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GamerGate Radio

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Japan’s record on women’s rights wants to ban violence against woman at videogames and cartoons. Leader of GamerGate 02/12/2016 (Fri) 12:57:41 Id: efe20f No. 316040
And It will be reviewed by United Nations. http://archive.is/Vc03q http://archive.is/k84w8 My english sucks but I think those images speaks enough for me. (Do you see that "ow.ly/YaCbm" on the tweet? It's an shortlink to a english document about this shit. It's kinda easy to lost it in middle of japanese text.) Also it's not only game related but cartoons as well. I would like to know how to spread this information to western cartoon community because who could guarantee this ban will stay only in Japan?
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>>316040 >Banning the sale of video games and cartoons involving sexual violence against women I suppose the definition of violence, sexual and women is not important. What could go wrong? I could care less about hentai fappers but the problem i see is how this can be abused. Without access to a complete revision of what this term means this can be abused easily. Is just a matter of thinking how rape has widen it's definition. I would play the SJW and advocate for banning also sexual violence against men, just to piss the yaoi community mostly composed of females while blaming SJWs for it. Also, i wonder how much will this cost? Considering there are some studies showing that porn tends to reduce real rape it might be difficult to remove some of it. Japan has problems like groping and rape on public spaces that might be better tackled instead of just going after anime titties. But what do i know, i'm just a random anon on the CTPaTown of the internet.
Oh, well, it's not like something like that has been done before and held back an entire fucking entertainment industry for the better part of a century, is it? Jesus fucking Christ, these people make me sick.
>>316040 Oh yeah, the popularity of Japanese games around the world with a worldwide fanbase. I can't see how this can go wrong. Ero-Doujin artists who have fans around the world, I can't see how this can go wrong. Tons of things that have some element of sex in it. Lots of people who like such things. Can't. See. How. This. Won't. Be. A. Problem. Sarcasm aside, the general definition this can apply to is bad enough. I mean, can we not have murder in fiction anymore cause murder is bad in real life? But the fact that this is being done purely to ruin people's artistic expression and fun is disgusting.
Fuck the United Nations. I'm tired of this illegal organization trying to babysit everything. Hopefully, nothing comes of this.
>>316082 it won't the UN has no power what so ever. The only power that giving to this spineless organization is when another more powerful country wear the blue helmet. That it, they can't enforce anything unless another nation with power enforce it. Also japan has a record of telling the UN to fuck right off and to spin on it. Also the UN having and doing CP.
>>316082 >Also the UN has a history of violence against women follow by having and doing CP.
>>316042 >I could care less about hentai fappers Get the fuck out then. Our own willingness to make "exceptions" to adult content when it comes to free speech is exactly why these morons from the UN are able to do this sort of shit. NEED I REMIND EVERYONE THAT THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME THAT THIS SHIT HAS HAPPENED WITH JAPANESE VIDEO GAMES: http://archive.is/6bjMj http://archive.is/3NgGz http://archive.is/yDT9o
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>>316040 I'm guessing the UN hates Japan just like Anita.
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>>316049 This. Fuck, can anybody prove that sex games cause real life rapes? Or let's turn it around, think the rape gangs in Europe are playing Rapelay or any other ero game? >>316131 Led by a Korean. They have a long history.
>>316082 Its the UN, they literally can't get anything done. And besides, Japan isn't going to give a shit what they think.
>>316133 >Or let's turn it around, think the rape gangs in Europe are playing Rapelay or any other ero game? This. The U.N. should poll all those participants of the Taharrush jamai Muslim Rape Gangs™ in European refugee centers on how much Hentai Anime, Manga, and games they watched, read, and "used" to so gauge how it affected their desire to gang rape all those European Women.
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Stole this from a
>>316040 This is not the place to raise the alarm anymore. Gamergate has died down(lost user traffic, look at the board list statistics) a lot by now and I doubt the other board users on 8chan(with the possible exception of >>>/pol/ ) will do anything about it. You probably won't have any success making threads on 4chan either as they can censor discussion and there's a lot of virulently anti-gamergate SJWs and edgelords there. Sorry Japan-bro, gotta look elsewhere for interested people, but thanks for putting this information here anyway.
>>316190 Bullshit. People may not use the tag as much but the ideas are still there, Fuck off with this defeatist hurr durr shit.
>>316190 Wow, you almost made an effort in your "GG is ded lol" defeatism concern-trolling. 3/10 Imma fap to a loli being sexually violenced in your honor, shill-kun.
>>316190 >get a load of this guy. There's a thread on >>>/a/ too, shill kun. >>316234 Japan already told the UN to fuck off. However. the UN will still keep going for the fictional womyn. http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/politics/AJ201602020058
>>316114 >overreacting before reading the complete post. Anon, i'm as much for freedom of speech as you. I might also not advocate personally to crazy internet personalities, but in both cases they have their right to have an opinion and express it. I'm pretty aware of what could come from censorship just based on convenience and public outrage ratter than good evidence and informed discussion. >>316133 > think the rape gangs in Europe are playing Rapelay or any other ero game? That's a really problematic question shitlord. Problematic=Good point

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