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GamerGate Radio

Based Nippon is fighting, why are the western game developers hiding in their safe spaces? Leader 12/08/2015 (Tue) 10:58:00 Id: 881804 No. 308148
Operation Rainfall also asked if we can start seeing more Asia releases like Moero Chronicle in the future. Akenaga seemed more concerned in trying to fix the situation in the West: >That’s actually Compile Heart Asia’s decision, not really ours. We could start seeing that more in Asia, but maybe we should do something to change in the West in the future. Anyway, we just don’t want to censor anymore. http://nichegamer.com/2015/12/idea-factory-will-no-longer-localize-games-which-need-censoring-for-western-regulations/
>>308148 Because western dev's let themselves be intimated into submission by people who don't even play games. Shame that we might never see anymore localized games from idea factory because of sjw nonsense . Time to learn how to speak Japanese
>Based Nippon is fighting actually by definition Japan is NOT fighting, and choosing not to engage. Rightfully so, our culture problem should not be their burden.
Because the college culture there is different. It's not clogged with all these activist clubs and extracurriculars that seem to thrive in the US which have long been breeding grounds for SWJs. No their college life is mostly geared towards getting them into the job market or whatever as soon as possible.
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SJWs have some belief that their tastes are the counter culture but should apply to the establishment as well. It's fucking surreal watching morons like Sterling shoot themselves in the foot Goes to show how narrow minded and uncultured the "diversity" proponents are
Because Asian developers are remote enough to be safe. American developers don't want their family members vanishing and the police refusing to investigate because they pissed off the SJW ruling cabal.
>>308196 >Because Asian developers are remote enough to be safe. BULL-FUCKING SHIT ASIAN DEVS ARE SAFE. Newsflash: Japan is the only "Asian" country that has developers that has shown to have the balls to create content that opposes the SJWs and get away with it. Even devs in the west are more likely to produce "sexist" games like the Japanese than that of most other devs in Asian countries other than Japan. Neither the Chinese nor Korean devs can make sexually explicit games because porn and anything the government considers to be excessively lewd/provocative is outright banned. Most other countries in Asia don't even have game developers because they're mainly poorer third-world nations that don't even have a robust tech sector (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, etc). "Asian" releases with English/Chinese subs such as that of Moero Chronicle or DOAX3 are mere localizations of existing Japanese games, and they're typically released either Hong Kong or Taiwan where the reach of the communist government is more lax. Even then, you don't see devs from those places stepping up to the plate like Japanese or western devs do with sexual content. Japan is the exception, not the norm in Asia. Even then, they're not 100% safe from SJWs either. During the Rapelay scandal of 2009, western feminists (WITHOUT the help of corrupt journalists) tried to get the government of Japan to ban all sexually "unacceptable" content in anime, manga, and video games. DO NOT FORGET THIS.
>why are the western game developers hiding in their safe spaces? Because they have bully-proof windows and troll-safe doors. :^)
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>Neither the Chinese nor Korean devs can make sexually explicit games because porn and anything the government considers to be excessively lewd/provocative is outright banned. No shit,i just thought some of those games were made by Koreans or Chinese didn't realize there's a law prohibiting the making of such games.
>>308280 >No shit,i just thought some of those games were made by Koreans or Chinese didn't realize there's a law prohibiting the making of such games. Either that, or enforcement is sometimes inconsistent. It doesn't matter either way, because both Chinese and South Korean governments have been known to employ an authoritarian approach to sexual or "obscene" content, even moreso than the west (up to and including censoring the internet). While this means that Japan is the safest of the asian countries for game devs, it is still not 100% safe. Tokyo had the "harmful materials" ban enacted in 2009 as a result of the Rapelay scandal; Although enforcement of this has been largely a farce, it did initially lead to a few NON-H manga titles being relegated to the 18+ section of bookstores for sexually provocative content, even though it wasn't porn. It caused a lot of paranoia in the weeb community, including a creating bunch of fearmongering dipshits who keep stirring shit up by prophesizing how the 2020 olympics will usher in the end of sexually provokative/obscene/loli otaku content. And that's not even mentioning that goddamned mosaic law…
>>308148 Don't get your hopes up too high just as someone said in the comments they've lied in the past about this stuff.
>>308148 What the jap devs should do is start doing translations internally and releasing their games via something like steam.
>>308333 The problem with that is Japan has the worst percentage of English speakers in all of Asia and those who do are usually pretty terrible unless they spend a lot of time around native English speakers; which leads to insanity like vid related. That leads to a translation bottleneck we're seeing here which SJWs have been exploiting to keep "problematic" things, like DoAEX3 and the Kodomo no Jikan manga, from the customers in the West who want to by them.
>>308370 Yeah see here's the thing… SJWs are willing to drive you out of the translation industry. Most people aren't willing to drive SJWs out. Hence why the industry is now filled with SJWs.
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>>308310 Yeah, cultural maxists basically forced Japan to raise the AOC as well. What cultural marxists don't want people to know though is that their ultimate plan is actually to legalise paedophilia (which is sexual attraction to pre-pubescents, NOT sexual attraction to high school girls which is perfectly normal), keeping the AOC high and raising it in countries where it was previously lower is partly just part of that plan and partly to psychosexually attack mainly heterosexual men who are targetted the most.
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>>308370 >Yeah see here's the thing… Well see here's the thing… weebs instinctively want to expand the influence and appeal of weeb things (because "cool" Japan) to everyone in the WEST… until they drink the SJW koolaid …and then things become like a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde transformation: all the thing that make weeb things that were "different" (because "weird" Japan) from Western media become "problematic" and must be purged and the West must be protected from terrible, terrible, Japanese degeneracy. However the whole of the "the industry" is something like 30 people. who are taken from a much larger pool, of a smaller SJW pool of mediocre loser sellouts from fansubber and scantranslators groups: The "The industry" can be replaced in a day if sufficient light is shined on the SJW cockroaches infesting it..
>>308400 >What cultural marxists don't want people to know though is that their ultimate plan is actually to legalise paedophilia (which is sexual attraction to pre-pubescents, NOT sexual attraction to high school girls which is perfectly normal) 53433f here. S4T, is that you? If not, what in fucking blazes are you talking about? The "cultural marxists" you're talking about are just assholes trying to merely exert control over peoples' lives, not legalize pedophilia. If they did, they wouldn't try to ban porn, and they wouldn't push for banning of games they believe to promote pedophilia (e.g.–Rapelay, loli-based eroge, etc.). Fuck man, the feminists that tried to get Japan to ban rape games in 2009 were flying the flag of stopping pedophilia over there. They're just authoritarian pricks trying to throw their weight around, not NAMBLA fanatics hell-bent on lowering the age of consent.
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>yfw Asian games get a new platform to sell their games in Play-Asia with only subbed games and won't import to shit companies like NISA >yfw it'll literally become West vs East in vidya distribution.
>>308459 No, I'm not S4T and I don't remember him ever talking about the subject. Cultural marxists are all about chaos, saying that bad things are good and good things are bad. Also the left have a history of supporting paedophilia if you look past very recent history. When you look at what's going on, what's happened in the past and analyse their subversive ways then what is very likely really happening is that they're getting the government & MSM (and too many gullible citizens) to call anybody attracted to young adults under their country's AOC paedophiles. Since that's the vast majority of people it means that they can convince a lot of gullible (or at least scientifically ignorant) people that they are in fact paedophiles themselves. Some of these people who have been convinced that they are paedophiles are going to be reading things like those recent articles about paedophilia just being a sexual orientation instead of a mental illness that say people should be sympathetic to paedophiles and think "Yeah, I agree actually." even though they still most likely aren't very keen on actual paedophiles who are attracted to pre-pubescent children, but their survival instinct is kicking in since they have been convinced that they're paedophiles themselves. So then when paedophile activist groups start popping up again you're going to get a lot of these normal but brainwashed people supporting them. These groups will push for the abolition of the AOC (completely, unlike simply having pre-pubescent = illegal, which is how it should be) and the people who have been conned into believing they're paedophiles will go along with them and campaign for it as they want to fight for their own rights and this will appear to be the only way to do it. Again, they won't necessarily like real paedophiles but they want to appear politically correct and be allowed to have relationships with who they want, not just those over a certain unnatural government dictated age, so they'll just go along with everything and pretend that they're OK with pre-pubescent sex. People need to wake up and realise what's going on.
>>308400 >raise the AOC as well >to legalise paedophilia wut
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>>308477 Yeah whatever, dude. Ignore the fact that some in GG are fans of loli. Ignore the fact that some people in GG are law-abiding pedophiles that haven't made any attempt at harming kids. Ignore the fact that S4T has actually posted threads here before trying to get us to attack liberals for "supporting pedophilia". Holy fuck, I've never seen a more pathetic co-opting attempt that employs such shamelessly obvious conspiracy mongering. Can we please get back on the topic of Asian and western game devs before the real S4T shows up, if he hasn't already?
>>308542 GG needs to oppose all that Pedo-Lite shit, even if it means dumping loli. It's too much of a vulnerability for an ethics-minded cause.
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>>308542 >>308477 >loli = pedo. XDSDSSSSSSXDDDDD fuck are you fags talking about? a drawing does not have the same rights as a fucking child anyone who drinks this kool aid is being the good goy of jews. Don't give them a new weapon so they can silence others. fucking gamergate is starting to get fucking retarded. If people here actually cared about kids then hollywood should be shit upon for sexualizing kid actors that are real human beings. Not a fucking drawing that has no agency.
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>>308593 >fuck are you fags talking about? 53433f here. I don't know what S4T-lite is talking about, but I mentioned loli because people who got caught up with the pedophilia shit involving Sarah Butts/Nyberg (like the aforementioned faggot) have a tendency to confuse loli and pedophilia as being the same and thus try to get GG to start a crusade on both. I couldn't care less about the morality of loli or pedophilia. The crap that >>308477 spews is the exact same sort of bullshit argument that the SJWs use weeb titles censored in both the west and in Japan itself. The guy's an obvious D&C shill.
>>308596 >SJWs use to get weeb titles censored Fuck, this board needs an edit function.
>>308596 i see, spergout 4 truth needs to realize that loli aint pedoshit, its a litmus test for someone that has shit taste. anyways he needs to recognize that their culture and the faggot american culture thats influenced by SF and Hollywood is vastly different. in a way americas entertainment culture is even worse since hollywood producers frequently fuck children. starting a crusade against drawings is fucking retarded, Spergy boy should kill himself for acting like a stupid uncultured nigger who has no idea of actions and consequences.
>>308596 >>308596 i see, spergout 4 truth needs to realize that loli aint pedoshit, its a litmus test for someone that has shit taste. anyways he needs to recognize that their culture and the faggot american culture thats influenced by SF and Hollywood is vastly different. in a way americas entertainment culture is even worse since hollywood producers frequently fuck children. starting a crusade against drawings is fucking retarded, Spergy boy should kill himself for acting like a stupid uncultured nigger who has no idea of actions and consequences.
>>308370 I'd take an engrish version of a game over a censored game with cut content because MUH SOGGY KNEES any day.
>>308593 Defending Loli and the "legal pedo" shit shows a weakness of character and basically consigns you to the fringes. It's not about "rights" or what is legal or not. In the end, if you had to choose between Loli and having gamergate taken seriously as something real people could publicly support, which would you pick? If your answer is "Loli" you're a fucking speed bump on the road to victory.
>>308638 Fuck off. This is a classic example of a D&C wedge issue. In fact, it was being pushed here just a few weeks ago. We're not taking the bait. A fucking cartoon isn't a child, and GG is always going to be friendly to animu.
>>308638 oh please you stupid so called "ni/gg/er" just fucking leave for being a stupid delusional normalfag that cant see the difference between reality and the hollywood pedo rings that affect children in america. even fucking hotwheels shit on the United nations.
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>>308526 I think I understand and here's how it goes. Say the AoC is 16. Now it's not terribly acceptable to fuck a 16 year old when you're 25+ but it's legal. Now the SJT get the AoC bumped up to 19 or 20 and while some might get upset or possibly branded a pedo some agree with the bump. Now the people who want to want to bone 16 year olds start counter legislation to get it legalized. But somewhere along the line REAL pedos show up or SJT and say we should lower to say 12, 13 for AoC. Now you have legitimate people who want to fuck post-puberty but young girls, pedo's who want to be pedos and SJT who feel "compelled to help the oppressed minority". Can't say why they'd want other then to push degeneracy. As for why Westerners aren't fighting is that SJT's are really fucking loud and making it seem like there's more then them. While the trained eye can see it's one guy with a megaphone among a whole bunch of cardboard cutouts, some see a very angry mob. Also SJT's sell them selves on good idea No one want's to be seen as a hateful bigot but have very bad end results They'll make you bend backwards while proclaiming Anita to be the one true savior
>>308644 >>308670 No, saying GG has to support Loli is D&C. GG puts games first. If you would rather protect drawings than the rights of gamers and developers then you deserve a future containing nothing but Western walking simulators about old women. You could have prevented this. This is the future you chose.
>>308708 if its a game you ignore it you fucking ninny. take it up the ass and stop trying to move the goalposts you cockmunching faggotlord.
>>308708 You're fucking retarded. Loli isn't a GG issue, you want it to be though, because you're one of those SRS/leftypol faggots trying to create more in-fighting. GG is against censorship of art. Go fuck yourself.
>>308593 >>308596 >>308601 At no point did I ever mention drawings, so I doubt you even read my post, or at least read it properly. >>308693 You've half understood it except you don't seem to understand what a paedophile is (someone who is attracted to PRE-pubescents) or that being attracted to 12 and 13 year olds is perfectly normal and the vast majority of people are even if they don't admit it publicly due to the draconian AOC imposed by the government and all the MSM propaganda.
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>>308719 >At no point did I ever mention drawings, so I doubt you even read my post, or at least read it properly. Whenever someone unnecessarily pushes the concept of fighting IRL pedophiles, their focus will inevitably, without fail, shift towards the promoting of censoring of loli-related content in weeb titles. The morality of loli is not, and should never be, a GG issue. On the other hand, the censorship of loli is intimately a GG issue, as it has been historically a target of feminists/SJWs who have long sought to control content in vidya. When it comes to titles released from Japan, there's been a growing battlefield with SJWs/pro-censorship weebs: The visual novel market. SJWs have been trying to tap into and expand the western VN market in the west for a couple years now, and it has begun to take off. The successes of unconventional "non-game" titles like Gone Home is a good indication of this. While the idea of SJWs making games for SJWs is not in and of itself a bad concept, it's pretty obvious they're not going to be just satisfied with just that. They're going to want to take the VN market over, and that's a major problem. Why, you might ask? It's because the visual novel market itself is home to a niche, but significant subsect that has been a MASSIVE thorn on the SJWs' side: The eroge market. In other words, the hentai games.
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>>308739 (continued) The VN industry has a long-standing market of Japanese porn titles that now exists side-by-side with an emerging market of western SJW-centric titles. Some of said hentai titles are story-heavy VNs with occassional sex scenes added in (they're the kind that can easily get ported to consoles with sex scenes removed), while other titles are all about sex scenes with less focus on story (they're called "nukige"). Most eroge, like most VNs, stay inside of Japan. Thanks to the rise of Mangagamer over the past few years, however, more eroge titles have been coming to the west alongside non-eroge VNs. The successes of more "mainstream" VN and VN-style games such as Danganronpa, Corpse Party, and steins;gate has in turn made localizing eroge VNs more feasible than before. If we imagine the VN industry as a country that the SJWs are in control of, then from their perspective, the eroge market is to the VN industry like Guantanamo Bay is to Cuba; It has been constantly shunned and its legitimacy has been come under question at every possible corner. SJWs and pro-censorship weebs have been trying to subvert the eroge market in the west for years. A few of them might be open to story-centric eroge being brought over, but then they're often the guys that look down upon people who buy nukige and defend acts of localization-induced censorship, such as when titles like Family Project (pictured) or Shiny Days had content censored when they were brought over. A classic example of this is illustrated here: https://archive.is/0g6sK The person who wrote this goes by the username "dark_shiki" in the JAST USA forums. Dark_shiki is a longtime fan of story-centric VNs, and has a history of expressing support for JAST USA in their forums whenever they censor a title. In his pro-censorship arguments, he frequently uses contradictory stances on censorship (e.g.–"I don't support censorship BUT…"), using poorly-researched legal arguments (e.g.–He basically believes obscenity laws are blanket bans on specific kinds of content), using the relatively small scale of censorship as an excuse for its existence, and appealing to getting the VN market mainstream to justify censorship. Dark_shiki is a textbook example of a pro-censorship shitlord within the VN community and the weeb fandom as a whole. Whether he's an SJW may be up to debate, but a lot of the arguments he uses to justify censorship of eroge is in line with what SJWs would typically say when it comes to localization-induced censorship. So where does loli come into the picture? It's practically at the heart of the issue when it comes to localization problems in eroge. The opposition to loli, or the perceived opposition to it, is often cited as the main reason when a company decides to censor or pass on an eroge title for a western release (DOAX3-style BS is practically commonplace because of this). The SJWs and the white-knighting pro-censorship weebs defend their decisions at practically every corner and drown out the people that oppose this sort of crap. In order to weaken the SJWs' and the pro-censorship weebs' grasp of the VN market, we have to be willing to support and expand the eroge sub-market. This means inevitably defending and supporting loli, including but not limited to getting western companies to localize eroge with loli content. We can't just ignore the eroge market and allow anti-loli sentiments to fuck it up, because the entire VN market is intimately tied to various other segments of the weeb market, such as anime and manga. This includes the eroge market as well. A good deal of anime/manga titles that have seen success here (Fate/Stay Night, Shuffle, etc.) actually started out as eroge titles. You let the VN market fall and get censored by SJWs/pro-censorship weebs, then the markets for anime, manga and other Japanese games become vulnerable, because they can cause drama big enough to spill into said markets. We already saw this when the SJWs made a huge stink with Rapelay in 2009: Not only did JAST censor Family Project, but the controversy caused Funimation to initially consider censoring their DVD release of Dance in the Vampire Bund for loli content before fan outrage prompted them to reconsider. You can also bet your fucking ass that NISA took this sort of shit into consideration when they decided to censor more recent titles like Mugen Souls or Criminal Girls, assuming they themselves haven't been co-opted by SJWs already. Loli porn is the first line of defense when it comes to keeping localized weeb titles uncensored in the west. You let it get censored by SJWs, and they'll be going after all kinds of other "problematic" content in titles released from Japan.
>>308739 >Gone Home Fuck. Depression Quest is a better example than this. Goddamned lack of an edit button.
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>>308601 Loli and pedoshit? Same underlying attraction to children and child-like features. Same degenracy. Same sick mind. "B-but, ti's a drawing! It hurts no one!" So what? It is a difference, but not one that interests me. A pedo that doesn't molest anyone but still has the urges doesn't harm anyone either. Neither does a furry harm anyone. Yet they are still disgusting degenerates, just like loli-fetishists.
>>308644 >GG is always going to be friendly to animu Then why did GG collectively impale itself on Milo's dick when he wrote a hitpiece against anime fans? >>308744 >Same underlying attraction to children and child-like features. Same degenracy. Same sick mind. Lolis and children are two different things. Lolis are intentionally unrealistic and don't look or act like real children. There also exists no proof that lolicon results in pedophilia, and in Japan there does not appear to be even a single publicized case of a lolicon fan committing a sex crime against a child. People who attack lolicon under the guise of attacking child molesters don't give two shits about the latter. If they did, they would go after teachers, coaches, priests and parents instead.
.>>308739 Again, I never mentioned loli. I agree with your posts and don't know why you're replying to me with them. My earlier posts was about cultural marxist subversion with the agenda of legalising paedophilia by first keeping (or increasing or creating in some places) the AOC far too high and radically misusing the word paedophile beyond its actual scientific meaning. I also forgot to include this link earlier. https://archive.is/VlPnV
>>308739 >>308740 >>308749 was meant for you. I don't know why the numbers didn't go red. :/
>>308745 >People who attack lolicon under the guise of attacking child molesters don't give two shits about the latter. If they did, they would go after teachers, coaches, priests and parents instead. I've noticed a strange tendency for people who attack lolicon to protect actual pedophiles. The UK, for example, bans lolicon, but actively goes out of its way to protect child rapists.
>>308758 Eh, I wouldn't really apply that to SJWs if I were you. They are much more simple-minded than you might think. They'll pounce on pedophiles as they do lolis if something "offensive" happens IRL happens involving pedophiles and doing so works in their favor.
>>308758 Maybe the idea is to distract people from the real threat. I bet many people also think that raping a child is still better than lolicon because at least you're interested in a real person, and are therefore relatively normal.
>>308773 Are you saying Lolicon is more abnormal than rape, leader?
>>308774 No I'm saying many people probably think any kind of sex with any real person is more normal than lolicon (or any other kind of 2D love).
>>308758 Just like the SJWs do.
>>308758 Their rampant and misguided attacks on harmless things is a defense mechanism against their own mental illness. You see it also in people who deny being gay. >>308751 There's a period in front of the >>
>>308745 >Then why did GG collectively impale itself on Milo's dick when he wrote a hitpiece against anime fans? He hasn't always been perfectly consistent. Milo is known to have actually shitted on gamers before GG started.
I actually have the imported Moero Chronicle. Sadly I didn't know that actually had a English sub version of it out.
>>308745 >Lolis and children are two different things. Lolis are intentionally unrealistic and don't look or act like real children. There also exists no proof that lolicon results in pedophilia, and in Japan there does not appear to be even a single publicized case of a lolicon fan committing a sex crime against a child. Seriously this. Just because you like lolicon does not mean you actually want to go out and molest some little girl in real life. I find that shit disgusting honestly, and I happen to like lolicon. Hell that one article in Salon about that pedo defending himself was sickening
>>308775 Why are you continuing to insinuate that rape is more socially acceptable than Lolicon, you disgusting shitface?
>>308828 These are /intl/ goon tactics. Seriously, just tell them to go fuck off. Don't even engage them.
>>308882 Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Philippe Poisson! Give him a round of jazz hands everybody.
>>308828 >>308837 Why are you continuing to pretend like you don't understand what I'm saying? Oh, right: because you're a shill and trying to manufacture something you can screencap for ghazi. Reported.
>>308820 >>308745 Loli is just the female equivelant of Yayoi hands It's an exaggeration of how tall guys see short women.
>>308973 >That fucking art I thought Japs knew how to draw.
And here's some more greatest hits from Secret of the Stars!!!
>>309125 My sister used to own that game. The translation is on par with Vietnamese Crystal, except with less swearing.

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