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GamerGate Radio

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Help American McGee's Sister Leader 12/04/2015 (Fri) 05:36:37 Id: 4856d2 No. 306919
Hey guys, American McGee is in real need of help. His sister has been missing since 11/10 and there is no trace of her. His family suspect foul play after he received Anti-GG threats that named her specifically. The police do not seem to be helping much. She is a mother of three and lives in the Dallas, TX area. If there are any Texas bros that can share this info or digg for info, I'm sure it would help a but. Futhermre, if there are anyone here with family or friends in law enforcement, please consider passing this plea for help to him.
>>306919 Confirmed. This is not a shoop. I repeat: THIS IS NOT A SHOOP https://twitter.com/americanmcgee/status/672626146404524032
>>306920 Thanks, I forgot to post the tweet
… fuck
Oh jesus fuck. If this shit get pulled into meat-space by aGGro going after a dev's family member, all hell is going to break loose
>antiGG kidnapped a woman Holy fucking shit
The threats are suspicious, but they were also seven months ago. The aGGro who made those threats was clearly unhinged, but it's questionable if he would act on those threats after seven months. That being said, there's definitely foul play involved. A mother of three being dropped off at her home at 8PM would not just disappear unless she suddenly developed a mental disorder and fled. And his sister is way too old to develop schizophrenia. In other words, someone had to abduct her after she was dropped off. And it's been 21-22 days? I hope this ends well, but I somehow doubt it.
>>306926 Don't jump the gun on this. Right now the only focus THE ONLY FOCUS Is seeing if there's a way she can be found. Don't assume aggros are behind it without some major proof. Just keep the main standard in mind: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Really hope she gets found. McGee's facebook post to anyone who wants to spread info on that: https://www.facebook.com/americanmcgee/posts/10153333812472075
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>>306930 Look at the links. They come from his twitter and facebook account. He has simply asked for anyone that can, to help find her because he has no clue where she is. He said he suspects foul play, but has no proof. Just help in whatever way you can to find her.
>>306932 >>306931 >no police report copy >it was posted on kekbook guise! >we've never been taken for a ruse cruise before! FUCKING NORMIES GET OFF MY BOARD
>>306933 I'm sorry that I have to become instantly skeptical but I do not want to see us raked over the coals for believing a story where someone claims that aGG might be involved in a kidnapping.
>>306934 See >>306928 and>>306929 Now calm the fuck down, spergberger.
>>306935 Who the fuck is American McGee anyways? His name has never come across my desk until last week.
>>306936 Big name '90s dev.n Games always get his name stamped on 'em. Latest one I can think of off the top of my head is American McGee's Alice.
>>306937 Oh that game… yeah ok.
>>306937 >>306936 Um, yeah, he's been known to dabble in games… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_McGee#Games
>>306939 I'm absolutely willing to admit I'm wrong. My first reaction is to go >someone is reaching out to GG & friends for a supposed crisis red flags go up everywhere for me.
>>306942 >reaching out to GG Except he's not.
>>306919 >>306943 Anybody living in his sister's state? Could be on the lookout.
>>306942 >>306943 Yup, he just posted. He happens to be followed by a lot of GG people because he's a dev speaking out for a functioning press and creative freedom, under his real name no less.
>>306948 Alright guess I missed that bit. I'm totally the faggot this time.
>>306948 He does mention Anti-GamerGate in the facebook post though, but only because of that nutjob who mentioned his sister's name and that she was in Dallas.
>>306951 Actually, looking at the slang that nutjob uses, he might be living in Ireland. He keeps on using slang to describe some kind of Irish Catholic group/secret society/illuminati. Weird as fuck.
>>306952 God willing it's all just a coincidence and she's on the lam for personal reasons or in jail or a hospital and couldn't contact family.
I'd look at ggrevolt before aGG, honestly.
>>306954 Well, if she was in Jail, the police would be the first people to know.
>>306958 While that's true, I have heard of situations like this where people just "Slip through the cracks." I had a customer that was arrested for drinking and driving and he was in a county in Los Angeles where they are serious about the "1 phone call" rule. He was so drunk he fucked up his one call to his wife and called some random number. He was stuck in jail for like 3 weeks before the attorney assigned to him could call his wife for him. No one knew where he was, and because he was arrested in a different county from his home, the local police didn't think to check arrest records from differing counties. They ended up dropping his case and fixing a bunch of tickets on his records because he could have sued for negligence.
>>306955 What are they gonna do, shitpost her out of the country? I'd keep an eye on third parties. American McGee is known to have a take-no-nonsense attitude, and he has had a lot of enemies both in and outside the gaming industry. On that note, you'd think the journalist would've pounced on this, but nope, dead silence.
>>306954 I doubt that NOT ONE memeber of her family is aware of her being in jail for 23 DAYS. Also, link to a basic how-to guide for finding missing persons http://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Missing-Person
>>306963 *journalists, plural or journalists in general, not singular or referring to a specific journo.
If you've got a twatter, we're trying to get the tag #FindMercy trending. No bullshit, plz. Mercy Covington, Dallas TX. Mother of three, American McGee's sister. Missing since Nov. 10.
Let's do this, let's save this lady.
>>306919 I do not know if this is related in any way. Archive: https://archive.is/YyyIP Website: http://www.texasblotter.com/news/texas/woman-jailed-on-multiple-counts/20123882.html Clicked link on page for pop up window detailing charges.
>>306919 Oh boy, I hope this is just a false alarm. The last thing I want in this gamergate revolt is for someone to die because of some crazy SJW that overdosed on kool-aid.
>>306983 >Traffic Citation and a failure to pay child support Definitely unrelated
>>306984 The worst thing we can do is make this about us right now. Let's just do the right thing and see if we can help find any leads.
>>306947 I have family members in Texas, one of which actively serves in the US Army. Hopefully that will help.
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>edgelords on 8chan think they can find a missing person
>>306996 >D&C shills on 8chan think you can hide from the internet
>>306919 Hopefully she will be found alive soon. I don't think even Anti-GG would go this far but it's a scary coincidence that threats where she was named specifically was made before this. I do think it's best if we assume Anti-GG wasn't involved though and assume human-trafficking and other crimes like it as I do think it's more likely.
Tiocfaidh ár lá!
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>>306996 GG are assholes who don't care about your feels or autism online but are generally nice people IRL and will help people and sealions in need. That aside; >edgelords want to help people It must be painful being this new
>>306919 B-but fellow shitlords, I thought WE were the people that kidnapped and murdered women.
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>>307011 yeah we are the bad men that hate women or something. in the meantime, not sure if it's productive to call Dallas PD or get their Twitter. http://www.dallaspolice.net/ https://twitter.com/DallasPD/ http://www.justice.gov/actioncenter/report-and-identify-missing-persons
>>306964 It's also possible she just ran away and got the fuck out of the country or something.
the irish stuff might be related to this guy like an attempt at a clever threat? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_D%27Arcy_McGee
and ffs some of you are plebs, asking who the hell he is. he worked on doom and quake among other things.
Death threats and doxing is pretty common all over internet drama like this. It makes it really hard to know when it's serious or not. Also worth saying that we can also never know if someone is A-GG or pro-GG when they use a sockpuppet just remember what Joshua Goldberg did. Anyway, hopefully she's ok but this does sound bad. If it turns out an A-GG did it it could potentially be an eye opener to annoying as fuck SJW's who think that think they can act toxic and destructive because it's for a good cause and nobody that believes in a good cause would do a bad thing. But atm, it seems a bit flimsy.
I understand the need for skepticism, I really do, but some of the people here are either completely retarded or are purposeful shills. American McGee is not a journalist nor a clickbaiter. He does not fuck around, never has. If that guys says something's wrong, you take him seriously. I mean what the fuck can happen - "OH LAWL LOOK AT THOS GOOBERGATERS JUMPED THE GUN ON HELPING FIND A MISSING PERSONA BWAHAHAHA"
>>307050 The worst that can happen is that someone spergs out and goes on the warpath against aGGros with this before anything has been proved or resolved. And you know it'll happen, we have no lack of spergs gravitating.
>>307050 You must be new, because GG had been burnt more than a few times by opportunists wanting to exploit the core of goodwill and altruism that is proGG side.
>>306919 > His family suspect foul play after he received Anti-GG threats that named her specifically. Fuck… this shit gave me the creeps. Everyone remember to be careful with derailers who might try to turn this into a mudfight without evidence against aGGros as a whole.
>>306919 Its ironic how the Anti GG chose a women to be the first real victim in Gamergate.
>>307060 Let's not jump the gun.
>>307062 Let's not dismiss it either.
Jesus fucking Christ, I seriously hope she's ok and this has nothing to do with Gamergate at all, because, in all fucking honesty? This is, and has always been, about video games. Video. Fucking. Games. If some fucking scum-sucking piece of shit actually went and did something to a person over a fucking internet slapfight over video games… I don't even. I seriously don't.
>>306937 Wait is American McGee actually his real fucking name
>>307066 It isn't about video games for a lot of the pieces in the chess set, though. Video games are only relevant to some of them, because (1) the industry and the market have the wrong demographics, and (2) they think that art must necessarily be a force for political change. Suppose a couple groups of people were arguing over emissions capturing for coal plants; some other person, X, with similar motivations was discussing the effectiveness of a carbon tax for incentivizing a transition away from fossil fuels; and yet another person, Y, opposed to any intervention in the economy goes and burns down X's house. It's not all about coal there. The coal issue is part of a larger ideological disagreement. But I wouldn't make any assumptions about the involvement of politically-motivated aggressors. Most of the time someone is killed by someone they know.
>>306936 > Who the fuck is American McGee anyways? I'm chilean and I know who he is. One of the big names behind "id Software", you know, the guys that practically (re)invented First Person Shooters by making games like Wonfenstein-3D, Doom and Quake. He departed the company and made the Alice games. He has been saying lately that it's easier to make a movie and then make a game based on it, instead of trying to keep control of your own new original game. So for the third Alice game he's been trying to make short movies so to attract EA's attention and being allowed to make the game he wants to. Regardless, there's a real person missing, we know her face and her name and last name and wherebouts. Let's spread the news and see if we can found something. Also, let's not put the blame on anyone unless we have clear proof. Ignore the threat for now.
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>>307073 > Wait is American McGee actually his real fucking name Hippies gave some unusual names to their kids. Check the guy's bio; most of us would go crazy with such a story or become plain losers. This guy was fucked since the beginning, but instead he chose to be awesome and forced his fate.
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Guys I found the smoking gun.
>>307080 amazing proof great archive
>>307080 I suspect you are Leigh, because you must be drunk to put 150 characters in a fake twitter message, and think people will believe it's legit.
>>307080 I suspect you are Leigh, because you must be drunk to put 150 characters in a fake twitter message, and think people will believe it's legit.
>>306919 Best course of action is to start blaming SJWs right of the bat, all of them, that will incite some SJWs in the region to join the search if only to proove us wrong and rub it on our faces, SJW do not have even a shred human empaty nor a sliver of decency of any kind, if something happen to that girl they will just laugh at how she had it coming for being the sister of sexist harraser who supprts GG. they will not help until it's their reputation on hte line, And the fact is: American McGee recived treats from SJWs involving his sister, and then his sister goes missing This little red text needs to be plasted all over the internet, It needs to become a massive shitstorm, just look at how SJWs react when Playasia name droped them. Blaming them for the disapearance of someone after they specifically treatened said person is gonna get them to react, and maybe for once in their wicked lives, they'll do right thing and burri the hatchet untill the girl is found. And if the worst ever happens, The words: SJWs murdered a little girl must be spread far and wide to the most remote corners of the internet
>>307089 >>307090 What part of listen and believe do you not understand?
>>307096 Blaming SJWs would also get the press out of their asses and start looking for his sister just to save face,
>>307096 Fuck off.
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>>307100 It's not about PR shit, it's about motivating them to do the right thing, SJWs have control of the media, getting them to start looking for his sister if only to proove us wrong is what is important
>>307103 Leave this board and never return.
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>307096 >307099 Are fucking serious? Nothing can be confirmed until the police will find her and maybe the perpetrator (if there is). And nobody knows what happened to her and what her current status is. Right now You are telling people to act like fucking goons and start with the pointing blaming game like they did. Giving them the possibilities of making another scene of "gamergate uses the missing of a girl for political agenda with no hard proof" to the media. The same fucking tactic that aGGros use, or are you some scum creating an opportunity and screencapping those posts right now?
>>307102 Nice attempt at a shoop but its pretty obvious when you analyze the pixels.
>>307107 Don't start 9gagging on me?
d88330 confirmed for SJW apologist shill
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>>307108 Nigga I will bring the le 9fag army down on your ass.
Weird that his wikipedia page says he's an only child. But then again, wikipedia is crap as we all know. Anyway, looks like his sister has a history of drug and other legal problems so that may be a factor here.
>>307106 That seems like a perfectly legitimate reaction. The people who are at fault are the anti GG for making threats to his sister in the first place.
>>307106 If it get's the press out of their ass and start making the disapearance public, then it's fine, So far i've seen nothing but dead silence from gaming outlets. the more people looking into this news the better, and SJWs do not act unles it is to save face. who cares if they try to write another hitpiece, screen cap all my post and use them to prove that the only thing i intend to do by blaming them is getting them to move their lard asses and do something helpfull, if SJW could run a massive smear campaign agianst us throught the whole country they can also start a massive search campaign to. Giving them ammo to hit us with is a small sacrifice that is definetly worth the safety of a missing human being
>>307111 Here you go https://archive.is/3LmRj https://archive.is/u7UED >>>/v/7304531 >>307110 Please, I've already tasted enough cancer today
>>307113 Go play reddit detective back at reddit.
>>307112 >>307113 Right now this case has only the suspects but no hard evidence. If the truth will be revealed in the near future and those claims were wrong, then this will become a laughing stock. "GG harassing people with sjw boogeyman hysteria". The only way for more confirmations and good evidence is digging.
>>307111 >only child Ah, OK on his twitter he says this >It's accurate. Mercy and I grew up in different homes - same father, different mothers, FYI. So half-sister I guess.
>>307122 in my original post i wrote that the fact that must be spread all across the wev is the fact that: A woman has gone missing, and the prime suspects, who actually treatened her by name are SJWs That may be circumstantial evidence, but is not a lie. and spreading it will not hurt one bit, especially if it gets the press to do their fucking work if only to disprube such circumstantial evidence. It's not like we would be spreading lies, we would be simply informing about a person who has gone missing, and a one of the suspects is particular group who has threatend her before
>>307124 You're assuming that A. They would carry such a story and B. They would bother to do research and not just parrot what's being said on twitter/other news sites Seriously, where have you been the last year? Never trust a journalist.
>>307079 >his mother abandoned him and sold their house to abscond with her girlfriend and pay for their sex change operation well, now I know why he hates SJWs
>>307153 You know, with a back story like that i'm glad he JUST hates SJWs. Because one would probably be able to understand if he were wandering the liberal arts campuses of our nation, beating candy-haired loons with a shovel.
>>307122 We could still point to the threats made as the reason why we presumed they did it. At the very least it would shed light on the fact that people representing anti gamergate are sending a lot of nasty threats online.
>>307160 >woman found in Arthur Chu's basement held captive >"but not all Ghazi are human traffickers and slavers~!"
>>307079 This reads like the backstory to the ultimate anti-SJW.
Seems Kotaku actually posted something about it. https://archive.is/iRfRW
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>>306955 >does a rose by any other name not smell like D&C cancer I'd look for evidence and give no shits about who gets implicated on any side. I like to imagine myself as fairly egalitarian, but every now and then I remember that I'm a huge fuckin' chauvinist at heart. That's three people's mama. >>306981 She's got my hopes and prayers, Leader, for whatever they're worth. Failing that, let's find if someone's got blood on their hands and ensure they have a lot of very bad days. >>307096 Get bent. Fuck you, and fuck your narrative. Follow the evidence. What if was your mom? And if your mom's an insufferable cunt - sorry - what if it was based mom? Put your backs into it, gentlemen. Dig. I just wish I sucked less at it myself.
So I did some digging. The guy who sent the threats McGee posted on Facebook (Who name dropped GamerGate) started commenting and replying to people on McGee's post. This revealed his name, James "J.R." Kerr. https://www.facebook.com/jrkerrdog?fref=ufi https://twitter.com/j_r_kerr https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-r-kerr-69596a1a http://www.dogheaddevilbarking.com/ I'll be honest, I don't think he did anything. But hot damn he comes off as a psycho in his comments. He makes claims to having known American and Mercy and goes on long, hard to decipher rants in the comment section of American's post. =GET DIGGING=
>>307187 >goes on long, hard to decipher rants in the comment section of American's post. SCREENSHOTS WHEN ARCHIVES WHEN
>>307190 Forgot the original post wasn't even linked https://www.facebook.com/americanmcgee/posts/10153333812472075?pnref=story Look for posts by J.R. Kerr
>>306983 this is a photo of mercy from her facebook. Looks similar
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>>307160 It doesn't count when they do it, for some reason.
>>306955 ayyyyy, if we were gonna make anyone go missing… Okay the others probably would pick this BO But, me it would be the /pone/ BO for spreading seditious lies and being a general 4chan plant cuckold cobswabber. >>306933 You're being rused just by staying on this board, chief! >>307013 oh nice, a new frosh image! Keep da vivs comin'! http://vivi.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1542 >>307074 forreals. Just wait til some /pol/lack kidnaps Hillary and they find Chelsea's tweets/RTs from Anita. Bam, instant GG linkage! >>307096 They already did boys, it's just that liberal media doesn't care about males. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2877190/Teenage-Little-Pony-fan-posted-heartbreaking-YouTube-video-APOLOGISING-internet-trolls-tormented-days-threw-train.html and even when not involved in the initial push…… http://www.chicagonow.com/portrait-of-an-adoption/2014/02/11-yr-old-boy-bullied-for-being-a-brony-fighting-for-life-after-suicide-attempt-how-you-can-help/ http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20783199,00.html http://tenaflyviper.tumblr.com/post/76770915166/i-dunno-about-you-but-it-really-really-pisses-me http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/688716-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic And everyone either involved with the charity or involved in exposing her lying ass… http://vikinglumberjack.tumblr.com/post/80349066339/vikinglumberjack-pinkiepony-danguy96 gets hit with stuff like that. Can't find where (might have been on her old tumblr that got b&) but she also tried to organised a 'rival' charity to steal money from that Morones kid by making up shit about their charity being fake. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Pinkiepony looooads of (semi-outdated) stuff. Nothing added yet from 2015 unfortunately. I think ED got just as embroiled in gg as the rest of us, lel. So many cows, and so little time.
>>307187 This reminds me of that Oliver/Olivier dude that was threatening Sommers and then got rolled by Cernovitch and Kincannon
>>307187 I think he fancies himself a modern day gonzo journalist, like a real-life Spider Jerusalem. He seems to be an idiot mostly
>>307187 Not to get overly dark, but you've probably noticed how male feminists goes "I wish you get raped so you understand why you need feminism"… this guy posted a disfigured woman to McGee's FB page and went on a rant about how GG hates women. >>307197 Same name, same area, and the age match (McGee said she's 41, TexasBlotter reports the same age). If the source is reliable, it's probably her.
>>307080 >>307102 Nigger, you're not even using the right fucking FONT there in that lazy shoop 2/10
>>306996 you clearly don't know how to weaponize Anonymous's good nature ye olde 4chan contributed to the tracking, identification, and arrest of this boyfucker: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Swirl_Face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Paul_Neil
>>306955 holy shit how absolutely retarded can one person be? aaaaaaahahahahaahaha
>>307079 Holy shit, this guy. I wanna meet him and shake his hand.
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>>307230 She has been missing for over two weeks, so she probably is.
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>>307230 I've never seen a Ghazi posting so blatant. That or this is a deviantart kiddo.
You can search for his sister on here and get some more information. https://www.dallascounty.org/criminalBackgroundSearch/search.do 3 charges: A traffic violation, assault (which got dropped), and theft (probably failure to pay child support). The age matches, but all of the dates are 2014 or earlier.
>>306919 If nothing else this shows why you don't be an edgy faggot threatening people.
>>307079 Damn I really liked his games, but I didn't know he was such a badass. I really hope he finds his sister alive and well.
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>>306996 halfchan used to find dead bodies and shit on multiple occasions.
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So, it seems the Dalas PD was dragging it's feet in the investigion, which is why McGee reached out to the internet in the first place. They've gotten even more pissy since McGee went public. Looks like KiA's plan of attack is to mass email everyone from news outlets to legislators to the DOJ to get the Dallas PD off of their asses. On a hunch, I started looking at the DA. Orders go down the chain, and sometimes DA's will push cops to make or discard cases. The DA of Dallas county is one Susan Hawk. It's… not looking so good. >As we work to become one of the most PROGRESSIVE(emphasis mine) DA’s offices in the nation, we need innovative leaders who are in the trenches each day and understand balancing prosecutorial duties with the needs of our community. Messina Madson has the experience and the fresh perspective to help lead our office in this new direction,” Hawk said in a news release. There's a picture of Messina in the article, here: http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2015/04/dallas-county-da-susan-hawk-promotes-prosecutor-messina-madson-to-first-assistant.html/ wearing an expression I think we're all familiar with. Also FTA: >Madson, who is now second in command, replaces Hawk’s longtime friend Bill Wirskye, who Hawk fired last week three months into her tenure as DA. >Wirskye said after his firing that Hawk was unstable and overly suspicious. More firings and staff shakeups: http://www.wfaa.com/story/news/local/dallas-county/2015/06/03/another-staff-shakeup-at-dallas-das-office/28453621/ >DALLAS — District Attorney Susan Hawk abruptly fired three more people this week: Her handpicked community relations manager and legislative liaison, a tenured investigator and a highly specialized digital forensic examiner. This latest round of forced departures is the most visible sign of continuing volatility at the DA's office under Hawk's leadership. Word of the firings traveled quickly in courthouse circles Wednesday, with many wondering if anybody's job is safe. Laslty, in Hawks inagural speech, aside from the usual tripe and bland shit, there's this little nugget: >Doing what’s right means respecting relationships and working together. It means building trust. It means a more collaborative environment between the DA’s office and local law enforcement groups, and an end to the posturing that puts politics ahead of progress. That’s why I am inviting every police chief in Dallas County to the district attorney’s office on Jan. 29 to talk as a group about how we can improve communications and all work together for the good of every community (emphasis mine) http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/latest-columns/20150125-susan-hawk-what-you-can-expect-from-me.ece So yeah. Looks like we've got a real hands on SJW diversity hire running the DA's office in Dallas county. Fires anyone who wont kiss her ass, promotes cronyism and tokenism, and acording to the first article, had a persctiption pill addiction, for which she went into rehab after quiting her job as a judge. She ran for DA after she got out of rehab. Jesus, Zeus, Buddah, SOMONE tell me I didn't just find another fucking rabbit hole. Fuck your flood detection bullshit, there's three boards here I know of where this shit might be relevant, okay?
>>306919 Mods, please sticky. This is serious, and not because some aGG might have done something.
>>307305 I'll admit this is really juicy, but we CANT turn this into an SJW thing until it's crystal clear there's a connection. If there IS a connection, there's some disturbing implications for sure.
>>307309 Yeah, we can't turn it into one publicly, I agree. That doesn't mean we should discount the possibility. It's just another avenue for potential digging. I started looking because controversy = ratings, so I figured I might do some background legwork on that so the news outlets would be more likely to bite and apply pressure. I started at the top and this is what I found so far.
>>307305 That's some fine work, leader. IF this does turn out to be some Gregory Alan Elliot style conspiracy this is the foundation. If nothing else it explains the incompetence American is complaining about.
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>>307305 Madson certainly looks smug as fug. Not sure if Susan Hawk's giving a sociopath's grin or if she's trying to force it hard because the botox injections have paralyzed half the muscles in her face. If there's one thing I've learned about SJWs, it's that they've got no respect for any disadvantaged person who'd dare to self medicate instead of spending tens of thousands on a psychiatrist and prescription drugs that are frequently less effective than the street variety. God forbid you be pro-active about your terrible situation and try to earn your keep on your back instead of living off the state; then they see you as subhuman scum who probably deserves to get knifed and left in ditch somewhere. Don't believe me? Listen to the SJWs whenever anyone even hints at the idea that prostitution should be legalized in order to afford actual legal protection and medical services to sex workers. >A friend said Hawk accused Wirskye of using DA forfeiture funds to obtain a key to her house from a Park Cities-area locksmith and then break in and steal an incriminating photo of her. >Wirskye said after his firing that Hawk was unstable and overly suspicious. Holy shit. >“I look forward to helping our district attorney take a new approach to criminal justice, and to serve this office’s mission of not only prosecuting criminals, but working to reduce and prevent crime,” What, where she'll accuse her friends of breaking and entering, and attempted blackmail, and dismiss them? But her failure to prosecute this means she either had no evidence (meaning the firing was unwarranted), or she's flat out practicing criminally negligent cronyism because of their shared history. And don't fucking forget, there are apparently ARE incriminating photos against her, so she IS a potential liability due to being blackmailed. I mean, I guess it's possible it's just a journalist publishing an uncited claim by a friend (Whose friend? The journo's?) to start some shit. >Hawk has faced professional and personal turmoil in the past week. The Dallas Morning News reported that she went to rehab for prescription drug use related to a bad back. >Hawk acknowledged Friday that she sought treatment in late 2013 for using drugs prescribed for a bad back, and she blamed a disgruntled ex-staffer for what she says is a character attack against her. No. No. NO. It's only a character attack if it's untrue. It's also legally prosecutable as slander or libel, which you very fucking carefully did not label it, because that'd open you to a countersuit for your own slander or libel, since you just accused the ex-staffer of a crime. This means it's a goddamn statement of fact with implications about your fucking character, Susie. Not a fucking character attack. Jesus Christ. I've always known Texas was a shithole with a grossly over-inflated view of its own importance, but I did not realize shit had gotten so TOXIC down there. How the fuck did you elect her, Dallas? And that's just the first LINK. The scary thing is it potentially means some cops are deliberately dragging their feet because any prosecution carried out by this fucking nutbag is going to get repealed in short fucking order, making it a huge waste of resources and manpower to secure evidence that will potentially just become inadmissable as Susie Hawk fires (another) forensic examiner and claims them incompetent. Fuck me SIDEWAYS.
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I've been looking into Mercy Covington's court history a bit. http://courtecom.dallascounty.org/pav/ There's two charges: Enter either "MC13B3606" for traffic violation or "F1163102" for the child support violation. For the child support violation, it seems like she was sentenced to two months in jail, but she should have completed that already in 2014. The traffic violation seems to be more recent - About 3 months before she disappeared. I have no idea what to make of this.
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>>307080 > CURRENT YEAR > shooping a tweet > not using "Inspect Element"
>>307416 Who are you, what do you want, and why should we care?
>>307417 Assume he's one of those black cock spammers being saltier than dehydrated cum over Acid.
>>307418 Fair enough.
>>307355 >For the child support violation Disregard this, it was for stealing wine or something. No mention of child support in the court cases.
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Jesus Christ. I lose just a bit more hope for humanity because an anti is willing to kidnap an innocent woman just to get back at a pretty cool dude that's siding with us. innocents are getting caught in the crossfire now! do we have any more info on where She might be?
>>307203 Bobby Oliverea, IIRC. Guy was a creep and a half.
>>307417 >>307418 It's Kevin, the little faggot was bragging about it on twitter.
>>307475 Who cares?
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>>307355 Update on this. Probably the last. http://courts.dallascounty.org/default.aspx If you go into Family District Case Information, you can search for Mercy Covington here using Case Number DF-09-08273. Looks like the case got settled, but one of the parties is trying to appeal the decision. Also, the last time she was in jail was in July, and arrest records don't contain any more recent arrests, so it's highly unlikely that she's still in jail now. Still possible that she ran away on her own, maybe to escape her legal troubles.
>>307520 maybe she got a MTR. she on probation?
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>>307525 Yes, and she already got in trouble after getting her probation revoked a while ago. I don't think she's currently in trouble for that though, or there would be more recent records.
>>307526 >>307520 Clearly someone with a troubled history. Looks like the Hashtag is moving forward though.
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>>307520 huh interesting. at least there's some light on this issue.
>>306983 Austinfag here. I've never heard of the Texan Blotter. The website has no WOT score and has "click me!" links all over it. I would not trust it. It almost looks as if it's run by a bot.
>>307520 >Case Type: PATERNITY - STATE AGENCY Yeah, all of those entries regarding Jail Time are most likely due to unpaid fees since this is a paternity case. Nobody would run from these, mainly because you serve about a week or so until your fees are paid off and you're released.
>>307560 yep. they want you out there making them money
>>307563 Actually your fees are reduced by a certain amount for each day you're in prison.
>>306919 Don't want to sound like a poltard but… >we just had a crazy black guy killing all christians in an oregon college >a deranged tranny killing people at a planned parenthood because they were killing babies but not cutting his dick off >a couple of snackbars going full-ackbar in california And yet the MSM barely reported that the oregon guy was black, that the PP shooter was a tranny, and made a bigger fuzz about the snackbars not being officially ISIS than the fact that they killed a bunch of people and the guy was murrican and not some "victim" of the war on terror If the antigamers actually did this………..the MSM is going to bury this shit deep deep deeeeeeeep in the ocean Mark.My.Words
Killed by a black guy. Guaranteed.
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>>307615 >that the PP shooter was a tranny The MSM are claiming it must be a typo. Someone should troll them and say "Why are you assuming that it must be a typo and that this person doesn't identify as female? Is it because of their beard? Are you saying women can't have beards?? You're so transphobic!"
just saw this pop up on tumblr going through my NSFW fap feeds. people are about to get a huge wake up call as to what is actually going on. hope you guys find her soon.
>>307520 >>307526 This is another reason the police might be dragging their feet. They see someone has a record and they immediately care less. More likely then some SJW conspiracy anyway. >>307615 That I lived not only long enough to see people realize what's been happening these last few decades, but it was videogames that were the tipping point, is kind of amazing. What a surprising time this has been.
>>307406 WTF! You're sposed to listen and believe you shitlord. Put a trigger warning next time you post something like that.
https://twitter.com/americanmcgee/status/673340292477534208 police are actively refusing to investigate now. fucking hell. looks like it's up to us Glorious faGGots to find her.
>>307649 Oh fuck, I didn't want to believe people were so fucked up to use their police power to go against people disagreeing with their political ideals.
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>>307651 the entire system is fucked. THE RIDE NEVER ENDS! let's find Mercy and get her home safely.
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>>307649 If the police are going to be faggots about it, might be time to crowdfund a PI.
>>307657 I hate when reality is pushing me further into the right.
>>307651 wow wow wow is this for real?
So they are willing to let a mother die due to the fact that her brother disagrees with them, no… This has gone to goddamn far! I was pissed with the corruption but not to the point of letting someone get killed, no matter how much I hate Anita, Zoe or anyone else, I never wished death upon them in fact I would still try to stop their deaths. But to let someone die because you disagree with them about fucking video games! That is just….I don't even know what to call it, all I know is my faith in humanity has plummeted. Please Gamergate we have to find her, we have to have justice and imprison the cunts who would let her die, Acid if you are an FBI goon, the please do something!
>>307678 cough cough Gregory Allen Elliot in Canada cough Anyone got a lozenge?
>>307686 >letting a mother die She doesn't even have custody of her children.
>>306919 My opinion is that Mercy is in the hooscow. Looks like she has a history of arrest due to domestic matters. Has she ever had a DUI? Drug posession arrest? Been to rehab? I bet she likes putting powdery materials up her nose and getting crunk. Most likely things to have happened; She got arrested while wasted for doing something that people on drugs or drunk do. She secreted herself off to rehab… again (conjecture that it has happened previously). She fucked off to Maui with her dealer or an enabler. Foul play is possible, but not likely. When women disappear, it is most likely the above. McGee should be having his lawyer call around the jails or whatever to see if she's been put in.
>>307710 Fair enough, but still letting a person die for such retarded reasos piss me off.
>>307713 She isn't dead. She's probably in jail, rehab, or on the lam.
>>307714 possibly, but we can't automatically rule out foul play either.
>>307714 Sure. But it's low on the list of probability. Possible? Sure. Probable? Not as much as my suggestions.
>>307716 The chances of her being in jail is also extremely low. Foul play or her running away on her own are the most likely possibilities. Since we barely have any information, it's hard to guess.
>>307649 is there a way to confirm they are not investigating. Trust but verify
>>307722 Foul play is lower on the list of probability than jail, rehab, or fugue. It's the next thing down, but those three are the most common reasons that women disappear unaccounted for in the United States.
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>Total biscuit has cancer and will die soon >Amerimcgee sister is still missing like she vanished of the face the earth. Puts things in perspective alot
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>>307725 If she's in jail, there would be arrest records of it happening recently.
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>>307732 This, Foul play is more likely, especially after that death threat Mr. McGee received that mentioned mercy by name AND mentioned her address.
>>307732 There would be. I saw one somewhere from 11/07. Could have been shooped. Also, let's say that your wife is arrested, the question for you becomes "where?". In Dallas? In another city in Texas? Is she in Mexico? Another US state? That's a lot of phone calls and a lot of beauracracy to cut through to find someone. I'm not ruling out foul play by any means.
>>307742 >somewhere from 11/07 Post it then. The most recent record I've found was some court case from 10/22. I searched jail databases from the entire US and haven't found her.
>>307744 I honestly thought it was in this thread. I'm not sure where it is. I do know that it said "Mercy Covington" not "Mercy McGee" and if I remember correctly it was from a Dallas, TX police website.
>>307750 Maybe you got it confused with 7/11. She was arrested somewhere close to that date.
So I haven't seen much SJW outrage about how the cops aren't doing enough to find a missing women here. They make a big stink when the feds don't arrest people that disagree with them online, but when a women goes missing I don't hear a peep. Gee I wonder if it's because she's not part of their little circle jerk about soggy knees.
>>307769 They don't give a shit about actual problems. Remember when that porn star was raped in her home in front of her children? Not a single comment by these feminists. But they will gladly flip a shit if a video game has too many boobs, as if those rapists did it because they played a video game. These feminists love to focus on the little things that affect no one and that have been shown, in literature and studies, to not cause violence and sexism, but when real violence and sexism happens, they are dead silent.
>>307772 >Remember when that porn star was raped in her home in front of her children? Not a single comment by these feminists. Yeah, I remember that. Unless I'm remembering wrong I'm pretty sure I saw one of them saying something about how she deserved it because she did porn.
>>307649 But… why? Isn't it the police's job to do shit like this?
>>307776 Negligence, not to mention the SJW run police force for that county. This rabbit hole is deeper than we've ever imagined
Wait you guys actually believe some Twitter SJW kidnapped this guy's sister just because he supports GamerGate?
>>307786 Wether it's true or not, we still should signal boost the hell out of the fact that a person dissapeared after SJWs specifically threatened her by name. The press hasn't said anything about it, but if SJWs are being blamed they may start giving some coverage to the story, if only to save face, wich by this point everyone knows is the only reason an SJW would get off his ass
>>307660 Doesn't Mcgee have more than enough money to buy one himself?
>>307774 Actually, it was Arthur Chu attacking the victim because of her relationship with Mercedes Carerra, who was trying to do charity work for her, and Mercedes is pro-GG. http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/18/brave-jeopardy-man-arthur-chu-takes-a-stand-against-helping-abused-porn-star-and-family/ Chu's a piece of shit.
>>307661 Reality has a right wing bias.
>>307828 That's literally true. I reject political ideology and go by science facts and logic regardless of whether the objectively correct solution to an issue is considered right or left wing. However I recognise that the right has more things objectively correct than the left.
>>307834 The left also likes to say the exact same thing what I just said. What they actually mean is that in their version of reality, everyone gets along with everyone, everyone looks the same, everyone agrees with everyone, there is no violence or ill will towards another.
On the right: >Christianity >Denial over reality in regards to things that go against their religion >Racist as fuck >Sperging out about gays On the left: >Islam >Denial over reality in regards to things concerning human nature >Also racist as fuck. >Sperging out about pretty much everything from boobs to trannies Stuck between two crazies.
>>307837 The question is how to get the elusive silent majority to actively support more moderate positions. It does not have to be this pendulum swing of crazies that switch places every once in a while.
>>307840 To further add to that, how do you get people, who do not care about politics, to vote? This is a large group of people, most of who hold moderate views. People who vote are more often than not, really into politics. They like to fight on Twitter with the opposition. Everyone not in their camp is either stupid, or an enemy. Saged for double post.
>>307841 >>307840 That will never happen. Normal sane people never accomplish anything notable. To accomplish anything notable requires an obsession, which moderates lack.
>>307836 What they mean is that the past sucked, and therefore change is good. People were a bunch of superstitious idiots in the past, and conservatives love to hold onto the past. It's in the very word, "conservative." SJWs are just pseudo-intellectual reactionary pseudo-liberals. They claim the liberal banner so they can hide behind the word equality, whie not actually promoting significant change, and instead playing the same old games but trying to give themselves the upper hand, instead of actually just not playing the game at all. Actual change would involve actually thinking we shouldn't judge people based on gender or race, but SJWs and conservatives both love to do that. Just they disagree on who the superior gender and race are. It's not thinking deeply enough when you say "moderates" are people who think neither men nor women are evil. Both SJWs and hardcore conservatives love identity politics. They are obsessed with race and sex. The opposite position is to advocate judging people on the content of their character. If you want to be the opposite of SJWs, that's what you would do. Denounce identity politics in all its forms.
>>307710 >She doesn't even have custody of her children. That doesn't negate the fact that she is still their mother regardless of custody. Has anyone checked hospitals. If she went to an ER unconscious or in a coma, would she be named a Jane Doe? >>307794 >but if SJWs are being blamed they may start giving some coverage to the story, if only to save face, wich by this point everyone knows is the only reason an SJW would get off his ass The SJWs won't so shit. The sill do what they ALWAYS do when something makes them look bad; ignore it and hope that it will go away.
>>307856 >won't so shit won't do shit >The sill do They will do
>>307856 >The SJWs won't so shit. The sill do what they ALWAYS do when something makes them look bad; ignore it and hope that it will go away. Either that, or double down and make things worse.
>>307859 >Either that, or double down and make things worse. Their playbook is becoming quite predictable, isn't it? > Step 1 : Ignore and hope that it will go away. > Step 2 : If Step 1 fails and people are still bringing it to everyone's attention, double down.
I don't want to sound edgy and everything, but I smell fishy shit on this. American McGee spends his entire the entire fucking month talking about everything but his sister. Photos of his dog, selling wallets, talking about student protests and Ahmed the clock kid. Shit, if you gave a fuck about your sister, you'd probably be more desperate about this? I'm not saying you would immediately share the news with the Internet, but not even worrying a bit and talking about other shit on Facebook and twitter instead? He didn't travel back from China to talk with the cops or something. The guy who threatened him sounds like he might be telling the truth > J.R. Kerr cause I didn't pull that outta my ass. I seen american and mercy looking kinda dangerously high more than once when I was working the door* and it was my job to profile people for it. >J.R. Kerr well no its three weeks later. it concerns me in as much as I go to the same places, and I don't mind the further infamy per se, but lookin at me is gonna mean you don't look for whoever offering pharming party mischief to girls with low self esteem out there. I don't know man, a mom in US not having custody of the kids and even getting arrested and having a mugshot on the Internet? To me, she sounds like a fucked-up person who got herself into drugs and alcohol and probably left home for days and weeks before. And nobody (even the family) didn't give a shit either because she always came back. But now she did not for some reason and American is saying that guy might be doing it. Even on that Facebook page made for her, the only people who said something was an ex-boyfriend from highschool and an older friend still from high school. At least she looks like a normal person on her Facebook page. But again, I'm just suspicious. If my sister was missing for more than 3 or 4 days, I'd be already losing my shit and doing everything to find her.
>>307867 Like you said, she might have had form and thus the time to worry is pushed back, and this is his half sister, so he might not even be calling her every week. Yeah, it could well be that posting the threat is just red meat to get us to find whichever sugar daddy she's with, but I can't blame him. Besides, we have us doing the legwork and aGG not giving a fuck, we've gained plenty from this at the cost of browsing police records and tweeting.
>>307867 SJW identified. That's some sweet virtue signaling, bro. I like how you ignore the vast majority of drug abuse (outside the middle and upper classes) being self-medication, which is much cheaper than, and only occasionally worse than, the professional sort. It's also neat how you're implying that there's something wrong with assuming that someone who does go off the grid for a few days here and there before coming back (also indicative of mental illness as much as, if not more than, drug abuse - see almost all of the homeless population) and then BEING UPSET when that person turns out to have disappeared. Look, fuckbag, there's nothing wrong with assuming everything's okay because an established pattern where things are okay is being followed, and the getting progressively more upset as you realize the pattern's broken and things most definitely are NOT okay. That's a reasonable human reaction to that stimulus. It's also generally counter-productive to bring the public and enthusiastic amateurs into an investigation the cops are already on - they tend to muck up evidence and generally get underfoot more than they actually help, and the PD appears to have grown progressively more reticent and less keen on working the case as time goes by - much like SJWs, they hate the idea that a lot of junkies and petty criminals got a shitty roll of the dice and adopted coping mechanisms and crime as alternatives to suicide and homelessness. Remember, it's their job to arrest these people, and make their shitty situations even worse. There just really aren't that many hardened criminals doing it purely for self-gain - everyone's got family, and most families in the lower strata of society have more debts than they have income. >If my sister was missing for more than 3 or 4 days, I'd be already losing my shit and doing everything to find her. Your whole post prior to this singular paragraph contradicts it. Fucking seriously, you scumbag. I hope once you finish trumpeting to the world what a wonderful human being you are, you bruise the fuck out of your shin on a coffee table, and then stub your fucking toe crossing a carpet runner. You empathy-bereft piece of shit. At least the cops had to evolve that as a coping mechanism for their jobs. Fuck is your excuse?
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>>307897 Are you literarily retarded? What the fuck are you even talking about? stop posting bullshit in here mcgee and go look for your sister in dallas
>>307786 > > >Wait you guys actually believe some Twitter SJW kidnapped this guy's sister just because he supports GamerGate? We certainly arent ruling it out. Due to the threats that were sent. All it takes is one delusional SJW in his area who actually buys in to the rhetoric to carry this stuff out.
>>307867 Are you forgetting he lives in China and she's in Texas? Do you have family out of state/country? It's not unusual to go a few weeks at a time when speaking to friends and family when you're far away, have your own family, kids, job stuff going on. Your post sounds disingenuous as fuck and dare I say "victim blaming" to borrow from your newspeak vocabulary.
>>307632 The thing about SJWs is that its all one big make-believe They don't give a shit about gays, trannies, blacks, its all pretend so they can get diversity brownie points and look like a better person despite being walking pieces of shit As such they are not gonna back down just because you used their own twisted logic to make them look like bigoted transphobes Because they don't care about being one, but how painting you as a "phobe" can be used for their own benefit Get it? >>307641 >What a surprising time this has been. I rather wish this had never happened at all and these cunts had disappeared for good in the late 90s instead of resurfacing now
>>308048 Also, I doubt Mercy's mother would think "My daughter has been missing for a day, I better call her half-brother who lives in China to see if he knows anything." He probably learned about her disappearance later in November.
>>308097 >I rather wish this had never happened at all and these cunts had disappeared for good in the late 90s instead of resurfacing now These people have always been around, they aren't new. The only thing that changes are their names the avenues they use to try to control people. When too much resistance builds up against one of their forms as happened to the religious right in recent times, they change shape and become something else. Once the tide completely turns on SJWs they'll become something else again. Most insidious is they'll probably look a lot like us. As is always the case the best way to bring in the new revolution is to demonize the old one.
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>>308097 Not everyone in the MSM are SJWs, some are just scared to say anything politically incorrect so can be easily trolled with what I said. They may be convinced to issue an apology and say: >As far as we know the suspect identifies as female so we will call her a woman unless it is confirmed she does not identify as such. We apologise for any offence we may have caused by presuming the gender on record is a typo.
>>307903 Your anonymous leejun friend should go to jail.
>>306919 agg murders people now. violent backlash when? I want to kill some of them too. it's okay you don't have to agree with me, but I personally want to kill them. god I wish it was legal to own guns here.
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>>308145 Calm the fuck down before you commit a federal crime At this point all we can do is hope that she is found alive and well What we don't need is people frothing at the mouth like feral dogs
>>308145 Ghazi pls
>>308048 >>308098 > Are you forgetting he lives in China and she's in Texas? Do you have family out of state/country? It's not unusual to go a few weeks at a time when speaking to friends and family when you're far away, have your own family, kids, job stuff going on. Well yeah, if you're not really close to your family, I can see why you would not talk with them for several weeks. But again, this isn't her leaving for a day or shit. It's almost a month and American is always on the net, talking with people on Facebook and/or Twitter. You'd think her mom would be worried sick after a week and get in contact with him by then. Unless Mercy had an history of leaving for weeks. I don't know, maybe it's a cultural thing. I talk with a member of my family almost every couple of days, even if I'm doing my thing hundreds of miles away from them. At the very least I'd still get a phone call right away if some suspicious shit happened to my sister.
>>308171 Mercy pretty much never uses her social media, and I'm surprised his mother even contacted American. Did you read his biography? His mother abandoned him when he was a child.
>>308145 Go home, Sir Wolfington. You're drunk.
Any news guys?
>>308145 >violent backlash when? go home leigh, you're drunk
>You'd think her mom would be worried sick after a week She's 41 not 4.
>>308171 Mercy's Mother is not American's mother. They share the same Father.
Was this ever resolved or is she still missing?
>>316434 bump cuz I'd like to know as well
She's still missing. https://twitter.com/americanmcgee/status/700164714572042240 > My sister's family have set up a GoFundMe to help #findmercy Please help if you're able https://www.gofundme.com/yypa3yhk
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>>317193 I don't think she's ever going to be found…..
She's just in my basement playing vidya and sucking dick. Chill.
>>316434 >>317193 This was an approved bump. Have my (You)s
Can confirm that Mercy is alive and really good at sucking dick between sessions of Mario Kart.
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>>317229 >>317285 >I know, I'll post it again, that'll show 'em.

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