doubt the elder Lifschitz has been doing nothing as this goes on. The LAST thing an arms dealer wants is UN involvement or lots of media attention. Chelsea has been nothing but an inconvenience from him, drumming up shitstorms and getting lawyers involved and displaying his pet senator to the whole world. A minor twitter shitstorm and a government meeting nobody but interns is going to is one thing, but this is just going on and on and on and it's probably become a thorn in his side. >>289542 I think you think too much of her. She didn't break up with Eron because her game was done. Eron caught her and did it himself. Until Lifschitz does the same she'll probably take the extra money just as well. But as others pointed out, Lifschits is getting swole, has money, and isn't actually ugly fundamentally. The moment some other gold digger appears he'll probably drop her.
>>289409 That was actually incorrect info. It was some tranny dev but that was most definitely not Liffshizzz.
The best part is that it's a fairly recent development, because Alex & Chelsea were both posting 8chan screenshots from this very board back in August on twitter. They're very likely monitoring threads like these or shitposting/confessing anonymously in one of them.
>>289460 Nope. Like another dude said, "cucks don't dump". Cucks are what they are because they have little or no options. >>289474 She would dump him if she found another, more lucrative cash cow. There's also the possibility of an "open relationship" where the cuckold thing is taken its logical conclusion.
>>289518 Because it's funny? It's really what he is on the inside – a forcefully feminized cuckhold. The dude was never that swole – if the he was, I've yet to see any pics of him in that state. Even if he looks like Mr. Olympia, he's still a bitch.
>>289397 My guess is that he mysteriously disappeared right after changing his will to make Zoe Quinn his sole inheritor. I have as much proof for this as ZQ had for her claimed Wizardchan abuse.
>>289485 No it's not. Basically paying the gold digging cunt to leave his son is the quickest way to get rid of her and the cheapest. Pay her what she would have gotten in a divorce to avoid having to go through a divorce procedure would be the quickest and easiest way to get the cunt out of his son's life, by way of giving her the big pay-out she's obviously been angling for all along to get rid of her before Zoe breeds (woe to the child Zoe brings into the world, with that cunt as a mom) with his kid or marries or both. Killing her would attract too much attention, especially since Zoe is now aligned with assholes who would gleefully martyr her and try and blame overs to further their own vile causes, which would bring police into the equation and potentially expose the real killer/motive. Cheaper and less headache to cut Zoe a blank check to get the fuck out of Alex's life. Would show Alex that Zoe never loved him as Zoe is only with him for the money and would definitely jump at the chance to get the big pay day she's been angling for without having to get married or spawn and pay for lawyers who would inevitably take a cut of her gold digger payout after a lengthy court battle.
>>289542 The most hilarious thing is that for all of Alex's money which was used to buy lawyers, not only did those lawyers FAIL in the long term, but now Zoe's going to end up enshrined legally as a spousal abuser as far as new legal law being made to prevent other spousal abusers using Zoe's dirty trick to silence their victims.
>>289568 It was only speculation due to the fact that they seem to have separated and she is still alive. The father has money alex does not. Alex would only get his father's money as part of an inheritance. The father can also cut the trust fund whenever he wishes because it is HIS money. Even if chelsea gets pregnant from alex, that still doesn't mean that his dad wouldn't disown alex. Thereby depriving both from accessing the family fortune. >and pay for lawyers who would inevitably take a cut of her gold digger payout after a lengthy court battle. I doubt she has the capacity to think that far ahead.
>>289518 >He was slowly turning into a swole manlet. The only thing causing that was him losing his virginity to a (at the time) very enthusiastic cock gobbler named LW1. Boosting the testosterone levels of Shittylippz and lugging around a heavy "girlfriend" caused all of the swelling. There was nothing to do with will power or discipline. >see easy whore >never had any pussy >easy whore sucks and spreads easily >have her suck and spread many times >testosterone levels finally achieve adult male levels for the first and only time >moving around a full mini-fridge during sex for mad gainz >sauce: /fit/
He didn't read the Zoepost and you know what they say about those who don't learn history.
>>289420 >rampant drug abuse Tell me more, anon. Any proof other than declining looks?
>>289561 I don't like making assumptions based on meme mythology. The truth can be just as funny, but we need to figure out what that is first. Either one of them being the one who dumped is equally possible, but Zoe has the stronger incentive to stay with him because of the money.
>>289571 >The father has money alex does not. Alex would only get his father's money as part of an inheritance. The father can also cut the trust fund whenever he wishes because it is HIS money. He's over 25. He has access to the money in his trust fund.
>>289599 >him losing his virginity Now let's not go overboard here. We all know Limpdick is such a mangina he'd willingly give up his dad's money even if he wasn't getting any and is "progressive" enough to be in an open relationship.
>>289611 hanging out with sessler is a pretty big clue
@ronsenburger on twitter is his sister, sjw English teacher in Japan, just as obnoxiously arrogant. Maybe some clues there
>>289673 >@ronsenburger on twitter is his sister >he dates valkenburger kek
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A gift for those that like musicals.
>>289599 Can confirmed, fucks fat chicks. Got Pythons for arms. >>289611 Zoe dropped about 80 lbs and her face changed as did anita. I said they would both get work done in a bid for "primetime"
>>289800 I speculate that Zoe used meth as her weight los drug. She would have had it recommended to her by methwhale.
alex, as you are undoubtly reading this, because youve got nothing going on in your life, take comfort in knowing that even some people in fucking poland, like me, know who you are, i mean it isnt all roses and peaches here, but at least we arent as fucking stupid and naive as you
>>289480 wait… that's Alex? If not pls post the raggedy ann pic.
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>>289599 >testosterone levels finally achieve adult male levels for the first and only time >moving around a full mini-fridge during sex for mad gainz
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>>289480 >>289443 no idea where my copy of that picture came from but cuckshitz was looking chunkier a month or two later, whenever that "stopwebh8" bullshit was going on.
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>>289397 Think he finally got the hint after that blogpost where she said he wasn't her boyfriend just somebody who recognized her as the amazingly talented, progressive game dev she is. Don't have a link but it was pretty funny, even compared herself to George Clooney. That trampstamp is never going to wash off either.
>>289611 There's a good couple of tweets floating about where they basically discuss who's going to bring the ecstasy and coke to their next hang out. Aside from that, it's historical shit, like Randi admitting she took meth as a "weight loss treatment". Tentatively, you can also look at people like Sessler, who obviously has some kind of issue with some kind of shit, which is most likely meth. Jesus, how fucking fat do you have to be to take meth and still be a fat piece of shit? Like, not being fat as fuck is the one thing meth *can* fucking do for you.
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>>289443 how disgusting is this shit? if you showed me this picture, you'd have a hard time convincing me this wasn't the arm of a 35 year old male truck driver
>>290275 Besides the black fingernail paint you mean? Also, what in the shit is that tattoo suppose to be?
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>>289804 I vaguely recall hearing that she abused Adderall to lose weight.
lifshits got cucked and a tramp stamp. thats it really.
>>290275 it sexy
>>290277 It's supposed to cover up cutting scars. Who the fuck knows what the design is, a metal skeleton perhaps.
>>290277 It's a biomechanical design, a tattoo style that's very popular among North American artists.
Looking through her twitter favorites, I couldn't help but notice that all evidence of Lifschitz has been expunged. Previously, she would constantly fave the stupid and unfunny shit he'd say back before he went private. She certainly loves to fave complimentary comments from others, but this habit and her selfie obsession are definitely not evidence of her narcissism/borderline personality disorder. Anyway, I'm betting on @ianwexl0rz as the next cuck on the line. They seem to e-flirt regularly and he comes across as another groveling SJW who really "wants to make a game," but he apparently lacks the skills and time because he's too busy twatting and taking selfies. He even changed his twatter name to "wex, but a ghost" as if to mock Lifschitz's pathetic "wee, but swole." Every last member of this goon SJW clique are beyond worthless and deserve to be exposed and mocked as such. Even though Lifschitz is a fit/fat, I believe that he was the one catalyst that encouraged her to exercise. I don't think she possesses the discipline to continue exercising on her own, so I expect that she'll balloon back up to het former / Harper's weight class once the BPD pendulum swings back.
>>289397 Last thing I heard is that zoe has pretty much dump shitlipz Of course she still lives at his house and the cuck still pays for all her expenses including her trip to the UN and all the fees so somebody would listen to her But as every betafag that gets with a grifter like zoe old shitlipz here is not getting any action anymore now that the dyed whale got what she wanted Now everybody at /cow/ is waiting for him to either >A: anhero his useless ass >B: murder-suicide zoe and her friends during a party because he just became the new eron
>>290595 are you serious?
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>>290281 >Adderall to lose weight Methwhale says it is for ADHD.
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>>290590 >@ianwexl0rz as the next cuck on the line >pic related >seems legit
>>290965 Ass burglar here, can confirm adderall is for ADHD, though it might also have weight loss side effects.
>>290965 That's the intended purpose for the prescription, however it has a side effect which is decreased appetite and weight loss. So while she has been diagnosed with ADHD, her intention for taking the drug could entirely be to not be a fat cow.
>>291049 I think methwhale takes adderall along with meth. If she ever gets drug tested by the police while driving, adderall will be her go to excuse so adderall could be just the cover for her meth usage.
>>290965 That shit looks like two Hindenburgs mating around a cylinder. Jesus christ.
>>290802 The /cow/ thread has been pretty humorous, yep. I still can't help but wonder if he'd take Eron up on that drink.
>>290965 Why the fuck would anyone want to share the meds they are taking ?
>>291151 >Woe is me I have a condition pls donate to my patreon so I can get free speed, sorry, medical insurance for my medication Gee, I dunno.
>>290275 She's ebegging for money on patreon, yet she has the cash for tattoos. I've worked 60hrs a week for most of my life. I've done 70 hr shifts. And I've still been lucky to make ends meet. How the fuck does she get all this money?
>>291168 Because she's wasn't poor to start with. She's e-begging because she's greedy, and idiots are willing to pay her for doing nothing.
>>291169 Heresy.
>>291169 Greed as well as being able to claim "Look Mamma. Look Pappa, I was almost able to live entirely without the trust fund you support me with. I am sooo grown up and independent."
His twitter went private at some point and then Zoe made a big rant about him being unemployable (because he never got a real job or because of his bad involvement in all of this, the various game company doesn't wants to hire him anymore? I dunno)… And it ended up there. To be honest, good riddance. I've always personally said that during all of this, most of them acted the worst way possible when some kind of drama happens. Disappearing like this for a while is the perfect way to handle it actually. So I guess we shouldn't really dig into it, he disappeared and it's perfect like that
>>291479 where is that rant now? has she expunged it from her blog like she's expunged his tweets from her favorites?
>>291479 Zoe posted the rant in May, Alex didn't go into hiding on Twitter until a few weeks ago. They were probably having trouble as far back as May. >>291525 https://archive.is/pJHRS The post is still up as of right now. She might not purge it because it's too public. Her idiot journalist clique wrote articles and shilled that blog post all over. So it's too public for her to quietly purge like she did with his tweets.
>>291529 so many effusive words of praise for the guy whose work experience consists of mostly hot air. I guess that's how borderlines talk about someone when they need something from them. now she barely acknowledges him.
>>291538 >now she barely acknowledges him. If we can get Alex to own up to the fact that he has been used and abused by a horrible ex-girlfriend then that could really go a long ways toward making sure Zoe doesn't continue doing this to people. She can't keep doing this to people forever.
>>291540 That is extremely unlikely. There's a reason Alex has gone into hiding. He has spent the past year plus making a complete asshole of himself online. There is a massive comeuppance in store for him if he faces the public and admits that Quinn cucked him like a damn fiddle, and that he was wrong about her. There is also the fact that, in no small part thanks to him, Zoe has become a social justice lesser deity. Even hinting that Zoe is anything less than perfect would put Alex in the "bitter ex" position that Eron has lived in. It would also make Alex persona non grata in the indie SJW press clique. (Remember that one indie dev that exposed Quinn's shitty behavior at that wedding and got chased into hiding?) And since Alex spent the past year burning bridges and making himself unemployable at any respectable/real game studio, all he currently has is the SJW indie clique. Zoe also has a history of lying about her exes. If you look at her history every guy she has ever broken up with suddenly becomes this horrible monster. If she decides to assassinate Alex's character she has a much, much larger, and more influential sphere to cry about him to. Finally, there's the biggest fucking mistake, Alex and Zoe are business partners in CON. For the sake of that business he can't say shit about her. If CON goes down in flames, so does, that chunk of Alex's trust fund he invested in founding it, along with that reputation he's trying to build as an "online abuse and security expert". All of these factors are why Alex has gone into hiding. He's fucked. Even if he is smart enough to realize he got played, and wants to go nuclear, he can't. He helped turn her into a monster that could easily destroy him, and ot not of that he hitched his entire career to her.
>>291525 >has she expunged it from her blog like she's expunged his tweets from her favorites? Yeah, she's done with him. This was building for way longer than those in this thread seem to think. The first visible crack I saw was a post Alex made on GamerGhazi asking for "stories of hope" because they were going through depression. I'm the guy who usually brings up that she has borderline, and from reading a bunch of books about them, counseling, and posting in numerous support groups, every "serious" relationship with a borderline plays out the exact same way. I guarantee you the issues started by the third month. She then started isolating him from his friends and family, asserting they hated her, were bad influences, were "problematic" etc. More than anything this probably is why he's unemployable, she talked him into burning all his bridges. (For reference, mine hated my friends and family, asserted all male friends wanted to rape her and my family was abusive of me, and convinced me to move to the middle of no where with her so I'd be away from them and 'free of their influence' before eventually abandoning me there.) Around this point she started scrambling for a new job. We saw a lot of this flailing publicly. She tried her hand at journalism publishing a few freelance articles, she was seen at a few /tg/ type events trying to influence that scene, most recently she's claimed to be an author (I'm guessing she has contributing credit to some book by the usual suspects.) She's attached herself to Anita who was essentially the top of the SJW clique, but everything they both did backfired on both of them. Most importantly though was CON, which she co-founded with Alex. Once she had him isolated she likely filled his head with empty exclamations about how they were going to improve society and protect other victims like her. "Let's do it, baby!" He initially likely wasn't completely on board, but she'd get angry and say he wasn't supporting her when he'd talk about finding work somewhere else or starting some project of his own, so he went along with her plans. But then she'd go back into idealization mode and just want to go shopping or eating or fuck, and desperate to see the girl he saw her as when they started dating, he went along with that too, never getting anything done. Occasionally they'd have an argument about it, he'd ask her if she'd gotten anything done, she'd say she was tired and under a lot of stress from all the harassment, claim she had a nightmare of an ex or an army of gamers trying to kill her, and that would keep him silent for a while, but eventually despite himself he could see she was bullshitting and she could see the doubt on his face. Eventually daddy's money ran out, and she was done with him. I can imagine a conversation along the lines of ZQ: "I can't just keep supporting you! You need to start bringing in some money!" AL:"Supporting me? I've been supporting you all this time!" It probably didn't officially end there, but really, that would be it. She was likely already cheating on him, but this would be when she'd pick the top sucker from the gaggle of betas currently flirting with her, and she'd just up and leave. Maybe he'd come home to an empty apartment and a note saying they were through, maybe she had the new guy come over with a UHaul, whatever she did it was the thing which would hurt him most. And now he's like a recovering drug addict. Every guy goes insane in their own way at this point Eron vented with the ZoePost, Dave Foley sunk into massive depression and started begging for money on the streets, a lot of guys kill themselves, I know of two who became gay trannies after being dumped by borderlines. In my case because I have OCD I retold the entire story of my relationship to anyone who would listen, start to finish for months afterwards, trying desperately to make sense of it and find a way to fix it, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and said some kind of crazy things online I won't get into. What snapped me back to reality was finding someone else. I've said for a long time I think when it ends Alex might kill himself, because he has no other option. Eron just told everyone as publicly as he could, but that removed that option for Alex because Zoe spent months programming him to believe Eron was evil for doing that. He's likely currently fairly isolated, possibly seeking support from his dad or something, but he's in full shutdown mode. He can't tell anyone what he's going through. And Zoe gets away with it one more time.
>>290486 >>290277 >>290576 Robot arm. Keep in mind she's been playing up that "cyborg" shit a lot over the past year or so.
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>>291576 Holy fucking shit anon, glad you got out of that situation. Just reading that short summary made me want to punch someone in the face. How can a person be so shitty? As for your hypothesis, that she is indeed borderline, I'd have to agree. I have to agree with this anon's >>291553 ideas as well. He's backed himself into a corner with her, all a part of her plan. Holy shit it's so evil. I honestly feel bad for Lifshitz, even if he did bring it on himself he had no idea what he was signing up for.
>>291610 He kept himself ignorant by not reading the Zoepost. While he has my sympathy, he doesn't have much of it.
>>291774 He joked about tattooing GOOGLE HELL DUMP on his forehead. The guy was the biggest prick I know of on the anti side, and that's even ignoring the fact he's a trust fund kid. Can't say I would ever feel sorry for him.
>>291777 >The guy was the biggest prick I know of on the anti side A bigger prick than Nyberg? Your trips have been checked.
>>291783 LimpShtiz tried to taunt people about him not caring about him and Zoe being hypocrites. He was really in your face about it. So yeah, I'm pretty pleasing to see this result, him completely and utterly neutered. Nyberg at least has to attempt to stay in the closet about the rampant disgusting hypocrisy instead of trying to flaunt it everywhere.
>>291800 Fair enough.
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>>291553 CON I just remembered that exists, and I still don't know what that timer was for. I miss talking about stuff like this, /cow/ doesn't seem like the same thing as talking about it here before the whole image thing.
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>>291576 Anon, if you don't mind, could you tell me about Foley? Just a summary? You're insanely articulate and I like your writing style.
>>291804 >>291804 Speaking of which, have those Twitter layoffs affect any of the LW/LWhale contacts? It says it was mostly engineering cuts, but how could they not cut some of that worthless fat that would put out for these idiots?
>>291810 > It says it was mostly engineering cuts, but how could they not cut some of that worthless fat that would put out for these idiots? Because that would simply give SJWs a chance to call Twitter sexist and all the shit that goes along with that.
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I kind of wonder what the breaking point was. It's obvious at this point they've split up and just aren't saying anything about it for whatever reason. He was warned, though.
>>291822 I honestly don't think we will know unless some sort of shit hits the fan.
>>291822 Never saw that tweet, notice the syntax If I wanted to date her [comma] I wouldn't have dumped her [full stop] Anyway remember [full stop] It's not that he's lying, he's just incapable of being honest with himself. Terms like "projection" and "cucked" get thrown around here a lot but that tweet's like both of those things distilled down into their purest, blue meth form.
Ah yes. Alex "I Want Your Agenda" Lifschitz
>>291835 That's called a sentence and a paragraph. Are you high?
>>291850 It should be Anyway remember: no matter what she says or Anyway, remember, no matter what she says The full stop before and after "always remember" makes it ambiguously independent of both sentences. That way he gets to simultaneously emphasize "yea Alex, you'll get cucked too" along with the safety net of "I totally dumped her, dirt off my shoulder tbh fam". In mala grammatica veritas. Also, yes.
>>291855 It's English grammar. The comma is there, because it's grammatically correct. That stuff you're using to dissect it also only applies to spoken word. You can't read meaning into the fact he didn't type a run-on sentence.
>>291855 You're ignoring the fact that "anyway" is used to change a subject. As such, it applies exclusively to the second part of the tweet. And you're misinterpreting the first part; he isn't saying it's not his problem, he's responding to Alex's accusation of jealousy and telling him why it's inane. Seriously, don't debate when you're high, dude.
>>291860 To be fair the screenshot lacks context. The whole exchange proves you right, of course.
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>>291877 Gjoni is the TARGET of relentless abuse. I wish these social justice nazis would stop lying.
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>>291877 I decided to search the actual tweet and got the game spoiled for me. I recommend using this version of the image in the future so others don't get the game spoiled.
>>291924 I… don't see how the [spoiler] is a problem? Like seriously, it's a pretty common twist, and I can't fathom anything SJWs would specifically hate about it (not racist/sexist/*ist/etc).
>>291908 Not just a target, he's been targeted for abuse by THEM. They go one and on about stopping online abuse but Gjoni has been a target in their cross hairs ever since he declared one woman was abusive.
>>291807 >Dave Foley >Canadian >actor and comedian >Kids in the Hall, It's Pat!, Newsradio >married 1991 >fathered 2 children >divorced 1997 >"I'm not allowed to return to Canada." >"Child support payments are 400% of what I make annually." >"They would throw me in prison if I return." >begging on the streets for money in the USA >instead of being allowed to parent his own children
>>289544 who's the senator? need a reminder
>>291807 he got divorce raped into the next galaxy pretty sad
Dave Foley married a wealthy socialite that lives in Canada around the time his career took off with Kids In The Hall. After much success with KITH, Foley goes on to have his own NBC sitcom, Newsradio. Gets paid big bucks for the show. Right before the show falls apart, due to the murder of Phil Hartman, his wife files for divorce for shits and giggles. The divorce gets done in Canada and she gets a judge to set alimony rate for Dave to pay, on the earnings he got paid doing Newsradio. Hartman's death basically kills Newsradio dead, with it limping along for another season or two. Dave Foley's career also turns to shit; Phil Hartman and Andy Dick upstaged him on Newsradio, reducing him to a generic straightman on his own show that no one cares about. Even more frightening, he gets a chance to direct and star in his own film, which is a huge fucking dud that gets a blink and miss release. Which kills any chance to move onto movies. Foley starts falling behind on his alimony and tries to convince his already wealthy wife, to fucking cut him a break and get his alimony reduced. Wife says "fuck no" and since she's a wealthy bitch from hell that's part of the elite in Canada, she is able to judge shop for a judge who also tells Foley to fuck off even though his career has peaked and he will never make Newsradio big bucks again. Alimony piles up so high that he reaches the point where they can legally arrest him in Canada. Forcing Dave Foley to live the life of an exile in the US and take any dogshit role he is offered to make money to stay alive As for Alex being a jerk; one of his cousin said he was always an asshole even before he met Zoe. Supposedly tried to sue into bankruptcy one of the poorer members of the family even, just for the evilulz, over some petty shit until his dad told him to STFU and leave the poorer family member alone. He also said Alex was an Elliot Rogers forever alone due to him being a piece of shit human. Which made him prime meat for Zoe to get her hooks into
>>292138 This was sad to listen to. Always been a big fan.
>>292002 He must have sorted that out, though. He was on an episode of Match Game in 2013, and that's filmed in Toronto.
>>291576 >And now he's like a recovering drug addict Wait, what? I've been out of the loop, where did you hear this?
>>292150 >He must have sorted that out, though. Yeah, that was almost two decades ago. Dave Foley is doing just fine these days even though he got fat and old. Listen to this for more in-depth explanation of it all: >>292142 >>292123 >who's the senator? Rep. Katherine Clark was partially funded by Limpdickz' daddy's money. >>292251 >Alex is now like a recovering addict >isolated from friends >emotionally vulnerable >constantly in mental or physical pain This is most likely the case for him if our speculation about LW1 abusing him is correct. Closer you are to somebody the worse they can hurt you, and borderlines are very good at fooling people into thinking they are a good friend or partner.
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>>292138 Foley never directed and starred in his own movie. He co-wrote and starred in The Wrong Guy in 1997 during the 3rd season of Newsradio. It was an unbelievably horrendous, no-laughs comedy that bombed unexpectedly. >>292142 His story is really heartbreaking to listen to in that video. It's exactly like LW1 with the constant DARVO.
>>291924 >>291932 The spoiler is only one possible interpretation of the ending. Also it is not important for your enjoyment of the game - wait for next steam sale (and you'll likely have forgotten about it by then, anyways). What I'm saying is - play Ethan Carter!
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Still no concrete answers. When was the last time ZQ mentioned Lifschitz? What date did he lock down his Twitter? Did he make any unusual tweets in the days prior to the lockdown? The mystery is irritating me. Pic unrelated.
>>292255 >The Wrong Guy >not fantastic You're clearly misinformed. The Wrong Guy bombed because of studio problems that resulted in it never airing in theaters in the US. The film's great, it's a two-hour KitH sketch. Dave Foley did a good job all his life and didn't deserve what he got for it.
>>292349 holy shit, you know Brianna looks a lot like that Goof Troop creep.
>>291576 >>292142 Goddamnit this really pisses me off. I love Dave Foley.
>>292349 I really, really don't understand how people exist that don't find it immediately obvious that's a man.
>>292476 >Dave Foley did a good job all his life and didn't deserve what he got for it. Foley fucked with his best friend's girlfriend and then married her. Like he said on the Joe Rogan podcast, it was karma coming back to bite him in the ass. I cannot pass judgement to say he deserved the punishment for that mistake, but he didn't take action when the warning signs were clear.
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>>292349 I want to point out that that's almost certainly a very poorly maintained wig. Notice the change in skin tone at the top of the forehead and the more noticeable male pattern baldness in pic related. The teeth also look like they're in a bad state.
>>292533 Looks like a hungover Nicolas Cage with a worse hairline.
>>292533 >tfw ghazi still doesn't realize wu's a tranny
>>292544 I find it very hard to believe that they don't realize she's a tranny. Even before learning about her past as John Flynt I realized she was trans just by looking at her HuffPost vid (the one in which Hotwheels BTFOs her). I think most of the ghazifags know she's trans but aren't willing to openly admit the obvious truth.
>>292544 >>292573 I call it willful ignorance. Wu refuses to admit what everyone with eyes can see, so they play along. Because Wu got himself "harassed" (read: made fun of) by the ebil gerbilgobble after spending a month trying to bait people, that means they have to agree with everything he says.
>>292583 I'd chalk it more up to the fact that male SJWs tend to be VERY thirsty boys.
>>292595 Thirsty enough to want to fuck the diseased hole where John Flynt's dick used to be? Barf.
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>>292696 Frank Wu is an SJW and he allegedly fucks that hole. Think about that…
>>292727 >Frank Wu I really don't get what's wrong with that guy. He's accomplished enough to get someone better than Biranna. I'm not saying he's good enough to get any pussy he wants, but he's good enough to get someone better than John Flynt. And even if he's gay I still don't understand what he's doing with Brianna. There's no reason for him to be in the closest in liberal Massachusets and none of his SJW peers would have a problem if he came out. If he's gay he can ditch Brianna and get himself a man who still has his dick instead of a man with a pseudo-vagina.
>>292790 He's a sadomasochist.
>>292790 This >>293052 Consider this scenario…. John used to date guys without telling then he was trans and would see how long it would be until they figured it out. This is the kind of behavior that could seriously get a person beaten up. John has probably got beaten up a number of times by doing that shit. Here's the thing. Perhaps he likes to get hit. Perhaps he is a masochist. John's husband has been shown to have physically abused his ex-wife. This means that Frank has no problem being violent to people. In conclusion, we have someone who may like to get beaten up married to a guy that likes to beat people up. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a dungeon in their cellar at this point.
>>292696 Keep in mind these are the same people who will readily admit to lusting after the blue whale. They have absolutely no standards, only complete desperation.
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>>293190 It's not just that Flynt doesn't look like a woman; he looks physically and mentally ill, which he is. How people can turn a blind eye to this is mind-boggling to me.
>>290590 I have to say yes you are pretty correct. Recent photo claiming it to be her favorite polaroid she's ever taken. With a joke about "wee, but sol" recently. Yeah you are correct.
>>290971 If this is the new mangina, it's significant, because I doubt he has armsdealer money.
>>289397 >https://twitter.com/alexlifschitz His timeline is still protected. Anybody want to take bets on when he will unblock it?
>>294818 Never. He's through. The only way we hear from him again is when he grows a sack and does an interview with Milo.
I think there's a connection between the Lifschitz disappearance and the book/movie deal. Maybe he wanted a cut of the money or was concerned about how he was going to be depicted.
>>296262 Who wants to bet the movie deal is why they aren't together anymore? Chances are, Zoe got a good chunk of change for publishing and options. And a shot at stardom (not really) to make her narcissitic cunt mind get so slithery and gooey it couldn't hold a single thought for more than a nanosecond. Alex had to eventually tell daddy. And daddy had to eventually say "Get her the fuck out of here or you're cut off. Since you have no job skills and ruined any chance for a career in vdya, you'll be sucking dicks within a month, you little manlet faggot! Do you know what press attention does to my business!?!?" Alex probably begged her not to go through with it. But you know as well as I do that she wouldn't for a second think about anybody else when her two favorite things are in front of her; fame and money. Don't think for a second dick even rates on her radar. Dick is just a means to an end for sociopaths like Quinn. He got hurt, they argued, and he tearily broke up with her trudging away in the rain and itching at this months flare up. I'm'a tell you. The movie broke them up.
>>296286 we should still shitpost about him and cause his dad asshurt. these lolcows should get fucked.
>>296300 I mean, there's no reason not to ridicule him. He behaved in public like a moron. So, sure. But ultimately, if the movie is made, they'll either put him in it which will make daddy go ballistic, put an amalgam of him in it, which will make him cry, or ignore him entirely which will make the story odd and make him cry.
>>291529 That's when the movie deal negotiations started and Lifshitz was like "Zoe! No! My daddy will cut me off and I'll have to get a job! Nobody will hire me! I'll have to work at Starbucks with all the other hipster faggots! I have no life skills!" and Zoe was like "Alex, I'm being offered money and fame. Do you think that outweighs anything that you can offer me? You can offer me money… sure. But fame gives me more power over more people than your faggot money can ever offer" Then he shit himself and curled into a lonely fetal weeping ball.
>>296483 That's assuming this cunt will actually finish her memoirs before Ghostbusters tanks. The CON website, however, is on schedule to open by 2019.
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>>296504 I never noticed how much Mr. Flynt looks like a moai.
any news about alex?
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>>297902 He's gone full Phil Fish. Quinn will likely never mention him again.
This level of silence from such an arrogant little loudmouthed shitbag… I honestly wonder if ZQ dropped Liftsshits or if Daddy Warbucks finally took little Al aside and told him to drop the neon whale before she drew any more attention to the family, and then told ZQ herself to fuck off. As humiliating as being the next cuck victim of Quinn would be, I honestly think Dicklips is egotistical enough to either make an 'it was an amicable split' announcement to try and save face, or at least make a few cutting remarks about GG ruining his relationship or even some veiled ones about ZQ. This level of radio silence makes me think that Daddy slapped some sense into him and told him to quit fucking around or lose his access to the trust fund.
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>>297939 >>293629 >>292349 Uugh, that "face"
>>297944 all possible …though I don't see how the family gun-business would in any way be impacted by sonny-boy dicking blue-haired strange
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Odd movement from Crash Override Network, apparently Chelsea has control and is throwing money around for it. EYES OPEN, GENTS
>>298213 Do you have a tweetsave for that? Another question is, is the client real or is this just an act to make screen shots for the movie?
>>298217 >Do you have a tweetsave for that? no, it's pretty recent. Someone else can archive it, I'm at work. Point is, watch both accounts for new followers, depending on the size of the new follower pool it can be easy to narrow down and identify them as LW's new contacts in Yahoo/Dropbox/etc. if she gets any. Catch the SJWs before they take root in stealth like a zerg creep node!
>>298023 Generally speaking, people in the arms trade don't like having attention drawn to their business. All big corporations have a ton of dirty laundry, but when you're dealing with weapons, your laundry looks like it came from an old folks home after taco night. Chances are, papa Lifschitz has been selling weapons to people that the general public and the government would rather he not be.
>>298923 Kill yourself.
>>298228 That raises the question, why would they promote papa lifschitz and put him in charge of the business after attention was drawn to him? Especially when he has a compromised kid?
>>298977 >why would they promote papa lifschitz and put him in charge of the business after His papa was promoted before this shitstorm exploded. He likely told Zoe to take a hike in order to protect his position by not drawing any further attention to him or his son.
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>>292526 Tabitha is just like Chelsea.
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>>298213 Check it out everyone
>>299914 >His papa was promoted before this shitstorm exploded. He likely told Zoe to take a hike in order to protect his position by not drawing any further attention to him or his son. I wonder what /pol/ would do if they found out the Gehr group was inciting wars with cheap arms to get brown people to thin each other out as a counterpoint to whites cucking themselves and low birth rates, and all the refugee problems in Yuropoor. WHO DO WE SUPPORT?!?!?
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>>305888 she just keeps getting fatter
>>305888 >>305888 Imagine the jiggling Nice trips nigga
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>>305862 >>305888 >All these myspace poses I love it when manginas and betas get completely dried out, its fantastic, especially when they blow their trust fun money on people like Zoe and Anita and the rest.
>>294818 >timeline >>294820 Yeah, still protected.
>>291610 I'm surprised Thiddybogon's lines about 'the sj clique knowing where the bodies are buried' hasn't turned up literal yet. Zoe is either inexperienced at this game (like she is in all others, lol) or holding back and being a bit soft. Tho I guess if she went full hardcore borderline she'd be at risk of turning off the patreon faucet. My ex was 'waaay nastier. >>292138 Yea, that's more like it! Minus the marriage bit. (But if you have a kid it was considered de-facto marriage where I lived. Fug.) Similar deal with the alimony btw, it's adjusted for where you lived not where you moved to. Luckily got a sympathetic judge that gave her the choice of dropping it entirely at a younger age for the kid or drastically reducing payment, as it wasn't an official vow&ceremony exchange marriage. Chose to keep being paid. She's on twitch somewhere now as one of those slutty boob-window whores but I don't remember the name. >>292790 see >>293140 >>293629 they're also both absofuckinglutely nuts Anyone got that webm/mp4 of their stage performance where Wu is an angel and Frank is I think a fat azn cupid? They are not just insane but cringe-inducingly insane. It is entirely likely they fell in with each other due to having similar/complimentary brainwaves. Frank's ex-wife and Flynt's ex-roomies have similar tales to tell about their RL hijinks. It's not about the sex but about what they can do to others involving sex. Yanno those couples that wind up on the news raping and serial-killin' in secret for years? I have a feeling if it weren't for close scrutiny due to their personal fames, they'd be in that bracket. As it stands, they just invite unassuming SJs over, beat them/brand them, send them away crying, and are both intimidating enough IRL to make sure none of them talk. The dogged unshakable loyalty of their 'fans' also makes me lean that way. There's another one in their clique, Porpentine/Porkentine, that Leigh shills a bunch who has similar unverified stories floating around. Considered to be so fearsome even Zoe doesn't fuck with that shit. Self-aware enough to realise the control doesn't yet extend outside The Circle though, so peeled back involvement everywhere when GG started. Has absolutely no articles outside of The Usual Suspects, so demanding complete control/obedience from potential interviewers is highly likely. >>306097 Who bitch be dat? >>300011 wow did he ever escape the real bullet.
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>>305888 >trying to use the cups to obscure her fat roll >ooze squeezing out of her top anyway >horse teeth >man hands
>>306559 You forget that she is wearing black, which is slimming. Then there is the sneer on her face. An obvious attempt to appear tough (I've coughed up scarier things than her). She seems to have many insecurities about her weight. Fuck her. Her only worth is to be pointed and laughed at. She trolls everyone for attention and self satisfaction. She is only using the "feminist movement" as a means of distracting people from the fact that she is a talentless hack who spends more time complaining about the dark and no time whatsoever lighting even one candle. Even human waste has more potential. Her biggest problem is that she lies. She lies to everyone, even herself. Why? Because deep down, she has a suspicion that she is worthless but doesn't wish to face that prospect. The sooner she does, the sooner she can assess what in her life needs to change and if she is wise, change her life for the better. I honestly don't think that she will EVER do that though.
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>>306097 I'm gonna have to ask for an Id on who that qt patootie mutant is, leader.
>>305862 she is the worst forced meme
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>>306675 >she is the worst forced meme Does she know she's an ad?
I'd like to say that I hope Limpdick has learned a valuable lesson from all of this and will become a better person. But he's such a guttertrash cunt that I hope he ends up killing himself over Zoewhale.
>>306916 It might help if he took Eron up on that beer and had someone to talk to about it. Huh. Do you think Zoe's fucked over enough people, Literally and figuratively, to form a support group?
>It might help if he took Eron up on that beer and had someone to talk to about it. >>306941 That would be the smart move. Unfortunately, talking to people who have had dealings with him in the past, he's to much of a narcissistic dipshit to admit to himself that his treatment of Eron was probably a result of narrative/gas-lighting. Word is he was too much of an asshole to admit a mistake BEFORE Five Guys Van Valkenberg put him through the Borderline Wringer.
>>306571 >She seems to have many insecurities about her weight. Fuck her. #GamerGate Seriously though. Wtf are you doing still obsessing over ZQ? You do realize it's threads and shit like this that's so efficiently used against you and kind of makes it pointless when you say you want to debate ethics too.
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I don't think Zoe liked the question I asked her on ask.fm
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>>307085 >Triggered
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>>307085 >(have you SEEN the guy?) She's right, he does seem starkly out of her league.
>>307101 >he does seem starkly out of her league. He seems short.
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I'm scared guys. She's buying art of her being portrayed as a beholder.
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I think it is the perfect time for you gators to realize something: You've lost. You've changed nothing. I know this will be met with a dozen or so of you little spergs saying "LOL SHILL LOLOL GAGA GOO GOO" but let's look at the facts: >Anita Sarkeesian: More powerful than ever before >Zoe Quinn: More powerful than ever before >Brianna Wu: More powerful than ever before >Alex Lifschitz: You people are so pathetic that you have a whole knitting circle thread devoted to him. I'd say he wins. >Tim Schafer: Has a new crowd fund campaign for Psychonauts 2. Asking for 3.3 million dollars to stick it to you crybabbies. It looks like he'll definitely make that amount, AKA you failed in your attempts to demonize him. >Sarah Nyberg: Beloved by all, and not arrested or defamed by you losers, because no one cares what you think >Randi Harper: Still BTFO-ing you out of Twitter. Need I go on? Meanwhile GG is: >Listless >Shattered >Divided >All your best "diggers" have quit or are quitting >Along with everyone else who had a loud voice, who wasn't also a retarded channer >it's stupid little illuminati IRC groups were all recently laid bare by one of your own (TheRalph,) proving once and for all that GG was a group lead by shadow players for the express purpose of harassment >boards are all but completely dead >has no stable friend in KIA anymore So yes, you've lost. All your crying about DOAX3 and it still isn;t coming out in the West? You've lost. All your bitching about boob sliders in Xenoblade and it's STILL selling like hotcakes? You've lost. "Consumer movement" my ass. You're not the consumers, and now it is evident. You're nothing. Oh but hey, enjoy your Alex Lifschitz circlejerk losers <3
>>307126 >She's buying art of her being portrayed as a beholder. Not that scary really. Beholders are round and zoe's body shape is becoming round to a Randi Harper level of round.
>>307134 >You've lost. >You've changed nothing. Nah. Ethics policies at many sites. Kotaku/Grayson/Hernandez now doing disclosure. Deepfreeze.it tracking every time these clowns fuck up. Leigh Alexander banished to a pathetic blog. And theZoePost (should be named theChelseaPost) out there for all to read and see that she worked her way "up" in the indie clique by fucking lots of people. So there's that.
>>307101 >(have you SEEN the guy?) Knowing a bit about Zoe's sexual history, her standards ARE quite low.
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This picture of her with Jontron always cracked me up. There was a reason she only distributed head shots on twitter.
>>307141 kek And that was BEFORE her massive weight gain.
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>>307143 Actually I think she was losing a bit of weight through winter/spring 2014. The pic with Jontron was from GAME_JAM a few weeks before she hooked up with Grayson (and he shilled damage control in Kotaku for her wrecking it). pic related is the biggest she got maybe, a couple of years before GG.
>>307144 >was losing "Was" being the operative word. Now I don't think she is even trying to control her weight.
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>>307134 >Anita Sarkeesian: Being openly shit-talked by AAA devs, average internet comment section calls her a shit >Zoe Quinn: Being dragged through the Massachusetts legal system, on contract for a book that will never be published (she's not going to put her name on any book that doesn't pole-vault the line into defamation) >Brianna Wu: Life consists of representing SOCJUS, do I need to explain why that's a bad thing for SOCJUS? >Alex Lifschitz: Cucked, pumped, dumped >Tim Schafer: Gets money from retards, will burn that money on a shit game, further discrediting himself & Kikestarter (P.S. FTC says "Hi!") >Sarah Nyberg: Beloved by all of Ghazi & SRS, a perfect redpill tool for everyone else >Randi Harper: Completely unemployable outside of SOCJUS companies that are going to die quickly, spends all her time burning bridges with contacts & picking fights with important people >Meanwhile GG is: Watching Gawker burn? Enjoying South Park's great new season? Throwing wrenches into SOCJUS's plans? Winning? >KIA Has grown to the size it's now a credible counterweight to the SRS Fempire. >All your crying about DOAX3 and Play-Asia has shown that "fuck SJWs" is a massively profitable business strategy. That's going to change things. >So yes, you've lost. You've lost. You're nothing. And if you believe that with all your heart and keep proclaiming it true, then a fairy godmother will appear and say "you're never getting that $10 back".
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>>307150 Speaking of which, I seem to recall her mentioning her ADHD medication one time. Something she has in common with Harper and it's essentially legal meth. With a nice side effect of helping big girls lose weight. I wonder how many SJWs are medicated? It seems to be a whole cult that's basically hooked on (legal) meth.
>>307154 That is assuming of course that they both have legit ADD/ADHD and didn't just see some quack so they they can use the meth for weight control.
>>307141 wait… her and jontron are friends?
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>>307156 The thing I never understood is why you would prescribe speed to someone with attention deficit HYPERACTIVITY disorder. >>307161 Nah, they hate each other. But they were stuck together in GAME_JAM and unlike LW, Jontron adhered to his contractual obligations and has mostly kept quiet about the debacle.
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>>307085 >have you SEEN the guy? Yes, Zoe.
>>307141 >tfw you think the thumbnail is stetched >Full size it, nope. just huge ass desks, huge ass lamps and a huge ass
>>307134 damn son you actually put effort into your b8
I do enjoy watching cocky trust fund kiddies getting what they deserve.
>>307223 Me too. Funny how Brian Who also is a trust fund baby.
>>307237 Consider making an appointment with an optometrist.
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>>306647 >>306420 My apologies for the late reply, i dont know, i saved it off 8/v/
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>>307162 ADHD fag here. It works and I don't know why. When you have ADHD, you find yourself constantly being distracted, and there's nothing you can do, you keep trying to find it but you keep finding yourself like "fuck I wanna get this done". It's like a double negative or something.
>>306420 >>306647 >>307279 Kagerou Imaizumi from Touhou 14 Artist is wool_(miwol)
>>307317 Looking up on it, people with ADHD seem to have lower gray matter volume than normal. Gray matter "includes regions of the brain involved in muscle control, and sensory perception such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control" (wikipedia). Aging and stimulant use were found to help normalize gray matter in ADHD sufferers. http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.2011.11020281
>>307280 >>307269 John is truly a terrifying creature.
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>>307325 Prepare yourself for probably a week's worth of nightmares when you see these.
>>307326 ol johnny boy's weapon looks like some kind of laser rifle, but the handle grip looks like one of those funny shaped anal toys you see in a sex shop, here come a weeks worth of nightmares ,
>>307151 >>Tim Schafer: Gets money from retards, will burn that money on a shit game, further discrediting himself & Kikestarter (P.S. FTC says "Hi!") Minor correction: Its not on Kickstarter. Doublefine has created their own crowdfunding platform, so that when Tim Schafer takes your money and runs without delivering anything, the only person you have to complain to is Tim Schafer.
>>307326 And I now no longer have a sex drive.
>>307326 I spoilered those pictures because they are FUCKING DISGUSTING
>>307451 >I spoilered those pictures because they are THANK YOU!
>>305862 No lie, I'd come all over that face.
>>307451 If I had a daughter I would offer you her hand in marriage as thanks.
>>307126 >That roundness in her face >Those Sausage fingers No amount of black clothing can slim those down.
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>>307451 thank you
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>>307180 Nah, it is stretched. I normalized it a little.
>>307269 Wu has the same fucking facial expression as South Park's Bruce Jenner in this season. Fucking buckle up, buckaroos. And I just figured out what every fucking picture I've seen of teridax looks like. James Holmes. I've been wondering where that "trying to approximate human emotion" look came from.
>>307500 Hello ghazi, hows your lack of sexual life going?
>>307151 >Being openly shit-talked by AAA devs Seriously? where? About fucking time they woke up
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>>307555 at least four other guys would too.
>>289397 Does she wipe her ass with her hand? FUCKING GROSS.
>>289397 what happened to him? he got cucked and memed on. that's what.
>>310295 >he got cucked and memed on. He is such a coward that his Twitter has been private for several weeks now. If he had even a single cell inside of his empty ballsack then we might get another one of LW1's victims to come forward, but this little bitch is afraid of a whore. So be it!
>>310498 You have to keep in mind that the good graces of the privilege checkers is all he has left, the boy's done blown his chances of being that superstar dev he was telling everyone he was when he was dropping his Twitter spaghetti last year. He's obviously a puss but he's smart enough to realize he has no real reason to either. He's more or less destroyed any career opportunity he could have had in the field because of her unless he can try to maneuver it all into eventually being "the guy who sacrificed it all to help infamous torture victim and Hollywood heavyweight Zoe Quinn" in a few years for some nothing consultation gig at some no name studio.
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but who will play him in the upcoming gg the movie? i think this guy
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>>291576 Having gone through a lot of shit with a different Borderline girl myself; I can verify you speak truth. It's extremely difficult to convey just how toxic a person with Borderline Personality Disorder can become; when the lies start piling up, and she (or he) can no longer maintain the facade of being the best, cutest, most charming, girlfriend ever… and flips realities again… the abuse gets worse… then lying about it… then lying to other people about it… then cheating… then lying about the cheating… then every horrible thing she did was your fault I.E. Gaslighting… then she flips reality AGAIN where you become more abusive than all her abusive EXs who were all abusive… because she's never done anything bad in her life ever… then the character assassination and trying to get her NEW boyfriend to "protect" her from her horrible, abusive, now-EX (that she didn't actually break up with until just now)… then try to get the police and courts involved… but fortunately she couldn't keep her lies straight and I know how to properly document things so that SHIT didn't fly. It got ugly, but she fucked herself over before finally bugging out to another state with another new boyfriend in the end. This brings up a lot of old bad memories. >>306647 >>307318 >Kagerou Imaizumi >female werewolf >hairy chest waifu >betterer waifu than all the 3DPD "women" ITT >>307326 Oh god! Why did I look?!
>>307134 This. Gamergate didn't destroy anyone's career. In fact, Gamergate made Zoe Quinn, who would've otherwise been a nobody, into a household name in gaming. Anita has fucked off and keeps making shitty videos and giving speeches, appearing on TV. Tim Schafer will still keep getting money on Kickstarter.
>>314933 >Gamergate didn't destroy anyone's career How many games have LW and LWu released since August 2014? That's right. Zero.
>>314938 But anon, LW has never released any games.
>>314938 >>314938 >How many games have LW and LWu released since August 2014? That's right. Zero. And just recently people were saying gamergate is dead. When in fact we are raising the quality of games in general by putting the spotlight on fraudsters like the ones you mentioned. That shows that GG is not only very much alive but its needed to keep the quality of games above a certain standard.
>>314889 Weren't you at /cow/? I remember some guy talking about his ordeal with a BPD riddled cunt >>291576 >She's attached herself to Anita who was essentially the top of the SJW clique, but everything they both did backfired on both of them. Well anita just gave up on her scam probably because she could tell she's about to jump the shark and get all her dirty filthy laundry exposed So whats going to happen next to five guys burgers and cum? is she going back to her usual sucky-sucky schemes for money? >a lot of guys kill themselves I rather kill the bitch than kill myself but whatever… >I know of two who became gay trannies after being dumped by borderlines. WAT >I think when it ends Alex might kill himself We can only hope for that an a suicide note blaming zoe and the rest of the SJW clique, maybe even reconsidering his previous views on GG Lets see if they can spin that against us… >because he has no other option Yeah………no, he might be a whiny bitch but his dad is a billionaire, he might commit sudoku because he is a total wimp but it certainly wont be because he has "no option". He can fucking go and do jack for the rest of his life while living off daddy's money, bitch could afford the finest whores around if he wanted, drive a lambo around town, hell even get people killed since his dad is also a shady as fuck weapons trafficker >that removed that option for Alex because Zoe spent months programming him to believe Eron was evil for doing that Doubt it, I think there is the possibility that he might contact eron or even (although most likely anonymously) dox/vent all the shit he knows about zoe cumdumpster and the rest of the clique >>291553 >It would also make Alex persona non grata in the indie SJW press clique They probably already hate his ass, wimpy shits like him get no respect, just look at josh whedon >>291553 >that chunk of Alex's trust fund he invested in founding it
[Expand Post]He put his dad's money into that scam? holy shit what a retard! smh… >>306420 >one of those slutty boob-window whores but I don't remember the name Tell us anon, we shall carry your revenge to completion…. >Flynt's ex-roomies Missed on that one, story? >>306571 >She is only using the "feminist movement" as a means of distracting people from the fact that she is a talentless hack who spends more time complaining about the dark and no time whatsoever lighting even one candle You just described the ENTIRE feminist movement, down to every member… >>307134 10 BUCKS 0 B U C K S you're never getting those back faggot
how old is he anyway?
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>>315141 >We can only hope for that an a suicide note blaming zoe and the rest of the SJW clique, maybe even reconsidering his previous views on GG >Lets see if they can spin that against us… It took me just about one second to figure out an easy way for them to spin that any way that they wish. Take your pick: "Ex-Boyfriend of Zoe Quinn Goes Insane After Turning into a Gamergater, Kills Self" "We Almost Saw Our First Gamergate Serial Killer: Zoe Quinn Reveals All About Suicidal Boyfriend Who Went Insane After Joining Gamergate" "17 Things About the Gamergate Serial-Killer-in-the-Making Who Killed Himself: Number 6 Will Leave You Gripping The Controller Worse Than Resident Evil and Silent Hill COMBINED!!!" Seriously, have you not figured out how these people work by now? I could easily write a thousand headlines like this per day.
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>>315141 >Weren't you at /cow/? I remember some guy talking about his ordeal with a BPD riddled cunt That wasn't me, because I've never bitched on /cow/ about it; I know what that bro went through without knowing his situation… Because Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD, like herpes, or AIDS is the gift that keeps on giving. Being with with someone with it MAKES you insane. Unless that cunt (or dick) falls in with someone (with a worse disorder… like psychopathy) that offs the cunt (or dick) with it; that cunt (or dick) will just move again, create a new identity again, and victimize again, and again, and again… because nothing they did will EVER did be their fault EVER… because BPS.
>>289443 Are they LARPing?
>>307162 I can help with this. People with ADHD have a spot in the brain that controls impulsivity that isn't quite pulling its weight. If you stimulate it … boom. You can actually see the spot on a PET scan.
>>315414 This makes me want to try to circulate fake sturies about Lifshitz on how he's come out as pro-GG, just to see how the SJWs would react - and maybe make him come out of hiding to denounce the story
>>315479 Seeing how cannibalistic SJWs can be, it sounds like a good plan
>>292138 >He also said Alex was an Elliot Rogers forever alone due to him being a piece of shit human. >Which made him prime meat for Zoe to get her hooks into. How much money do you think Zoe took from Cuckyshitz in total? Think about it for a second: >takes a 3 month vacation to Europe >has a paid hearing with a congresswoman >tramp stamp tattoo >corporate lawyers that charge crazy amounts I might be missing quite a few things, but I'd wager the sum is about $50K on the very low end of the spectrum. It would be sweet if she scammed that cuck for six figures or more, though. >at least he might have gotten to keep pic related after the breakup >but maybe she took that with her, too :^)
>>316718 Sometimes the miracle of invention takes my breath away
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>>316719 RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Spotted this pic in a tweet from Zoe a couple months back. Her, Cuckyshitz, and a few others from some random SJW crew went to a gaming or comic convention together. Pic related shows this faggot seems to still be somewhat enamored by the used-up whore who took his virginity. Pretty sure she is keeping him "on the backburner" just in case Patreon shuts down, and it is a damn good feeling because nobody deserves that kind of treatment more than a lying, arrogant bastard child of a military arms dealer. Zoe keeps changing twitter accounts so I'm not sure if this tweet is still visible or not, but either way it is nice to know Alex is going to get more misery in the near future.
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>>324864 Also, it looks like Zoe manipulated Alex into buying her a sword, or at least that is what seems to have transpired from the tweets.
>>324864 The pic on the upper right. is that guy wearing cuckold horns? Is that guy lipshits?
>>324867 I don't know what those are supposed to be on his head. Piglet ears, perhaps? Anyway, that is definitely Cuckyshitz in the upper right panel. We can only assume that Zoe spent a little too much Patreon money on booze and pills so she needed to invite him along to the convention for some spare change. Like I said before, she keeps changing her twitter account and deleting things so it is rather hard to keep track of the whole mess. If these pictures are any indication to go by then we can rest assured that Alex is in for another round of Borderline craziness sometime soon.
>>324864 Damn, Loss is tainted now
>>324867 >>324869 They look like Homestuck horns
>>324864 >RED ALERT! RED ALERT! >Spotted this pic in a tweet from Zoe a couple months back pick one. This was not bumpworthy.
>>324867 >cuckold horns Is that a real thing? I thought it was just a medieval turn of phrase.
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>>324878 >board is almost dead >This was not bumpworthy. >pick one Links to pics with Alex: Cuckold horns https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/710703540725882880 "So we all got keyblades" aka Alex probably bought her a sword https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/710658412569169920 The collage https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/708075332784381952 She framed Alex's pic (seriously) https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/711669493550813184 Extra rage: LW1 wires up her brand-new, custom-painted Harley Davidson https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/708075332784381952 And has an expensive helmet to match https://twitter.com/UnburntWitch/status/708152631189852162 Seems like that Patreon money is being spent on helping out women in gaming if by "women in gaming" you mean LW1. Same exact thing on which LW3 spent the money. Does LW2 have a new bike also? Anyway, Cuckyshitz is hopefully riding on the back and paying for the gas and hotels, humiliating tramp stamp in full view of passing traffic. It's kind of poetic in a sick way.
>>324910 >Is that a real thing? I thought it was just a medieval turn of phrase. It is a turn of a phrase, but that pic would be the dictionary pic of the word cuckold. If you were to travel back in time and get a medieval master painter to commission a painting of what a cuck would look like, they could not do a better job than that pic. If you show that painter those 4 pics titled Cuckoldry as depicted in a quadriptych they would say das it mayne, you just can't do any better than that. You show that painter the cuck with a yoy sword pic, they would say why did you bring me out of my own time and era, these confoundingly magical prints of light you are showing me has obviously captured what it is you are trying to illustrate, which is cuckoldry in your current year. What I'm saying is, holy shit lipshitz is cucked hard.
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>>324990 >>324990 >LW1 wires up her brand-new, custom-painted Harley Davidson A woman doing amateur wiring on an expensive and potentially dangerous machine? Im just glad im not in the same country as that potential disaster.
>>324995 Doesn't her dad own a Harley dealership or something? She might actually know what she's doing here. Or it could be just posing for the camera.
>>325150 She can't do shit, ofcourse it's posing for camera, she didn't even tie her hair, and when you work with stuff, long hair will get into EVERYTHING.
>>325160 Good point, now that I think of it, the few girls I know who do manual labor or repair things by themselves all have short hair or tie it back when working.
>>325166 The girls I know who are highly technically competent dont need to stage photos to prove it either. They just get on with shit like technically competent men do.

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