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GamerGate Radio

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/ggrevolt/ confirmed /leftypol/ shill board Leader 11/29/2015 (Sun) 07:51:20 Id: 7c552e No. 303406
Confirmed by the BOARD OWNER >tl;dr if I hadn't been involved, there's a good chance /ggrevolt/ wouldn't exist. everyone there is on an official /leftypol/ board. >>>/leftypol/450317 https://archive.is/fb21b Remember kids, uncle /pol/ is always right
The board owner of /leftypol/ is also likely one of the main proponents behind overthrowing /int/
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>>>/leftypol/450389 https://archive.is/X0I1U
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It just cements the fact we all knew long ago. GGRevolt, and the fags who post in it are D&C shills, who spend more time attacking pro-GG than the fight against shitty game journalism and SJW's.
So /ggrevolt/ was created by people from /leftypol/ to D&C? Is that whats going on?
>>303424 if not created, heavily influenced at the very least
>>303406 >meaningless videogame dispute So why spend your life undermining it? >>303416 >anyone who disagrees with me on any level is an evil conservative So he's basically admitting to being a SJW. I mean Allum Bokhari along with half the Breitbart Tech staff, Sargon and Based Mom (to name just a few of the more prominent voices) aren't from the left. Obviously any sort of belief in open discussion makes you a fascist. Also way to miss one of the points of GG. >agendas should leave vidya journalism, this should be accomplished by inserting my agenda
>>303406 He's not posting any evidence all this prove is that he may have helped get revolt of the ground. That's it cause he got buttblasted his leftypol shit got deleted or autosaged here. correct?
For fuck's sake, that's why I hate /pol/ and /leftypol/, because they don't care about ethics nor videogames, just pushing their own ideologies while we just fight against censorship.
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>/leftypol/ trying to infiltrate movements in a schizophrenic and paranoid manner to divide and conquer YOU DONT SAY
So basically GG was broken up on the inside by at least partly leftypol and caused the divisions we have now.
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An the circle of drama continues, if you something like OpPolyGone, SPJ Airplay 2, those +250 undiscloused at VGN would spread like this drama.
>>303605 >that first image >heavy handed moderation Anyone who was actually here for that time knows just how little moderation was done. The purge happened because they'd so completely covered the walls in shit nothing was getting done. Every thread was fucking drama.
>>303565 If you're into psychotic elderly women.
>>303618 >Anyone who was actually here for that time knows just how little moderation was done. The purge happened because they'd so completely covered the walls in shit nothing was getting done. Every thread was fucking drama. I remember that time, I left the GamerGate Discussion on the chans over that shitposting and dramawhoring at that time. When I came back and saw the split I was quite glad. I would go to 25% of the activity we have now, rather then going back to that massive shitfestival.
>>303435 >So why spend your life undermining it? It's called lulz, faggot.
>>303638 Think for a second, what lulz are you procuring if no one at all finds you funny? I've listened to several streams with revolt clique people in them, and not a one of you people is funny. You all have the same sense of humor as goons. Every time I see a Ziggler pic I think of Lifshitz stupid Gary Busey icon. Self-awareness is one of the many things required to be intentionally funny. If anything your very presence is proof GG is far from dead, and still drives you SJWs insane. Would there be any point in trolling Atheism+ right now, for example? Of course not, they're dead, there's like six people who still say they're part of that group. The retarded "black knight" plan obviously hasn't worked, because none of you is charming or funny. If you dispute this, consider how many of you have youtube channels that average like 14 views a piece, if you're lucky. You get no reward whatsoever from your effort. It goes beyond doing it for free, you guys are paying the equivalent of let's say oh, ten bux. Taking all that into consideration, the only explanation for your obsession is ideology. You're butthurt lefties, plain and simple.
I wish board owners would check their fucking personal baggage at the door. This just ruined /leftypol/ for me. Not information I needed or wanted to know.
>>303659 >This just ruined /leftypol/ for m It being a fucking leftist political board wasn't bad enough? Fucking THINK, dude.
>>303666 But leftism is good.
>>303666 INB4 the GG RETARDS COME HERE AND SAY p-pol, t-ech, le b-/b/ HELPED US TOO! BELIEVE ME PLESE WERE NOT COMMIES I SWEARS. god these people are pathethic leftcucks.
All I know about this board war bullshit is that /gamergatehq/ is far more likely have relevant stuff on the front page. Every time I go to revolt, the entire front page is just trash-talking HQ. Even if this is underlined by genuine grievances, it's gold dust to D&C shills who want us fighting each other, not our enemies.
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>>303416 >be me >be leftie >never been banned That BO is a colossal idiot. Probably got banned for being an autistic fuck and somehow thought that "muh anarchy, muh rulecucks" would draw lefties in? I saw that place was shit the moment it spawned, they were never going to accomplish anything on their own. They'd just ride the coattails of HQ and then complain that they didn't do enough. Actually, that sounds exactly like a true pinko leftist would do.
>>303702 >All I know about this board war bullshit is that /gamergatehq/ is far more likely have relevant stuff on the front page. Every time I go to revolt, the entire front page is just trash-talking HQ. THIS. A million goddamn times this. I don't give a fuck about board drama, never did; I'll go wherever people are actually talking about GG-related stuff, which is why I never felt the need to post on /ggrevolt/.
>>303653 nigger we set it up and then we watch you faggots eat each other. we don't do shit anymore. you gamer fags do all the shit for us. it's great. and it was so easy to make it happen.
>>303730 >that sounds exactly like a true pinko leftist would do Exactly. This is far left commie scum trying to stir shit again.
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>>303631 >If you're into psychotic elderly women. God I shit you not, but I was once making out with a older psychotic woman.
>>303659 >>303666 All members sucking communist and socialist dick didn't ruin it for you? /leftypol/ and /r/socialism are places that support the current venezuelan presidency and pretend that the country didn't go to shit.
>>303684 Whats wrong with beeing a commie?
>>303730 >That BO is a colossal idiot. Probably got banned for being an autistic fuck and somehow thought that "muh anarchy, muh rulecucks" would draw lefties in? >I saw that place was shit the moment it spawned, they were never going to accomplish anything on their own. They'd just ride the coattails of HQ and then complain that they didn't do enough. >Actually, that sounds exactly like a true pinko leftist would do. That's actually pretty accurate.
>>303824 Its the reason why everything has been shit these past 80 years. also they killed about 60+ million people.
>>303515 Fucking this. I always figured we should've been a lot more careful when recruiting the help of politically-motivated groups that have no previous experience fighting for video gaming-related issues.
>>303730 Fuck, are you me? The idea the left needed a /leftypol/ to begin with made me have immense doubts as to the thinking, and character behind any fool thinking such a board is necessary. If anything the left has gotten too comfortable with power, and classical liberal ideals being betrayed for more control over our lives.
>>303412 I think a lot of the people behind /int/ are the same ones causing Acid's shit. When they were sperging out in the threads yesterday, they were making a lot of really similar arguments, like >we were shitting up your board but it's free speech >why don't you like free speech??!?! Same shit. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the problems with 8chan and board crashing had to do with leftypol thinking that they have to destroy anything that inhibits their ideas from spreading, under the guise of spreading leftism. I guess if Acid can do something about these people, and the /int/ thing stops and leftypol drops, we'll have a good reason to be suspicious that they are one and the same.
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>>303702 >All I know about this board war bullshit is that /gamergatehq/ is far more likely have relevant stuff on the front page. Every time I go to revolt, the entire front page is just trash-talking HQ. Seconded. I keep my eyes and mind open–not only to detect deception, but also for introspection and to evaluate others' perspectives. I'm interested in the truth, not merely the feeling of being right in my own mind. Such being the case, I have abandoned my misgivings about /ggrevolt/ (especially after their work on exposing Polk), and thought I'd visit their board. Everyone deserves a fair shot, and–given some of the people who hang with Revolt members (like Ralph and Nora, both reasonable people in my opinion)–I thought that they might be getting an undeservedly bad reputation. Today, I went to their board seeking an op thread or the like, but it was largely expressions of strife against either GG or this particular board (more the latter, I want to believe). I won't pretend to know all the details regarding this contention, and they have every right to organize for GG's sake in their own way, should it be incompatible with how things are done here…but if they will, at least keep the essence of what GG is. If not, and they'll just focus on stirring up trouble in GG, don't they amount to aGG? The strife, if it must exist, should be far subordinate to the struggle GG embodies. I'll continue to see what they're about, though. Maybe this first impression is wrong. Pic not related, but on a side note, can anyone identify the girl in it?
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>>303846 In the dozen times I have visited revolt, without fail it has been composed of the following content: 1. Threads complaining about Acid Man/gghq 2. Threads copypasted from gghq 3. Threads complaining about what a single Twitter e-celeb said about something It's similar to /svidya/, where the threads about Mark have hundreds of replies but the actual video game threads have barely a dozen. They don't actually care about "the fight", only the people involved in it.
>>303653 >You all have the same sense of humor as goons. You are more right than you know. a/GGR/ is classic SRS goon D&C shillery Just look at the way they misuse the "cuck" meme: A real cuck, short for "cluckhold", is moot; who hauled the luggage of someone else's girlfriend across Europe and never got so much as a handjob out of it, then let her SJW clique friends infiltrate 4chan's site administration and moderation, ruining it worse than it was already ruined. By contrast: a/GGR/os, "cuck" mean "someone pro-GG person (never aGG) that I'm salty about for being more efamous than me" E.X.: Sarcuck Acidcuck Ralfcuck
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>>303824 >nope, nothing wrong with communism
>>303835 >For fuck's sake, that's why I hate /pol/ and /leftypol/, because they don't care about ethics nor videogames, just pushing their own ideologies while we just fight against censorship. >Fucking this. I always figured we should've been a lot more careful when recruiting the help of politically-motivated groups that have no previous experience fighting for video gaming-related issues. Because censorship is never about politics.
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>>303877 That's probably not the best compare-and-contrast example, because there the Korea that's a power-mad military-dictatorship that attempts to control every aspect of every Korean citizen's life …and then there's North Korea.
People who still say they're leftists after the everything going on with just GG is weird as all hell to me. You just need to pay a little attention to this one small issue of shitty video game journalism and you see how bad the left is, look around more carefully at other issues and it's even more obvious. It's like a fucking cult people refuse to get out of.
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>>303906 I have liberal tendencies, but I am not a leftist. Leftism is about taking subgroups and using them as convenient talking points to push their subversive agenda. Also, leftists have a tendency to backstab their allies while talking out of two sides of their mouth. At least with right wing airheads you know what you get.
>>303877 I like it dark, what's the matter? Cannabis is legal in North Korea. N. Korea best Korea.
>>303914 South Korea is a (SJW-ish) Left Wing military dictatorship; while North Korea is a ''(ultra) Right Wing" military dictatorship. In the south there is no regards for innate freedoms or human rights; while in the north there is no regards for innate freedoms or human rights AND NO FOOD North Koreans would eat the weed if they could find arable land to grow it.
>>303914 …also I'm not sure having weed-munchies would make starving to death worse or better
>>303925 >South Korea is a (SJW-ish) Left Wing military dictatorship; while North Korea is a ''(ultra) Right Wing" military dictatorship. Holy fucking revisionist history, fuckwit. North Korea was created by Communism, literally, with Communist funding. South Korea was created by Capitalism, using funding from the US. You have it EXACTLY backwards.
it's dumb how leftists from the areas that shit up this place think that cuba and north korea are good because they're against the US.
unrelated, but did the front page of gghq stop updating for anyone else? it hasn't changed since around 8 hours ago for me, and it looks the same from my phone and desktop
>>303702 HQ has been pretty much shit for the past couple weeks though. I'm pretty sure /v/ does a better job than HQ.
>>303946 it's a glitch because old 8chan is dying, it's part of the reason HW and the crew are trying to get infinity next out, because the current web code can't handle the amount of users (this stuff is happening on almost all boards) just use the catalog for now
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>/ggrevolt/ confirmed /leftypol/ shill board
>>303966 regardless if the board owner from leftypol is lying or not. all gg has is "WHO SQUEALED" which is actual nigger tier talk. the damage has been done. Nobody but ggretard will believe themselves. You can thank the leftardpol BO for that.
>>303835 >no previous experience fighting for video gaming-related issues. Which would be like 100% xD >>303833 >also they killed about 60+ million people. Actually it was more…
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>>303846 >I won't pretend to know all the details regarding this contention, and they have every right to organize for GG's sake in their own way, should it be incompatible with how things are done here…but if they will, at least keep the essence of what GG is. If not, and they'll just focus on stirring up trouble in GG, don't they amount to aGG? I went there also a few times and I am kinda tired of spending that amout on meta stuff. If I wouldnt have some extra time recently that stuff would be super off putting. I can understand how many people do there own thing under a diffrent name. I mean Sargon calls out SJW, Open Gaming Society goes on to have a further dialogue, SPJ Airplay 2 is around. Or take Deepfreeze isn't called GamerGateFiles or something similar for a reason. There are many people which carry the ideals of GamerGate in their heart, but getting put off by this massive meta-drama-braincancer. This shall not be defetist or something but I can understand how people getting tired. This isn't even sole GGR fault, while I personally don't want to hear GGR anymore from anyone. If you do nice work, tell me about nice work, but GGR? Fuck off with GGR. Atleast that's for my part.
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>>303846 >>303852 >>303863 By the way this is a perfect summary. Capped.
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>>303986 dont forget that GGRETARD is obsessed with ecelebs and identity board politics, thats something that most SJW infiltrators rely on and use to break apart shit. they also used the _rewrite history_ shill tactics. and frequently say that they're the real GG OR MORE GG than other hubs. it kinda sounds like the dumb WE ARE MORE MARXIST THAN you useful retardism found back during the Bolshevik revolution. they are slaves to ECELEBS and identity, and always think an attack on one of their namefags is an attack on the board as a whole. NO REAL imageboard browser cares about namefags. this is a symptom of SRS redditfaggotry.
>>303805 >we were just pretending to be retarded
>>303989 This is why GG doesn't have leaders. One look at the whole GGRevolt eceleb obsession would tell you how they set up 'leaders' as new targets to attack.
>>304011 They'll just have to learn the hard way about being a useful idiot, particularly of the egotist subtype.
>>303833 >I don't give a fuck about board drama, never did; I'll go wherever people are actually talking about GG-related stuff, which is why I never felt the need to post on /ggrevolt/. Prove it outside of bullshit stories spun from Big Government. The hypocrisy of McCarthy cock suckers.
>>303983 Holy shit it's Poe's Law incarnate. They're all wearing Guy Fawkes masks as they type that aren't they?
>>303943 Yeah, North Korea is communist like Gamergate is a bunch of women hating ISIS terrorist. If we keep saying things over and over until people are indoctrinated, then it becomes true, amirite. Current North Korea and Cuba are actually the result of US sticking their dick there in the first place. As is typical. US does not fight tyranny or poor conditions, they enact and create them.
>>303416 Kek. Commie cuck gets butt blasted that he got banned for being a sliding shill. I guess the faggot doesn't see the irony of getting banned from gg for trying to make everything about muh lefty politics.
>>303515 You wrongly assume that gg and pol are completely distinct groups.
>>304149 >communist revolution YAY COMMUNISM >it's a disaster T-that's western propaganda >it degenerates into a complete fucking disaster THEY WEREN'T REAL COMMUNISTS That's the last hundred fucking years.
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How is it that these goon-types seem to have the same sense of humor?
>>304149 Yeah and the UK allowed Saudi Arabia to bribe them into head of human rights for the UN. Despite all of their moral pandering, no one in the West really gives a shit about humanitarianism.
>>304205 >When did you figure it out? Bosnia? Or the North Korean Nuclear Weapons tests?
>>304128 Uh, what? I don't think it's me you meant to quote there.
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>>304192 She screenshotted that second image from /cow/ IIRC, I saw that thread. At the time I actually thought it might be a false flag because they were spamming cat gore or something and that picture was their justification. I forget sometimes that aGGs are still obsessively reading everything posted about them. Hey Zoe, since you're reading this, it's that guy who's always pointing out you have Borderline. I watched another documentary on the subject the other day and they mentioned an exercise you might want to try to deal with future bouts of emotional instability. Next time you're all pissed off and freaking out, go to the freezer and get an ice cube. Squeeze it and focus on it and how it makes you feel. Then once you've calmed down, focus on how you feel about whatever upset you. Incidentally, Milo was right. Break up confirmed.
>>303914 I don't even know if this one is serious, I've met so many delusional leftists who would genuinely defend backward shitholes like NK and so many retarded 420 SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY teenage progressives that the combination of the two would not surprise me in the slightest.
>>304376 Speaking of which… ever notice how many opiate addicts are also extremely liberal?
>>303435 >Allum Bokhari Classical Liberal >Sargon Leftist >Based Mom Democrat (which is more centrist) Milo would've been a better example.
>>304306 >Incidentally, Milo was right. Break up confirmed. ?
We are kinda getting off topic, but yeah, here we go. ^^ >>303942 Mate I am sorry, but >>303925 he is right. Creating intend has very little to do with outcome. USA is perceived as a democracy, please look up the reelection rate of senators. China and Sowjets had less high reelection rate. >>303946 You are not alone anon. No worries, it's the site. >>304376 Most of them never visited such country and want to be edgy or something. In NK smoking weed is encouraged by the goverment, it lowers your IQ by on average 8 points and makes you paranoid. For a surveillance a quite smart move making your people super paranoid.
>>303406 >ggrevolt BO is leftypol BO >this somehow discredits them >Acidcuck goes to FBI office, takes pics of plaque with post its going "hi name1, name 2, name 3…" >this somehow means he isn't an FBI informant, he just likes to take roadtrips to his local FBI office and take pics. >GG too stupid to realize both BO's are shit >GG literally divided and conquered itself, instead of realizing new board that bans any faggot using a name works. Banning SJWism also means no leftycucks ruining the board. Stop seeing it by party lines, no BO should be able to report its users to the fucking FBI because of personal beef (which btw only shits it up for everyone else that isn't involved, see the million threads about this) and leftists should keep out and stick to their own interests. Because they won't, simply make sure to get rid of them. >>303422 >who spend more time attacking pro-gg than the fight against game journalism and SJW's You won't win the fight because you're too afraid of nuking shit companies to the ground. Rules say no boycott, but boycotting Gawker is what brought about a financial ruin with advertisers also boycotting gawker media as a whole. We needed to burn Bethesda, EA, etc. When they spend millions on SJW tier games and no one buys it because "WE DONT WANT SJW-ISM IN GAMES!" The companies that didn't die out will fucking pander to you. It's part of Ark's success, what do they add to the game? Whatever the people paying for it want, not what some observers on the sidelines want. As long as GG supports these companies you won't get quality games, and when you prop up the companies behind pushing this shit further and further into games and by extension its journalism, then you will never win because your vote with your dollar sustains them. Don't believe me? How many of you fa/gg/ots bought Fallout 4? No story, shit dialogue, no fallout elements, have to be the good guy, shit graphics up close, removal of karma system, implementation and over-development of a FUCKING FO:NV MOD! Yet that little shit made millions. We get shit because we PAY for shit.
>>304306 >ME2 >has a 3DO >that shitty pendrive thing TRYHARD Also nice shop zoe but we all know you have a quadruple chin Don't try to hide it fatty…
>>303846 >>303852 >>303863 I been always pro-boycott which was the only thing in which I didn't agree with classic GG so when revolt showed up I went there to propose making a list of devs to avoid and shit Guess where that went? fucking nowhere And that's the essence not only of revolt but of leftypol, intl, all SRS plebbit subs and pretty much the entire leftard-cuck side of the internet: when you to those sites there is literally NOTHING, NO CONTENT AT ALL Leftcucks can do nothing but complaint about others all day, and do shit about it Coincidentally they are all complete total losers and as such spend all day complaining about people who do something with their lives. And then they wonder why they aren't popular, maybe because they are all boring as fuck?
>>304472 >this somehow discredits them It's almost like disclosure is something we've been pushing for a fucking year. And it was those retards that got the feds involved in the first place, you reap what you sow. And these fucking obsessions with boycotts. They won't work on major publishers, they can never work on them because most of the people who buy those games don't even look at vidya sites. They don't fucking care, they just listen to the marketing. We can fuck up Gawker because WE are the audience and their money comes from advertising which is all speculative. Almost no one on the chans buys EA games already, we fucking hate them. What's that done? Oh right, fucking nothing because we're not the audience for them.
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>>304472 If reporting you fucks to the FBI is the only way to get you to go away, then I'm all for it. You constantly talk about how you're the real GG, how we're all cucks and shills, and how terrible we are for not embracing chan culture and muh free speech. And yet, you still come over here and shitpost, post disinformation, and all your own board seems to do is bitch about either GGHQ or ecelebs. If your goal really is to be the "true" GG board like you claim, then just leave already. Nobody wants you here. But that's not really what you want, is it? You want to destroy gamergate because it doesn't conform to your specific ideology. That sounds familiar.
>>304472 >>304501 Also, if you're really so obsessed with boycotts, go fucking cry about that on your board. Invite the 50 or so other retards who post there to boycott with you. Spread the word on twitter. Create some image macros. Don't bring act like this is the only fucking place where you can talk about it. If you really gave a damn, and you actually had a compelling reason, you could probably convince others to join in with you. Personally, I don't see the point - you likely won't accrue enough interest to affect any change and the free market has already provided the industry with several alternatives to major publishers who make shitty games. In the coming years as the tools get better and crowdfunding becomes more popular, those alternatives will really only get better. But if you care about it so much, then by all means, start your own boycott. That's not what you care about, though, is it?
>>304484 they only started boycott operations after their board was exposed to be useful retards. Boycotts are shit, You sound like a bad goy and i will tell you this because i like bad goy's. PR companies are counting for people like you to make that mistake, PR firms will boost sales if their clientele is getting shilled against, you invite PR and useful retards to join in on their operations. if Your going to Boycott then do it on your own and your inner circles turn it into a list of KNOWN ANTI GG proponents. let it be a thing that goes without saying. make them shoot shit in the dark and make stupid assumptions that will drive away normalfags.
>>304472 >no BO should be able to report its users to the fucking FBI because of personal beef he didn't. he reported users of another board.
>>303925 >South Korea is a (SJW-ish) Left Wing military dictatorship; while North Korea is a ''(ultra) Right Wing" military dictatorship. This isn't even revisionism, it's straight up stupidity or ignorance.
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>>303406 Copy & paste from >>>/pol/4110845 >You know this was already debunked right? He didn't make or influence revolt He, along with others, helped to instigate the initial /gghq/ split. It was artificial. From the /leftypol/ thread Question - >Really? were you that leftypol guy that was in the Right-wing Vs. left-wing thread? it was one of the first threads started there. https://archive.is/8IiJ6#selection-2395.0-2395.130 Answer from BO - >Probably. I also made a few threads about why porkies are the cause of all the problems with vidya. And probably a dozen shitstirring drama threads. https://archive.is/8IiJ6#selection-2667.0-2670.0 Example of one of those threads and someone pointing out there occurrences >What the fuck is happening? Suddenly liberals and Commies are in full force shilling and whitewashing? Damage control much? https://archive.is/mtZ7X#selection-1387.0-624.18 More examples of the shillery that lead to the birth of revolt here >>>/ggis/584
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>>303406 Wow The /leftypol/ BO is a humongous asshole
>>304840 you cant trust commies, if anything they're due for a long counteraid.
>>304526 Whatever, too late anyways since the point was to get the christmas season of '14 when GG was at its highest point and we could get even casuals to join and tank sales Most boycotts fails because only poorfags and other assholes who didn't buy that shit in the first place for political reasons don't join, like hippies boycotting SUVs, what difference does it make if they are all broke and ride bikes? In this case the boycott would be made by the very people buying this vidya shit, which is us. But now GG is old news, even if we wanted to do a boycott this christmas the momentum is gone and we can't muster the same numbers than a year ago, so the network effect its way lower and casuals wont even know whats happening.
>>304840 I feel like a feminist, blasting not all leftist, to be honest, but not all leftist. Or maybe, all leftist, I don't know anymore. I should call myself empirical leftist, or something. I mean really? The SJW's hide behind leftist ideology to bully the shit of people for giggles. I arrive at a perceived safespace, 8chan, other leftist's here pulling that kind of shit? God damn it, fuck you so much, so hard, leftypol. For that little agenda gain? No fucking wonder people dislike leftist that fucking much. I mean really? GG started FOR GETTING POLITICS INTO FUCKING GAMING. For me personally leftypol is part of the cancercrew. I don't care what others think. I really don't.
>>304425 that was the point, they're all from the left and no one cares because they're not human garbage >>304869 They're the authoritarian left, progressives, the other side of the coin to religious right who hide behind god and "the children" to spout their bullshit. They're the same animal using a different excuse. The only difference is we've been fighting the religious right from the conservative side for decades. The left meanwhile seems to have flung open their doors to the monsters, much to the horror of anyone capable of independent thought still on the left.
>>304840 it wasn't artificial just because Zan owned the board you fuckin sperg all y'alls on this board are insufferable
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>>303406 >>303406 Why cant these lefties just leave their personality / identity politics at the door for this one issue. Ive never been on GG revolt because I thought from the name it was an anti gamergate board for SJWs who were against gamergate. Now I know Im kinda right.
>>303517 More like the Cointelpro element of /leftypol/ and /pol/. Don't forget, /pol/ has been scheming our downfall for months and using /baphomet/, /leftypol/, /ggrevolt/ and elements from even this board and from the Aays/GNAA to bring us down. People just want us dead because we rattled too many cages. That means we're on the right track. Remember, there's people on the Left… the sane left… who are backing GG, and making this a left/right fight is playing even further into the D&C efforts. The Elite… those controlling people minds through the MSM… THAT is the target. We can't say we've won until that cover has been blown.
>>304891 >The left meanwhile seems to have flung open their doors to the monsters, much to the horror of anyone capable of independent thought still on the left. It feels like leftpol want's to penetrate my anus with a horseshoe…
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>>305338 The sane Left does that because the minute some rainbowhaired harpy threatens a otherwise intelligent Left member with being a racist, that immediately shuts them up. The Left is afraid of being labeled anything they're not. They need to grow a damn spine and say "There is a line, you don't cross it. You do and you can fuck off."
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>>305340 As an addendum there are still plenty on the left who have what you call "Independent Thought" and we cringe at the sight of the SJWs. Probably how the sane Conservatives on the right cringe at Trump and the Tea Party Brownshirts plaguing them. I think we got a common ground.
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>>305338 >leftpol want's to penetrate my anus with a horseshoe… That's actually >>>/pone/
>>303653 >>imblying the king horsefucker isn't a barrel of chuckles. https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/536958326534578178 https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/577442320443813888 https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/606223154139283457 triggering /k/ https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/574564912816603136 https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/471185258235564032 [tipping intensifies] https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/581562899333836801 >>dat random lewd predator. https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/581524814453694464 https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/577433300588978176 also finds some interesting stuff every now and then. https://twitter.com/2horses4cups/status/571857442616807424 >>303631 ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy >>303515 >>303659 it's called not holding firm on board choice if you're unhappy with moderation. There were about 30 alternatives made, and everyone blindly chose the obvious shillb8 rather than favourite a bunch of the smaller ones as backup. >>303863 if only people were this aware of SRS a year ago.
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>>305552 I think you're lost, friend. Allow me to redirect you. >>>/mlp/
>>304472 Nothing can stop EA. sportsfags uber alles DRM is falling in use as it's tied to online platforms now, so ubi and bethesda can be killed
>>303406 >all GGR is a /pol/ op >everyone instantly buys it whole w/o evidence >all GGR is a SJW op >everyone instantly buys it whole w/o evidence You guys have become the SJWs. You cried for one year long about how wrong it is to label an entire board based on a few elements just do become the ones championing that. Keep up this clownish "right wing collectivists but also leftypol but also pol and MRA and literally Hitler" party going, that'll sure help keep GG together. Oh right, the new narrative is that GGR is not real GGers now despite our members dominating HT RTs on twitter for over a year. GGR is the evil misogynist monster and you are the goody two-shoes progressives fighting them, and all to keep up the rep of CultofZoeQuinn and Moviebob of Akkad.
>>307831 >You cried for one year long about how wrong it is to label an entire board based on a few elements just do become the ones championing that. Nigga have you actually seen the board? Stop saying dumb shit to try and defend a bunch of trolls. Unlike the bullshit with the SJWs, this board has actually been shit on by GGR, so much so that one of the janitors got involved and was recently removed from power due to that involvement. Don't pretend we can't see whats going on there.
>>307831 It's like you know what the words are but want to redefine what they really mean because the truth is too terribly inconvenient Like SJWs do with words like "privileged" "violence" "rape" "gender" "racism" "sexism" and any of the other "-ism"s
Someone needs to make an edit of that one pic to say >It has been 0 DAYS since /gamergatehq/ was called Dead/SJWs or something to that effect.
>>307847 That's a really nice idea. Damn I need to learn basic image editing, so many bad memes from me never see the light of the internets…
KIA is pretty much entirely concern trolls now. If we did ODN again, they'd whine about how we're just as bad as the SJWs.
>>307831 >Muh Sargon >Muh CultOfVivian What the fuck is your obsession with these two /ggrevolt/ and why do you assume any of us care about them. Seriously you're fucking insane.
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GGRevolt makes every possible tension point a big issue. Destroy the e-Celebs. Rail the base against the e-celebs. Conservative vs. Liberal, Right vs. Left, MRA vs. Factul Feminists, Platform vs. Platform (chan, twitter, reddit), Rules vs. PR vs. Tonepolicing, Admin vs. Userbase. It dosen't really matter, if there is a possible drama milking of an issue. Revolt will discuss it over and over again, everywhere. People should check out something sensitve and something aweful, many memes are mirrored within GGRevolt. CultOfVivian as an example of driving woman out of GamerGate. Since everybody now's we have all soggy kneees. Sargon is getting a large non GamerGate audience, so him abandon GG would be a great sucess for anti-gg. The only reason for the hateboner against acid, is that he actually is a good BO. Going for more then 3 month is unsual. Look how long HQ is living. Yes what they are doing seems, insane, but infact it's just agenda pushing. Revolts goal is to kill GG from the inside, thats all. SRS at 8chan… Revolt wants in basic living up to the image the mainstream media portrayed us. I just feel bad for the people on the Revolt or GG side which felt for the idea that Revolt is any way legitamte. While I have to say, if I hear people in january still giving revolt the benefit of the doubt. I am glad to not associate with them anymore. I like smart people around me, which have to be also dedicated. If you are not dedicated and/or stupid, you buy still into GGR's-narrative…
>>307871 >something sensitive. Shall we feed revolt to SS? It sounds like a very good idea if you ask me.
>>307831 gg revolt is for eceleb faggotry, stay there you kulturecuck.
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Fuck pepe
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>>327994 You would if you could, you sick fuck.
The D&C has really done some damage here.

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